For the Present and Future Needs, Growth, and Development of Cornish Town

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For the Present and Future Needs, Growth, and Development of Cornish Town

Cornish, Utah General Plan



June 8, 2011 B and Purpose Scope ………………………………….……..……………………….………….…3 A. PLANGENERAL Cornish Town Six Chapter Five Chapter Four Chapter Three Chapter Two Chapter One Chapter Statement Cornish Vision C. Town . Methodology ...... ……………………………………...…………………………….……………4 Methodology A. Existing Conditions Conditions Existing A. RecommendationsC. Implementation AssumptionsB. Planning Conditions Existing A. C. Implementation RecommendationsC. Implementation AssumptionsB. Planning Conditions Existing A. RecommendationsC. Implementation AssumptionsB. Planning Conditions Existing A. RecommendationsC. Implementation AssumptionsB. Planning C. Implementation RecommendationsC. Implementation AssumptionsB. Planning Conditions Existing A. Economic Development Economic Land UseLand Rehabilitation and Element Rehabilitation Conservation Transportation and Circulation and Transportation Public Services FacilitiesPublic and Resource Conservation

...... ……………………………………..…………….…………..…6-7 ………………………………………………………………...12 …………………………………..………………..…………..5 Cornish Town,Cornish Utah …………………………………..…………………………9-10 Table ofContents Table General Plan ……………………………….………………………10-11 General Plan General …………………………..………….………………8 ……………………………………….…..11 June 2011 June

Page6 Land UseLand Map Cornish Town 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. off 10-9-301statesmunicipal that Code Annotated Utah A. These elements include: elements These General Plan. bein included a elementsmay to as what guidance are also given officials Municipal Plan. format General and ofthe extent the comprehensiveness, determine municipalities may that onto goes state legislation The C. Implementation RecommendationsC. Implementation AssumptionsB. Planning A. Conditions Existing Protect air quality. air Protect and urban development; Protect energy andresources; useofrenewable ofenergy conservation the Encourage resources; ofnatural and production conservation use, and economical forthe efficient Provide resources; wastefinancial, ofphysical, orhuman the Reduce opportunities; education,and cultural recreation, aesthetics, activities, civic transportation, prosperity, conservation, safety, energy welfare, general forhealth, Provide fortheofland; growthand development Plan needsofthe andmunicipality; future forthe present Provide 3. An Environmental element that addresses: that element Environmental 3. An 2. and distribution2 standardsof ofland; showing: 1the Use general Land element 1. A PURPOSE ANDPURPOSE SCOPE

A Transportation and Transportation Circulation a. Arterial, Collector and Local Streets; Collectorand Local Arterial, a. h. g. f. e. d. c. b. a. forlandsfor: used density andintensity building population c. Other Modesc. ofTransportation. Transit; and b. Mass Other Appropriate Categories. Other Industry; Business; Housing; Open Space; and Space; Open and Grounds; Buildings Public Recreation; Agriculture; CORNISH TOWN, UTAH CORNISH GENERAL PLAN GENERAL General Plan General element showing the general location and extent of: extent showinglocation and general the element i cials are authorized to: authorizedto: are cials June 2011 June


Cornish Town off by municipal the assumptions made Assumptions describes Planning present section time. The the community at the the outlines status of section Current Status The Recommendation. Assumptions, and C)Implementation B)Planning A) Status; sections: isdivided Current three Plan into ofthe General element Each B. METHODOLOGY 3to 5years. every least at shouldbe completeundertaken A revision are reflected. necessarychanges tothat assure Commission Planning by annually the shouldbe reviewed document suchchanges. The Plan reflect General so populationbasechanges, shouldthe the as Just community remainstatic. Plan cannot General A can officials rely. appointed and uponwhich elected of policy basis provides a Generalstable Plan The and TownCouncil. Commission P by the requestsare reviewed guide development when a shouldbeas elements used These 4. A 6. An 5. A 8. Other Elements Deemed Appropriate ElementsDeemed 8. Other for 7. Recommendations Public Services Facilities Public and Rehabilitation Conservation and Element Economic

