Number 1 to 29 from Porch South to East Window

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Number 1 to 29 from Porch South to East Window

Number 1 to 29 From Porch South to East Window

See Section 1 Plan: Numbers 1 - 29

1) (Coped stone: cross) Jessie Stewart BULLIONS d 28.9.1929, ed nephew Thos Bullions SHOOLBREAD, M.B, C.M. Edin.

2) (Green man nature/fertility symbol above two 18th century figures of farmers each standing on a skull and cross bones; coats pleated at sides, shoes buckled, frilled collars at necks; (a) The sower’s coat has buttons and button holes and he his putting his hand into the seed bag hanging from his neck; (b) The reaper holds a bunch of corn in one hand of and a sickle with a serrated edge in the other, his hair flowing to his collar)

Francis GLOG tenant in Cors d 11.11.1728 72, wife Eliz DRURY d 17.9.1748 72.

Francis Glog farmer at Claycott Broomhouse. O.P.C. treasurer and elder 1707 to 1737: Kirk paid £1.0.0 13.12.1741 for allowing erection of Glog headstone: at Elizabeth’s burial her coffin was draped with the large new velvet mortcloth and the great bell was rung.

(back) emblems of mortality – Father Time/Death, scythe, flames, hourglass: inscrip: Job 19.25 ‘For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day on the earth.’

Agnes GLOGE d 13.11.1813 80.

3) (tall Monument: base decorations sheaf of corn, skull, single bone, momento mori) Thos LOURISTON tenant in Murrayhall d 12.8.1751 72, 7 chn: inscrip: ‘Death is a depth to nature deon. I paid it and so must you.’

At Thomas’s burial the large new mortcloth was used and the great bell was rung.

4) Francis STEEL d 19.6.1869, w Jean CLARK, d 26.7.1888, dau Margt d 13.7.1804, Frances d 6.5.65, Jane d 12.8.1888

5) (small slab) Arch SHIELDS, w Isa WEIR, ed fam.

Page | 1 6) Robert WILSON station master at Cors d 21.6.1864 39, w Annie DRYDEN d 5.9.1864 37.

7) Alex RYRIE d 26.11.1862 76, w Jane WIGHTMAN d 2?.11.1887 73?, ss John, Alex d inf, dau Barbara d 13.1.1891(?); Jane URE, h Geo RYRIE d 30.1.1880 60; Geo RYRIE b 1.5.1831 d 28.2.1890, w Jane WIGHTMAN d 7.4.1921 95.

8) (winged head) Thos THOMSON d 1757 73, w Isobel MITCHELL d 1778 75, ss and daus, ed s Jas d 21.6.1789 48. Tenant in Lairdship.

Isobel Mitchell was a daughter of the parochial schoolmaster. Theodore Radford Thomson descended from this Thomson in the Lairdship line bought the title ‘of Corstorphine’ in 1955After his death the title was bought in 1988 by an undisclosed buyer. Thomas’s coffin was covered with the large new mortcloth and the great bell was sounded.

9) Jesse Bollard HIDE d 19.3.1924 67, w Fanny d 2.12.1944 85.

10) ed Margt SMITH, i m o sis Mary (Molly) d 26.9.1924 9.5 yrs, gmo Margt SMITH d 8.5.1927 88, mo Eliz SMITH d 22.12.1941 66.

11) John WIGHTMAN contractor Cors d 27.3.1838, bro Robt d 22.10.1819, several gchn; Jas contractor d 14.2.1879, w Cath INGLIS d 20.8.1888 88; Gavin Inglis WIGHTMAN b 22.6.1827 d 5.7.1894; Jas WIGHTMAN d 1.10.1908 77, Alex WIGHTMAN d 2.9.1918 76, w Helen SAMUEL d 15.10 1920 76.

1891 James Wightman – Augustine House and Gavin – Daisy Cottage, High Street.

(back) John WIGHTMAN, fa Jas, d London 40, w Margt JOHNSTON d Irthington near Carlisle 24.9.1871 50 buried Canonbie; Isobel HENDERSON, h Gavin WIGHTMAN d 24.5.1864 30; Margt HENDERSON, h Thos WIGHTMAN, d 12.1.1868 25; Cath WIGHTMAN, h Joseph NESS, d Airdrie 12.10.1873 48; Cath INGLIS, fa Alex WIGHTMAN, D 5.8.1884 7 yrs 6 mths; Alex, yst s of Alex WIGHTMAN d 19.2.1962 76, w Helen GALLOWAY d 21.12.1970 88.

12) Mary HOSIE d 13.8.1822 46, h Geo SAMUEL senr mason d 19.11.1828 61, ss Jas d 11.12.1815 6 mths, Robt d (3/5?).4.1823 10, Geo junr, d 17.3.1830 24, John d 3.5.18(3/5?)(5/6?) 10, dau Charlotte d 6.7.1831 30, Mary d 28.4.1832 22.

Page | 2

(back: erosion) Francis SAMUEL mason Cors d 7.6.185(1/4?) (51?), dau Margaret d 31.10.1831 9 yrs 6 mths, w Agnes KEDDIE d 4.12.1855 38, s Geo d (?) eldest s Francis Jas d 31.(?).(?)7 (w Alice GRINDROD d 1907 62).

See also numbers 50, 332 The Samuel, Keddie and Wardlaw families were related by marriage.

13) Esther STRUTHERS d 25.3.1870, h Rev Geo BURNS, D.D. b Borrowstounness 12.10.1790, ord St Andrews Church St John N.B 1816, trans Tweedsmuir Scotland 1831, resigned May 1843, inducted 1st minister F.C. Cors 1844 d Edin 5.2.1876 86th yr.

John Burns Surveyor of Customs, Bo’ness had four sons who distinguished themselves in the ministry of the church

14) Mary Nisbet WHITSON d 21.8.1905 53, h Wm R MURRAY, Inglewood Cors d 18.5.1931 78, dau Darling Violet PATERSON d 10.7.1918 41 (h Dav Jas (YOUNGER).

Murray was a drapery commercial traveller1891 Inglewood St John’s Road.

15) (tablestone) Jas NIMMO farmer Sighthill d 29.9.1760 27, s farmer Sighthill d 26.3.1827 30 (w Christian NIMMO d 22.2.1811 50, her daus Eliz d 7.12.1820 30, Margt d 30.7.1822 34); Jas NIMMO farmer Sighthill d 6.2.1846 54, w Marion MITCHELL b 15.11.1805 d 1.2.1870, dau Christina d 13.8.1839 8, s Peter Mitchell NIMMO d 4.7.1853 24, Alex Henderson NIMMO b 7.6.1842 d 15.7.1856, Chas Mackenzie NIMMO b 18.2.1840 d 23.1.1867; Margt Harvey OLIVER b 24.2 1833 d 21.9.1872, h Jas NIMMO farmer Sighthill b25.2.1825 d 22.2.1866; John Mitchell NIMMO b 1.10.1844 d 30.6.1862; Thos NIMMO b 15.10.1834 d Sidney N.S.W 17.11.1913; Helen Mitchell NIMMO b 5.8.1838 d 13.11.1914; Robt NIMMO b 21.9.1836 d 14.2.1916.

See also no. 277

The first Nimmo in Sighthill had a tack 1624. James who died in 1760 was buried with the large new velvet mortcloth and to the sound of the great bell. When James and Margaret Oliver married in 1857 they were living at Hermiston in Currie parish.

Page | 3 16) John RUSSEL farmer Ribes, Fife b 18.5.1741 died Meadowfield this parish 14.1.1812, w Margt COUSTON b 10.1747 d 18.2.1825, daus Christian, Marion, and Jane, s Jas farmer Meadowfield 1810-1841 and Saughtonhall 1841-18(?) d 11.187(0/6?) (w Anne MUIRHEAD d 11.1872 (80?), s John farmer Saughtonhall Mains after his fa 1860-1879 b 11.2.1829 d 5.7.1895).

17) Thos ALLAN banker d 12.3.1923 49, w Mary Balfour MACNAB d 8.3.1947.

Newland, 14 Belgrave Road

18) (erosion) ed And DINGWALL mariner i m o w Janet LOGAN d 27.12.1815.

A daughter Jessie Barbara was baptised 6.12.1815.

19) Robt CHISHOLM d 16.9.1924 83, w Isa AITCHISON d 11.1.1922 77, dau Jessie J.A d 11.12.1930 55.

Dairyman at Featherhall, St John’s Road

20) (small slab:cross) Chas FINDLAY 19.3.1922 65, w Margt HILL d 2.7.1931 75.

21) (erosion) ed John ELMSLIE Cors i m o dau Elisabeth d 8.1816 (?), h late John C(UTH)BERTSON.

22) Alex LISTER d 3.7.1922 66th year, w Margt McWHIRTER d 23.3.1937 86th year.

Plumber and Gasfitter St John’s Road

23) (tablestone) Thos GIRDWOOD Sighthill Lang Saughtoun 1557 d 1560, s and successor Robt d 1585; Jas 1st of the Lairdship portioner in Lang Saughtoun d 1605; Janet ANDERSON d 17.12.1671 27, (h Geo GIRDWOOD portioner Lang Saughtoun d 23.12.1700; Wm GIRDWOOD d 11.3.1710 23).

The Lairdship farming ground lay in the area of Stevenson College and Bankhead Drive. William who died in 1710 was possibly the son of George Girdwood and Jean Cassie whose baptism was recorded 4.2.1687. At

Page | 4 William’s funeral the family hired the large velvet mortcloth. George O.P.C. Elder 1667 to 1695.

24) (tablestone) Jas JOHNSTON d 12.10.17, w Janet WILKIE d July (no year stated) 35; Agnes JOHNSTON West Templelands d 1742 (h John GIRDWOOD).

Agnes was possibly the daughter of James Johnston the candlemaker associated with the Templelands and the Bee wall at Ferrybank demolished 1959.

25) (against church wall) John DICKSON of Corstorphine b 19.7.1807 d Torquay 17.6.1872, s Peter Hannay b 28.9.1861 d 27.2.1894 buried Wanganui New Zealand (w Jean CAMPBELL d Moffat 17.7.1896 33 buried Cors); John Heatley DICKSON b 6.1.1843 d 23.11.1909 (w Annabella COLLINS b 27.2.1850 d 10.12.1927; Mary HANNAY 10.12.1913 94 2w of John DICKSON of Corstorphine; Aimee A.M. DICKSON d Dunscore 6.10.1963; Wm Traquair DICKSON, W.S. b 7.6.1845 d 24.11.1926 (w Eliz Magdalene STEWART b 25.9.1857 d 15.6.1929); Heatley DICKSON, C.E. of Corstorphine elder son of John Heatley DICKSON b 14.9.1875 d 3.7.1927 (w Caroline Margt Cath DUNSMURE b 16.10.1886 d 18.9.1937).

Mary Hannay and John Dickson married at Twynham 15.3.1859. Caroline Terrace Corstorphine named after the wife of J.H. Dickson. The Dickson family were the last owners of Corstorphine Estate. William Dickson W.S died Jan 1994. His estate papers are with the Corstorphine Trust.

26) (against church wall: erosion) Wm DON: ed (June?) 9.1748 Wm WALKER portioner in Cors d 19.1.1751 57, dau Anna d 12.2.1729, 4 gchn

At the funeral of William DON 30 January 1733 the great bell was rung. In 1718 he was servitor to Sir James Dick of Prestonfield owner of Corstorphine Estate

27) (slab) Agnes Speir BOYD d 26.7.1917 81; Marianne BOYD d 28.6.1923 80; Isa Cunningham BOYD d 27.11.1940 91.

28) (erosion) John PATERSON d 25.(9?).18(66?) 78, w Marion CUNNINGHAM d (?).18(65?) 78; Agnes PATERSON d (?) 10 wks; John

Page | 5 PATERSON (builder) Cors d 22.9.1879 59; Agnes BAU(CHOP?) ----- John PATERSON builder ----- d 5.(9?).(?) 76; Agnes BU(CHAN/AN? or BAUCHOP) ----- John PATERSON dau-in-law ----- PATERSON builder d (?); Jane H PATERSON ----- 6 mths; Jas son ----- John PATERSON d (?) 76; Cath WIGHTMAN (wife of?) Hugh PATERSON dau (in law?) John PATERSON builder ----- 50; John PATERSON builder son of (above) John PATERSON d 4.1.(1910?) 65; John PATERSON A&S.H only son of Hugh and Cath PATERSON killed and buried in France 3.9.1917 21st yr; Hugh PATERSON son of John PATERSON and Agnes BAUCHOP d 1.4.1927 70; Marion Purdie MARTIN d 11.1.1932 67 wid of 2nd named John PATERSON, also their son Hugh d 23.1.1952 61.

John Paterson stone mason and Agnes Bauchop maid servant 5 Randolph Cliff, Edinburgh were married at Carnwath 22.10.1859. In 1861 John Paterson living at Slap House was a master mason employing 22 men and 1 boy. George McGown, village schoolmaster on hearing of Jacky Paterson’s death wrote from the Schoolhouse Corstorphine a memorial poem dated September 1917- ‘Rest youthful warrior, now thy duties done’.

See also number 395.

29) (small headstone beside priest’s door: border cable/rope pattern, no inscription, skull and crossbones, possibly early 18th C)

Page | 6 Numbers 30 – 35 in front of East Window

See Section 2 Plan: Numbers 30 - 60

30) (flat: calvary cross) Alex MATTHEW, M.A. F.R.C.S.E., d 17.4.1905 58 physician well beloved, w Jane Anne Stark LAYTON d 6.7.1936 86, dau Alice Margt 1881-1958, s Dr E Layton Matthew 1884-1963 (W Mary ASHER 1888-1958).

O.P.C. elder 1898-1905. Three two light windows on the north wall of the knave are a tribute to Dr Matthew highly respected village doctor.

31) (flat: cross) Rev Donald MACLEOD, D.D, V.D, 1st minister St. Columba’s London b 1839 d 1911, ed wid.

See also number 32. Donald Macleod aged 14 travelled from his father’s manse at Lagan with a sack of meal to feed him when he entered Aberdeen University. His first call was Dornoch 1863 and thereafter by Dumfries, Montrose, Dundee and Jedburgh he came to London 1881. Dr Macleod was first Chaplain of the London Scottish Regiment for which he got the Volunteer Decoration. His second wife, Miss Potter, attended St. Columba’s. When she was widowed she married the Rev James Fergusson of Corstorphine Parish Church. Dr. Macleod’s daughter, Clara, wrote the story of her family in “Memoirs of Children of the Manse”, 1961.

32) (flat: cross) Rev Jas FERGUSSON, T.D. minister Corstorphine, Clerk Presby. Edin, d London 11.9.1926 59 served this parish 31 years, w Caroline Manuel POTTER b 5.1.1866 d 8.1.1960 widow of Rev Donald MACLEOD.

See also numbers 31 and 372

33) (flat: cross crosslet) Harriot Jane SPENCE d 4.2.1929, h Sir Jas Inglis DAVIDSON, Saughton Mains d 19.10.1934, s Geo Spence DAVIDSON, D.S.C. d 25.1.1960 (w Natalie Jane SALVESEN d 21.1.1977)

J.I Davidson and Robertson, land valuators, Saughton Mains

34) (flat: cross) Jas Edward COWAN, J.P d 19.10 1931, w Joan GIBB d 14.3.1942, s Wm Wilson Lieut. R.F.C killed France 14.4.1917

Bank of Scotland agent: Eastfield Clemiston Road

Page | 7 35) (flat: cross) Robt Tuite BOOTHBY, K.B.E of Beechwood 29.6.1871- 7.2.1941, w Mabel LANCASTER 24.8.1867-9.5.1948.

Sir Robert Boothby was Manager The Scottish Provident Institution and Chairman The Widowers’ Childrens Home Corstorphine

Page | 8 Numbers 36-60 from East Window round walls to Porch

See Section 2 Plan: Numbers 30 - 60

36) (flat) Wm RENWICK Meadowfield Cors and Skateraw Innerwick d 20.3.1917 70, w Margt LAMBIE d 23.4.1935 83, daus Agnes Aitkenhead d 26.6.1945 67, Jane Lambie d 8.8.1950 67, Lillias Lambie d 23.3.1964 74, Margt Lambie d 22.4.1969 89, Isa d 4.2.1971 89.

37) John FOORD shepherd d 15.2.1795 75.

Traditionally this stone is part of the rock of Corstorphine Hill on which the shepherd was found dead. The small stone behind is said to mark his dog’s grave.

38) Roderick McDONALD d 9.5.1930 72, w Rosa WOODS d 2.8.1941 84.

39) John MARTIN Cors d 1824 44, w Sarah MORFIE d 1861 86, fam Maria d 1839 15, Mary d 1847 28, Jas Watson farmer Broomhouse and Old Saughton d 1869 62, John farmer Inverleith Mains d 1869 57, Sarah d 1875 66, Dr. W THOMSON d 22.3.1897 (w Hannah MARTIN d 16.12.1899).

Sarah Morfie (Murphy), a native of Colchester an 18th Century army centre gave birth to her son James Watson in Ireland 1807. At that time James Watson of Saughton was serving in the army In Ireland. She married John Martin gardener at New Saughton and they had ground and a house at Paddockholm where after Martin’s death Sarah managed a market garden. Paddockholm belonged to the Saughton estate.

