1642. Newton Born on Christmas Day, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire. Pascal Invents Adding Machine

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1642. Newton Born on Christmas Day, Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire. Pascal Invents Adding Machine

Newton’s Times By Ed Uthman 1642. Newton born on Christmas Day, that fossils are remains of ancient Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire. Pascal invents organisms, not the work of Satan. adding machine 1672. Newton elected to Royal Society. 1643. Torricelli invents barometer. 1675. Roemer makes rough measurement of 1648. Pascal’s Law, basis of hydraulics. speed of light by studying Jupiter’s moons. 1650 Ussher establishes 4004 BC as date of 1676. Newton publishes binomial theorem. Creation. Riccioli discovers first double Leeuwenhoek discovers microorganisms star. in pond water. 1651. Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes. 1678. Huygens proposes wave theory of 1653. Rudbeck discovers lymphatic system. light. 1654. Pascal and Fermat lay basis of 1679. Newton solves problem of planetary probability theory. motion under influence of gravity. Papin 1656. Huygens discovers Saturn’s rings and invents pressure cooker. it largest satellite, Titan. First pendulum 1682. Grew describes sexual reproduction in clocks. plants. 1658. Swammerdam discovers red blood 1683. Leeuwenhoek discovers bacteria. cells. 1684. Edmund Halley discovers Newton’s 1660. Malpighi discovers capillaries. 1679 solution of planetary motion. 1661. Newton enters Trinity College, 1687. Newton’s Principia Mathematica is Cambridge. The Skeptical Chymist, by published (in Latin) by Halley. Robert Boyle, divorces chemistry from 1688. Mass production of plate glass. alchemy. 1695. Newton appointed warden of the 1662. Charles II charters Royal Society. Mint. Boyle’s Law of gases. 1698. Voyage of Paramour Pink, first 1664. Hooke discovers Great Red Spot of purely scientific seafaring expedition, Jupiter. under command of Halley. 1665. Newton awarded bachelor’s degree, 1699. Newton appointed Master of the Mint. Cambridge. Hooke discovers cells in slices 1703. Newton elected president of Royal of cork. Grimaldi’s discovery of Society. diffraction of light published 1704. Newton’s Opticks published (in posthumously. English). 1665-66. Newton flees Great Plague of 1705. Halley predicts 1758 return of 1682 London; describes white light as a mixture comet that now bears his name. of colors; develops calculus, laws of 1707. Floyer invents pulse watch, first motion, but does not publish them. precision medical instrument. 1667. Newton joins faculty at Cambridge. 1710. First practical rifled firearm, the 1668. Newton builds first reflecting Pennsylvania rifle. telescope. Wallis proposes Law of 1712. Newcomen steam engine. Conservation of Momentum. Redi 1714. Fahrenheit invents mercury performs first controlled experiment in thermometer. biology (disproving spontaneous 1715. First organized solar eclipse generation of maggots). First Stradivarius observation, led by Halley. violin. 1718. Halley discovers proper motion of 1669. Newton becomes Lucasian Professor “fixed” stars. of Mathematics. Brand discovers 1727. Newton dies on March 20, London, phosphorus in urine (first recorded from complications of kidney stones. discovery of an element). Steno proposes

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