The Harlow Centre, Raymund Road, Oxford, OX3 0PG Working Together to Raise Achievement: Tel: 01865 256640, Fax: 01865 256651 The role of the Secondary Learning For further advice, resources and training information please Mentor contact us on the number above or contact the relevant member of staff below: This leaflet sets out to explain and clarify the range and quality of activities that make up the partnership between Oxfordshire Headteacher: Venetia Mayman schools, academies, special schools, alternative providers and the Deputy Headteacher and Secondary co-ordinator: secondary learning mentor team in The Virtual School for Looked Lucy Wawrzyniak After Children and Care Leavers, 0-25 Senior Learning Mentor: Isabel Crowther Secondary Learning Mentors: Terri Fox The Gap in attainment at Key Stage 4 is the largest Charlotte James of any vulnerable group:

 In 2013 15.3% of Looked After Children achieved 5A*- All email addresses have the format: C inc English and Maths compared to 58% of all [email protected] children  53% of Looked After Children are only entered for one GCSE Follow us on Twitter!  1% of Looked After Children go to University  They are 5 times more likely to move schools than Concerns or complaints about the service delivered by their peers in KS4. The Virtual School  10 times more likely to be excluded  12 times more likely to leave school with no Should any matters of concern arise, then the first point of contact is qualifications for the school/providers to speak directly to Venetia Mayman,  60 times more likely to end up homeless Headteacher of The Virtual School on 01865 256640 or email [email protected] Working together to improve outcomes for looked after children in Oxfordshire What can schools expect from What can the Designated Teacher do to help LAC Learning Mentors? learners achieve success?

 We aim to allocate a learning mentor to each looked after Year 10/11 pupil in an Oxfordshire school, academy, special school or alternative provider.  We can have very high demand for learning mentors, if we are unable to provide one, we will endeavour to find a tutor to support in their place.  Learning mentors will usually visit once a week within an agreed framework of support focused on raising achievement in key subjects.  Small group work where appropriate.  Support and advice at key times in the school year, for example in choosing courses or GCSE revision.  An opportunity for the learner to discuss concerns and anxieties and reflect on successes and achievements.  Support at PEP meetings and LAC Reviews.  Communication with the Designated Teacher or his/her representative to ensure planning complements the work of the school and to resolve any problems that may arise.  Liaison with other agencies and carers over concerns about a learner’s progress or welfare and keeping the Designated Teacher informed.  The possibility of short term targeted funding when requested at a PEP meeting.  Information about Virtual School revision events and other opportunities and support from learning mentors at some of these events.  Complete referral form before any intervention takes place.  Ensure that PEP meetings are timely and constructive with SMART targets and helpful interventions.  Develop a system of regular contact with the mentor.  Provide up to date, accurate tracking information including predicted GCSE grades, coursework completion and behaviour log.  Provide a safe and appropriate venue for the learning mentor to work with the pupil.  Provide notification if the pupil is absent for any reason and a school calendar.  Co-ordinate support, information and help from school staff (e.g. subject teachers) on an as-needed basis.  Attend training opportunities provided by the Virtual School.  Ensure all school professionals working with the learner are fully informed of his/her individual needs and the support programme in place.  As a priority, meet regularly with the foster parents of each looked after child to ensure they are aware of the child’s immediate and longer term needs, for example revision planning pre-GCSE or post-Year 11 options.