40) Margt CLARK d Willowbank House Airdrie 10.7.1924 66, h John Martin THOMSON M.B., C.M J.P.

41) Jas DOWNIE merchant Leith d 1841, W Janet MARTIN d 8.5.1839 25, s Jas Martin DOWNIE farmer House O’Hill d 1868 34.

42) And JOHNSTON Cors d 6.4.1820 41, w Isa KIDD d 27.3.1822 46, 2 gchn John HARPER d 13.2.1829 3 yrs 3 mths, Isa HARPER d 9.11.1832 8 yrs3 mths, Jas HARPER farmer d 8.10.1846 50 (w Agnes JOHNSTON d 24.12 1858 54).

Andrew Johnston was a drayman and James Harper was a vintner and a farmer.

Page | 9 43) Ed Robt and Dav HERBERT i m o fa Wm HERBERT d 2.2.1828 52, mo Margt BOYES 22.12.1858 72, fam Margt d 6.12.1815 6 mths, Mark d 6.9.1821 3 mths, Wm d 11.6.1822 14, Ann d 6.1.1826 22, Jane Ann d 10.10.1828 2, Isa d 23.2.1841 30, Wm d 17.11.1846 23, Agnes d 24.3.1847 42, Robt d 20.10.1891 74 (w Margt WEIR d 22.5.1921 85). (back) John HERBERT d 7.2.1874 67, w Christina CUNNINGHAM d 18.6.1873 63; Dav HERBERT d New Zealand 25.7.1892 73; Agnes d 25.6.1880 25 (fa Robt HERBERT , h John CAMPBELL d 21.8.1897 54); Wm HERBERT d 22.7.1941 82 (w Mary E RIDDELL d 1.8.1954 78, sis Mary HERBERT d 3.7.1942 85).

Robert Herbert d 1891, born in Thornhill Dumfries-shire, was a potato merchant living at Roseleaf Cottage. David, President of Corstorphine Friendly Society, emigrated to New Zealand 1875. The hire of the mortcloth for Ann’s funeral cost 8/-.

44) Owen BUTLER d 27.12.1923 64th year, w Eliz BROWN d 18.1.1950 85, s Willie d 19.2.1933 26th year, gs Willie d 18.4.1924 1 yr 10 mths.

45) Rev John RICHEY, M.A., Rector Desertgreat Co. Tyrone d Cors 2.10.1920 85, w Susanna d 21.10.1922 74, dau Mary Ethel d 18.8.1943 62.

46) Peter SCOTT d 23.9.1940 99, w Margt BRYCE d 16.4.1938 89, s Jas 8.1.1923 37, dau Ann d 10.1.1940 62 cremated Edin.

47) Margt Rosamond MACALISTER d 24.8.1923 76; Jane MACALISTER d 13.3.1939 89.

Belgrave Road.

48) Wm STEVENSON d 7.10.1923 54th yr, w Roberta YOUNG d 9.12.1946 73rd yr, ed fam.

49) Wm BISHOP d 5.9.1930 76th yr, w Margt Ann Johnston CLARK d 18.9.1960 97th yr, s Wm d 24.3.1989 88th yr.

50) Wm YOUNG d 23.9.184(8?) 50, w Agnes HERBERT d 24.3.1847 42, ss Wm d inf 19.12.1831, Dav d inf 5.4.1847, Wm b 13.6.1840 d 1.1.1868, daus Mary Ann d 1.3.1851 23, Agnes b 13.4.1843 d 21.2.1882.

Page | 10 (back) Peter WARDLAW d 14.6.1876 48, dau Jane Marshall d 24.7.1897 5.

See also numbers 332, 338.

Peter Wardlaw was a mason related by marriage to the Keddie and Samuel families.

51) (Stone broken/repaired) Thos HERBERT d 26.7.1870 55, w Margt GIBSON.

Joined Corstorphine Friendly Society 1831 and President 1849.

52) John WIGHT d 20.12 1922 81, 1w Janet WALDIE d 12.3.1879 38, dau Agnes d 24.12.1915 48, 2w Hannah JONES d 19.5.1921 73, dau Hannah Mary d 17.9.1887 2, s Adam Young d 12.4.1922 38 (w Constance Mary d 6.11.1966 79, dau Cath Shearer Jones d 21.12.1993 88)

John Wight 1922 President Corstorphine Friendly Society: joiner, house carpenter and funeral undertaker, Westfield Cottage, Manse Road 1891.

53) (erosion) Wm IMRIE wright (Bel)mount d 9.3.1819 (76?), w Margt LAMB d 2.3.18(11?) 50, s John d (7?).12.1840 64, Eliz-----18(20?) 40 (h Thos GRAHAM)

(back) also MA(RRON) IMRIE dau 13.2.(1833?) 50, s W(illiam) IMRIE d 9 -----37

Wm Imrie was a wright at Brucehill (Belmont) and assistant 1793 to the 3rd key Corstorphine Friendly Society.

54) John FORMAN farmer Cors d 7.7.1803 45, w Ann FLEEMING d 21.10.1802 27, mo (Ann?) HEDRICK---- 66.

O.P.C. treasurer and elder 1792-1800: farmer Clermiston.

55) Wm HOSIE gardener Cors d 2.3.1807 68, dau Charlotte d 5.3.(179)8 26, s Jas d 14.10.18(19) (-4); Eliz HOSIE d 21.6.1818, Ro(bt) HOSIE-----77.

William Hosie was chief gardener to the Watson Family at New Saughton (Cammo). He planted snowdrops brought from East Lothian. The walled garden at Cammo is still rich with snowdrops.

Page | 11 56) i m o mo and sis Helen JOHNSTON d 12.4.1846, Margt JOHNSTON d 18.9.1851.

57) (repaired) Ann WALLACE d 14.7.1799 1, fa Walter WALLACE Four Mile Hill, John d 2.4.18(29?) 17, Alex d 10.1.1823 27. (back) Wm LOURIE smith d 1.1.1783 44, 3 CHN; Peter WHITE d 8.5.1798 84.

Peter White in Cramond married 1738 Grizzel Lawrie and they lived in North Gyle.

58) Isa BLAIKIE d 16.8.1811 2 yrs 9 mths, Wm BLAIKIE d 26.11.1811 14 mths, ed fa Wm.

59) Thos BLAIKIE d (22?).8.1931 70, w Jane DICKSON d 3.2.1941 78, ss Thos Dickson b 14.1.1893 d 5.2.1898, Alex d wounds 23.11.1917.

The Third Battle of Ypres began August 1917.

60) T.B: John BLACKIE feuar Corstorphine Hill d 15.1.1780 35, Dav Baxter GEEKIE d 19.10.1907 62, w Christina Blyth BLAIKIE d 18.1.1934 80, dau Matilda d 16.12.1949. (back) A B: Here lies the best of brothers, here the Friend Loving and beloved by all mankind. To him the noble virtues all were given. To fit him to enjoy his native Heaven. Henceforth be every tender tear supprest Or let us weep for joy that he is blest.

See also number 255

John Blackie (Blaikie) was the brother of Thomas Blaikie the celebrated Scots gardener to the French nobility. Their sister was Agnes.

Page | 12 Number 61- 88 from High Street gate down by old dyke to Kirk Loan wall

See Section 3 Plan: Numbers 61 - 137

61) Wm SIMPSON d 3.4.1883 87, w Jane RUSSELL d 2.3.1882 81, dau Ann 28.10.1875 45 (h Jas PATERSON, s Jas d 10.5.1879 10, dau Jessie b 14.2.1872 d 22.10.1931, wife of Thos FORREST d 17.8.1951). Sculp: Hunter, Edin.

62) Wm STENHOUSE d 13.3.1861 72, w Jane DRUMMOND d 29.6.1886 83, Eliz d 25.9.1830 14, Isa d 17.8.1838 26, Bethia d 16.8.1855 12, Jane Drummond d 27.2.1859 10 mths, Bethia d 13.6.1870 46; Christina NIVEN d Hilltown Newton 27.12.1890 60 (h Wm STENHOUSE junr. Corn Merchant Leith).

63) Wm STENHOUSE junr. Grain merchant Leith, farmer Hilltown Newton parish Midlothian d 14.12.1902 79th yr, w Christina NIVEN d Hill town 27.12.1890 60, elder s Wm grain merchant and farmer d 9 John’s Place Leith 13.11.1913 59, (w Janet SCOTT d Wokingham Berks 1.6.1952 98, 3rd dau Bethia Drummond (Beth) d 31.7.1916 24, 4th dau Janet Turnbull d Brisbane Australia 28.1.1921 28 (h Dr F. GRENE-POWER) , yr s Arch, Hilltown d 14.5.1914 58

64) (set in old kirk yard dyke) Ellen Young STENHOUSE (Nellie) yr dau b 24.6.1863 d 14.5.1924, Jane Drummond STENHOUSE elder dau b 25.6.1859 d 9.12.1937, fa Wm STENHOUSE senr.

65) (cross) Davis Pringle LAIRD b 15.5.1853 d 8.9.1905, w Janie McNUTT b 3.7.1853 d 1.12.1914. (side inscription) Ruby Ann McNUTT b 22.8.1833 d 13.5.1933, dau Jane McNUTT. (side inscription) Their son Eric Pringle LAIRD b 6.2.1887 d 1.2.1941, w Edith Jane ADAMSON b 22.9.1889 d 21.2.1951, (2h Richard J SIMPSON)

D.P. Laird nurseryman Pinkhill House 1891. The McNutt women were both born in Nova Scotia. 1920 E.P. Laird nurseryman and seedsman at Pinkhill and at 17 Frederick Street Edinburgh.

66) John W COOK d 2.8.1862 61, w Margt HUNTER d 30.10.1863 62, dau Janet d 25.6.1867 45, mo Christina McCALL d 7.7.1859 84.

Page | 13 67) Mary d Cors 20.9.1854 55, h Rev Jas STRUTHERS, D.D. minister St. Andrew’s Parish Georgetown Demerary.

68) Nathaniel Wilson SYME 1851-1929, w Janet FORREST 1861-1942, ss John 1886-1938 d San Francisco, Nathaniel 1888-1922 d Buenos Aires, Wm 1898-1916 lost at sea battle of Jutland, Walter 1890-1961 d San Francisco, Ben 1901-1969, dau Mary 1892-1968.

At Jutland Vice Admiral Beatty lured the Germans to where Admiral Jellicoe lay in wait. The warships attacked each other with one ton shells. The sea was awash with bodies. The Germans ran for Wilhelmshaven.

N.W. Syme bootmaker Manse Road 1920

69) (set in old churchyard dyke: pillars for chains of original enclosure: two panels) (right panel) Wm GIRDWOOD, ESQ. of Scredington Manor, Lincolnshire b Cors 5.8.1788 d Fixby 2.5.1874, w Cath KIDD b Edin 30.1.1784 d at Fixby 4.4.1878, 5th dau Isa d Fixby 27.1.1888, 4th dau Christina d Fixby 19.12.1914, 6th dau Diana d Edin 19.3.1919. (left panel) His eldest dau Jane d Edin 8.8.1856, eldest s John d Sudbury Derbyshire 14.9.1861, 3rd s Wm drowned Philadelphia USA 29.7.1865, 4th s Jas d Finchley London 26.3.1904, 3rd dau Marion d Fixby 27.4.1912, 2nd dau Kath d Fixby 7.5.1912.

Fixby was the house 199 St John’s Road. It was named The Cedars by Dr. Cormack. It was demolished 1994 to provide a site for retirement homes. The Girdwoods were wool merchants. Fixby is a place 3m N.W. of Huddersfield. Catherine Kidd’s brother Alexander emigrated 1832 to Van Diemen’s Land on board the ‘Ann Jamieson’ from Leith.

70) (set in old kirkyard dyke) Nita Mary Elinor TOD b 7.7.1899 d 29.9.1907, fa Thos Wardie TOD b 19.2.1857 d 24.5.1934, sis Margt Christine b 10.1.1893 d 26.7.1953; Nita Medows TOD wife and mother d 18.4.1956

See also number 71

71) (Celtic ornament) Robert Arthur GALLIE, M.C. 1893-1948, ss killed in action Geo Holmes, M.C. major R.A. 1917 – 1944, Robt Eric 2nd Lieut R.S. 1919 – 1940 of Fox Covert, also Frances Gray GALLIE nee TOD of Clerwood 1895 – 1984.

See also number 70

Page | 14 R.A. Gallie ‘Roy’ and his eldest son George were both educated at Fettes and played international rugby for Scotland 1920, 1921, 1939. George was killed in Italy in a minefield. Tom Roe in his book ‘Anzio Beachhead: Diary of a Signaller’ 1988, writing of the incident says ‘Major Gallie was a fine Scotsman and Officer’ Robert Died at Dunkirk. Fox Covet, now demolished, was a fine mansion house at Clermiston. Clerwood Mansion is now used as a business premises. The Tod Family took a keen personal interest in the welfare of Corstorphine people.

72) Thos SMITH d 10.12.1874 69, w Janet HENRY d 6.8.1871 69, dau Helen d 20.9.1870 25, mo Helen GEDDES d 23.2.1827 58, fa Thos d 10.4.1827 56; s Alex d 1.5.1887 57 (w Ellen COPLEY d 22.9.1895 62)

73) (slab: floral design) Isaac John COWIE b 1869 d 1943, w Annie Ness CHAPMAN b 1869 d 1960, (ss) Morton John Heddell COWIE architect b 1905 d 1971; Francis Geo Heddell COWIE, O.B.E., S.S.C. b 1904 d 1981.

Francis G. Heddell Cowie, solicitor Small and Cowie, Lerwick: Capt (and Founder) 13th Edinburgh (Corstorphine) Company The Boys Brigade 1928-34: Nessmount, Clermiston Road. Isaac J.C., Durrisdeer 30 St John’s Road

74) (set in old kirkyard dyke: cross, I H S, sculp. Panels) Geo Gibson TOD b17.10.1865 d 24.7.1910.

75) Thos CHAPMAN farmer Broomhouse d 8.3.1829 61, w Christina GILLESPIE d 1.1.1859, s Samuel d 2.9.1825 6 yrs 6 mths; Agnes CHAPMAN b 22.4.1827 d 1.9.1862; Thos Gillespie CHAPMAN b 12.5.1825 d 21.10.1852 (back) ed Christina CHAPMAN for husband and child; Christina Isa BROWNE b 17.12.183(8?) d 22.5.185(2/4?), Jane Ronald BROWNE b 5.11.1852 d 29.11.1863 gdau of above.

Christina Browne’s father Hugh was a Glasgow merchant. In 1827 Thomas Chapman had 25 acres of excellent potatoes ready for lifting.

76) Jean Cosh HUME d 23.6.1926 11, Walter Alan HUME d 13.1.1937 52; Agnes Cosh HUME d 26.2.1951 72.

77) Rev Dr. Jas TAYLOR d 16.3.1892, w Mary MUNRO d 4.7.1887, yst s Jas Pringle TAYLOR d 15.9.1910. (side) Jane MUNRO d 19.10.1901.

Page | 15 James Pringle Taylor, W.S owned the property Dunsmuir. He was active in local affairs 1886-1910 and was Master Mason the Lodge St. John Corstorphine.

78) (erosion: set in old kirkyard dyke) John PETTET----- age 11 (27?), Amelia PETTET d 17.1.1834 10 yrs (?) months ----- John B PETTET junr d coach accident 26.6.1837 26 and on the 3rd day following John PETTET 55, w Ann MABER d 17.9.1854 75; Caroline WATERSTONE d 14.1. (1892?) 79.

John Pettet paid the kirk session one guinea to erect a tomb. In 1890 this enclosure was taken down, the stones and iron railings being given to the restoration of Gogar church. John B = Bennet.

79) Thos WILSON d 11.4.1926 65, w Frances d 3.3.1947 82.

Rhumohr, Clermiston Road.

80) Robt Jas NICHOLSON, M.A., BSc d 13.4.1926 45; Robt NICHOLSON d 26.9.1926 73; Jane NICHOLSON d 20.11.1936 80; Winnie NICHOLSON d 21.4.1976 87.

81) And BISSETT d 28.5.1923 52, w Annie Watson ROBERTSON d 27.2.1949 73.

5 Chalmers Crescent 1920

82) (small slab) Dav METHVEN d 5.5.1923, w Eliz CUNNINGHAM d 24.8.1922.

83) Hugh SCOTT d 15.5.1922.

84) Robt ARTHUR d 3.3.1859 58, w Agnes CHAPMAN d 2.5.1878 71, s And d 13.3.1898 68 (w Ann BROCKIE d 15.4.1906 68) Alex ARTHUR d 2.5.1922 77 (w Charlotte Burns BROCKIE 11.4.1919 75), gs Robt Peter Arthur, Sgt R.A.F. b 3.9.1924 missing 21.7.1944. (back) Robt ARTHUR d 4.3.1872 38, s Robt d 15.6.1870 7, Davd 7.4.1872 7, Robt d 8.10.1965 80 (w Ann Isa PURVES d 15.12.1964 77, fa Alex)

On July 11th 1944 over a million children were evacuated from London as V-1s ‘doodlebugs’ intensified attacks on South East England.

Page | 16 Robert Arthur was a contractor, Andrew, a thatcher, lived at Cross Cottages, High Street.

85) (obelisk) Capn Robt D GUTHRIE d 25.1.1872 66, w Esther S BURNS d 25.11.1894.

