Mayo County Council Strategic Arts Plan 2011 - 2015

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Mayo County Council Strategic Arts Plan 2011 - 2015

Mayo County Council Strategic Arts Plan 2011 - 2016

1 Contents:

Background and Context: The Arts in Mayo 3 Mayo County Council Arts Service 3 Role of the Arts Service 4 Partnership supports 4 Strategic Arts Programming 5

Arts Plan Scope of Arts Plan 5 Consultation Process 6 Stakeholders 6-7 Implementation 7 Resources 7 Mission 7 Core Values 8 Strategic Aims 8-14 Monitoring and Evaluation 14 Acknowledgements 14-15

Appendices: 1. Diagram of Arts Service 16 2. Arts Service/ Examples of Arts Service Delivery 17 – 18 3. Map of Arts Spaces in Mayo 19 4. Consultation Process 20 5. Mayo County Development Plan 21 6. Mayo County Council Corporate Plan 21 7. Public Art Policy 22 – 25 8. Arts Acts Recipients 26 9. Partnerships 27 10. Mayo Music Education Partnership Plan 28 – 31 11. Arts Service Publications 31 - 32 11. Bibliography 33 -34

2 Background: The Arts in Mayo

Pivotal to the vibrant arts sector in Mayo are the many artists of all disciplines, who live and work in the county. They are complemented by the broad range of people who drive professional arts organisations, events, festivals, amateur arts groups and community groups who engage with the arts. This amounts to an enviable resource of artistic talent, know-how, commitment and experience within the county.

The excellent work of professional arts organisations throughout the county is an essential nucleus of the county arts matrix. Organisations such as The Linenhall Arts Centre, The Heinrich Boll Cottage, Yew Tree Theatre Company, Ballina Arts Centre, the Custom House Studios, Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Town Hall Arts Centre and Áras Inis Gluaire provide access to high quality, lively and diverse arts programming across the county. They provide a key service for their locality, the wider hinterland, and provide important spaces for artists in which to practice/ exhibit/ network/ create. Arts venues are often the first spaces where children experience quality arts initiatives – giving them life- long opportunities for engagement.

County Mayo also has an annual programme of Arts Festivals, mostly organised by dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure that opportunities for wonder, excitement and the joy of engaging with the arts are available throughout the county. These festivals range from traditional arts to cutting edge installations/ performances, and from world culture to poetry and include every art form and genre imaginable.

Public support for the arts recognises the rich contribution that the arts make to society as a whole. This support encourages creativity, facilitates access to the arts and recognises the power of the arts to enhance daily life experiences.

Mayo County Council Arts Service:

Mayo County Council has employed an Arts Officer since 1989, and has expanded its County Arts Service considerably as part of a substantial commitment to the development of the arts. The Service aims to make the arts accessible and inclusive to all and events are open to everyone, whatever their age, education or experience. The work has been firmly based on the principles of quality, access, inclusion and long-term value. The Arts Service is well supported by Elected Members and the executive of Mayo County Council, and also by the Arts Council.

Investment in the arts has been significant and the county now boasts a network of excellent spaces in which the arts can be programmed and enjoyed: arts centres, galleries, theatres and artists’ studios. Public art commissions, residency opportunities and artists’ bursaries all provide opportunities for artists, while the community is actively engaged through Mayo Artsquad, workshops, and artists working in communities.

The service includes the following areas: information, promotion, advice, programming, planning and policy. (See appendix 1; diagram of Arts Service). It covers all art forms:

3 music, visual arts, drama, dance, film, community arts, festivals and public art. Annually the service works with over 250 community groups and impacts directly on the lives of at least 80,000 people who attend events organized by or funded through the Arts Office.

Through the annual programme the arts service provides access to quality arts events for the people in Mayo. The long-term value of its work is extremely important to the office; all large scale projects offer opportunities to local interest groups to avail of training therefore leaving a legacy within the county.

Role of the Arts Service:

The Arts Service, on behalf of Mayo County Council, is responsible for the development and implementation of services which provide support for the arts in Mayo.

In existence for over 22 years, the Arts Service is a well-established unit within the local authority’s operating structure, with a substantial, valuable body of knowledge. The professional expertise and experience of the Arts Service staff is a considerable, cultural resource for the county. The continued development of the Service is predicated on these expert staff resources.

The role of the Arts Service includes the following functions:  ensuring that the value of arts activities is of the highest possible standard  the provision of information and advice to the arts sector and the public  connecting artists and audiences /communities  ensuring access to the community at large, and that arts activities are inclusive and open to the general public  the integration of arts activities into other areas of public service  developing the base – quality and geographical spread – of arts activities  policy development, planning and management for the arts.

The Arts Service endeavours to ensure the quality of arts activities, promotes access and inclusion on behalf of the public, strives for best practice, and adopts a long-term perspective to the provision of support. (See appendix 2; Arts Service)

Partnership Support Mayo County Council Arts Service recognises and respects the independence of professional arts organisations within the county; the Linenhall Arts Centre, Ballina Arts Centre, Yew Tree Theatre Company, Ballinglen Arts Foundation, the Custom House Studios, the Heinrich Böll Cottage, Áras Inis Gluaire and the Town Hall Arts Centre Charlestown. These organisations, supported by Mayo County Council under partnership agreements, provide essential local channels through which artists and audiences are connected. They also provide support for existing and emerging artists/ arts groups/ local communities etc. Where possible, Mayo County Council works in partnership with these organisations to build capacity, engage new audiences, develop specific art form initiatives and shared programme. Recent examples of this include Disability Equality

4 Training for professional arts venues and Culture Night in Mayo. (See Appendix 3; Map of arts spaces in Mayo)

Strategic Arts Programming In order to address gaps, maintain awareness of the arts, broaden access and participation to the arts and ensure quality development, the strategic programming carried out by the Arts Service aims to:  initiate awareness and appreciation for the art practices  develop and expand audiences for the arts, in varying artforms, throughout Mayo, and for various sections of the community  challenge the public through a broad variety of arts practices/forms in readily accessible spaces  broaden education regarding arts practices and forms.  enhance the overall level and reach of the arts in terms of geography, target audience and art form.

Scope of the Arts Plan Mayo County Council’s Strategic Arts Plan 2011 – 2016, sets out the way in which the Arts Service will provide supports to the sector, taking into account the resources at its disposal; the realisation of this plan depends on the availability of continued funding and expert staff.

The Arts Service has an over-view position which seeks to address gaps in provision, training, infrastructure, networks etc. The Arts Service also operates in a developmental manner working on new audiences/ art-forms/ showcasing excellent work etc.

A number of recent trends and developments related to public support for the arts in Ireland are of relevance:  The work by the Arts Council and local authorities to foster the arts – creation, presentation, access and participation – at local level;  the increasing recognition of the contribution of the arts not only to cultural development but also to social and economic development  the current economic environment which has significantly reduced resources for the arts over the past three years.

