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Trinity College Dublin s4

Roinn an Staidéir Chliniciúil ar Urlabhra agus Teanga, Scoil na nEolaíochtaí Teangeolaíochta, Urlabhra agus Cumarsaíde

Clinical Speech and Language Studies, School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences


Additional detailed information on the course and further student notes are available through Clinical Speech and Language Studies is not bound by errors in, or omissions from, the notes for students 1* TABLE OF CONTENTS

Letter of Welcome 2 Tutor Information 3 Introduction 4 Staff Information / Contacts 5 Student Information System (SITS) 7 General Department Information 8 Programme Overview 11 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) 13 Programme Regulations 14 General Information on Assessment 18 General Information on Clinical Education 30 General Guidelines 31 Information on Student Supports 32 Health and Safety 34 Modules and clinical information 36


A Note on this Handbook

This handbook applies to all students in the Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies. It provides a guide to important information regarding the Department and coursework and what is expected of you on this programme, as well as the academic and personal support available to you. Please check for more detailed information on modules and clinical work.

The information provided is accurate at time of preparation. Any necessary revisions will be notified to students in writing, through email, and will be posted on the relevant Student Notice Board, located in the Student Preparation Area. It is the responsibility of each student to regularly check their own email and noticeboards for updates or changes, etc. Remember, at registration you will receive a copy of the Calendar Regulations that govern your course for this year. Please note that, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the General Regulations published in the University Calendar and information contained in course handbooks, the provisions of the General Regulations will prevail.

2 The Department gratefully acknowledges the support of the HEA Strategic Skills Initiative Fund.

3 SS module information 2014-2015 Dear Student,

A very warm welcome back to the Department of Clinical Speech & Language Studies! I hope you all managed to have a good break over the warm Summer months and got a chance to ‘ re-charge your batteries ’ .

As you ease yourself back into the course, it is important to reflect on your achievements and successes in the previous year. Reflecting in this way will help to give you the confidence to approach the year ahead, as you continue on your educational journey to become a Speech and Language Therapist .

Whatever stage of the course you are at, I encourage you to continue to enjoy your engagement with the course and with your fellow students. Don’ t be afraid to look to others for support when you need it, and don’ t forget that your Tutors, and we in the Department are here to support you and your learning.

Our teaching team is energetic, committed and highly- motivated, each member supported by his/her own strong research and clinical background. At all times, we strive to give our students the best educational experience we can offer, an experience that is not only high class, but one which contributes to the objective of life-long learning and enquiry. Core to our teaching philosophy is responding to and supporting the curious mind. We in the Department are here to feed and nurture that curiosity, by continuing to expose you to a deep, rich and enjoyable learning experience.

There have been a couple of changes to roles and responsibilities in the Department since the last academic year. For one, I have stepped in to Dr Martine Smith’ s shoes, as the new Head of Discipline, while Martine herself has risen the position of Head of School. I know you all join with me in wishing her the very best of luck with her new role.

Finally, as your new Head of Discipline, I warmly welcome each and every one of you back, wishing you the very best of luck with your studies this year.

Go for it!

Dr. Irene P. Walsh, Head of Discipline, Department of Clinical Speech & Language Studies.

September, 2014.


Your Tutor Undergraduate students are assigned a College Tutor when they are admitted to College. On registering you should have received a handbook describing the role of the tutor, please refer to this for general information relating to the role of the Tutor.

2* What is a Tutor? A Tutor is a member of the academic staff who is appointed to look after the general welfare and development of the students in his/her care. Whilst the Tutor may be one of your lecturers, the role of College Tutor is quite separate from the teaching role. Tutors are a first point of contact and a source of support, both on arrival in College and at any time during your time in College. They provide CONFIDENTIAL help and advice on personal as well as academic issues or on anything that has an impact on your life. They will also, if necessary, support and defend your point of view in your relations with the College. For example, you would contact your Tutor for help and advice on issues such as: course choices; exam results; family conflicts; bereavement; financial difficulties; taking a year out, and other issues. Please note however, that the Tutor is not a supervisor of studies. Students are advised to check the Student Information System to identify their own College Tutor who has been assigned to them. For further information please refer to:

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR YOUR TUTOR (complete the information below for your own record):

Direct phone number: ______

Mobile phone number: ______

E-MAIL: ______

5 SS module information 2014-2015 INTRODUCTION

The Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies (CSLS) is one of three components of the School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences, in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. The overall Head of School is Dr. Martine Smith.

Each unit within the School is led by a Head of Discipline/Department, as listed below. The School also has three Directors, addressing the areas of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching and Learning, as well as Research. Student involvement is encouraged across all levels of School activities.

Postal Address / Contact information: Department of Clinical Speech and

Language Studies, 7 – 9 South Leinster Street, Dublin 2

The main contact for the department is through Reception Office:

phone 01 -896 1496 and fax 232 1005.


Access to 7-9 South Leinster Street is regulated by outside security services.

During Lecture Term, the student preparation area and other areas on the ground floor are open to students at the following times only: Monday – Thursday 8.30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Lectures may be scheduled in the teaching room on the first floor (Room 103-104) after that time, as noted in student timetables. Students are responsible for removing their belongings from all ground floor rooms before the lock-up time please. Please ensure you read the Safety Information included in this handbook and familiarise yourself with safety procedures within the building. Outside normal lecture term, and particularly over the Summer months, restricted opening hours apply. Students are advised to arrange prior appointments with staff, and to check whether they may be able to access any equipment required, before coming to the Department during these periods. The building is closed to students at weekends and Bank Holidays.


3* Head of School Dr. Martine Smith

Directors Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate) Dr. Pauline Sloane Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) Dr. Christer Gobl Research Prof. L. Leeson

Heads of Discipline 4* Clinical Speech and Language Studies Dr. Irene Walsh Centre for Language & Communication Studies and Dr. Elaine Uí Dhonnchadha Centre for Deaf Studies

Members of staff can be consulted individually, or at the regular staff meetings that Class Representatives may attend. Each member of staff has many different responsibilities, and it can often be difficult to meet with a student unless an appointment has been pre-arranged. Effective time management is a life skill that will stand you in good stead throughout your student and professional career. Some questions are more easily answered if you check through the various handbooks you have been given (or the relevant web pages/ Blackboard etc.), before trying to consult with a staff member in person. Often email is the most efficient and effective way of making an appointment with individual members of staff. Contact information is as follows (all offices are at 7 – 9 South Leinster Street unless otherwise stated):

Name Contact E-mail address Room No numbers Dr. Irene Walsh 01 896 2420 [email protected] 102 Head of Discipline Dr. Pauline Sloane 01 896 1494 [email protected] 109 Dr. Margaret Walshe 01 896 2382 [email protected] 107 Dr. Kathleen McTiernan 01 896 2947 [email protected] 110 Dr. Caroline Jagoe 01 896 4029 [email protected] 101 Dr. Clothra Ní Cholmáin 01 896 1336 [email protected] 103 Dr. Martine Smith 01 896 2027 [email protected] 106 Noreen Coyle 01 896 1588 [email protected] 105 Sarah Ryan 01 896 1496 [email protected] Reception

7 SS module information 2014-2015 MEMBERS OF STAFF Dr. Irene Walsh. Head of Discipline and Associate Professor in Speech and Language Pathology; lectures on discourse analysis, developmental language disorder and language and communication disorders associated with mental health disorders. Research interests include: discourse analysis in clinical/non- clinical interactions and in the media; language and communication disorders associated with mental health disorders; professional identity. Dr. Martine Smith. Head of School; Associate Professor in Speech and Language Pathology: lectures on developmental speech and language disabilities, and augmentative communication. Main research interests are in augmentative and alternative communication, language acquisition in atypical circumstances and language-literacy connections. Dr Pauline Sloane. Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate); Associate Professor in Speech and Language Pathology; lectures on pre-clinical skills, voice and vocal health problems; assessment and intervention. Special interest in vocal health problems and related disorders such as reflux, cough and irritable larynx syndrome. Dr. Margaret Walshe. Assistant Professor in Speech and Language Pathology; Taught Postgraduate Course Director; lectures on acquired motor speech disorders, dysphagia, research methods and evidence based practice within the postgraduate courses. Main research interests include evidence-based practice; outcome measurement in communication impairment and dysphagia. Dr. Kathleen McTiernan. Assistant Professor in Psychology; lectures on social and developmental psychology; cognitive neuropsychology; research design and methodology and counselling. Dr. McTiernan also coordinates the Sophister projects. Research interests include psychosocial issues related to communication disorders; gender and aging; and speech and language therapy intervention and education. Dr. Caroline Jagoe. Assistant Professor in Speech and Language Pathology; lectures on acquired language and communication disorders within the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Main research interests relate to enhancing community engagement of people with acquired communication disorders; reciprocal relationship between community engagement and wellbeing; language and communication in adults with mental health disorders; application of Relevance Theory to acquired communication disorders; communication disorders and issues of access in developing and developed countries. Dr. Clothra Ní Cholmáin. Senior Speech and Language Therapist (Health Service Executive); Practice Education Co-ordinator. Main research interests include phonology and learning difficulties. Noreen Coyle, Senior Executive Officer and Sarah Ryan Secretary / Clinic Receptionist. Sarah will take messages from clients / patients, and will help you find test equipment and other materials at certain times. In addition to the full time members of staff, some lecturers from other Departments in College contribute to the courses given in the department, as do practising Speech and Language Therapists and other professionals.

8 In Junior Freshman year, students also attend courses given by the Departments of Anatomy and Physiology and Centre for Language and Communication Studies in different locations across College. Information is included in the notes and on the timetables for the relevant year. N.B. Keep the Secretary and your Tutor informed of your up-to-date address and contact number. Notify the Student Records Office if you change address. Do not use the Department’s address for your personal mail.

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. The Director of Teaching & Learning (Undergraduate) has responsibility for, for example, course development and promotion; articulating the position of the School in student cases and - together with the Head of School and Heads of Discipline - ensuring adequate teaching infrastructure and examination of modules.

2. The Head of Discipline acts as the contact person for student representatives in relation to year-relevant academic queries. These queries may also be brought to staff meetings by the student representatives (e.g. specific queries in relation to curriculum content, timetabling, examination and assessment issues), as appropriate.

3. The Module co-ordinator acts as the contact person for student representatives in relation to module-relevant academic queries, monitors student attendance, through reports submitted by individual lecturers from attendance taken at PBL group meetings, lectures, seminars and tutorials and liaises directly with the Head of Discipline (Dr Irene Walsh) and Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning (Dr Pauline Sloane), as necessary.


Access via

Over the last few years, College has invested in a brand new student information system which is accessible to all staff and students via the web portal

This means that almost all communications from College are sent to you via your online portal which will give you access to an ‘ intray ’ containing your messages. You will also be able to view your timetables online, both for your teaching and for your examinations. All fee invoices/payments, student levies and commencement fees are issued online and all payments are carried out online. You will be able to view your personal details in the new system – some sections of which you will be able to edit yourself. End of year examination results will be communicated to you via the online portal.

9 SS module information 2014-2015 GENERAL DEPARTMENT INFORMATION

The Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies is the longest-established course in Speech and Language Therapy in Ireland. Currently the Department offers a four-year honors degree leading to a professional licence to practice, as well as a suite of taught MSc and Postgraduate Diploma courses, covering a range of specialist topics including child language, acquired language disorders and dysphagia. In addition, postgraduate students pursue research degrees (MSc and PhD), under the supervision of staff within the department.

Student representation Student representation is welcomed at many different levels within the Department and the School. Two student representatives should be elected by your class, at the beginning of each academic year.

 Departmental meetings: Each year group is entitled to elect TWO class representatives to attend departmental meetings, held twice each term. At this forum, representatives are invited to contribute to discussions on matters relevant to undergraduate education within the Department, and to raise any concerns on behalf of their year group. Students are asked to advise Noreen Coyle ([email protected]) of the elected representatives as soon as possible.

 Clinical Forum meetings: Clinical Forum meetings are held each term to discuss any matters relating to clinical education that may arise across the year. Students are invited to nominate two representatives (who need not be the class representatives) to present their views at these meetings. There is no obligation to attend but SF, JS and SS years are encouraged to ensure they are represented. To facilitate discussion, students should submit items for discussion to Noreen Coyle ([email protected]) at least two days prior to the meeting.

 School Committee meetings: Two student representatives are entitled to represent the student body at the School Committee meeting, held on the last Tuesday of each term, one representative of the Freshman students (JF & SF) and one representative of the Sophister students (JS & SS). Students are asked to advise Noreen Coyle ([email protected]) of the elected representatives as soon as possible, so that their names can be forwarded to the School Committee.

 School Executive meetings: One representative of the Sophister students is entitled to represent undergraduate students at meetings of the School Executive.

 Individual meetings with staff: Students who are asked to meet with staff for feedback on performance within the programme are welcome to invite a peer or their College Tutor to accompany them as an observer. Where there are other participants involved in the meeting, procedures to address confidentially must be agreed at the start of the meeting.

10 Fitness to Practice Committee: Clinical education is a vital component of educational programmes that enable health care students to achieve both academic and professional qualifications on graduation. The achievement of these outcomes is dependent on partnerships between the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Health Service Executive (HSE) and the health service agencies at managerial level, but is more keenly dependent on good working partnerships between those directly involved in delivering learning opportunities to students in colleges and clinics. It is important to remember that at all times in this process, clients’ and patients’ interests and safety take precedence over students’ education.

