University of Hertfordshire s5

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University of Hertfordshire s5



A meeting of the Academic Board will be held on Wednesday, 16 November 2016, at 14.00 hours in the Central Committee Room, MacLaurin Building.

Apologies should be conveyed to the Clerk, Mrs J H Allen, Telephone: 01707 285126, e-mail:[email protected]


Papers relating to Part I of the Agenda for this meeting have been issued to members, named alternates and officers in attendance only. Non-confidential papers may be obtained on request from Governance Services (Telephone ext: 3006, e-mail: r.a.powell).


To receive apologies for non-attendance at the meeting.


To note the Standing Orders of the Board, effective 1 September 2012, amended 3 November 2014. - Paper 2


To note the terms of reference of the Board with effect from 1 September 2016. - Paper 3


4.1 To note the membership of the Board. - Paper 4.1

4.2 Category 4: Pro Vice-Chancellors

To note the appointment of Ms S M Jarvis as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) with effect from 1 September 2016 and to welcome her to the meeting.

4.3 Category 5: ‘Five (5) Deans of School, nominated by the Deans of School for terms of office of three (3) years’

4.3.1 To note that this will be the first meeting to be attended by Ms J Kelly since her nomination to serve a term of office that commenced on 1 September 2015 but remained vacant during 2015-2016 and concludes on 31 August 2018, and to welcome her to the meeting.

4.3.2 To note that this will be the first meeting to be attended by Dr R L V Southern since his nomination to serve a term of office commencing 1 September 2016, concluding 31 August 2019, and to welcome him to the meeting.

Academic Board agenda, 16.11.16 1/6 4.4 Category 9: ‘The President of the Students’ Union’

To note that this will be the first meeting to be attended by Miss G O'Monghain in this membership category since her election as President of the Student’s Union to serve a term of office commencing 1 July 2016, concluding on 2 June 2017.

4.5 Category 10: ‘Two (2) students, nominated by the Student Representative Council’

To note that this will be the first meeting to be attended by Miss C Spillane in this membership category to serve a term of office commencing 1 July 2015, concluding on 2 June 2016, and to welcome her to the meeting. The second position will remain vacant until the Student Representative Council meets to nominate a further representative.

4.6 Category 12: ‘Eight members of the academic staff elected by the academic staff’

To note the appointment of Mrs J A Price in this membership category, for the remainder of a term of office concluding on 31 August 2017, vacated by the resignation of Dr C T Gallagher with effect from 23 June 2016, and to welcome her to the meeting.

4.7 In attendance

To note that the following members of the Board of Governors will be in attendance and to welcome them to the meeting:

Mrs P Morton; Ms I Nisbet.

4.8 Any other matters relating to membership.

5 MINUTES – 22 JUNE 2016

To confirm and sign the minutes. - Paper 5 (Confidential)


Any matters arising from the minutes not taken elsewhere on the Agenda.


7.1 Vice-Chancellor’s Monthly Reviews

To note the Vice-Chancellor’s monthly reviews for June, July, August and September 2016 which are published on-line at:

http://staffnet/news-and-events/vc-monthly-briefings.htm .

7.2 National agenda for Higher Education – Minutes 588.2 and 616.2 refer

To receive an oral report from the Vice-Chancellor.

7.3 Estates

To receive a report from Mr A J May, Director of Estates, Hospitality and Contract Services, concerning progress with the 2020 Estates Vision projects and other matters relating to the estate. - Paper 7.3

7.4 Any other matters for report by the Vice-Chancellor.

Academic Board agenda, 16.11.16 2/6 8 ADMISSIONS - Minutes 434 and 548 refer

8.1 To receive a report prepared by Mrs J Kelly, Head of Student Centre, concerning the operation of the clearing network and applicants’ services. - Paper 8.1 (Confidential)

8.2 To receive a report from Mrs S Harrison-Barker, Academic Registrar, concerning the numbers of students registered at the University (UK/EU and International). - Paper 8.2 (Confidential)

8.3 To receive an oral report from Mrs Harrison-Barker.


To receive a report prepared by Mrs C Sapsford, Head of Frontline and ID Services and Residential Allocations. - Paper 9 (Confidential)


To receive an oral report from Dr L Mitchell concerning non-confidential academic issues considered by the Board of Governors since the 22 June 2016 meeting of the Academic Board.


