Youth Development and Educational Support (YDES)

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Youth Development and Educational Support (YDES)

Question and Answer Youth Development and Educational Support (YDES)

2016 Request for Proposal

Question Answer 1 Are agencies located outside of the Applicants located outside of the City of Seattle are eligible to apply for the City of Seattle but serving Seattle YDES RFP if the following eligibility criteria are met: (1) The agency is youth eligible for the Youth providing services inside the Seattle City limits, (2) The agency holds a Seattle Development and Educational business license, and (3) The agency serves Seattle residents or students Support RFP? attending the Seattle Public School District (SPS). Applications should only include the number of Seattle residents or SPS students the program intends to provide services to and a plan for how this information will be documented in contract reporting. 2 The materials make very clear that The Youth Development and Educational Support RFP allows for youth in the eligible participants must be in the 6th to 12th grades which may include youth ages 11 to 21. 6th to 12th grade age range. Is it fair to interpret that eligible participants be ages 12-17 year old? Or, is there some fluidity? 3 Can an agency submit more than Yes, however this is a competitive process and separate applications will be one application for different competing against one another for funding awards. programs? 4 There is data showing Southeast Southeast Asian youth are part of the YDES priority population under “youth Asian youth should be listed as a of color.” Additionally, page 12 of the YDES RFP Guidelines and Application focus population in the YDES RFP, states, “Proposals that clearly describe a plan to address significant needs how does HSD make sure that this among other populations will also be considered.” The applicant can provide population will have the same data that reflect the proposed target population. The application will be weight in the proposal rating as reviewed and rated with the same weight as a focus population. those in the focus population? 5 What’s the difference between The priority community is a broad group of program participants HSD has priority communities and focus prioritized to serve as part of the YDES RFP. Focus populations will be a population? subset of the priority community, and will be racial or ethnic population(s), showing the greatest disparities and need based on population level data prescribed for the desired result indicator. Please refer to the YDES Theory of Change on page 6 to 7, of the YDES RFP Guidelines and Application.

Updated May 26, 2016 (V.2.0 - 2016) Question Answer 6 The focus population falls within Yes the priority communities? 7 What is the frequency for the Monthly evaluation of focus populations achieving outcomes? 8 If an agency is applying for both Yes, applicants applying for a combined Youth Development and Educational youth development and Support program may propose a % of Educational Support performance educational support funding, do all commitments and a % of Youth Development performance commitments. of the performance commitments apply? 9 If an agency is applying for one Yes (either youth development or educational support), is there only one set of performance commitments? 10 Can you please clarify the page Maximum 10 page limit on proposals applying for one program area - either limit for programs applying for one Educational Support or Youth Development. program area or two program Maximum 12 page limit on proposals applying for combined program areas – areas? both Educational Support and Youth Development. 11 Are applicants allowed to fax or No. Please see page 22, of the YDES RFP Application Section I. Submission email applications? Instructions & Deadline. 12 When an agency submits an Applicants will receive an auto-generated email confirming receipt. application online, how will they know it’s received? 13 Is there an expectation on the No. The proposed number of youth served and the proposed number of number of youth served and performance commitments will be reviewed, evaluated and rated against number of outcomes? other proposals. Proposals will be selected and rated based on the intensity, frequency, and quality of services. 14 Does HSD expect services to be Amended Response: Applicants should describe their program, including provided during school break times hours and days, in the application. (spring break, holidays, etc.)? 15 How has the total funding available This RFP is focused on middle and high school students. Current HSD through this RFP changed based on contracts focused on elementary school-aged programming are not included the change in age range? in this RFP. 16 Why is HSD funding 6 to 8 agencies The YDES RFP will fund 6 to 8 proposals to allow for a more focused in this RFP? investment to strengthen the agency response and provide for more Question and Answer Youth Development and Educational Support (YDES)

2016 Request for Proposal

Question Answer adequate support, staffing, and administration to achieve greater performance commitment results. 17 What funding sources are included The YDES RFP fund source combines the youth development and academic in this RFP? support funding that was released in 2006 and 2007. 18 What recommendations can be Amended Response: Applicants should describe their program model, which provided for programs with may include their location(s), and explain how their model impacts the multiple sites? participants and achieves performance commitments.

