Ibarra - Diocese in Southern Ecuador, Suffragan of Quito, Created by Pius IX

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Ibarra - Diocese in Southern Ecuador, Suffragan of Quito, Created by Pius IX

3 I Ibar, Saint - Irishman, contemporary of St. Patrick, and was a missionary in County Wexford before Patrick set foot in Ireland. Uncle of St. Abban Ibarra - Diocese in Southern Ecuador, suffragan of Quito, created by Pius IX Ibagué - Suffragan of Bogotá, in the Republic of Colombia, South America Ibas - Elected Bishop of Edessa in 439 as successor of Rabbulas, one of the most ardent supporters of St. Cyril; d. 457 Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne, Sieur d' - Founder of the colony of Louisiana, b. at Villemarie, Montreal, 16 July, 1661; d. at Havana, 9 July, 1706 Ibora - A titular see in the Province of Helenopont, suffragan of Amasia Iceland - The island called Iceland, is considered, because of its population and history as forming a part of Europe, is situated in the North Atlantic Ocean Ichthys (Fish), Symbolism of the - The symbol itself may have been suggested by the miraculous multification of the loaves and fishes or the repast of the seven Disciples, after the Resurrection, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, but its popularity among Christians was due principally, to the famous acrostic consisting of the initial letters of five Greek words forming the word for fish (Ichthys), which words briefly but clearly described the character of Christ and His claim to the worship of believers: Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter, i.e. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour Iconoclasm - The name of the heresy that in the eighth and ninth centuries disturbed the peace of the Eastern Church, caused the last of the many breaches with Rome that prepared the way for the schism of Photius, and was echoed on a smaller scale in the Frankish kingdom in the West Iconography, Christian - The science of the description, history, and interpretation of the traditional representations of God, the saints and other sacred subjects in art Iconium - A titular see of Lycaonia Iconostasis - A great screen or partition running from side to side of the apse or across the entire end of the church, which divides the sanctuary from the body of the church, and is built of solid materials such as stone, metal, or wood, and which reaches often (as in Russia) to the very ceiling of the church, thus completely shutting off the altar and the sanctuary from the worshipper Idaho - Probably from an Arapahoe Indian word, 'Gem of the Mountains', the name first suggested for the territory of Colorado Idatius of Lemica - Chronicler and bishop (d. 468) Idea - The word was originally Greek, but passed without change into Latin. It seems first to have meant form, shape, or appearance, whence, by an easy transition, it acquired the connotation of nature, or kind Idealism - The characteristic of those who regard the ideas of truth and right, goodness and beauty, as standards and directive forces Ideas, Association of - A principle in psychology to account for the succession of mental states Idioms, Communication of - A technical expression in the theology of the Incarnation. It means that the properties of the Divine Word can be ascribed to the man Christ, and that the properties of the man Christ can be predicated of the Word Idiota - The nom de plume of an ancient, learned, and pious writer whose identity remained unknown for some centuries Idolatry - Etymologically denotes divine worship given to an image, but its signification has been extended to all divine worship given to anyone or anything but the true God Idumea - The country inhabited by the descendants of Edom Iglesias, Diocese of - A suffragan of Cagliari in Sardinia Iglesias de la Casa, José - A Spanish of the coterie gathered about Meléndez, Valdés, born at Salamanca, 31 October, 1748; died 1791 Ignacio de Azevedo, Blessed - Portuguese Jesuit, missionary to Brazil, martyred with thirty-nine companions by Huguenot pirates near the island of Palma in 1570 Ignatius Loyola, Saint - Biography of the Spanish founder of the Jesuits, who died in 1556 Ignatius of Antioch, Saint - Biography of the bishop and writer. Ignatius was martyred at Rome sometime between 98 and 117 Ignatius of Constantinople, Saint - Tells the story of this son of Emperor Michael I, forced into monastic life by a rival. Patriarch of Constantinople, deposed on a wicked pretext. Ignatius died in 877 Igneus, Blessed Peter - So-called because he successfully underwent trial by fire. Vallombrosian monk, Cardinal of Albano, d. 1089 Ignorance - Lack of knowledge about a thing in a being capable of knowing IHS - A monogram of the name of Jesus Christ Ildephonsus, Saint - Archbishop of Toledo, d. 667 Illegitimacy - As generally defined, and as understood in this article, illegitimacy denotes the condition of children born out of wedlock Illinois - One of the United States of America, bounded on the north by Wisconsin, on the west by the Mississippi, which separates it from Iowa and Missouri, on the south by the confluent waters of the Mississippi and the Ohio, which separate it from Kentucky, on the east by Indiana and Lake Michigan Illinois Indians - An important confederacy of Algonquian tribes formerly occupying the greater part of the present state of Illinois, together with the adjacent portions of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Missouri Illtyd, Saint - Also known as Iltutus. Late fifth- to early sixth-century Welsh saint. Biographical article Illuminated Manuscripts - A large number of manuscripts covered with painted ornaments Illuminati - Secret society founded in 1776 Illuminati - False Spanish mystics Illuminative Way - Stages in the spiritual life Illyria - A district of the Balkan Peninsula, which has varied in extent at different periods Iltutus, Saint - Also known as Iltutus. Late fifth- to early sixth-century Welsh saint. Biographical article Images, Veneration of - It is an uncompromising attitude in the late Jewish history, together with the apparently obvious meaning of the First Commandment, that are responsible for the common idea that Jews had no images Imagination - The faculty of representing to oneself sensible objects independently of an actual impression of those objects on our senses Imbonati, Carlo Giuseppe - Cistercian of the Reform of St. Bernard, orientalist, biographer, theologian; born at Milan; flourished in the latter half of the seventeenth century Imhof, Maximus von - German physicist, born 26 July, 1758, at Rissbach, in Bavaria; died 11 April, 1817 at Munich Imitation of Christ - A work of spiritual devotion, also sometimes called the 'Following of Christ'. Its purpose is to instruct the soul in Christian perfection with Christ as the Divine Model Immaculate Conception - In the Constitution Ineffabilis Deus of 8 December, 1854, Pius IX pronounced and defined that the Blessed Virgin Mary 'in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin.' Immaculate Conception, Congregation of the - Article covers several groups of this name Immanence - Latin, in manere, to remain in. The quality of any action which begins and ends within the agent Immanuel - Signifies 'God with us' (Matthew 1:23), and is the name of the child predicted in Isaias 7:14: 'Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel' Immortality - By immortality is ordinarily understood the doctrine that the human soul will survive death, continuing in the possession of an endless conscious existence Immunity - An exemption from a legal obligation (munus), imposed on a person or his property by law, custom, or the order of a superior Imola - Diocese; suffragan of Bologna Imola, Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da - Italian painter; b. at Imola, c. 1494; d. at Bologna, c. 1550 Impanation - An heretical doctrine according to which Christ is in the Eucharist through His human body substantially united with the substances of bread and wine, and thus is really present as God, made bread Impediments, Canonical - Canon law uses the word impediment in its restricted and technical sense, only in reference to marriage, while impediments to Holy orders are spoken of as irregularities Imperative, Categorical - A term which originated in Immanuel Kant's ethics Imperfect Contrition - Also called 'imperfect contrition.' Definition, its relation to sacramental penance, and moral considerations Imposition of Hands - A symbolical ceremony by which one intends to communicate to another some favour, quality or excellence (principally of a spiritual kind), or to depute another to some office Impostors - That there would be hypocrites who would take advantage of a profession of piety to mask their own evil designs had been clearly foretold by Christ in the Gospels Improperia - The reproaches which in the liturgy of the Office of Good Friday the Saviour is made to utter against the Jews, who, in requital for all the Divine favours and particularly for the delivery from the bondage of Egypt and safe conduct into the Promised Land, inflicted on Him the ignominies of the Passion and a cruel death In Commendam - A phrase used in canon law to designate a certain manner of collating an ecclesiastical benefice Incorporation of Church Property, Civil - Christianity at its very beginning, found the concept of the corporation well developed under Roman law and widely and variously organized in Roman society. It was a concept that the early Christians soon adapted to their organization and, as a means of protection in the