The School Fitness to Practice Committee is convened as required, at the request of a Head of Discipline, to consider matters of concern in relation to professional practice. This committee is appointed by the School Executive Committee, with representation from two members from within the School and one member from a non-Faculty School, where Fitness to Practice is a requirement of the course. Students called to appear before the Fitness to Practice Committee are entitled to be represented by their tutor. A copy of the School’s Fitness to Practice document is available on

5* Dignity and Respect Policy Trinity College strives to create an environment that is supportive and conducive to work and study. The Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies promotes, and is committed to, supporting a collegial environment for its staff, students and other community members, which is free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and sexual harassment. The College Dignity and Respect Policy, developed in partnership with the College group of trade unions, has a strong preventative focus and highlights that staff and students have a duty to maintain an environment in which the dignity of everyone is respected. Our goal is to ensure that all interactions with staff and students reflect respect for the individuals involved. This policy extends to outside clinical settings where students may be placed. The Trinity College policy includes practical advice on tackling communication breakdowns or inter-personal disputes. The policy also sets out a framework for complaint resolution using informal and formal procedures and through the use of mediation. The policy also contains useful information on support sources for all parties to a complaint.  For the full up-to-date accessible viewing policy, go to: Dignity and Respect Policy brochure (PDF1.6MB)

11 SS module information 2014-2015 Department Facilities

There are a number of departmental facilities, as outlined below. Students are reminded of the extensive library and computer facilities provided across the campus.

Students’ Preparation Area Room 006, Ground floor, may be used by students for work in connection with the course - studying, preparing clinical materials etc. Materials left after the end of term will be removed. Please ensure that this room is kept clean and tidy, and remove any food or drink items as you leave.

Computers Students may use the computer facilities in the Department for course work only. Printing facilities are not available in the Department for general work. Three computers are situated in Student Preparation Room as well as in the 2 clinic rooms (002 and 004) and 3 seminar rooms (005/ 103/ 104).

Clinic Rooms The clinic rooms 002 and 004 (ground floor) may be booked for PBL tutorial groups by students. Sarah (Reception) keeps the room booking sheets and all bookings must be made through her. Students may not bring food or drinks (other than water) into the clinic rooms.

Lectures Lectures are given in shared teaching space within College and within the Department (7 – 9 South Leinster Street) where appropriate - see your notice board. Lectures begin on the hour and end at 10 minutes to the hour. Students may not bring food or drinks (other than water) into the lecture rooms.

Students are reminded that the use of mobile phones during lectures / clinics is strictly prohibited. Phones must be switched off in lecture / clinic rooms. Students who are using mobile phones to keep time, or as stopwatches must ensure that the phone call function is not active, unless explicitly requested by the Placement Educator.

Notice Boards Each Year Group has a special notice board in the Student Preparation area. These should be consulted often for information about timetable, placements, supervision etc. Notes for individual students from staff may be left on notice boards; please check regularly. Please do not use these notice boards for personal messages etc.

Tests and clinical equipment Tests and clinical equipment may be borrowed for use on-site only and booked out in the Test/Equipment Booking Diary. Please treat all tests and clinical equipment with the utmost care as they are extremely expensive to replace, given their specialist nature. All tests and clinical equipment must be returned immediately after use. Please ensure all components of the test are returned in the folder (e.g. test manual, booklet, sample test form etc). Incomplete tests should be returned to the Secretary with a note indicating missing component(s).

12 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW The professional honors degree course in Clinical Speech and Language Studies provides recognition to practise as a Speech & Language Therapist in Ireland. Successful graduates are eligible to apply for membership of the Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists (IASLT) and the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT), as well as for registration with the Health Professionals Council (HPC) in the UK. The undergraduate programme received full professional accreditation from the IASLT in 2009, and is due for accreditation review in 2014. CORU, the Health and Social Care Professional Council, is expected to open its registration board for speech and language therapists on October 31st, 2014. The Department will then also be under the accreditation review of CORU and graduates will be eligible to apply for registration.

Given that students are bound by a professional code of ethics when on clinical placement, students are expected to apply for student membership of IASLT prior to their first clinical placement.

Programme structure Students are required to successfully complete all modules within the programme, including Broad Curriculum options. Students who are successful in their Junior Sophister examinations may be permitted to graduate with the ordinary B.A. degree if they choose not to complete the degree course. The ordinary B.A. degree does not carry a license to practise as a Speech & Language Therapist. To progress to the Senior Sophister year, students must achieve an overall credit-weighted mark of at least 40 per cent (grade III) in each module and accumulate 60 credits in their Junior Sophister year. Students may choose, at the beginning of their Junior Sophister year, to opt for a non-clinical route*. Such students may substitute the Linguistics Project (Module code LI4036 – 10 credits) for the Clinical Skills module. Students who successfully pass all modules in the non-clinical route or students who otherwise successfully pass the Junior Sophister year and choose not to proceed to the Senior Sophister year, may be permitted to graduate with the ordinary B.A. degree. Students who have been unsuccessful in the examinations of the Senior Sophister year of the B.Sc. degree may nevertheless be allowed the ordinary B.A. degree on their answering in the Senior Sophister examination, provided that a special recommendation to that effect is made by the court of examiners. Except by permission of the University Council, on the recommendation of the executive committee of the school, the ordinary degree of B.A. may be conferred only on candidates who have spent at least three years in the University. The ordinary B.A. degree does not carry a license to practise and graduates with this degree are not eligible to register with the Health and Social Care Professionals Council (CORU). *Senior Freshman Students Students who find at the end of the SF year or early in the JS year, that their interests and abilities do not lie in clinical practice, may opt for the non- clinical route.

13 SS module information 2014-2015 14 Socrates opportunities The Department has strong links with a range of European partners and has participated in a Thematic Network for many years. This network affords students the opportunity to participate in an Intensive Programme (IP) of study over a 2-week period, typically in the latter half of August every year. Participation in this activity is contingent on the student body participating in one fundraising event each year. In addition, the Department supports student exchange agreements, where appropriate recognition of academic work can be facilitated. Dr Pauline Sloane is the departmental coordinator for all Socrates- related activities.

Programme outcomes The following programme outcomes for the degree Clinical Speech & Language Studies have been developed referencing: (i) discipline-specific competencies (the National Clinical Competencies developed by the Therapy Advisory Unit of the Department of Health and Children and ratified by the IASLT; (ii) institutional level descriptors (TCD Calendar, Part 1); national descriptors (the NQAI National Qualifications Framework), Level 8; and European requirements (the ‘ Dublin Descriptors ’ ). The outcomes comprise both discipline-specific and generic competencies and attributes.

Outcome TCD NQAI Dublin Level 8 Descripto r 1. Graduates will critically interpret, reflect upon and apply the evolving theoretical knowledge base in communication and 1, 2 a, b 1, 2 swallowing and their associated disorders, and relate this body of knowledge to evidence-based clinical decision-making. 2. Graduates will be able to apply relevant principles of assessment, diagnosis and 3 b, c, d 2 intervention within their clinical practice 3. Graduates will demonstrate effective communication skills with the full range of 7 g 4 relevant stakeholders, in their clinical practice, in their professional liaisons and in the larger community. 4. Graduates will demonstrate a commitment to ethical action and social responsibility in 6 their professional practice 5. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to work both as self-directed autonomous 5,6 f professionals, and collaboratively with the full range of stakeholder groups. 6. Graduates will be able to apply core 3 principles of research design and 3 implementation, with some degree of autonomy. 7. Graduates will demonstrate skills required to sustain intellectual interest and critical 15 SS module information 2014-2015 thinking as professionals through 8 e, h 5 application of scientific literacy skills in the pursuit of lifelong learning.


The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is an academic credit transfer and accumulation system representing the student workload required to achieve the specified objectives of a study programme. It is designed to enable academic recognition for periods of study, to facilitate student mobility and credit accumulation and transfer. The ECTS is the recommended credit system for higher education in Ireland and across the European Higher Education Area.

The ECTS weighting for a module is a measure of the student input or workload required for that module, based on factors such as the number of contact hours, the number and length of written or verbally presented assessment exercises, class preparation and private study time, laboratory classes, examinations, clinical attendance, professional training placements, and so on as appropriate. There is no intrinsic relationship between the credit volume of a module and its level of difficulty.

In College, 1 ECTS unit is defined as 20-25 hours of student input. Therefore, a 10- credit module is designed to require 200-250 hours of student input, including class contact time and assessments.

The College norm for full-time study over one academic year, at undergraduate level, is 60 credits.

The Trinity academic year comprises 40 weeks from the start of Michaelmas Term to the end of the Annual Examination period

ECTS credits are awarded to a student only upon successful completion of the course year. Progression from one year to the next is determined by the course regulations. Students who fail a year of their course will not obtain credit for that year even if they have passed certain component courses. Exceptions to this rule are one-year and part-year visiting students, who are awarded credit for individual modules successfully completed.


Attendance at all lectures, seminars, tutorials, clinical placements, workshops and practicals is compulsory for all students in accordance with College regulations.

(a) Lectures: A signed attendance record will be kept for lectures for each group of students. A penalty will be applied for unexcused absence from lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops, including clinical placements and PBL tutorials. In the case of attendance at lectures, any student who is absent without excuse, for three or more hours of any module, regardless of module size, will have a penalty 5% deduction applied to their examination mark for that module, even where such a penalty results in a fail grade being returned for that student. Each subsequent hour of unexcused absence will attract a further 5% penalty, to a maximum of 15% penalty. Excused absences include only those absences involving medical certification, tutor notification or as agreed in writing, between individual staff and student on a case-by-case basis. Students who are identified as signing in for students who are not present will have a 10% penalty applied for each instance of infringement and may be reported to the Junior Dean.

(b) Attendance at tutorials, including PBL tutorials is compulsory. Any student who is absent without excuse, for two or more hours of any tutored PBL element of a module, regardless of module size, will have a penalty 10% deduction applied to their continuous assessment mark for that PBL assignment. Students who miss more than 25% of tutored PBL slots, for whatever reason, are excluded from participating in the assessment associated with the PBL process and will be set an alternative assignment.

(c) College stipulates that students from all years may be deemed unsatisfactory if they miss more than one third of the lectures in any course in any term. Attendance records are maintained for each course. It is your responsibility to ensure your attendance is accurately recorded. Students may be deemed to be non-satisfactory if they fail to fulfil course work and attendance requirements. Students may be deemed non-satisfactory if they miss more than one third of a required component course/module in any term. The Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate) may report such students to the Senior Lecturer as being non-satisfactory for that term. In the first instance, the report is sent by the Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate) to the student's Tutor, who will normally interview, or otherwise contact, the student and respond on the student's behalf to the Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate), detailing any mitigating circumstances surrounding the student's non-satisfactory performance. On the specific written recommendation of the Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate) to the Senior Lecturer, a student returned as non-satisfactory for both the Michaelmas and Hilary terms may be refused permission to take their annual examinations and may be required

17 SS module information 2014-2015 by the Senior Lecturer to repeat their year. Further details, and a copy of the Report on a Non-Satisfactory Student, can be viewed at work.php

18 Practice Placements The undergraduate education programme aims to provide students with learning opportunities to develop the required knowledge base over the four-year course. The clinical education programme has been developed in association with the profession, the professional association and the HSE. The programme links to the other strands of the course by providing opportunities to develop and acquire the professional knowledge, skills, attributes and attitudes required to become a competent practitioner.

Students will be assigned to a number of practice placements in a range of service settings during the undergraduate programme. These are arranged through the Department. Students may not, under any circumstances, make independent arrangements because of insurance implications. Attendance at all clinical placements is compulsory. In the event of an emergency or illness, the supervising clinician (i.e. Practice Educator) and the Practice Education Coordinator (Dr Clothra Ní Cholmáin) must be informed as soon as possible. Where applicable, medical certificates covering the duration of absence from the clinical placement should be submitted to the student’ s College Tutor. Students may be required to retrieve clinical placement days lost through illness. Supervision of clinical practicum both on college premises and in HSE clinics in 2nd, 3rd and 4th year is undertaken by Speech and Language Therapists who may be members of staff, Regional Placement Facilitators, placement tutors or therapists undertaking the role of Practice Educator. Practice Educators take responsibility for providing students with learning opportunities in clinical settings. They provide guidance for students on professional conduct, policies and procedures in the health service agencies in which they work as well as supervising, monitoring and evaluating the student’ s clinical work. Students should download a copy of the Guidelines for Good Practice in Practice Education (Therapy Project Office 2008) profs/Projectoffice/goodpracticeguidelinesforpred.html and endeavour to comply fully with the guidelines throughout the clinical education programme. Students are advised to download the Practice Education Handbook each year from the departmental website. Punctual attendance at clinics is compulsory. In the event of an emergency or illness, the supervising clinician (Practice Educator) must be given adequate notice of students’ inability to attend before the appointed time.

Students are expected to take responsibility for their behaviour as student Speech and Language Therapists by complying with all legal and professional guidelines.

