Why Should You Come to the Cup?
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November 14, 2017
Greetings! Mullen High School is proud to host the FIRST annual Colorado Cup Speech & Debate competition on Friday, January 19 and Saturday, January 20.
Why should you come to the Cup? 4 prelims in Every Speech and Debate Event Semi-Finals in all Speech/Interp events with 21 or more competitors Top 12 advance to Semi-Finals in all Speech/Interp events + PF & LD Simple schedule that allows ALL competitors to double! Really COOL TROPHIES for 1st-6th place and medals for 7th -12th place.
FRIDAY - DEBATE AND CONGRESS 2:00 pm Registration 3:00 pm Round 1 All Debate Events 3:00 - 5:00 pm Friday Congress Session 1 5:00 pm Round 2 Debate 6:00 - 8:00 pm Friday Congress Session 2 7:00 pm Round 3 Debate
SATURDAY AM - SPEECH AND CONGRESS 7:00 am Registration 8:00 am Round 1 All Speech Events 8:00-10:00 am Saturday Congress Session 1 9:45 am Round 2 Speech 11:15 am Round 3 Speech 11:00 am - 12:45 pm Saturday Congress Session 2
SATURDAY PM - ROUND 4, SEMIS, & FINALS 1:00 pm Round 4 Debate 2:45 pm Round 4 Speech 4:15 pm Debate Semis (single wave, single judge) 5:00 pm Speech Semis (two judges) 6:00 pm ALL Finals (rolling, three judges) 8:15 pm AWARDS
3601 South Lowell Boulevard, Denver, CO 80236 / Phone (303) 761-1764 / Fax (303) 761-0502/ www.mullenhigh.com DOUBLING RULES Doubling is allowed for all competitors subject to the following restrictions: Debaters can double in Debate and Saturday Congress or ONE Speech event; Speech competitors can double in any two Speech events plus either Friday Congress or ONE Debate event; and CX Debaters cannot advance to Semis/Finals in a Speech/Interp event, but may participate in all Prelim Rounds.
ENTRY FEES In order to provide reasonable compensation for our judges and quality awards for our competitors, our fees have been adjusted slightly from prior years. The fees remain generally equal to or less than other metro tournaments. $10.00 per entry for Drama, Humor, Poetry, POI, Oratory, Informative, USX, and FX $12.00 per entry for Lincoln-Douglas Debate $24.00 per entry (team) for Public Forum, JV CX, Varsity CX, and Duo $ 8.00 per Congress entry
FINALS AND AWARDS We plan to recognize at least the top 6 performers in all events and all nominees in Congress. Awards will be presented on stage for 1st through 12th place in all events with at least 21 entries. The top 12 debaters/teams in LD and PF will break to Semi-Finals. The top 6 teams in CX will break to Finals. JVCX advancement depends on entry numbers. Semis will be judged by a single critic for all debates and two critics for Speech/Interp. We will use 3 judges for all Finals. Competitors will be ranked 1 through 6 in all events. Speech breaks and awards will be based on cumulative ranks, with tie-breakers in order: head- to-head, drop the lowest rank, reciprocal ranks. Debate breaks and awards will be based on W/L with tie-breakers in order: head-to-head, strength of opposition. CX Debaters cannot advance to Semis/Finals in Speech/Interp events but may participate in all Prelim rounds. Students who break to Finals in two events will be allowed adequate time to compete in both events.
CONGRESS Please submit legislation no later than Friday, January 5th. Legislation will be posted on speechwire.com by Wednesday, January 10th. PO’s will be nominated from the floor.
CX DEBATE Both Varsity and JV CX will be offered, however, we reserve the right to collapse the divisions if either division has less than 6 entries. If the Divisions are collapsed, JV CX rules will be enforced for all debates.
JV CX Rules 1. No kritiks or counterplans are allowed. 2. We will employ the NFHS Novice case limits, meaning that all teams should limit themselves to the case areas listed below. 2017-18 Case Areas: Increase funding for Native American education Increase funding for school choice vouchers Increase funding for STEM (science technology engineering and math) programs Ban zero tolerance discipline policies Equalization of funding for low-income schools
GENERAL RULES 1. At least one coach must be present at all times. 2. There is no limit on Congress entries. 3. No more than 4 entries are allowed in any other event. We will keep a waitlist as needed. 4. We will use CHSAA Rules except as otherwise noted. Congress will follow NSDA rules. 5. CX topic: Education Reform. Prep time is 8 minutes. 6. LD topic: Jan.-Feb. NSDA topic. Prep time is 4 minutes. 7. PF topic: January NSDA topic. Prep time is 2 minutes. 8. Students may use one note card in Extemp. 9. Concessions will be available throughout the day for students. 10. Food will be provided for coaches and judges. 11. Mullen is a smoke free campus. 12. Music through headphones only. 13. If you are going to be late, call either 303-981-5320 or 303-755-7879. Please do not leave a message. Make sure you talk to a live person if you are running late! Better yet, don’t be late.
REGISTRATION will be on speechwire.com. We will accept entries until we are full. Schools are required to bring a minimum of 2 judges. Coaches count towards the total, but will not be paid. Make checks payable to Mullen Speech and Debate. Please pay by check or valid PO at the time of the tournament. We are NOT RESPONSIBLE for setting ourselves up as a vendor in a school district’s payment system. Fees are assessed on entries recorded as of Friday, January 12th.
QUESTIONS? E-mail Mike Trevithick, [email protected], or call 303-981-5320.
3601 South Lowell Boulevard, Denver, CO 80236 / Phone (303) 761-1764 / Fax (303) 761-0502/ www.mullenhigh.com