periods of persecution In Partibus Infidelium - A term meaning 'in the lands of the unbelievers,' words added to the name of the see conferred on non-residential or titular Latin bishops In Petto - An Italian translation of the Latin in pectore, 'in the breast', i.e. in the secret of the heart Incardination and Excardination - In the ecclesiastical sense the words are used to denote that a given person is freed from the jurisdiction of one bishop and is transferred to that of another Incarnate Word, Sisters of Charity of the - This congregation, with simple vows, was founded by Rt. Rev. C.M. Dubuis, Bishop of Galveston Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Order of the - Founded in the early part of the seventeenth century by Jeanne Chezard de Matel Incarnation, The - The Incarnation is the mystery and the dogma of the Word made Flesh Incense - An aromatic substance which is obtained from certain resinous trees and largely employed for purposes of religious worship Incest - Sexual intercourse between those who are related by blood or marriage Inchbald, Elizabeth - Novelist, dramatist, and actress; b. at Staningfield, near Bury St. Edmunds, 15 Oct., 1753; d. at Kensington, London, 1 Aug., 1821 In Cœna Domini - A papal Bull, so called from the feast on which it was annually published in Rome, viz, the feast of the Lord's Supper, or Maundy Thursday Index of Prohibited Books - The exact list or catalogue of books, the reading of which was once forbidden to Catholics by the highest ecclesiastical authority India - The peninsula is separated on the north from Tibet and Central Asia by the Himalaya, Hindu Kush, and Karakoram mountains, and some lower ranges divide it from Afghanistan and Baluchistan Indiana - One of the United States of America, the nineteenth in point of admission Indianapolis - Diocese; suffragan of Cincinnati, established as the Diocese of Vincennes in 1834, but by brief dated 28 March, and promulgated 30 April, 1898, the pope changed the see to Indianapolis Indian Missions, Bureau of Catholic - An institution originated (1874) by J. Roosevelt Barley, Archbishop of Baltimore, for the protection and promotion of Catholic Indian mission interests in the United States of America Indians, American - History, customs, and language are covered here Indies, Patriarchate of the East - In consequence of an agreement between the Holy See and the Portuguese Government in 1886 Indifferentism, Religious - The term given, in general, to all those theories, which, for one reason or another, deny that it is the duty of man to worship God by believing and practicing the one true religion Individualism - The tendency to magnify individual liberty, as against external authority, and individual activity, as against associated activity Individual, Individuality - An individual being is defined by St. Thomas as 'quod est in se indivisum, ab aliis vero divisum' (a being undivided in itself but separated from other beings) Indo-China - The most easterly of the three great peninsulas of Southern Asia, is bounded on the north by the mountains of Assam, the Plateau of Yun-nan, and the mountains of Kwang-si; on the east by the province of Kwang-si (Canton), the Gulf of Tong-king, and the Sea of China; on the south by the Sea of China, the Gulf of Siam and the Strait of Malacca; on the west by the Gulf of Martaban and the Bay of Bengal Induction - Induction is the conscious mental process by which we pass from the perception of particular phenomena (things and events) to the knowledge of general truths Indulgences - A remission of the temporal punishment due to sin, the guilt of which has been forgiven Indulgences, Apostolic - Those which the Roman pontiff, the successor of the Prince of the Apostles, attaches to the crosses, crucifixes, chaplets, rosaries, images, and medals which he blesses, either with his own hand or by those to whom he has delegated this faculty Indult, Pontifical - General faculties granted by the Holy See to bishops and others, of doing something not permitted by the common law Ine, Saint - King of the West Saxons, d. 728. Also known as Ina or Ini Infallibility - In general, exemption or immunity from liability to error or failure; in particular in theological usage, the supernatural prerogative by which the Church of Christ is, by a special Divine assistance, preserved from liability to error in her definitive dogmatic teaching regarding matters of faith and morals Infamy - Loss of a good name Infanticide - Child-murder; the killing of an infant before or after birth Infessura, Stefano - Lawyer and antipapal chronicler (1435-1500) Infidels - As in ecclesiastical language those who by baptism have received faith in Jesus Christ and have pledged Him their fidelity and called the faithful, so the name infidel is given to those who have not been baptized Infinity - The infinite, as the word indicates, is that which has no end, no limit, no boundary, and therefore cannot be measured by a finite standard, however often applied; it is that which cannot be attained by successive addition, not exhausted by successive subtraction of finite quantities Infralapsarians - The name given to a party of Dutch Calvinists in the seventeenth century, who sought to mitigate the rigour of Calvin's doctrine concerning absolute predestination Ingen-Housz, Jan - Investigator of the physiology of plants, physicist, and physician (1730-1799) Inghirami, Giovanni - Italian astronomer, b. at Volterra, Tuscany, 16 April, 1779; d. at Florence, 15 August, 1851 Ingleby, Venerable Francis - Brief biography of the Yorkshire priest and martyr, who died in 1586 Ingolstadt, University of - Founded by Louis the Rich, Duke of Bavaria Ingram, Venerable John - English priest, tortured and twice imprisoned, martyred in 1594 Ingres, Jean-Auguste Dominique - A French painter, b. at Montauban, 29 August, 1780; d. at Paris, 14 January, 1867 Ingulf - Abbot of Croyland, Lincolnshire; d. there 17 December 1109 Ingworth, Richard of - A Franciscan preacher who flourished about 1225 Injustice - The violation of another's strict right against his reasonable will, and the value of the word right is determined to be the moral power of having or doing or exacting something in support or furtherance of one's own advantage Innocent I, Pope - Unanimously chosen to succeed Anastasius. Essay on his writings and some of the more notable events of his pontificate. Innocent died in 417 Innocent II, Pope - Reigned 1130-1143 Innocent III, Pope - Reigned 1198-1216 Innocent IV, Pope - Reigned 1243-1254 Innocent V, Blessed Pope - French Dominican, known as 'most famous doctor,' d. 1276 Innocent VI, Pope - Reigned 1352-1362 Innocent VII, Pope - Reigned 1406 Innocent VIII, Pope - Reigned 1484-1492 Innocent IX, Pope - Reigned 1591 Innocent X, Pope - Reigned 1644-1655 Innocent XI, Pope - Lengthy biography of this pope known for his piety and unselfish devotion to duty Innocent XII, Pope - Reigned 1691-1700 Innocent XIII, Pope - Reigned 1721-24 Innsbruck University - Opened at Innsbruck in 1562 by Blessed Peter Canisius, at the request and on the foundation of the Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria Inquisition - By this term is usually meant a special ecclesiastical institutional for combating or suppressing heresy Inquisition, Canonical - Either extra-judicial or judicial: the former might be likened to a coroner's inquest in civil law; while the latter is similar to an investigation by the grand jury Insane, Asylums and Care for the - The Church, from the earliest times, arranged for the care of the insane Insanity - The dividing line between sanity and insanity, like the line that distinguishes a man of average height from a tall man, can be described only in terms of a moral estimate Inscriptions, Early Christian - Divided into three main classes: sepulchral inscriptions, epigraphic records, and inscriptions concerning private life Inspiration of the Bible - Covered in four sections, I. Belief in Inspired books; II. Nature of Inspiration; III. Extent of Inspiration; IV. Protestant Views on the Inspiration of the Bible Installation - This word, strictly speaking, applies to the solemn induction of a canon into the stall or seat which he is to occupy in the choir of a cathedral or collegiate church Instinct - The term usually includes the idea of a purposive adaptation of an action or series of actions in an organized being, not governed by consciousness of the end to be attained Institute of Mary - The official title of the second congregation founded by Mary Ward Institute of Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart - There are houses of the institute in New York, Trenton, Porto Rico, and Baltimore Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Irish - Founded by Frances Mary Teresa Ball, under the direction and episcopal jurisdiction of the Most Rev. D. Murray, Archbishop of Dublin Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools - A society of male religious approved by the Church, but not taking Holy orders, and having for its object the personal sanctification of its members and the Christian education of youth, especially of the children of artisans and the poor Institutes, Roman Historical - Collegiate bodies established at Rome by ecclesiastical or civil authority for the purpose of historical research, notably in the Vatican archives Institution, Canonical - In its strictest sense the word denotes the collation of an ecclesiastical benefice by a legitimate authority, on the presentation of a candidate by a third person Intellect - The faculty of thought Intendencia Oriental y