Please also note: Students may not undertake assessments or provide therapy except under the supervision of a suitably qualified Speech and Language Therapist at any stage of the undergraduate education programme.

19 SS module information 2014-2015 Students may not under any circumstances accept remuneration for clinical work.  Garda/police vetting Students on programmes with clinical or other professional placements or on programmes that will bring them into professional contact with children and/or vulnerable adults, are required to undergo vetting by the Garda Síochána or other relevant police force prior to registration. If, as a result of the outcome of these vetting procedures, a student is deemed unsuitable to attend clinical or other professional placements, he/she may be required to withdraw from his/her programme of study. Please see Garda/Police Vetting (paragraph 2) at: general-information/faculty-of-arts-humanities-and-social-sciences/school- of-linguistic-speech-and-communication-sciences/

If you lived outside Ireland for a consecutive period of 6 months or more, then police clearance will be required from the country or countries in which you resided. These documents should be returned to the Admissions Office with your completed Garda Vetting form. You should keep copies of all these clearance forms in case you need them for future employment.  Immunisation Failure to be appropriately immunised may preclude attendance at some clinics.  Immunisation against Rubella All students are urged to ensure that they are immune to rubella. Arrangements can be made through the Student Health Service for students to check their status and be immunised where necessary.  Immunisation against TB All students in Health Sciences should be immunised against tuberculosis. A BCG programme is organised annually through the Faculty of Health Sciences office. Students should contact the Student Health Service if immunisation is required.  Hepatitis B All students in the Department must be immunised against Hepatitis B. Information on vaccination requirements is made available to all students on application, and students are required to act in accord with the appropriate regulations and procedures to maintain appropriate health and safety standards.  Precautions against AIDS Guidelines have been issued for health personnel, including speech and language therapists, whose work may bring them into contact with patients at risk for Aids. Students are urged to consult these guidelines see  First Aid All Freshman students are encouraged to take a course in First Aid, in their own time. The following Agencies offer First Aid courses: St. John’ s Ambulance Brigade of Ireland, 29 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4, Telephone: 6688077 and Order of Malta – Ireland, St. John ’ s House, 32 Clyde Road, Dublin 4, Telephone: 01 6140035.

20 Students are expected to join the Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists (IASLT) and to be familiar with their Code of Ethics and with guidance on conduct and ethics for students (HPC UK) (read the document in full at

. You should always act in the best interests of your service users . You should respect the confidentiality of your service users . You should keep high standards of personal conduct. . You should provide any important information about your conduct, competence or health to your education provider. . You should limit your study or stop studying if your performance or judgement is affected by your health. . You should keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date . You should act within the limits of your knowledge and skills. . You should communicate effectively with service users and your education provider and placement providers. . You should get ‘ informed consent ’ from service users to carry out any intervention, except in emergencies. . You should keep accurate records on service users. . You should behave honestly. . You should make sure that your behaviour does not damage public confidence in your profession.

Students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning during all stages of the clinical programme by:  Acquiring an adequate knowledge base for placements.  Working actively to develop professional knowledge, skills and attitudes.  Reflecting on developing professional knowledge and skills.  Practicing honest self-evaluation of performance and professional behaviour.  Identifying learning needs.  Communicating needs to clinical educators.  Accepting feedback from clinical educators and modifying behaviour if requested.  Respecting client, clinical educators, co-workers and the service.

Students on the clinical education programme must adhere to the Professional Code of Ethics and should be professional in all dealings with clients, clinical educators and co-workers. Professional ethics and standards of conduct in relation to clinical practice must be observed throughout the course. A student may be required to defer clinical practice, including any practical examination, if the Head of Discipline, on the recommendation of the Practice Education Co- ordinator (Dr Clothra Ní Cholmáin), determines that such a deferral is necessary on professional grounds (see Academic progress and examinations (paragraph 12) at courses-and-other-general-information/faculty-of-arts-humanities-and- social-sciences/school-of-linguistic-speech-and-communication-sciences/

21 SS module information 2014-2015 GENERAL INFORMATION ON ASSESSMENT

Continuous Assessment

(a) All continuous assessment assignments MUST be submitted by 12 noon on the due date and signed in at the Reception desk. Students are required to keep an electronic copy of ALL work submitted for assessment.

(b) For all assignments, students may be required to upload an electronic version of the assignment to TurnItIn, a plagiarism detection system. Students will be advised by individual lecturers where this applies. In all instances, students must also submit hardcopy versions and sign them in at Reception. When submitting assessment work by email, students must use their College username and e-mail account; submission of material for assessment will not be accepted from external e-mail addresses.

(c) Deadlines can only be changed by direct consultation with the staff member concerned, IN ADVANCE of the submission date. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that agreement regarding any extension of a deadline has been reached with the relevant staff member. In the event of late submission of an assignment, without such agreement, a penalty will apply.

Marks will be reduced in accordance with the extent of the delay with 5 marks being deducted if the assignment is up to one week late and 10 marks will be deducted if the assignment is between one and two weeks late. Assignments will not be accepted, without agreement, more than 14 days after the submission date. Receipt of assignments after this time, will normally result in a fail mark being recorded. Agreement to submit after this time, must be made in consultation with the student’ s college Tutor and can only be allowed on the basis of illness (medical certificate required) or similar personal circumstances.

NB Students are required to submit all CA components. Failure to do so may result in a student being returned as “ Absent ” and “ Excluded ” from College.

Students are required to perform satisfactorily in each type of activity. Compensation within a module may be permitted at the discretion of the court of examiners. Students who are unsuccessful in their annual examinations may be required to resubmit continuous assessment or project work, to sit a formal supplemental examination paper, or to be re-assessed in clinical practice, as appropriate. For SS students the maximum mark for any such re-submission is 40%.

In line with College policy, the Department is keen to ensure that Continuous Assessment components are included where possible and appropriate across all courses taken as part of the Degree programme. The Department recognises that feedback on performance plays an important educational role in relation to continuous assessment. To this end, every effort will be made to return continuous assessment assignments to students within a timely fashion. College policy requires that all assignments will be returned within 20 working days of submission. If there is likely to be a delay in meeting this deadline, students will be advised by the relevant lecturer. Feedback, including information regarding the grade awarded to the assignment will be returned to the student, either on an inserted sheet, or written directly onto the assignment. In all instances, in order to

22 protect student confidentiality, such information will be included at the back of the assignment, so that it is not visible to other students. Students who submit assignments without a complete bibliography or other essential components will not receive feedback about their grade, until after submission of the missing information. In the event of illness, the relevant lecturer or College Tutor should be contacted in advance of the due date where possible; otherwise a certificate is needed to vouch for the illness ( or in case of bereavement, etc.) and extensions will ordinarily be granted only to cover days covered by the certificate. Medical certificates should be submitted to your College Tutor. (d) Week numbers: In line with practice across College, dates for assignments are noted according to the week of the academic year, rather than the week of the specific teaching term. Week 1 of Michaelmas Term equates with week 5 of the academic year, week 1 of Hilary Term with week 21. Please ensure that you check carefully for the dates of submission

Examinations (i) Examination Results: These will be on the relevant notice boards when available and on mytcd portal. Students will not be given results by phoning the Department under any circumstances. (ii) Breakdown of Results: Students can obtain a breakdown of their results through the mytcd portal, or through the Department, either in person, by prior appointment, with the Head of Discipline ([email protected]) or the Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate) ([email protected]). Results will not be released by any member of staff to anyone other than the student, in order to conform with the Data Protection Act. Students are also invited to review their scripts and discuss their examination performance. Normally, students are advised of a day and time when scripts can be reviewed. Please note that resource constraints mean that student requests to review scripts, outside the designated times, may not be accommodated. (iii) Assessment marks: Marks disclosed during the course of the year for prescribed assessments are subject to moderation by internal and, where appropriate, external examiners, and as such are to be considered provisional until the end-of-year results are confirmed by the Court of Examiners (iv) Anonymous marking: A sample of a completed front cover of an anonymous examination booklet is included in this handbook. Please familiarise yourselves with all the details in advance of your examinations. (v) Assessment and Examinations: The following institutional marking scale applies across College: First 70-100% II.1 60-69% II.2 50-59% III 40-49% F1 30-39% F2 0-29% This marking scale is used within the department for both continuous assessment and examination purposes. Marks in the F2 band are usually deemed non-compensatable.

Independent of any mark achieved by students on continuous assessment assignments, students are required to achieve a mark of at least 35 per cent on certain examination papers in SF and JS years and must achieve a minimum mark of 40 per cent on three questions within each of these specific examination papers in order to be considered satisfactory, see Module section of handbooks and calendar entry at

23 SS module information 2014-2015 information/faculty-of-arts-humanities-and-social-sciences/school-of-linguistic- speech-and-communication-sciences/

(vi) University guidelines for students taking examinations are included in this handbook; see also Conduct of examinations paragraphs 43-50 information/general-regulations-and-information/academic-progress/

24 ASSIGNMENT FEEDBACK FORM Clinical Speech & Language Studies




STUDENT NUMBER: The headings below identify the key I II.1 II.2 III F1 F2 elements against which your tutor assesses your work Use of literature & evidence of reading

Knowledge & understanding

Accuracy & analysis of information

Development of core principled argument

Evidence of critical thinking


Relevance to learning outcomes

Structure & organisation

Presentation & style


Marker’ s comments:

To help improve your future work you are recommended to: Follow more carefully the Carefully proof read your guidelines for assignment assignment before submission given Ensure your work reflects Pay particular attention to: the assignment brief and spelling/punctuation/sentence module learning outcomes construction/paragraphs/coherence Read more widely Follow College’ s referencing guidelines Arrange to meet course Note adjustment of marks for late lecturer submission

Marker: Date: Moderator (if appropriate): Date:

25 SS module information 2014-2015 ESSAY MARKING CRITERIA (Adapted from HE in FE Teaching Resource Exchange)

FIRST (70% +) UPPER FIRST (I, a First 85%+)  Depth of Reading: Evidence of comprehensive reading above expectations  Structure of Argument: Scholarly, extremely well crafted  Discussion and Interpretation: Superior and original engagement with conceptual issues  Use of Evidence: Rigorous use of sound theoretical knowledge base.  Organisation and Formatting: Very clear and imaginative; excellent use of illustrations (if appropriate);  Academic Referencing: Exemplary use of academic referencing conventions.

LOWER FIRST (I, a First )70-84%)  Depth of Reading: Detailed, accurate, relevant; key points highlighted.  Structure of Argument: Rigorously argued, logical, easy to follow.  Discussion and Interpretation: Extensive evidence of independent thought and critical analysis  Use of Evidence: Key points supported with evidence, critically evaluated; exemplary awareness of key issues.  Organisation and Formatting: Clear, imaginative; excellent use of illustrations (if appropriate);  Academic Referencing: Exemplary use of academic referencing conventions.

UPPER SECOND (II.1) (60-69%)  Depth of Reading: Detailed, accurate, relevant.  Structure of Argument: Directly addresses question.  Discussion and Interpretation: Attempts to go beyond the ideas presented in secondary literature.  Use of Evidence: Most points illustrated with relevant evidence.  Organisation and Formatting: Generally clear, good use of illustrations (if appropriate)  Academic Referencing: Good use of academic referencing conventions.

LOWER SECOND (II.2) (50-59%)  Depth of Reading: Generally accurate and relevant, but perhaps some gaps and/or irrelevant material.  Structure of Argument: Not always clear or logical; may be overly influenced by secondary literature rather than the requirements of the topic. Addresses some aspects of question.  Discussion and Interpretation: Little attempt to go beyond or criticise secondary literature.  Use of Evidence: Some illustrative material but not necessarily well selected and not critically evaluated.  Organisation and Formatting: Some organisation and presentation glitches but generally competent.  Academic Referencing: A reasonable attempt at using the conventions of academic citation but some inconsistencies or errors. THIRD (III) (40-49%)

26  Depth of Reading: Limited knowledge, with gaps and/or errors.  Structure: Argument underdeveloped and not entirely clear. Answers a closely related question.  Discussion and Interpretation: Fairly superficial and generally derivative and uncritical.  Use of Evidence: Some mentioned, but not integrated into presentation or evaluated.  Organisation and Formatting: Not always clear or easy to follow.  Academic Referencing: Some attempt at showing which sources have been employed, but little evidence of a sound grasp of the conventions of academic citation.

FAIL I (30-40%)  Depth of Reading: Very limited, with many errors and gaps.  Structure of Argument: Of incidental relevance only. Argument completely lacking structure.  Discussion and Interpretation: Entirely derivative, generally superficial.  Use of Evidence: Little or no evidence discussed.  Organisation and Formatting: Clumsy, disjointed, difficult to follow.  Academic Referencing: Very poor and executed with many errors

FAIL II (Below 30%)  Depth of Reading: Little evidence of knowledge of the topic.  Structure of Argument: Muddled, incoherent.  Discussion and Interpretation: Serious conceptual errors.  Use of Evidence: Incorrect use of evidence.  Organisation and Formatting: Disorganised and poorly formatted.  Academic Referencing: Incomplete or entirely absent.


Word limit for essays ranges from 2,000 – 3,500.

A 5% penalty for exceeding word limit will be applied.

27 SS module information 2014-2015 ESSAY EVALUATION FORM

STUDENT: …………………………………………………………………………

COURSE: …………………………………………………………………………

LECTURER: ......