Potential.b. Redevelopment Historic and Preservation; a. Public Services. g. Other and Safety; f. Public Easements; Rights ofWay and e. Utilities. d. Local Drainage,c. Disposal, b. Waste Sewage Disposal, a. and reclamation. area sensitive protection b. Environmentally resources; useofnatural and development conservation, and The protection, a. f. Retail Sales. f. Retail Employment; and e. Area;d. Market Base Industries;c. Sources; b. Revenue Expenditure Reports; Revenue and a. i cials as they looked toward the future of the community. future towardofthe they the as looked cials Element composed of: composed Element Implementation Element showing Element plans General Plan General providing for: providing

for: l ann June 2011 June i ng

Page6 Cache Valley orbeyond. Valley Cache towns larger mostlyLoganin orother inoutside living in Cornishwork townlimits, ofpeople majority aslandagricultural as use The Cornishisprimarily long remain atmosphere ofCornishwouldlike citizens in surveyconducted March2011,the public Based ona oftown. south through the northruns and middle Railroad UnionPacific and pasture. forfarming The primarily used fertile isaarea flat, the river and western range mini-mountain between Lying sealevel. this above, are sixthousand almost feet north onthe Big Hill onthe fromBergesonand west. Clarkston apart the community midgets”set “geological called hills north, Idahoand borderthe east,onthe the boundary onthe marks the Bear River The Valley. west liesside Cacheof onthe County, smallesttownin community ofCornish,the The Cornish Town where: 300to 400persons, ofapproximately be a community In 2016,Cornishwill funds. general are: waterThey grants,and Band Croadthe funds, from ofpublic funds needsfor investment priority the as highest identified services have been basic Four 1. 12. 11. 10. 9. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. A majority of the land isprivately oftheowned. land majority A transportationPublic improvementsStreet controlAnimal system water Culinary Each structure erected in the town will meet or exceed all land use, health, and safety use, codes. land all health, themeetorexceed townwill in erected structure Each structure. 500feet within ofany willhydrants be located workingfire distribution lines bya and minimum water serviced of6or8inch residences are All program, clean-up city andinstituted has isdeveloped a program activebeautification An district). cemetery isinby (butthe use funded/controlled towncemetery A ofthe center town. in the townpark islocated A maintenance. regular and beenhave improved streets public have All Vision Statement Co General Plan General rn ish Town ish

to see the rural seethe rural to . However, the the However, June 2011 June


Cornish Town A. ExistingA. Conditions B. Planning AssumptionsB. Planning 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 9. 8. 7. Agriculture will continue to be the predominant land use. land be the predominant to continue will Agriculture growth. future important beto waterextremely will and to conserve water additional to obtain future orencourage growth.Efforts limit andwill use availability Water and Bear River, the Cache), a includes Secondary water water. culinary community. in the CornishTownprovides sources available water are Different yardslandscaped. have their homeowners to for opportunity provide the the community foundin conditions climatic The in 2011. updated have ofthebeen townordinances Some townlimits. the locatedwithin isnoindustrialzone There zone. ormanufacturing commercial a designated The orout not buildings. townhas from areoperated homes mostly Businesses town. the of nature forthe rural wantand tobyhere those staymoving here, Cornish and upin grew byathat mixtureofindividuals being are built homes are New average. are than smaller homes and lots isan olderoftownwherethe section which for"The except Alley," the throughout townlimits scattered homes are Most lots offarms. consist large mostly The corrals, etc. sheds, barns, namely farming, with associated townlimitsare in brick the Other andbuildings wood. including ofamaterials variety constructed town.These homes are the throughout scattered Individualfamily homes sideare hills. bottoms, river livestock, crops/pasture, agricultural: mostly community lands in are usesthe The ofprivate ownership. in limitsprivate remains corporate in the land base ofthe 90percent Over New growth will likely come from families seeking a rural lifestyle. a rural from families likelycome seeking growthwill New private wellsprivate and springs. Chapter One Land Use Land General Plan General cooperatively owned canal (West (West canal owned cooperatively June 2011 June