Llanos de San Martín - Vicariate Apostolic in the province of Saint Martin, Colombia, South America, created 24 March, 1908, and entrusted to the Society of Mary Intention - An act of the will by which that faculty efficaciously desires to reach an end by employing the means Intercession - To go or come between two parties, to plead before one of them on behalf of the other Intercession, Episcopal - The right to intercede for criminals, which was granted by the secular power to the bishops of the Early Church Interdict - Originally in Roman law, an interlocutory edict of the praetor, especially in matter affecting the right of possession; it still preserves this meaning in both Roman and canon law Interest (in Psychology) - Defined as a kind of consciousness accompanying and stimulating attention, a feeling pleasant or painful directing attention, the pleasurable or painful aspect of a process of attention, and as identical with attention itself Interest (in Economics) - A value exacted or promised over and above the restitution of a borrowed capital Interims - Temporary settlements in matters of religion, entered into by Emperor Charles V (1519-56) with the Protestants Internuncio - The name given in the Roman Curia to a diplomatic agent who, though not belonging to the five highest classes of the papal diplomatic service (legatus a latere, nuncio with full powers of a legatus a latere, legate, nuncio of the first class, and nuncio of the second class), is, nevertheless, chief of a legation (chef de mission) Introduction, Biblical - Designates the part of Scriptural science which is concerned with topics preliminary to the detailed study and correct exposition of Holy Writ, and also, it is given to a work in which these various topics are actually treated Introit - The Introit (Introitus) of the Mass is the fragment of a psalm with its antiphon sung while the celebrant and ministers enter the church and approach the altar Intrusion - The act by which unlawful possession of an ecclesiastical benefice is taken Intuition - A psychological and philosophical term which designates the process of immediate apprehension or perception of an actual fact, being, or relation between two terms and its results Inventory of Church Property - An inventory is to be made at the beginning of a given administration; when the period of management has expired, the out-going official must produce all the things which appear in this inventory or were added later, excepting those which have been consumed or rendered useless Investiture, Canonical - The act by which a suzerain granted a fief to his vassal, and the ceremonies which accompanied that grant Investitures, Conflict of - The terminus technicus for the great struggle between the popes and the German kings Henry IV and Henry V, during the period 1075-1122 Invincible Armada, The - A fleet intended to invade England and to put an end to the long series of English aggressions against the colonies and possessions of the Spanish Crown Invitatorium - The invitation addressed to the faithful to come and take part in the Divine Office Iona, School of - Thorough history of the ancient monastery Ionian Islands - A group of seven islands and a number of islets scattered over the Ionian Sea to the west of Greece Ionian School of Philosophy - Includes the earliest Greek philosophers, who lived at Miletus, an Ionian colony in Asia Minor, during the sixth century B.C., and a group of philosophers who lived about one hundred years later and modified the doctrines of their predecessors in several respects Ionopolis - A titular see in the province of Paphlagonia, suffragan of Gangres Iowa - One of the North Central States of the American Union, and is about midway between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans Ipolyi, Arnold - Bishop of Grosswardein (Nagy-Várad), b. at Ipoly-Keszi, 20 Oct., 1823; d. at Grosswardein, 2 December 1886 Ippolito Galantini, Blessed - Founder of the Christian Congregation of Florence, d. 1619 Ipsus - A titular see of Phrygia Salutaris, suffragan of Synnada Ireland - Ireland lies in the Atlantic Ocean, west of Great Britain . . . Ireland, Ven. William - English Jesuit who was arrested by Titus Oates himself, and martyred along with layman John Grove in 1679 Irenaeus, Saint - Article on the bishop of Lyons, Father of the Church, d. late second or early third century Irene, Sister - Catherine FitzGibbon, born in London, England, 12 May, 1823; died in New York, 14 August, 1896 Irenopolis - A titular see of Isauria, suffragan of Seleucia Iriarte, Ignacio de - Painter, b. at Azcoitia, Guipuzcoa, in 1620; d. at Seville, 1685 Irish, The, (in countries other than Ireland) - Includes the United States, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, South Africa, and South America Irish College, in Rome - Towards the close of the sixteenth century, Gregory XIII had sanctioned the foundation of an Irish college in Rome, and had assigned a large sum of money as the nucleus of an endowment Irish Colleges, on the Continent - The religious persecution under Elizabeth and James I lead to the suppression of the monastic schools in Ireland in which the clergy for the most part received their education. It became necessary, therefore, to seek education abroad, and many colleges for the training of the secular clergy were founded on the Continent, at Rome, in Spain and Portugal, in Belgium, and in France Irish Confessors and Martyrs - The period covered by this article embraces that between the years 1540 and (approximately) 1713 Irish Literature - It is uncertain at what period and in what manner the Irish discovered the use of letters. It may have been through direct commerce with Gaul, but it is more probable, as McNeill has shown in his study of Irish oghams, that it was from the Romanized Britons that they first learned the art of writing Irnerius - An Italian jurist and founder of the School of Glossators, b. at Bologna about 1050; d. there about 1130 Iroquois - A noted confederacy of five, and afterwards six, cognate tribes of Iroquoian stock, and closely cognate languages, formerly occupying central New York, and claiming right of conquest over nearly all the tribes from Hudson Bay to Tennessee River, and westward to Lake Michigan and Illinois River Irregularity - A canonical impediment directly impeding the reception of tonsure and Holy orders or preventing the exercise of orders already received Irremovability - A quality of certain ecclesiastical offices and dignities. It implies that the incumbent's appointment is, under certain conditions, a perpetual one, or for the term of his natural life Irvingites - A religious sect called after Edward Irving (1792-1834), a deposed Presbyterian minister Isaac - The son of Abraham and Sara Isaac Jogues, Saint - French Jesuit missionary to Canada, martyred in 1646 Isaac of Armenia - Catholicos or Patriarch of Armenia (338-439) Isaac of Nineveh - A Nestorian bishop of that city in the latter half of the seventh century, being consecrated by the Nestorian Patriarch George (660-80) Isaac of Seleucia - Patriarch of the Persian Church, d. 410 Isabella I - Queen of Castile (1451-1504) Isabel of France, Saint - Daughter of Blanche of Castille and sister of St. Louis IX. Founded a convent of Poor Clares. Died 1270 Isaias - Essay on the Biblical prophet and the book which bears his name Isaura - Titular see in the Province of Lycaonia, suffragan of Iconium Ischia - Diocese, suffragan to Naples Isernia and Venafro - Diocese in the province of Campobasso in Molise (Southern Italy) Ishmael - Son of Abraham and Hagar Isidore of Pelusium, Saint - Born at Alexandria, became a monk, opposed Nestorianism and Eutychianism, d. no later than 449-450 Isidore of Seville, Saint - Biographical entry for this bishop, who died in 636 Isidore of Thessalonica - Cardinal and sometime Metropolitan of Kiev or Moscow, b. at Thessalonica (Saloniki) towards the end of the fourteenth century; d. at Rome, 27 April, 1463 Isidore the Labourer, Saint - Spanish day laborer, married to St. María de la Cabeza. He died in 1130 Isionda - A titular see in the province of Pamphylia Secunda; it was a suffragan of Perge Isla, José Francisco de - Spanish preacher and satirist, b. at Villavidantes (Kingdom of Leon), 24 March, 1703; d. at Bologna, 2 November, 1782 Islam (Concept) - An Arabic word which, since Mohammed's time, has acquired a religious and technical significance denoting the religion of Mohammed and of the Koran, just as Christianity denotes that of Jesus and of the Gospels, or Judaism that of Moses, the Prophets, and of the Old Testament Islam (Religion) - Mohammed, 'the Praised One', the prophet of Islam and the founder of Mohammedanism, was born at Mecca (20 August?) A.D. 570 Isleta Pueblo - The name of two pueblos of the ancient Tigua tribe, of remote Shoshoncan stock Islip, Simon - An Archbishop of Canterbury, b. at Islip, near Oxford; d. at Mayfield, Sussex, 26 April, 1366 Ismael - Son of Abraham and Hagar Ispahan - A Catholic Armenian Latin see Israelites - The word designates the descendants of the Patriarch Jacob, or Israel Issachar - Ninth son of Jacob, and name of the tribe descended from him Issus - Titular see of Cilicia Prima Ita, Saint - The 'Brigid of Munster,' d. 570 Italian Literature - The modern language of Italy is naturally derived from Latin, a continuation and development of the Latin actually spoken among the inhabitants of the peninsula after the downfall of the Roman Empire Italians in the United States - Information on distribution, statistics, and religion Italo-Greeks - The name applied to the Greeks in