1637,Edition - 4, Issue/Revised Date - 12/9/2016
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March 8, 2017 SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS FOR 1637,Edition - 4, Issue/Revised Date - 12/9/2016 Home Health Care Signaling Equipment This document is derived from the following Standard Development Organization (SDO) bulletin(s) or other documentation publicly available to UL subscribers: Standard Development Organization Document Type Document Designation Date (SDO) (proposal, bulletin, etc) UL Proposed Bulletins Subject 1637 March 6, 2015 and September 23, 2016
Primary motivator for the Standards revision Technology and harmonization
CCNs Impacted MULQ, MULQ3
The following is a summary of the revised/new certification requirements.
[X] Action is Not Required for current certified products and the new/revised certification requirements will be applied in evaluation of the new and revised products effective June 10, 2019. [ ] Action is Required for current certified products to comply with the new/revised certification requirements and previous Action Not Required certification requirements, if any, as list in this document.
Section Summary of requirements Paragraph Clause 1.4 Paragraph revised to correct cross-reference error.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. Section Summary of requirements Paragraph Clause 1.7 The scope of the standard has been revised to address systems combining fire, security, medical, emergency and carbon monoxide functions.
Action: Products utilizing security, fire and/or carbon monoxide signaling functions and not currently Listed to UL 1023, UL 985 or UL 2017 respectively must be reviewed as applicable to determine compliance with the identified standards. 3.18 Definition of Trained Installer
Action: No effect on currently Listed products 4.6 – 4.8 Paragraph 4.6 – 4.8 were added to address the option of utilizing electronic based installation instructions.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products 5.1 Specific safety-related construction requirements as noted in this paragraph can be considered fulfilled when the home health care signaling product is also in compliance with the Standard for Information Technology Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1, or the Standard for Audio, Video, and Similar Electronic Apparatus – Safety Requirements, UL 60065.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. Section 6 The requirements covering enclosure openings in this Section have been replaced with the less stringent requirements for commercial fire alarm control equipment found in UL 864, Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems. These revisions are also consistent with proposals submitted for UL 985, Standard for Household Fire Warning Systems Units.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. 8.5.1, New exception has expanded the requirement in Par. 8.5.1 to address field wiring leads for wire Exception No. gauges less than 22 AWG. This revision harmonizes the requirements with UL 1023, Standard 2 for Household Burglar-Alarm System Units, for which many of these systems are additionally addressed. Section Summary of requirements Paragraph Clause
Action: No effect on currently Listed products.
8.5.2, 10.1 Due to changes to UL’s wiring standards, Par. 8.5.2 and Par. 10.1 have been revised to specify 0.030 in. minimum average insulation wiring thickness vs. the previously specified 1/32 in. insulation thickness deemed to be obsolete.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. 12.3 Separation of circuits criteria was expanded to address the ANSI/NFPA 70 mandates on separating Class 2 and Class 3 wiring from Class 1/non-power limited wiring.
Action: Product construction must be reviewed and installation manual(s) must be revised as applicable for products Listed only for Home Health Care. Table 24.1 To align and harmonize with other related UL ANSI Standards, the minimum spacings requirements to the walls of enclosure have been relaxed for points of application involving low voltages. In addition, Table 24.1 has also been revised to eliminate spacings for Class 2 and Class 3 circuits when the voltage is less than 30 volts.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. 25.4 Specific safety-related tests as noted in this paragraph can be considered fulfilled when the home health care signaling product is also in compliance with the Standard for Information Technology Equipment – Safety – Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60950-1, or the Standard for Audio, Video, and Similar Electronic Apparatus – Safety Requirements, UL 60065.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. 26.2 Section 26.2 was added to address combination systems involving carbon monoxide signaling. Requirements added are intended to be consistent with NFPA 720 - 2015, chapter 9, with respect to household carbon monoxide detection systems. Revisions include carbon monoxide alert sounding pattern, distinct signal annunciation at the operator interface, priority of signaling, and monitoring for integrity.
See also clauses 72.1 and 74.3 Section Summary of requirements Paragraph Clause
Action: A review of product operation will be required for products incorporating carbon monoxide monitoring and signaling. 29.16 Par. 29.16 has been added to clarify methods which may be employed to meet the requirement that the product must be tested weekly under standby power. See 84.1(h).
Action: No action required because this provides additional options to meet requirement 30.1.1 Par. 30.1.1 has been added to define the requirements for intermittent audible trouble signals. These requirements are consistent with proposals made to other related UL ANSI Standards.
