Leonardo Da Vinci National Agency / European Commission

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Leonardo Da Vinci National Agency / European Commission



Second phase: 2000-2006 Pilot projects (including Thematic actions), Language competencies, Transnational networks, Reference material INTERIM REPORT

NB: Please fill in the electronic (Web) version of the form at http://leonardo.cec.eu.int/

Agreement number: FIN-03-B-F-PP- Contracting period: 1.10.2003 - 30.9.2006 160014 Year: 2003 Country: Finland Project duration: 36 (months) Title: Friskie EU – Developing a model and methods tutoring social skills in vocational education through peer group activities (Friskie) Contractor: Turku Polytechnic Contractor's legal representative: Mr. Juha Kettunen Ph.D., D.Sc.(Econ.), Rector Period covered by the From: .01/10/2003 To: 31/03/2005 report Contract amendments Yes No X


I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the attached information is accurate and in accordance with the facts. In particular the financial data provided in this report corresponds to the expenditure actually incurred by the project partners for carrying out project activities. This information has been approved by the authorities representing the partners involved in the activities set out in this Report.

...... (Original signature of the person legally authorised to act on, behalf of the contracting organisation and who signed the agreement

Name of contractor's legal representative: Ms Ritva Paulin Position within the contracting organisation: Vice Rektor Place & Date: Turku, Finland 31.3.2005

Report to be returned to the following address: Procedure B - (Name and address of the National Agency) Agreement number:

Procedure C - Technical Assistance Office Rue de Trèves, 59-61 B-1040 BRUXELLES


Information to be checked and updated, if necessary.

Name of the organisation in Turun ammattikorkeakoulu – Åbo Yrkeshögskola national language (full and TURKU AMK abbreviated if applicable) Name of the organisation in Turku Polytechnic EN, FR or DE Head Office Street Sepänkatu Number 3 Post code 20700 Town/city Turku Country Finland Contact Person Name Mr□ Ms X Outi Kivinen Position Lecturer Street Ruiskatu Number 8 Post code 20720 Town/city Turku Country Finland Telephone +358 10 55 350 Fax +358 10 5535 451 E-mail [email protected]

Authorised signatory Name Mr X Ms Juha Kettunen Position Rector

Organisation type Region code Sector code (max Size code code1 3) U FI12 M80 S5

Project descriptors2 (max 3 keywords in English, French or German) Social skills Social pedagogical work in Young people at risk

1 Please use codes supplied in the application form 2 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

initial vocational training


Please summarise activities compared to the initial planning.

B.1 - Past activities (maximum 1 page, no more than 2000 characters).

The objective of the Friskie-eu project is to develop a social skills training program for initial vocational training for pupils who’s working life skills must be practiced and who are at risk of not completing their vocational education. The project utilises an Umbrella method which is developed in a previous LdV pilot project transfering it into a new environment of vocational education. The partners have been working according to the project plan as follows: 1. Supervised group activities and individual guidance for young people has been carried out in Finland, UK, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway. The concrete outcome of this work is a workbook, users manual and a portfolio of learning, a Friskie method. The young people’s involvement, which is supervised by professionals, is a central principle in this development. Drafts for the work book pages, principles for the users manual are already available ( see appendix of this report). 2. The first expert seminar “From Education to Work” took place in Emmen in 10.- 11.6.2004.The Dutch and the Swedish partners were responsible in the planning and the arrangements. The seminar programme included visits to the local innovative services for young people (day 1 just for Friskie partners) and a European seminar (day 2) for local experts representing various interest groups and Friskie partners. The themes of the seminar were dealing about the problems and innovations in Dutch special vocational education as well as the European aspect about the same issue. The second international expert seminar in Kingston 28.-24.4.2005 was planned during the first half of the project. The British and the Norwegian partners have been responsible for the arrangements. The theme of the seminar was “Approaching responsible Adulthood” (see appendix 3). 3. The Friskie partners carry out a study, data collection Data collection is gathered knowledge about the present situation in vocational training and experiences concerning the topics of the expert seminars. The goal of this study is to ponder theoretical background of the project activities and to supervise and study the project. The partners have described the project educational environment and the young people’s access to labour market in their countries. The two already published data collection reports include also articles about the project’s theoretical background as well as the expert seminar topics. (see appendix 4 and 5).

The project steering group has met 3 times and also had thee telephone meetings in the first half of the project. The dissemination material including a logo, project folder, poster and a www-site (www.friskie-eu.fi) have been produced. The partners have formed their own local

2 Please refer to the key words provided in the Glossary (available at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/leonardo/leonardo2_en.html) 3 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

groups for dissemination of the project outcomes and results in the Netherlands (a group of secondary schools in Drenthe), in Kingston (representatives of schools, youth work, police, career advisors and social workers), Norway (representatives of school and national voluntary organisation of ADHD), Sweden (representatives of local secondary education and social services) and in Finland (project supervision group with representatives from vocational education and The Union of Professional Social Workers (Talentia). Several articles about the project in the newspapers are published and four abstracts has been sent and approved in the scientific conferences (Espoo, IFSW, Feset, Norway) The internal evaluation has taken place twice and the external evaluation once during the first half of the project. The project partners have also agreed about a detailed schedule about the activities for the second half of the project (appendix)

B.2 - Future activities (maximum 1 page, no more than 2000 characters).

The partners will continue the discussion about theoretical and socio pedagogical framework of the project and to develop new kind of individual guidance and group activities. A new way means combining teaching, learning and participation, using various activating methods and exercises e.g. drama, outdoor activities, visits, observation etc. The professional qualifications required for a educator/mentor/facilitator will be investigated and described in the workers' manual. The young people are encouraged and also expected to have an active role in planning, doing and evaluating in the Friskie method with the help and support by a qualified staff member. An important aspect is that the Friskie method has certain structure with agreed learning objectives and it can be a recognised part of the pupil’s formal education and learning (e.g. recognised study credits in the Netherlands, Norway or Finland or a NVQ unit in UK. The discussion about defining the general themes of the Friskie EU method on a more concrete level continues. Common topics are the following ones: From Education to Work, Responsible Adulthood and Active Citizenship. In this development work the already existing material and documented experiences from the young people’s groups are utilized.

The internal evaluation will be carried out twice. The partners fill the target tools in which they define their organisational needs and objectives and the expected outcomes concerning the Friskie-eu project. A peer-rewiev with another LdV pilot project Yari (co-ordinated by Laurea Polytechnic, FIN) will be carried out.

The results and the outcomes of the this can be seen in the concrete products Friskie method the work book, user’s manual and an individual learning portfolio for the young as well as in the data collection reports Approaching Responsible Adulthood (due by the end of 2005) and active citizenship (due April 2006). The practical needs and theoretical thinking behind the new way of working with young people will be presented in these data collection publications.

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Two expert seminars are organised during the second half of the project. The seminar “Responsible Adulthood” is already organised in April 2005 by Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (UK) and Os Vidaregåaende Skole (NO) in London. The final seminar will be by the Finnish partners in Turku Finland with the theme “Active Citizenship” in April 2006.

The steering group has met or will meet three times: in April 2005, in November 2005 and in April 2006. An extra steering group meeting is needed in Nov 2005 in order to discuss and check the product development of the Friskie method. Telephone meetings are arranged between the actual meetings. National dissemination takes place in different countries according to the partners’ dissemination plans. The partners have already founded local home groups for this purpose. E.g. in Finland the partners are planning to arrange a national dissemination seminar together with an another LdV pilot project Yari. The project partner are disseminating the project in several European conferences. It is regarded important to tell about the new product Friskie method as well as the new young person centred pedagogical solutions to actors in initial vocational education, special education, youth and social work. The targets of the external evaluation are as followed: evaluating the new developed Friskie Workbook as a product (outlook, user-friendly etc.), evaluating how it fits for partners use and evaluating the documents (minutes, partner letters, summaries).

B.3 - Indicate changes in past project activities (max. 1 page, no more than 2000 characters).

No major changes in the project plan and project management compared to the application and the original project plan.

B.4 - Likely expected future variations to planned activities (max. 1 page, no more than 2000 characters).

No major changes in the project plan and project management compared to the application and the original project plan.