Italy who observe the Byzantine Rite Italy - In ancient times Italy had several other names: it was called Saturnia, in honour of Saturn; Enotria, wine-producing land; Ausonia, land of the Ausonians; Hesperia, land to the west (of Greece); Tyrrhenia, etc. The name Italy, which seems to have been taken from vitulus, to signify a land abounding in cattle, was applied at first to a very limited territory Ite Missa Est - This is the versicle chanted in the Roman Rite by the deacon at the end of Mass, after the Post-Communions Itineraria - Under this term are comprised two kinds of works: travellers' relations describing the places and countries visited by them, together with such incidents of the voyage as are worth noting; and compilations intended to furnish information for the guidance of travellers, i.e. works which we now distinguish as books of travel and guide-books Itinerarium - A form of prayer used by monks and clerics before setting out on a journey, and for that reason usually printed at the end of the Breviary, where it can be conveniently found when required Ittenbach, Franz - Historical painter; born at Königswinter, at the foot of the Drachenfels, in 1813; died at Düsseldorf, 1879 Ives, Saint - Or St. Yves. Patron saint of lawyers, d. 1303 Ives, Levi Silliman - Born at Meriden, Connecticut, U.S.A., 16 September, 1797; d. at New York, 13 October, 1867. He was one of the most distinguished converts to the Church made in the United States through the influence of the Tractarian Movement of 1848-49 Ivo of Chartres, Saint - Essay on the life and writings of this bishop, who died in 1116 Ivory - The tusks of the elephant, hippopotamus, walrus, and other animals: a tough and elastic substance, of a creamy white, taking a high and lasting polish, largely employed in the arts since pre-historic times, and used extensively in making or adorning ecclesiastical objects by the primitive and medieval Christians Ivrea, Diocese of - Suffragan of Turin, Northern Italy Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alba - Mexican historian (1568-1648) J Jaca, Diocese of - Located in the Spanish province of Huesca. Jaca, the chief town of the mountain district of Sobrarbe Jackson, Henry Moore - Knight, born in Grenada, 1849; died in London, 29 August, 1908 Jacob - The son of Isaac and Rebecca, third great patriarch of the chosen people, and the immediate ancestor of the twelve tribes of Israel Jacob of Jüterbogk - Theologian and canonist, born of poor parents near Jüterbogk, Brandenburg, Germany, 1381; died at Erfurt in 1465 Jacobus de Teramo - Canonist and bishop, born in 1349 at Teramo in Italy; died in 1417 in Poland Jacopo de Voragine, Blessed - Became a Dominican at a very early age, was a renowned preacher, provincial, and then Archbishop of Genoa. He died in about 1298. Biographical article Jacopone da Todi - More properly called Jacopo Benedetti. Biographical article on the lawyer, widower, Franciscan poet sympathetic to the Spirituals, who died about 1306 Jacotot, Joseph - French educator, b. at Dijon, March, 1770; d. at Paris, 30 July, 1840 Jacques de Vitry - Historian of the crusades, cardinal Bishop of Acre, later of Tusculum, b. at Vitry-sur-Seine, near Paris, probably about 1160; d. at Rome, 1240 Jacquier, François - French mathematician and physicist, born at Vitry-le-Francois, 7 June, 1711; died at Rome, 3 July, 1788 Jaén - Diocese in Southern Spain Jaenbert - Thirteenth Archbishop of Canterbury; died at Canterbury 11 or 12 August, 791 Jaffa - A titular see in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem Jaffna, Diocese of - Situated in the northern portion of Ceylon, Jaffna comprises the northern and north-central provinces of the island Jainism - A form of religion intermediate between Brahminism and Buddhism, originated in India in pre-Christian times Jamaica - The largest of the British West Indian islands, situated in the Caribbean Sea Jamay, Denis - Franciscan, missionary, date and place of birth unknown; died in France, 1625; an important figure in the early history of the Church in Canada James, Epistle of Saint - The author is commonly identified with the Lord's brother, the Bishop of Jerusalem; the view that the Lord's brother must be identified with James, the son of Alpheus, is by far the most probable James of Brescia - Theologian of the fifteenth century James of Edessa - A celebrated Syrian writer, b. most likely in A.D. 633; d. 5 June, 708 James of Sarugh - A writer of the Syrian Church James of the Marches, Saint - Surnamed Gangala, civil lawyer, Franciscan priest, d. 1476 James Primadicci - Born at Bologna; died in the same city in 1460 James the Greater, Saint - What can be known of St. James, son of Zebedee and brother of John, from Scripture. Also discusses the tradition that St. James preached in Spain and that his body was translated to Compostela James the Less, Saint - Identifies James the Less with James the Apostle, son of Alpheus, and with James the brother of the Lord James Thompson, Blessed - Also called James Hudson. Priest who was imprisoned and then martyred at York in 1582 Janauschek, Leopold - Cistercian, born at Brünn, Moravia, 13 October, 1827; died 23 July, 1898, at Baden, near Vienna Jandel, Alexandre Vincent - General of the Dominican order, born at Gerbevilliers (Lorraine), 18 July, 1810; died at Rome, 11 December, 1872 Jane Frances de Chantal, Saint - Biography of the widowed baroness, mother, founder of the Congregation of the Visitation, who died in 1641 Janner, Ferdinand - Theologian, born at Hirschau, in the Upper Palatinate (Bavaria), 4 Feb., 1836; died 1 November, 1895 Janow, Matthew of - A medieval ecclesiastical author, born in the fourteenth century in Bohemia; died at Prague, 30 Nov., 1394 Jansen, Cornelius - Exegete, born at Hulst, Flanders, 1510; died at Ghent, 11 April, 1576 Jansenius and Jansenism - The subject of this article lived three-quarters of a century later than his namesake. He was born 28 October, 1585, of a Catholic family, in the village of Accoi, near Leerdam, Holland; died at Ypres, 6 May, 1638 Janssen, Arnold - Short biography of the founder of the Society of the Divine Word Janssen, Johann - Historian, born 10 April, 1829, at Kanten, Germany; died 24 December, 1891, at Frankfort-on-the-Main Janssens, Abraham - Flemish painter, b. at Antwerp about 1573; d. probably in the same place about 1631 Janssens, Johann Hermann - Catholic theologian, b. at Maeseyck, Belgium, 7 Dec., 1783; d. at Engis, 23 May, 1853 Januarius, Saint - Bishop of Beneventum, martyr, believed to have died in the Diocletian persecution, c. 305. Article has a lengthy discussion of the liquefaction of the saint's blood Japan - Called in the language of the country Nihon or Nippon (Land of the Rising Sun), and Dai Nihon or Dai Nippon (Great Japan), situated north-west of the Pacific Ocean and east of the Asiatic continent Japanese Martyrs - The most famous of the Japanese martyrs are the twenty-six who were crucified in Nagasaki in 1597, but thousands of other Japanese died for the faith between 1560 and 1860 Jarcke, Karl Ernst - Born 10 November, 1801, at Danzig, Prussia; died 27 December, 1852, at Vienna. He belonged to a Protestant merchant family. He took up the study of jurisprudence, and became at an early age professor of criminal law at Bonn and later in Berlin Jaricot, Pauline-Marie - Foundress of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith and the Association of the Living Rosary, born at Lyons, 22 July, 1799; died there, 9 January, 1862 Jarlath, Saint - Studied under St. Benen, founded a college at Cloonfush, was noted for his fasting, died about 540 Jaro - Diocese in the Philippine Islands, formerly a part of the Diocese of Cebú, was made a separate diocese on 27 May, 1865 Jarric, Pierre de - Missionary writer, born at Toulouse in 1566; d. at Saintes, 2 March, 1617 Jason - A Greek name adopted by many Jews whose Hebrew designation was Joshua (Jesus). In the Old Testament, it is applied to three or four persons connected with the period of the Machabees Jassus - A titular see of Caria, and suffragan of Aphrodisias Jassy - Diocese in Rumania Jáuregui, Juan de - A Spanish painter and poet, born at Seville c. 1570, or, according to some, as late as 1583; died at Madrid c. 1640-1 Javouhey, Venerable Anne-Marie - Founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, missionary to Africa and South America, d. 1851 Jealousy - Taken to be synonymous with envy Jean de La Bruyère - Born at Paris in 1645; died at Chantilly in 1696. He was the son of a comptroller general of municipal revenue Jean Eudes, Blessed - French missionary, religious founder, writer, d. 1680 Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney, Saint - The Curé of Ars, d. 1869 Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, Blessed - Vincentian priest, missionary to China, where he was tortured and martyred in 1840 Jeanne de Valois, Saint - Biography of St. Jeanne, also known as Jéhanne de France or Jane of Valois, queen, founder of the Annonciades. She died in 1505 Jeaurat, Edmond - French engraver, b. at Vermenton, near Auxerre, 1688; d. at Paris, 1738 Jedburgh - Augustinian abbey, in the town of the same name, established as a priory by David I, King of Scots, in 1118, and colonized by Canons Regular of St. Augustine from the Abbey of St-Quentin, at Beauvais, France Jehoshaphat - Fourth King of Juda after the schism of the Ten Tribes Jehoshaphat, Valley of - Mentioned in only one passage of the Bible (Joel, iii-Heb. text, iv) Jehovah - Proper name of God in the Old Testament Jehu - The derivation of the name is uncertain. By