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BBC news with Neil Nunes

Egypt’s Supreme Election Commission says the new constitution has been approved by almost 64% of voters. Announcing the official results of the referendum, Judge Samir Abul al-Maati said the commission had investigated all the complaints of irregularities. Bethany Bell is in Cairo.

Almost two years after the fall of Egypt’s authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak, Egypt has a new constitution. It’s a victory for President Mohammed Morsi and his Islamist supporters. He says it will bring stability to the country. It paves the way for parliamentary elections in the next two months. But it’s very controversial, critics say it has an Islamist agenda and allows Muslim clerics too greater say in determining legislation. The opposition says it will continue to fight against the constitution in parliament.

Opposition sources in Syria have said the commander of Syria’s military police Major General Abdulaziz al-Shalal has defected to join the rebels. There’s been no independent confirmation. He would be the highest ranking military police officer to defect since the beginning of the conflict in Syria nearly two years ago.

Security forces in Northern Nigeria say gunmen have opened fire in a predominantly Christian village, killing 5 people and injuring 4 others. A military spokesman told the BBC the attackers fired at worshippers in a small local church during midnight mass on Christmas Eve. Tomi Oladipo reports from Lagos.

Nigerian security services had given indications that were scaling up their operations this festive of season, but it appears these plans have not prevented another attack from happening. Residents of Peri village in Yobe state say a group of gunmen came to the village and headed straight to the church where they opened fire on worshippers. Local officials say some residents of the village fled their homes during the attack and have not returned. It’s not clear who was behind the attack, but Yobe state has been one of the scenes of violence in northern Nigeria led by the Islamist group Boko Haram.

A military plane with 27 people on board has crashed in Kazakhstan near the border with Uzbekistan. A senior figure in the Kazakh emergencies department told the media that the plane had burnt up and that only fragments remained. BBC’s Abdujalil Abdurasulov reports from Almaty.

The Antonov 72 plane was taking 20 soldiers from the capital Astana to their duty station in the southern city of Shymkent. The acting head of the border services agency was among the passengers. It is not clear if any of them has survived, but Russian news agency Interfax reports they all died. The plane crashed some 20 kilometers away from its destination as it was descending to land. A local citizen told Kazakh TV that the plane exploded like a bomb.

BBC World News

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Queen Elizabeth has given her traditional Christmas address to the Commonwealth speaking of 2012 as a year of fellowship, friendship and the spirit of togetherness. In a televised speech, the Queen said those qualities had been demonstrated in the celebrations for her diamond jubilee, which marked the 60th year of her reign.

“The enthusiasm which greeted the diamond jubilee was a course, especially memorable for me and my family. It was humbling that so many chose to mark the anniversary of a duty which passed to me 60 years ago. People of all ages took the trouble to take part in various ways and in many nations. But perhaps most striking of all was the witnesses of strength of fellowship and friendship among those who would gather together on these occasions.”

Polices in New York state have given more details of the killing of two volunteer firefighters shot dead on Monday after being lured to a place set as a trap by a man who then killed himself. The Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering said the assailant William Spengler left a note saying he wanted to do what he liked best, killing people. He said William Spengler had serious mental health problems and had been armed with three guns.

The Interior Ministry in Ukraine says one of its helicopters has crashed, killing 5 people on board. Three of the dead were crew and the other two were engineers. The aircraft came down shortly after takeoff in the city of Olexandriya in the Kirovograd region. The interior ministry said the cause of the crash’s being investigated.

One of Britain’s most versatile composers Sir Richard Rodney Bennett has died in New York. Aged 76. He had a distinguished career in classical music. He was also a prolific writer of film and television scores, earning 3 Oscar nominations.

BBC world news


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埃及最高选举委员会称新宪法以近 64%的支持率通过。Judge Samir Abul al-Maati 宣布了公投的官方结果 称委员会已调查有关违规行为的诉讼。Bethany Bell 在开罗报道。

就在埃及独裁统治者侯赛尼·穆巴拉克倒台两年后,埃及终于有了一部新宪法。这对总统穆罕默德·穆尔 西及其支持者来说是场胜利,他说新宪法将给埃及带来稳定,并为两个月后的议会选举铺平道路。但公投 导致诸多争议,批评者称这是伊斯兰的议程,使得穆斯林阿訇在立法上拥有更大话语权。反对派称将继续 在议会反对这部宪法。

来自叙利亚反对派的消息称,叙利亚军队警察少将 Abdulaziz al-Shalal 已叛变加入叛军。目前尚无对此 消息的独立确认,这是自两年前叙利亚冲突开始以来变节的最高军阶的军官。

尼日利亚北部安全部队称武装人员在一个基督教为主的村庄开枪,杀死 5 人,伤及另外 4 人。军队发言人 告诉 BBC,袭击者在平安夜子夜弥撒时对当地一座小教堂的礼拜者开火。Tomi Oladipo 在拉各斯报道。

尼日利亚安全部队表示将在这个节日季节加大军事行动,但事实看来这些计划并未阻止任何袭击的发生。 约贝州佩里村居民称一群武装人员来到村子,径直走向教堂并向礼拜者开枪。当地官员称一些村民在袭击 发生时逃离家园,至今未归。尚不清楚袭击者的来历,但约贝州一直是伊斯兰博科圣地组织在尼日利亚的 入侵地。

一架承载 27 人军用机在与乌兹别克斯坦接壤的哈萨克斯坦境内坠毁。哈萨克紧急部门一名高级人员告诉媒 体,这架飞机已烧毁,只剩碎片。BBC 记者 Abdujalil Abdurasulov 在阿拉木图报道。

这架安东诺夫 72 飞机载着 20 名士兵从首都阿斯塔纳到他们在南部城市奇姆肯特的工作地。边境服务处主 任是机上乘客之一,尚不清楚是否有人幸存,但俄罗斯新闻机构国际传真社报道称机上人员全部遇难。这 架飞机坠落在将要降落时坠毁在据目的地 20 公里处。当地人告诉哈萨克电视台,称这架飞机像炸弹一样爆 炸了。

伊丽莎白女王向英联邦发表传统的圣诞致辞,称 2012 年是充满友谊和团结精神的一年。女王在电视讲话中 称,这些品质在她的钻石庆典即 60 年登记纪念中得到体现。

“对于我和我的家人来说,登基 60 周年钻石纪念日的热情庆祝尤其值得纪念。如此多的人选择庆祝我继承 女王使命六十周年,我感到十分惶恐。各个国家,各个年龄段的人不辞烦劳,以各种形式参与庆祝。然而, 最让人印象深刻的,是看到在这些场合聚集在一起的人身上友谊的力量。”

周一,纽约两名志愿消防员被一名男子引诱来到一个地方然后被杀,目前纽约警方对这场谋杀案透露了更 多细节。韦伯斯特警长杰拉尔德·皮克林称袭击者威廉·斯宾格勒留下字条称希望随心所欲地杀人。他说威 廉·斯宾格勒患有严重的心理疾病,身上带了三把枪。

乌克兰内政部称一架直升机坠毁,机上 5 人遇难。其中三人是机组人员,另外两人是工程师。这架飞机在基 洛沃格勒地区 Olexandriya 市起飞后不久即坠毁,内政部称目前仍在调查事故原因。

英国最具才华的作曲家理查德·罗德尼·班尼特爵士在纽约去世,享年 76 岁。他在经典音乐上的成就举世 瞩目,他还是一名多产的电影和电视配乐作家,获得三次奥斯卡提名。

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