The arts plan takes into consideration the wider framework within which the arts exist: the social, economic and cultural realities in Mayo. This includes County Development Plans which relate directly to the arts.

The Arts Plan aims to:  ensure that the arts service is integrated in mainstream services provision  define the actions needed to ensure that public support for the arts provides the maximum contribution to local development, local identity and the life of the citizens of the county.  Take advantage of any opportunities arising which offer benefits through a whole-county approach.

5 This is the second arts plan produced by Mayo County Council’s Arts Service. The previous plan 2003 – 2006, outlined actions for a four year time-frame but took a longer view, mapping strategic development over a ten year period. The Arts Plan was extremely successful with all actions being delivered, some over an extended period. Naturally, the success of the plan was predicated on the resources made available to the Arts Service; the plan was fully resourced by Mayo County Council members and executive.

As we are now in a period of diminished resources, it is important to consolidate the work of the past 22 years of the arts service, to maintain and protect artistic excellence and quality and to maximise all resources in a strategic, collective manner. However it is equally important to articulate a longer term vision for the arts in Mayo and to steer development strategically to realise this vision. This is particularly crucial at this juncture because the arts, in addition to having a central place in re-imagining the future, also have a fundamental role to play in the broader cultural sector, in creative industries and in cultural tourism. However, the intrinsic value of the arts, underpinning this plan, should be protected and placed centrally in all development.

A number of areas were re-visited in order to inform the generation of this Arts Plan: strengths and weaknesses of the local arts sector, the existing opportunities and gaps, core values, priorities for action, practical strategies to address gaps/ opportunities and realistic, specific, achievable steps / projects / initiatives.

Consultation Process:

To inform this plan, widespread consultation with artists, arts practitioners, communities, voluntary groups, youth groups, arts professionals, venues and other relevant stakeholders was carried out which shapes the eventual content. (See appendix 4: Consultation Process)

Stakeholders: The stakeholders in the development of the arts in Mayo include:

 Artists (of all disciplines)  Arts venues: arts centres, galleries, facilities  Arts organisations and groups (professional and amateur)  Arts managers/ administrators  Audiences for the arts  Communities (including specific groups – youth/ older people/ people with disabilities/ children/ intercultural groups/ marginalised people)  The public  Elected members and public representatives  Mayo County Council  Mayo County Development Board  Partnership agencies

6  The Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon  Other regional and national arts organisations

The most recent figures on the number of arts practitioners in the county are: Musicians; 65 Writers (published) 28 Theatre practitioners 6 Dancers 6 Film makers / TV 17 Professional photographers 20 Visual artists 250

Other arts-related/ creative disciplines:

Arts administration 27 Sound and Broadcasting 4 Arts Venues 7 Art Galleries 14 Digital Media Companies 29 Digital Media Training 4

This is an extraordinary resource for Mayo in terms of development of artistic, creative and cultural industries.

Implementation of the Arts Plan

The County Arts Service will be responsible for the implementation, delivery and management of the Arts Plan during the coming years, in the context of relevant County Development plans. The current economic climate has necessitated the reduction of some ongoing initiatives. These arrangements are likely to continue, but where possible within existing resources, new partnerships, networks and co-operative projects will be explored.


The delivery of ongoing actions and the initiation of new actions specified in this plan are entirely dependent on the availability of skilled staff and sufficient financial resources.

Our Mission:

The direction of this strategic arts plan is rooted in the overall mission of Mayo County Council, as stated in the Corporate Plan, 2010 – 2014, Working Together:

‘We work to improve the quality of life for people living in Mayo and enhance the attractiveness of the County as a place in which to live, work, invest and enjoy.’

7 Specifically for the Arts Service this means:

‘We provide, in a strategic manner, relevant supports, programme, initiatives and opportunities for high-quality arts engagement for everyone living in or visiting Mayo.’

Core Values

The core values underpinning the Arts Service, which echo those stated in Mayo County Council’s Corporate Plan 2010 – 2014, Working Together (see Appendix 6) are:

Quality: Mayo County Council Arts Service aims to deliver the highest quality service for the benefit of the public, the Arts Sector and the stakeholders listed. Through supporting artistic quality, best practice, setting high standards and strategic capacity building, the Arts Service endeavours to add to the broader arts sector.

Access and Inclusion: The Arts Service recognises the creativity of individuals and communities and encourages the fullest engagement, by all people, with the arts throughout Mayo. The Arts Service promotes inclusivity, through its own work and through support for activities, events and initiatives which increase access and participation.

Sustainability: Through focusing on long-term value, incremental development and strategic networking and partnerships, the Arts Service seeks to ensure that the arts are integrated and opportunities are maximised on a local/ regional/ national and international level.

Importance of the Artist: The Arts Service recognises the huge contribution which artists (of all disciplines) make to the cultural life of the county. A major strength of our county is the wide range, quality, diversity and experience of established and emerging artists who live and work in Mayo.

Strategic Aims, Objectives and Actions

The stated strategic aims encompass the relevant strategic goals in Mayo County Council’s Corporate Plan 2010 – 2014, Working Together (see Appendix 6), and the policies of Mayo County Council Development Plan, 2008 – 2014 (see Appendix 5) in relation to the arts.

Strategic Aim 1 Advocacy, promotion and awareness

The development of strategic systems to communicate information about the broad arts sector both within the county and further afield, continues to be a major part of the work

8 of the County Arts Service. Ensuring that the public and relevant audiences are aware of events, festivals, projects and programmes is essential to their success and sustainability. It is also important that the excellent work that happens in Mayo is communicated more widely and that Mayo is recognized as a creative hub in the West.

Objectives:  Provide a comprehensive information service, networked to relevant stakeholders.  Promote the work of the arts service and the broader arts sector throughout the county, regionally, nationally and internationally where relevant.  Develop user-relevant systems to communicate with target audiences.

We will continue to: 1.1.Develop and expand the Arts Service website. 1.2.Provide information through monthly e-newsletter, extensive e-mailings, press/ media, parish newsletters, posters, radio and social networks. 1.3.Use established relationships and networks to maximize information coverage. 1.4.Publish information on ground-breaking initiatives, projects and programmes including public art. (See appendix 7: Public Art Policy)

New actions: 1.5.Develop better communication with young people through schools, youth groups and social networking. 1.6.Work with different sectors to help improve their marketing and promotion, e.g. Festivals, amateur arts groups etc. 1.7.Work with venues and other arts providers on the accessibility of their websites and marketing materials. 1.8.Increase Mayo’s profile and promote the county widely as a creative and artistic hub. 1.9.Update all our events into the Culture Fox website and encourage all our stakeholders in Mayo to use this marketing and promotional resource, developed by the Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon and Fáilte Ireland, funded by the Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs. 1.10. Take full advantage of opportunities which arise to showcase the work of Mayo Artists.