some it is translated 'Yahweh is he'. Several by this name are noted in the article Jemez Pueblo - An Indian pueblo situated upon the north bank of the river of the same name about twenty miles north-west of Bernalillo, New Mexico Jeningen, Venerable Philipp - Born at Eichstätt, Bavaria, 5 January, 1642;d, at Ellwangen, 8 February, 1704. Entering the Society of Jesus, 19 January, 1663, he became a most successful popular missionary at the shrine of Our Lady of Schönenberg, near Ellwangen in Swabia Jenks, Silvester - Theologian, born in Shropshire, c. 1656; died in December, 1714 Jennings, Sir Patrick Alfred - An Australian statesman, b. at Newry, Ireland, 1831; d. July, 1897 Jephte - One of the judges of Israel. The story of Jephte is narrated in chapters xi and xii of the Book of Judges Jeremias - Name of several Old Testament figures Jeremias the Prophet - Background information on his era. His life and mission. Analysis of the Biblical book which bears his name Jericho - Three cities of this name have successively occupied sites in the same neighbourhood Jeroboam - Name of two Israelitish kings Jerome, Saint - Lengthy article on the life and works of St. Jerome Jerome Emiliani, Saint - Soldier, priest, founder of the Order of Somascha, d. 1537 Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) - This article deals with the destruction by the Romans after it had become the scene of the Redemption Jerusalem (71-1099) - History in several periods to the first crusade Jerusalem, Latin Kingdom of (1099-1291) - Founded as a result of the First Crusade, in 1099. Destroyed a first time by Saladin in 1187, it was re-established around Saint- Jean d'Acre and maintained until the capture of that city in 1291 Jerusalem (After 1291) - The Latin dominion over Jerusalem really came to an end on 2 October, 1187, when the city opened its gates to Saladin (Yusuf ibn Ayyub, Salah- ed-din, Emir of Egypt, 1169-93); although fragments of the Latin kingdom in Palestine lasted into another century Jerusalem, Assizes of - The code of laws enacted by the Crusaders for the government of the Kingdom of Jerusalem Jerusalem, Liturgy of - The Rite of Jerusalem is that of Antioch Jesi - Diocese in the Province of Ancona, Italy, immediately subject to the Holy See Jesu Dulcis Memoria - A poem ranging from forty two to fifty three stanzas (in various manuscripts), to form the three hymns of the Office of the Holy Name Jesuits, The - Comprehensive information about the past of the Jesuit order Jesuit Apologetic - The accusations brought against the Society have been exceptional for their frequency and fierceness Jesuit Generals Prior to the Suppression - Details of several who held the position Jesuits, Distinguished - A list without details of the Jesuits. Does include links to articles when there is one about the person Jesuits, History of the (pre-1750) - Includes details of activities in various countries Jesuits, Suppression of the (1750-1773) - The most difficult part of the history of the Society Jesuits, History of the (1773-1814) - The execution of the Brief of Suppression having been largely left to local bishops, there was room for a good deal of variety in the treatment the Jesuits might receive in different places Jesuits, History of the (1814-1912) - Pius VII had resolved to restore the Society during his captivity in France; and after his return to Rome he did so with little delay Jesuit's Bark - On account of its alkaloids, is the most celebrated specific remedy for all forms of malaria Jesus Christ - The incarnate Son of God and the redeemer of the human race Jesus Christ, Character of - The surpassing eminence of the character of Jesus has been acknowledged by men of the most varied type Jesus Christ, Chronology of the Life of - Includes absolute and relative chronologies Jesus Christ, Devotion to the Heart of - Description, spiritual significance, and historical background of devotion to the Sacred Heart Jesus Christ, Early Historical Documents on - Divided into three classes: pagan sources, Jewish sources, and Christian sources Jesus Christ, Genealogy of - Offers the genealogy according to Saint Matthew and Saint Luke Jesus Christ, Holy Name of - Reverence for the name of Jesus is not optional for believers. Article highlights the Scriptural reasons, and describes some customary ways of showing reverence Jesus Christ, Knowledge of - 'Knowledge of Jesus Christ,' as used in this article, does not mean a summary of what we know about Jesus Christ, but a survey of the intellectual endowment of Christ Jesus Christ, Origin of the Name of - Article examines the name Jesus and Christ separately Jesus Christ, Resurrection of - Resurrection is the rising again from the dead, the resumption of life Jesus, Daughters of - Founded at Kermaria, in the Diocese of Vannes, France, in 1834, for the care of the sick poor, and the education of girls Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the Holy Childhood of - Several groups detailed Jesus Mary, Religious of - Founded at Lyons, France, in October, 1818, by Claudine Thevenet, in religion, Mother St. Ignatius Jesus, The Society of - Comprehensive information about the past of the Jesuit order Jewish Calendar - Details include days, weeks, months, years, and eras Jewish Tribe - The earlier Hebrew term rendered in English versions by the word 'tribe' is shebet, while the term matteh, prevails in the post-exilic writings Jews (as a Religion) - Judaism designates the religious communion which survived the destruction of the Jewish nation by the Assyrians and the Babylonians Jews, History of the - Of the two terms, Jews and Judaism, the former denotes usually the Israelites or descendants of Jacob (Israel) in contrast to Gentile races; the latter, the creed and worship of the Jews in contrast to Christianity and others Jezabel - Wife of Achab, King of Israel Jíbaro Indians - An important tribal group of Ecuador, comprising a great number of small subtribes speaking a common language with dialectic variants, and together constituting a distinct linguistic stock Joachim, Saint - According to apocryphal literature, the father of Mary Joachim of Flora - Article on this Cistercian abbot, mystic, regarded as a prophet, d. 1202 Joan, Popess - The fable about a female pope, who afterwards bore the name of Johanna (Joan), is first noticed in the middle of the thirteenth century Joanna of Portugal, Blessed - Princess, Dominican, d. 1490 Joannes de Sacrobosco - John Holywood, a monk of English origin, lived in the first half of the thirteenth century as professor of astronomy at Paris; died in that city, 1256 Joan of Arc, Saint - Her brief life, her trial and death, swift rehabilitation, and her beatification in 1909 Job - One of the books of the Old Testament, and the chief personage in it Jocelin - Cistercian monk and Bishop of Glasgow; d. at Melrose Abbey in 1199 Jocelin de Brakelond - An English chronicler, of the late twelfth century Jocelin of Wells - Bishop of Bath and Wells, d. 19 Nov., 1242 Joel - Profile of the Old Testament prophet and analysis of the book bearing his name Joest, Jan - Dutch painter, b. at Calcker, or Calcar, about 1460; d. at Haarlem in 1519 Jogues, Saint Isaac - French Jesuit missionary to Canada, martyred in 1646 John I, Pope Saint - A Tuscan, was warmly received in Constantinople, but upon his return to Rome, was imprisoned by King Theodoric. Pope John died in prison in 526 John II, Pope - A Roman and the son of Projectus; if not born in the second region (Coelimontium) he had at least been a priest of St. Clement's Basilica John III, Pope - A Roman surnamed Catelinus, d. 13 July, 574 John IV, Pope - A native of Dalmatia, and the son of the scholasticus (advocate) Venantius John V, Pope - A Syrian whose father was one Cyriacus; when he was born is not known; d. 2 August, 686 John VI, Pope - A Greek, the date of whose birth is unknown; d. 11 January, 705 John VII, Pope - Reigned 705-707 John VIII, Pope - Reigned 872-82 John IX, Pope - Reigned 898-900 John X, Pope - Born at Tossignano, Romagna; enthroned, 914; died at Rome, 928 John XI, Pope - Reigned 931-935 John XII, Pope - Date of birth unknown; reigned 955-64 John XIII, Pope - Date of birth unknown; enthroned on 1 Oct., 965; d. 6 Sept., 972 John XIV, Pope - After the death of Benedict VII, Bishop Peter Campanora of Pavia, earlier imperial chancellor of Italy, was elected pope with the consent of Emperor Otto II, and took the name of John John XV (XVI), Pope - Enthroned 985; d. April, 996 John XVI (XVII) - Antipope 997-998; d. probably in 1013 John XVII (XVIII), Pope - Date of birth unknown; d. 6 Nov., 1003 John XVIII (XIX), Pope - Successor of John XVII, consecrated Christmas, 1003; d. June, 1009 John XIX (XX), Pope - Enthroned in 1024; d. 1032 John XXI (XX), Pope - Born at Lisbon between 1210 and 1220; enthroned, 1276; died at Viterbo, 20 May, 1277 John XXII, Pope - Born at Cahors in 1249; enthroned, 5 September, 1316; died at Avignon, 4 December, 1334 John XXIII - Antipope (1370-1419) John, Epistles of - Three canonical books of the New Testament written by the Apostle St. John John, Gospel of - According to the traditional order, the Gospel of St. John occupies the last place among the four canonical Gospels John and Cyrus, Saints - Companions in life and in martyrdom. Beheaded in the Diocletian persecution John and Paul, Saints - Roman martyrs, c. 362 John Baptist de la Salle, Saint - Essay on the founder of the Christian Brothers John Baptist de Rossi, Saint - Priest, canon, preacher, d. 1764 John Beche, Blessed - Benedictine abbot. When Beche refused to grant that the king had any