DATE: …………………………………………………………………………

Depth of Reading GOOD POOR Sound, relevant Sketchy, irrelevant, incorrect

Structure of Argument GOOD POOR Coherent, logical Muddled, fragmentary

Discussion and Interpretation GOOD POOR Sophisticated, original Superficial, narrow, derivative

Use of Evidence GOOD POOR Exemplary use of primary Few sources, poorly chosen or secondary sources

Organisation and Formatting GOOD POOR Imaginative Disjointed

Academic Referencing GOOD POOR Exemplary Absent or poorly executed

Best features of essay:

Suggestions for improvement:


Signed:……………………………… Internal Assessor 1 / 2

Date:…………… ..

28 29 SS module information 2014-2015 Access to scripts and discussion of performance at exams (from general-information/general-regulations-and-information/academic-progress/): 51 Access to scripts and discussion of performance (i) All students have a right to discuss their examination and assessment performance with the appropriate members of staff as arranged for by the director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) or the head of department as appropriate. This right is basic to the educational process. (ii) Students are entitled to view their scripts when discussing their examinations and assessment performance. (iii) Students’ examination performance cannot be discussed with them until after the publication of the examination results. (iv) To obtain access to the breakdown of results, a student or his/her tutor should make a request to the director of teaching and learning (undergraduate), course co-ordinator or appropriate member of staff. (v) Examination scripts are retained by schools and departments for thirteen months from the date of the meeting of the court of examiners which moderates the marks in question and may not be available for consultation after this time period. 52 Re-check/re-mark of examination scripts (i) Having received information about their results and having discussed these and their performance with the director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) or the head of department and/or the appropriate staff, students may ask that their results be reconsidered if they have reason to believe: (a) that the grade is incorrect because of an error in calculation of results; (b) that the examination paper specific to the student’ s course contained questions on subjects which were not part of the course prescribed for the examination; or (c) that bias was shown by an examiner in marking the script. (ii) In the case of (a) above, the request should be made through the student’ s tutor to the director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) or course co- ordinator as appropriate. (iii) In the case of (b) and/or (c) above, the request should be made through the student’ s tutor to the Senior Lecturer. In submitting such a case for reconsideration of results, students should state under which of (b) and/or (c) the request is being made.(Details of the procedures relating to the re-check/re-mark of examination scripts are available on the College website at (iv) Once an examination result has been published it cannot be amended without the permission of the Senior Lecturer. (v) Requests for re-check or re-mark should be made as soon as possible after discussion of results and performance and no later than twelve months from the date of the meeting of the court of examiners which moderated the marks in question.

30 (vi) Any student who makes a request for re-check or re-mark that could have implications for their degree result is advised not to proceed with degree conferral until the outcome of the request has been confirmed.Calendar Extract on Plagiarism (from general-information/general-regulations-and-information/academic-progress/): Plagiarism 82 Plagiarism is interpreted by the University as the act of presenting the work of others as one’ s own work, without acknowledgement. Plagiarism is considered as academically fraudulent, and an offence against University discipline. The University considers plagiarism to be a major offence, and subject to the disciplinary procedures of the University. 83 Plagiarism can arise from deliberate actions and also through careless thinking and/or methodology. The offence lies not in the attitude or intention of the perpetrator, but in the action and in its consequences.Plagiarism can arise from actions such as: (a) copying another student’ s work; (b) enlisting another person or persons to complete an assignment on the student’ s behalf; (c) quoting directly, without acknowledgement, from books, articles or other sources, either in printed, recorded or electronic format; (d) paraphrasing, without acknowledgement, the writings of other authors. Examples (c) and (d) in particular can arise through careless thinking and/or methodology where students: (i) fail to distinguish between their own ideas and those of others; (ii) fail to take proper notes during preliminary research and therefore lose track of the sources from which the notes were drawn; (iii) fail to distinguish between information which needs no acknowledgement because it is firmly in the public domain, and information which might be widely known, but which nevertheless requires some sort of acknowledgement; (iv) come across a distinctive methodology or idea and fail to record its source. All the above serve only as examples and are not exhaustive. Students should submit work done in co-operation with other students only when it is done with the full knowledge and permission of the lecturer concerned. Without this, work submitted which is the product of collusion with other students may be considered to be plagiarism. 84 It is clearly understood that all members of the academic community use and build on the work of others. It is commonly accepted also, however, that we build on the work of others in an open and explicit manner, and with due acknowledgement. Many cases of plagiarism that arise could be avoided by following some simple guidelines: (i) Any material used in a piece of work, of any form, that is not the original thought of the author should be fully referenced in the work and attributed to its source. The material should either be quoted directly or paraphrased. Either way, an explicit citation of the work referred to should be provided, in the text, in a footnote, or both. Not to do so is to commit plagiarism; (ii) When taking notes from any source it is very important to record the precise words or ideas that are being used and their precise sources; (iii) While the Internet often offers a wider 31 SS module information 2014-2015 range of possibilities for researching particular themes, it also requires particular attention to be paid to the distinction between one’ s own work and the work of others. Particular care should be taken to keep track of the source of the electronic information obtained from the Internet or other electronic sources and ensure that it is explicitly and correctly acknowledged. 85 It is the responsibility of the author of any work to ensure that he/she does not commit plagiarism. 86 Students should ensure the integrity of their work by seeking advice from their lecturers, tutor or supervisor on avoiding plagiarism. All schools and departments should include, in their handbooks or other literature given to students, advice on the appropriate methodology for the kind of work that students will be expected to undertake. 87 If plagiarism as referred to in §82 above is suspected, in the first instance, the head of school, or designate, will write to the student, and the student’ s tutor advising them of the concerns raised and inviting them to attend an informal meeting with the head of school, or designate, (The director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) may also attend the meeting as appropriate. As an alternative to their tutor, students may nominate a representative from the Students’ Union to accompany them to the meeting) and the lecturer concerned, in order to put their suspicions to the student and give the student the opportunity to respond. The student will be requested to respond in writing stating his/her agreement to attend such a meeting and confirming on which of the suggested dates and times it will be possible for the student to attend. If the student does not in this manner agree to attend such a meeting, the head of school, or designate, may refer the case directly to the Junior Dean, who will interview the student and may implement the procedures as referred to under Conduct and College Regulations §2. 88 If the head of school, or designate, forms the view that plagiarism has taken place, he/she must decide if the offence can be dealt with under the summary procedure set out below. In order for this summary procedure to be followed, all parties attending the informal meeting as noted in §87 above must state their agreement in writing to the head of school, or designate. If the facts of the case are in dispute, or if the head of school, or designate, feels that the penalties provided for under the summary procedure below are inappropriate given the circumstances of the case, he/she will refer the case directly to the Junior Dean, who will interview the student and may implement the procedures as referred to under Conduct and College Regulations §2. 89 If the offence can be dealt with under the summary procedure, the head of school, or designate, will recommend to the Senior Lecturer one of the following penalties: (a) that the piece of work in question receives a reduced mark, or a mark of zero; or (b) if satisfactory completion of the piece of work is deemed essential for the student to rise with his/her year or to proceed to the award of a degree, the student may be required to re-submit the work. However the student may not receive more than the minimum pass mark applicable to the piece of work on satisfactory re- submission.

32 90 Provided that the appropriate procedure has been followed and all parties in §87 above are in agreement with the proposed penalty, the Senior Lecturer may approve the penalty and notify the Junior Dean accordingly. The Junior Dean may nevertheless implement the procedures as referred to under Conduct and College Regulations §2.

33 SS module information 2014-2015 Calendar extract on Conduct of Examinations general-information/general-regulations-and-information/academic-progress/ Conduct of examinations 43 Except as provided for below, candidates for examination are forbidden during an examination to do or to attempt to do, any of the following: to have in their possession or consult or use any books, papers, notes, memoranda, mobile phones or written or electronic material of any nature, or to copy from or exchange information with other persons, or in any way to make use of any information improperly obtained. 44 Where the examination is of such a nature that materials are provided to the candidates, or where the candidates are allowed by the rules of that examination to have materials in their possession, then candidates may of course make use of such materials, but only of such materials, and the general prohibition above continues to apply in respect of any and all other materials. 45 Where candidates have the prior written permission of the examiner(s), of the Senior Lecturer, or of the Disability Officer, to have materials in their possession during an examination, then candidates may of course make use of such materials, but only of such materials, and the general prohibition above continues to apply in respect of any and all other materials. 46 Where candidates are allowed to bring personal belongings into the examination venues upon condition that such belongings are stored in an area – such as the back of the venue – away from the area in which the candidates are sitting their examinations, then candidates may bring personal belongings into the hall, provided that they are placed in the indicated area and are not returned to by the candidates until they have finished their examinations and are leaving the hall. 47 Any breach of this regulation is regarded as a major offence for which a student may be expelled from the University (see Conduct and College Regulations). 48 Students must not leave the hall before the time specified for the examination has elapsed, except by leave of the invigilator. 49 Examinations or other exercises which are part of continuous assessment are subject to the same rules as other College examinations. Where submitted work is part of a procedure of assessment, plagiarism is similarly regarded as a major offence and is liable to similar penalties (see §§82-90).


35 SS module information 2014-2015 SCHOLARSHIP & DEPARTMENT AWARDS The Foundation Scholarship Foundation Scholars are elected annually on the results of examinations held at the beginning of Trinity Term. Students take the examination in their second year in College. In addition to the prestige of being a scholar of TCD, other specific privileges that students are entitled to are (For further information contact your College Tutor) (a) Commons free of charge (Commons is the traditional evening meal served in the College Dining Hall). (b) rooms free of charge. (c) remission of fees for post-graduate study The general examination topic for this academic year is ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF SPEECH1 DISORDERS, DEVELOPMENTAL AND ACQUIRED. It is important to note that intending students are responsible for obtaining application forms from the Senior Lecturer’s Office and submitting same before Friday 14th November 2014. Scholarship Examinations will take place in January.

DEPARTMENT AWARDS & PRIZES BEGGS LEASK PRIZE This prize was first awarded in 1994 to mark the twenty-fifth year of education of speech and language therapists in Ireland. It was founded by Rebecca Beggs Leask, who as Deputy Director assisted the Director, Dr Marie de Montfort Supple, in initiating the education of speech and language therapists in Ireland in 1969. It is awarded annually to the Senior Sophister student who presents the best research project. DE MONTFORT PRIZE This prize is awarded annually to the Junior Freshman student who achieves the highest mark overall. (This award is presented by the IASLT). THE FOUNDER’ S PRIZE This prize is awarded annually to the Junior Sophister student who achieves the best overall mark in the end of year examinations. The Founder’ s prize is funded by a stipend donated by the founder of the former School of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, and the former Director of the School, Dr Marie de Montfort Supple. NORA DAWSON MARIAKIS PRIZE This prize is awarded annually to the Junior Sophister student who achieves the highest mark in the clinical practice module. The award is funded by the class of 1972 (D.C.S.T.), in memory of the pioneering lecturer and clinician, Nora Dawson Mariakis. OTWAY-FREEMAN AWARD This prize is awarded annually to the Senior Sophister student who achieves the highest mark in the clinical practice module. QUATERCENTENARY PRIZE This prize is awarded annually to the Senior Sophister student who achieves the highest overall marks in the year. WALKER PRIZE This prize is awarded annually to the student acquiring the highest grade in speech and language pathology in the Senior Freshman year.

1 NOTE: ‘speech’ refers to all aspects of speech production, including voice and fluency

36 GENERAL INFORMATION ON CLINICAL EDUCATION See Clinical handbook on for detailed information on Clinical Education.

Students are required to chart their professional development using the departmental Professional Development Logs (PDL), which are available from Reception (Cost: € 30). Students are required to submit both qualitative (completed PDL activities) and quantitative evidence (completed certified hours forms) of clinical learning throughout the programme.

Professional Development Logs Students should use the Professional Development Log to record relevant preclinical and clinical learning experiences and to retain evidence that they have achieved the necessary learning outcomes. Learning experiences include all activities related to professional clinical development and are not confined to direct client observation/therapy sessions. Clinical logs are kept by the student as a learning tool to reflect on experiences, identify learning that has occurred and set future learning goals. Students should have their clinical logs at all clinical workshops and tutorials where they may be used in discussion and learning reviews.

Clinical Forum Meetings Students are invited to attend meetings to discuss the clinical education programme and related matters. One meeting is scheduled each term with two representatives from each year and two staff members. There is no obligation to attend but SF, JS and SS years are encouraged to ensure they are represented. To facilitate discussion, students should submit items for discussion at least two days prior to the meeting to Noreen Coyle ([email protected]).

Students may not undertake assessments or provide therapy without supervision of a qualified Speech and Language therapist assigned to them by the College throughout the clinical education programme.

Students may not under any circumstances accept remuneration for clinical work.