Strategic Aim 2 Audience, Access & Participation

The Arts Service is inclusive and non-elitist in its ethos and is guided by the principles of social inclusion by which Mayo County Council is governed. Through strategic programming (both artistic and geographic) the Arts Service will continue to develop new audiences for the arts. By supporting quality initiatives, festivals and events throughout the county, public awareness and access to the arts is enhanced.

Objectives:  Increase the level of access and engagement with the arts for children and young people

9  Ensure that key target groups are provided for within Mayo, including older people, people with disabilities, intercultural groups and marginalized groups.  Provide diverse opportunities to engage with the arts in a wide variety of settings through the public art programme.  Involve communities and the voluntary arts sector in specific developmental initiatives.  Promote links between communities and their local arts providers.  Develop large scale, integrated arts projects which not only show-case excellent arts practice but also enhance the public’s perception and experience of the arts.

We will continue to: 2.1. Develop Mayo Youth Theatre. 2.2. Provide an annual schools programme and the schools’exhibition programme. 2.3. Develop and deliver relevant annual programme such as EXCEL; Youth Arts Programme which provides specialist supports for young people in the arts and the Bealtaine programme for older people in May. 2.5. Offer strategic supports for people with disabilities to engage with the arts, as participants and audience. 2.6. Provide support through Arts Acts Grants for local communities to run their own arts festivals and events. (See appendix 8: Arts Acts Recipients) 2.7. Provide support for Mayo Artsquad to train skilled community arts workers and to facilitate community-based arts activities in the county. 2.8. Engage exceptional artists to work with specific communities through the public art programme.

New Actions: 2.9. Co-ordinate information supports for arts festivals in Mayo including funding, promotion, event management and networking. 2.10. Collate a directory of arts resources for community groups/ festivals/ voluntary arts groups etc to ensure better participation. 2.11. Encourage the provision of opportunities for unemployed people to engage in the arts through existing venues, programmes and the amateur sector. 2.12. Create connections between venues/ arts organizations/ festivals with organizations for people with disabilities to improve integration of arts & disability in annual programmes. 2.13. Deliver ‘big ideas’ initiatives which expand the appreciation and experience of the arts in the public sphere.

Strategic Aim 3 Partnership & Networking

Partnerships with other agencies are crucial to the continued outreach and success of the service. The Arts Service has developed good working partnerships with a diverse range of agencies, locally, nationally and internationally (See appendix 9: Partnerships). Working in partnership has been instrumental in Mayo becoming a location for a variety of research and development initiatives and projects that may otherwise have not been

10 seen outside major cities. It also maximises the integration of the arts and the availability of resources for the arts and has lead to successful developments in the areas of arts & health, education, youth, public art, arts & disability and community arts.

The Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon: Mayo County Council Arts Service, most of the arts venues and a wide variety of festivals, events, artists and initiatives within the County receive essential support from the Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon. Furthermore, the Arts Council provides a National framework and policy for the development of the arts.

Objectives:  Ensure that the arts are integrated into the main strategies for development in the county.  Increase the resources available to the arts within Mayo.  Through collaboration and pooling expertise, ensure best practice and standards.  Delivery of sustainable initiatives  Maximise the opportunities for the arts through integration and co-operation.

We will continue to work in partnership with: 3.1. The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon on relevant national initiatives. 3.2. The HSE Western Area to deliver quality Arts & Health initiatives. 3.3. Western Care, Cranmór and Tacú to deliver the LUISNE, Arts & Disability programme (see 3.4 The Irish Museum of Modern Art, and South Tipperary County Council on the Altered Images exhibition which provides access to the visual arts for people with disabilities and the broader public. (see 3.5. Arts venues in Mayo to maintain the service to communities and to develop opportunities for artists through training and programme. We will continue to support the arts venues through partnership funding and other relevant supports. 3.6. FÁS to support Mayo Artsquad and the arts in community service 3.7. Mayo VEC to deliver the music in communities programme 3.8. The Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaion, The National Concert Hall to support the Whistleblast Quartet’s education and outreach programme 3.9. Inspiration Station (Mayo County Development Board, Mayo County Childcare Forum, Mayo Community Forum, Mayo Arts Office) to deliver strategic creative initiatives in communities and for young people. 3.10. Mayo County Development Board, Mayo County Council’s Department of Community, Housing and Integrated Development, Westbic and Ideas Lab to maximise the opportunities for local artists through the CISNET (Creative Industries Support Network for Atlantic SME’s) project. 3.11.Mayo County Development Board on shared cultural objectives through the Cultural Forum. 3.12.Other departments within Mayo County Council to deliver shared objectives – such as the recent development of the website- (see 3.13 Arts & Disability Ireland to provide ongoing supports and advice to People with Disabilities.

11 New Actions: 3.14. Work in partnership with Mayo Music Education Partnership (Mayo MEP: Mayo VEC, Mayo County Development Board, Mayo Community Forum, Mayo Arts Office, Mayo Education Centre) to deliver the Music Generation plan for young people in the county. (See Appendix 10: Mayo MEP Plan) 3.15. Develop new, strategic partnerships as necessary to fulfil our objectives. 3.16. Work in partnership with Visual Artists Ireland (VAI) to develop ‘ARTCONNECT’ – iPhone and Android Application. This action is an initiative of the Public Art Co- ordinator. 3.17. Provide more networking opportunities for sectoral interests, ie. Amateur drama/ choral sector/ amateur exhibitions, in addition to opportunities for professional artists and organizations. Some of these opportunities may be regional or national. 3.18. Work collaboratively with other agencies to ensure that quality arts projects are part of the 1916 centenary celebrations. 3.19. Work in partnership with Mayo County Council Architect’s Department to deliver strategic initiatives in schools, through festivals and other events, which develop awareness of architecture in the public realm.

Strategic Aim 4 Developing Capacity

The County Arts Service supports the development of the skills and capacity of artists/ arts groups/ arts organisations in order to improve and sustain high standards. The Service also provides supports for professional artists to assist their development and practice. The means of developing capacity include; grants, awards and bursaries, training, professional development and skills training. It also includes other experiential opportunities and talks/ advice/ career guidance from other practising artists which happen in formal and informal contexts.

Objectives:  The provision of opportunities for professional artistic development  Provision of collective opportunities for skills-sharing and learning  Support skill development and training for artists, arts workers and arts organisations which encourage, enhance and add value to the sector.  The further development of commissioning, education/ outreach and engagement processes for Public Art.  The support of practical resources for artists.