authority to confiscate St. John's Abbey, Colchester, he was thrown in the Tower on charges of treason. Though weak, he gained the crown of martyrdom in 1539 John Berchmans, Saint - Biography of this Jesuit, always pious, who died in 1621 at the age of 22 John Bosco, Saint - Commonly called Don Bosco or John Bosco. Founder of the Salesians, d. 1888 John Boste, Saint - Or John Boast. Priest, martyred at Durham in 1594. One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales John Britton, Venerable - Also called John Bretton. Short biography of the layman and martyr John Buckley, Venerable - Alias John Jones. Welsh Franciscan priest, martyred at Tyburn in 1598 John Cantius, Saint - Polish priest, professor of Sacred Scripture, d. 1473 John Capistran, Saint - Lawyer, governor, ambassador, became a Franciscan priest and a renowned preacher, died in 1456 John Chrysostom, Saint - Long biographical article on this bishop and Doctor of the Church John Climacus, Saint - Sometimes called Scholasticus or the Sinaita. Article on the sixth-century Syrian abbot of Mt. Sinai. He is called 'Climacus' because he wrote the spiritual classic 'The Ladder of Divine Ascent,' 'Klimax' being the Greek for 'ladder.' John Colombini, Blessed - Sienese husband and father whose life was transformed by reading the life of St. Mary of Egypt. Founder of the Jesuati. He died in 1367 John Cornelius and Companions, Venerable - Cornelius, born of Irish parents in Cornwall, studied for the priesthood at Reims. For 10 years he worked as a missionary in England till he was martyred in 1594 for being a Catholic priest, and three companions were also martyred for aiding him John Damascene, Saint - Lengthy biographical article on the last of the Greek Fathers John de Britto, Blessed - Portuguese Jesuit missionary to India, martyr, d. 1693 John Felton, Blessed - Arrested, imprisoned, and tortured for having attached a copy of the papal bull excommunicating the queen to the Bishop of London's door. He died a martyr in 1570 John Fisher, Saint - Cardinal, Bishop of Rochester, martyr, d. 1535 John Forest, Blessed - English Franciscan, served as confessor to Queen Catherine, was burned at the stake at Smithfield in 1538 John Francis Regis, Saint - Jesuit priest and missionary, d. 1640 John Hambley, Venerable - More than once this priest offered to conform to the state- mandated religion, but at last he died a martyr John Ingram, Venerable - English priest, tortured and twice imprisoned, martyred in 1594 John Joseph of the Cross, Saint - Italian Franciscan priest, had the gift of miracles, d. 1739 John Larke, Blessed - Parish priest and friend of St. Thomas More. Martyred at Tyburn in 1543 or 1544, along with another priest (Bl. John Ireland) and the layman Bl. German Gardiner John Malalas - A Monophysite Byzantine chronicler of the sixth century John Nelson, Blessed - Jesuit priest, martyred at Tyburn in 1577 or 1578 John Nepomucene, Saint - Biography of the vicar general of the Archdiocese of Prague, who was tortured and then thrown into the Moldau and drowned, by order of King Wenceslaus IV, in 1393 John of Antioch - There are four persons commonly known by this name John of Avila, Blessed - Priest, preacher, author, d. 1569 John of Beverley, Saint - Benedictine bishop of Hexham and later of York, monastic founder, d. 721 John of Biclaro - Chronicler, born in Portugal, probably about the middle of the sixth century; died after 621 John of Cornwall - Lived about 1176. Author of a treatise written against the doctrine of Abelard John of Ephesus - Syriac historian, born at Amida (Diarbekir, on the upper Tigris), about 505; d. about 585 John of Falkenberg - Author, b. at Falkenberg, Pomerania, Prussia, date unknown; d. about 1418 in Italy John of Fécamp - Ascetic writer, b. near Ravenna about the beginning of the eleventh century; d. at Fécamp, Normandy, 22 February, 1079 John of Fermo, Blessed - Also known as John of La Verna. Franciscan, a friend of Jacopone of Todi. John died in 1322 John of Genoa - Grammarian; born at Genoa, date unknown; died there about 1298 John of God, Saint - Portuguese shepherd, soldier, bookseller, finally found his niche caring for the health of the poor in Granada, became de facto founder of a religious order, d. 1550 John of Hauteville - Moralist and satirical poet of the twelfth century (flourished about 1184) John of Janduno - An Averroistic philosopher, theologian, and political writer of the fourteenth century John of Montecorvino - A Franciscan and founder of the Catholic mission in China, b. at Montecorvino in Southern Italy, in 1246; d. at Peking, in 1328 John of Montesono - Theologian and controversialist, born at Monzón, Spain; dates of birth and death unknown John of Nikiû - An Egyptian chronicler who flourished in the latter part of the seventh century John of Paris - Theologian and controversialist; born at Paris, date unknown; died at Bordeaux, 22 September, 1306 John of Parma, Blessed - Franciscan, professor of theology, Minister General, peacemaker, d. 1289 John of Ragusa - Dominican theologian (1380-1443) John of Roquetaillade (de Rupescissa) - Franciscan alchemist, date of birth unknown; d. probably at Avignon, 1362 John of Rupella - Franciscan theologian, b. at La Rochelle (Rupella), towards the end of the twelfth century John of Sahagun, Saint - Spanish canon, became an Augustinian hermit, d. 1479 John of Saint Thomas - Theologian, born at Lisbon, 9 June, 1589; died at Fraga, Spain, 17 June, 1644 John of Salisbury - Article on the life and thought of this medieval philosopher, by P. Coffey John of Segovia - A Spanish theologian, b. at Segovia towards the end of the fourteenth century; d. probably in 1458 John of the Cross, Saint - Article on the life and teaching of this Discalced Carmelite associated with St. Teresa of Avila. Mystic, Doctor of the Church, d. 1591 John of Victring - Chronicler, b. probably between 1270 and 1280; d. at Victring, Austria, 12 November, 1347 John of Winterthur - Historian, born about 1300 atWinterthur (Switzerland); died subsequently to 1348, probably at Zurich John Parvus - A French theologian and professor in the University of Paris; b. most likely at Brachy, Caux, in Normandy, and certainly in the Diocese of Rouen, about 1360; d. 15 July, 1411 John Payne, Blessed - English priest, tortured and martyred on completely fabricated charges of conspiracy to murder the queen. Executed in 1582 John Rigby, Saint - Rigby, an unmarried layman, appeared in court on behalf of his employer's daughter and admitted that he was himself a Catholic. He was martyred in 1600 John Roberts, Saint - A Welsh Benedictine, the first prior of Downside, was arrested six times, exiled four times, and finally martyred at Tyburn in 1610 John Rochester, Blessed - Brief biography of this English Carthusian priest and martyr, d. 1537 John Sarkander, Blessed - This priest was tortured for refusing to break the seal of confession, and died in prison in 1620 John Scholasticus - Patriarch of Constantinople, the author of an important collection of ecclesiastical laws; b. at Sirimis near Antioch; d. 577 John Shert, Blessed - Very brief biographical profile of the English priest, martyred in 1581 Johnston, Richard Malcolm - Educator, author, b. 8 March, 1822, at Powellton, Georgia, U.S.A.; d. at Baltimore, Maryland, 23 September, 1898 John Stone, Blessed - English Augustinian friar, martyred probably in 1539 John Story, Blessed - Or Storey. Member of Parliament, was arrested but escaped and became a Spanish subject. Kidnapped in Flanders, he was carried to the Tower, where he was tortured repeatedly. Died a martyr in 1571 John Talaia - Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria (481-482) at the time of the Monophysite troubles John the Almsgiver, Saint - Also called John Eleemosynarius. Patriarch of Alexandria, d. 616 John the Baptist, Saint - Lengthy article on the Precursor John the Deacon - Article about four historians of the Middle Ages who bear this name John the Evangelist, Saint - Brother of James and son of Zebedee John the Faster - Patriarch of Constantinople (John IV, 582-595), famous chiefly through his assumption of the title 'eœcumenical patriarch'; d. 2 September, 595 John the Silent, Saint - Or John Hesychastes. Monk, runaway bishop of Colonia, hermit, d. 558 John Twenge, Saint - Canon regular, prior of St. Mary's, Bridlington. Miracle-worker, d. 1379 Johnson, Lionel Pigot - Born at Broadstairs on the Kentish coast, 15 Mar., 1867; died 4 Oct., 1902 Johnson, Blessed Robert - English priest and martyr (d. 1581) Johnson, Blessed Thomas - The last of nine London Carthusians to die of starvation in prison in 1537. He died 20 September, after nearly 5 months of barbaric treatment Joinville, Jean, Sire de - Seneschal of Champagne, historian, b in 1225; d. at Joinville, 1317 Joliet, Louis - A discoverer and the son of a wagon-maker, was born at Quebec, Canada, on 21 September 1645; d. in Canada, May 1700 Joliette - Diocese created by Pius X, 27 January, 1904 by division of the Archdiocese of Montreal; comprises three counties, Joliette, Berthier, and Montcalm, with four parishes of L'Assomption County Jolly, Philipp Johann Gustav von - German physicist, born at Mannheim, 26 September, 1809; died at Munich, 24 December, 1884 Jonah - The fifth of the Minor Prophets. Article takes a look at the Book of Jonah Jonas - The fifth of the Minor Prophets. Article takes a look at the Book of Jonah Jonas of Bobbio - Monk and hagiographer, b. about the close of the sixth century at Sigusia (Susa) in Piedmont; d. after 659 Jonas of Orléans - Bishop and ecclesiastical writer, born in