86) (small stone leaning against number 85) Alexanderina MITCHELL d 14.6.1933 38, h Dav RONALDSON.

87) ed Geo WHITE i m o Sarah HARDIE d 28.2.1932 63, sis Caroline d 19.12.1926 64, s Hugh d 29.7.1974 64.

88) Don MORRISON d 20.12.1931 68, w Jessie STEWART d 1.10.1947, s John killed France 1915 aged 23 interr Chocques military cem.

In April 1915 the British were fighting along the Ypres salient. By September Kitchener’s recruits were in Flanders at Loos. In November Edith Cavell a British Nurse at Brussels was shot by the Germans for helping Allied soldiers to escape.

gKenora, Gordon Road 1920.

Page | 17 Numbers 89 to 137 across path running by East Window

See Section 3 Plan: Numbers 61 - 137

89) Henry Lunam DUNCANSON d 12.4.1928 61, w Mary SANSON d 22.11.1940 76, daus Mary Alice d 20.11.1926 27, Eliza Lunam d 17.7.1968 (h Frederick J MURISON d 20.1.1969 78).

90) (small broken monument) Samuel Tullis GLEN d 20.10.1929 5 yrs 8 mths.

91) Wm Sibbald Tait KIRK d 17.8.1909, w Isa GRAHAM d 12.12.1866, fam Jane Tait d 24.2.1896, Marion Tait d 27.12.1918, Jas, Rebecca, Isa, Janet all d inf; Jas KIRK d 8.2.1953 (w Janet MEIKLE d 11.3.1948); Douglas KIRK d 21.1.1961.

The Kirk Family started their bakery business in the premises originally used by James Lind, baker, next to St. Ninian’s Church, In 1910 the business removed to 1-2 Ormiston Terrace.

92) Alex HOGG d 21.10.1952 81, 1w Hannah Henderson BLACKADDER d 12.9.1927 55, 2w Margt WEST d 9.3.1960 65.

93) Alex MACKENZIE, D.C.M. 2Lieut Seaforth Hlrs d Dumfries 4.4.1938 70th yr, w Lilian (Lily) d 20.2.1932 58th yr, eldest s Ronald L/Cpl 8th Seaforth Hlrs killed action 30.9.1918 20th yr interr British Cem Philosophe, France.

By 30th September 1918 the Allies were advancing along the Western Front from the Scheldt to Sedan. Two hundred divisions attacked simultaneously. In Britain the influenza epidemic began.

94) (cross) John KERR b 18.9.1819 d 31.3.1900, w Janet COWAN b 3.4.1829 d 28.12.1887, s Hugh b 11.9.1859 d 8.4.1927

John Kerr was the blacksmith at Ladylands, St. John’s Road. A copper beech tree preserved there marks the location of the smiddy. His father in law Hugh Cowan who died 12.1.1867 started the business at Ladylands about 1828. The smiddy was active until c 1922: the site was cleared for business premises in the 1960s.

Page | 18 95) Dav BAXTER, M.A. lecturer Moray House Training College b 31.12.1857 d 22.11.1926, w Janet Leggat PURSELL b 27.2.1860 d 29.7.1959, dau Winifred Jane Gibson 9.5.1894-18.3.1973.

Thrushlaw, Drum Brae South

96) (broken tablet) i m o s Campbell Frederick MACGREGOR d 2.3.1928 9 mths.

97) ed John BAILLIE i m o w Barbara MA(SON) ----- 11.3.1825.

A mortsafe for Barbara Mason (Mrs Baillie) 17 March 1825 cost 10/6

98) ed Jas WOOD and Eliza NICHOLSON i m o chn Wm d 19.5.1859 10 mths, Margt d 7.7.1875 20, above Jas WOOD d 10.9.1872 70.

99) Wm R Campbell WRIGHT Late Assam d Cors 12.2.1926 76, w Kath Donald MACALISTER d 2.1.1932 86.

100) (erosion) ed Ann EAMONSON i m o h Wm (JONES?) d 23.7.----- also their s Wm d -----16.

A Mortcloth was hired for a William Jones 27.7.1826 and again in June 1831.

101) (small obelisk) Alex STEEL d 10.11.1878 74, w Martha DUNLOP d 31.12.1883 79, s Alex d 3.3.1906 72 (w Jane Wallace BROWN d 30.12.1893 62), dau Marion d 9.7.1908 79 (h John SMITH 24.7.1880 55), gdau Janet STEEL d 21.2.1909 (h John GEDDES).

102) Thos ALLAN, Clifton Cors d 5.10.1923, w Isa WALKER d 8.11.1916.

103) Rev Jas WEBSTER, D.D. missionary Manchuria 30 yrs afterwards Foreign Mission Secretary U.F. Church of Scotland d 4.6.1923 68, w Eliz Hamilton SCOTT d 22.12.1922, eldest dau Cissie d Easter Sunday 1918 buried Highgate cem London.

104) John SCOTT d 20.6.1938 71, w Mary FAIRBAIRN d 20.5.1915 46, s John d 3.8.1917 interr Morogora cem E. Africa.

105) (small stone cross) Amelia HARRISON d 13.8.1915 35, h Richard WINTER; John WINTER d 5.8.1926, w Margt GREER d 29.4.1937.

Page | 19 106) John Farquharson MACDONALD d 11.3.1915, w Edith HUSSEY d 7.8.1954 94.

107) (erosion) Geo GOODALL d 13.2.190(1?) 70, w Agnes DRUMMOND d 10.5.1883 62.

Nursery Manager Beechhill Nursery Cottage 1891.

108) (small slab) Sarah H JOHNSTON 1860-1928; Wm H LIDDLE 1890-1943; Agnes R LIDDLE 1897-1962.

109) Jas SCOTT d 15.7.1862 42, w Jemima JOHNSTON d 30.4.1907 90, dau Agnes d 21.6.1921 67.

110) John W McLENNAN d 8.1.1943, w Janet ROSS d 26.10.1928, eldest ss Roderick Wm d 9.11.1953, Alex Robt d 11.1.1967, yst s Ian Ross d 11.1.1970, yst dau Jane Ross d 3.8.1978, eldest dau Margt Wingate d 10.2.1986.

111) (small obelisk) Geo MANSON, F.S.A. Scot, F.E.I.S, Headmaster General Assembly Normal Institution Edin 14 yrs, teacher this parish b 28.1.1817 d 12.2.1862, w Janet REID b 10.2.1829 d 25.4.1914. Inscript: ‘Thou hast instructed many’ Job iv.3

The Normal Institution later was known as Moray House. Mr Manson’s salary at Corstorphine was £50 p.a. Latin, Greek and French cost seven shillings a quarter.

112) (cross) J. Margt ROBERTSON d Edin 29.4.1926.

113) Frances JOHNSTON d 23.9.1926 75, h Geo WILLIAMSON d 27.5.1927 76, ed s Geo.

114) Wm CUMMING d 10.8.1885 79, w Margt EMSLIE d 14.4.1882 68, dau Eliz d 16.7.1881 46, s Wm d 5.6.1885 43 (w Helen Cath PRINGLE d 3.10.1903 62) gchd Walter Pringle CUMMING d 23.3.1900 7 wks, Mgt CUMMING b 17.3.1866 d 23.3.1866, John CUMMING b 27.11.1870 d 16.11.1871, Walter Pringle CUMMING d 21.6.1951 82 (w Christina SWANSON d 25.12.1930 65).

In 1891 Helen C Cumming lived Laburnum Row also known Johnston Cottages (between Kirk Loan and Glebe Road)

Page | 20 115) Jemima STOAKLEY b East Dereham Norfolk 6.5.1807 d Edin 10.11.1831.

A Mortcloth and mort safe were hired from the church 14 November 1831 for the burial of Jemima Britannia Stoakley.

116) ed John LISTER i m o fa John d 22.2.1869 58, mo Sarah HALL d 11.5.1870 69, bro Jas d 6.12.1857 22.

117) Mary Jane ALEXANDER b 1854 d 1865.

118) Joseph SCOTT d 28.4.1928 72, w Jessie McLEOD d 20.4.1949 93, s John Wm d 3.12.1943 59.

119) Walkinshaw COWIE d 26.12.1843 37, s John d 22.12.1832 2, s John d 13.2.1853 16.

120) John POTTER d 27.9.1917 66 w Helen THOMSON d 9.10.1936 87, Janet d 31.10.1950 76.

121) Rev Jas MORRISON Minister Cors F.C. 1865 d 28.8.1912 82, w Jamesina Ranald Martin STEWART b 11.4.1839 d 20.3.1922, s Chas Stewart d 25.11.1875, Norman 1871-1950, Margt 1867-1951.

122) Wm Henry MARRIOTT, M.A. Cantab, F.R.S.E, 1800-1832 Minister St Paul’s Carrubbers Close, Classics Master Edinburgh Academy. Inscrip: ‘Vit ut doctrina sic moribus insignis’

Marriott was one of the first masters when Edinburgh Academy opened 1824. He could not control his boys who were reported as ignorant and idle. Five of the troublemakers became admirals. Marriott removed to Old St Paul’s in 1828. His funeral at Corstorphine was attended by most of his congregation.

123) Wm THOM d 19.3.1923, w Helen REID d 22.11.1941.

124) Wm CRAIG merchant Edin d Cors 29.3.1877 72, ed wid.

125) E M E d 17.7.1833 24.

The use of a Mortcloth for a Mrs England cost 10/- in July 1833.

Page | 21 126) (urn on top) Hay DOWNIE d Corstorphine Cottage 6.12.1903 86, w Euphemia Cumming KIDD d 2.8.1933 92, dau Euphemia Lily d 30.6.1933. (side) dau Eliz b 1850 d 1863, 1w Janet LOUDEN b 1812 d 1870; Eliz McInnes DOWNIE d 18.12.1956 80.

In the age of the horse Hay Downie, master saddler, native of Dunblane, had a flourishing business employing two men and a boy. He lived at Corstorphine Cottage, St John’s Road. N.W. corner of Kirk Loan.

127) (urn on top) Wm HENDERSON, M.D, ed friends in grateful remembrance of ----- zeal and ability ----- 16 yrs in this parish and its vicinity ----- d Cors 11.9.1846 40.

For medicines for the poor Dr Henderson was paid 1837 by the Church £13-15-6. He had a yearly payment of £5-0-0 for attending the poor under the care of the kirk.

128) Jas LAING burgh assessor d 22.1.1928, w Edith East ROBINSON d 28.1.1945.

129) John BROWN merchant d St Colme Cors 16.1.1931 83, w Jemima MURRAY d Craigcrook 21.12.1925 71.

High class wine and grocery business St John’s Road/ Kirk Loan.

130) Thos LAWRIE farmer South Clermiston d 7.2.1840 77, w Margt TAYLOR d 14.8.1843 72.

131) (tablet on wall: pillar and chain enclosure broken down) Clementina Jane HOPE b 16.9.1854 d 4.11.1860; John Reginald HOPE b 26.7.1862 d 2.4.1870; The Hon Gertrude ELPHINSTONE b 17.2.1826 d 29.3.1894 (h Jas HOPE); Jas HOPE of Belmont b 1.7.1818 d 10.7.1903; Edith Geraldine HOPE d Dublin 23.2.1904 interr Whitechurch, Rathfankham, Co. Dublin.

James Hope (1818-1903) was brother of John Hope founder of the Hope Trust and son of James (1716-1842) agent for the Commission for Highland Roads and Bridges. Hope of Belmont and his wife were active in Victorian Church extension work including St Anne’s Corstorphine.

132) (erosion) Dav SIME d 30.6.1851 62, ss Dav d 20.9.1849 32, (Wm?) SIME 2.9. (?) also his grand (son Adam SIME) d 12.11.1843 ----- Rebecca MICHIE ----- ed s Adam.

Page | 22 David Sime was a farm servant at Meadowfield.

133) (close to wall) Geo THOMSON, Broompark Cors d 4.10.1889 64, w Mary STEELE d 21.3.1904 74, only s John d inf, dau Helen d 8.1.1835 29, gdau Helen THOMSON d 4.4.1946 (h Arthur E LITTLE)

134) Agnes POTTER d 21.9.1932 84.

135) (close to wall) Marion H. NIMMO d 15.1.1871 44 (h Geo BELFRAGE), 2ND DAU Jessie Mary d 12.10.1861 6, Geo BELFRAGE senr d 15.10.1880 70; Geo BELFRAGE junr d North Adelaide S. Australia 3.11.1910 49; Marion Mitchell BELFRAGE d 4.12.1912 61. Sculp: Kerr Bros

George Belfrage, senior, farmed North Gyle from about 1848 to 1868 when his stock had to be sold to pay his creditors. He had 373 acres and employed 10 ploughmen, 2 boys, some hinds and 12 women.

136) (coped stone) Eliza (Bessie) BLACK d 5.10.1924 78, fa And BLACK Maryville.

137) (at wall beside Kirk Loan Gate: cross, bell) Chas MONRO parish beadle d 13.10.1880 72.

Page | 23 Kirk Loan Gate: Numbers 138-255 (Mackie Vault) – 267 in lines north to south bounded by footpath

See Section 4 Plan: Numbers 138 - 267

138) Rev Dav HORNE b Braes O’Yetts Dumbartonshire 25.8.1802, ord Yester 12.5.1831, trans Cors 25.11.1833 d 24.4.1863, Caroline COOKE b 5.4.1805 d 7.5.1875, fam Edward Keith b 8.6.1840 d 3.7.1841, Eliz Fleming b 27.11.1842 d 24.9.1851, Dav b 2.4.1835 d 14.1.1864, Rev Robt Keith Dick HORNE 18yrs minister this parish b 23.9.1834 d 20.5.1907 buried Eastbourne, Harriet Margt b 13.12.1836 d 26.1.1909, Annie Gordon b 8.6.1840 d 12.6.1918, Caroline Mary Patricia b 28.12.1838 d 22.10.1920 (h late Rev Jas ROBERTS).

139) (cross) Jas INGLIS d 25.8.1028 80, w Margt FRAME d 25.3.1929 79.

140) Rev John BEVERIDGE, M.B.E., K.S.O., B.D. d 29.8.1943 86, w Alice Alexandra HENDERSON d 12.8.1928 65, dau Alice Louisa d Torquay 2.3.1946.

Rev John Beveridge centenary medal Oslo University 1911; first President Scottish Esperanto Federation; President Scottish Beekeepers’; Chaplain 1st Kinross-shire Volunteer Regt: Commissioner Scottish War Savings Committee, Knight of St. Olaf (Norway) 1938.

141) Rev Dav SCOT--- beloved for his many virtues, eminent for talent, piety, learning, ordained this parish 17.11.1814 ----- till 30.6.1833 ----- apptd Prof Oriental Languages Univ. of St. Andrews d Edin 17.9.1834 64th yr interr here, ed wid.

11.11.1832 marriage banns for Rev Dr Scot and Helen HEUGHS; renewal of church building 1828 by Burn; preferred to live in Edinburgh but forced by heritors to occupy the manse.

142) Robt CUDDIE d 11.1.1876 54, dau Henrietta d 11.3.1868 4 mths.

The village poet. His verses ‘Corstorphine Lyrics’ were published 1878 for the benefit of his widow.

143) (cross) i m o Jane SIMPSON, fa Jas SIMPSON merchant Haddington.

144) Jas LIND baker Cors b 10.12.1818 d 20.8.1908, w Cath FOTHERINGHAM d 18.9.1902 81.

Page | 24 James Lind master baker and Catherine Fotheringham, 11 King’s Place, Leith married in Corstorphine parish church 23 February 1857. Mr Lind’s flour room was the little schoolhouse on the east of St. Ninian’s church, the site now being covered with shops.

145) (obelisk) Wm SLIMON farmer S Gyle d 10.5.1860 84, w Margt BLACK d14.3.1838 50, chn Wm d 8.12.1830 10, John d 8.4.1851 34, Margt d 15.4.1863 52, Geo d 7.11.1867 41, Dav d 3.9.1869 39 interr Dean, Janet d 10.9.1871 52, Jas 13.2.1882 58, Robt d 15.1.1898 69, Marion d 13.1.1910 94. Sculp: Walker and Johnston, Edin

146) Lawrence PETRIE d 25.5.1953 77, w Agnes NEWLANDS d 2.9.1933 63.

147) (cross broken pieces) Mary BOYD d 27.8.1910 22 devoted nurse of Evelyn Ewan MACDONALD

148) (official stone: crest, cross) 3301201 Private A.D. LINDSAY Highland Light Infantry d 6.1.1921.

149) Dav Chalmers MOWAT d 28.3.1917 52, w Ina SUTHERLAND d 31.5.1963, s Stewart S., L.A.G., R.A.F. killed 22.10.1943 interr Nicosia cem. Cyprus.

On 24.10.1943 it was announced that a new drug, penicillin, was being used to treat infected wounds of soldiers on service in the Mediterranean area.

150) Mrs Sarah Perry MEIN d Pinkhill 28.10.1908 89; Caroline D. MACKAY d 4.2.1946 90th yr.

151 Mathew HALLIDAY, w Cath Muir BROWN d 7.7.1874 58, s Peter d accident 4.6.1868 22, Margt HALLIDAY d (9?).11.1864 14

152) (cross repaired) i m o mo Eliz C CRIGHTON d 19.12.1910 56.