We will continue to: 4.1. Provide a range of supports for artists through awards, bursaries and grants such as the Tyrone Guthrie Awards, Amateur Drama Awards, Visual Arts Awards and Music Recording Assistance Awards. 4.2. Develop and deliver training and skills workshops for artists and arts workers. 4.3. Instigate strategic, transformative residency programmes which may provide ‘lift’ to

12 a whole sector. Examples include Resurgam Choral Residency (2010) and New Ground Residency (2008) 4.4. Provide residency opportunities for artists through the Public Art Programme and Mayo County Council Arts Office annual programme. 4.5. Create linkages between emerging artists and established artists. 4.6. Provide opportunities for artists to work collaboratively with each other and communities. Example- New Ground Programme. 4.7. Provide an annual bilingual Writer-in-Residence programme to support writers and writer’s groups within the County. 4.8. When finances permit, re-instate the Mayo County Council Artist’s Award (formerly known as Liam Walsh and Mayo County Council Award), which provided significant support to an artist annually. 4.9. Provide specialist workshops/ master classes and training through the EXCEL Youth Arts Programme, to build the skill base for young people. 4.10. Offer opportunities for young people who are considering a career in the arts to meet professionals who can advise and inform them. Examples include Careers in Music Seminar, So You Want to Be A Rockstar?, Acting for Film and Theatre, and Creative Careers Day.

New Actions: 4.9. Initiate opportunities for emerging artists to shadow or be mentored by experienced, established artists through the Public Art Programme. 4.10. Use the i-phone app (as described in 3.14) to promote and advertise training opportunities for artists in Mayo. 4.11. Ensure that opportunities for training in new technologies are communicated to artists living in Mayo. 4.12. Initiate funding mechanisms for individual/ collective artists’ projects, either based in communities/venues/ galleries or other contexts. 4.13. Provide a number of supports for professional artists with disabilities to assist with access. 4.14. Develop stronger links with local third level institutions to ensure that opportunities for students and graduates are maximized.

Strategic Aim 5 Developing opportunities in the broader creative sector.

The central role of the arts in relation to Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI’s) and Cultural Tourism is now widely recognised. The mechanisms for synergy between artists/ CCI’s and broader industry are less defined. Opportunities and spaces for inter- disciplinary co-operation are limited. In a county with a thriving artistic population, where creativity is respected and where there are excellent networks already in place – there are huge opportunities for development. In Mayo, there are already new initiatives which place creativity at the heart of developing resourceful and entrepreneurial skills to equip young people to deal flexibly with future economic challenges. It is generally acknowledged that quality art and cultural education has the potential to improve

13 concentration, divergent thinking, non-verbal thinking, interest in exploration, imagination and originality in learners.

Objectives:  Creation and development of linkages between artists/ arts organisations and CCI’s, development agencies, innovation and tourism sectors.  The facilitation of pivotal inter-disciplinary exchanges.  Creating opportunities for artists to engage with new technologies.  Advocating the essential role that quality arts education plays in a rapidly changing world.

In addition to working with Inspiration Station (3.8) and CISNET (3.9) we will continue to: 5.1. Work with neighbouring counties and the Western Development Commission to maximise the collective learning and benefits of CCI’s regionally. 5.2. Work with Mayo County Development Board to set up a film commission for Mayo.

New Actions: 5.3. Develop opportunities for artists to work with other disciplines (science/ technology/ design/ architecture etc) in collaboration with other organisations. These interdisciplinary interactions could be facilitated in arts venues, in workshops or through online forums. 5.4. Incentivise arts venues in Mayo to become new spaces for experimentation and innovation in the cultural and creative sector. 5.5. With the assistance of relevant agencies, develop links between artists and relevant local businesses (eg metal fabricators, bronze casting, textile makers etc.)

Monitoring and Evaluation:

As a professional entity, the County Arts Service regularly considers and evaluates all of its work. This informs relevant changes in the work, as does essential knowledge of the changing arts context nationally and internationally. This Arts Service collects quantative data; the numbers of grants administered, the number of service users, attendances at events and festivals etc. This quantative information is also requested from grant recipients including arts partnership organisations.

The actions set out in the plan will be regularly reviewed and tracked for progress. This information will be shared with the Director of Service for Culture and Corporate Affairs and monitored by the Strategic Policy Committee for Culture, Education, Heritage and Corporate Affairs. Actions in relation to partnerships will also be reported on regularly – in most cases this is a condition of funding.


Sincere thanks to:  Chairman and members of Mayo County Council

14  Chair and members of the Strategic Policy Committee forCulture, Education, Heritage & Corporate Affairs  Mr Peter Hynes, County Manager, Mr Joe Loftus, Director of Culture & Corporate Affairs, Mr John Condon, County Secretary, Directors of Service and staff of Mayo County Council  All those who participated in the consultation for this plan, those who contributed submissions and the artistic community in Mayo.  Mayo Arts Staff: Gaynor Seville, Public Art Co-ordinator, Ann Marie McGing, Assistant Arts Officer, Orlagh Heverin, Assistant Arts Officer, Damien O’Connor, Disability Arts Co-ordinator, Mick Smyth, Artsquad Co-ordinator.

15 Appendices

16 Appendix 2: Arts Service

Mayo County Council Arts Service – an overview The County Arts Service includes the following: . Mayo Arts Squad . Arts in Education programme (includes workshops in schools and schools exhibitions) . Arts & Health Programme (includes the Artists Networking Programme) . Arts for Older People (includes the Bealtaine Programme) . Mayo Youth Theatre . Public Art Programme (include the Mayo County Council Collection, % for art commissions in all areas and in all art forms) . Grants/ Awards and Bursaries . Arts Acts Grants (funding for festivals and arts initiatives by communities) . Disability Arts Programme (includes Altered Images, LUISNE, Arts & Disability Networking Pilot) . Music Programme (includes the Summer Music Series, Whistleblast Quartet, Community Music Project) . Literature (includes writer in residence programme, National Poetry Day) . Youth Arts (includes EXCEL youth arts programme) . Culture Night

Examples of Arts Service Delivery

2006 Literature Force 12 John F. Deane directed the weekend and guest of honour, Thomas Kinsella, was presented the Ted McNulty prize by Poetry Ireland on the weekend.

Arts & Health Between Colours A publication, DVD and exhibition, which celebrated the work of older people involved in Mayo County Councils Artists’ and Mentoring programme.

2007 Mayo Artsquad: Bread and Puppet Theater Company Residency Bealtaine Artists in Residence worked with Mayo Artsquad, local community arts workers, local community groups and individuals of all ages, to create puppets and props for circus and theatre performances in Foxford, Belmullet and Castlebar.

2008 Mayo Artsquad: New Ground John Fox and Sue Gill (formerly artistic directors of Welfare State International) worked with Artsquad and the extended arts community in May 2008 and introduced the wider community to their work in a final celebratory event at the Rural Training Centre.

17 New Ground Lost Seeds, documenting the residency was published by Dead Good Guides in 2009 and is available from The Arts Office. 2009 Public Art: Following the Whitethorn A public Art Project, recorded and produced by Michael Fortune, who compiled a collection of superstitious beliefs on video with people in Ballinrobe and the surrounding areas.