Aquitaine; died in 843 or 844 Jonathan - Name of several persons mentioned in the Old Testament Jones, Venerable Edward - Welsh convert to Catholicism. Became a priest. He was martyred in 1590. Article also has some information on his fellow martyr Anthony Middleton Jones, Inigo - A biography with references of the London-born architect who drew his inspiration from the Classical forms of Italy Jordan, The - Formed at a point about five and a half miles below Banias, by the junction of three streams, the Jordan enters Lake Hûleh about nine and a third miles lower down Jordanis - Historian, lived about the middle of the sixth century in the Eastern Roman Empire Jordanus of Giano - Italian Minorite, b. at Giano in the Valley of Spoleto, c. 1195; d. after 1262 Jörg, Joseph Edmund - Historian and politician, b. 23 Dec., 1819 at Immenstadt (Ahgau); d. at Landshut, 18 Nov., 1901 Jornandes - Historian, lived about the middle of the sixth century in the Eastern Roman Empire Josaphat - Fourth King of Juda after the schism of the Ten Tribes Josaphat, Valley of - Mentioned in only one passage of the Bible (Joel, iii-Heb. text, iv) Josaphat and Barlaam - Main characters of a seventh-century Christian legend. Barlaam, a hermit, converted the prince Josaphat to Christianity, despite the efforts of Josaphat's father Abenner to prevent such a thing. Although Barlaam and Josaphat are included in the Roman Martyrology and in the Greek calendar, the story is actually a Christianized version of a legend about Buddha Josaphat Kuncevyc, Saint - Lithuanian-born Basilian monk and Ruthenian Rite archbishop of Polotsk, writer. He loved to make profound bows while reciting the Jesus Prayer. Martyred in 1623 Joseph, Saint - Information on the entire life of St. Joseph Joseph - The eleventh son of Jacob, the firstborn of Rachel, and the immediate ancestor of the tribes of Manasses and Ephraim Joseph Calasanctius, Saint - Priest, founder of the Piarists, d. 1648 Joseph Calasanctius of the Mother of God, Pious Workers of Saint - Founded at Vienna, 24 November, 1889, by Father Anton Maria Schwartz for all works of charity, but especially the apostolate among workingmen Joseph of Arimathea - All that is known for certain concerning him is derived from the canonical Gospels Joseph of Cupertino, Saint - Mystic from a very young age, priest, d. 1663. Biographical article Joseph of Exeter - A twelfth-century Lain poet; b. at Exeter, England Joseph of Issachar - A man of the tribe of Issachar, and the father of Igal who was one of the spies sent by Moses to traverse Chanaan and report on the country (Numbers 13:8) Joseph of Leonessa, Saint - Capuchin missionary, confessor, d. 1612 Joseph II - German Emperor (reigned 1765-90), of the House of Hapsburg-Lorraine, son and successor of Maria Theresa and Francis I Joseph, Sisters of Saint - Founded at Le Puy, in Velay, France, by the Rev. Jean-Paul Médaille of the Society of Jesus Josephites - A congregation devoted to the Christian education of youth, founded in the Diocese of Ghent (Belgium) by Canon van Crombrugghe, in 1817 Joseph's Society for Colored Missions, Saint - This organization began its labours in 1871, when four young priests from Mill Hill were put in charge of St. Francis Xavier's church, with a large congregation of black Catholics, in Baltimore. Other black missions were soon begun at Louisville, Charleston, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, and other places in the South Joseph's Society for Foreign Missions, Saint - A society of priests and laymen whose object is to labour for the conversion of heathens in foreign countries Josephus, Flavius - Jewish historian, born A.D. 37, at Jerusalem; died about 101 Joshua - The name of eight persons in the Old Testament, and of one of the Sacred Books Josias - A pious King of Juda (639-608 B.C.), who ascended the throne when he was only eight years of age. He was the son of Amon and the grandson of Manasses Josue - The name of eight persons in the Old Testament, and of one of the Sacred Books Joubert, Joseph - French philosopher; b. at Martignac (Dordogne), 7 May, 1754, d. at Villeneuve-le-Roi (Yonne), 4 May 1824 Jouffroy, Claude-François-Dorothée de - Mechanician, b. at Abbans, near Besançon, 30 Sept., 1751; d. at Paris, 18 July, 1832 Jouffroy, Jean de - French prelate and statesman; b. at Luxeuil (Franche-Comté) about 1412; d. at the priory of Rulli, in the Diocese of Bourges, 24 November, 1473 Jouin, Louis - Linguist, philosopher, author, b. at Berlin, 14 June, 1818, d. at New York, 10 June, 1899 Jouvancy, Joseph de - Poet, pedagogue, philologist, and historian, b. at Paris, 14 September, 1643; d. at Rome, 29 May, 1719 Jouvenet, Jean - French painter, b. at Rouen in 1644, d. at Paris, 5 April, 1717 Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de - Spanish statesman and man of letters, at Gijon, Asturias, 5 Jan., 1744, d. at Puerto de Vega on the borders of Asturias, 27 Nov., 1811 Jovinianus - An opponent of Christian asceticism in the fourth century, condemned as a heretic (390) Jovianus, Flavius Claudius - Roman Emperor, 363-4 Jovius, Paulus - Historian, b. at Como, Italy, 9 April, 1483, d. at Florence, 11 Dec., 1552 Joyeuse, Henri, Duc de - Born in 1563 and not, as is mistakenly stated in the 'Biographic Michaud', in 1567; died at Rivoli, 28 Sept., 1608. He was the third son of Maréchal Guillaume de Joyeuse, and was a brother of the Admiral Anne de Joyeuse and of the prelate François de Joyeuse Juan Bautista de Toledo - An eminent Spanish sculptor and architect; b. at Madrid (date not known); d. there 19 May, 1567 Jubilate Sunday - The third Sunday after Easter Jubilee, Holy Year of - Background information relating to the Jubilee Jubilee, Year of (Hebrew) - According to the Pentateuchal legislation contained in Leviticus, a Jubilee year is the year that follows immediately seven successive Sabbatic years (the Sabbatic year being the seventh year of a seven-year cycle) Jubilees, Book of - An apocryphal writing, so called from the fact that the narratives and stories contained in it are arranged throughout in a fanciful chronological system of jubilee-periods of forty-nine years each; each event is recorded as having taken place in such a week of such a month of such a Jubilee year Juda - The name of one of the Patriarchs, the name of the tribe reputed to be descended from him, the name of the territory occupied by the same, and also the name of several persons mentioned in the Old Testament Judaism - Judaism designates the religious communion which survived the destruction of the Jewish nation by the Assyrians and the Babylonians Judaizers - A party of Jewish Christians in the Early Church, who either held that circumcision and the observance of the Mosaic Law were necessary for salvation and in consequence wished to impose them on the Gentile converts, or who at least considered them as still obligatory on the Jewish Christians Judas Iscariot - The Apostle who betrayed Jesus Judas Machabeus - Third son of the priest Mathathias who with his family was the centre and soul of the patriotic and religious revolt of the Jews against the King of Syria (I Mach., ii, 4) Judde, Claude - French preacher and spiritual father; born at Rouen, about 20 December, 1661; died at Paris, 11 March, 1735 Jude, Epistle of Saint - One of the so-called antilegomena; but, although its canonicity has been questioned in several Churches, its genuineness has never been denied Judea - It designates the part of Palestine adjacent to Jerusalem and inhabited by the Jewish community after their return from captivity Judge, Ecclesiastical - An ecclesiastical person who possesses ecclesiastical jurisdiction either in general or in the strict sense Judges, The Book of - The seventh book of the Old Testament, second of the Early Prophets of the Hebrew canon Judgment, Divine - Divine judgment (judicium divinum), as an immanent act of God, denotes the action of God's retributive justice by which the destiny of rational creatures is decided according to their merits and demerits Judgment, General - To it the prophets of the Old Testament refer when they speak of the 'Day of the Lord' (Joel 2:31; Ezekiel 13:5; Isaiah 2:12), in which the nations will be summoned to judgment. In the New Testament the second Parusia, or coming of Christ as Judge of the world, is an oft-repeated doctrine Judgment, Last - To it the prophets of the Old Testament refer when they speak of the 'Day of the Lord' (Joel 2:31; Ezekiel 13:5; Isaiah 2:12), in which the nations will be summoned to judgment. In the New Testament the second Parusia, or coming of Christ as Judge of the world, is an oft-repeated doctrine Judgment, Particular - The Catholic doctrine of the particular judgment is this: that immediately after death the eternal destiny of each separated soul is decided by the just judgment of God Judica Sunday - Name given to the fifth Sunday of Lent, and derived from the first words of the Introit of that day Judith, Book of - The book exists in distinct Greek and Latin versions, of which the former contains at least eighty-four verses more than the later Julian and Basilissa, Saints - Husband and wife, of whom little is known except that he was martyred in the Diocletian persecution. According to later legend, Basilissa was the founder of a monastery Julian of Eclanum - Born about 386; died in Sicily, 454; the most learned among the leaders of the Pelagian movement and Bishop of Eclanum near Beneventum Julian of Speyer - A famous composer, poet, and historian of the thirteenth century, b. at Speyer, d. at Paris about 1250 Juliana, Saint - Martyred in the