PCG ANNUAL MEETING for 2011 January 15, 2012

Attending: Anne McNiff, Jim McGill, Jane Cahill, Beth Ann Bailey, Rosaleen McGill, Mary Lou McGurk, Courtney Malley, Marybeth C. Phillips, Lori Lander Murphy, Matt Griendling, Jerry Sweeney, Tom O’Malley

1. Review of minutes from the Annual Meeting 2010 – the minutes were amended to correct the word “word” voted, and Lori Lander Murphy’s name was added as attending; accepted with all ayes as amended.

2. President’s Report – Mary Lou shared the content of her report which was a review of the years activities and information about upcoming year. She will email a hard copy of the report to the group.

3. Treasurer’s Report – (see attached) Beth Ann submitted a yearly treasurers reported (cash flow statement) based on the fiscal year which ended on March 31, 2011. A motion was made to submit the report into the minutes. The votes were all ayes, the report will be submitted into the minutes as submitted. Beth Ann brought to the Board’s attention that we will need to have a CPA in the next year because of tax changes.

4. Membership Report – Anne reported that there are currently 322 Members (increase of 37 from 2010), of this number 16 are lifetime members and an additional 77 are current on their membership fees (total 89). We continue to have challenges in getting people to renew their membership; the benefits of memberships do not appear to be enough of an incentive to encourage people to renew. People who join or renew appear do so in order to support the organization. a. Member/Community Communication  We currently have 292 subscribers to website (they receive emails)

 There were 20,200 views of the website in 2011, an average of 55.34 per day

 Anne has had preliminary discussions with Jeff Meade regarding the Wordpress platform that Irish Philadelphia has switched to. It appears to do more than our current platform, but further research will be needed to determine if it is worth switching. On our facebook page as of 12/31/201, 312 people have “liked” our page. The number of people who engaged with our page was 166; engagement includes any click or story created. (Unique Users). This is an increase of 70 from 2010.

5. Archive Report – Mary Lou has attempted contact with all living performers since 1978 in order to upgrade our release to allow for digitizing. Mary Lou will be meeting with people from the Villanova archives department and there is a plan for an event on March 22nd. After Villanova digitizes the music we will receive a copy.

6. Marketing activities – Because of the Grant received to produce a music series, the marketing activities will have a large increase in the upcoming year. Marketing and advertising activities will take place in the following mediums: facebook, newspaper ads, radio ads, TV ads, opportunities through the cultural alliance, etc.

7. Festival Input – a festival committee meeting will be held prior to the February Board meeting, all interested are encouraged to come.

8. Upcoming events – Anne shared the calendar of concerts and events around the music series and the Board discussed possibilities for concerts on the months when there is not something schedule.

9. Nomination and voting in of new board members – the slate of Board members up for re-election was presented: Tom O’Malley, Courtney Malley, Anne McNiff, Rosaleen McGill, and Marybeth Phillips. A motion was the made that the slate be voted on by acclamation. The vote was taken, and the slate was accepted with all ayes. The slate of nominations passed.

9. Membership input – suggestion was made to utilize non-board members to help with getting the word out about events, involving the school and possible fund-raiser ideas including a poetry contest. These ideas will be further explored in future meetings and sub-committee meetings.

12. Adjourn