19 Can job training programs qualify, Applicants should describe how the proposed activities will enhance the including stipends? youth development and educational support program, and how the activities will meet RFP performance commitments. 20 Are students not enrolled in public Participants are not required to be enrolled in school. Please refer to section schools eligible for programming? C. Criteria for Eligible Clients page 10, of the YDES RFP Guidelines and Application document for more information. 21 What is a true robust program? The agency should propose its strategy, and describe what they think is robust. The RFP is not prescriptive. 22 Total funding availability of The RFP states HSD may fund 6 to 8 proposals. It is expected that some $842,000 awarded to 6 to 8 applicants will apply for 100% program costs and some applicants will apply agencies. How do agencies for funding that will be blended with other fund sources to fund a portion of accommodate two staff off of a the program staff. potential annual budget of $105,000 - $140,000? 23 When proposals are rated, would Applications will be rated on the program strategy and performance applying for 100% program funding commitments and not the percentage of the program budget request. negatively affect the applicants Proposals will be selected and rated based on the intensity, frequency, and rating or make the applicant less quality of services. competitive? 24 Within educational support, there Yes, but applicants should describe in the proposal narrative how they will are two performance commitments serve program participants from both performance commitment areas. an agency can choose. Can an

Updated May 26, 2016 (V.2.0 - 2016) Question Answer agency choose both? 25 With the calendar year funding, can Contract negotiations with agencies will take timing into consideration. performance commitments be adjusted given the school year and the calendar year do not coincide? 26 Please provide an example of a Formal partnerships require a signed letter of intent. Examples could include, formal partnerships? shared space or shared staffing. 27 If two agencies wanted to partner Yes, as long as it's a formal partnership and the application specifies roles and for the RFP would it be considered? responsibilities of each partner.

28 If agencies partner would HSD want Yes one agency to be the lead?

29 What's the possibility of multiyear Once an agency is awarded funding, the funding is awarded through a year- funding? to-year contract depending on funding availability and program performance, typically for up to four years, after which the agencies will have to reapply for funding through a competitive funding process. 30 Can transportation and snacks be Yes included in the proposal budget? 31 Will programs that take place Amended Response: HSD encourages applicants to ensure proposed during school time be considered? programs meet the RFP performance commitments. The RFP specifies out- of-school time hours. If an agency is proposing to serve youth during in school time, please describe why in school time program hours would be beneficial for the specific program participants. 32 If a program currently has a Amended Response: HSD encourages applicants to ensure proposed contract for educational support programs meet the RFP performance commitments. The RFP specifies out- programs that operate during of-school time hours. If an agency is proposing to serve youth during in school hours, will such a program school time, please describe why in school time program hours would be be eligible to re-apply? beneficial for the specific program participants. 33 If an agency decides to apply for Program applicants applying for a combined Youth Development and both parts of the RFP, will they Educational Support program will follow the same staffing guidelines as an apply for two more FTEs? In other applicant applying for Youth Development or Educational Support. Staffing words, two FTE for Youth should include two fulltime staff or a combination of fulltime and part-time Development and 2 FTE for staff equivalent to two fulltime employees (page 16, of the YDES RFP Educational Support? Guidelines and Application). Please describe your proposed staffing model and how it meets the needs of the youth while maintaining quality Question and Answer Youth Development and Educational Support (YDES)

2016 Request for Proposal

Question Answer programming standards. 34 Are there examples of other This is a new funding process with new criteria. No awards have been programs that are awarded? announced for this process, therefore, nothing can be shared to adequately provide an example. 35 Is HSD specifically looking for new HSD is looking for applicants to respond to the current YDES RFP, whether programs or established programs they are new or currently contracted providers. who are already providing services and in need of funding? 36 For program quality, does HSD Applicants should detail the process your program uses for on-going program want applicants to include actual quality improvement. Please refer to page 14, “Program Best Practice” scores of the program quality section, of the YDES RFP Guidelines and Application document for more assessment or detail the process? information. 37 Our agency is serving students with Please share how your program participants fall into the priority communities special needs which is not a focus and focus populations. population. What if students fall into the focus population and also special needs? 38 Where can our agency find Please find insurance information on page 17, of the YDES RFP Guidelines and minimum qualifications for Application. insurance?

39 Are there any regulations around HSD has no regulations around enhancing existing FTEs, however HSD enhancing existing FTEs? anticipates there will be requests for full FTEs and partial FTEs in the YDES RFP proposals. 40 In addition to reporting on focus Amended Response: Please refer to the Milestones and Performance populations meeting performance Commitments table on page 15, of the YDES RFP Guidelines and Application commitments monthly, what about document. Further information about reporting will be included in contract other outcomes? Will there be negotiation. more qualitative or quantitative reporting?

Updated May 26, 2016 (V.2.0 - 2016) Question Answer 41 Is there a minimum requirement on No. Applicants should describe their program, including hours and days, in number of hours of service per the application. day? 42 White Center annexation has not White Center has not yet been incorporated into the City of Seattle. It is still been confirmed. What are the unincorporated King County. Please refer to the answer for question #1. requirements for location of services?

43 Does the YDES RFP allow for Yes subcontracts?

44 What financial documents are Please find a list of required financial documents on page 28, Section IV of required once an agency has met the YDES RFP Application. minimum eligibility for the YDES RFP? 45 Regarding qualification of Please find agency minimum eligibility requirements on page 16, Section VII applications - can an applicant have of the YDES RFP Guidelines and Application. a UBI only or does the applicant need to be a non-profit? 46 If an applicant agency wanted to HSD will require the contracted agency to provide a roster of their agency’s apply using a fiscal sponsor, would current Board of Directors and minutes from that agency’s last three Board of the minutes of the last three board Directors meetings. If the agency does not have a board of directors and is meetings be that of the fiscal contracting with a fiscal agency HSD will require the fiscal agency to provide a agency’s board? roster of their agency’s current Board of Directors and minutes from that agency’s last three Board of Directors meetings. 47 Are youth stipends or incentives See answer to question #20. okay in the budget?