153) Thos PHILIP d 27.9.1888 64 interr Dunfermline cem, w Jane Gowans MCLAREN d 29.3.1918 80, s Wm d 7.2.1959 84 (w Violet d 16.1.1962 89, s Wm McLaren PHILIP d 18.11.1986 78).

Page | 25 154) Geo Malcolm SMAILLIE d 8.3.1965 79, w Margt SIMPSON, fa Geo d 10.5.1926, mo Cath CUTHBERTSON d 15.7.1929.

155) Robt ANDERSON d 21.7.1910 52, w Christina URQUHART d 2.3.1940 82, ss John Corp 1st Coldstreams fell France 15.9.1916 22, Robt Sgt 1st Camerons fell France 16.11.1917 30.

On the Somme15 September 1916 a new secret weapon, code name ‘Tank’,went into operation. The Canadians 6 November 1917 captured Passchendaele and by the 30th the U.S ‘Rainbow Division’ under Douglas MacArthur arrived in France.

156) (dove) Chas FINLAYSON, w Isa MASTERTON d 25.11.1870 45, chn John d 17.1.1858 3, Jessie d 4.4.1859 9 mths, Jas d 2.8.1867 17, Chas d 28.4.1869 2, Jas Chas 2(9?).12.1870 1 mth. (back) Chas FINLAYSON d 8.5.1875 50, dau Jessie d 12.6.1874 12. Sculp: Kerr Bros

157) Elisabeth SHELDON d 17.7.1832 42, h Wm SHELDON.

In the church accounts there is an entry 18 September 1833 for assistance – a Guinea – to William Sheldon when in distress and carrying him to Ireland. At that period the support of the poor was done by the church not the Government as it is today.

158) (cross) Malcolm d 22.10.1918 75, fa Malcolm Stuart MURRAY.

159) Richard Halley DODDS d Edin 25.1.1945, w Margt GRIEVE d 11.11.1918 at Rose Villa 10 St John’s Terrace, Cors.

160) (small cross) Marie Louise SUTTER 14 yrs Matron Children’s Home Murrayfield d 16.11.1912. sis Kath d 19.2.1911 54, fa late Arch SUTTER, C.E. Edin.

161) (cross) Annie BEATON d 30.3.1911; Patricia Inkson BEATON d 27.12.1929.

162) Henry J WILEMAN d 9.8.1937 77, (1st) w Clara Frances d 18.10.1912, ed chn.

Baptist minister acting as last missionary in charge of North Morningside Missionary Church Edgar Hall, Chesser Avenue, Edinburgh, before Stenhouse Church was built: lived at The Birches, Saughton Road.

Page | 26 163) (repaired) Thos WAUGH d 21.5.1852 54, w Mary BAIRD d (obliterated by repair), s Allan d 19.5.1839 29, chn d inf dau Mary d 24.2.1871 43.

164) Dav FELL b 29.4.1862 d 4.7.1939, a Jane Ann WEBSTER b 29.9.1859 d 3.8.1912, dau Eliz b 24.7.1887 d 10.4.1958

165) (broken pieces small cross) Christian PALMER d 10.2.1917 35, mo Helen Sophia PALMER b 3.8.1852 d 6.5.1929.

166) Robt K. MITCHELL d 7.1.1900 69th yr, w Marion Welsh NICOLL d 31.1.1935 85th yr; Lizzie MITCHELL d 21.9.1893 17th yr; Marion b and d 1.5.1879; Howard K. MITCHELL d 16.2.1919 39th yr.

Robert Kennedy Mitchell Iron Foundry Agent lived 1891, Sycamore Bank, Saughton Road.

167) Jas REID d 2.1.1921 60, w Janet W.P. d 26.6.1945 80, da Jen Nisbet d 10.2.1918 21; Stuart REID Sgt R.E.M.E. killed N. Ireland 24.6.1972 26.

The Provisional IRA offered 22 June 1972 to suspend attacks on the 26th. By the end of the month Protestants in Belfast began to set up barricades.

168) John MILLAR d 13.4.1931 79, w Mary MCPHERSON d 11.1.1933 81, fam Margt d 27.7.1971, Mary d 15.11.1974, Dorathea d 18.2.1978

169) Jas ADAMS d 6.4.1860 66, w Helen d 26.5.1855 55, s Jas d 8.3.1903 (w Charlotte KINNEAR d 21.3.1890), gs Walter Wallace d 1.11.1877 (fa Dav B ADAMS), ed ss Jas and Dav B.

170) i m o the McGREGOR family.

171) Mary NEWTON d 21.6.1982 40.

172) Jas A WILLIAMSON, A.R.I.B.A., Fellow of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, City Architect 1908-1925 d at Holmwood Cors 21.3.1935 74, w Isa ROBERTSON d 2.10.1929 63.

Mr Williamson drew the plan for the restored Gogar church.

173) John KERR Broomhouse d 19.5.1892 63, w Mary WALKER d 12.7.1898, ss Jas Morton d at the Bloom Livingstone 30.12.1875 12 interr Mid Calder

Page | 27 churchyard, Wm Walker d at Balclutha New Zealand 31.10.1933, yst dau Mary Alice d Cors 27.9.1937 80, niece Mary HUNTER d 15.5.1941 96.

174) Wm PREACHER d 25.1.1933 79, w Jean d 13.2.1932 76, dau, Dorothy Mary Agnes d 26.5.1930 36.

3 Hope Street.

175) Jas CUMMING d 25.1.1931 30, w Nita WIGHT d 4.2.1978 73 (2h Wm Young STIRLING d 25.6.1988 83).

176) i m o Nicol LAIDLAW artist d at Dagshai, Cors 18.11.1929 43; Blanche E. LAIDLAW d 4.2.1953 73, h Major C.H. Evelyn MOORE.

Old Kirk Road.

177) (top missing – urn?) ed Dav STEVENSON i m o chn Eliza d 3.3.1846 5, Gaven d 11.3.1846 1, bros John d 12.6.1863 38, Julian d 13.2.1868 46.

178) Alex PATTILLO d 23.7.1885 24, fa John d 8.9.1893 63, mo Margt MARSHALL d 30.12.1899 67; Eliz PURDIE d 27.10.1922 57 (h Wm PATTILLO).

John Pattillo born at Huntly innkeeper at the Oak Inn and William the rural postman. The Oak Inn was where passengers got the Corstorphine to Coltbridge horse bus service in the late 19th century.

179) Alex PATERSON d 3.1915, w Isa SHANKY d 2.1899, s Chas A & S Hlrs killed in France 11.1915, daus Matilda d 7.1956, Mary PATERSON or BLACK d 5.1963. Sculp: Kerr Bros.

The 93rd (Sutherland) Highlanders took part in many areas of the fighting in France 1914-1918. Their service is summed up on the tablet in the Scottish National War Memorial Edinburgh Castle – ‘431 officers and 6,475 other ranks’.

180) Jas GILLESPIE d 21.8.1943, w Isa POLLOCK d 31.3.1919 45, 3rd s Wm killed action near Avesnes, France 9.11.1918 19.

Kaiser Wilhelm 11 abdicated 9 November 1918. On 11 November 1918 at 11 am the Armistice was signed.

Page | 28 181) Geo SHIELS d 20.7.1890 61, w Agnes NEILSON d 1.7.1886 60 interr Dean Cem, s Geo d 13.1.1919 65, dau Alison d 20.7.1935 78.

182) Thos ANDERSON gardener Cors d Schoolhouse Gilmerton 14.2.1892 73, w Ann WEBSTER d Cors 27.11.1887 65, dau Charlotte d Gogarburn 22.11.186(8/9?) 8.

183) John STEWART Crown Chamberlain for Scotland d Elibank Cors 3.3.1893 63, w Isa GIBSON d 26.10.1904 75, Douglas STEWART d 17.4.1874 13.

184) Eliz JACK d 10.4.1925 92; Margt MUIR d 31.1.1935 82.

185) (lair marker stone) E.C.S.

186) Wm HASTINGS d 10.2.1869 49, w Margt DUNCAN d 5.1.1873 53, s Wm d 6.7.1869 21 mths, ed s Wm.

187) (cross) Mary Fraser CURLE d 2.10.1914 52, h Geo AITKEN senr.

188) Adam NEWLANDS d 13.5.1914 57.

189) (high cross) John MACMILLAN Corstorphine Hill House d 8.1.1901 57, w Jessie Chrystal FINLAYSON d 12.6.1894 50, 5th s Cameron Capt Seaforth Hlrs killed Flanders 22.8.1917 37, 4th s Wm Robt d 30.9.1950 71, 8th s Colin Hugh d 23.2.1966 79. (base) their sons Thos Finlayson d 13.3.1948 74, John Melrose d 6.4.1950 74, their gs John d 24.2.1980 72. (base) Geo MACMILLAN d 1.11.1937 67, w Henrietta Windsor RICHARDS 24.11.1974 100; Jessie Chrystal MACMILLAN, M.A., B.Sc., Barrister d 21.9.1937 65. (base) their sons Norman d 10.1.1929 46, Robt Angus d 21.5.1939 55.

Thomas F Macmillan was Chairman Melrose Ltd, The Edinburgh tea merchants. Corstorphine Hill House now part of the Zoological Park familiarly known as the Zoo. From early 1915 the Germans held the ground south of Ypres.

190) Rev Geo WATSON 49 yrs minister Hounam Roxburghshire d Murrayfield 8.6.1913, w Anna Jane EWEN d Ravensdale, Corpach 16.8.1921; Geo John Ewen-WATSON, W.S. d Edin 2.12.1943; Isa (Ella) Yeaman Ewen- WATSON d Tunbridge Wells 4.6.1963.

Page | 29 A plaque in Hounam parish church commemorates George Watson’s ministry there and records his burial at Corstorphine.

191) Agnes Crichton SIME d 13.3.1913 yst dau late Wm SIME, St Andrews; Jane Crichton SIME d Portobello 14.10.1915 83rd yr.

192) John RODGERS d 1.3.1902 82nd yr, w Marion GIBSON d 26.4.1885 66, s Jas d 4.9.1847 2, dau Eliza d 27.10.1866 9, s Mitchell d 9.9.1871 29, gdau Marion C PRENTICE d 23.10.1874 1, gs John R GRIEVE d 10.5.1895 16, fa Mitchell RODGERS d 25.1.1858 70, mo Agnes GRAY d 17.1.1847 61, bro Jas d 30.5.1882 60 (w Georgina PEARSON d 21.1.1895 75).

Four shillings paid for marriage banns for John Rodgers and Marion Gibson 6.3.1841.

193) Alex BREWSTER d 19.7.1890 80, w Mary Ann RODGER d 30.5.1881 66.

Four shillings paid for marriage banns 30.5.1841.

194) John PEARSON d Beechwood 10.12.1913 69, s Dav d 15.12.1869 5.

Native of Whitekirk; gardener at Beechwood.

195) (cross) Caroline CROSS d Gorley Grange Cors 17.10.1903 83.

196) (small obelisk) Dav THOMSON d 7.6.1871, w Mary LISTER d 3.1.1891, dau Sophia d 28.5.1868, s Geo d 6.3.1882, daus Mary d 26.9.1902, Margt d 11.11.1904, Helen d 9.12.1904.

Two shillings paid for marriage banns 27.5.1832.

197) Robt BARRON b 27.10.1873 d 19.2.1928, w Jane D BAYNE b 25.1.1877 d 30.9.1963.

198) (obelisk) Jas ADAMS d 14.5.1888 46, w Margt d 9.7.1891 51. (side) his fa Thos ADAMS d 7.4.1878 84.

See also number 306.

Page | 30 James tenant Meadowhouse Farm 1870 father of Thomas Adams pioneer in modern planning. See – Simpson, Michael. ‘Thomas Adams and the Modern Planning Movement Britain Canada and the United States’. 1985 Grandfather was a horse dealer.

199) i m o fa Geo HERDMAN d 28.7.1929, mo Jane SMITH d 20.11.1930.

200) ed Benjamin CRAWFORD, w Marion GREIG d Sidney 8.5.1896 51, his fa d 14.11.1881 75, his mo d 25.5.1887 78, his chn Margt, Marion, Robt, Marion, Benjamin, Thomasina and Marion all d young, Christina d 4.4.1882.

201) James SHEARER d 17.8.1897, w Agnes NAPIER d 20.2.1926, chn Agnes s 11.1.1878, Jemima d 11.12.1899, Mary d 23.3.1924, Christina d 8.6.1948.

202) Adam SOMERVILLE d Meadowfield 23.6.1865 62, w Mary INGLIS d 4.10.1883 73, gchd Janet d 21.9.1870 11 mths, s Robt d Edin 3.3.1891 52, (w Isa YOUNG d 23.11.1927 93rd yr).

Meadowfield was a farm in 1861 of 260 acres employing 12 men and 5 women.

203) (cross IHS) Dav Drysdale PRENTICE West Mains of Ingliston d 29.6.1956 81, w Agnes Fraser BRYCE d 3.2.1957 81, s Thos Hamilton Bryce PRENTICE, Broompark Cors d 17.5.1927 8½ . Sculp: Donaldson, Cors

Broompark, High Street.

204) Jas JACKSON d 24.10.1891 50, w Mary GRANT d 2.9.1882 63; John GRANT s 28.5.1879 10 yrs 2 mths.

50 Dunbar Place, occupation mason 1891.

205) ed wid, i m o Hamilton MONTEITH d 16.2.1834 34, chn Wm Keith d 15.7.1859 26, Mary d Wishaw 15.12.1860 32 (h Alex KING, Wishaw), Rachel d 6.10.1866 35.

206) Dav Cleland BOYD d 2.4.1923 61, w Agnes STRATHDEE d 23.10.1937 75.

Page | 31 207) Samuel MILLER d 30.9.1890 54, w Cath AITKEN d 15.4.1902 63, chn Cath d 12.11.1875 8½, Sarah d 6.11.1875 6½, Isa Helen d 26.10.1871 15 months, Samuel d 8.9.1905 27 interr Brookside cem. Winnipeg Canada.

208) (cross) John Turnbull HEDLEY d Cors 9.11.1924, w Cath CAIRNS d Edin 26.1.1933.

209) John GREENOCK d 10.11.1893 51, w Marion BROWN d 25.8.1902 58, chn And d 13.11.1881 2½, Mathew d 25.3.1886 18th yr, John A. d 7.4.1901 35, Geo d 13.11.1901 13 yr 10 mths. (back) Isa Jane Greenock McNAB d 12.7.1949 79.

210) Jas SUTHERLAND Cors d 3.3.1941, w Eliz OGILVIE d 3.9.1941, daus Agnes d 31.8.1926, Margt Asher d 19.12.1935, Eliz Miller Ogilvie d 28.1.1959.

211) Wm WILSON d 14.6.1917 80, w Jane BRYCE d 11.7.1905 70, Alex and Cath d inf, ss John d 1.11.1906 40, Robt d Chesterfield 3.9.1930 59, eldest dau Agnes Fraser d 3.11.1927 66.

William 1891 coal merchant, Ashley Bank, Saughton Road.

212) (cross) Jean Atkinson ELLIS d 15.10.1926, fa late Robt FRASER Corstorphine Bank, h Wm John ELLIS d Rio Tinto, Spain 29.6.1915.

213) Ann Oliphant RICHARDSON d 21.5.1927 80, sis Agnes d 18.1.1938 88th yr.

214 Alex BURD d 19.11.1892.

Alexander Burd, a retired gardener in 1891, lived at Gladstone Place.

215) Chas HOFFMAN d 13.4.1950 87, w Barbara E FRASER d 1.4.1951 84, dau Barbara d 4.3.1921 27.

See also number 392

Hoffman hairdresser business address 9 Ormiston Terrace.

216) (cross) Kath Margt d 17.3.1923 20th yr. fa Dav J BEATSON, C.E.

Contractors’ merchant Bromley, 87 Glasgow Road.

Page | 32 217) Alex PATRICK, Junr, Leven Fife d Cors 16.9.1920 42, w Martha Mitchell McCAHON d 20.12.1961 90, dau Margt d 28.4.1988.

Tuxedo, 45 Meadowhouse Road.

218) James COUTTS Corstorphine House d 2.6.1884 75, w Jane Amelia d 10.12.1995 59, s Chas Bruce d 28.5.1893 34, sis Janet d 15.12.1900 96.

219) (wall tablet) Henry Alfred LEEBODY physician d 19.9.1994. (tablet beneath above) John Galwey LEEBODY, M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., Edin. Medical superintendant 1934-1946 faithfully and devotedly served this hospital. (tablet referring to above) ‘Transferred from the now demolished hospital of St Georges-in-the-East, Wapping.’

Knockalla, St John’s Road 1920.

220) Jas FORREST farmer Meadow House Farm d 15.5.1926 83, w Margt RUSSEL d 23.3.1920 78, s Robt Jack b 12.2.1874 d 31.3.1926, dau Elisabeth d 28.2.1948.

Meadow House Farm fields were used to build Traquair Park houses. The farmhouse demolished 1975 became the site for Forestry Commission Offices. The 1902 railway line cut through the farm fields so a footbridge was provided for access. Juvenile misuse of the footbridge led to its removal 1979. The rail track is now a walkway.

221) Mrs Georgina CRAWFORD d 15.3.1920 67.

222) i m o sis Joan LUGTON d 13.1.1920, h John BROWN, dau Wee Susie d 20.5.1921.

