Chapter 2 Study Guide s1

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Chapter 2 Study Guide s1

Chapter 2 Study Guide Name: Please answer in 2-3 complete sentences.

1) Give five facts about Jamestown. (Be sure to include why it was so difficult to live there.)

2) Compare slavery to indentured servitude. Why did slavery become more popular in Virginia?

3) What were some reasons that colonists came to Southern Colonies?

4) Who were the Separatist Pilgrims and what was the Mayflower Compact?

5) Describe the Great Migration. What role did religion play in the establishment of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

6) What led to religious disagreement among the Puritans and what happened as a result?

7) What kinds of jobs did people have in New England?

8) Why was education important in the New England colonies? 9) How did Quaker life influence Pennsylvania government?

10) On what were the economies of the Middle Colonies based?

11) How did the English Bill of Rights affect colonists?

12) Why were colonial assemblies and courts created, and what did they do?

13) Why did slave trade grow in the colonies? Describe conditions on the Middle Passage.

Fill out the grid Famous Reason for Type of land Type of society: with info from citizens or Colony being and suitable Village? Religious? the chapter: founders? established? crops/trade Tolerant? Slavery? Freedom/trade? items. Plantation? Explain. New England Names:

Middle Colonies Names:

South Names: 14) How did the Great Awakening and Enlightenment influence colonial society?

15) Why did England and France fight the French and Indian War/Seven Years’ War?

16) Who won the French and Indian War? What did they win?

17) What was the Proclamation of 1763 and why did King George III issue it?

18) Why did the British Government begin to charge the colonists with taxes in the 1760s?

19) What does the term “No Taxation without Representation” mean?

20) Describe: Sugar Act Committees of Correspondence


Stamp Act

Sons of Liberty

Declaratory Act

Townshend Acts

21) Give five facts about the Boston Massacre. Why was it significant?

22) What was the Boston Tea Party? Explain why it happened.

23) Summarize the Intolerable/Coercive Acts? What was their purpose?

24) Define on your own paper: Bicameral p.45 Protestant Reformation p. 42 Backcountry p.61 Privy Council p.54 Revivals p. 58 Repeal p.66 Mercantilism p. 56 Navigation Acts p. 56-57

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