Action: As applicable, re-test is required in accordance with the new test requirements for products only Listed for Home Health Care. 30.4 Par. 30.4 addresses the Component Failure Test and while it had referenced electronic components, the test is focused on capacitors. Par. 30.4 has been revised to clarify that intent.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. 30.4.1, Table The previous Par. 30.4, Exception No. 1, has been revised and moved to create new Par. 30.1 30.4.1. The level of reliability of a component that is not supervised was defined as one with a predicted failure rate of 2.5 failures or fewer per million hours. That failure rate is very high for an individual component and appears to be based upon the UL standard for smoke alarms and smoke detectors. The failure rate used for other UL Listed emergency signaling equipment is 0.5 failures per million hours of operation, and the requirements indicated in this new paragraph, as well as the new Table 30.1, seeks to establish that same level. Other options are also included, which are harmonized with other UL emergency signaling standards. The derating parameters are derived from the Reliability Engineer’s Handbook.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. Section 37A New Section 37A consolidates and aligns the Temperature Test requirements previously found in Section 37 to be consistent in performance criteria and test format. The proposed changes are based on existing component data and harmonize common requirements across other related UL ANSI standards. Section Summary of requirements Paragraph Clause
Action: No effect on currently Listed products.
38.4 Added additional time for secondary power when carbon monoxide signaling is utilized. New requirement for carbon monoxide signaling:
After the 4 minutes of fire or carbon monoxide alarm, the maximum carbon monoxide alarm load shall continue to be applied for a period of not be less than 12 hours, followed by 7 consecutive days of trouble (audible and visual) signals. The 5-second "off" time of the carbon monoxide alarm signal shall be permitted to be changed to 60 seconds plus or minus 10 percent.
A proposal to revise the standard to eliminate the 7 days of trouble signals requirement for rechargeable secondary power sources was published March 17, 2017.
Action: The Charging Current test will need to be repeated to demonstrate compliance with the extended 12 hour alarm period for home health care systems incorporating carbon monoxide signaling. 42.1 Par. 42.1 has been revised to clarify that the Leakage Current Test is only required on products directly powered from a source greater than 42.4 volts peak. Products powered by low voltage sources or Class 2 transformers have not been required to be subjected to this test.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products Section 46.2 The Externally Induced High-Voltage (Ring Wave Surge Voltage) Transient Test requirements have been revised to align with ANSI/IEEE C62.41, IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits. The component temperature and insulation breakdown are not impacted by the ring wave cycle rate, therefore, the ring wave cycle rate has been reduced from an overly stringent 6 cycles/min to 3 cycles/min.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. Section Summary of requirements Paragraph Clause Sections The Extraneous Transients Test previously found in Section 46.4 has been replaced with the 46.4, 46.4A Input/output (Low-Voltage) Field-Wiring Transients Test in the new Section 46.4A. This change replaces the Extraneous Transient Test with a test where the transient pulses are directly induced on the field-wiring circuits which are more indicative of real-world conditions. This change also harmonizes this test with other related UL ANSI standards.
Action: As applicable, re-test is required in accordance with the new test requirements for products only Listed for Home Health Care. 48.3 To align with other related published ANSI Standards, requirements for protection against overvoltage from power line crosses in accordance with UL 60950, Standard for Information Technology Equipment, has been added to specify compliance with the National Electrical Code and reference the test method to be used to assess the product.
Action: For products only Listed for Home Health Care with provisions for connection to a telephone, telegraph, or related outside wiring as covered by Article 800 in the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, product construction and installation manuals must be reviewed and revised as applicable. Section 53A The Ignition Test Through Bottom-Panel Openings was added as an alternative to complying with the revised Section 6.6.4, Enclosure bottom openings.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. 68 - 80 Sections 68 to 80 have been revised to clarity methods used for short range RF and to address spread spectrum.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. 72.1 Paragraph 72.1 was revised to include carbon monoxide alarm. Under unusual or abnormal operating conditions (such as clash or interference), this signal may be delayed for a period not to exceed 90 seconds for medical alert alarms and 10 seconds for carbon monoxide alarms. Section Summary of requirements Paragraph Clause Action: A review of product operation will be required for products incorporating carbon monoxide monitoring and signaling. Testing may be required based upon that review.
74.3 Paragraph 74.3 was revised to include clash rate for carbon monoxide signals.
Action: A review of product operation will be required for products incorporating carbon monoxide monitoring and signaling. Testing may be required based upon that review. 84.14 Par. 84.14 was added to clarify which marking labels on the outside of the product, or cautionary markings on the inside of the product, are required to meet the applicable requirements of UL 969, the Standard for Marking and Labeling Systems.
Action: The product markings must be reviewed and revised as applicable for products only Listed for Home Health Care. 84.15 Paragraph 84.15 was added for products intended to be installed by a trained installer shall be marked on the product or package” “Installation only by trained installer”.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. 84.16 Paragraph 84.16 was added for products utilizing electronic media shall include information on how to receive a printed copy of the installation instructions. May be marked on product or provided with product in hardcopy.
Action: No effect on currently Listed products. [ ] The following is Summary of Action Not Required new/revised certification requirements effective (Effective Date) based on revisions dated (Date) to the (Edition #) Edition of the Standard.