Partnership: EnVisAge Initiated by the Bealtaine Festival and based on research in County Mayo this ground-breaking seminar was delivered in collaboration with Mayo County Council Arts Office and The Inspiration Station.

Arts & Disability: Altered Images Mayo County Council in partnership with South Tipperary County Council, the Irish Museum of Modern Art and supported by the Arts Council. This exhibition explored new approaches towards making visual art accessible through the use of audio descriptions, three dimensional interpretations of paintings, sound art and an interactive website (

2010 Choral: Resurgam Choral Residency: Internationally recognised choral ensemble Resurgam completed a wonderful choral residency in November 2010, working with school choirs and an open choral workshop for adults, culminating in a free concert at Ballintubber Abbey where they were joined by members of Mayo’s choirs singing songs of freedom and justice.

Arts & Disability Arts & Disability Networking Pilot (ADNP): In a developmental partnership, The Arts Council, Mayo County Council Arts Office and Arts & Disability Ireland worked intensively in 2009 to deliver a pilot programme for Arts and Disability. The programme has delivered a number of strategic goals including and is now being replicated in further local authorities.

Shift in Perspective: Arising from the work of the ADNP, a publication produced by the partners was launched in December 2010. Titled ‘A shift in perspective’, it is a national resource pack for the arts sector in best practice for engagement with People with Disabilities in the visual arts, theatre and arts venues.

Youth Arts: EXCEL Youth Arts Programme: A Creative Careers Day was held at the TF Royal Theatre where a wide range of arts professionals gave advice on careers in the arts and creative industries- attended by over 500 young people. Experts included musicians, sound technicians, fashion designers, DJ’s, architects, TV producers, visual arts, writers/ poets, publishers, Festival/ event organizers, dancers, arts management and film directors.

Public Art:

18 Flow, by Joe Neeson, Ballina. This figurative artwork won a LAMA (Local Authority Member’s Award) for being the best piece of art commissioned by a local authority in 2010. Appendix 3: Map of Arts Spaces in Mayo

19 Appendix 4: Consultation Process

Consultation undertaken in the generation of this plan :

2006 – Widespread consultation with the Music Sector in Mayo, lead by Arts Consultant Orla Moloney, who produced an action plan, which has guided strategic work in Music Development since then. Mayo Music Education Partnership was also established in 2006.

2007 - Extensive consultation with the Disability Sector – organisations for people with disabilities, people with disabilities, artists with disabilities and the broader arts sector. Research and Action plan produced by Damien O’Connor, which has underpinned Arts & Disability work in Mayo since then.

2010 – Arts Plan consultation documents were drafted and disseminated widely to arts venues, artists, festivals, communities and community groups, active retirement groups, partner organisations, Mayo County Council staff, and elected representatives. The consultation brief, letter and questionnaire were sent to over 1,000 by email. All consultation documents were produced in accessible formats.

Specific consultation was carried out with the youth sector.

The consultation was advertised in local papers and submissions welcomed.

Individual/ group consultations: . with Comhairle na N'óg . venues (Linenhall, Ballina Arts Centre, Ballinglen and the Custom House Studios) . Mayo Artsquad . Mayo arts team

2011 – In the context of the Mayo Music Education Partnership bid for Music Generation funding, a further consultation took place with the Music Sector and other relevant stakeholders.

Submissions received:

In addition to individual and group meetings over 58 written submissions were received.

We are extremely grateful to all who took the time to contribute.

20 Appendix 5: Mayo County Development Plan, 2008 - 2014

Mayo County Development Plan, 2008 – 2014

The Arts


P/HC- A1 It is the policy of the Council to: a) Support the implementation for the Mayo Arts Plan and to ensure comprehensive provision of arts infrastructure incorporating spaces suitable for the arts and the variety of arts practices throughout the County. b) Ensure a high standard of public art.

Appendix 6: Mayo County Council Corporate Plan, 2010 – 2014, Working Together.

Strategic Goals (relevant to the Arts Service):

3. To maximise the benefits of the culture and heritage of the county by promoting the development of library, arts and archive centres throughout the county.

Supporting Goals: 2.2 Continue to improve, expand and promote our Library and arts services to meet the cultural, educational, heritage and recreational needs of the county.

7. To seek to encourage creativity, leadership and innovation and promote a values based culture.

Supporting Goals: 7.1 Work with representatives of disability groups to make Mayo the most accessible locations in Europe. 7.2. Provide universal access awareness training for all stakeholders. 7.6 Initiate appropriate training measures in the promotion and creation of new ideas and initiatives in support of the mission and strategic goals of the Council.

8. Take a lead role in promoting community participation and addressing social exclusion in Mayo.

Supporting Goals: 8.1. Continue to co-ordinate the work of all sectors in the County with a social inclusion remit through the County Development Board Structure. 8.2. Ensure that all Local Authority plans and policies are consistent with the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion. 8.3. Maintain and build new and stronger relationships with community organisations and

21 representative structures throughout Mayo. 8.4. Promote active citizenship and innovative means of participation. Appendix 7: Public Art Policy

Public Art Policy

Background to the Percent for Art Scheme

National The Percent for Art scheme has been operating since 1978, it allows a budget of 1% of any public construction project to be allocated to the commissioning of an art work. The Office of Public Works was the first to operate the scheme followed in 1986 by The Department of the Environment and Local Government. Both these schemes were reviewed and a report published in 1997.

In 2002 the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism convened an inter-departmental co-ordination group on Public Art to prepare National guidelines on best practice for the commissioning of Art works. In 2004 Public Art: Per cent for Art Scheme, General National Guidelines was published.

Mayo County Council Mayo County Council has been extremely proactive in applying funding made available under the Department of the Environment’s Percent for Art Scheme for the commissioning of Public Art. With a developmental approach towards Public Art policy the council endeavors to represent national best practice.

Public Art Programmes

Mayo County Council Public Art Office manages two types of Public Art Programmes: 1. The Per Cent for Art Scheme funded by the Department of Environment and Local Government Per Cent for Art Scheme. Funding for this scheme is subject to the following limitations:

 Construction projects costing up to €2,550,000 may include an art budget of 1% of net construction costs i.e. €25,500  Projects costing between €2,550,000 and €6,300,000 may include an art budget of 1% up to a maximum of €38,000  Projects costing between €6,300,000 and €12,700,000 may include an art budget of €51,000  Projects in excess of €12,700,000 may include an art budget of €64,000.

2. The Private Developers Scheme – funded by Private Developments as a condition of planning. Vision Statement

Mayo County Council will continue to utilize the Percent for Art Scheme to increase the counties collection of quality artworks and encourage the engagement of innovative and original art projects available for the people of Mayo and visitors to the county. Mayo County Council consider Public Art projects as an opportunity for the people of Mayo to engage in and consider new ways of thinking about, looking at and engaging with art. Public Art should be challenging, creative, ambitious and provoke discussion. To reflect current best practice, as outlined in Public

22 Art: Per Cent for art Scheme – General National Guidelines 2004, it is the council’s intention to develop a wider range of both commissioning practices and to encourage a wider diversity of contemporary art forms where applicable. The Public Art Programme will also reflect the core values of the Strategic Arts Plan 2011-2016 for Mayo County Council.