5 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:


D.1 – Please describe clearly and briefly the activities undertaken in the work programme including all applicable work packages Table D.1 Organisations involved in the Work packages3 activities undertaken N° Title of Work package Start date End date (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy) WP Theoretical background and November 2003 March 2005 (continuing Turku Polytechnic 1 content of the project, until the end of the co-ordinating Data collection project) All partners (except the University of Internal evaluation and Oviedo) target tools WP Development of the Friskie January 2004 March 2005 (continuing Turku Polytechnic 2 method until the end of the Turku Vocational Institute - transferring and project) Drenthe College testing the Umbrella RB Kingston, method OS Vidaregåaende Skole - development and testing the new Friskie University of Trollhättan Uddevalla EU method in the young people’s groups and in individual work

3 Please indicate the effective dates of the activity undertaken in each work package. 6 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

W3 Education and Work: - Preparation and November 2003 30.6.2004 Drenthe College, University of planning the seminar Trollhättan/ Uddevalla - participation in the 11.6.2004 12.6.2004 seminar all partners Responsible Adulthood Nov 2004 31.5.2005 - Preparation and RBKingston, OS Vidaregåaende Skole planning the seminar 28.-29.4.2005 W4 Co-ordinating and managing October 2003 March 2005 Turku Polytechnic the activities - contracting process November 2003 December 2003 Co-ordinator with all partners - steering group meeting in OS 6.November 8 November 2003 all partners - steering group meeting in Emmen 10 June 12June 2004 all partners - steering group meeting in Trollhättan 18 November 19 November 2004 all partners except Oviedo - steering group telephone meetings 12 February all partners except Oviedo - partnership letters October 2003 April 2005 Turku Polytechnic - monitoring visit to RBKingston 6 December 8 December The co-ordinator – Turku Polytechnic

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W5 Dissemination plans November 2003 June 2004 All partners except The University of Dissemination printed February 2004 Oviedo material (logo, folders, Turku Polytechnic poster) November 2003 March 2005 (continuing Dissemination of the results until the end of the All partners except The University of in project) Oviedo - organisational - regional - sectoral - national and international levels - in meetings, seminars, organisation newsletters, newspapers, other media, www-pages W6 External Evaluation 1.10.2003 31.3.2005 The University of Oviedo

Work packages Aims and objectives of past activities undertaken (½ page maximum, per package)

8 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP 1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: The objective of the Research and data collection process to find and discuss about the common theoretical frame of reference of the project. One important objective in the first phase of the data collection is clarification of the socio pedagogical approach in education and exploring the present situation and need for change for vocational education. In the second phase of the data collection the partners explored the youth employment and ways and methods how to guide and help the young people to enter to the labour market in the partner countries. The objective of the data collection is that the partners learn to know and understand the project work environments in other partner countries. The work culture of the youth was also explored theoretically in the data collection. The Data Collection can be seen as a planned way of writing and reporting the process by the partners and the researchers of the project (Eeva Timonen-Kallio, Elsebeth Fog, Anette Bolin). The instructions for the data collection are given to the partners by the co-ordinator One important objective of the data collection and the main objective of the internal evaluation is to clarify why this kind of method is needed.

Internal Evaluation is carried out by Turku Polytechnic. The partners have filled twice a target tool sheet in which they describe their role and objectives as well as what additional value has the process produced for partner organisation in the project. The evaluation is a co-operation process between the researcher and practitioners in order to create mutually understood knowledge of the project needs and objectives as well as the practical outcome of the project, Friskie Workbook. The objective of the target tools is to share the needs and the goals of each partner and to make the progress of research and development work visible; for themselves as well as for the co-ordinator.

WP 2 YOUNG PEOPLE’S GROUPS, DEVELOPMENT OF THE FRISKIE WORKBOOK The aim of this work package was to start co-operative pupils’ groups and also individual guidance for young people in informal learning environment, however in educational settings. The objective of these groups is to support young people’s social, everyday skills and, problem solving-skills. One objective of these groups was to transfer the Umbrella workbook, a product of a previous LdV pilot project Umbrella, to vocational education and to the use of young adults. Individual support for the young people was given when needed. The objective of these groups is to support, guide and help the young people to complete the vocational education and to cope in social life. The final objective of this activity is to develop a new young person centred method, the Friskie method, for the student support in vocational education. The actual development work about the method has been taken place in the young people’s groups because the opinion of the young is regarded very important.

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WP 3 SEMINARS OF EXPERTISE The first Seminar of Experts was held in Drenthe College, Emmen, Netherlands. The theme of the seminar was ” From Education toWork”. The responsible arranging partners were Denthe College and Univeristy of Trollhättan Uddevalla. The first objective of the seminar (day 1) was to present to the project partners the Dutch good practices in helping young people to find their pathway to employment (see the seminar program as an appendix). The partners visited local projects like “day care” for school dropouts, the Pasvorm project at the Drenthe college and a Peat park, a new practical way of learning for pupils who benefit to very practical work orientation in vocational education. The second objective of the seminar (day 2) was to introduce the new pedagogical approach to Dutch professionals and administrators working in vocational education. The objectives and working methods of the Friskie project were introduced to the Dutch audience. The Swedish partner was presenting a non-traditional way of learning in the seminar. The partners were presented to the audience in workshops in the afternoon in order to strengthen the European aspect of the day.

The articles about the employment situation of young people and how to support them to enter to the labour market are written by the partners and published by Turku Polytechnic.

The preparations for the second seminar “ Responsible Adulthood” were started by the British and Norwegian partners in November 2004. The programme of the seminar as an appendix. The seminar was held in Kingston, London in April 2005. The participation of the young people. Hearing Young People’s Voice, has been a very important principle in the arrangements. The young people’s active participation is important because Friskie is a project of young people, not just for young people. The young people’s groups in Kingston have taken part in the seminar arrangements. The Norwegian young people were supposed to participate in the seminar in a form of Power Point presentation.

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WP 4 GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND THE CO-ORDINATION OF THE PROJECT, STEERING GROUP MEETINGS The Friskie project partners are all having a very active role in the development work. However the roles of different partners are different and their experience about international project work are very different, too. The objective of the co-ordination is get all the partners to understand the basic principles of the Leonard da Vinci programme. What are the expectations from the Leonardo da Vinci programme. At the same time the objective of the co- ordination and the management is to ensure the good administration and financing procedures in the project. Regular contacts with different partners as well as regular meetings are regarded important. The all partners have two representatives in the steering group. The meetings are parallel with the expert seminars. One extra meeting has taken place in the first half of the project because it turned out that a meeting just once year is too seldom. The objective of the steering group meetings is to monitor the progress of the project, to discuss and to clarify the project work, to make decisions and to check the project plan and well as to guide the partners with practical advices. National groups in each country are meetings 4-6 times a year throughout the project. One telephone meeting was held in 12 February 2004 and two telephone meetings in February 2005 between the co- ordinator and individual partners have taken place. The objective of the meetings is also to check the situation and to guide the partners. The optima virtual project environment is also in use but during the first half of the project the partner´s didn’t use it regularly. The partners have reported about their project activities and about the financial situation twice during the first half of the project. The members of co-ordination team are Outi Kivinen (co-ordinator), Eeva Timonen-Kallio (internal evaluator and researcher) and Lotta Ylitalo (project secretary).

The partners have set up local project teams or networks in order to monitor the project process and to disseminate the results in the Netherland, UK, Norway and Sweden.

An important tool for managing the project are the project partnership letters (see appendix) The objective of the letters is to give instructions and support, guidelines to the partners e.g. help the partners to prepare themselves to the steering group meetings or data collection. Another important objective is to inform the partners about important issues about the project.

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WP 5 THE DISSEMINATION is an important ISSUE in the partnership. The issue has been in the agenda in every project steering group meeting. This is because most partners have not been very experienced about working in a Leonardo pilot before and the importance and levels of dissemination have been emphasised. Dissemination material was planned and produced in order to help the partners. A logo competition was announced for the young people and the project logo was designed on the basis of this. The partners are encouraged to write and have written articles about the project to organisation newsletters or local and national newspapers or journals. Own organisation and local level: All partners except the external evaluator have set up local project teams or networks. The objective of these teams is to enhance the dissemination of the project work and later the project results in organisational or local level. The organisation managerial level is represented in the teams in Finland, UK and Norway. Sectoral, regional and national level: The importance of this level of the dissemination becomes more significant during the second level of the project after the actual results and products are becoming ready. However already now the partners have organised seminars in Finland, UK and the Netherlands. In Sweden and in Norway the partners have told about the project in seminars in the local newspapers and television. European level: The partners have sent four abstracts (IFSW Cypros May 2005; Feset, Barcelona Nov 2005; Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Espoo, May 2005, Childhood 2005, University of Oslo June 2005) to international and European seminars in 2005 and they are also approved. The objective of participation to the seminars is to tell about the new young people centred and socio-pedagogical work approach. The 0-partner, Union of Professional Social Workers, is a member of the project follow-up team in Finland in order to enhance the dissemination nationally but also in European level with the help if it’s tight international contacts. The Norwegian partner, Mr. Trond Loevdoek, a member of the board of Norwegian ADHD association has influential contacts to world ADHD-organisation, which is a very important target group of the project. The arrangements of the two Friskie expert seminars have been a useful experience in learning to organise regional, national and even European level events and the experiences have been reflected carefully in the project team.

WP 6 These documents are used when the co-ordinator and the partners are evaluating and summarizing the experiences of the project.

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Work packages Past activities already undertaken (½ page maximum, per package) WP 1 Data collection 1: theory behind Friskie-EU project, what are the needs and current situation in vocational training in each work place/country, duty or right to learn, literature review, current debates about issues concerning our project, local and national initiatives and solutions, innovative pedagogical examples of good practice. The report was published in the www-site of the project as well as in a paper form in November 2004. The first publication (annex) was "working papers" for partners to disseminate the original idea and the aims of the project . It can be seen as a first phase in a process writing when clarifying the project’s socio pedagogical frame of reference. Data collection 2: From education to work is published in May – June 2005 includes informational about Young people’s employment situation and how the young people are prepared to the challenges of the working life in the partner countries. The articles are written by all partners. In addition to this there are articles about the following topics:The value of working life when you are young by Anette Bolin, The cultural and social capital of young people by Elsebeth Fog, and From vocational training towards active citizenship (Eeva Timonen-Kallio). The language of the publication is checked and it will be published in the “Puheenvuoroja” series of Turku Polytechnic in virtual form. A limited number of copies will be published in paper form. Internal Evaluation The first target tool was filled in the end of 2003 – early 2004. The second one in the beginning of 2005. The partners are expected to think and write by the help the target tools what additional value has the development process produced for their own organisation in the beginning of the project –30.6.2004, midway through 1.7.2004-31.5.2005 and what they see as the final goal of the project. The summary and the results of the internal evaluation are discussed in the steering group meetings. The results of the internal evaluation are used in the project management.