223) Agnes MILLAR d 19.10.1969 77, h Henry McGOWAN.

224) Augustus Spry HORWOOD d Cors 13.10.1919 52, w Helen LOGIE d 25.11.1938 69, dau Dorothy Augusta d 26.10.1969 69, s Frederick Robt d 5.2.1972 69, dau Frances Helen Eliz d 5.8.1987 82.

Odinsgarth, 28 Belgrave Road.

225) Dav LOUDEN d Cors 22.9.1919 81st yr, w Maria Adair KINGHORN d 8.10.1921 75, s John Burgh Surveyor Bo’ness d 5.12.1922 43.

Page | 33 226) Jas MACKAY d Gowanlea Cors 12.8.1919 79th yr, w Robina BROWN d 6.1.1935 84th yr, only dau Jane Eliz d 5.3.1963 77th yr. s Don d 7.5.1967 86th yr.

North Saughton Road.

227) Chas GRAY d 7.7.1876 75, w Rachel PRINGLE d 26.12.1872 84.

228) Jas BERTRAM d 6.6.1899 75, w Mary LITTLE d 28.6.1872 60, gss Thos Weir BERTRAM d 14.4.1879 4 yr 8 mths. Wm BERTRAM d 31.1.1888 1 yr 9 mths, Agnes Lind BERTRAM d 10.8.189(5/6?) 10, Wm Gray BERTRAM d 14.2.1904 54 (w Agnes WEIR d 27.5.1894 46).

William Gray and Agnes (Weir) Bertram the parents of James Bertram secretary to Andrew Carnegie: James was born 1872 at Amulree House (The Mansion House) the site now part of the School in the High Street: attended the village school before going to Daniel Stewart’s College.

229) Alex BINNIE Coltbridge d 31.8.1849 84, 4 chn interr near this stone Geo, Eliz, Mary, Janet d young, w Janet LANDELL d 15.9.1850 75 ----- endeared herself to her family by the precepts she gave and the pattern she set -----, dau Margt Cockburn BINNIE s 18.9.1883 87. (back) Jean BINNIE Ashbank Murrayfield d 19.10.1927 85; Mary BINNIE d 24.12.1933 73.

230) John Anderson KEILLOR d Meadowfield 6.5.1880 24.

231) (obelisk) John COOK pointsman d at the Mound Tunnel 30.5.1867 22. Deeply regretted by many friends and fellow servants by whom this stone is erected as a mark of their respect and esteem.

This fatal accident happened while John Cook, North British Railway Company, was standing on the rails at the entrance to the Mound Tunnel (Waverley Station) giving the signal to an engine going to Haymarket. He was run over by a pilot engine which came out of a siding. Cook was about to be married.

See The Scotsman 31.5.1867.

232) (small obelisk) Thos KIRKWOOD Ferrybank Cors d 2.3.1885 64, w Helen TUDHOPE d 22.1.1876 65. (side) chn Wm d 16.1.1864 25, Thos 18.1.1864 15, Mary 7.1.1866 18, Alex Tudhope d 1.12.1865 21 Helen Tudhope d 11.8.1869 15.

Page | 34 (side) Euphemia d 28.1.1906 37, fa Jas M. BELL Galashiels, gfa Thos KIRKWOOD.

233) Thos SCOTT Ferrybank d 30.5.1938, w Margt KILPATRICK d 19.12.1932, dau Grace Eliz d 8.5.1964

Market gardener, St John’s Road 1920.

234) Janet Young COOK d 8.3.1895 52, h Alex LIDDLE, chn John Cook LIDDLE d 5.11.1882 15, Alex d 20.5.1883 8, Margt G d 5 mths; Norwell M. LIDDLE d 4.1.1956 76 (w Jessie H GUNNING d 7.11.1943 63).

Alexander 1891 house joiner Braefoot, St John’s Road and corner of Clermiston Road where the Liddle family had a dairy.

235) Don SKINNER d 10.2.1958 78, w Eliz M STEWART d7.6.1924 45, 2w Mary BANNISTER d 10.9.1965.

236) John DODDS d 31.5.1926 76, w Mary PATERSON d 15.3.1924 71, dau Mary Piercy d 8.4.1951 70.

237) John MEIKLE Bellfield Cors d 16.5.1928 42, w Helen d 5.11.1989 98, yr s Ian Martin Flying Officer R.A.F. killed action India 30.11.1944 21.

In November 1944 R.A.F. Lancasters sunk the German warship Tirpitz at Tromso Fjord, Norway. In Britain the Home Guard ‘stood down’ after 4½ yrs service.

238) Euphemia Laidlaw McGIBBON d 10.3.1921; Jane Craik McGIBBON d 12.4.1939.

239) John Watson STEWART d 24.2.1927, w Agnes POLLOCK d 26.7.1937, dau Margt Pollock d 5.2.1924.

240) (erosion: broken top) ed Jas KNOTT i m o w Emma Remsen PINE b Brooklyn United States d Cors 6.12.1863 30, inf chd Sophia Pelham 10 mts; Jas BROWNE d -----6----- 1890-----.

241) Mary REID d Sighthill Cottages 28.4.1924, ed sis. Sculp: Boyne

Page | 35 242) (cross) Jas MACMILLAN Broomhouse Cottages d 3.5.1923 84, w Eliz TURNBULL d 9.3.1923 84.

243) Robt MARSHALL flesher Cors d 2.7.1834 77, fa Robt d 4.12.1788 57, mo Isobel ANDERSON d 23.1.1807 78, 3 chn Alex d 4.5.1812 2, Alex d 7.7.1916 1, Geo d 23.8.1819 7.

Marshall a cattle dealer supplied beef and veal to the Watson family at New Saughton (Cammo). His slaughterhouse was behind the Three Mile Stone.

244) 1834. And BELL d 27.7.1826 64, w Janet ALLAN d 10.9.1853 85, s And Al(-) BELL d 13.6.1834 29; Isa DICKSON d 24.12.1885 80.

A mortcloth and mortsafe were paid for Andrew Bell’s burial 1826.

245) (tablet on wall) Rev Jas Arthur COWLEY parish minister St Columba Oban 1913-1921, Greenbank Glasgow 1921-1950, b 6.12.1884 d 26.12.1958, w Ann Eila SWAN b 20.10.1895 d 14.4.1990, dau Joyce Kath b 20.5.1926 d 10.4.1951.

Chaplain to the Forces in France 1938.

246) (open book) i m o Ann inf twin dau of Stanley and Patricia BURFORD d 1940.

247) (top missing) Wee Johnny 2 mths, fa Chas ROBB Edin; Edward Lee (Eddie) d 25.3.1890 2 (fa Geo ROBB)

See also number 248.

248) Chas ROBB solicitor b Lhanbryde 7.4.1849 d Shamrock Vale Cors 6.3.1889 75th yr, w Eliz Isa LEE d 20.6.1924, fa-i-law Edward Elliott LEE d Cors 11.3.1891, dau Mary Elspeth d 21.5.1885 16 mths; Geo ROBB d 20.2.1892 38 (w Mary Jane Dorcas LEE d 22.2.1947).

See also number 247

249) Thos WEIR d 3.4.1879 67, w Agnes LINN d 16.9.1911 96, s Thos d 21.3.1916 60

250) (cross) Edward FERGUSON Fleet surgeon Royal Navy d 8.6.1925 73. Sculp: McGlashen Edin.

Page | 36 251) Alex LAING d 17.6.1980 85, w Meg, s Thos killed W. Europe 26.3.1945 23, dau Eliz 6.12.1927 4, s Douglas d 13.9.1954 17. (tablet) above Meg d 28.2.1983 83, s Ronald 3.6.1983 42.

25 March 1945 the Allied armies having captured Cologne prepared to enter the Rhur. Heavy advance aerial attacks and the dropping of two airborne divisions behind the enemy lines by 1500 planes and 1300 gliders made the operation prepared by Montgomery almost another D-Day.

252) Geo DONALDSON d 11.3.1947 75, w Helen Kerr BATHGATE d 31.3.1937 66, niece Cath M DONALDSON d 6.3.1921 29.

Newsagent, tobacconist 92 St John’s Road.

253) 1799. Geo MARSHALL grazier King’s Cramond d 3.1.1816, w Isobel BINNIE d 14.4.1796 51, chn Elspeth d 4.6.1770 1, Elspeth d 20.4.1776 4, Geo d 18.10.1770 1, Alex d young 1.1.1781, Jean d 1.10.1786 11, John d young 7.10.1786, Robt d 24.9.1787 3. (back) Isobel MARSHALL b 4.5.1770 d 6,12,1832.

A mortcloth and mortsafe were hired for Isabel Marshall’s burial.

254) Menzies B. THOMSON stationmaster Pinkhill d 24.4.1922 63, w Hannah HARRISON d 27.8.1952 90, sis Agnes d 2.12.1930 80th yr.

Pinkhill Station 1902-1967 served the developing Glendevon and Balgreen areas and visitors from Edinburgh to the Zoo.

255) (Mackie Mausoleum) (tablet above door eroded: in 1970 it read – Jas MACKIE. Corstorphine Hill 1821.) (tablet left of door: erosion) i m o Jas MACKIE (-----) Corstorphine Hill who after a (-----) and honourable (-----) at advanced age of 87 years. (tablet at right of door) ed Thos MACKIE i m o Agnes BLAIKIE his gmo d 18.12.1823 77, Jas MACKIE his gfa d 21.10.1849 87, his fa Thos MACKIE d 28.4.1843 53, his mo Hannah FRASER d 3.1.1854 57, his wife Jessie HENRY d 11.10.1859 28, his son Jas H. MACKIE drowned at sea 2.1874 19, his son Thos H. MACKIE d 24.9.1874 17his 2nd w Marion Ann ROSS d 5.12.1878, Thos MACKIE b 1831 d 1896; John MASON gardener Corstorphine Hill d 23.8.1825.

Page | 37 James Mackie paid a guinea to the Poors Account for permission to erect his mausoleum. His wife Agnes Blaikie, was the sister of Thomas Blaikie, the Scots gardener to the French Nobility. See the ‘Diary of a Scotch Gardener at the French Court’ edited by Francis Birrell 1931.

See also number 60.

256) Joseph KENT d 19.2.1954, w Margt J GAULD d 18.2.1925 41, 2w Anne LORIMER d 13.2.1990. (tablet) Margt FAIRGRIEVE (Rita) d 24.10.1985, fa Joseph KENT, mo Margt, dear step dau of Annie.

257) Jas BLACKWOOD d 26.12.1924 84, w Mary Reid BRYSON d 21.8.1927 82, s And Robertson d 25.1.1960 81, dau Jessie Kennedy d 23.3.1963 88.

258) (small obelisk) ed Robt and Jessie i m o fa Thos WALKER d 14.4.1887 67 late servant Corstorphine House Cors.

William Seton Brown1866 in memory of his two brothers, doctors who died young, erected a convalescent home for Royal Infirmary patients. Today this is Corstorphine Hospital caring for the elderly and supported by an enthusiastic League of Friends providing items and services not included in the N.H.S.

Between 258 and 259 is a small stone pillar, possibly a marker stone:


259) (small obelisk) Rev Wm STRAUCHON sometime chaplain to the forces at Gibraltar, latterly chaplain Royal Infirmary Edin d 11.5.1872 59.

260) Harry Wm HODGKIN, H.M.C.S. d 20.4.1929, w Charlotte TATTERSHAW b 21.10.1863 d 15.4.1919, dau Hilda d 23.4.1921, elder dau Gertrude d 29.9.1951.

261) Rev Dav Wm YAIR minister emeritus parish of Firth Orkney 1878-1916, b 28.8.1840 d 6.4.1923, w Joanna Cath Sawers DUNLOP b 19.12.1860 d 24.12.1922

262) (cross IHS) Geo JAMIESON d 10.3.1919 44, w Jean MENZIES d 12.2.1960 78, ed wid chn.

Page | 38 263) (cross IHS) Francis PETRIE d 2.3.1919, w Cath SMITH d 20.6.1939.

264) (top broken off) Wm d 1.1883; Campbell d 11.18(89?); Wm Marshall BLACKWOOD b 17.9.1847 d 14.2.1919, w Mary CAMPBELL b 25.12.1854 d 15.7.19(33?), daus Mary McMillan b 23.2.1879 d 12.2.19(34?), Helen Marshall b 9.9.1883 d 28.3.1954 (h Jas STRATON- FERRIER) Inscrip: Si l’espace nous separe La pensee nous rapproche

William Blackwood was an Edinburgh silk mercer. His daughter Helen married James Straton-Ferrier, son of George Straton-Ferrier, R.I., R.SW. James was wounded at Delville Wood 1916. Their Corstorphine Home was 89 St. John’s Road.

265) (erosion: winged angel with trumpet) The corps of Ja(net) MUIRHEAD dau(ghter) to Alexander MUIRHE(AD) portioner Corstorphine lyes hear interr’d who died the 28th of Decr 1751 aged 17 years (back) head of angel showing hair style; trade symbols – square, compass; mortality symbols – hour glass, skull encircled Memento Mori, cross bones.

Alexander Muirhead wright (carpenter) at Gorgie and his son Reuben wright at Moat, Gorgie, owned property on the ground south of the church and across from the Public Hall. As a property owner Alexander described himself as a ‘portioner’. The square and the compass he would use daily in his trade to ensure precise workmanship. The winged angel with the trumpet of resurrection shows the Soul on its way to Eternity. Janet was buried with the large new mortcloth and to the sound of Great Bell.

266) Francis L MITCHELL d 28.8.1951 25, h T.D. Stanley FRASER, s Stanley d 29.7.1931 10.

267) John FRASER d Waratah Cors 1.11.1936 73, w Mary Wills WILSON d 14.7.1946 75, eldest s Alex Don John 5th Engineer S.S. Clan Macvey torpedoed 8.8.1918 24, gs Stanley d 29.7.1931 10.

Ludendorff described 8 August 1918 as ‘the black day of the German army’ when it collapsed under allied attack near Amiens.

Page | 39 Numbers 268 – 495 starting opposite to Mackie Mausoleum and running in lines north/south including wall next to church hall

See Section 5 Plan: Numbers 268 - 510

268) John MUIRHEAD Cors d 16.8.1799 50, w Isobella LAWRIE d 24.5.1819 65, 4 gchn died young.

1789 paid 2/6 entry money to Corstorphine Friendly Society as a founder member: 1791 assistant to Society’s 3rd key.

269) (erosion: mortality emblems – cross bones, hour glass, spade) John WHYT elder indweller in Cors d (2?).3.17(?)7 90, spouse (Agnes?) CRAWFORD d 2.1714.

John Whyte 29 July 1738 paid the church for permission to erect a headstone at his father’s grave.

270) Gilbert MIDDLEMASS gardener Cors d 30.1.1768 87, w Isobel MORTON d 19.1.1768 85, chn d young ed s Walter. Inscrip: As you are now so once was I Make Christ the friend before you die Alone you drop into the grave ‘Tis then too late thy soul to save

271) Margt THOMSON d 12.4.1840 66; John SMITH d 12.10.1849 74, s Robt d 19.5.1865 54 (s Jas d 14.8.1877 28, w Agnes ORR d 9.3.1888 79), Barbara d 12.3.1887 (5/3?)4.

272) (erosion) ed Edward, Lewis, and Wm ELDER i m o fa (Edwa)rd ELDER d 1847.

Edward Elder senr and his son Edward who died 1875 were active in the Corstorphine Friendly Society which gave a £4 allowance for the funeral of Edward jnr. Lewis died 1869.

273) Chas Stewart SMITH d 9.11.1929 79, w Martha THOMSON d 30.3.1935 81, fa Geo SMITH d 5.6.1869, mo Janet STEWART d 4.6.1882, bro Robt Henderson SMITH d4.2.1904.

Joiner’s business at Featherhall (Bellwood, corner of St. John’s Road/St Ninian’s Road):present 10.5.1927 at dissolution of Corstorphine Friendly Society.

Page | 40 274) (table stone: square, compass) Alex HENDERSON d 27.9.1867 87, Jas STEWART d 8.2.1890 69.

Andrew Henderson, master carpenter, native of Corstorphine, lived 1861 with his sisters and nephew James Stewart, journeyman carpenter, at his shop and cottage premises near Elm Cottage, St. John’s Road, their occupations explain the trade emblems.

275) (table stone) Jas DUNSMURE of Corstorphine d 16.7.1840, w Jane 4.12.1830 66.

Margaret Cleland whose father owned land at the west end of the village married 1753 John Dunsmure an Edinburgh merchant. Their son James married Jane Johnstone. Dunsmuir became the place name.

See also numbers 279, 328.

276) (table stone) ‘Below and around this stone’ John JOHNSTON d 30.3.1707 37, w Mary DICKSON d 16.9.1747 74; Wm JOHNSTON brewer Cors d 19.3.1768 72, 1w Eliz SCOULER d 14.1.1723 25 (fa Alex SCOULER tanner Edinburgh), 2w Margt DOUGLAS d 10.11.1754 53 (fa Dav DOUGLAS of Gillets Fife), s And d 20.8.1748 22, dau Margt d 15.4.1766 29, also his many gchn; Dav JOHNSTON brewer Cors d 17.9.1814 79, w Margt LINDSAY d 9.1.1794 60, (fa Henry LINDSAY minister Perth), daus Mary, Margt, Anne, s Dav; Wm infant d 21.4.1812, Mary 8 (fa Henry JOHNSTON, surgeon).

