Short Story Journal

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Short Story Journal


Double Daily Grade Short Story Journals

Name: Short Story Journals

Period: Name: Mrs. Drain

Period:  For each activity in this packet, fill the remaining space on each page Mrs. Drain with your answers and explanations.

 For each activity in this packet, fill  For the questions about each story, the remaining space on each page be sure to support your answer with your answers and explanations.

with evidence from the text!  For the questions about each story,

be sure to support your answer

with evidence from the text!

DUE: Finish the Sentences: A reader can more easily identify with a legendary hero who Double Daily Grade displays attributes such as Morte d’Arthur Journal than one who demonstrates

Journal #1: —Do you believe that a hero must be someone Morte d’Arthur Journal who is perfect? Can heroes have flaws? What are acceptable flaws for a hero to have? Journal #1: —What must a hero do (what flaws must they —Do you believe that a hero must be someone have) to lose the title of “hero”? who is perfect? Can heroes have flaws? What are acceptable flaws for a hero to have? —What must a hero do (what flaws must they have) to lose the title of “hero”? 3b. Why does Bedivere fear that if he obeys Arthur’s request, “much honor and much fame were lost”? 3c. What attitude toward the past does Bedivere and the parson share?

4a. What attitude toward heroes and honor do the men at the beginning of the poem have? 4b. Do their opinions Finish the Sentences: change by the end of the poem? Explain. A reader can more easily identify with a legendary hero who displays attributes such as

than one who demonstrates 5. Which archetypes are presented in this legend? Morte d’Arthur Questions 1. If you had been in Sir Bedivere’s position, would you have obeyed Arthur’s request? Explain. 6. In what way does the end of the poem suggest that King Arthur still unites the people of England, past and present? Morte d’Arthur Questions 2. When Bedivere says that “the true old times are dead,” 1. If you had been in Sir Bedivere’s position, would you have what does he imply will vanish from the world? obeyed Arthur’s request? Explain.

3a. What does Arthur specifically request of Bedivere? 2. When Bedivere says that “the true old times are dead,” what does he imply will vanish from the world? Journal #2: —Describe a time you used your intuition, street- smarts, or creativity to help get you out of a difficult situation. Were you successful? 3a. What does Arthur specifically request of Bedivere? 3b. Why does Bedivere fear that if he obeys Arthur’s request, “much honor and much fame were lost”? 3c. What attitude toward the past does Bedivere and the parson share?

4a. What attitude toward heroes and honor do the men at the beginning of the poem have? 4b. Do their opinions change by the end of the poem? Explain.

Finish the Sentence: 5. Which archetypes are presented in this legend? When faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, a person

with determination can persevere because

6. In what way does the end of the poem suggest that King . Arthur still unites the people of England, past and “ present? Connecticut Yankee…” Journal “ Connecticut Yankee…” Journal Journal #2: —Describe a time you used your intuition, street- 2a. What threat does Hank face? 2b. Why does he think he smarts, or creativity to help get you out of a might be dreaming? difficult situation. Were you successful?

3. What does the deal Hank strikes with King Arthur show about his character? 3b. Is Hank’s manipulation of Clarence and the king justified? Why or why not?

4a. List 2 reasons why Hank could continue to be successful as a “hero” in King Arthur’s court. 4b. List 2 reasons why Hank might not be successful.

5. An Arthurian Hero has the following traits: a. wins with great strength or supernatural power; b. desires glory; c. serves his king out of loyalty. Give a specific example to show in which ways Hank is a parody of these qualities.

Finish the Sentence: When faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, a person with determination can persevere because 6. What attitudes, values or beliefs of Twain’s are suggested in

this parody? . “ “ Connecticut Yankee…” Questions Connecticut Yankee…” Questions 1. Do you sympathize with Clarence? Why or why not? 1. Do you sympathize with Clarence? Why or why not? 2a. What threat does Hank face? 2b. Why does he think he for you. Did you decide to help them, or might be dreaming? keep yourself out of trouble/safe? Explain in detail the situation and your reasons for your decision. Looking back, would you 3. What does the deal Hank strikes with King Arthur show about change your mind and act differently? his character? 3b. Is Hank’s manipulation of Clarence and the king justified? Why or why not?

4a. List 2 reasons why Hank could continue to be successful as a “hero” in King Arthur’s court. 4b. List 2 reasons why Hank might not be successful.

5. An Arthurian Hero has the following traits: a. wins with great strength or supernatural power; b. desires glory; c. serves his king out of loyalty. Give a specific example to show in which ways Hank is a parody of these qualities.

Finish the Sentences: One should always act with honor and responsibility

6. What attitudes, values or beliefs of Twain’s are suggested in because this parody? Hope and integrity can help you persevere (succeed) Prometheus Journal in difficult situations because

Journal #3: —Think about a time when you had to make Prometheus Journal the choice to help someone else, even though it would be damaging or harmful Journal #3: —Think about a time when you had to make Prometheus Questions the choice to help someone else, even though it would be damaging or harmful 1a. What problem does Epimetheus face when it is for you. Did you decide to help them, or humanity’s turn to receive a gift? 1b. Contrast the keep yourself out of trouble/safe? Explain gifts Prometheus gives humanity with the gifts in detail the situation and your reasons for Epimetheus gives the animals. 1c. Which gift is most your decision. Looking back, would you valuable? Why? change your mind and act differently?