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WP 2 The project partners started the work by getting familiar with the Umbrella method in the first year of the project. The method was tested in the group activities of young people. After this the partners decided in what sections of the every day skills (Work and employment, every day social skills, youth culture and participation) they wanted to concentrate. New material for the Friskie method has be been developed about the topics like employment, accommodation, finance, active citizenship, youth cultures are developed by the partners and the young people. FINLAND, Turku Polyetchnic and Vocational Institute: The Socionom students of Turku Polytechnic have run young pupil´s groups “Laiffi-klubi” in year 2004 and in spring 2005. The groups have had 7 – 10 meeting in each term. Two outdoor camps have been arranged for the pupils. Two reports and a video have been produced on the basis of the group activities. A detailed plan including a budget for the activities is done for spring 2004, autumn 2004, spring 2005. Documents of all the group meetings can be found in Optima learning environment. The socionom students had a training especially for leading the young people group. The students were able to use this course and the group leading as a part of the study programme. An article is written and will be published about the content of the course in a book “Aspects of Welfare”. A thesis has been also made about the pupils’ experiences in the Laiffi-groups. UK, RBKingston, Admorere project: The workbook method has been tested and used in Admovere Support group, YoYo group, Young Mums’ group. New work book pages on the workbook are developed by the young people. The project has been developed as a result of a request from the Young People’s Forum. The idea behind is to empower young people by offering a realistic transition programme into independent life. The NETHERLANDS, Drenthe College: The Umbrella workbook was tested in de Pasvorm in the first year of the project. A group of young people from the local secondary school have tested “the non-traditional” way of learning in a Peatpark group this year. A video has been produced on the basis of this. An evaluation sheet for the Friskie method has been planned and tested. SWEDEN, Trollhättan: The school social worker and the school nurse are testing the workbook with the pupils of the Individuella Prgrammet in a Trollhättan secondary school. Development of this work package was not in the original plan of the partner and the involvement is an extra work. The involvement is regarded important because in order to create and develop the networking with the local schools of vocational education. NORWAY: Os Vidaregåaende skole. The method has been tested in the school’s pre-basic classes and with the pupils with learning difficulties. The school individual learning plan has been developed alongside with the Friskie work. The partner has made a new individual programme form for the pupils. The special focus has been on issues like employment skills, networking skills.

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WP 3 The first seminar of experts was organised by the Dutch (Drenthe College) and the Swedish (University of Trollhattan/Uddevallla (HTU)) partners. The seminar took place in Emmen and Drenthe, located NE Holland, 9 -12.6. 2004. In addition of participating just the seminar, it was also possible for the partners to discuss about the progress in the Friskie EU project. A special focus is in the use of the Friskie workbook and partners experiences in working with young people. The themes which were discussed in the seminar were the problems of the young people in Holland and in the Dutch labour market. It was also discussed about the concerns engaging young people in to vocational education. Presentations were put forward on the work of Drenthe College in transforming education, and new approaches in Sweden, England & Norway. The European partners were invited to deliver a presentations on, ‘Youth Services & Cultural Aspects Within Kingston Upon Thames’, ‘Integration Policies and Special Needs Education in Norway ‘ and ‘he Individual Road of Lauri the Learner : Pedagogical Solutions in Turku Vocational Institute ‘. About 60 people participated in the first seminar of experts.

The Euroepan partners were also invited to visit local services for young people. We visited The Day Care Centre project which helps young people to obtain work by searching for optimum placement and tries ensure that young person stays in employment. We visited our partner organisation de Paswom in the drenthe College. De Pasworm is an alternative way of vocational training. It is targeted for pupils who are not ready take part in a qualification orientated education but still choosing between different options. A Peat Park project is a part of the Drenthe College and de Pasvorm. It is a out door museum where pupils learn by doing. They are doing constructing work, cleaning the area, taking care of many things.

The preparations for the second seminar of experts were started in November 2004. The responsible partners were Admovere in Kingston, UK and OS Vidaregåaende Skole, OS, Norway.

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WP 4 Steering group meetings: 6.-8.11.2003 in OS Vidaregåaende Skole, Norway. 9.-12.6.2004 in Drenthe College, Netherlands. 18.-19.11.2004 in Högskolan I Trollhättan/Uddevalla, Sweden. The minutes of the meetings as the appendix. Telephone meetings: 12.2.2004. 11. and 25.2.2005. April 2005. Coordinating visits to partners: 6.-9.12.2004 to Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, UK by Outi Kivinen Partnership Letters: 4.2.2004, 19.5.2004, 15.10.2004, 4.3.2005 National groups (with other national partners or members of the local peer group): On monthly basis Interim report: The partners were asked to deliver the reporting material for the Interim report to the co- ordinator by the end of April 2005. All the partners sent the information in time. Reporting periods: 1.10.2003 - 15.9.2004, 16.9.2004 - 31.3.2005, LdV payments for partners: (24.11.2003 Spain), 8.3.2004 all partners, 4.11.2004, to Sweden and UK partners.

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WP 5 Project marketing material, a project logo designed by a young person, project folder and a poster, power point presentation, web-site www.friskie-eu.fi (see annex) Finland: Turku Polytechnic, Turku Vocational Institute: publishing event on 4.12.2003: interviews in regional television news local radio channels Auran Aallot and Radio Sata, articles in local newspaper Turun Sanomat 5.12.2003 and Åbo Underrättelser 6.12.2003 (Swedish). Turku-tiedote 4.12.2003 Articles in the school magazines: TAI-turinat (Turku Vocational Institute) 1/2004 and Aurinkolaiva (Turku Polytechnic) 2/2004. Opettaja- lehti 6.5.2005, Young people´s group “Laiffi-klubi” presented it´s programme in social work method exhibition at Turku Polytechnic on 17.5.2004. HYKE-seminaars 2003 ja 2004. A Poster presentation in a national Taitaja competition in Jan 2005, Abstract sent and approved to the following international seminars: IFSW seminar in Cypros 23.-24.5., Työterveyslaitos Youth and Work Culture, in Helsinki, 30.-31.5.2005, Norja, Oslo, June 2005, NUFS, Espoo Sept. 2005 UK: Presentation and launch of the project Jan 04 to stakeholders and partners in Kingston upon Thames, Seminar June 04 with local partners, Seminar Dec 04 for local partners, Dissemination of the Friskie project on Internet and the local press. Responsible in arranging the second seminar of experts: several contacts to local media about the seminar. The Netherlands: Win is a competition of Dutch Nomination: Innovative Practice in Vocational education, meetings with the school managers of the Drenthe College and in the surrounding area, dissemination of the Friskie project on Internet and the local press, publication Friski eu seminar in Collegiaal newsletter and the ”werkkrant” Sweden: There is information about the project on the www-pages of HTU and a link to optima. Anette Bolin has talked about the project in field visits to local schools and social sector, a presentation about the project in a socio pedagogical research seminar, sent an abstact to a Feset (The European Association of Social Pedagogy) in Barcelona Nov 2005 (have’t got an answer so far), interview in a local television news flash. Norway: Every 6 month Sharing information Os Vgs Resource Team, 6.jan 2004 Information Os Vgs Educational Staff1, 1.mars 2004 Working Section Norwegian National Competence Center for ADHD and the Norwegian Government Board of Health care, 15.mars 2004“Project Young”-Lower secondary school/Upper secondary school and Employment. A small session from Trond L. about Friskie The Norwegian ADHD-association12.january 2004 Information about the project on a board meeting.

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WP 6 The University of Oviedo / Professor Jorge Fernandez del Valle is the external evaluator of the project. He has participated the steering group meetings (OS; Emmen), the seminars of expertise (in Emmen), gets familiar with the project outcomes and results (data collection reports, seminar reports and Friskie work book). He has written an evaluation report on the basis of these documents in November 2004. (see annex) (see annex).

D.2 - Please describe clearly and briefly (1/2 page maximum) the activities to be undertaken for the rest of the project duration. Please also note any changes in activities from the initial proposal 4.

