Revere Middle School Bands

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Revere Middle School Bands

REVERE MIDDLE SCHOOL BANDS Revere Middle School~ 3195 Spring Valley Rd.~ P.O. Box 339~ Bath, Ohio 44210-0339

Mrs. Rizzo, Band Director 330-659-6111 ext.633516 [email protected]

Mr. LeBeau, Band Director 330-523-3233 HS Music Office [email protected]

Mr. Rizzo, Band Director 330-659-6111 ext. 633516 [email protected]

Dear 6th Grade Band Parents,

We look forward to having your child in band and meeting you at one of our concerts this year! Please read the following information with your child and return the bottom portion of the second page with your signatures by Friday, September 4th, 2015.

Concert Dates: Students are required to perform and remain as audience members for the entire concert. Please mark these dates on your calendar to avoid conflicts:

Tuesday, November 3th, 2015 Bands in the Round RHS Gym 7:00 PM

Thursday, February 18th, 2016 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Bands RHS Auditorium 7:00 PM

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016 5th and 6th Grade Bands RHS Auditorium 7:00 PM

Concert Attire: All band members should wear the following to achieve a uniform appearance: Girls: white blouse or RMS Band polo, black dress pants, black dress shoes Boys: white dress shirt (must be tucked in) or RMS Band polo, black corduroy or dress pants, black dress shoes

Grades: Revere’s philosophy of instrumental music education is that the students should have a positive musical experience in a large performing group, and should learn how to make music a part of their lives. To achieve this goal, these techniques of making music will be stressed - tone production, intonation, reading notation, sight-reading, etc. The concerts will demonstrate the skills learned learned through the stylistically diverse music studied. The grading policy is based on these criteria:

1. Class Participation (25%) - Areas for evaluation include posture, instrument position, breathing, attitude, and having their instrument, music, and pencil. Students are required to take their instruments home on weekends (60% of the weekly participation grade) and should also take them home during the week.

2. Playing Evaluations/Practice Records (50%) - Evaluation of playing includes notes, rhythms, tone quality, articulation, dynamics, and phrasing. Student practice records will be evaluated on a weekly basis.

3. Concert Performances (25%) a. Excused absences (illness, death in the family, family vacation) must be made up by the end of the grading period. Students will need to play the concert music for the director at a scheduled make-up time. A note, e-mail, or phone call (in case of emergency or illness) must be received prior to the concert for an absence to be excused. b. Unexcused absences (lack of transportation, sports events, family dinners, etc.) may not be made up and all points will be lost. Communication: Please feel free to call or send a note or e-mail if you have any questions or concerns. We hope to see you at the Bands in the Round concert!

Expectations and Procedures

General Expectations: 1. Follow directions at all times. 2. Listen attentively. 3. Raise your hand to be called upon. 4. Treat people and property with respect. 5. Be an active participant in the class.

Students who do not meet the expectations of the class will have the following consequences: 1. Warning - student will be reminded that he/she is not meeting the expectations of the class. 2. Parents will be contacted. 3. A detention will be assigned. 4. Student will be referred to the Assistant Principal.

Procedures: 1. Rehearsal Guidelines: A. Listen carefully. Do not talk while the teacher(s) are talking. B. Sit quietly band director is working with another section. C. When it is time to play, make sure you are sitting up straight with your feet on the floor. Good posture creates better sound! D. Students should be in the music room before the bells rings. A detention is assigned on the fourth tardy to class during a grading period. E. Automatic detentions will be assigned for students who have gum or candy, or food. F. DO NOT play your instrument until the director begins the rehearsal - the rehearsal will start 2 minutes after the bell - be ready. G. Make sure you have your instrument, music, and a pencil at every band rehearsal. 2. Folders A. Make sure your name is on your band folder. B. Keep all of your music in your band folder. 3. Instruments A. Your name should be on your instrument case. B. Record the brand name and serial number of your instrument. C. If insurance coverage on an instrument is desired, parents need to check with their insurance agent. School insurance only covers school-owned instruments. 4. Come in with a positive attitude and we’ll have a great year!


If we are to be an outstanding band, everyone needs to work together to reach that goal. Everything you do in band affects everyone else. Here is what you can do to make our band the best that it can possibly be:

1. Practice your instrument at home to improve your playing skills and to learn your band music. Weak players in our band make all of the good players sound bad. 2. Follow all of the rehearsal procedures whenever we have band. Students that don’t follow the procedures waste our time and make the rehearsals less effective.

Rehearsals will move faster and be more enjoyable and productive if students practice at home and follow the rehearsal procedures. Band Method Book We will begin the year by reviewing with the Essential Elements Book 1. The school will supply the books for the students to borrow. After a few months, students will need to purchase the new band book at a later date. Information will be sent home when it’s time to buy the second level book.

Practice Habits Good practice habits are essential if a student is to make progress on his/her instrument and thereby further enjoy the experience of making music. Practice should take place at a time when the student feels alert. A quiet room, away from distraction, with a music stand and good lighting are a must. Practice will be most beneficial if you have a goal in mind: something that you are trying to accomplish. Students will be graded on their weekly practice records. The practice record is inside the front cover of the method book and will require a parent signature (no initials, please) each week. Here is the grading scale for practice records: (minute totals are per week)

120 – and up: A+ 110 - 119 min: A 100 - 109 min: A- 90 - 99 min: B 80 - 89 min: B-

70 - 79 min: C 60 – 69 min: D below 59 min: F

Here is how to break down a 30-minute practice session:

5 -10 MINUTES - warm-up, tone, and intonation (tuning) work. Start softly in the middle register and gradually expand outward. Long tones - the goal here is to have the best sound possible (use lots of air). Scales may be used for long tones - play them slowly. Lip slurs (brass) - get that air moving and working for you.

10 - 15 MINUTES - small group lesson assignment or technical material. Scales and scale studies with various articulations - legato, staccato, slurred (these can be found in the band lesson book).

10 - 15 MINUTES - music for performance. Etude, solo, band, or other ensemble music.

CHECK OUT THE BAND WEBPAGE ON THE RMS WEBSITE!!! Go to Revere Middle School, link is on left side of page called Band Information will be posted there for parents and students! ------(cut here)

Revere Middle School 6th Grade Band Contract

We, (student)______and (parent)______have read the enclosed information regarding the expectations and obligations involved with the Revere Middle School 6th Grade Band. We understand our responsibilities in adhering to these requirements.

Student Signature______

Parent Signature______


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