Enquiry-Based Learning (EBL) See separate handbook for further details available at

37 SS module information 2014-2015 GENERAL GUIDELINES


Citation and references: why bother? During the course of your academic career, you will write many papers that rely on the work of other people. When you rely on this work — whether you quote someone directly, give their words approximately (also known as paraphrasing), or present knowledge from another source that is not generally known — you must give credit to that source for the text which you are quoting or for the information which you are using. In order to make the process of giving credit clear and efficient, academic writers in different disciplines have evolved a consensus on the form and style for citing other work. The basic principle of citation in academic papers is that the writer should cite sources in order to enable the reader to find the material that has been quoted or otherwise used. The reader may want this information for many different reasons: to find out more information, to check the accuracy of quotations, to form an opinion for or against that of the original source, and so on. Whatever the reason, the essential principle of citation in academic writing is simply that: • any use of text, or of knowledge that is not generally known, which is not your own must have a citation in your paper which will identify the original source of the material you are using.

To use material written by someone else without giving proper citation is a form of plagiarism, and is a very serious academic offence.

Students must follow the formal conventions for citing the work of others. These conventions can be complex. A comprehensive guide to the conventions has been developed by Dr Jeff Kallen. This document is available as a PDF or Word file on Administration files and as hard copy for reference at reception. Please ensure that you consult this document carefully.

Academic Skills for Successful Learning is a module designed by Student Learning Development which is available to all students from

Students who submit work without appropriate bibliographies will not have their marks released, and students who fail to acknowledge relevant sources within their assignments may find themselves in breach of plagiarism guidelines.


A wide range of academic resources is available to students, including exceptional library facilities, as well as support from ISS, CAPSL and Student Counselling. As noted, a small number of specific resources are provided within the department. If there are specific resources you come across through your work either in College or in your clinical practice, that you feel would be of benefit to the student body, please let us know and your recommendation will be reviewed by staff.

ACADEMIC SKILLS FOR SUCCESSFUL LEARNING This module is an online resource designed by Student Learning Development and is available to all students via Blackboard,

ACCOMMODATION The Accommodation Office, West Chapel, may be able to help you to find lodgings. They sometimes have information about self-catering accommodation, but this is limited. Rooms in College are normally only granted to Sophister students. Rooms in Trinity Hall may be applied for through the Warden, Trinity Hall. The Students Union sometimes can help too.

CAPSL, Student Learning Services:

CAREERS ADVISORY SERVICE: Careers Advisory Service offers advice and information to help students and graduates plan their future. Vacancies, presentations and seminar listings are posted regularly.

COLLEGE HEALTH SERVICE: Telephone: 8961556 The College Health Service is available to all registered students. It take a holistic approach to Student Health and in addition to providing on campus, primary health care for all full-time students it focuses on the psychological and occupational aspects of Student Health and Health Education. Student consultations are free of charge with modest charges for additional services. Absolute confidentiality is maintained. All medical records are retained in the Health Centre and do not form part of the University's Student Records. Information is only given to third parties with the patient's consent.

The Health Centre is open normal office hours during term and non-term time. The hours of attendance for students are as follows: 10.30 a.m - 1.00 p.m2.00 p.m - 4.40 p.m. Emergency appointments available at 9:30am and 2pm. If demand is heavy, lists may be closed early. Consultations are normally by prior appointment only.

DUBDOC (OUT OF HOURS DOCTORS COOPERATIVE) Outside office hours in cases of emergency, students should contact DUBDOC 6pm - 10pm weekdays, 11am - 7pm weekends and Bank Holidays. The telephone number for this service is 4545607. This service is based in St. James Hospital. Students (with the exception of Non Irish E.U. Students or Students with Medical Cards) will be responsible for any fees incurred for consultation or home visits.

House Calls: Outside these hours, please telephone the Contactors Bureau at 8300244, who will send a doctor on request. Students (with the exception of Medical Card Holders) will be responsible for any fees incurred. 39 SS module information 2014-2015 DISABILITY SERVICE: The Disability Service aims to provide appropriate advice, support and information to help students and staff with disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with the Disability Service in order to seek supports and facilitate participation in their course, as soon as possible. Students on professional courses who do not disclose a disability cannot avail of reasonable accommodations while on practice placement, and cannot claim that they have been discriminated against (on grounds of disability), if they have not disclosed a disability. For further information, or to discuss the supports that are available to students with disabilities, contact the Disability Service at: ""



Your Tutor Undergraduate students are assigned a tutor when they are admitted to College. The tutor, who is a member of the teaching staff, takes a personal interest in the students’ progress, represents the students before the College authorities, and will give confidential advice on courses, discipline, examinations, fees and other matters. On registering you should have received a handbook describing the role of the tutor, please refer to this for general information relating to the role of the Tutor. The tutor is not a supervisor of studies. Students are advised to check the Student Information System to identify their tutor. For role of tutor see handbook you received on registration

STUDENT COUNSELLING: This website aims to provide you with information on the support options available to you if you are experiencing either personal and/or academic/study concerns. Please avail of these services if you are having difficulties. The services are free and confidential to registered Trinity College students.

S2S STUDENT 2 STUDENT From the moment you arrive in College right the way through to your end of year exams Student 2 Student (S2S) is here to make sure your first year is fun, engaging and a great foundation for the rest of your time in Trinity. You’ll meet your two S2S mentors in Freshers’ Week and they’ll make sure you know other people in your course before your classes even start. They’ll keep in regular touch with you throughout your first year and invite you to events on and off campus. They’ll also give you useful information about your course and what to look out for. Mentors are students who have been through first year and know exactly what it feels like, so you never have to worry about asking them a question or talking to them about anything that’s worrying you. S2S also offers trained Peer Supporters if you want to talk confidentially to another student or just to meet a friendly face for a coffee and a chat. S2S is supported by the Senior Tutor's Office and the Student Counselling Service., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: + 353 1 896 2438

40 STUDENT LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT: learning/individuals.php The learning support team at the Student Counselling Service offers one-to-one appointments to students that may cover study and organisational strategies, academic writing skills, managing examinations, presentation skills and other topics related to academic study. If you would like to make an appointment with one of the learning support psychologists please call in to 7-9 South Leinster Street (3rd Floor). Alternatively you can call 896 1407 or email [email protected] to make an appointment.

STUDENTS’ UNION The Students' Union is the only representative body for all students in the College. It represents students' interests both inside and outside College and it provides student services. The offices of the Union are in No 6, College, as are the student shop and the employment bureau.

HEALTH AND SAFETY Health & Safety Officer for the Department is Dr. Kathleen McTiernan - [email protected], extension 2947. She should be consulted if you have any concerns in this regard. All accidents or other safety problems should be reported to her.

Security Security within the building relies on EVERYONE ensuring that access is restricted to those with legitimate reason for being on the premises. Please ensure: i) that you do not let anyone into the department unless he or she is known to you ii) that all visitors to the department see the secretary at reception iii) that you report any security concerns to the security staff at the front desk. Emergency details In the event of an incident requiring emergency assistance, the fire/emergency services or medical assistance: Contact the Security Desk (ext. no 4335) or University Central Security Control Room (Ext No 1999) using the nearest telephone or 01 8961999 if using a mobile phone. Extension 1317 will also contact the Control Room.

First Aid During normal office hours emergency medical attention can be obtained from the Student Health Services by contacting ext. 1556.

First Aid Personnel Should the medical services providers in the Student Health Centre be unavailable then the emergency services can be contacted on extension 1999.

Fire Procedure If you discover a fire, sound the alarm by breaking the nearest break glass unit.


Fire Assembly Point The Assembly point for the Department of Clinical Speech & Language Studies is located ON SOUTH LEINSTER STREET BY THE LANEWAY WHICH IS SITUATED TO THE LEFT OF THE ENTRANCE ON EXITING BUILDING

Fire Hazards a) In accord with health and safety legislation, smoking is not permitted on the premises. b) Fire alarms have been installed in South Leinster Street. Fire drills are held from time to time. Fast and safe evacuation of the premises by students, staff and clients is essential in the event of an emergency. c) Please familiarise yourself with the location of the recommended escape routes on your arrival in the Department. Please remember to check escape routes for both the ground floor and the first floor.


42 Senior Sophister Module Information


Term Dates Michaelmas Term: th th Week 4 15 September - 19 September – Clinical Placement nd th Weeks 5 – 16 22 September – 12 December – Teaching

Hilary Term: th rd Weeks 21 – 32 12 January – 3 April – Teaching / Block B

Trinity Term: th th Week 33 – 35 6 April – 24 April – Revision weeks th nd Week 36 - 39 27 April – 22 May – Annual exam period


NB Students are required to submit all continuous assessment components of a module. Failure to do so may result in a student being returned as “ Absent ” and “Excluded ” from College.

Students are required to perform satisfactorily in each type of activity. Compensation within a module may be permitted at the discretion of the court of examiners. Students who are unsuccessful in their annual examinations may be required to resubmit continuous assessment or project work, to sit a formal supplemental examination paper, or to be re-assessed in clinical practice, as appropriate. A maximum mark of 40 per cent may be awarded for any such supplemental examination

NOTE: Further information on all modules, assignments and course-related materials is available through

43 SS module information 2014-2015 2014 - 2015 Week No Week of Course Assessment Ethics & Administration Intellectual Impairment Week 5 22nd Sept Post surgery rehab Counselling Ethics & Administration Intellectual Impairment Week 6 29th Sept Post surgery rehab Counselling Ethics & Administration Intellectual Impairment Week 7 6h Oct Post surgery rehab Counselling Ethics & Administration Intellectual Impairment Week 8 13thOct Post surgery rehab Counselling Ethics & Administration Intellectual Impairment Week 9 20th Oct Post surgery rehab Counselling Intellectual Impairment Ethics & Administration Dysphagia class test Week 10 27th Oct General studies Counselling SPSS course Intellectual Impairment Dysphagia Week 11 3rd Nov General studies Counselling Intellectual Impairment IIM Poster Presentations Communication seminars Communication Seminars th Week 12 10 Nov Dysphagia Post surgery rehab General studies assignment (PS) Counselling Communication seminars Communication Seminars Dysphagia Week 13 17th Nov General studies Counselling Communication seminars Communication Seminars Dysphagia Week 14 24th Nov General studies Counselling Communication seminars Communication Seminars Dysphagia Week 15 1st Dec General studies Counselling Communication seminars Communication Seminars Dysphagia Week 16 8th Dec Dysphagia Class Test General studies Case Presentations Counselling

44 45 SS module information 2014-2015 Module Code SL4002 Module Name MANAGEMENT SPEECH VOICE FLUENCY DYSPHAGIA ECTS weighting 10 Contact Hours 32 hours lectures, 2 assignments 80, Total 204 hours Module Personnel Module co-ordinator and lecturer: Dr. M. Smith Lecturers - Dr. P. Sloane; Z. Greene.

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: i. Describe the speech and language therapist's role and scope of practice in management of children and adults with speech disorders (including disorders of voice and fluency) within the multidisciplinary team context (programme outcomes 4. 5) ii. Apply understanding of typical communication to rationalise diagnostic and intervention decisions for people presenting with speech disorders (including disorders of voice and fluency) across the lifespan (programme outcomes 1,2.4) iii. Evaluate the impact of structural, neurological, mechanical and psychological factors on speech function (programme outcomes 1,2.4) iv. Apply principles of evidence based decision making to assessment, diagnosis and intervention in speech disorders across the lifespan (programme outcomes 1,2.4) v. Describe the ethical, legal and moral obligations that must be considered when working with people with communication disorders and other key stakeholders across the lifespan and demonstrate incorporation of these obligations into intervention planning children and adults with disorders of speech, voice or fluency (programme outcomes 1,2,4,5)

Dysphagia: vi. Recognise the speech and language therapist's role and scope of practice in dysphagia management within the multidisciplinary team context (Programme Outcomes 4. 5) vii. Apply understanding of the normal swallow system to rationalise diagnostic and intervention decisions for people presenting with dysphagia across the lifespan (Programme Outcomes 1,2.4) viii. Evaluate the impact of structural, neurological, mechanical and psychological factors on swallow function (Programme Outcomes 1,2.4) ix. Apply principles of evidence-based decision making to assessment, diagnosis and intervention in dysphagia across the lifespan (Programme Outcomes 1,2.4) x. Recognise the ethical, legal and moral obligations that must be considered when working with people with dysphagia and key stakeholders (Programme Outcomes 1,2,4,5)

Head and Neck Cancer xi. Demonstrate an understanding of prevalence/incidence, classification and symptoms of head and neck cancer and specifically, laryngeal cancer. xii. Demonstrate an understanding of the speech & language therapists role in the management of voice, eating, drinking and swallowing disorders during chemoradiation treatment of head and neck cancer. xiii. Demonstrate an understanding of anatomical, physiological, neurological and psychological bases of voice production post total laryngectomy. xiv. Show understanding of the speech and language therapist's role and scope of practice in the management of the client with oral or laryngeal cancer, within the context of the multidisciplinary team. xv. Demonstrate knowledge of tracheostomy and voice prostheses. xvi. Apply principles of evidence based decision making to assessment, and intervention in the client who is about to undergo or has undergone post surgery speech or voice rehabilitation

46 xvii. Have a working knowledge of swallowing, voice and management problems arising as a result of surgical treatment of carcinoma of the oral cavity or the larynx and apply appropriate intervention procedures, using a defensible decision-making plan xviii. Be able to relate the management of specific communication needs, with an inter professional framework, to the overall experience of educational, health and social care provision for the client. xix. Demonstrate an understanding of vocal health and oropharyngeal swallow problems in clients undergoing, a) radiotherapy b) chemotherapy c) combined therapies and/or d) surgery for cancer of the larynx. Module Learning Aims This module is for Senior Sophister students and is mandatory.