See also numbers 278, 379.

The Johnston brewery was at the north east corner of Kirk Loan. On the southern site of the ground Corstorphine House was built 1832.

277) (table stone) Margt NIMMO d 7.1822, inf s Geo d August following, dau Eliz d 6.1862 (h John BLYTH farmer Hermiston).

See also number 15.

278) (table stone) Henry JOHNSTON surgeon Edin 2nd s of Dav JOHNSTON and Margt LINDSAY b 19.5.1767 d 19.5.1845, w Isa NICHOLSON d 21.7.1846 70, daus Henrietta b 1.4.1802 d 27.9.1880, Margt Lindsay b 17.1.1807 d 30.11.1893, ss Dav, M.D. b 29.5.1801 d Bath 17.10.1879 buried Phillack near Hayle Cornwall, Henry surgeon H.E.I.C. b 4.1.1804 d

Page | 41 Bath 27.4.1865 buried Lansdowne cem there, Jas M.D. b 23.10.1816 d 16.5.1902, w Anna Ramsay DOUGLAS b 22.11.1826 d 22.1.1894.

See also numbers 276, 379.

279) (cross) Margt Lindsay DUNSMURE d 21.5.1863 64; Jas DUNSMURE d 4.1.1877 69; Helen DUNSMURE d 7.5.1878 88, John DUNSMURE d Norwood 11.6.1873 75 buried Kensal Green.

See also Numbers 275 , 328.

280) Thos CLARK d 12.8.1866 71, w Janet ROBERTSON d 17.11.1880 70, 3 chn, yst s Jas d 19.1.1891 45, dau Jane d Edin 11.12.1906.

281) (top missing: base only) Daniel B WYLIE d 15.10.1920 3½ yrs.

282) (cross) Archie McCutcheon BELL 2nd Lt. R.A.F. b 15.7.1899 d 29.3.1919; Wm BELL b 5.6.1872 d 8.12.1933 (w Margt WATSON) b 11.6.1875 d 30.3.1937).

283) Thos CHARLESTON d 9.8.1918 58, w Isa Dennet DICK d 24.1.1922 58, s Robt Dick d 6.11.1935 46 (w Agnes BURNETT).

Grocer at the corner of Manse Road with High Street.

284) John Duguid DEY d 8.12.1918 86, w Jane MILNE d 18.7.1919 89, dau Jessie d 8.7.1955 93.

285) Wm PEARSON 28 yrs Inspector of Poor this parish d 26.7.1885 75, w Rachel Keith BRYDON d 4.11.1871 58, s Geo d 18.2.1877 33 dau Janet d 2.5.1906 69; Agnes PEARSON d 4.1.1915 76; Margt PEARSON d 1.11.1899 64 Sculp: G.L.A. Ward

286) (erosion) Jas GRAY d Sighthill 28.11.1819.

287) (anchor emblem) Robt McQUIBAN d 1.6.1929 w Sophia Hutchison RUTHVEN d 2.6.1920.

288) Jas GIBSON d 26.10.1864 71, w Susan HAMILTON d 25.8.1885 89, ss Thos d 10.10.1835 13, John d 6.5.1844 10 mths, Jas 10.12.1846 20, gchd Susan NITTRESS d 16.11.1862 22 mths, dau Cath d 13.12.1881 65, Thos GIBSON d 29.5.1899 63.

Page | 42 289) Alex CRUIKSHANK d 22.12.1919 41.

290) Thos GOW d 2.1.1920 59, w Agnes Dobie SALMOND d 30.12.1932 75, dau Helen Dobie d 20.1.1932 40.

291) Margt BROWN d Broomhouse 25.3.1920 44, h Arch Nimmo BOYD.

292) (fallen) John GRIGOR d 5.1.1922 78, w Jean HENDRY d 25.3.1919 83, ss Wm Sgt A & S Hlrs killed in action Bourlon Wood 24.11.1917 21, John d 6.9.1924 36.

293) (small cross) Duncan McLAREN b Blair Athole 11.3.1841 d Cors 22.1.1922; Helen McLAREN b 5.5.1827 d 31.8.1922

294) Peter BISSET d 19.7.1939 69, w Cath d 27.2.1968 91st yr, dau Cath d 30.6.1924 14.

295) (cross) Robt S THOMSON d 30.11.1924 58, w Sarah WISHART d 18.12.1952 90.

296) Thos WIGHTMAN d 3.11.1905 67, w Margt McALISTER d 23.4.1913 69, dau Martha d 18.7.1888 5½ yrs, Mary d inf.

Joiner, Old Glasgow Road 1891.

297) 1828. Ed Kath ALLAN i m o fa Jas d 27.4.1827 73, mo Isa BROADIE d 12.11.1823 71, bros Wm d 30.11.1816, Robt d 2.8.1820 24

Mortcloth hire for James 8/-

298) i m o Jane McEWAN, h John DALZEIL late F.C. Mission Nagpur India 1845-1921.

299) (emblem sheaf of corn) Alex THOMSON d (6?).5.1774 57, w Margt FINNIE d 9.4.1789 74, dau Eliz d 4.8.1785 36. (back) possibly a castellated design.

Alexander Thomson and Margaret Finnie were irregularly married.

300) Jesse Geo MACPHERSON d 12.3.1933 29, w Nan McINTOSH.

Page | 43 301) Wm SAMUEL mason d 22.6.1867 87, w Cath OSWALD d 13.3.1884 83, Martha SAMUEL d 24.3.1884 7, s Wm builder d 19.3.1923 72 (w Mary Ann FLEMING d 28.2.1940 83rd yr).

The Samuel family 1861 lived in the High Street adjacent to Roseleaf Cottages. In 1891 William and Mary Fleming lived at Strath Cottage, east side of Manse Road.

302) Euphemia RODGER d 19.1.1884 70, h late Angus McKAY, dau Agnes d 20.6.1866 45 (h Geo MOLLISON, Woodbine Nursery, d 18.3.1918 77 2w Christina FINLAY d 27.7.1936 86).

Woodbine Nursery ground sold and developed for housing 1978.

303) Wm HAIG d 10.3.1917 65, chn Lily, John inf, s-i-law Wm St Clair MACKENZIE D.S.O. Lt 1st Seaforth Hlrs killed in action Mesopotamia 21.4.1917 29.

British troops March 1917 captured Bagdad and harried the retreating Turks.

304) (small heart shaped stone agt no 303) i m o s Dav SHIELLS d 9.5.1912 20, ed G and M SHIELLS.

305) (cross: repaired) i m o Geo DOHERTY d 30.1.1891 67, ed s.

Doherty was the keeper of the Harp Inn 1884-1890.

306) (cross) Frederick A.L.WEIERTER b 13.5.1826 d 28.4.1920, w Sarah H. KAY b 18.3.1828 d 9.12.1922.

See also number 198

German Music Teacher in Edinburgh about 1887: moved to Manse Road: with his wife set up a grocery business in St. John’s Road, latterly at 172: daughter Caroline married Thomas Adams of Meadow House Farm.

307) (cross) Cath Alison ADAMS d 10.7.1912 39, h Alex MORRISON, C.A., J.P., O.B.E.., d 30.6.1955 83.

308) Margt HERDMAN d 24.11.1920, h Wm ALLAN d 12.2.1925.

309) Chas DRUMMOND 1782 11 yrs.

Page | 44 310) Alex THAIN builder Cors d 25.11.1923 51, w Ann Clark BREMNER d 12.1.1949 74, daus Annie d 27.6.1923 23, Effie and Jessie d inf.

A and J Thain builders Featherhall Road.

311) Alex THOMSON d 11.7.1832 60, w Margt CURRIE d 9.1.1853 60, s John d 10.6.1868 46, gs Jas d 23.7.1873 16, gdau Esther Burns d 30.11.1870 6, s Robt Currie d 18.6.1903 78 (w Margt MANNERS d 23.2.1909 80, s Hugh Wm d 25.2.1922 52, dau Margt Helen d 16.2.1937 80; Jane LIND d 13.3.1914 (h John THOMSON).

Alexander market gardener Gibson Lodge 1824; son Robert Currie the 3rd generation of Thomson marker gardeners died Gibson Lodge – active in local affairs; member old Parochial board; in charge village library; J.P. 1898; at F.C Service the Sunday after his death as a mark of respect the Dead March in Saul was played, the congregation standing.

312) Geo FAIRLEY d 4.1906, dau Charlotte d 16.6.1942.

313) (small lair marker) A.F

314) Base: cross broken off) Mary Frances SCOTT d 15.4.1920 81, fa Dr Wm, H.E.I.C.S.

315) Alex ROBERTSON b 14.8.1804 d 18.6.1889, w Eliz MURRAY d 15.2.1900 86, dau Jane b 8.11.184(1/7?) d 4.2.1891, elder s John chemist b 3.6.1846 d 28.8.1912, yst dau Agnes Burnett d 28.1.1927.

316) (erosion) ed i m o h Dav Murray ROBERTSON nurseryman d 2.10.1919 68, sis Mary Ann d 9.11.1929, 2nd s Walter Gowans gunner C.F.A. killed France 2.6.1918 36 buried Anzin St Aubin cem near Arras ‘He died for us’.

Gunner Walter Gowans Robertson No 339075, 20th Battery, 5th Battalion buried Anzin St. Aubin, British Cemetery, France, age 36, 2/6/1918. Son of David Murray Robertson and Mary Gowans Robertson of 2154 York Street, Kitsilno, Vancouver, British Columbia. Born Edinburgh, Scotland

317) (erosion) no wording legible: possibly mid 18th century: trade emblems – tailors shears and worn tailor’s goose; mortality emblems – hour glass, skull, cross bones, memento mori. The hour glass is between what may be the initials I.A.

Page | 45 John Allan tailor on 20 May 1677 asked the Session’s permission ‘to get a head stone put to his father’s head’. The session delayed agreement until it was found out what was paid into the ‘poors box in other churches about’ when such requests were made. Corstorphine being canny about cash!

318) (bush growing over) Jas ROBERTSON d 6.7.1860 71, w Jane ROBERTSON d 14.10.1865 77, s John d 23.2.1829 20, Margt d 8.2.1871 4 (fa John ROBERTSON); And ROBERTSON d 25.12.1881 65 (w Agnes Strathern PROVEN d 10.3.1909 87).

319) (bush growing over) Wm ROBERTSON d 28.12.1874 51, w Susan GLASGOW d 1.12.1885 62, fam Margt d 10.3.1883 1 yr 3 mths, Cath d 19.1.1871 21 (h Dav YOUNG, inf dau died), And d 18.3.1891 34, Wm d 7.1.1908 60, Thos d 10.3.1913 60, John d 19.4.1918 67, Georgina d 18.4.1927 68. Sculp: Kerr Bros

320) (table stone) Jas DIXON proprietor Cors d 1.10.1857 63, w Eliza THOMSON d 27.9.1894 87, eldest s Alex d 12.9.1849 6 yrs 2 mths, 2nd s Jas Thomson d 23.12.1905 59, yst s Wm d 1.4.1917 67, only sis Mary DIXON d 1.2.11869 75, bro-in-law Jas THOMSON d 28.9.1882 73.

See also number 321.

Eliza Thomson wife of James Dixon cattle dealer was the mother of Mrs. C.D. Brown. The Thomson family tenanted Meadowhouse Farm.

321) Hon Christopher Douglas BROWN of Arizona, U.S.A. b 25.12.1846 d Cors 9.1.1920, w Margt DIXON d Cors 22.3.1923. Sculp: McGlashen

See also number 320.

Mr and Mrs C.D. Brown lived at Inverallan, St. John’s Road. He gave (1915) Corstorphine Parish Council ground for a park to be named St. Margaret’s Park. He restored the inn property in the High Street in 1904 naming it ‘Ye Olde Inne Oakland’. They also owned Three Mile House, St. John’s Road, now demolished.

322) ed Geo ANDERSON builder Leith i m o mo Elspeth ROSS d 28.10.1800 65, dau Hester d 11.3.1812 9 mths.

Page | 46 323) Daniel BLACKLAY d 12.6.1919 56, w Margt FERGUSON d 13.4.1948 85th yr.

324) And COVENTRY d 28.3.1946, w Mary HENDERSON d 26.2.1977, chn Jean d 22.6.1919, And d 19.4.1925, Elsie d 22.5.1973, Alex d 6.3.1981 (w Norah).

Mr Coventry sexton and kirk beadle appointed 1913: during the Great War served with the K.O.S.B.

325) (small heart shaped stone) Wm ALLEN d 30.10.1918 7.

326) Robt yr s of Robt and Emily Speir GRAY d Cors 3.7.1920 20 mths.

327) (eroded) Here lyeth Eliza (THOMSON?) who died (1758?) aged (24?). Not a definite reading.

328) (obelisk) Jas Dunsmure GILLESPIE ex-mayor Tynemouth yst s of John GILLESPIE d 2.1.1919 75, w Cath GILLESPIE; John HORN late Sydney N.S.W d 5.6.1883 65.

See also number 275, 279.

By order of the Sheriff of Mid Lothian 25 May 1875 the name James Dunsmure was to be substituted for James Gillespie.

329) (panel set in large stone background) John GILLESPIE d 25.8.1872 77, fa Alex d 17.3.1815 60, mo Agnes COWIE d 22.11.1822 67, bro Robt d 23.11.1829 37, w Janet HORN d 12.7.1903 99th yr. s John d 25.5.1891 55, s Alex M.R.C.V.S., F.E.V.M.S. d 29.1.1916 75, dau Janet d 17.4.1935 96.

John Gillespie was a blacksmith: 1848 President Corstorphine Friendly Society: Oakby House, St John’s Road.

330) Geo BREWS d 24.9.1948 76, w Isa ORR d 27.2.1946 74, 2 chn d inf.

331) Jane Watson BOWIE d 5.11.1928, h Wm M. BOWIE.

332) Peter KEDDIE mason d 22.5.1898 74, w Cath IZETT d 22.6.1902 78, 2nd s Peter d 21.5.1922 69, 3rd s Geo Burns d 18.4.1928 69.

See also numbers 50, 338.

Page | 47 Key Keeper Corstorphine Friendly Society: Laburnum Row 1891: related by marriage to Wardlaw and Samuel families.

333) (table stone) Joseph HAYNE of Hadden Penn, Island of Jamaica d 21.6.1838 36.

Mortcloth cost 15/-.

334) Wm ALLAN d 27.2.1930 72, w Sarah HALKETT d 25.3.1932 76.

335) And WRIGHT Cors d 9.4.1875, w Marion TOD d 23.5.1886, 2nd s John Tod d 28.4.1903 37.

336) (base: top missing) ed Dr FOWLER i m o ss Geo Chas Augustus and Edward Wm d chn.

1861 Corstorphine Cottage, St John’s Road, north west corner Kirk Loan. He succeeded Dr Henderson as village doctor 1846.

See also number 127.

337) John McGINLAY d 9.12.1908 66, w Cath McDERMOTT d 7.3.1904 61, gs Henry McGINLAY b 5.9.1896 d 24.4.1900, s Jas d 10.10.1904 35. R.I.P.

338) (slab) Jas Dav KEDDIE d 21.10.1939 78, w Georgina MACKAY d 23.11.1952 88, 5 chn interr here.

See also number 332.

339) Leonard RAEBURN d 11.7.1922 47, w Margt JOHNSTONE d 7.8.1925 45.

340) (base: top missing) Ian Douglas VERNON, fa E.A. ANDREWS, Tocklai Assam b 8.1.1923 d 5.2.1923.

341) Frederick BILLINGSLEY drill instructor R.V. Cors d 7.3.1888, w Louisa A. d 13.4.1933, ss John Valentine d 15.2.1933 (w Isa WALLACE), Percival d 1.6.1959 Kama Hospital Australia.

1880/1881 Dunbar Place possibly now 58 Manse Road; widow 1891 at Buccleuch Place.

Page | 48 342) Isa LEARMONTH nee ROBERTSON b 22.11.1845d 19.9.1934.

343) Arch GLENDINNING d 6.6.1887 49, w Helen THOMSON d 23 .7. 1912 67, s Robt d 30.9.1916 35, dau Mary d 18.3.1954 83 (h Jas DICKSON killed Boer War 1900).

1891 Helen Glendinning, ploughman’s widow, Kirkstyle Cottages.

344) Annie S WILSON d 2.12.1938 52, h Moses COLLINS.

345) (tablet at base of tree beside High Street churchyard gate) Mr and Mrs Jas M TAYLOR cab proprietor Cors.

346) Helen ROBERTSON d 2.11.1927 56, h Jas CUMMING.

347) (obelisk) Thos ROBERTSON South Gyle d 27.11.1925 73, w Maria BOAG d 10.1.1914 64, dau Margt d 11.7.1895 16, gs And SCOUGAL d 15.9.1905 9, eldest s John Robt d 25.2.1927 59.

348) i m o Robt CUMMING only chd of late Robt CUMMING and Jane Cumming BAILLIE b 15.9.1885 d 25.10.1901 result of accident; Jas BAILLIE my husband b 22.12.1856 d 17.3.1928, their widow Jane GILROY b 29.4.1859 d 14.7.1937.

349) Wm MILNE d 5.11.1908 82, w Janet CARRUTHERS d 4.2.1900 72; interr here daus Jessie d 23.12.1931 75 (h John KERR d 5.4.1832 76), Cath d 23.5.1932 83 cremated Edin.