1. Commissioning  To enhance and improve public spaces by increasing accessibility to public artworks and quality art projects  Ensure that artworks and art projects of quality, originality and innovation are commissioned

2. Public Engagement  Improve understanding and knowledge of the arts through meaninful engagment with public art works and art projects  Instill a sense of ownership towards public spaces through engagement with public artworks and art projects  Increase accessibility to innovative and quality art projects to communities in Mayo

3. Information and Monitoring  Provide information and education about the arts through the development of public artworks and art projects

Achieving the objectives

1. Commissioning Mayo County Council endeavors to apply for the Percent for Art scheme on all capital and construction projects including, housing, water/sewerage and public buildings.

Commissioning Practice includes:  Open Competition  Limited Competition  Direct Commission or purchase

Funding available through the percent for art scheme is determined by an internal working group and allocated to various projects. The funding allocated to any project may be the result of pooling a number of smaller localised schemes to provide a fund from which to commission more substantial art works, and art projects. The commissioning process will be determined by the nature of the project and the budget

Open Competition

Mayo County Council Public Arts Office administers an Open Competition for larger scale projects. Depending on the project this can be, permanent, site specific, or temporary, open to all media or media specific.The commissioning process includes:

 Advertisement nationally and internationally  A two-stage selection process – stage one is anonymous.

23 The purpose of an anonymous submission at stage one of the process allows emerging and unknown artists to be considered alongside more experienced artists. Thus ensuring the proposal is considered on the quality of the idea rather than the artists CV. At the second stage of the process artists are asked for CV, and asked to demonstrate ability to carry out the project.

 A site-visit / presentation for artists  A selection commitee comprising of; representatives with Arts Expertise (x 3), representatives from Mayo County Council (x 2 e.g., engineers, architects), local community representatives (x2).  The selection committee is chosen on the basis of the submissions received. This is to ensure that requisite expertise in all relevant art-forms is covered.

Artists selected to stage two are paid a proposal fee of €500 for the submission of a bona fide proposal.

Limited Competition

Mayo County Council invites artists to apply to be part of the Mayo Artist’s Panel. Application process for the panel is every two years and is advertised nationally and internationally and artists from all art-forms are encouraged to apply.

The artists are selected by an external selection committee comprising arts expertise.

Mayo County Council administers limited competitions for medium to large scale projects. For each of these commissions a number of artists from the Mayo Artists Panel are invited to submit proposals. (The artists invited are matched to appropriate projects)

The Limited Competition is a one stage competition process

 Artists invited to submit are paid a proposal fee of €500 for the submission of a bona fide proposal.  A selection commitee comprising of; representatives with Arts Expertise (x 3), representatives from Mayo County Council (x 2 e.g., engineers, architects), local community representatives (x2).  The selection committee is chosen on the basis of the artists submissions. This is to ensure that requisite expertise in relevant art forms is covered.

Direct Commission – Purchase

If appropriate Mayo County Council will appoint an artist directly for a public art commission, art purchase or art project. Mayo County Council Arts Office and Public Arts Office will ensure in this instance that the artist’s practice or work is appropriate to the aims and objectives of the commission, and if necessary will seek external expert advice.

3. Public Engagement and Information Dissemination

Mayo County Council endeavors to utilize the Percent for Art Scheme to maximize exposure to the broadest range of art practices for public audiences.

24 Mayo County Council endeavors to engage the local community of Percent for Art Schemes in terms of the selection process, participation in projects and through education and information dissemination.

This will be achieved by: . Pre-development awareness work in communities . Local community representatives on selection panels . Presentation of the projects to local communities . Participation in community based projects . Publicity of the project through local and national print and radio media, and via the County Council web site . Development of an education programme around public art for schools

Monitoring and Evaluation

In accordance with the Mayo County Council Arts Strategy, Public Art is subject to a monitoring and evaluation process. This includes monitoring: . Numbers of commissions undertaken on a yearly basis. . Numbers of artists participating in commissioning processes . The different types of projects that arise from Percent for Art commissions . The different art forms that arise from Percent for Art . The level of community activity encountered through Percent for Art . The geographic spread of Public Art commissions in the county . The funding allocated to percent for art project

Evaluation of individual projects takes place on an ongoing basis, this involves communication with all parties including, commissioners, artists, selectors, arts experts and local community.

25 Appendix 8: Arts Acts Recipients.

Organisations/ groups/ communities/ festivals supported through Arts Acts since 2003

Please note not every organisation is funded annually as in some cases they do not apply or organise events less frequently.

Claremorris Arts Committee Scoil Ácla, Achill

Siamsa Stride, Swinford The Kenny Naughton Autumn School.

Castlebar Blues Festival. Feile Chois Cuain, Louisburgh

Club Vario Youth Club, Ballina Jazz Motion Mayo, Westport

Comhaltas, Fleadh Mhaigh Eo Cos Gallen CDSP, Charlestown

Westport Arts Festival Classical Covies, Westport

Achill Artists Exhibition Electric Cave Productions

Carrowbeg Enterprises. Innisbiggle Island Festival

Claremorris FRC Grainne Uaile Festival

An tEarrach Thiar Ceol na Locha

Carnacon Development Association Dreolín Community Arts

In Sight of Raftery Festival Castlebar Community Festival

Ballina FRC Claremorris Film Society

Ballycastle Women’s Art Group Ballyhaunis Artist’s Group

Clare Island Festival Claremorris Musical Society

Achill Tourism Muintearas

The George Moore Society Claremorris Drama Festival

Killala Festival Kiltimagh Dev. Community Arts Group

Ballina Street & Arts Festival – Ballina Salmon Festival

Louisburg Community Development Project

Crimlin Community Development, Crimlin

26 Appendix 9: Partnerships.

Mayo County Council Arts Service Partnerships:

1. Age and Opportunity 2. Áras Inis Gluaire, Belmullet 3. Arts & Disability Ireland 4. Ballina Arts Centre 5. Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ballycastle 6. Cranmór 7. Create 8. FÁS 9. Federation of Music Collectives 10. Health Service Executive, Western Area 11. Inspiration Station 12. Irish Museum of Modern Art 13. Mayo Artsquad 14. Mayo Community Forum 15. Mayo County Childcare Committee 16. Mayo County Development Board 17. Mayo County Enterprise Board 18. Mayo Education Centre 19. Mayo Ideas Lab 20. Mayo VEC 21. Music Generation 22. Music Network 23. Munster Literature Centre 24. National Association of Youth Drama 25. National Museum of Ireland – Country Life 26. Other Local Authorities including: Sligo, Galway, South Tipperary, Rosommon, Donegal, Leitrim, Clare 27. Poetry Ireland 28. The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon 29. The Custom House Studios, Westport 30. The Heinrich Boll Cottage, Achill 31. The Linenhall Arts Centre, Castlebar 32. Team Theatre Company 33. Údarás Na Gaeltachta 34. Visual Artists Ireland 35. Westbic 36. Western Care Association 37. Yew Tree Theatre Company

27 Appendix 10: Mayo MEP Plan

Mayo MEP is a non-profit, non-political partnership which exists to co-ordinate music services within the county, to ensure equity of access and to develop music education opportunities for all young people.