Dysphagia: The aim is to provide undergraduate students with core theoretical knowledge on eating, drinking and swallowing disorders (dysphagia) across the lifespan. On qualification, students will be able to detect the presence or absence of dysphagia from case history and assessment, recognise the limitations of his/her competencies and make appropriate onward referral to more experienced SLTs as required.

Head and Neck Cancer and Tracheoesophageal Voice Restoration: The aim is to provide undergraduate students with core theoretical knowledge on oral and laryngeal cancer and its impact on speech, voice & swallowing; related treatment options and approaches including chemotherapy, chemoradiation, radiation therapy; and post- surgical tracheoesophageal voice restoration.

Module Content

Dysphagia: a) Nature, assessment, differential diagnosis and intervention in dysphagia across the lifespan b) Role and scope of practice of speech and language therapists in dysphagia on graduation c) Moral, legal and ethical issues in dysphagia intervention d) Evidence based clinical decision making e) Understanding the context of SLT service delivery for people with dysphagia.

Head and Neck Cancer and Tracheoesophageal Voice Restoration: f) Overview of carcinoma of the head and neck with specific reference to laryngeal cancer. g) Management; philosophy and principles of assessment and intervention h) Chemoradiation, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, tracheoesophageal voice restoration. i) SLT role in speech, voice and swallowing at all stages of management.

Recommended Reading List Dysphagia

47 SS module information 2014-2015 Arvedson, J. & Brodsky, L. (2002). Pediatric Swallowing and Feeding Assessment and Management. San Diego: Plural. Cichero, J. & Murdoch, B. (2006). Dysphagia: Foundation, Theory and Practice, Chichester: John Wiley Corbin-Lewis K, Liss, JM. & Scortino, K. (2005). Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of the Swallow Mechanism. New York: Delmar Groher, M. & Crary, M. (2009). Dysphagia: Clinical management in adults and children. Mosby Elsevier . Huckabee M. & Daniels, S. (2008). Dysphagia Following Stroke, Plural Publishing: San Diego. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (2012) Standards of Practice for Speech and Language Therapists on the Management of Feeding, Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia) IASLT. Leonard, R. & Kendall, K. (Eds). (2008). Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Planning: A Team Approach. 2nd Edition. San Diego: Plural Publishing, 2nd edition. Logemann, J. (1993). A Manual for the Videofluoroscopic Evaluation of Swallowing. 2nd Edition. Austin Tx: Pro-Ed. Logemann, J. (1998). Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders. 2nd Ed, Pro-Ed. Marks, L. & Rainbow, D. (2001). Working with Dysphagia. Speechmark Publishing. Miller, A. (1999). The Neuroscientific Principles of Swallowing and Dysphagia. San Diego: Singular Publishing. Reilly, S., Douglas, J. & Oates, J. (2004). Evidence Based Practice in Speech Pathology. London. Whurr. Rosenbek, J. & Jones, H. (2009). Dysphagia in Movement Disorders. San Diego: Plural. Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (2005). Clinical Guidelines. London: RCSLT. Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (2005). Communicating Quality 3. London: RCSLT. Rubin, J.S., Bradshaw, C. & Kelly, J.H. (2000). The Swallowing Manual. San Diego: Singular Publishing. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. (2010). Management of patients with stroke: identification and management of dysphagia: a national clinical guideline / Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Wolf, L.S. & Glass, R.P. (1992). Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Infancy. Therapy Skill Builders. Yorkston, K., Miller, A. & Strand, E. (1999). Management of Speech and Swallowing in Degenerative Diseases. Pro-Ed.

Laryngeal Cancer & and Tracheoesophageal Voice Restoration Bibliography will be given at commencement of lecture series and will relate to Journal articles

Assessment Details

Annual Examination: One 3-hour paper, 3 questions to be answered. (60%)

Irrespective of marks attained on continuous assessment assignments, students are required to achieve an overall mark of 35% or higher on the examination paper in order to pass this module overall.

Case Based Exercise: (15%).

48 One case based exercise to be submitted (from a choice of two). Maximum word limit 3000. Submission date 10th November 2014.

Students must pass this component. Should they fail to perform satisfactorily, they will be expected to resubmit the work in Hilary Term. Assignments that are re-submitted are eligible for a maximum mark of 40%.

Dysphagia Class Test: (25%). One ninety minute class test at end of course of lectures in Michaelmas term (11th December 2014).

This exam must be passed. Students who do not pass this exam are required to submit a specific assignment before the end of Hilary term. Assignments that are re-submitted are eligible for a maximum mark of 40%.

49 SS module information 2014-2015 Module Code SL4003 Module Name MANAGEMENT LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION ECTS weighting 10 Semester/term taught Michaelmas Term Contact Hours 24 hours lectures, 2 assignments 80, Total 204 Module Personnel Module co-ordinator and Lecturer - Dr I.P. Walsh Lecturers - Dr. M. Smith; Dr. C. Ni Cholmain; Dr. C. Jagoe

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students should be able to i. Work collaboratively with peers applying scientific literacy skills to report orally and in writing on aspects of language and communication impairments. Prog Outcomes 1, 3, 5 ii. Integrate and synthesise information from a range of sources and disciplines to prepare and deliver an oral presentation on a chosen topic in speech language pathology, conforming to pre-set presentation guidelines. Prog outcomes 1, 3, 7 iii. Critically evaluate the physical, sensory, social and emotional constraints which may influence communication development and use in clients with cognitive impairment. Prog outcomes 1,2,4 iv. Compare differing approaches and models in the assessment and delivery of services to clients with intellectual impairment and communication impairments. Prog outcomes 1, 2, 4 v. Apply principles of evidence based practice to critically evaluate programmes and approaches used in speech and language therapy service delivery to clients with intellectual impairment and their carers. Prog outcomes 1, 2, 4 vi. Identify and describe the range of options available to augment verbal communication for individuals with severe communication difficulties. Prog outcomes 1, 2, 4 vii. Evaluate augmentative and alternative communication possibilities in response to specific client needs and abilities. Prog outcomes 1, 2, 4 viii. Use a limited sign vocabulary (Lamh signs). Prog outcome 2, 3

Module Learning Aims Students will gain knowledge of speech and language therapy services to those with intellectual impairment in current international, national and local contexts. Students will develop awareness of the range of options available to augment verbal communication and an understanding of the principles influencing option selection and use. Students will develop competence in using a limited sign vocabulary (Lamh signs).

Module Content Intellectual Impairment a) Social, political, educational and medical contexts b) Service provision and service delivery across the life span c) Evidence base for generic and specific intervention approaches d) Eating, feeding and swallowing difficulties ' Challenging behaviours ' Augmentative communication approaches and basic introduction to LAMH e) Parent, carer and support staff education and training

50 Communication seminars f) Pairs of students will select and agree a topic with relevant lecturers and present the topic to the class in a seminar format. g) Topic categories (students must choose a specific topic within these topic categories): • Language/ communication development in children and adolescents • Developmental language and communication disorders (May include phonology or DVD but discussed within language/ linguistic context) • Acquired language and communication disorders (in children or adults)

Recommended Reading List (Intellectual Impairment) Background Harbour, CK, & Maulik, PK. (2011). History of Intellectual Disability. In: JH Stone, M Blouin, editors. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. Available online: Borthwick, C. (1996). Racism, IQ and Down's Syndrome, Disability and Society, Vol 11.3 pp 403-410. 13.7.2012

General Walking tour for students attending health and social care courses. Irish Association of speech and Language Therapists Inclusion Ireland // Europe ANNEX VIII: IRELAND report 2006 National Disability Authority A National Survey of Public Attitudes to Disability in Ireland October 2011 National Disability Authority National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Providing Services to People with Intellectual Disability Vision Statement for Intellectual Disability in Ireland for the 21st Century (2009) The Quality of Life of People with Disabilities in Ireland in 2007; Delivering Outcomes to People Project 2007 Learning disabilities on line The King’ s Fund The Change Agent Team British Institute of Learning Disabilities. Baker V., et al. (2010). Adults with learning disabilities (ALD) Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Position Paper. RCSLT: London RCSLT Resource Manual for commissioning and planning services for SLCN LEARNING DISABILITY (2009).

AAC ACE Centre Advisory Trust The CALL Centre Communicability Lamh Makaton YaacK AAC Connecting Young Kids

ASHA Policy and Practice pages 51 SS module information 2014-2015 Evidence Based Practice

Autism Guidelines for Speech-Language Pathologists in Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders Across the Life Span.

Challenging Behaviour Clinical and service guidelines for supporting people with learning disabilities who are at risk of receiving abusive or restrictive practices (March 2007) Royal College of Psychiatrists, British Psychological Society and Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Ball, T., Bush, A. & Emerson, E., (2004). Psychological Interventions for Severely Challenging Behaviours Shown by People With Learning Disabilities British Psychological Society Downloadable from

Consent Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 Copies of relevant Irish legislation available on publications/legislation

Accessible information[1].pdf Books Beyond Words - Online Versions Make it easy – a guide on accessible information for adults with Intellectual Disabilities (ID)

Down syndrome Down Syndrome Research and Practice Riverbend Down Syndrome Association Genetic and Rare Conditions Site Topic specific reading lists will be advised by lecturers and available on

Communication Seminars Oral presentation tips, check out:

Assessment Details

Annual Examination: 3-hour paper, 3 questions to be answered. (60%). Irrespective of marks attained on continuous assessment assignments, students are required to achieve an overall mark of 35% or higher on the Examination paper in order to pass this module overall.

Assessment 1: Seminars: (25%). Title of Seminar to be submitted on or before 17th October 2014. A draft of no more than 8 slides and a 1-page structured abstract to be submitted on or before Friday 7th November at 12 noon and signed in at Reception. Seminars commence 12th November. Seminars consist of

52 a15-minute presentation (12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes question time). Each presentation must be accompanied by a full bibliography of resources, submitted at time of presentation, with a copy of the final version of the slides used in the presentation (no more than 10 slides).

Assessment 2: Intellectual Impairment: (15%). Poster Presentation date 11th November 2014. Topics will be given to the class at the start of the module. Information should be presented in a professional poster format. Each group will be asked to give a short presentation which should not exceed 4 minutes. There will be an additional 4 minutes allowed for questions and discussion. A one page handout summarizing key points and including a full bibliography of resources should be submitted 24 hours before the scheduled presentation date/time.

53 SS module information 2014-2015 SS Seminar Evaluation Sheet Your oral presentations are evaluated on content, organization and delivery. This section of the evaluation sheet is structured around three main categories to provide clear feedback in terms of your presentation. Weighting is applied to content.

Student name: ______1. CONTENT:  Clear objective or thesis stated.  Confident knowledge of subject and use of relevant primary, up-to-date references.  Evidence of theoretical structure or systematic organisation of argument  Argument supported by evidence Comments/Notes:

2. ORGANISATION:  Notes prepared and/or obvious rehearsal.  Provide set or "hook" for listeners.  Listeners informed of key ideas to be discussed (i.e., structure).  Use of discourse markers to maintain focus on key issues (e.g., "the main idea is," "the second point I wish to make is," "In conclusion," etc.)  Provides closure for presentation by summarizing main points. Comments/Notes:

3. DELIVERY:  Clear delivery and appropriate volume.  Not read from script.  Appropriate modulation of voice to maintain listeners' attention.  Good use of eye contact with listeners.  Audio/visual materials appropriate for presentation (e.g., amount, use of, visibility, appearance, etc.)  Delivered in assigned time (i.e., not too long or too short).  Professional manner/appropriate for university class. Comments/Notes:

Summary : Overall grade (50% of marks): (Additional comments on back of sheet where required.)

STRUCTURED ABSTRACT  Conforms to format requirements as specified in handbook  Clearly outlines key theoretical focus of the presentation, referencing appropriate literature  Identifies target client group or disorder effectively  Structured argument clearly presented  Implications of the discussion for clinical understanding and/or clinical practice clearly outlined Additional comments: Overall grade (25% of marks):

Resource list  Accurate, and appropriately formatted and presented, with separate listing of journal and book resources  Evidences wide and appropriate reading  Up-to-date references Additional comments: Overall grade (25% of marks):

Summary grade for all three components:______

54 Module Code SL4007 Module Name CLINICAL PRACTICE ECTS weighting 15 Semester/term taught Michaelmas and Hilary terms Contact Hours 300 hours Module Personnel Module Coordinator and Practice Coordinator - Dr. C. Ni Cholmain. Examiners: Dr. M. Smith; C. Jagoe; Dr. I.P. Walsh; M. Leahy; Dr. P. Sloane and Regional Placement Facilitators, Practice tutors, Practice Educators

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students should demonstrate competency to evident or enhanced level at the entry level of the Student Clinical Competency Evaluation Indicators in their ability to i. apply clinical assessment, diagnostic skills and evidence based practice to case and caseload management (programme outcomes 1 2 3) ii. plan, devise, implement and evaluate long and short term therapy programmes independently for a range of clients/ communication profiles (programme outcomes 1 2 4) iii. discuss principles and evidence underlying therapy approaches and service delivery models (programme outcomes 1 4 5 7) iv. communicate information on diagnosis, therapy and professional recommendations effectively to clients, carers, and co workers orally and in writing (programme outcomes 1 4 27) v. evaluate own professional competencies and identify learning goals and resources to meet these (programme outcomes 4 568) vi. manage record keeping and caseload in accordance with agency policies (programme outcomes 6 7) vii. use knowledge of health, education and social supports when devising intervention programmes (programme outcomes 1 2 4 5 8)

Module Learning Aims The module provides students with opportunities to develop competency in assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementing and evaluating therapy programmes for clients with communication and/ or eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties and prepares them for work as new entrants to the profession.