Page6 Cornish Town C. ImplementationC. Recommendations 4. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. and costs needs. transportation mitigate and changework may wherepeople advances communications Continued needs of people who desire to live here. live desire who to needs ofpeople themeet to of housing a variety for opportunity reasonable a affords town The zoning map. adopt townwill an official The requirements. with state compliance brought updatedinto will and be townordinances The structure. ofany to orinstallation construction prior apermit townbuilding obtain required will standards.All to owners be Code Building International will city inmeet the structures orinstalled erected All to bebuild. able in order to ordinances Cornish Townzoning under legal to and showlots are need ofproperty ownership Individuals environment. needsofan evolving addressing the time same at rural the while toatmosphere, continue foster a will Policy conservation. encouraging while water culinary supplies to upgrade to continue seekmeans townwill The General Plan General June 2011 June

Page6 Cornish Town B. Planning AssumptionsB. Planning ExistingA. Conditions C. ImplementationC. 3. 2. 1. with plan, in willto concert members council plan assist road master 2. A 1 experiencedmost ofthe highways61and 23,have arteries, twomain 3. The and constructed are the well within community and roads streets 2. Existing 1 4. . . The growth experienced along the two main arteries will continue. The will arteries The continue. twomain the growthexperiencedalong The and from the to principal arteries Highway61and23are Highway the U.S. natural features.natural lines regardsto and property precise andin donot locations show only Plan are ontheconceptual oftheRoad shown Master as roads alignments The provideshownplan. requiredas roads fornew onthe to should be and small, development community.large proposals, the All servicing anticipate we that shouldroadways show and future Master Plan existing Road The arteries. effectiveonthese flowoftraffic to insure safeand UDOT image. in town’s projecting the iscritical ofthese arteries and appearance openness growth. town’s town. county, state, and by the maintained a are town. There Utah Department ofTransportation. Department Utah County withand the Cache be improvementscoordinated will street Public streets. ofpublic degradation to avoid weight undue limits standardswill street include public The the streets public within townlimits. ofall maintenance going base, fortheand on- minimum width, develop standards Cornish Townwill the intersection.the at onSR23 lane turning thefora left-hand state petition Cornish Townwill Transportation andCirculation

l so town and Cache County roads in the townlimits. County in roads townand Cache so Chapter Two General Plan General June 2011 June

Page6 Cornish Town B. A. 2. 1. Assumptions:Planning 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Existing Conditions: There are also a few private wells and springs. alsowells aprivate and few are There Bear River. and the (West ownedcanal Cache) cooperatively a include flowingtown Other Springs. sources through andthe Springs, Griffith GancheffPearson Well, are sources Picher Cornish Townwater and winter. fourseasons,fall, all community spring,summer, enjoys The toward the bottoms east. the into river anddown west, slopes to rises onthe the hills isflatthe middle, community in in terrain the The and loam, clay. soil sandy, isvaried; gravel, The cedar trees. oak,scrub and are sagebrush, oftownthere west trees.the On andhills boxelder willow Russianolivecottonwoods, poplars, includinggrasses, trees, plentiful Vegetationis Valley. north inend ofCache the Cornish Townislocated environmental conditions that currently exist in the town. in the exist currently that conditions environmental nature, space, rural and the want open to preserve Residents needs. supply isinadequate for future Cornish Townwater Resource ConservationResource Chapter Three General Plan General June 2011 June

