Church Community Newsletter s2

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Church Community Newsletter s2

CHURCH COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER A Bi-Weekly Publication – Issue Date: June 24, 2013 St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church Michael Fletcher-Taylor, Pastor

Our Vision Statement: To enable our family of believers to lead our community to Jesus Christ Through love and the sharing of God’s Word and to be an inviting refuge of comfort.

A Word From the Pastor

Dear St. Matthew’s Family,

Something amazing is happening at St Matthew’s and my prayer is that you have seen the signs that God is working in a marvelous way in the life of our church. For the past several years we have seen God’s hand guiding and directing us towards a new future. Here are some highlights:  The Contemporary Journey worship service started with 30 to 40 people and we now average around 60 people.  During my first year we had between 5 and 10 children and youth and today we have around 70 and are continuing to grow.  18 months ago we started Mission Outpost/ spot 31 and it continues to grow almost faster than our resources can handle. Here are some exciting missions that are happening with Mission Outpost/ spot 31:  Our summer mission programming is in full swing. We took 37 sponsors and kids to the Zoo. We will send around 30 children and youth to United Methodist Church camps. And there are several more field trips planned. The Youth just returned from a mission trip. (Are you tired yet?)  We had our first mission group of 10 ladies from Emmanuel Lutheran Church come and do the meal on Wednesday. They cooked, served and cleaned up, and we had 65 people here. They also prepared 60 “goodie sacks” for the kids to take home, and they gave this mission a nice offering. And because Mission Outpost/ spot 31 is a mission, we welcome and encourage outside groups and individuals who are looking for a mission opportunity to serve at-risk community kids to come and experience what we do each week.  We have 3 young men who have been coming on Wednesday for the past year and they work with our kids in recreation, games and sports, and they are not members of our church but are dedicated to this mission.  We are in the process of visiting with resource people who might have an interest in being a part of spot 31’s Board of Directors. It will be very important to have outside Board members who can bring needed resources to this mission.

Some are asking, “What does all this mean to me?” Here is the challenge: we need your daily prayers. We need you to tell you friends, neighbors and family members what Mission Outpost/ spot 31 is doing in this community to be in mission to at-risk kids. This is so important because the more we tell our story, the more God can work on the hearts, minds and lives of people who might want to come and see the mission we are doing. We do not want to be that best kept secret in Tulsa. We need to shout what we are doing in mission stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 1 of 10 from the house tops!

Grace and Peace, Pastor Michael

stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 2 of 10 JOIN US FOR WORSHIP “Come and See” what is happening in worship at St Matthew’s

Living Out God’s Calling On Our Lives Why am I alive? What am I supposed to do with my life? In this journey, we learn about discovering our calling and answering life’s biggest question – what on earth am I here for? This series will look at the five dimensions of God’s calling on our lives.

Jun 30, 2013 Sermon: “YOU ARE CALLED TO BELONG-- Living out God’s Calling On Our Lives”

Scripture: “God is the one who made all things, and all things are for his glory. He wanted to have many children share his glory...” Heb. 2:10 (NCV)

Jul 7, 2013 Guest Speaker

Jul 14, 2013 Sermon: “YOU ARE CALLED TO BECOME-- Living out God’s Calling On Our Lives”

Scripture: “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are CALLED according to his PURPOSE FOR THEM. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them TO BECOME LIKE HIS SON, so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters.” Rom. 8:28-29 (NLT)

Jul 21, 2013 Sermon: “YOU ARE CALLED TO BLESS-- Living out God’s Calling On Our Lives”

Scripture: “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do!” Eph. 2:10

Jul 28, 2013 Sermon: “I AM CALLED TO BE SENT-- Living out God’s Calling On Our Lives”

Scripture: “‘Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they

stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 3 of 10 have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being SENT? That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!’” Rom.10:13- 15 (NLT)