Table D.2 Organisations that might be involved in the Work packages5 activities to be undertaken N° Title of Work package Start date End date (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)

4 Please note that changes can not be accepted without an amendment request and subsequent approval. 5 Please indicate the effective dates of the activity undertaken in each work package. 18 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP Further development of the 1 theoretical framework of the project - June 2005 - October All partners except the internal evaluator - data collection about 2005 the responsible - January - April All partners except the internal evaluator adulthood 2006 2006 - data collection about the active citizenship All partners except the internal evaluator Internal evaluation - May 2005 - June All partners except the internal evaluator - target tool for the - May 2006 2005 partners - August - final internal 2006 The co-ordinator and Laurea Polytechnic evaluation about the April 2006 experiences and project findings Peer evaluation with Laurea Polytechnic No major changes to the initial proposal WP Development of the Friskie - June 2005 - Decembe A work group with a representative from each partner 2 Method in a working group r 2005 organisation

Young people’s groups in - September - April partner countries are 2005 2006 All partners except the internal evaluator producing and testing the material - January Finalising the actual product, 2006 - June All partners except the internal evaluator Friskie EU method, in an 2006 electronic form

19 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP Expert seminar Approaching 28 April 2005 29 April 2005 RBKingston and OS Vidaregåaende Skole. All partners 3 responsible Adulthood in take part in the seminar Kingston upon Thames, UK

Expert seminar Active 2 days in April Turku Polytechnic and Turku Vocational Institute. All Citizenship in Turku, FIN, 2006 partners take part in the seminar WP Steering group meeting in 27 April 2005 30 April 2005 All partners 4 Kingston upon Thames, UK

Partner letter June 2005 The co-ordinator

Monitoring visits to the August 2005 October 2006 The co-ordinator partners in NL, NO, SE

Steering group meeting in November 2006 All partners except the external evaluator Turku September The co-ordinator Partner letter every second month February 2006 All partners except the external evaluator

Telephone meeting April 2006 All partners

Steering group meeting in Turku

20 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP Oral or poster presentations May 2005 November 2005 Turku Polytechnic, Högskolan Trollhättan/ Uddevalla 5 in international seminars (abstracts sent and approved) January 2006 September all partners (especially Turku Polytechnic and Oral or poster presentations 2006 Högskolan Trollhättan/ Uddevalla) in Nordic and international seminars September 2005 all partners June 2006 Seminars with local stakeholders (regional and sectoral level September 2005 all partners dissemination) June 2006 February 2006 Turku Polytechnic, Turku Vocational Institute (together Organisation level with Laurea Polytechnic and Yari LdV pilot project)

National seminar for national actors in youth work and February 2006 all partners vocational education September

Planned dissemination April 2006 Turku Polytechnic, Turku Vocational campaigns in partner countries September 2005 Turku Polytechnic and all partners Project Final Seminar “Active April 2006 Citizenship” in Turku, FIN

Further development of the project www-site

21 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP External evaluation 6 -partner's contribution; How do the publications meet the needs of the project and how guide them the development October 2005 April 2006 The University of Oviedo, Spain work.

- evaluating the new developed Friskie Workbook as a product (outlook, user- May 2005 April 2006 The University of Oviedo, Spain friendly...) evaluating how fits it for partners use July 2004 May 2005 The University of Oviedo, Spain - evaluating documents May 2005 August 2006 The University of Oviedo, Spain (minutes, partner letters, summaries)

22 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

Work packages Aims and objectives of future activities to be undertaken (½ page maximum, per package) WP 1 The theoretical frame of reference is already been discussed in the first half of the project. However, linking theory with practical work and development is a process with many aspects and needs continuous discussion. The general and theoretical aims and the objects of the Friskie project are concepts like supportive education, social skills, young person centred pedagogy and how enhance participation of the youth. These concepts need to be clarified and specified. It is also challenging how to describe and to use theoretical concepts in a way that they can be used in partnership organisations in their everyday practice. The target tools have been a method for the project internal evaluation.

In the beginning of the second half the partners are asked to describe their objectives, vision and the work they do in the project by writing a theoretical article about this. These articles will be the third phase of the data collection process. In the fourth and the final phase the concepts like participation of the youth, activation and active citizenship are explored in the partner countries’ national level. There needs to be a common understanding about what is actually participation and active citizenship. A European level conclusion will be drawn up by the partners in the final Friskie seminar in Turku, April 2005. Young people are also encouraged to participate in this discussion by making an common statement in a form of a Mural.

WP 2 The partners will concentrate in the concrete product development of the Friskie method in the second half of the project. A detailed schedule for development and check points for the work are needed. A plan for this and the themes for the Friskie method were drafted in the project steering group meeting in Kingston upon Thames in April 2005. The partners were asked to discuss about the plan in their organisations and give their feed back to co-ordinators by June. It is also agreed that involvement and guided participation of the young is a central principle of the development work. The Friskie method will be combination of individual guidance and group activities. There will be a user’s manual for the facilitator (teacher, social worker, socio pedagogue) working with the young person. We are using certain concept e.g. supportive education, special personal needs instead of “special needs”, multiprofessional co-operation between the different professionals. Learning environments will be extended in non-formal environments and different ways of learning will be recognised. The learning results of the young person must be recognised as the part of the official learning programme with credits.

23 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP 3 The second expert seminar with title of ”Responsible Adulthood” was in the beginning of the second half of the project, 28.-29.4.2005 in Kingston upon Thames, UK. The objective of the seminar was to introduce different ways in supporting and facilitating young people improving their social skills. A very important thing was also to hear the young people’s voice in the seminar. The new government initiative in UK, “Every Child Matters” and a government’s new policy in enhancing the multiprofessional work between the schools and social services were also introduced. Similar tendencies are going on also in other partner countries. The importance of getting policy makers, professional and the service users together was a central objective of the seminar.

The third expert seminar will take place in Turku, in April 2006 and it will be the final seminar of the Friskie project. The theme will be “Active Citizenship”. The objective of the seminar will be to discuss about the participation of the young people in Europe and the problems and difficulties of participation. This issue is also a central theoretical justification of the Friskie method. The partners will explore the issue before the seminar and a statement of the young person’s rights and participation possibilities in the society will be given an a for of a “Mural” – a wall painting or a grafity.

WP 4 The final year of the project will be very tightly scheduled work because the final outcomes and the results of the project will be finalised and the data collection process will be completed. The partnership has learnt to collaborate during the first half of the project and the role of the co-ordinator has been and will be supporting, consulting and advising the partnership as well as the individual partners to be focused in the project plan. The partners discussed about the concrete schedule in the steering group meeting in April 2005 and it was agreed commonly that there needs to be a clear structure and plan with exact dates for the final year of the project.

However the project itself is a creative and dialogical process and there needs to be space for individual ways of working and initiatives also. A virtual environment, OPTIMA is linked to project in order to share information and to discuss about the progress of the work. The co-ordination will be regularly in contact with the partners via e- mail, telephone and partnership letters. The co-ordinator and the internal evaluator are planning visits to partners representing initial vocational training in autumn 2005. In addition to getting to learn to the partnership organisation, the purpose of the visits is to support the partners in their documentation of the project results and to reflect the theoretical frame of reference.

24 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP 5 The content and the focus of the dissemination in the second half of the project is telling about the product results and outcomes in a detailed way. The theoretical frame of reference of the project will be more structured and many-sided. The innovations and new solutions are getting clearer. The regional and sector levels of the dissemination are getting central. We must make sure that the project results will stay and live not only in partner organisations but also in organisations which represent initial vocational education, special education, higher education, career advising and social work with the youth. This is why partners are committed to write articles in magazines, to organise Friskie days or seminars in their organisations and to take part in the scientific conferences. The partners have sent abstracts to five international conferences so far and four of them are already approved. The purpose of all these activities is to enhance the national, sectoral, regional and European level dissemination of the project. The project www-site www.friskie-eu.fi will be developed further.

WP 6 The external evaluation process is seen as a consultative and cooperative working together with researchers and practitioners to create mutually understood knowledge of the project needs and objectives as well as practical outcome Friskie Workbook.

Work packages Future activities to be undertaken (½ page maximum, per package)

25 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP 1 The data collection concerning the themes Approaching Adulthood and Active citizenship. Theoretical and practical data about the themes will be collected from the partners. The co-ordinator will give more detailed instructions for the data collection. The theme Approaching Responsible Adulthood includes a detailed description about the Friskie project’s role, activities and status in partner organisation. How the method is enhancing “Responsible Adulthood” among the young. The concept of social skills will be also explored in the articles and a report “working papers” of the theme will be published. The theme “Active citizenship” will be explored in each partner countries e.g. what are the possibilities and difficulties of social of participation of the young, exclusion and inclusion, good practices, ways and methods of empowering the young people. A report (a book) about the theme will be published before the end of the project. Internal evaluation among the partners will be carried out for the third time in the beginning of the second half of the project. In the final round of the internal evaluation the partners are asked to describe 1. how did the Friskie workbook change earlier situation, 2. did it make teaching and learning better, 3. has the Friskie workbook replaced some former practices, 4. the added value of the new method. Peer-rewiev with Laurea Polytechnic will be carried out in autumn 2005 – early 2006. The aim is to evaluate the Friskie Workbook as a product (outlook, user-friendly...) and as a pedagogical/educational tool for professional use, evaluating what is an optimal working environment for the Friskie workbook.

WP 2 1. A draft for the Friskie method will be developed by the end of 2005 on the basis of the already existing material. The objective is to test material and Friskie work book sheet which are already developed by the partners. In addition to this new material will be produced in the young people’s groups during the autumn 2005 and early 2006. The idea is that the different partners are concentrating in different themes (Working life, Approaching responsible Adulthood and Active Citizenship) in the development and the themes will be included also in the user’s manual. The Friskie method includes a common European section as well as national supplements according to the the partners’ national and local interest and needs. A work group for the common development work is set up with a representative person from each organisation. The young people have an active role in developing the method with the help and supervision of qualified staff members. The partners will actively utilise the Optima virtual environment in the development of the method. There will be also an extra steering group meeting in November 2005 for monitoring the proceeding of the development. The final product Friskie EU method will be completed by the end of June 2006 in a virtual form in English, Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian and Finnish. The partners will produce the national paper form copies and the national supplements to the method according to their own needs.

26 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP 3 Seminar in Kingston (April 2005) The following topics were discussed in the seminar: - The current situation and innovative practices concerning initial vocational education in UK and Norway. - good practices and innovations concerning extended school, legislation developments, career advising, mentoring, and hearing young person’s voice. - Supervision of group activities vs. working with an individual. - How the Friskie groups are supporting young people towards “responsible adulthood” The main seminar findings will be disseminated on the project www-site and articles will written about them.