350) Rev Jas DODDS, D.D. 25 yrs minister Corstorphine d 17.2.1907. 1w Eliz MILLER d Paisley 4.4.1871, dau Eliza d Boston U.S.A. 3.7.1911, s John Macalister, M.A. d Cambridge 13.11.1921, 2w Eliz LEISHMAN d 5.11.1914 (sis Margt LEISHMAN d 13.1.1902), dau Dr Mary Janet DODDS, O.B.E., D.C.S. d 15.10.1947 (mo 1w Eliz Miller).

351) (cross broken) Dav LAING d 4 Forth Street Edin 29.9.1907 64, w Margt NAIRN d Janefield Cors 8.2.1900 72.

352) ed Wm FELL i m o Sarah SINCLAIR d 7.3.1884 25, fam Nellie d 4.2.1884 3½ yrs, Christina d 2.3.1884 6 wks, Wm 5.2.1900 18,

353) Cath HENDERSON d 2.1.1900 32, h John NICOL.

Page | 49 354) Eliz ARTHUR d 16.3.1899 39, h Thos SMITH.

355) Wm LEES d 13.4.1910 92, w Janet HALL d 11.8.1897 76, s Chas Stewart d at sea 18.6.1931 68.

1876 1 acre 2 roods piggery, Summerlea, Gylemuir Road.

356) (cross) Malcolm MACKENZIE d 18.6.1916 84th yr, w Emily Eugenie d 22.7.1923 64, dau Malcolmina Emily d 21.3.1899 17 mths.

357) (cross) Robt DICK d 4.2.1926 87th yr, w Isa DENNET d 15.11.1921 85th yr (mo Isa MACKENZIE d 28.8.1896 90th yr).

Slater and plasterer Manse Road 1891.

358) (covered by bush) John DARGE, J.P. of Dundee 20.3.1933, w Jessie Baillie COWE d Dundee 17.1.1924, inf dau Jessie Baillie d 10.10.1893, dau Eliz Cowe d 22.7.1944.

John Darge, joiner and draper, carved a reader’s chair for the church from the oak beams of the Provost’s house when it was demolished to provide a site for the church hall.

359) (red stone: A.J.) Ann JOHNSTON eldest dau late Jas JOHNSTON of Coubister, Orphir, Orkney b 1.2.1842 d Edin 25.12.1923 81. (back) Helen Irvine ROBERTSON 3rd dau late Lt. Jas ROBERTSON R.N. Stromness, Orkney b 13.8.1882 d Cors 24.1.1902 79½ yrs, ed sis Margt O. JOHNSTON.

360) John CORMACK d 13.2.1925 66, w Barbara SLATER d 2.4.1918 61, chn Wm 23.9.1892 4, Sidney 2nd Lt. R.F.A. d wounds France 19.11.1918 29.

John Cormack, chemist 96 St John’s Road also extracted teeth. The child William was run over in Manse Road by a waggonette and died. The waggonette was a type of carriage first made 1842 for Lord Curzon.

361) ed Richard LAWRIE i m o mo Ellen BELL d 14 Manse Road Cors 1882 76.

362) (cross) Wm RALPH, I.S.O. d 29.6.1928 buried at Wymynswold Kent, mo Eliz SALTER d Cors 23.12.1892 65, fa Jas, Alyth, Perthshire, w Giles Emslie KERR d 29.11.1910.

Page | 50 Civil Servant Upper Grade 2nd Division lived 1891 Lisnacree, Forrester Road.

363) Geo GIBB teacher b 29.3.1821 d 21.12.1893, w Alison S HUNTER b 4.10.1819 d 17.6.1893, dau Alison Thomson b 30.3.1854 d 23.1.1939 (h late N.G. BERTRAM).

George Gibb 1891 Janefield, now the site of Ladywell Health Centre.

364) i m o Wm MITCHELL d Cors 14.12.1927 72, 1w Emma MARSHALL d Pinkhill 12.12.1893 40, 2w Jane HALFPENNY d Pinkhill 13.1.1915 55,

Nursery foreman 1891 Pinkhill Cottage.

365) Geo McDOUGALL Cors d 26.2.1897 70, w Isa FLEMING d 29.10.1894 69,

Retired farmer Manse Road 1891.

366) (cross broken) Jas PLATT d 8.5.1895 52.

Commercial Traveller born in England: Clermiston Road 1891.

367) (urn on top) Thos DICK d 4.9.1895 80, w Rachel LAW d 18 Bonaly Road Edinburgh 21.6.1902 79, s Jas d 14.11.1914 58, (w Christina SMEALL d 29.12.1919 61).

1870 dairy owner Medwyn Bank, Gylemuir Road.

368) Alex CLARK d 26.11.1941 83, w Margt KERR d 27.6.1950 88, s John d inf, dau Margt d 28.7.1970 67.

369) Col Chas Simeon NOBLE, Bengal Staff Corps d Edin 18.4.1916 76, w Annie Georgina d Innerwick Murrayfield 21.7.1896 (fa Capt Arch HAY), 7 chn, eldest chd Araby d Edin 14.7.1912, 2nd s Capt Fred Burnaby, R.N. d 8.7.1946.

370) Thos SHIELS d 10.9.1927 77, w Agnes d 31.12.1927 73, s Jas d Glasgow 9. 1906 28, chn Lillias, Thos, Wm d inf.

371) (cross: broken) Dora 15.2.1897; Barbara 2.6.1898.

Page | 51 372) (cross: I H S) Jas FERGUSSON 14.1.1823 d 27.5.1897 gfa of Rev Jas FERGUSSON assistant and successor in this parish; Eliz FERGUSSON b 27.11.1825 d 11.2.1903 (h late Thos HASTINGS, Westminster).

See also number 32.

373) Thos C. KING d 19.6.1925 80, Margt DOUGLAS d 29.1.1905 60, dau Margt Eliz d 1.9.1897 19. Sculp: Kerr Bros.

374) Henry HARPER b 16.10.1832 d 30.11.1917, w Margt WALKER b 12.8.1835 d 29.10.1918, dau Agnes b 26.4.1861 d 7.12.1906, s Harry d 18.6.1879 5 dau Madge d 15.4.1950 78.

375) (cross: I H S) Wm MACKINNON nurseryman Edin d 10.1906 42; Jas MACKINNON, Ph.D, D.D., D.Theol., LL.D, Professor of Church History Univ. Edin. b Turriff 15.7.1860 d Forfar 12.7.1945 (w Pauline KLEIN d 20.10.1930 75).

376) John WIGHT d 8.11.1936 61, w Agnes T.B. PATERSON d 11.1.1955 78, gs John WIGHT d 15.11.1926 9 wks.

377) (cross) Matthew CAVENIE d 25.1.1920 87, w Anne MORISON d Cors 27.4.1907 76, daus Jane d 19.1.1933, Margt Janet d 1.2.1940 (h late Hugh C. KERR), Janette Small 29.6.1943.

27 Manse Road

378) Peter SAUNDERS d 1.1.1899, w Charlotte d 1.7.1900 52.

379) Thos JOHNSTON Corstorphine House d 26.5.1899 76, w Wilhelmina STORRIE d 22.8.1903 67, gdau Wilhelmina Margt JOHNSTON d 5.5.1906 11 dys, gs Thos Arch John d 5.4.1908 11 dys, s Thos Nicol M.B., C.M. d 6.10.1933 53 (w Emma McPHERSON d 20.6.1953 77), dau Margt Fraser JOHNSTON or ADAMSON d 5.4.1951 78.

See also numbers 276, 278.

380) (cross: broken) Rev Jas HUTTON, Closeburn.

381) Molly dau of John and Jessie RAMAGE d 7.2.1902 7.

Page | 52 382) (cross) Robt YOUNG d Busky Lea Cors 17.3.1920 75, w Jessie 4.5.1921 76th yr.

383) Jas MATTHEW 28 yrs Schoolmaster Cors b 18.9.1833 d 11.3.1902, w Margt Hunter FAIRLEY b 29.9.1833 d 6.7.1918, dau Grace Fairley d 10.5.1904 29. Sculp: J. MacDonald, Edin.

384) John FORREST d 14.12.1905 46, w Janet JOHNSTON d 21.12.1943 83, fam Agnes d 22.1.1895 2, Elspeth May d 22.3.1902 17, Janet d 8.8.1902 2, Florence d 12.3.1906 19, Mary d 24.7.1952 63.

385) Margt ROBINSON d 30.10.1902 83.

386) Robt BAIRD d 15.7.1906 74th yr, w Margt MEIKLE d 4.2.1903 71st yr, yst dau Mary d 22.9.1928 66th yr, (h late R. BUCHANAN), gdau Daisy M. TAIT d 12.1.1930 45, Eliz BAIRD d 25.2.1938 81.

387) (border ornament Celtic Knots) Wm LETHBRIDGE b 1835 d 1913, w Agnes Stirling GRIEVE b 1833 d 1903, dau Margt Hill b 1864 d 1914, s Wm b 12.1.1866 d 28.5.1935 (w Helen THOMSON b 3.7.1871 d 29.3.1928).

388) Late Rev Dav PURVES, Maxwelltown Dumfries, dau Isa d 21.6.1903, s John Knox, S.S.C. d Wellington New Zealand 17.12.1903, 2nd dau Sophia Jane d 7.2.1915, Annie Eliz PURVES d 8.9.1923.

389) Robt McQUEEN d 17.8.1903 61, w Janet JAFFERY d 10.11.1914 63.

390) Alex T. PRATT d 11.9.1903 38, w Ann COLLIN d 7.1.1932 62 (sis Janet P. COLLIN d 23.6.1926 63) dau Cath d 16.2.1935 34.

391) (wall beside church hall) Geo G WADDELL d 16.2.1931 71, w Cath McPHERSON d 8.1.1954, dau Winnie d 29.4.1972 (h Alex STEARS. D.F.M.), s Jas d 25.8.1984 86 (w Nellie MILLER).

Sub-Postmaster, Stationer and Newsagent, 8 Belgrave Place P.O.

392) (wall beside church hall) Frederick HOFFMANN d 5.3.1971 83, w Hannah NAILAN d 23.9.1930 48.

See also number 215.

Page | 53 393) (rustic tree shaped stone) S.R. GREENHORN d 29.3.1926 76, w Marion HAIG d 20.11.1921 62.

394) John WALKER d 6.4.1931 71, w Margt GRANT d 28.3.1927 67.

395) Geo Wm Thomson McGOWN, M.A., F.E.I.S., over 21 yrs Headmaster Corstorphine School d 13.1.1924 59, w Emily BUCHANAN, inf s Jas Geo Hedderick d the Schoolhouse 24.1.1909 10 mths.

Author of Under the Red Lamp: songs of Yarrow 1920, and other religious and literary books.

396) Sir Wm NICOL, LL.B, advocate, Chief Justice Southern Nigeria b Pitreuchie Forfar 9.1.1860 d Roydon Corstorphine 5.2.1908, w Eliz MACARTHUR b 6.6.1860 d 6.5.1941; Joseph Thos Herbert MADILL B.A., F.R.F.P., & S., D.P.M.1887-1960 (w Eleanor Olive NICOLL). (on side of stone) R C M

397) Agnes Blake KERR d 4.8.1907 27, h Alex MACK; Alex John MACK d 26.4.1922 6; Elizabeth Flemington BLACK d 21.10.1945 53.

398) (cross) Caroline Julia CRAUFURD b 15.1.1845 d 31.8.1922, h Alex ASHER, K.C., M.P.

399) (cross) Alex ASHER K.C. Dean of Fac of Advocates, M.P. Elgin District Burghs, b 27.1.1834 d Beechwood 5.8.1905.

400) (cross) Fanny Gertrude REES devoted friend of Mr and Mrs Alex ASHER b 20.4.1856 accidentally killed Harrogate 28.6.1907.

See also number 398 and 399.

401) Elizabeth FORREST (Lizzie) d 22.3.1989 93rd yr.

402) Wm HOWDEN d 31.5.1913 70, w Annie T ASKE d 19.10.1905 66.

403) Ambrose MOSSOM d 1925 66, 1w Jane Ann HENDERSON d 22.8.1905 43, 2w Margt THOMPSON d 5.1949 89.

404) Helen LEITCH d Cors 15.8.1904 also ….. (base sunk in ground)

405) Robt Primrose DOUGLAS minister Otterburn b 27.2.1844 d 5.3.1925.

Page | 54 406) Arch PATERSON d 22.3.1932 74, w Margt WHITECROSS d 24.12.1924 67.

407) Benjamin BUCHANAN d Springbank Cors 12.3.1915 86th yr, w Emily STONE d 20.6.1904 63.

Springbank: Saughton Road

408) (top draped urn) Henry L. CROALL d 15.9.1915 60, W Helen RANSTEAD d 29.6.1904 57; Chas Girling WHITE d 21.8.1908 36 (w Annie CROALL). Sculp: Grant and Son, Albion Road, Edin

Henry Croall a house painter 1891 Laburnum Row, St. John’s Road.

409) Adam RAEBURN d Cors 16.7.1904 61, w Margt SWANSTON d 17.4.1927 81.

410) Geo NISBET d 16.12.1904 72, w Mary KINGHORN d 4.6.1918 79, s John d 8.2.1908 28 (w Jeanie GUNNING), eldest s Wm d 23.12.1918 59.

411) (cross) Alex STURROCK d 6.2.1906 50, w Alison Millar MUIR d 23.11.1907 50, dau Frances Robina d 12.6.1934 48. Sculp: R. Smith, Edin

412) (Calvary cross on panel: 3 steps to monument) Culliford BARROW d 17.2.1906 71, w Mary d 10.3.1929 80.

413) (cross: tree design) Patrick L. GRAY d 19.12.1912 63, w Emily Margt d 19.3.1921.

414) (cross IHS) Jas ASHER St Colme Cors b 20.12.1846 d 24.10.1908, w Janet CRAWFORD d 17.9.1943 91.

415) (small cross: broken pieces) i m o mo Hannah J. BLAIK d 11.11.1908.

416) (small shield shaped stone broken) i m o Blair WIGHT d 9.3.1906 7.

417) Alex MACDONALD senior minister U F Church Weisdale Shetland d 29.8.1905 78, w Mary Pringle GRAY d 6.11.1930 88.

Ordained at Mabon, Cape Breton 1861.

Page | 55 418) Jeanie dau of Jas and Eliza SCOTT d Russellfield Cors 29.6.1905 11 yrs 2 mths.

Russellfield: 2 acres dairy property Gylemuir Road.

419 (cross) Robt DICK d North Clermiston 18.5.1904 44, w Jane ROBB d 7.2.1945 87.

420) Cath NELSON d Cors 6.3.1909 81; Cath ELDER d 19.12.1909 79th yr.

421) (cross: broken) Emma Girdlestone TRESTRAIL d 5.3.1907.

422) Joseph MORRIS b 16.10.1838 d 12.2.1930, w Magdalene SCOTT 1835- 1907.

423) Margt LEES d Summerlee 15.4.1906 56, h Peter BAXTER, dau Nellie d 3.4.1909 22.

1876 dairy property 1 acre 2 roods Gylemuir Road.

424) Robt GRAHAM d 12.5.1904 6 yrs 4 mths, parents Robt and Mary GRAHAM, Barrie Canada.

425) Alex McLEISH d 3.1.1911 64, w Helen DUNBAR d 8.12.1903, Ann LOUDEN or DUNBAR d 27.6.1908 89, s Dav Hardy b 10.12.1884 d France 15.4.1917, dau Agnes Harper d 23.1.1958 80, s Wm d 2.6.1921 48 (w Helen HODGE d 24.4.1959 80).

Alexander McLeish was a mole catcher. On 11 April 1917 the Arras offensive began. The British aim was to pierce the Hindenberg line opposite Arras.

426) (clasped hands emblem) i m o parents Jas MOLLISON, W.O. d 14.6.1931, w Bessie DUSTAN d Meadowlea Dairy Cors 11.12.1936 63, their son our bro Frank d 26.9.1928 14, Betsy d inf.

427) Thos FINDLATER d 12.11.1910 49, w Margt PROUDFOOT d 25.9.1934 75, wee Jackie d 4.2.1927 5.

428) Alex KIRKWOOD d Witbank S. Africa 19.7.1918 60, w Margt McI. BORTHWICK d 5.8.1949 87, chn Margt McIntyre d Manse Road 9.3.1911 18, Ramsay Borthwick 9th Scottish Rifles killed in action Ypres 25.4.1918 19th yr, Elspeth Brown 14 mths, Hugh and Jas d inf interr

Page | 56 Kirkliston cem, Annie Wilhelmina d 25.7.1935 51, s Alex Victor Chief Engineer SS Zealand 28.6.1942 45 interr Haifa (w Alice S. PATTERSON), Mary d 20.2.1976

In April 1918 the second Battle of the Somme was raging. The British Line at Arras was broken under a bombardment of high explosive, gas and smoke shells. In June 1942 Britain suffered losses in Libya and Egypt. On July 6 the German advance was halted at El Alamein.

429) Arthur BELL b Gilmerton 21.12.1879 d Davidson’s Mains 8.5.1943, w Jean INGLIS b Culter Lanarkshire 13.4.1876 d Cors 1.12.1934.