The Ascend and spot 31


4:00—4:45pm Free Time in the youth room 4:45—5:15pm Kids Lesson 5:15—5:45pm Kids games in Fellowship Hall 5:30—5:45pm Youth in Fellowship Hall (games) 5:45—6:30pm Community Dinner and Fellowship (Donations are welcomed) 6:30—7:15pm Movie/crafts/youth room (6th Grade & under can pick one) 6:30—7:15pm Worship/Small Groups 7:30—8:30pm Choir 8:30—9:30pm Praise Band

Average Worship Attendance – 2013 January 163 April 172 July October Annual 2011 155 February 179 May 166 August November Annual 2012 162 March 185 June September December Annual 2013


If at all possible, please don’t mow earlier than Thursday of each week June 27 Team II Robert Stage, Aaron Polliard, Clint Johnson July 4 Team III Mike Lenhart, Rusty Colvin, Pastor Michael


Our pantry is a little like our kitchen at home. It seems to always need to be replenished. Please consider bringing some of these items to refill our supply so that we have food to give to those stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 4 of 10 who ask our Church for help.

For Breakfast: Cereals, Oatmeal, Pancake mix (add water only), Syrup, Biscuit Mix, Peanut Butter, Jelly, canned or dry milk. Other meals: Canned meat (Spam, meat, ham, tuna, salmon) , beef a roni, chili mac, Velveeta cheese (2lb size) spaghetti in sauce, macaroni & cheese mix, rice mixes, also bags of rice, and beans, macaroni, noodles, soups (dried or canned) canned fruit. Extra items nice to have, dish detergent in small to medium size. Bars of soap. You may think of other items not listed. All will be welcomed. Thanks for helping!

June 16, 2013 June 23, 2013


Please continue to pray for the tornado and flooding Please continue to pray for the tornado and flooding victims. victims and now the fire victims - what tragedies. Deanna Rocha is requesting prayers for a mutual friend Good news from Barbara Youngblood - her nephew's of Deanna, Ann Marie and Barbara. wife, is recovering. Continued prayers for Deanna’s friend, whose mother Continued prayers for Deanna Peterson. passed away. Continued prayers for B. J. Moore. Continue to pray for comfort and peace for Terri Barbara Roderick’s friend Helen’s daughter is needing Kennedy's friend. our continued prayers. Mike Arnold is asking for prayers for Tony Cole. Also Continued prayers for Alon and her siblings. prayers for Tony's brother. Deanna Peterson needs your prayers. CONTINUED PRAYERS B.J. Moore is asking for continued prayers. Joanna Ellis is asking for prayers to help her. Chuck Wise's son, Nina Frazier's grandson and Jan Polliard is asking for prayers for a friend and family. granddaughter; Nancy Famelos; Cynthia Hobbs; Rusty Continued prayers for Alon and her siblings as they Colvin and Jan's neighbor's son; Sharon and Del Gatzke; need wisdom in deciding what is best for their 96 year Marie Loveless and her cousin; Bud Loveless' brother; old mother. Frances Martin; Janie Hurst's recovery; Joy Barkat and Please continue to pray for Jeanne Broussard and her her mother; Judy Tipton's friend’s grandson; Deanna family during their time of bereavement. Peterson's great, great niece and her sister; Barbara Virgie Bachelder and her family need our continued Patterson and her son Jarrod and his family; Karen prayers during their time of bereavement. Laxton's granddaughter; Barbara Roderick's friend and her brother-in-law; Elinor Bartleson's daughter ; Judi CONTINUED PRAYERS Olsen's mother Arlene Harper and co-worker's husband; Chuck Wise's son, Nina Frazier's grandson and Ron & Phyllis Maggard; Rita Robison's mother-in-law; granddaughter; Nancy Famelos; Cynthia Hobbs; Rusty Paul Youngblood's grandmother and his two cousins; Colvin and Jan's neighbor's son ; Sharon and Del Gatzke; Pastors Michael and Sharon; Alon Soderfelt's friends Marie Loveless and her cousin; Bud Loveless' brother; and Judy Link; Bob Staebler; Dave Gatzke, his wife and Frances Martin; Janie Hurst's recovery; Joy Barkat and parents. her mother; Judy Tipton's friend's grandson; Deanna Peterson's great, great niece and her sister; Barbara Patterson and her son Jarrod and his family; Karen Laxton's granddaughter; Deanna Rocha's co-worker's stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 5 of 10 baby; Barbara Roderick's friend and her brother-in-law; Elinor Bartleson's daughter ; Judi Olsen's mother Arlene Harper and co-worker's husband; Ron & Phyllis Maggard; Rita Robison's mother-in-law; Paul Youngblood's grandmother and his two cousins; Barbara Youngblood and Nancy Wilson's nephew's wife; Pastors Michael and Sharon; Alon Soderfelt's friends; Dave Gatzke, his wife and parents.