Practice placements allow students to • apply knowledge and skills to the assessment, differential diagnosis and management of communication and eating, drinking and swallowing disorders. • generalise competencies developed with specific client groups to a range of client groups and disorders • apply the principles of assessment, intervention and service delivery to case management in a small caseload • understand the principles underlying speech and language therapy practice in a range of service settings

Module Content a) Clinical briefings b) Clinical workshops (5) 55 SS module information 2014-2015 c) Practice placements 3.1 and 3.2 d) Recommended Reading List Clinical assessments and test materials from the departmental test library Professional development log

Websites Professional, clinical and practice education guidelines Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Australian association National policies and guidelines National Health Strategy -downloadable from Children First. National Guidelines for the protection and welfare of children. Health Information and Quality Authority HIQA ( National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections A Guide to the National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections (Standards 1, 2:5 6and 7 are stressed as most relevant to practice education placements) Guidelines for Hand Hygiene in Irish Health Care Settings SARI Infection Control Subcommittee Health and Safety Authority ( Health and safety matters for students embarking on work experience Caring with Minimal Lifting. (this is for information only as students are not expected to lift patients unless specific training in this area is provided by the agency concerned) Employees' responsibilities Get a grip Stop slips and trips European agency for safety and health at work ( Risk Assessment European Safety Week/Fact Sheet no 80.pdf Students are required to read materials from the professional knowledge base relevant to their clients and the service setting, which will enable them to link and apply theory to case, caseload and service management. Additional resources will be supplied via e mail or

Assessment Details

Practice Placement 2.2: (10%) The assessment mark awarded for placement 2.2 is based on the student demonstrating competency in professional report writing. Two case reports are submitted in the final week of the JS block placement (Hilary Term) and are evaluated using 2.2.R Case reports evaluation. These reports should include: an assessment summary, diagnostic report with intervention recommendations in the report to referral sources and an onward referral to a speech and language therapist detailing assessment, case management and outcomes along with recommendation for further management. Mark contributes 10% towards the final year clinical grade, module SL4007

Continuous Assessment A Placement 3.1. (20%) The continuous assessment mark awarded for this placement is based on the student’ s developing competencies as demonstrated during the placement. The mark should reflect a formal evaluation in the middle and at the end of the placement on the Student Clinical Competency Evaluation Forms level 3. The mid placement session should be scheduled between clinical day 5 and day 6 of the placement and should include a full review of

56 student files. It is recommended that the clinical educator observe and discuss two therapy sessions, and provide the student with formal feedback by the completion of an evaluation form and a formal feedback session. Feedback is provided in order to allow the student to evaluate progress, set learning goals etc. Students should complete self- evaluation forms at this point also, to facilitate discussion and the identification of learning goals. If difficulties are encountered at the assessment or if more then 5 competencies are rated as not evident or emerging these should be discussed with the college mentor.

57 SS module information 2014-2015 Case Presentation Placement 3.1. (10%) Students are required to carry out detailed research on one client in preparation for a case presentation to be given in College, following placement completion. The case presentation will take place in the department with 2 college examiners on 12th December 2014 (to be confirmed). Presentations will be video recorded and retained for evaluation by the external examiner if necessary. Each student will be allocated a maximum of 10 minutes for the presentation and 2-3 minutes to answer questions. Marking criteria for this presentation are available in

Continuous Assessment Placement 3.2. (27%) The continuous assessment mark awarded for this placement should be based on the student’ s developing competencies as demonstrated during the placement. The mark should reflect a formal evaluation in the middle and at the end of the placement on the Student Clinical Competency Evaluation Forms level 3 based on observation of developing competencies in clinical practice. The mid placement session should be scheduled between clinical day 8 and day 12 of the placement and should include a full review of student files. It is recommended that the clinical educator observe and discuss two therapy sessions, including an unseen client if possible and provide the student with formal feedback by the completion of an evaluation form and a formal feedback session. Feedback is provided in order to allow the student to evaluate progress, set learning goals etc.

Clinical Exam Placement 3.2. (33%) The clinical examination can take place after the student has completed 12 clinic days. The examination is conducted by the practice educator and a regional placement facilitator, practice tutor or their nominated representative, or a member of the academic clinical staff. In a number of instances each year, the external examiner may undertake to act as moderator. During the clinical examination the student’ s files are examined and the student is observed working with two clients / patients. The clinical sessions are followed by a short viva. These are evaluated and graded using the relevant indicators from Student Clinical Competency Evaluation Form and indicators Level 3.

Submission of certified hours forms Dates for the submission of clinical hours forms will be notified to student. Students are required to submit their clinical hours form by this date. A penalty will be incurred for failure to submit these hours forms.

58 Module Code SL4008 Module Name ETHICS, ADMINISTRATION AND REFLECTION ON PRACTICE ECTS weighting 5 Semester/term taught Michaelmas Term Contact Hours 24 hours lectures (14 x Reflective Studies, 10 x Ethics & Administration) Module Personnel Module co-ordinator and lecturer – Dr. I. P. Walsh Lecturers - Dr. M. Smith; Dr. I.P. Walsh; Dr. C. Jagoe; Dr. K. McTiernan ; Dr. P. Sloane: Dr. C. Ni Cholmain.

Learning Outcomes

Ethics & Administration: On successful completion of this module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: i. the legal and ethical responsibilities of professional practice the professional, legal and ethical influences on case and caseload management and service delivery models (programme outcome 4) ii. current policies and procedures governing speech and language therapy service development and delivery programme outcome 4, 7) iii. the role of the speech and language therapist in the implementation of national guidelines for general health and safety and for the protection of children and vulnerable adults (programme outcome 4, 7)

Reflective Studies: On successful completion of this module, students should be able to iv. Synthesize and formalise knowledge of theoretical contexts, professional and service policies and procedures and disability models and roles acquired during the four year education programme (programme outcome 1, 4) v. Consolidate knowledge of the professional, ethical and legal guidelines which scaffold service delivery (programme outcome 1, 4, 7) vi. Draw on the knowledge acquired over the four years B.Sc curriculum and apply it appropriately to a general statement or problem set by examiners (programme outcome 2, 3, 5)

Module Learning Aims

Ethics & Administration This part of the module aims to bring together and formalise knowledge of professional and service policies and procedures acquired by students during the academic and clinical education programme. The rationale and aims include the provision of a strong basis for understanding ethical principles in health care and research, their application to therapy relationships and problem-solving within SLT, and to debate aspects of ethical dilemmas, quandaries and conflicts that may arise for therapists in the course of their work. Current health service policies and practice will be discussed, with emphasis on the role and responsibility of the SLT in the health care team. Professional responsibilities, covering legal and ethical practices are key components of the course.

Reflective Studies

59 SS module information 2014-2015 This part of the module aims to allow students to critically reflect on the wider issues underpinning the processes and practice of speech and language therapy as a discipline and as a profession. Furthermore, its aim is for students to ‘think outside the box’ while integrating their learning from cognate areas in psychology, linguistics and disability studies in general, and apply that learning to scholarly discussion and argument which may take into account global, societal and ethical considerations, along with concepts of culture, practice and diversity.

60 Module Content

Ethics & Administration a) The basis of ethics in philosophy; Codes of Ethics (IASLT; RCSLT; ASHA; CPLOL). b) Ethical, legal and professional responsibilities of clinical practice c) Best practice in SLT service and caseload management d) Ethical, professional and legal guidelines influences on service policies and service delivery. e) National guidelines for the safety and well being of clients f) Ethical, professional and legal guidelines for the protection of children and vulnerable adults g) Solving ethical dilemmas, quandaries and conflicts.

Reflective Studies The content of the Reflective Studies sessions is diverse in its scope, taking into account issues of relevance to the discipline, against a backdrop of critical argument and discussion. The lecturers involved will bring an eclectic mix of contemporary topics for consideration and debate. It is intended that such discussions will help to promote critical thinking and integration of ideas from a range of areas, including those related to concepts of culture, practice, difference and diversity, to name but a few. Topics may vary from year to year to reflect the ever-changing landscape of process and practice in speech and language therapy. Lecturers will provide relevant reading lists as appropriate to topics under discussion.

Recommended Reading List

Ethics & Administration Labon, S., Denton, R., Lansing, C., Scudder, R. & Shinn, R. (2007). Ethics Education. ASHA Handbook (available from M. Leahy’ s office). Pannbacker, M, Middleton, G.F. & Vekovius, G.T. (1996). Ethical Practices in Speech- Language Pathology and Audiology. San Diego: Singular Publishing. Professional development log – revision of professional, legal and ethical guidelines on consent to treat, data protection and clinical record keeping  Relevant extracts and summaries of The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1997 and Data Protection Acts 1997-2003  Examples of admission and discharge criteria form own clinical experience and from JS presentations (copy in Test cupboard 3). Review of policies and procedures documentation from service agencies collected during the clinical education programme.

Professional guidelines from ASHA Admission and discharge criteria for speech and language pathology Irish Association of Speech and Language therapists  Code of Ethics  Clinical Guidelines  Dligid Edteanga Aimsir: Time to speak. (1993). A Review of Speech & Language Therapy Services. Dublin: IASLT. Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. (1993). Audit - a manual for speech and language therapists. Clinical Guidelines. (2005). RCSLT. (available on-line to members or in Library). Communicating Quality 3. (2005). London: RCSLT.

61 SS module information 2014-2015 Health policies National Health Strategy – current policies downloadable from Clinical Standard operations procedures Consent: A guide for health and social care professionals 2013 register with HSELanD first using tcd email address OASIS - Detailed Public Service Information Online - Comhairle - citizen's information database - Irish Health Services Accreditation Board. h ttp:// Health Information and Quality Authority Health and Social Care Professionals Council - An Chomhairle um Ghairmithe Sláinte agus Cúraim Shóisialaigh

Protection of children and vulnerable adults Children First. National Guidelines for the protection and welfare of children. (2011) Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 7* Open Your Eyes to Elder Abuse International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Service models Macs manuals test cupboard 1

Evidence based practice Enderby, P. & John, A. (1997). Therapy Outcome Measures. San Diego: Singular Press. speechBITE™ is a database that provides open access to a catalogue of Best Interventions and Treatment Efficacy across the scope of Speech Pathology practice. EBP for range of client groups and communication /FEDS

Assessment Details

Reflective Studies: Annual Examination (60%) One 3-Hour Exam Paper: Reflective Studies (1 motion from a choice of 5 to be debated ‘ for ’ or ‘ against ’ , as stipulated by examiners on exam paper).

Ethics & Administration: Assessment (40%). Class Test (90 minutes) 2 questions to be answered. Date 28th October 2014. This exam must be passed. Students who do not pass this exam are required to submit a specific assignment before the end of Hilary term. Assignments that are re-submitted are eligible for a maximum mark of 40%.

62 Module Code SL4009 Module Name COUNSELLING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE ECTS weighting 5 Semester/term taught Michaelmas Term Contact Hours 24 hours lectures, total student input 100 Module Personnel Module coordinator and Lecturer- Dr. K. McTiernan

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: i. Identify, compare and contrast the major theoretical frameworks in Counselling Psychology ii. Outline the major theoretical perspectives and formulate their own congruent approach to working with clients which is based on empirical evidence and best practice principles iii. Review and critically evaluate the mainstream counselling and therapeutic approaches (mainly current psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural, and humanistic) as well as relevant theoretical issues encountered by counselling psychologists iv. Gain insight into the practical and theoretical importance of Counselling Psychology in clinical settings v. Obtain training in generic counselling skills that reflects the ability to combine several counselling approaches, if necessary, to address issues that may arise in the clinical setting vi. Apply Counselling theory using a range of basic counselling strategies, techniques and assessment methods with clients in the Speech and Language Therapy setting

Module Learning Aims 1. The aim of the course is to make students aware of the different theoretical frameworks in counselling psychology and to encourage them to formulate their own congruent approach to working with clients based on empirical evidence and best practice principles. 2. To facilitate this, students review in-depth and critically evaluate the mainstream counselling and therapeutic approaches (mainly current psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural, and humanistic) as well as relevant theoretical issues encountered by counselling psychologists. 3. Students will also obtain training in generic counselling skills and lectures on psychotherapy integration (assimilative or combining several theories). 4. By the end of the course, students will understand developmental issues and life transition points as they apply to counselling and Speech and Language Therapy and they will be able to use a range of basic counselling strategies, techniques and assessment methods with clients in the Speech and Language Therapy setting.