Guiding Principles:  Respect and value for all music and all music genres  Recognition of the intrinsic value of music for all young people  Adding value to existing services to avoid duplication or replication  Strong social inclusion ethos  Quality and excellence

The aims of Mayo MEP; 1. To develop a system of sustainable supports, across a wide spectrum of music genres county-wide 2. To establish a strategic approach which ensures more equitable access to music for young people 3. To augment and add value to music within the county

4. To provide a strategic mechanism for joined-up developments in music.

5. To inspire musicians and engender a passion for music in young people.

6. To provide opportunities for professional development and training for musicians.

The objectives of Mayo MEP are the provision of:  Strategic supports for primary and post-primary schools in developing access to music in schools.  A county-wide music support service  Opportunities to engage with exceptional musicians (through masterclasses etc).  Supports for exceptional music students  A youth music initiative in a RAPID designated area  Linkages to national specialist music agencies.  Through national linkages, act as an advisory body.

Mayo MEP plan: The proposed programme focuses on the following areas: Development Strands; 1. Strategic supports for pre-schools, primary and post-primary schools in developing access to music in schools.

Actions at Pre school level: a) work in collaboration with Mayo County Childcare Committee to deliver a number pilot programmes entitled Access to Music in Pre school.

Based in the principles of Kindermusik, the purpose of these programmes would be to introduce younger children to music thus incorporating music in the everyday activities

28 of their pre school, with the aim of building the children’s self confidence, self esteem, creativity and a direct pathway to music education.

Mayo County Childcare Committee has delivered a number of ‘Using Music in your Pre School setting’ workshops last year which proved very successful with extremely positive feedback from the participants with over 120 childcare workers attending. Mayo MEP would employ professional, experienced musicians and focus on the development of musicality in the child.

Actions At Primary level: b) Augment percussion and other instrument banks available to schools. c) Develop short residencies which provide access to different music genres, live music in the classroom and provide opportunities for performance. (These could be focused on traditional music, choral music, composition and more contemporary forms such as rap/ percussion). d) Other musical training such as aural training, musical theory, sight-reading, composition, and music technology. e) Development of a number of school orchestras and choirs in targeted areas. * In partnership with Mayo Education Centre, the MEP will identify schools where there is little or no musical activity and also DEIS or socially disadvantaged schools. Schools will need to apply and make a strong case for receiving this service. It is envisaged where schools have very low numbers that clustering will occur, so that all students can be included.

Actions at Post Primary level: f) Access to specialist music tuition especially orchestral and choral. * see note in (d) above. g) Provision of instruments. h) Other musical training such as aural training, musical theory, sight-reading, composition, and music technology. i) Ensuring that post-primary schools and students are aware of information sessions on careers in music, relevant training/ workshops/ masterclasses etc

Music tuition service & Community music. j) The development of a bank of instruments available for groups within the County on hire or loan basis. These will be identified through wide spread consultation and acquired on a needs and fair distribution basis. This also includes an audit of existing instrument banks and accessing suitable tuition in order to utilize these, or a swap scheme where under-used instruments can be exchanged for others which young people would like to learn.

k) Targeted provision of accessible (locally based / peripatetic), affordable music classes for youth, where such provision does not exist or in instruments/ genres not provided for, on a phased basis. This will include tuition at a higher level where required. This tuition is likely to based in local VEC colleges and schools. Provision will be scheduled just after school to ameliorate travel requirements.

l) Providing access to instrumental and vocal tuition for younger children through After School Projects (in areas where there is no such provision). This is intended to increase opportunities for participation.

29 m) Provision of regular workshops and masterclasses for existing music groups within the county by a bank of experts – these will also be available to schools of music, bands, orchestras and to Comhaltas groups.

n) Developing and augmenting library resources for teachers and students (Castlebar Library has already developed a considerable music resource in consultation with local expertise). Also, Ballina library has a sizeable traditional music resource library. These resources are available through inter-library loans to a further 16 libraries in the county.

o) In partnership with Ballina Arts Centre and the RAPID programme area implementation team, initiate a programme of supports for local youth bands. This will be co-funded with RAPID and other bodies (Western Region Drugs Task Force, Neighbourhood Youth Projects, National Youth Council of Ireland). This youth music programme will involve the following elements:  Techno, DJ, mixing, sampling and digital music packages.  Instrumental tuition in guitar (electric and acoustic), Bass guitar, Drums and keyboards. Specialist workshops in all instruments including loop pedals and slide guitar etc.  Vocal tuition  Maximum 10 students per group, ideally 7. Two age groups: 13 – 15 and 16 – 18.  Singer songwriter weekends – working with original music  Well-organised Showcase evenings for bands and singers in the Ballina region. The only platform currently is in pubs which limits creativity and the playing of original music.  Mayo MEP will also work with other venues in the county to incentivize show- casing of live music performance.

In partnership with Áras Inis Gluaire (Belmullet) implement a new phase of the regeneration of traditional music and song in the Mayo Gaeltacht areas.  Specialist tutoring to children in 6 National Schools & three after School services in the songs of the area.  Develop collaborations with new contemporary musicians to produce new work in association with teenagers that are inspired by the Irish language traditions of the area.

p) In partnership with local arts centres develop an annual cycle of music development workshops throughout the county that are delivered in local communities. It is envisaged that these would take place monthly – in a different area each month. The workshops would engage with local children and teenager bands / musicians by providing a Master Musician for the weekend and developing Workshops, Jamming Sessions etc. in a semi formal environment. The objective is to develop interaction between up and coming musicians and master musicians to enable the young musicians learn new techniques etc.

q) In partnership with local arts centres and other venues, create opportunities for affordable live performances – suitable for all ages.

 Mayo MEP will also liaise with music festivals/ initiatives already in the county to maximizethe resources available for workshops and masterclasses (ie Scoil Ácla, Feile Chois Cuain, Jazz Motion, Castlebar Blues Festival, Westport Bluegrass Festival, Feile Iorras, Ceol na Locha, and the children’s festivals: Sonas, Roola Boola and Soogroo).

30 Exceptional music students: r) Provision of tuition for exceptional students within the county across all genres through bank of experts. s) Scholarship scheme (including travel costs). t) Support for the purchase of instruments. u) Develop a research project in partnership with National Centres of excellence to explore the possibility of delivering online support structures for exceptional music students in rural areas. The research would identify the appropriate technology and delivery structures. This is intended to support, not replace, one to one and small group tuition. Phase 2 would be to implement it on a pilot basis.