Seminar in Turku (April 2006) A seminar planning group will start to work in August 2005. The 0-partner Talentia will take part in the preparation. The seminar project include plenary sessions and work shops in English. Young people participation in the seminar is central. WP 4 Steering group meetings: Turku in November 2005 : The partners are checking the situation with the product development and the data collection. The final form of Friskie method will be decided on the basis of preparatory work. The decision about the commercialization of the report Active Citizenship will be in the agenda of the meeting. Discussion about organising a dissemination campaigns for the final year in partner countries Turku April 2006: The last steering group meeting, evaluation and reflection about the project activities, discussion about the future plans in development and project dissemination. The co-ordinator is doing monitoring visits Norway/Sweden and to Netherlands in order to support the partners in product development of the concrete results. Partnership letters will sent regularly to the partners Telephone meetings individual discussion with the partners between the steering group meetings. Memorandum of understanding is written in necessary. Optima virtual environment will be utilised in product development of the Friskie method.

27 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP 5 - Oral or poster presentations in international seminars: abstracts sent and approved to the following conferences: Social Work conference in Cypros, IFSW, May 2005; Childhood 2005, University of Oslo, June 2005; Nordic Social Pedagogy, September 2005, Espoo, FIN; Social Pedagogy in Europe, FESET, Barcelona, November 2005; Youth and Work Culture, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Espoo, May 2005. - Oral or poster presentations in Nordic and international seminars in year 2006: The partners will send abstract and take part. The FIN and SE partners have preliminary plans about common participation in a Swedish national conference of vocational education. - A planned dissemination campaigns in partner countries on different levels of dissemination: - Seminars with local stakeholders in partner countries on a regular basis. E.g. in the Netherlands the stakeholders represent the local secondary education colleges, youth and employment works. In the UK the stakeholders represent school personnel, police, The connexions and youth work. - Organisation level: information about the development work in partner organisations, newsletters, www-sites, staff meetings etc. - National seminar for national actors in youth work and vocational education: Turku Polytechnic, Turku Vocational Institute and Laurea Polytechnic plan to arrange a national invitation meeting or small seminars in Helsinki in February 2006. Turku Polytechnic, Turku Vocational Institute are also planning to arrange a seminar together with the Educational department of the Province of Western Finland in autumn 2005. - Project Final Seminar “Active Citizenship” in Turku will be arranged in April 2006. The organisation of Finnish Social Workers, Talentia has promised to advertise and inform about the seminar in their journal in February 2006. The regional and local actors in initial vocational education, special education, career advising, social work and social youth work are invited to the seminar. The project partners are planning to inform the seminar in their countries. The seminar language will be English. - Further development of the project www-site: www.friskie-eu.fi will be developed as a tool and arena for disseminating the project. WP 6 External evaluation reports will be written by the evaluator The University of Oviedo / Professor Jorge Fernandez del Valle about two publications and Friskie workbook in April 2006. The content in another report is evaluating the documents of the project and it will be written twice in May 2005 and August 2006.

D.3 – Partnership meetings Table D.3 N° Place Purpose of the meeting

28 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

Country Town Date code6 (dd/mm/yyyy ) 1 NO Os 06/11/2003- Starting the project, steering group meeting, contracts, finances, 08/11/2003 reporting, project management 2 NL Emmen 09/06/2004- First seminar of expertise and steering group meeting plans about 12/06/2004 the development of the friskie method and the data collection 3 SE Vänersborg 18/11/2004- Additional steering group meeting: plans about the development 19/11/2004 of the friskie method and the data collection 4 UK Kingston 27/04/2005- Second seminar of expertise, checking the interim report, 30/04/2005 steering group meeting 5 FIN Turku 24/11– Additional steering group meeting: checking the project 25/11/05 development

6 FI Turku April 2006 The third final seminar of expertise, last steering group meeting project meeting, project evaluation, further plans, final report

N° Partners attending 1 All partners 2 All partners 3 All partners except the University of Oviedo 4 All partners 5 All partners except the University of Oviedo 6 All partners

N° Key results (summary of the minutes) (½ page maximum, per case)

6 Please use the codes which are in the application form 29 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

1 The first meeting took place in 6.-8.11.2003 right after the project had started. The representatives from all th partner organisations took part in the meeting. The project steering groups was set up in the meeting. The topics discussed in the meeting where as followed: Friskie EU – What is it all about? The partners were advised to prepare general ideas and questions for the meeting in advance on the topics e.g. A proposed person prepares some ideas, remarks, questions etc. about the topic (max. 5 min each). However all the participants were welcomed to take part in the discussion. The co-ordinator had prepared discussion and decisions were made about the following topics: Objectives of the project, Umbrella-method, theoretical framework of the project and data collection, international seminars and dissemination of the Friskie EU, work in individual partner organisations and countries and, project results and the outcomes, project evaluation. The contacting process and the financial principles of the LdV programme were discussed and the project management was drafted. The contract with the partners and the contract were planned to have by the end of 2003.

2 The second steering group meeting agenda included following topics: Publication of Friskie advertising material, Issues concerning the project management: data collection and evaluation, experiences from youth activities. Discussion and reflection of the contents of the seminar, evaluation, ideas for the future (2 hours of working). Reporting of the finances and the activities, The partners were asked to present their activity and financial reports to the co-ordinator. Dissemination plan of the project. Future development of the project and the partnership The following decisions were mde: First publication on the basis of the data collected will be published in the end of September and the partners contribution will be edited by Eeva and Outi. The content of the first publication will be attached to these minutes. Eeva and Outi will clarify data collection instructions and give feedback of partners´ contribution. Partners have an active role in producing data on the basis of their own needs and projects needs. Table for dissemination actions is also attached to these minutes Trond has promised to do our projects internet-pages. Trond and Lotta will find out what is needed for this ex. Price of the login or web-hotel etc. budget. If the budget will be too big, the coordinator will share the expenses with the partners. Outi and Lotta will think of the structure of the pages. The following dartes were agreed:

 Review target tool by 30.6.2004  Send seminar material for publication by 30.6.2004  Send financial and results tables by 15.9.2004  Send dissemination plan by 15.9.2004  Instructions for evaluation coming in September 2004  Next meeting in Vänersborg, Sweden 18.-19.11.2004  Next seminar in Kingston, UK 28.-30.4.2005

30 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

3 The 3. steering group meeting in Vänersborg (18.-19.11.2004), Sweden, was not in the original plan. However it was agreed that we needed an extra meeting because the development work of the Friskie method. The topics which discussed in the meeting were as followed: Partners experiences and working in Friskie project, Presentation of the data collection publication and discussion about th contents of the next one. A draft for the Web-pages was introduced. Partners were sharing their experiences of working with the young. A summary of the internal evaluation and the target tools. Preparations for the second Seminar of experts in Kingston upon Thames, UK, 27 - 30 April 2005. The following decisions were made: Elements of Friskie-EU method are: Group activities, A guide and instructions for the worker, Pages for one to one work, A portfolio of learning, Risk assessment “Staff bag”, Training Package for workers A detailed schedule for the Data collection publications: Theoretical framework, current situation in vocational education, same construction in each publication. 1. How to Enter Labour market -> publication 1. End of June 2005 2. Everyday social skills -> publication 2. December 2005 => To be discussed in Kingston Active youth / citizenship ->publication 3. June 2006 4 Telephone meetings: memorandum of Understanding with the Dutch partner. Discussion about the partner’s situation concerning the reporting. The corrective measures in sending the financial and activity reports were agreed. The Memorandum of understanding was written on the basis of the remarks in Monitory report of LdV Finland.

31 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

D.5- Please provide information on the partners that have organised dissemination activities, using the table below. Table D.5

N° Country Name of partner organisation/institution in national Place where it took place? What sectors were targeted by these code7 language Region code dissemination activities? Sector code 1 FI Turun ammattikorkeakoulu – Turku Polytechnic FI12 2 FI Turun ammatti-instituutti – Turku Vocational FI12 Institute 3 NL Drenthe College NL13 all levels and areas of dissemination 4 SE Högskolan I Trollhättan/Uddevalla – University of SE05 which are mentioned in page 15 Trollhättan/Uddevalla 5 UK Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames UK12 6 ES Universidad de Oviedo – University of Oviedo ES12 7 NO Os Vidaregåande Skole NO03

7 Please use codes provided in the application form 32 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:


E.1 – Please describe project progress in terms of results and outcomes to date (e.g. products, materials, surveys, analysis, etc.) indicating the languages in which they are available. NB: Please note that an original and one copy of each product / outcome, showing its current stage of development, should be sent with this Interim Report. Results and / or products8 and / or processes N° Full title % of Language Types of support realisatio s9 Web CD Printe Other n site10 RO d (specify) M 1 Data Collection 100% English X X Report 1: Working www.friski e-eu.fi Papers 2 Data Collection 100% English X X Report 2: From www.friski e-eu.fi Education to Work 3 The themes and the English X draft version pages for the Friskie EU method (see annexes)

N° Dissemination of these results / products - by whom and where11 (½ page maximum, per case) 1 The report 1 was copied (150 copies) and the partners have disseminated the printed versions in their organisations and to the stakeholders. The report can be found on the www.friskie-eu.fi

2 The report 2 is published in the official series of Turku Polytechnic with the ISBN number. A library copy of the report will be sent further. The report will published as an e-publication. The partners will disseminate the report in their countries.