2a. Which of Prometheus’s actions angers Zeus? 2b. Why does this anger Zeus?

3a. What changes does Pandora bring to the world by opening the box? 3b. How does her mistake solve the problem Prometheus caused for the gods?

4. Which characters in these three myths make heroic efforts during trying circumstances? Explain their acts of heroism. Finish the Sentences: One should always act with honor and responsibility because 5. Which archetypes appear in the story? Give an example for each. Hope and integrity can help you persevere (succeed) in difficult situations because

6a. In what way does the story of Pandora show that the gift of intelligence is also a curse? 6a. In what way does the story of Pandora show that the Prometheus Questions gift of intelligence is also a curse?

1a. What problem does Epimetheus face when it is Cupid and Psyche Journal humanity’s turn to receive a gift? 1b. Contrast the gifts Prometheus gives humanity with the gifts Journal #4: What is your definition of a hero? Epimetheus gives the animals. 1c. Which gift is most What attributes must someone have to be valuable? Why? a hero? Can a hero be someone who does not face physical danger? Can anyone be a hero? Why/Why Not?

2a. Which of Prometheus’s actions angers Zeus? 2b. Why does this anger Zeus?

3a. What changes does Pandora bring to the world by opening the box? 3b. How does her mistake solve the problem Prometheus caused for the gods?

4. Which characters in these three myths make heroic efforts during trying circumstances? Explain their acts of heroism.

5. Which archetypes appear in the story? Give an example for each. Finish this sentence: In the face of an unusual obstacle, a true hero would show attributes such as and Finish this sentence: . In the face of an unusual obstacle, a true hero would attributes: a quality or characteristic of a person show attributes such as Cupid and Psyche Journal and . Journal #4: What is your definition of a hero? attributes: a quality or characteristic of a person What attributes must someone have to be a hero? Can a hero be someone who does Cupid and Psyche Questions not face danger? Can be physical anyone 1. Do you think Psyche was wrong to disobey Cupid by a hero? Why/Why Not? uncovering his identity? Explain.

2a. What reason does Venus give for sending Cupid to Psyche?

2b. Compare her plan with its actual outcome.

3. In the third task Venus gives Psyche, why does Psyche repeat her earlier mistake with Cupid? 3. In the third task Venus gives Psyche, why does Psyche repeat her earlier mistake with Cupid?

4. What lesson does the story suggest about love?

4. What lesson does the story suggest about love?

5. Do you think that Psyche could be considered a hero? If yes, explain how she is heroic. If no, what do you think she could have done differently that would have made her a hero? 5. Do you think that Psyche could be considered a hero? If yes, explain how she is heroic. If no, what do you think she could have done differently that would have made her a hero?

Cupid and Psyche Questions

1. Do you think Psyche was wrong to disobey Cupid by uncovering his identity? Explain. Ashputtel Journal

Journal #5: What is the purpose of fairy tales? Why might parents want their children to hear stories about characters such as Cinderella, Pinocchio, or Snow 2a. What reason does Venus give for sending Cupid to Psyche? White? What messages do these stories have for young children? Are the messages useful?

2b. Compare her plan with its actual outcome. Ashputtel Questions Ashputtel Journal 1. Do you sympathize with Ashputtel, or do you think she should have stood up for herself more? Explain. Journal #5: What is the purpose of fairy tales? Why might parents want their children to hear stories about characters such as Cinderella, Pinocchio, or Snow White? What messages do these stories have for young children? Are the messages useful? 2a. What does Ashputtel do with her father’s gift? 2b. What do her action suggest about her character?

3a. What type of help does Ashputtel receive?

3b. What lesson about life is suggested by the fact that a person like Ashputtel receives this help? 4a. In what way do the schemes of the stepmother and stepsisters lead to their punishment? 4a. In what way do the schemes of the stepmother and stepsisters lead to their punishment?

4b. In what way do these events support the lesson of “Ashputtel”?

4b. In what way do these events support the lesson of “Ashputtel”?

5. Do you think that Ashputtel is in some way a hero? If yes, explain how she is heroic. If no, what do you think she could have done 5. Do you think that Ashputtel is in some way a hero? If yes, explain differently that would have made her a hero? how she is heroic. If no, what do you think she could have done differently that would have made her a hero?

Ashputtel Questions

1. Do you sympathize with Ashputtel, or do you think she should have stood up for herself more? Explain.

2a. What does Ashputtel do with her father’s gift? 2b. What do her action suggest about her character?

3a. What type of help does Ashputtel receive?

3b. What lesson about life is suggested by the fact that a person like Ashputtel receives this help?

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