11.1 Preparation timeline for REF 2021

To note a preparation timeline for REF 2021, reviewed by the Chief Executive's Group on 3 October 2016. - Paper 11.1 (Confidential)

11.2 Researcher Development Conference

To receive an oral report from Professor Senior on the success of the Conference, held on 21 September 2016.

11.3 Early Career Researchers - Minute 619.7 refers

To note the appointments made so far:

11.3.1 Dr J Forbrich: development of the key science pathways for the Square Kilometre Array, in the School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics;

11.3.2 Dr S Rogers: Food and Public Health across the Life Course, in the School of Health and Social Work;

11.3.3 Dr J Lynch: Supporting People living with Dementia and their Carers, in the School of Health and Social Work;

11.3.4 Dr C Houlbrook: Intangible Cultural Heritage or Materiality of Everyday Life, in the School of Humanities.

Academic Board agenda, 16.11.16 3/6 12 STUDENT EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE

12.1 To receive a report from Ms Jarvis. - Paper 12.1 (Confidential)

12.2 National Student Survey (NSS) results 2016 - Minutes 324.4 and 552.3 refer

To receive a presentation on the results from Ms Jarvis. - Paper 12.2.1 (Confidential) (To be tabled)

12.3 Module Feedback Questionnaire - Minutes 324.4 and 552.3.4 refer

12.3.1 To receive a summary of the key matters from Semesters A and B. - Paper 12.3.1 (Confidential)

12.3.2 To note that the MFQ system is currently undergoing modification.

12.4 Student Performance Monitoring Group (SPMG)

To note a summary of the key findings in the SPMG Annual Report for 2015-2016. - Paper 12.4 (Confidential)

12.5 Student complaints

To note a report concerning student complaints received by the Board of Governors on 5 July 2016. - Paper 12.5 (Confidential)

12.6 Student discipline – Minutes 588.3 and 618.13 refer

12.6.1 To receive an oral report from Mrs G Ward, Dean of Students.

12.6.2 To receive an oral report from Mrs Ward concerning discussion by the Chief Executive's Group on 6 June 2016 with regard to student behaviour.

12.7 Centre for Academic English

To note the activities of the Centre for Academic English, publicised to the University by email in 19 September 2016. - Paper 12.7

12.8 Widening Participation Strategy - review

To note that a review of Widening Participation activities is currently taking place.

12.9 Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey (DLHE)

To note a press release reporting the University's success in employment rates for those graduating in 2014-2015 - Paper 12.9

12.10 Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015

12.10.1 To receive an oral report from Mrs Ward concerning initiatives that have been put in place to enable the University to comply with the terms of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 ('PREVENT').

12.10.2 To consider the introduction of a policy to filter email traffic to staff and student University of Hertfordshire email accounts for possible evidence of subversive activity. - Paper 12.10.2 (Confidential)

Academic Board agenda, 16.11.16 4/6 13 AWARDS CEREMONIES

To note that Awards Ceremonies will take place in the Weston Auditorium on Thursday 8 December 2016 to Saturday 10 December 2016.


To note and approve Part II of the Agenda (items A-V).

Members wishing to comment on any item in Part II of the agenda (which consists of items requiring formal note and/or approval) are asked to inform the Chairman through Mrs J H Allen, ext 4902, e-mail [email protected] at least 48 hours before the meeting. If no such indications are received, Part II will be taken as noted and approved.


(Admissible only with the consent of the Chairman given prior to the meeting.)


To note the remaining schedule of meetings for 2016-2017:

Wednesday, 15 March 2017 Wednesday, 21 June 2017

to be held in the Central Committee Room at 14.00 hours


Wednesday, 15 March 2017, at 14. 00 hours, in the Central Committee Room, MacLaurin Building.

Agenda items should be notified to the Clerk by Wednesday, 22 February 2016. Supporting papers must be lodged with the Clerk by Wednesday, 1 March 2016 (e-mail: j.h.2.allen; Telephone ext 4902).

It will be assumed that all items from the Schools have been submitted with the approval of the relevant Dean of School.

Academic Board agenda, 16.11.16 5/6 Academic Board agenda, 16.11.16 6/6

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