3 The themes and the idea of the Friskie EU method is described on the www-site of the project. All dissemination activities of the project inform about the method.

E.2 – Please indicate the type of, in addition to when, where and how « evaluation and testing » of results have been carried out. N° Title of result / product Type of evaluation and Results

8 Results as contractually agreed (taking into account all agreed contractual amendments). 9 Please indicate for each type of support the code of languages available. 10 Please provide the address (URL) of the Internet site 11 Enterprise, training organisation, university, etc. 33 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

1 Target tool 1 (in 2004) and 2 A target tool form was sent to Target tool reports (in 2005) the partners ( see annex) and a summary 2 External evaluation report The evaluation was carried out External material (prof. Jorge del Valle) on the basis of the most report important project documets 3 Testing the Umbrella work The partners got familiarized in Partners reports book in the young people’s the Umbrella work books and presented in the groups in partner other material. The Umbrella steering group organisations method was applied in the meeting in Kingston young people’s groups. April 2005

N° Partners involved When Start date End (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy ) 1 All partners except the external evaluator November 2003 June 2004 2 The external evaluator November 2004 April 2005 3 All partners except the external evaluator January 2004 March 2005

N° How was the evaluation and testing carried out 1 The partners have expressed their organisational needs, objectives and expected added value in the target tools. The co-ordinator has analysed and summarised the results and used them as a tool for project strategy, management and data collection. 2 The information for the external evaluation was gathered from the following issues targets: - project application - partner letters - the minutes of the project steering group meetings - data collection material A report was written on the basis of this and it was presented in the steering group meeting in April 2005. 3 The partners have tested the product of the previous Umbrella LdV pilot project in the young people’s groups in the first year of the project. New material and new pages are produced on the basis of this testing as well as on the basis of the completed data collection

34 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:


F.1 – Please describe briefly any difficulties encountered in undertaking the project and what solutions were found to overcome the difficulties (maximum 1 page).

Some project partners were all relatively experienced in working in international projects already in the beginning of the project. However this experience was not gained in the LdV programme but in Youth, Comenius, Erasmus etc. Only the project co-ordinator was experienced in the requirements of the LdV programme. The regulations and rules e.g. reporting, documentations are different in other programmes and this coursed some confusion during the first project year among the partners. This happened despite the fact that the project management was the most important topic in the first project steering group meetings. E.g.it took time to send the requested financial and activity reports to co-ordinator. However this difficulty was gradually overcome by the end of the year 1. The co-ordinator has advised the partners individually in the meetings. The telephone meetings have taken place between the co-ordinator and the individual partners. A memorandum of understanding was made on the basis of a telephone meeting with one of the partners. All the partners sent both the activity and the financial reports for the second round of the reports in time. The monitoring report was useful in overcoming this difficulty.

The data collection process has turned out to be challenging especially for the partners working in initial vocational training. It has taken time to write about theoretical issues and document own work in English. The English partner had not this difficulty and therefore they have helped the non-English partners in checking the texts of the first data collection report. The partners were able to use the work of the language students e.g. in some of translations. These students were supervised by their university tutors.

At the moment all the partners are very committed in working for the project.

35 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number: F.2 – Please describe any innovative organisational processes developed during the project to date (maximum 1 page).

The scope and tasks of the project (development of a new product, theoretical model and publishing four data collection reports, active participation of the young people) are challenging in relation to the project budget. However the project partners have managed to work on the basis of the initial project plan and complete the planned activities in time. A detailed schedule for the second half of the project development work was agreed in the steering group meeting in Kingston in April 2005. The project co- ordinator has already visited the UK partner and is also intending to visit the other partners in order to support and guide the partners in the product development

The co-operation between the different levels of the vocational education (special vocational education, main stream initial vocational education as well as involvement of students in research & development of higher education) has turned out to be a very encouraging experience. In Finland the students of higher education have facilitated the initial vocational students but also producing thesis and articles. In the Netherlands a higher education student participated in the data collection as a part of her studies. In Sweden the relationship between the local schools and the university is strengthened.

The local networking e.g in UK and the Netherlands has been very encouraging. The Dutch partner has started a new way of recruiting pupils at risk to vocational education. The pupils are invited to an intensive course in order to learn to know vocational education. The Friskie model has been tested among these students. The UK partner is strengthening the co-operation between the social work and vocational education. The partner is obliged to do this according to the new government initiative “Every Child Matters”. The partner is also developing the Friskie method as a module for a National Vocation Qualification (NVQ) in England.

The project seminars have turned out to be useful for disseminating good practices between different countries. E.g. integration of pupils with special needs in main stream vocational education is well advanced in the Nordic countries. The British participants of an expert seminar were very impressed about the experiences of integration in Norway. The arrangements of the project final seminar will be started already in August 2005 in order to make sure that all the important interest groups will invited to the seminar. The Union of Professional Social Workers has an active role in telling about this seminar. The project partners representing higher education (Turku Polytechnic, University of Trollhättän/Uddevalla) have been very active in taking part in several international seminars in disseminating the project reports. An article about the project will also published in a book “Aspects of welfare” in a article series of Turku Polytechnic. A special focus is put on the dissemination of the project results. All the partners are doing a detailed dissemination strategy for the last year of the project in August/ September 2005.

36 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

F.3 – List of annexes to the original of the report (mail delivery) - Please send copies of bank transfers between the contractor and the partners - If they have not yet been sent, please send copies of: - Contracts with project partners, including co-ordinator (and/or scientific co-ordinator as appropriate) - Subcontracting agreements (including all documentation relating to Calls for Tender)

WP1: - Data Collection Report 1, Working Papers - Data Collection Report 2, From Education to Work (to be sent week 24) - Internal evaluation reports: Target tools from each partner

WP2 - Draft versions and working papers of the upcoming Friskie EU workbook in Optima learning environment (please ask username and password from Leena Seilonen at Turku Polytechnic [email protected])

37 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

WP3&WP4 - Project manager table - Expert seminar programme and evaluation (attached to the minutes of Emmen meeting) - Agendas and minutes of steering group meetings - Minutes of telephone meetings - Partnership letters - Agendas and minutes of the coordination follow-up team meetings (in Turku) - VAT declaration letters from each partner - Certificates of money transfers from the coordinator to partners - Clarification of some financial elements - Subcontracting agreement with the City of Turku, Kota – Lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointi ry

WP5 - Project dissemination material: folder and notepaper - Articles published at partner organisation magazines, local newspapers etc.

WP6 - External evaluation report


Table G.1 - Breakdown of expenses already incurred and % of the total budget consumed. NB: All payments shall be regarded as advances pending explicit approval of the final report, the corresponding cost statement and the quality of the results.

Contractual budget Amount already % already (Euro) spent (Euro) spent A. Staff costs 244218 127223,48 52%

38 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

B. Operating costs 1. Travel 68822,40 32809,58 47,7% 2. ICT 13952 3386,32 24,3% 3. Production 33505 9772,24 29,2% 4. Overheads 16079 4815,59 29,9% 5. Others 8482 4317,82 50,9% Sub-total B 140850,40 55101,55 39,1% C. Subcontracting costs* 1. 15000 1560 10,4% 2. 3..... Sub-total C 15000 1560 10,4% TOTAL (A+B+C) 400068,40 183885,03 45,9%

Table G.2. Breakdown of expenses already incurred by partner (Euro) Total P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P7 P6 A. Staff costs 127223,48 56491,77 7140,41 14421,8 11883, 18045, 3421,66 15819,5 0 - 34 0 B. Operating costs 1. Travelling 32809,58 8516,34 6567,51 4589,40 3536,- 4926,75 2001,39 2672,19 2. ICT 3386,32 478,34 144,95 15,47 493,20 2254,36 - - 3. Production 9772,24 4725,65 5,- 2260,21 720,- 1723,66 - 337,72 4. Overheads 4815,59 685,52 236,87 800,- 1200,- 485,20 - 1408,- 5. Others 4317,82 1536,06 - 843,07 - 1938,69 - - Sub-total B 55101,55 15941,91 6954,33 8508,15 5949,2 11328, 2001,39 4417,91 0 66 C. Sub-contracting costs*

1. 1560,- 1560,- 2. 3. … Sub-total C TOTAL 183885,03 73993,68 14094,74 22929,9 17832, 29374, 5423,05 20237,4 (A+B+C) 5 20 00 1

* Please refer to the Administrative and Financial Handbook * Please refer to the Administrative and Financial Handbook * Please refer to the Administrative and Financial Handbook 39 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

G.3. Details of bank transfers between the contractor and its partners12 Table G.3 N° Name of the partner Amount of Date the contractor Currency the payment made the payment used (Euro) (dd/mm/yyyy) 1. Universidad de Oviedo, Spain 1053,90 24.11.2003 EURO 2. Turku Vocational Institute, Finland 5755,80 01.03.2004 EURO 3. Högskolan I Trollhättan/Uddevalla, 6638,00 08.03.2004 EURO Sweden 4. Os Vidaregåande Skole, Norway 5785,80 08.03.2004 EURO 5. Drenthe College, Netherlands 8334,- 08.03.2004 EURO 6. Royal Borough of Kingston upon 9050,80 08.03.2004 EURO Thames, UK 7. Universidad de Oviedo, Spain 1175,70 08.03.2004 EURO 8. Högskolan I Trollhättan/Uddevalla, 2872,90 04.11.2004 EURO Sweden 9. Royal Borough of Kingston upon 6018,78 04.11.2004 EURO Thames, UK


NB 2 : The tables G.4 to G.8 are made available to the promoter to help with the financial follow-up of the project. These tables are used to obtain the aggregate data of tables G.1 and G.2. Please note that the tables G.4 to G.8 shall be provided upon request by the National Agency or the Commission.