430) Jas INGLIS b Lockerbie 23.11.1850 d Cors 4.1.1924, w Agnes LEARMONT b Woodside Dumfries-shire 20.7.1845 d Cors 18.9.1911, eldest s John Learmont d 13.10.1916 39, 2nd s Wm 27 Batt. Canadians fell action Passchendaele France 6.11.1917 37.

On the Western Front the Canadians despite heavy losses captured the village of Passchendaele 6 November 1917.

431) Alex BRUCE d 27.2.1915 78, w Isa McKENZIE d 8.10.1913 76.

432) Agnes JOHNSTONE d 22.3.1910 (5?).

433) Jessie BROTHERSTON d Castle Park 24.7.1910 67, h Arch ROBBIE.

434) John BROWN, C.A. Edin b Elsrickle 9.4.1865 d Cors 11.6.1917, aunt Jessie BROWN b 9.8.1844 d 1.11.1918.

435) Janet S. BECK 1849-1917 29 yrs missionary Nyasaland; Sarah Ann BECK b 10.9.1847 d 5.1.1928; Malzina Harriet BECK b 3.11.1849 d 22.3.1935

Hillview Terrace 1920.

436) Wm LITTLEJOHN d 19.3.1931 75, w Margt GREIG d 20.5.1022 62, 2nd s Jas d 1.10.1927 39, dau Eliz Olive d Sidney N.S. Wales 9.4.1938 42 (h Archie CAMERON), s Gavin d 5.11.1946 42 (w Anna STUART), dau Helen d 11.2.1968 (h late Alister McDONALD, Australia), dau Grace d 11.5.1979 (h Wm (Fred) PICKARD d 17.11.1984).

437) Rev John THOMSON d 29 Belgrave Road 25.7.1916 88, w Agnes d 12.7.1938 82nd yr.

Page | 57 438) Chas Robertson ORME d 16.1.1928 59, w Amelia Thomson MILL d 5.11.1952 81, parents Alex ORME 1811-1883, Agnes PIRNIE 1826-1913.

439) John Alex BRITEE d 9.4.1917 68, w Jane A. STARLING d Largo 13.4.1921 72 (mo Harriet STARLING d 21.2.1916 92).

Ardenlee, Belgrave Road.

440) Rachel Jane ANDERSON d 18.9.1916, h Chas M. HAY.

441) Alex ROBERTSON d 28.7.1938 69, w Davina d 3.6.1941 73, daus Marion d 5.5.1895 5, Gracie d 7.7.1913 14, Davina d 29.6.1922 21.

442) Murdoch CAMPBELL d 17.4.1940 80, w Mary MACLEOD d 10.10.1957 99.

443) Jas BEVERIDGE d Fernlea Cors 28.1.1916, w Eliza SINCLAIR d 8.10.

444) John GLANCY Corstorphine Bank d 28.11.1947, w Mary FLANNAGAN d 17.10.1924, mo-i-law Mary FLANNAGAN d 27.12.1913, mo Cath GLANCY d 26.6.1916, gchn John GLANCY d 19.6.1921 and Cath REILLY d 10.3.1924 who lie near this spot. R.I.P.

445) John IRELAND d 22.12.1915 70, w Eliza Helen MERCER or IRELAND d 17.1.1933 78.

446) 2304 Pte J. DUNLOP, Royal Scots 25.1.1915, w Alison GRIEVE or DUNLOP d 1933, dau Alison Paterson DUNLOP d 27.5.1965.

By January 1915 the scale of casualties on the Western Front was high. Britain had lost 100,000 and at Ypres the 7th Division of 12,300 men was reduced to 2,400.

447) (cross) Mary 16.12.1914, h Wm ELPHINSTONE.

448) Eliz ARMOUR d 6.1.1913 75; Arch Armour McMILLAN coppersmith d 18.12.1943 79; Martha McMILLAN d 8.1.1951 83.

449) Chas Stevenson WRIGHT d 1.2.1932 52, w Marion Binnie RITCHIE d 6.1.1973 90.

450) (tree pattern stone) John FRASER builder Cors d 15.10.1912 55, w Eliz RIDDOCH d 19.4.1924 64, yr s Jas 5th Camerons killed in action near

Page | 58 Ypres 26.9.1918 21, Helen S FRASER d 12.5.1965 65, Eliza G FRASER d 21.4.1981 87.

By September 1918 the Allies were defeating the Germans in Flanders where the war had started. The Germans were pulling back through Belgium.

451) Alex MURDOCH builder d 21.2.1932 59, w Jessie Anne BROWN d 11.3.1971 94, eldest dau Mary d 12.7.1909 2, yr s Wm Jas d 31.12.1936 21.

1937 Muiresk, 25 Drum Brae South: 1994 at Corstorphine High Street.

452) Joseph MACNAUGHTON b 17.5.1848 d 22.3.1909, w Marion Jane GRAHAM b 5.12.1852 d 3.12.1929, gs Harry MACNAUGHTON b 21.11.1920 d 12.11.1921 (fa Harry, mo Margt ECCLES), Marion Margt ARCHIBALD b 5.9.1882 d 2.7.1934 (h Joseph MACNAUGHTON b 28.3.1877 d 6.3.1954).

The elder Joseph was superintendant of a Printing Works and lived at Marionville, Saughton Road.

453) John Green RAMSAY bookbinder Edin d 26.4.1909 65, w Cath HILL d 4.8.1923 74, dau Margt Buchanan d 13.11.1921 50.

454) (cross IHS: repaired) John BINNIE d 8.3.1910 80, w Margt NIMMO d 4.11.1918 85, s Wm d 27.4.1877 24, dau Mary d 31.1.1886 26, gs John Binnie HALDANE d 12.7.1888 4.

455 And TERRACE d 17.5.1913 43, w Charlotte MASTERTON d 21.3.1910 42, s And d wounds action 12.8.1918 18.

When British, American, Canadian, Australian and French Troops, 20 Divisions, attacked near Amiens on 8 August 1918 the Germans collapsed.

456) Geo NISBET d 13.1.1932 46, w Marion THOMSON d 24.12.1942 59.

457) (cross) ed D.A. SUTHERLAND London i m o mo Annie WILKIE d 25.4.1909 79th yr (1h Dav SUTHERLAND, 2h Jas WOODROW).

458) John SMITH missionary minister U.P. Church of Scotland Island of Grand Cayman and at Bellevue Jamaica d 15.11.1909 79, w Charlotte Walls WEBSTER d 24.10.1911 60, gs Geo McFarquhar KELLY-LAWSON 2nd

Page | 59 Lt6 Royal Garrison Artillery killed action near Ypres 9.8.1917 20 buried Bard Cottage cem Boesinghe Ypres Belgium, yst s Matthew Baird SMITH, B.Sc., M.B., CH.B.

459) Dav Stuart WILKIE d 5.4.1910 55, w Eliz Stenhouse DAWSON d 5.10.1947 86.

460) Robt MEIKLE dairyman Bellfield d 6.7.1922 74, w Agnes WATT d 26.4.1910 58.

1875 Bellfield one of the dairy properties forming Gylemuir Road.

461) Adolphe M.L. JOHNSTON d 2.1.1926 61, w Margt Robertson HUNTER d 22.6.1941 73.

462) (obelisk: urn on top) Margt BROWN d Broompark 17.3.1909, h Alex BOYD. Sculp: Allan, Edin

463) (broken cross) Eliz Mary STEWART d 9.8.1910.

464) (cross) Marjory COUTTS d 26.11.1911 70, bro Jas b 4.12.1839 d 23.10.1926.

465) And HUME b 2.5.1866 d 29.12.1911.

466) (pillar: urn on top) John WARDLAW d Calderbank Cors 14.8.1913 82, sis Mary d 3.2.1912 72.

467) John Robt STENHOUSE b 11.4.1849 d 23.4.1912, sis Marion Porteous STENHOUSE b 6.6.1847 d 14.3.1925.

468) Alex BEACH d 1.6.1914 79, w Hannah TULL d Rams Farm Suffolk 3.3.1916.

469) Robt DICKSON Braefoot Cors d 16.4.1933 64, w Eliz MEIKLE d 5.1.1942 64, dau Eliz Pattullo DICKSON d 29.5.1980 82.

Taxi hirer, Braefoot dairy, Clermiston Road/corner St. John’s Road.

470) (broken pieces: no names) (a) ‘In remembrance’ (b) Lost awhile a treasured love’

Page | 60 471) And RITCHIE d 16.9.1954 79, w Mary B SCOTT d 17.5.1927 42.

472) John Turner WISHART d 21.3.1920 41, w Margt B CROAL d 31.7.1955 75, chn Jack, Douglas, Grace, Louisa d inf. eldest s Wm d 22.1.1958 55, s Stanley d 21.7.1982 76.

(slab) Flora WHYTE d 7.12.1966 67, h Wm Wishart above.

See also number 472.

473) Thos HOPE b 9.9.1849 d 26.3.1912, w Margt MOFFAT b 14.10.1849 d 13.6.1909

474) Robt Jas CROW d 3.3.1960 85, w Eliz Euphemia BRUCE d 4.6.1966 90, s Peter d 21.8.1911 5.

475) Henry HUNTER d 7.12.1917 72, w Eliz DICK d 23.2.1931 88, gdau Eliz Mary d 27.9.1912 2 (fa Alfred CORRIGAL d 18.9.1921, mo Mary Salter Dick HUNTER d 6.1.1963, twin bro Alfred Dav 1910-1984).

Woodbine, High Street 1891

476) (cross) Jas MASSON b Hillside, Port Lethen 1.1.1849 d Cors 3.9.1912, w Georgina SMITH b Tullos, Nigg 30.6.1849 d Cors 3.4.1911, gs Alan MASSON b Laheria, Serai, India 11.12.1913 d Edin 20.5.1924, ed fam.

477) Thos SNEDDON stationmaster Cors b 17.1.1859 d 9.1.1909, ed friends.

478) (agt wall: tree design) Jas SCOBIE d 28.4.1912 72, w Charlotte MACKENZIE d 12.2.1926 80, dau Amy d 25.1.1892 7.

Nurseryman at Pinkhill House gate.

479) (agt wall) John CHEYNE d 18.8.1895 60, w Helen COLLIE d 25.7.1896 62.

480) (agt wall) Ann BLUE d 23.9.1899, h Jas CARRUTHERS, s John d inf.

481) Dav DUNCAN d 30.9.1955 82, w Margt WRIGHT d 25.3.1962 81, eldest s Geo d 21.6.1935 34, Jane d inf, Dav Wright DUNCAN d 4.10.1969.

Builders, Corstorphine High Street.

Page | 61 482) (cross IHS) Helen Pringle MACKENZIE b Old Sauchie 18.1.1843 d Cors 14.11.1903.

483) Alex HOSSACK d 5.9.1928 68, w Cath DAVIDSON d 3.3.1938 79, s Geo Wm d 18.3.1904 4, mo Agnes Greig HOSSACK d 13.11.1905 69.

Slater and plasterer, 1 Belgrave Terrace.

484) Chas CREE d 26.5.1921, w Alexina TERRAS d 6.4.1947, s Wm d inf.

485) Thos Wallace BEACH, Invermay Cors d 1.6.1948 77th yr, w Margt PATERSON d 22.7.1967, chn Margt, Wm, Minnie d inf, dau Agnes (Nancy) d 29.10 1967, s Thos Wallace d 20.5.1986. dau Janet Henderson Grant d 16.8.1991.

The Beach family over two generations a leading local plumbing firm, 176 St. John’s Road.

486) (cross) Janet THOMSON d Cors 10.4.1913 83; Margt THOMSON d Cors 21.1.1922 82.

487) And MARTIN d 5.8.1910 75, w Agnes HARPER d 12.4.1922 86.

Cattle Dealer 1891. Preston Cottage, 36 St. John’s Road.

488) Robt CALLAN d 8.3.1910 63, w Margt NEILSON d 21.8.1908 56.

489) (cross) Rev Peter CHRISTIE minister Abbey St Bathans Berwickshire 28 yrs d Strathview Cors 20.4.1905, w Agnes Lyon Cuthill CHRISTIE d Strathview 21.5.1910.

Author of several theological works: referred to by Thomas Carlyle as ‘The Little Curate’.

490) Annabella d 8.5.1907, h late Alex NICHOLSON London, daus Jessie d 16.2.1918, Mary d 13.1.1932 87.

491) (plaque on wall) Marion Edith AIRD d 29.8.1906.

492) (monument with two cherubs) Robt Cochrane NISBET d 12.12.1935 69, w Margt SMITH d 23.11.1936 73, dau Annie Murray Nisbet b 1.9.1905 d 8.5.1908, s Edward Dav Murray killed France 12.10.1918 23.

Page | 62 By October 1918 the Germans on the Western Front were on the run. Britain has suffered over three million casualties which included nearly a million dead.

493) (cross: broken pieces: base) Wm Henry BROWN d 19.3.1928, w M.A. CRUIKSHANK.

494) (small red stone cross: broken) mo Mary HOOD d 6.12.1930, fa Jackson AITKEN d 31.8.1932.

495) (small book: broken: two sections) Jas REYNOLDS d 1.5.1936 14 R.I.P.

Page | 63 Numbers 496-510 north wall bordering glebe footpath: section between Glebe Road and small gate.

See Section 5 Plan: Numbers 268 - 510

496) (erosion) i m o mo Cath E (flaked) -----

497) Jas SCOTT, Russellfield d 27.8.1903 76, w Margt HELM d 4.9.1892 62.

Dairy owner at Russellfield, Gylemuir Road

498) John CAMPBELL d 28.2.1895 75, w Helen CARMICHAEL d 23.12.1886 62.

Dairy owner at Windyvale, Gylemuir Road.

499) ed Isa DICK i m o s Dav T. DICK Bombadier R.F.A. fell action France 1.6.1918 24, dau Roberta Agnes (Ruby) d 6.12.1918 18, s Thos d inf; Alex BELL d 13.3.1963 (w Rachel Law DICK).

500) Thos B KEIR d 3.3.1936 73, 1w Eliza Hill THOMSON d 8.4.1895, chn Murray d 1911, Eliza d 1912, 2w Ann HARROW d 14.7.1962 96, dau Ann Wright KEIR d 16.8.1985 88.

501) (cross with figure of Christ holding a cross) Robt WILSON ESQ of Durn Perth d 13.12.188(8?) 80, w Margt JOHNSTON d 22.12.1904 86, only s Robt Johnston d typhoid at Spenser Iowa USA 2.12.1885 30, dau Margt A.T d 21.3.1927 69.

502) Wm GARDNER d 29.11.1956 77th yr, w Eliz HORN d 28.12.1919 38, Jessie S. Wilkie GARDNER d 11.2.1940 56, bro Lance Cpl Alex C.M. GARDNER 8th Black Watch fell action Longueval France 18.7.1916 30.

3 July 1916 was the start of the British and French offensive at the River Somme in Picardy. The British had 26 divisions, every man a volunteer. The British had 60,000 casualties.

503) (erosion) ed (i m) of (-----) (Buchanan?) who ----- 1886. Sculp: H. Thomson, Edin.

504) (cross) i m o Helen TOD d 29.11.1888 64.

Page | 64 505) (obelisk: urn on top) John MEIKLE d 5.6.1890 80, w Isa STEEL d 9.10.1894 81, 2nd s Joseph d Indianapolis Indiana USA 27.6.1885 42, 5th s Jas d 14.10.1930 79, dau Agnes d 23.7.1935 79. (side) eldest s Wm d 13.7.1913 73, w Eliz L WALKER d 16.3.1913 64.

506) (erosion: flaked) Louisa LEE wid of Thos LEE.

507) (flat tomb: cross: texts) (end) Chas Leslie Gordon GRANT.

See also number 508.

508) (set in wall) Burial place of Major Gen Jas Murray late Madras Army and Helen, GRANT, 3rd s Chas Leslie Gordon d 18.4.1890 29, eldest s Jas Murray d 18.8.1891 38, eldest dau Helen Maria Haslam d 11.6.1898 45 interr Rugby, yst s Allen Ewan, M.B. Major I M S d 13.12.1903 41 interr Boscombe.

See also numbers 507, 509.

509) (cross) J M G d 18.8.1891; Jas Murray GRANT younger of Glenmoriston Major General Madras Army d 19.6.1901 the day after his Golden Wedding age 73 and his wife Helen CAMERON d 13.5.1905 77.

510) (railed enclosure) (a) (set in wall) i m o Edward INGLIS Lnt 3rd D.Cs b Cawnpore 18.5.1794 d Gogar 29.5.1880. (b) (set in wall) Wm BABINGTON, W.S Edin b 10.1.1856 d 4.3.1938, fa Col Wm BABINGTON 7th Hussars, gfa Jas Moncrieff MELVILLE, W.S. (c) (set in wall) Jas Moncrieff MELVILLE of Hanley b 28.9.1793 d 28.9.1872, w Augusta d 30.3.1837, ss Thos Lechmere d 20.10.1844, Jas Moncrieff d 20.5.1845. (1st stone step up to enclosure is in two pieces: one has initials A R).

In July 1837 Melville paid the church ten guineas for the right to enclose his burying ground. Hanley was part of Gogarburn Hospital, now the site of the Royal Bank of Scotland World Headquarters. His wife was the daughter of Vice Admiral Lechmere of Steeple-Ashton, Oxfordshire. There is a memorial window to Melville in St. Johns church, Princes Street.

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