Page6 Cornish Town A. ExistingA. Conditions 2. The public park and playground areas are well maintained and in excellent in excellent well and maintained park areas andare public playground 2. The 1 C. . The community is currently working on getting a good water supply. The working ongettinga goodwater community iscurrently The years. last several to expected in all goodcondition, and are lines are distribution residents and visitors. residents bytown usedthroughoutspring, fall summer, They the are and condition. 9. 8. 7. 6. Implementation 2. waste); there are also concerns about animal control measures. control about animal are also there concerns waste); ofpollutionand level (light, about concerned the residents are Some minimum required levels. required minimum lighting to and street night conserveby power keeping Cornish townwill lownoise andpollution. light wildlife, forexisting habitat ofopennatural spaces, preservation and atmosphere rural to preserve the anydevelopments new encourage Cornish Townwill etc.) glass plastics, (i.e. paper, resource renewable ofany and business’s resident recycling encourage Cornish Townwill properties. townowned maintaining philosophy reflectthat in and will groundwater wells); surface or water, canal fortheofyards, and sources gardens(i.e. watering water use the byencouraging ofsecondary conserve water Cornish Townwill Public Services andFacilities Services Public Chapter Four Chapter Four General Plan General June 2011 June

Page6 Cornish Town B. Planning AssumptionsB. Planning A. ExistingA. Conditions

2. There is one known structure of a flag pole remaining that was in front of the was front that ofthe in pole ofaremaining flag structure isone known 2. There 1 Police? 23andbeen ofSR 61has replaced. ofthe intersection waternorth line 3. The servethe will citizens to continue fields and leach septic tanks 2. Individual 1 the town. district,not bythe cemetery maintained funded owned and for.It westis hill cared locatedonthe ofCornish,iswell cemetery, 3. The 3. A plaque for the Cornish Town's military heroes is displayed in the heroesisdisplayed Cornish military forthe plaque Cornish Town's 3. A 5. The town will continue making improvements and additions to the townpark improvementsto and making additions continue townwill 5. The EMT? Ambulance? County protection. provide and Cache fire City 4. Lewiston 7. The town will continue with current or higher standards of maintenance on ofmaintenance orhigher with continue current standards townwill 7. The . be paved. will oftheroads gravel 6. Some . The settling of Cornish Town dates back to the 1860s. There used be There a back1860s. to the settlingofCornishTowndates The The current water rights and storage tank are inadequate if the town if the are and storageinadequate tank water rights current The (Koller), alley homes, alley retreat. Veibell (Koller), warehouse offices (Tarbet), management (Hotel), factory sugar Church behind. (Old ornohistory now remaining little sites are gone with these school, station public gas store, general 20years. coming during the adequately years. next in 20 the much unforeseen changes growth,drought orother experiences Town Hall. CornishTownHall. at isnowthe school. It public located and townhall. and the water system and streets. water system the

Rehabilitation andConservationRehabilitation Element Chapter Five Chapter General Plan General , railroad station, and stock yard. All of and stock station, yard. railroad June 2011 June

Page6 Cornish Town C. ImplementationC. AssumptionsB. Planning 1. Select a historical committee to help identify, recognize and promote the andthe identify,recognize promote to help historical committee a 1. Select Cornish growth and declineofthe in the settling, a driven interest 1. Without committee would work under the direction ofthe CornishTownCouncil. the wouldwork direction under committee The buildings, monuments,and markers. documents, ofany preservation saved. ornohistory being passlittle timewill with Town, more General Plan General June 2011 June

Page6 Cornish Town B. Planning AssumptionsB. Planning A. Existing 3. Community favors limited favors growthofbusiness. 3. Community or rural character the that not businesses harm will welcome 2. CornishTownwill atmosphere. space and keeprural Cornishan open 1. To withintown. ofemployment draw the isnomajor 3. There townlimits. business in the ahome-based few operations are 2. There 1. 4. The preferred vicinity for business isalong vicinity and forbusiness SR61 SR23. preferred 4. The our residents. ventures of ofourtownnorthe agricultural and roads water) as (such resources town. the ofthehave Most jobs people outside afarming. living fewmake very citizens ofthe the While groundisagricultural, majority isvaried. Cornisheconomy The Conditions

Economic DevelopmentEconomic Chapter SixChapter General Plan General June 2011 June


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