Table G.4. Travel and subsistence expenses 13 Nº Partner Name Dates (including travel) Durati Origin Destination Objective of the Means of transport ( + Travel cost Subsistence Total on trip type of fare) (Euro) costs Travel + (days) (Euro) Subsistence (Euro)

12 Please attach a copy of each bank transfer to the partners 13 Please refer to the Administrative and Financial Handbook LEONARDO DA VINCI40 PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

from to city coun city Countr (dd/mm/yyy (dd/mm/yyy try y code y) y) code 1. Turku Polytechnic Outi Kivinen 6.11.2003 9.11.2003 2,65 Turku FI OS NO First airplane, bus,taxi 483,7 424,8 908,5 partnermeeting 1. Turku Polytechnic Eeva 6.11.2003 9.11.2003 2,65 Turku FI OS NO First airplane, bus,taxi 496,2 509,6 1005,8 Timonen- partnermeeting Kallio 1. Turku Polytechnic Lotta Ylitalo 15.1.2004 15.1.2004 1 Turku FI Helsinki FI LdV Training Bus, train 50,29 13 63,29 1. Turku Polytechnic Outi Kivinen 28.1.2004 29.1.2004 2 Turku FI Helsinki FI LdV Training Train 47,96 106,99 154,95 1. Turku Polytechnic Outi Kivinen 8.6.2004 14.6.2004 5,65 Turku FI Emmen NL Second airplane, train, taxi 375,01 703,69 1078,7 partnermeeting and seminar 1. Turku Polytechnic Eeva 8.6.2004 14.6.2004 5,65 Turku FI Emmen NL Second airplane, train, taxi 415,3 703,69 1118,99 Timonen- partnermeeting Kallio and seminar 1. Turku Polytechnic Lotta Ylitalo 9.6.2004 13.6.2004 3,65 Turku FI Emmen NL Second airplane, bus,train, taxi 487,94 461,73 949,67 partnermeeting and seminar 1. Turku Polytechnic Outi Kivinen 18.11.2004 19.11.2004 1,65 Turku FI Vänersbor SE Third airplane, taxi 577,3 191,64 768,94 g partnermeeting 1. Turku Polytechnic Eeva 18.11.2004 19.11.2004 1,65 Turku FI Vänersbor SE Third airplane, taxi 623,49 192,05 815,54 Timonen- g partnermeeting Kallio 1. Turku Polytechnic Lotta Ylitalo 18.11.2004 19.11.2004 1,65 Turku FI Vänersbor SE Third airplane, taxi 566,48 193,94 760,42 g partnermeeting 1. Turku Polytechnic Outi Kivinen 6.12.2004 9.12.2004 3,65 Turku FI Kingston UK Bilateral airplane, taxi, bus 324,75 566,79 891,54 partnermeeting 2. Turku Vocational Lindström 6.11.2003 8.11.2003 3 Turku FI Os NO First partner Aeroplane, bus, taxi 425,83 466,88 892,71 Instutute Anna-Liisa meeting 2. Turku Vocational Suominen 6.11.2003 8.11.2003 3 Turku FI Os NO ” Aeroplane, bus, taxi 425,83 494,79 920,62 Instutute Teija 2. Turku Vocational Lindström 9.6.2004 14.6.2004 4 Turku FI Emmen NL Second partner Aeroplane,traintram, 351,47 690,35 1041,82 Instutute Anna-Liisa meeting and taxi seminar 2. Turku Vocational Teija 9.6.2004 14.6.2004 4 Turku FI Emmen NL ” Aeroplane, train, bus, 351,98 698,60 1050,58 Instutute Suominen tram, taxi 2. Turku Vocational Joenpolvi 9.6.2004 14.6.2004 4 Turku FI Emmen NL ” Train, bus taxi 50,70 721,34 772,04 Instutute Juhani 2. Turku Vocational Lindström 17.11.2004 20.11.2004 3 Turku FI Vänersbor SE Third partner Aeroplane, Train, taxi 584,30 335,34 919,64 Instutute Anna-Liisa g meeting 2. Turku Vocational Suominen 17.11.2004 20.11.2004 3 Turku FI Vänersbor SE ” Aeroplane, train, taxi 584,30 385,80 970,10 Instutute Teija g 3. Drenthe College Marchien Emmen NL Os NO First Airplane, train 412,- 548,16 960,16 Ties 06.11.2003 09.11.2003 2,65 partnermeeting 3. Drenthe College Petra Emmen NL Os NO First Airplane, train 412,- 548,16 960,16 Eugelink 06.11.2003 09.11.2003 2,65 partnermeeting

LEONARDO DA VINCI41 PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

3. Drenthe College Evert van 12.6.2004 12.6.2004 1 Eindhov NL Emmen NL Project seminar Car 250,- 250,- Eindhoven en 3. Drenthe College Marchien 06.09.2004 06.09.2004 1 Emmen NL Haag NL Nomination Train 38,10 14,72 52,82 Ties Friskie EU 3. Drenthe College Petra 06.09.2004 06.09.2004 1 Emmen NL Haag NL Nomination Train 38,10 14,72 52,82 Eugelink Friskie EU 3. Drenthe College Marchien 17.11.2004 21.11.2004 4 Emmen NL Vänersbor SE Third Train, airplane, bus 999,68 157,04 1156,72 Ties g partnermeeting 3. Drenthe College Petra 17.11.2004 21.11.2004 4 Emmen NL Vänersbor SE Third Train, airplane, bus 999,68 157,04 1156,72 Eugelink g partnermeeting 4. Högskolan I Anette Bolin 11/06/2003 11/09/2003 3 Vänersb SE Os NO Meeting Flight,bus taxi 316 870 1186 Trollhättan/Uddev org alla 4. Högskolan I Anette 12/06/2004 14/06/2004 4 Vänersb SE Emmen NL Seminar Flight,train,car 319 530 849 Trollhättan/Uddev Bolin org alla 4. Högskolan I Elsebeth Fog 12/06/2004 14/06/2004 4 Vänersb SE Emmen NL Seminar Flight ,train, buss 319 526 845 Trollhättan/Uddev org alla 4. Högskolan I Anette Bolin 2004-11-18 2004-1119 2 Vänersb SE Norrköpin SE Conferens Train, 100 228 328 Trollhättan/Uddev org g alla 4. Högskolan I Elsebeth Fog 2004-11-18 2004-11-19 2 Vänersb SE Norrköpin SE Conferens Train 100 228 328 Trollhättan/Uddev org g alla 5. Royal Borough of Grahame 06/11/03 09/11/03 4 Kingston UK Os NO 1st Project Economy Flight & Taxi 309.32 588.09 897.41 Kingston upon Snelling upon Meeting Thames Thames 5. Royal Borough of Wendy 06/11/03 09/11/03 4 Kingston UK Os NO 1st Project Economy Flight & Taxi 309.32 588.09 897.41 Kingston upon Whyatt upon Meeting Thames Thames 5. Royal Borough of Grahame 10/06/04 12/06/04 3 Kingston UK Emmen NL 1st Seminar & Economy Flight & Train 208.68 299.66 508.34 Kingston upon Snelling upon 2nd Project Thames Thames Meeting 5. Royal Borough of Wendy 09/06/04 12/06/04 4 Kingston UK Emmen NL 1st Seminar & Economy Flight & Train 107.42 414.71 522.13 Kingston upon Whyatt upon 2nd Project Thames Thames Meeting 5. Royal Borough of Tim 09/06/04 12/06/04 4 Kingston UK Emmen NL 1st Seminar & Economy Flight & Train 170.17 414.71 584.88 Kingston upon Woodhead upon 2nd Project Thames Thames Meeting 5 Royal Borough of Wendy 16/11/04 19/11/04 4 Kingston UK Vanersbor SE 3rd project Economy Flight , Train & 365.49 392.8 758.29 Kingston upon Whyatt upon g Meeting Bus Thames Thames 5 Royal Borough of Tim 16/11/04 19/11/04 4 Kingston UK Vanersbor SE 3rd project Economy Flight ,Train & 365.49 392.8 758.29 Kingston upon Woodhead upon g Meeting Bus Thames Thames 6. Jorge ES OS NO First airplane, car 507,13 546,77 1053,90 Universidad de Fernández partnermeeting Oviedo del Valle 06/11/2003 09/11/2003 4 Oviedo

LEONARDO DA VINCI42 PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

6. Jorge 09/06/2004 12/06/2004 4 390,57 556,92 947,49 Universidad de Fernández Second Oviedo del Valle Oviedo ES Emmen NL partnermeeting airplane, train, car 7. Os Vidaregåande Trond 09.06.2004 12.06.2004 4 Os NO Emmen NL Second partner airplane, train, taxi 406,22 282,99 689,21 Skole Lövdok meeting and seminar 7. Os Vidaregåande Kristine 09.06.2004 12.06.2004 4 Fusa NO Emmen NL Second partner airplane, train, taxi 473,69 289,79 763,48 Skole Skåtun meeting and seminar 7. Os Vidaregåande Trond 18.11.2004 20.11.2004 3 Os NO Vänersbor SE Third partner airplane, train, taxi 357,90 222,20 580,10 Skole Lövdok g meeting 7. Os Vidaregåande Kristine 18.11.2004 20.11.2004 3 Fusa NO Vänersbor SE Third partner airplane, train, taxi 402,70 236,70 639,40 Skole Skåtun g meeting TOTAL 32809,58