48 Are the six to eight awardees based Please find information on page 3, of the YDES RFP Guidelines and on the budget? Could it be more Application. than eight?

49 Is there a specific amount of Amended Response: No, the proposed budget should reflect the scope of funding that applicants could apply work. HSD reserves the right to partially fund a proposal and will negotiate for? Are there guidelines or could the terms, as needed. applicants ask for all the funding? Question and Answer Youth Development and Educational Support (YDES)

2016 Request for Proposal

Question Answer 50 How many agencies are interested? HSD cannot verify how many agencies may be interested in this funding opportunity, however, for those agencies that gave consent on the information session sign-in sheet, HSD will post the sign-in sheet online. 51 Is there a point at the end of this HSD encourages agencies to collaborate, the on-line sign-in sheet will provide RFP where applicants can connect? agencies opportunities to connect before the RFP proposals are due. Will there be those opportunities? 52 So far there has been a focus on Amended Response: HSD encourages applicants to ensure proposed after school programs. In the RFP programs meet the RFP performance commitments. The RFP specifies out- the term out-of-school time is of-school time hours. If an agency is serving youth who have dropped out of utilized. In our program students school, please describe why in school time program hours would be come during the school day, but beneficial for your specific program participants. they are for students who may have dropped out. Would this count? 53 If the youth are out of school, do Yes they have to reside in Seattle? 54 Will HSD fund physical activity that Yes. Please find program service information on page 13, of the YDES RFP meets performance commitments Guidelines and Application. but is not a sports league? 55 Do all of the performance Applicants who apply for the Educational Support programming area can commitments apply to 6th through choose one or more of the a.- d. verification methods under performance 12th grade students? In particular, commitment “# of youth from focus populations and priority communities does “receive a minimum of 5 make academic progress” (page 15, of the YDES RFP Guidelines and credits for current school year” Application). Choose the verification method which best reflects the work for middle schoolers, since proposed focus population. credits toward graduation aren’t yet tracked for them? 56 Will the contracts resulting from Contracts resulting from the YDES RFP will initially contract for January to this RFP be on a January to December 2017 programming. Contract negotiations beyond that timeline December 2017 schedule, as will take school year timing into consideration.

Updated May 26, 2016 (V.2.0 - 2016) Question Answer opposed to a September to August school year schedule? 57 To confirm, for the actual Correct, there is no application form, however there is a brief contact application "form," there's no pre- information page to fill out on the funding website and other templates made form and/or template for provided (budget worksheets and application cover sheet). Narrative organizations to fill out, correct? responses can be provided on a Word document. Please find the application Can organizations answer the checklist information on page 29, of the YDES RFP Application. guiding questions on a "blank word document" (provided it meets all the formatting criteria) and submit that through the HDS funding website? 58 If the staff members funded by HSD encourages applicants to ensure proposed programs meet the RFP these monies are embedded in performance commitments. The RFP specifies out-of-school time hours due schools doing work with students to the risks youth can encounter during unsupervised time when both during school hours and after parents/guardians work or are busy tending to younger siblings. If an agency school, does the frequency of is proposing to serve youth during in school time, please describe why in afterschool hours play a big part in school time program hours would be beneficial for the specific program the scoring? If this funding is more participants. focused on week-long or Mon- Thurs/ Mon-Fri afterschool engagement activities will fewer weekly afterschool engagements paired with alternative scheduled activities be considered? 59 The Guidelines and Application Yes, applicants can apply to serve youth who may achieve outcomes in both document lists two Performance PC1 and PC2. However, compensation will be for achieving one, performance Commitments under Educational commitment for the educational support category. Support separated by an “Or.” Question 24 in the Questions and Answers document states that an Agency can choose both commitments. If we choose both commitments, can we report a student who successfully achieves both commitments for PC1 and Question and Answer Youth Development and Educational Support (YDES)

2016 Request for Proposal

Question Answer PC2? 60 Can AmeriCorps and management Yes. Program staff are expected to have experience working with youth from staff that support direct services in the focus and priority communities as well as an understanding of their our program count towards the 2 cultural backgrounds, needs, and challenges in order to provide culturally FTE requirement? competent youth development and educational support services. Staff should also have knowledge of the developmental needs of youth, education in the program area, and skills and ability to provide high quality services. (Please refer to page 16, of the YDES RFP Guidelines and Application). 61 I wanted to see if the Foundation I See answer to question #45. work for is eligible to submit a grant for the Youth Development and Educational Support opportunity that is coming up.

Updated May 26, 2016 (V.2.0 - 2016)

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