Training for musicians to become music educators: v) With support of the local Leader companies, set up training programmes for musicians who wish to become better teachers and performance music educators; existing music providers can apply. The existing professional training of musicians and composers does not necessarily include facilitation skills (for young people in school or communities). Mayo MEP envisages that relevant training may need to be accessed nationally and indeed internationally, possibly in partnership with other MEP’s and national music organisations. w) Provide opportunities for recent music graduates to shadow experienced musician tutors and to be mentored.

Appendix 11: Arts Service Publications.

'New Writings from the West', edited by Val Mulkearns, Mayo County Council, 1988.

'The Mayo Anthology', edited by Richard Murphy, Mayo County Council, 1990.

'Force 10 in Mayo', edited by Dermot Healy, Mayo County Council, 1991.

'The Mayo Anthology 4', edited by Michael Gorman, Mayo County Council, 1994.

'The West and Beyond - Mayo 5', edited by Neil Donnell, Mayo County Council, 1998

(The above five publications were anthologies of creative writing from writers in Mayo, edited by the Writer-in-Residence at the time).

Chris Doris, ’40 Days & 40 Nights’,A Mayo County Council Artist in Residence Project, Mayo County Council, 2001. (Documents Chris Doris’ residency on Croagh Patrick)

‘Creative Reverie – Meeting the Person As An Artist’, Mayo County Council, 2002. (Documents the work of artist-in-residence, Deirdre Walsh in the Sacred Heart Hospital, Castlebar).

31 ‘Saibhreas an tSaoil’ Mayo County Council Strategic Arts Plan, 2003-2006, Mayo County Council, 2003.

‘Who says flowers are red?’- A perspective on developing creativity in the community, Creative Communities for Change, 2003. (Documents a creative partnership between Parkside CDP, Louisburgh CDP and Kiltimagh CDP, funded by the Department of Social, Community and Family affairs, Mayo County Council with support from the Linenhall Arts Centre).

'Between Colours - Mayo County Council Artists' Mentoring & Networking Programme' , Mayo County Council, 2006. (Description and Evaluation of the Artists' Mentoring and Networking Schere run by Mayo County Council.)

'Present Tense- Words & Pictures', Mayo County Council, 2006. (Collection of poetry and photography by Mayo poets and photographers, edited by Macdara Woods & Jim Vaughan.)

'Bread and Puppet Theatre Residency - Bealtaine 2007 with Mayo Artsquad', Mayo County Council, DVD, 2007. (Documenting work of Artists in Residence, Bread and Puppet, during Bealtaine 2007.)

'This time, this place', Mayo County Council, 2007. (A public art project, with photos by Jim Vaughan and the people of Clare Island and a poem by Macdara Woods.)

'New Ground Lost Seeds', Mayo County Council in partnership with Dead Good Guides, 2009. (Documenting the work of Artists in Residence, John Fox & Sue Gill, during Bealtaine 2008.)

'Following the Whitethorn', Mayo County Council, 2009. (A public Art Project, recorded and produced by Michael Fortune, who compiled a collection of superstitious delief on video with people in Ballinrobe and the surrounding areas.)

'Altered Images', IMMA, 2009. (Catalogue and CD to accompany the 'Altered Images' touring exhibition, which was a partnership initiative of Mayo County Council, South Tipperary County Council and IMMA. )

‘Aughagower Pilgrimage’, by Tom Meskell, Mayo County Council, 2010. (A public Art Project, documenting Tom Meskell’s work in Aughagower in 2010). Available in Mayo Libraries.

‘En Route’- A Public Art Project by Aileen Lambert, Mayo County Council, 2011. (A Public Art project by artist Aileen Lambert with communities in Bekan, Ballindine and Tulrahan).

‘Shift in Perspective’ – An Arts & Disability Resource Book, Arts & Disability Ireland, 2010. (Produced in partnership with the Arts Council, Mayo County Council, South Tipperary County Council and the Irish Museum of Modern Art).

32 Appendix 12: Bibliography

Poverty, Access and Participation in the Arts, The Arts Council/ Combat Poverty Agency (1997)

Use or Ornament: The Social Impact of Participation in the Arts, François Matarasso, Comedia (1997)

The National Children’s Strategy, Our Children – Their Lives, Department of Health & Children (2000)

Mayo County Development Board, Le Cheile le Neart, 10 year Integrated Strategy for the Economic, Social & Cultural Development of County Mayo, 2002 – 2012 (2002)

A National System of Local Music Education Services, Music Network (2003) Live Music in the Classroom, An Analysis of the Primary Curriculum Support Programme of the Vogler Quartet Residency, Vogler Partners Steering Group, Sligo County Council, (2005)

Mayo County Development Board, 2005 – 2008 Review & 2009 – 2012 Implementation Plan, (2009)

The Public and the Arts, The Arts Council (2006)

The Economy of Culture in Europe, Study prepared for the European Commission (Directorate –General for Education and Culture), KEA European Affairs, (October 2006)

Artists ~ Schools Guidelines, Towards Best Practice in Ireland, DES/ Arts Council, (2006)

The Arts, Cultural Inclusion and Social Cohesion, NESF report 35, (2007)

In the Frame or Out of the Picture, A statistical analysis of public involvement in the arts, A joint NESF & ESRI publication, (2008)

Points of Alignment, The Report of the Special Committee on the Arts and Education, The Arts Council (2008)

Balancing the Scorecard; A guide to creating ‘Public Value’ in Cultural Services, Northwest Culture Observatory and Sport, England, (2008)

Raising Your Voice, Towards a policy for the development of Choral Music in Ireland, based on a report by Fergus Sheil, The Arts Council, (2008)

Mayo County Development Plan, 2008 – 2014, (2008) Knowing the Score, Local Authorities and Music, A report of a research partnership initiative carried out by St.Patrick’s College Drumcondra, Sligo County Council and Wexford County Council. Written by Ailbhe Kenny and directed by Dr. Patricia Flynn, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra (2009)

33 Assessment of Economic Impact of the Arts in Ireland, submitted to the Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon by Indecon International Economic Consultants, (2009)

Mayo County Council Corporate Plan 2010 – 2014;Working Together, Mayo County Council, (2010)

Intercultural Education Strategy, 2010-2015, Department of Education and Skills, (2010)

Making Adaptive Resilience Real, Mark Robinson, Arts Council England, (2010)

European Commission,Green Paper: Unlocking The Potential of Cultural & Creative Industries. Brussels, COM (2010) 183.

Investing in Scotland’s Creative Future, Corporate Plan 2011 – 2014, Creative Scotland, (2011)

Developing the Arts in Ireland, Arts Council Strategic Overview, 2011- 2013 (2011)


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