LEONARDO DA VINCI43 PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number: Table G.5. Information and Communication Technology expenses 14

a. Connections, software and other computer and audio-visual costs (except for equipment) N Partner Type of cost Cost Purpose Degree of use Total º (please give (Euro) for the project costs full details) (in %) (Euro) 5. Royal Borough of 50 Floppy Disks 66.53 Floppy Disks for 100.00% 66.53 Kingston upon Workbooks Thames 5. Royal Borough of 3 Colour & Black 706.93 Printing workbooks 100% 706.93 Kingston upon printer Cartridges Thames 5. Royal Borough of 7 Copies of Workbook 673.4 To allow Young people to 100% 673.4 Kingston upon on CD Rom use Workbooks on Thames computers sub-total 1446,86 b. Computer and audio-visual equipment purchased within the framework of the project. N Partner Nature and Purpose Period of Purchas Purchas Depreciati Degree Total º specification use for e cost e date on costs of use cost the (Euro) (Euro) for the (Euro) project project (in (in %) months) 1. Turku Polytechnic Sony DCR-TRV33 Project 12 724,59 26.3.2004 20,13 100% 241,56 Digital camera documentation 1. Turku Polytechnic Toshiba Project 11 1550,01 28.4.2004 43,05 50% 236,78 Dataprojector TLP- documentation T60M 2. Turku Vocational Computer Reporting, 7 1067 23.9.04 29,64 50 % 103,74 Institute Acer TM4501LCI datacollection 2. Turku Vocational Canon Digital ixus Reporting, 7 400,83 2.9.04 11,13 50 % 38,97 Institute camera, Compact Datacollection, flash 2. Turku Vocational Medus, USB,128MB datacollection 4 20,00 3.12.04 0,56 100% 2,24 Institute 3. Drenthe College Photocamera Documentation 1 114,50 15.3.2005 3,19 50% 1,59 Kodak Easyshare CX 7310 3. Drenthe College Videocamera Documentation 1 499,50 4.3.2005 13,88 100% 13,88 Sharp VL-Z 300S 4. Högskolan I Computer Documentation 12 1480 April 2004 41,10 100% 493,20 Trollhättan/Uddevall a 5. Royal Borough of Dell Latitude D505 Laptop for 14 2076,44 2.2.2004 807,50 100% 807.5 Kingston upon Laptop Friskie project Thames sub-total 1939,4 6

c. Computer and audio-visual equipment hired or leased within the framework of the project Nº Partner Nature and Purpose Duration of Monthly hire Degree of use for Total cost specification hire / lease / lease cost the project (in %) (Euro) (in (Euro) months) 4. 5….

14 Please refer to the Administrative and Financial Handbook 44 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:


TOTAL Information and Communication Technology expenses 3386,32

45 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

Table G.6. Production expenses *

N Partner Nature and Purpose Unit Degree of use Total º Specification cost for the project cost (Euro) ( in % ) (Euro) 1. Turku Polytechnic Advertising and promotion Dissemination 1650 100,00 % 1650 material 1. Turku Polytechnic Printing costs of advertising Dissemination 1730 100% 1730 material 1. Turku Polytechnic Editing, translating, freight School club video 220,65 100% 220,65 charges, copy costs 1. Turku Polytechnic Establishing project web- Dissemination 1125 100% 1125 pages 2. Turku Vocational Copies of posters dissemination 5 100% 5,- Institute 3. Drenthe College Badges, presence table, Seminar 159,06 100% 159,06 program 3. Drenthe College Vegetables Seminar 88,66 100% 88,66 3. Drenthe College Goods Seminar 7,44 100% 7,44 3. Drenthe College Goods Deli XL Seminar 157,99 100% 157,99 3. Drenthe College Supermarket Aldi Seminar 24,13 100% 24,13 3. Drenthe College Europcar (hire minibus 1) Seminar 113,10 100% 113,10 11.6.2004 3. Drenthe College Europcar (hire minibus 2) Seminar 226,03 100% 226,03 11.6.2004 3. Drenthe College Production presentation and Seminar 1142,35 100% 1142,35 seminar arrangements (powerpoint) 3. Drenthe College Translation in English 1 Seminar 110,90 100% 110,90 3. Drenthe College Translation in English 2 Seminar 50,91 100% 50,91 3. Drenthe College Translation in English for data Data collection 179,64 100% 179,64 collection 4. Högskolan I Umbrella workbook copy, Research material 720 100% 720 Trollhättan/Uddevalla textmaterial 5. Royal Borough of Local seminar on Friskie Launch of Project to 740 100% 740 Kingston upon potential partners Thames 5. Royal Borough of Purchase of 2 Workbooks Workbooks for 175.38 100% 175.38 Kingston upon projects Thames 5. Royal Borough of Local Seminar on Friskie For developing and 676.23 100% 676.23 Kingston upon Workbook training local Thames partners in use of workbook 5. Royal Borough of Film processing For training 132.05 100% 132.05 Kingston upon sessions/projects Thames with young people 7. Os Vidaregåande Translation Data collection 137,02 100% 137,02 Skole 7. Os Vidaregåande Translation Data collection 200,70 100% 200,70 Skole TOTAL 9772,24

Table G.7. Other expenses / costs *

Nº Partner Nature and Purpose Unit cost Degree of use for Total cost Specification (Euro) the project ( in % (Euro) ) 1. Turku Polytechnic Umbrella work book training material 50 (x4) 100 200 1. Turku Polytechnic Nuorisotutkimusseura research material 54,82 100 54,82 (books) 1. Turku Polytechnic Coffee, tea, sandwich refreshments 25,62 100 25,62 (project meeting)

* Please refer to the Administrative and Financial Handbook 46 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

1. Turku Polytechnic Restaurant bill (school refreshments 92,87 100 92,87 club meeting) 1. Turku Polytechnic Bowling (school club leisure activities 11,11 100 11,11 meeting) 1. Turku Polytechnic T-shirts (school club leisure activities 40,94 100 40,94 seminar) 1. Turku Polytechnic Pens (school club leisure activities 19,23 100 19,23 seminar) 1. Turku Polytechnic Taxi x 2 (school club leisure activities 75,84 100 75,84 camp) 1. Turku Polytechnic Restaurant bill (school refreshments 154,51 100 154,51 club ending) 1. Turku Polytechnic Candlesticks (3 pieces) business gifts 66,15 100 66,15 1. Turku Polytechnic Drama Way - conference training 280 100 280 costs (training for school club leaders) 1. Turku Polytechnic Pens, paper, cardboard leisure activities 31,18 100 31,18 etc (School club activities) 1. Turku Polytechnic Sosiaali- ja terveysalan research material 180,6 100 180,6 tietopalvelu (books) 1. Turku Polytechnic Hesburger gift voucher x 3 leisure activities 18 100 18 (school club olympic games winner prices 1. Turku Polytechnic Bowling (school club leisure activities 30 100 30 meeting) 1. Turku Polytechnic Restaurant bill (school refreshments 139,35 100 139,35 club social mores evening) 1. Turku Polytechnic Refreshments (school club leisure activities 23,9 100 23,9 pre-christmas party) 1. Turku Polytechnic Restaurant bill (evaluation refreshments 56,65 100 56,65 meeting for school club leaders) 1. Turku Polytechnic Refreshments (school club refreshments 12,14 100 12,14 meeting) 1. Turku Polytechnic Suomen research material 23,15 100 23,15 Valtio/Opetushallitus (books) 3. Drenthe College Purchase Umbrella research material 90,- 100% 90,- Workbook 3. Drenthe College Lunch x 17 for project Seminar 76,50 100% 76,50 partners 3. Drenthe College Hotel Giraf catering Seminar 96,10 100% 96,10 3. Drenthe College Hire meeting room for Seminar 320,47 100% 320,47 steering group meeting at Hotel Giraf 3. Drenthe College Singing group to Hotel Seminar 250,- 100% 250,- Giraf 3. Drenthe College Giraf: coffee and tea Refreshments 10,- 100% 10,- 9.6.2004 5. Royal Borough of Hire of Conference room For Dissemination to local 313.43 100% 313,43 Kingston upon & Refreshments partners Thames 5. Royal Borough of Food/Refreshments For workbook training 682.38 100% 682,38 Kingston upon sessions with young Thames people 5. Royal Borough of Prizes for young People For Logo competition for 87.61 100% 87,61 Kingston upon Friskie Logo Thames 5. Royal Borough of Advertising of Project To promote project 813.83 100% 813,83 Kingston upon Thames 5. Royal Borough of Bus Tickets Travel cards for young 41.44 100% 41,44 Kingston upon people using workbooks Thames TOTAL 4317,82

Table G.8. Sub-contracting expenses / costs *

Nº Partner Sub-contracting dates

47 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C Agreement number:

Sub- Start date End date (dd/mm/yyyy) Sub- contracted (dd/mm/yyyy) contracting work cost (Euro) 1. Turku Polytechnic Training for Laiffi club 17.3.2004 12.5.2004 1560 leaders TOTAL 1560

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49 LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME Interim report form Procedures B & C

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