Module Content a) Theories and approaches to counselling b) Structure of counselling situations c) Stages of a counselling relationship d) Development of counselling skills e) Stress and stress management

63 SS module information 2014-2015 f) Specific applications relevant to Speech and Language Therapy g) Grief counselling h) Family systems therapy i) Practical application of module content is linked to the practice of Speech and Language Therapy throughout the series of lectures in the module

64 Recommended Reading List Corey, G. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (6th Ed). UK: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. Corey, G., Corey, M.S. & Callanan, P. (2010). Issues and ethics in the helping professions. Cengage Learning. Corey, M.S. & Corey, G. (2010). Becoming a helper. Cengage Learning. Crowe, T. A. (2012). Application of Counselling in SLP and Audiology. Cengage Learning. Culley, S. (2011). Integrative counselling skills in action. London: Sage. Egan, G. (2010). The Skilled Helper. Cengage Learning. Flasher, L.V. & Fogle, P.T. (2011). Counseling Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Cengage Learning. Fontana, D. (1989). Managing Stress. Methuen/BPS. Holland, A.L. & Nelson, R.L. (2013). Counselling in communication disorders: A wellness perspective. Plural Publishing. Hough, M. (2002). A practical approach to counselling. Pitman. Humphrey, G. & Zimpfler, D. (1996). Counselling for Grief and Bereavement. Sage. Kubler-Ross, E. (1997). Living with Death and Dying. Touchstone. Kubles-Ross, E. (1997). On Death and Dying. Touchstone. Nelson-Jones, R. (2012). Introduction to counselling skills: Text and activities. Sage. Parry, G. (1993). Coping with Crises. Routledge.

Assessment Details Annual Examination: 100%. One 3 hour Exam paper (3 questions to be answered).

65 SS module information 2014-2015 Module Code SL4SHC Module Name RESEARCH PROJECT ECTS weighting 15 Semester/term taught Michaelmas and Hilary terms Contact Hours 24 hours contact, 144 guided study, Project write up 150, Total 318 hours Module Personnel Module Co-ordinator– Dr. K. McTiernan Supervisors and examiners: Academic Staff in the School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Sciences

Learning Outcomes Students should be able to i. demonstrate in depth knowledge on a particular topic. ii. develop and implement a research methodology, with critical evaluation of the process and the outcome of the research. iii. apply in depth knowledge in a specific area and demonstrate skills in reporting research according to a pre-specified format.

Specifically, students will: iv. Apply critical analysis to a review of aspects of the literature v. Devise and implement a research methodology vi. Present results and critically evaluate same vii. Discuss findings viii. Present a written project in a professional format

Module Learning Aims The aim of the Sophistor Research Project is to give students experience of empirical research. The project provides students with the opportunity to bring a research project through the stages of the research process, from the development of a research question to the design of the study, collection and analysis of data and the dissemination of findings.

Module Content a) Application of critical analysis to a review of aspects of the literature b) Development and implementation of a research methodology c) Collection and analysis of data d) Presentation results and critical evaluation same e) Discussion of findings f) Presentation of a written project in a professional format

Recommended Reading List Booth, W.C., Colmb, G.G. & Williams, J.M. (2008). The craft of research. Chicago: The Chicago University Press. Bell, J. (2010). Doing your own research project. Open University Press. Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. & Tight, M. (2010). How to do Research. McGraw Hill. Coakes, S.J. (2012). SPSS: Analysis without anguish. Wiley. Coleman, A. & Pulford, B. (2011). A crash course in SPSS for windows. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

66 Howell, D.C. (2010). Fundamental statistics for the behavioural sciences. London: Duxbury Press. Murray, R. (2011). How to write a thesis. McGraw Hill. Oliver, P. (2008). Writing your thesis. London: Sage. Pallant, J. (2010). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using spss. McGraw Hill. Robson, C. (2011). Real world research. Wiley.

Assessment Details Submission Date 23rd January 2015 Each student is required to carry out an independent research project on a topic in the area of human communication and swallowing. Students must have completed the research requirements of the Junior Sophister year. Where possible, students will continue their research work under the supervision of the member of staff assigned during the JS year. A statistics package, involving practical application of computer software, is taught in term 1 of SS year. This introduces students to the range of packages available for data analysis. Students should allow enough time to submit drafts to their supervisors of Chapter 1 Literature Review, Chapter 2 Methodology and Chapter 3 Results, to allow timely feedback. The supervisor will read TWO drafts ONLY of work submitted. GENERAL GROUP FEEDBACK will be given following the first submission and INDIVIDUAL WRITTEN FEEDBACK will be given for the second submission. Students are required to submit 2 softbound copies of their dissertation, accompanied by a signed assignment submission sheet. One copy will be retained in the Department. Students are advised to also keep a copy for themselves, as it may not be possible to return copies following the Court of Examiners’ meeting. Projects should be submitted typed, 1.5 spacing on A4 paper and secured in a suitable lightweight binder, with transparent front cover. One copy will remain the property of the University. Punctuation, spelling, and grammatical usage are the responsibility of the student and must be proofread and corrected before submission. Word Limit: 8,000 – 10,000 words unless approval given by supervisor to exceed this limit. Students should include a printed word count on the last page of their project. In special circumstances, an extension of the word limit may be granted for qualitative studies that require more discursive detail, only after the project supervisor has given due consideration the word limit extension form, submitted by the student requesting the increase in word limit. Students who exceed the word count without the prior permission of their supervisor will be liable for a penalty of 5% of overall project marks, on the advice of the examiners.

Students must also include a copy of the ethics approval granted for their project as Appendix A of the project submission.

67 SS module information 2014-2015 Essential discourse sample extracts and/or table of results, included within the body of the project to support the reader, should be placed in boxed figures, and excluded from the word count of the project. Students should evaluate carefully the extent to which such extracts are necessary for full appreciation of the project.

Abstracts should be 400-500 words and should have a structured format. Guidelines on structured abstracts are available from Dr Kathleen McTiernan, or can be referenced from journal papers.

References: Students should avoid secondary referencing in general and avail more of journal references

Please refer to your Project Notes handouts for more details.

68 Using ‘ people-first ’ language in writing. There has recently been a move away from referring to people as ‘ SLI children ’ , ‘Down ’ s children ’ or ‘ HI children ’ to using ‘ people-first ’ language when referring to subjects and subject-groups. The maxim to ‘ put the person first ’ results in descriptors such as ‘ children with SLI, Down syndrome, hearing impairment ’ . The use of such language reflects the editorial policy set by most professional journals and should be reflected in your written work. Below, extracts are reproduced from journals in the USA and UK on this issue:

People first, please!

Since August 1993… contributors to all ASHA publications have been encouraged to avoid designations that ignore the person in favour of a characteristic possessed by the person: it is the child who stutters or the individual with aphasia that writing correctly addresses and not the ‘stutterer ’ or the ‘ aphasic ’ . This policy was developed to treat consumers with respect and sensitivity. In general: place the person first; never lose sight of the person as the primary identifier. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, September 1994, p.10. Similarly, the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders states “ it is journal policy to avoid the use of clinical conditions as adjectives, except where an alternative working is clumsy. Thus we prefer to refer to ‘ children with hyperactivity ’ rather than ‘ hyperactive children ’ . Referring to people as ‘ hyperactives ’ , ‘normals ’ , ‘ autistics ’ , ‘ aphasics ’ , ‘ retardates ’ etc. is to be avoided. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, Notes to Referees, 1998.

69 SS module information 2014-2015 Project Marking Criteria STUDENT NAME GRADE: EXAMINER:

Grade I 70 – 100 % Grade 2.I 60 – 69 % Grade 2.II 50 – 59 % Grade III 40 – 49% Fail I 30 – 39% Fail II 0 – 29% Research question(s) or basis for project Exceptional overall: Very good overall: Good overall: Adequate overall: Inadequate overall: Qu. not Very poor overall: Clear specific focus; Clear specific focus; Clear focus; Project focus + clear; Confused aims/focus; Failure to state Explicit, precise, Well-defined aims; Clear Achievable aims; appropriate aims, Aims not clearly stated or not question(s), objective achievable aims & justification for study. Justified rationale for study. mostly achievable; achievable; No justification. and/or the aim(s). No justification for study. Reasonable justification. attempt to justify the project. Review of previous work Superior literature review; Comprehensive relevant Wide relevant reading, Satisfactory mostly Literature review has errors Extremely weak Clear understanding of reading; Evaluates previous evaluated critically; relevant reading; and/or omissions; does not literature review, w theory; work critically; Effective account of position Evaluated adequately; adequately address factual errors; Omits key Literature critically Strong account of position of of research or project. Satisfactory account of theoretical issues; references; evaluated; Compelling project. position of research Unsatisfactory reading; No serious attempt to account of position of project. Evaluation inadequate. evaluate; No position research project. acc. Methodology Innovative, creative Very strong exposition of Sound exposition of Familiarity with key Some familiarity with key Lacks familiarity with approach; issues; Persuasive rationale issues; issues; issues but inadequate; key methodological Excellent exposition of for approach & data collection Rationale for approach & Adequate rationale for Inadequate rationale for issues issues; Insightful rationale methods; data collection; Reliable approach & data approach & data collection; Omits rationale for for approach & data Reliable & valid methods OR and/or valid methods OR collection; Appropriate methods, but research, data collection; collection; highly relevant information; useful & appropriate Appropriate methods, without any awareness of Inappropriate methods Reliable & valid methods Evaluates method. information; but lacks awareness of reliability & validity issues without awareness of OR systematically gathered Awareness of strengths & reliability & validity Limited evaluation. reliability & validity; No relevant data; Critical weakness of approach. issues; demonstrated evaluation. awareness of strengths & Some awareness of weaknesses evaluation. Analysis of data (= results, information and/or findings) Superior presentation & Uses best analytical Valid analytical techniques Acceptable analytical Unacceptable analytical No serious attempt at thorough analysis of techniques & approaches; & approaches used; largely techniques & techniques & approaches data analysis or results Coherent, logical, clear, coherent, logical, clear, approaches; Unacceptable presentation; management; Exceptional analysis of data succinct presentation; succinct presentation; Acceptable, generally lacks coherence; Limited or Unacceptable , unclear; with critical and/or V. strong evaluation & Systematic analysis; gen. coherent, logical, clear, unsatisfactory evidence of No serious attempt at innovative use of application of theory; thorough, accurate and/or succinct; analysis; evaluation & application techniques; Critically rigorous; Robust Thorough data analysis – Satisfactory evaluation Clear and multiple errors in of theory; Major errors uses techniques or creates evaluation & application of & application of theory; analysis. in data analysis new ones; Superior accurate & rigorous. theory No more than one presentation, logical, clear, Minor errors in data succinct; major error in data analysis analysis, with other elements of analysis appropriately chosen

General Information Handbook 2014-2015 and carried out

Grade I 70 – 100 % Grade 2.I 60 – 69 % Grade 2.II 50 – 59 % Grade III 40 – 49% Fail I 30 – 39% Fail II 0 – 29% Discussion and Interpretation of Findings

Superior critical Substantial exploration of Explores some limits and Adequate review of current Some review of Inadequate review of work, evaluation & discussion of limits and strengths of strengths of current knowledge with awareness knowledge but with gaps; its limitations and strengths. findings for UG; current knowledge; knowledge; of limits and strengths; Weak contribution to Inadequate contribution to Excellent placement of Small contribution to the Situates findings in light of Adequate contribution to theory, research and/or theory, research or practice work in context of literature; development of current current knowledge theory, research or practice practice but with with many and significant Meticulous and theory, research or practice significant gaps; gaps evident. substantial exploration of Simplified interpretation Overall, shows a poor limits/strengths of of topic, with errors. understanding of topic. knowledge; Potential innovative contribution to theory, research, practice


Exemplary presentation, Very good logical flow & Good flow & cohesion; Most sections flow well ; Few sections flow well; Project overall lacks flow of publishable potential; cohesion; Findings presented effectively Findings presented Findings in ALL areas & cohesion Findings presented Findings presented for the most part competently, but room for need improvement Findings not well presented ; effectively; effectively Appropriate presentation for improvement; Inadequate presentation Many revisions required; Best presentation Effective & appropriate purpose; Appropriate & Adequate presentation for for purpose; Visuals unsatisfactory; consistent in-text referencing approach for purpose & presentation approaches for purpose & audience Inappropriate referencing Inadequate presentation for audience; purpose & audience Accurate reference list Appropriate & consistent in- in text; purpose & audience; Appropriate & consistent in- Appropriate in-text Appropriate language, clear & text referencing; Significant errors in Unacceptable referencing; text referencing; referencing accurate, with some errors Some inconsistencies references ; In Unacceptable Accurate & complete ref. Accurate reference list Very good command of and/or omissions in appropriate language with reference list; significant errors; inconsistencies and/or list Appropriate language, grammar & spelling; some omissions in reference list Appropriate language used: clear, accurate & effective typos present. Appropriate language used, Satisfactory command with errors and typos. clear, with maximum effect; with some / significant of grammar & spelling; Excellent command of errors; Good grammar & but many typos. Outstanding grammar & grammar & spelling; very spelling; but several spelling, and editing. few typos typos.

Supervisor’ s Comments, including level of supervision (10% of marks to be awarded to the research process)

First Examiner: ______Second Examiner: ______Date: ______

General Information Handbook 2014-2015

Recommended publications