2 Vicky Hime 13 Bill Young 4 USA 4 Paul Youngblood 20 Chuck Wise 5 Cameron Aguirre 26 Bonita Young 5 Sadie Cotner 6 Harry Arnold 27 Tawnya McCammon 12 Kathy Pleake 30 Meredith McCammon 24 Jeanine Keller

Ronald McDonald House Sarah Circle We will be taking food to Ronald McDonald House on June 27, 2013. Main dishes will be prepared by Vicky Hime and Karen Laxton. Everyone is invited to join us Tuesday mornings Desserts will be furnished by Leona Robison for Bible study and refreshments at 9:30 in the and Bonita Young. Parlor.

A big Thank You to these wonderful cooks. Jeanine Keller


The deadline to submit articles for the July 8, 2013, newsletter is July 2nd. If you could help out Sundays to make coffee

stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 6 of 10 and set up the coffee bar when Robert Stage and Please send articles to the church at Alon are unable to be at church, it would be [email protected] and be sure to copy much appreciated. Things are unsettled for me [email protected] Thanks as far as my mom goes, and Robert likes to go to the lake during the summer, so we need someone to cover for us in our absence. We'd like to show you the ropes before you need to do it on your own, so please let us know you'll help out. I know your church family (especially the coffee drinkers) will appreciate it. Thanks again. Alon

UMW calendar

All local meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30: No local meeting in July July 19-21-OK Mission u at Oklahoma City University July 21-22-1 day plus event OK Mission u at OCU August 15th-Pharmacist Kathy Campbell answers your questions about your prescriptions September 19th-Salad supper w/speaker on loneliness and depression October 17th-Origins of Halloween-is it Christian?


Have you marked your calendar for Mission u next month? Don’t miss the opportunity to attend the Oklahoma Mission u (formerly School of Mission) in July on the beautiful campus of Oklahoma City University. You will have a choice of 3 studies: The Roma of Europe, Poverty, or Living Sacramentally/Walking Justly. You will be blessed by the fellowship, worship and learning opportunities for all ages: elementary thru adult.

You may sign up for the weekend school (July 19-21) or the one and a half day school (Sunday- Monday, July 21-22). The United Methodist Women have scholarships available. Registration forms are on the UMW bulletin board by the office.

Please see Ann Marie Boyce if you have any questions.

stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 7 of 10 Day @ the Lake/August 24

St. Matt’s is planning a day at Lake Fort Gibson. This will be a day of food and fun.

If you would like to reserve a cabin the night before (Friday the 8/23 please let Debbie know. The youth have 2 cabins reserved this night. If you don’t want to spend the night then arrive by noon on Saturday the 8/24.

We will have information on what to bring and carpooling in the near future.

So put the date on your calendar and make plans to join us. Debbie Gant

stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 8 of 10 St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church 12424 E. 31st Street Tulsa, OK 74146-2202 (918-622-8703) E-mail address: [email protected] Website:

stmattsnewsletter.doc 06/24/13 Page 9 of 10 INSIDE THIS ISSUE *Birthdays 5 *Prayers 4 *Ronald 5 McDonald House *Sarah Circle 5 *UMW 6 *Day at the Lake 7 *Food Pantry 3 *Worship Ascend 3

*Mowing Schedule 3

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