Diocletian persecution. The oldest notice says that she died near Naples; the notion that she lived in Nicomedia is strictly legendary Juliana Falconieri, Saint - Niece of St. Alexis Falconieri. She founded the Servite Third Order, and died in 1341 Juliana of Liège, Saint - Devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, lobbied for the institution of the feast of Corpus Christi, d. 1258 Juliana of Norwich - Biographical article on this fourteenth-century English anchoress, mystic, author. By Edmund Gardner Julian the Apostate - Roman emperor 361-63, b. at Constantinople in 331, d. 26 June, 363, son of Julius Constantius, the half-brother of Constantine the Great Julia Billiart, Saint - Biographical article on the founder of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She died in 1816 Julie Billiart, Saint - Biographical article on the founder of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She died in 1816 Juliopolis - Titular see in the province of Bithynia Secunda, suffragan of Nicaea Julitta and Quiricus - Martyrs in the Diocletian persecution Julius I, Pope Saint - A Roman, anti-Arian, supporter of St. Athanasius. Julius died in 352 Julius II, Pope - Born on 5 December, 1443, at Albissola near Savona; crowned on 28 November, 1503; died at Rome, in the night of 20-21 February, 1513 Julius III, Pope - Born at Rome, 10 September, 1487; died there, 23 March, 1555 Julius Africanus - The father of Christian chronography Jumièges, Abbey of - Founded in 634 by St. Philibert, who had been the companion of Sts. Ouen and Wandrille at the Merovingian court Jungmann, Bernard - A dogmatic theologian and ecclesiastical historian, born at Münster in Westphalia, 1 March, 1833; died at Louvain, 12 Jan., 1895 Jungmann, Josef - In 1850 he entered the German College at Rome, and was ordained priest in 1855. He afterwards joined the Society of Jesus Junípero Serra - Biography of the famed Franciscan priest, missionary to Mexico and California, who died in 1784 Jurisdiction, Ecclesiastical - The right to guide and rule the Church of God Jussieu, De - Name of five French botanists Jus Spolii - A claim, exercised in the Middle Ages, of succession to the property of deceased clerics, at least such as they had derived from their ecclesiastical benefices Juste - The name conventionally applied to a family of Italian sculptors, whose real name was Betti, originally from San Martino a Mensola, near Florence Justice - In its ordinary and proper sense, signifiies the most important of the cardinal virtues Justification - A biblio-ecclesiastical term; which denotes the transforming of the sinner from the state of unrighteousness to the state of holiness and sonship of God Justin de Jacobis, Blessed - Italian, a Lazarist priest, titular bishop of Nilopolis, d. 1860 Justinian I - Roman Emperor (527-65) Justin Martyr, Saint - Lengthy article on the life and teachings of the apologist Justina and Cyprian, Saints - Christians of Antioch martyred at Nicomedia, 26 September, 304. Already in the same century, quite a colorful legend arose about them Justiniani, Benedetto - Theological and Biblical writer (1550-1622) Justiniani, Nicholas - Benedictine monk, dispensed from his vows, never formally beatified Justinianopolis - A titular see of Armenia Prima, suffragan of Sebaste Justus, Saint - The first bishop of Rochester, and later the fourth archbishop of Canterbury, died possibly in 627 Juvencus, C. Vettius Aquilinus - Fourth-century Christian Latin poet Juvenile Courts - Tribunals for the trial of children charged with crimes or offences

K Kabbala - It primarily signifies reception, and, secondarily, a doctrine received by oral tradition Kadlubek, Blessed Vincent - Bishop of Cracow, resigned his office and became the first Pole to join the Cistercians. He died in 1223 Kafiristan and Kashmir, Prefecture Apostolic of - Created (1887) by Leo XIII in the extreme North of India Kafirs - A term popularly to nearly all the natives of South Africa. It was originally imposed by the Arab traders of the East coast, and means 'unbeliever' Kager, Johann Matthias - German historical painter, born at Munich, 1566; died at Augsburg, 1634 Kaiser, Kajetan Georg von - Chemist, born at Kelheim on the Danube (Bavaria), 5 January, 1803; died at Munich, 28 August, 1871 Kaiserchronik - A German epic poem of the twelfth century Kaiserwilhelmsland - Prefecture Apostolic, comprises the German part of the island of New Guinea Kalands Brethren - The name given to religious and charitable associations of priests and laymen especially numerous in Northern and Central Germany, which held regular meetings for religious edification and instruction, and also to encourage works of charity and prayers for the dead Kalcker, Jan Stephanus van - Flemish painter, native of the Duchy of Cleves; b. between 1499 and 1510; d. at Naples, 1546 Kalinka, Valerian - Polish historian, born near Cracow in 1826; died at Jaroslaw in 1886 Kalispel Indians - Popularly known under the French name of Pend d'Oreilles, 'ear pendants', an important tribe of Salishan stock originally residing about Pend d Oreille lake and river, in northern Idaho and northeast Washington Kalocsa-Bacs, Archdiocese of - This archdiocese embraces within its territories an archdiocese and a diocese founded by St. Stephen of Hungary in 1010 Kamerun, Vicariate Apostolic of - Located in German West Africa, between British Nigeria and French Congo Kandy, Diocese of - Formerly part of the Vicariate of Southern Colombo, Ceylon, India, from which it was cut off as a vicariate Apostolic on 16 April, 1883, and erected into a diocese on 1 September, 1886 Kansas - One of the United States of America, is the central state of the Union, to which it was admitted 29 January, 1861 Kansas City, Diocese of - Established 10 September, 1880 Kan-Su, Prefecture Apostolic of Southern - Separated from the Northern Kan-su mission in 1905, and committed to the Belgian Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheutveld, Brussels) Kan-Su, Vicariate Apostolic of Northern - This vicariate includes the territory of Ku- ku-nor, northern part of Tibet, and the five northern prefectures of the Chinese province of Kan-su: Lan-chou-fu, Si-ning-fu, Liang-chou-fu, Kan-chou-fu, and Su- chou Kant, Philosophy of - A detailed evaluation by William Turner Karinthia - A former crownland of the Austrian Empire Karnkowski, Stanislaw - Archbishop of Gnesen and Primate of Poland, born about 1526; died at Lowicz,in the Government of Warsaw, 25 May (al., 8 June), 1603 Kaskaskia Indians - Formerly chief tribe of the confederacy of Illinois Indians Kassai, Upper - Erected as a simple mission in 1901, and detached, as a prefecture Apostolic, from the Vicariate of Belgian Congo since 20 August, 1901 Kauffmann, Angelica - Artist's biography with bibliography Kaufmann, Alexander - Poet and folklorist, born at Bonn, 14 May, 1817; died at Wertheim, 1 May, 1893 Kaufmann, Leopold - Chief Burgomaster of Bonn, brother of the poet and folklorist Alexander Kaufmann, born 13 March, 1821; died 27 Feb., 1898 Kaulen, Franz Philip - Scriptural scholar, born 20 March, 1827, at Düsseldorf; died at Bonn, 11 July, 1907 Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton - An Austrian prince and statesman, born at Vienna 2 February, 1711; died there 27 June, 1794 Kateri Tekakwitha, Blessed - Biographical article on the 'Lily of the Mohawks,' who died in 1680. Also known as Catherine Tegakwitha or Takwita Kavanagh, Edward - American statesman and diplomat, born at Newcastle, Maine, 27 April, 1795; died there, 21 Jan., 1844 Kavanagh, Julia - Novelist and biographer, born 7 Jan., 1824, at Thurles, Ireland; died 28 October, 1877, at Nice, France Kearney, Diocese of - By Decree of the Sacred Consistorial Congregation of 8 March, 1912, Pius X divided into two parts the territory of the Diocese of Omaha, erecting the western part into a new and distinct diocese with its see at Kearney Keating, Geoffrey - Irish theologian, historian, and poet, b. at Burgess in the parish of Tubbrid, Co. Tipperary, about 1569; d. at Tubbrid about 1644 Keewatin, Vicariate Apostolic of - Includes the northern half of the Province of Saskatchewan Kehrein, Joseph - Educator, philologist, and historian of German literature, born at Heidesheim, near Mainz, 20 October, 1808; died at Montabaur, Hesse-Nassau, 25 March, 1876 Keller, Jacob - Controversialist, born at Sackingen, Baden, Germany, in 1568; died at Munich, Bavaria, 23 February, 1631 Kellner, Lorenz - Educationist, born at Kalteneber in the district of Eichsfeld, 29 January, 1811; died at Trier, 18 August, 1892 Kells, Book of - An Irish manuscript containing the Four Gospels, a fragment of Hebrew names, and the Eusebian canons, known also as the 'Book of Columba' Kells, School of - Kells (in Gaelic Cenannus) was the chief of the Irish Columban monasteries Kemble, Ven. John - Biography of the priest and martyr, who died in 1679 Kemp, John - Cardinal, Archbishop of Canterbury, Chancellor of England (1380- 1454) Kenia - Vicariate Apostolic in Africa Kenites - A tribe or family often mentioned in the Old Testament, personified as Qayin from which the nomen gentilicium Qeni is derived Kennedy, James - Bishop of St. Andrews, Scotland. Born about 1406; died 10 May, 1466 Kenneth, Saint - Irish priest, monastic founder, missionary to Scotland, d. 600 Kenny, Saint - Irish priest, monastic founder, missionary to Scotland, d. 600 Kenosis - A term derived from the discussion as to the real meaning of Phil. 2:6 Kenraghty - Irish priest, d. 30 April, 1585, at Clonmel, Co. Tipperary Kenrick, Francis Patrick and Peter Richard - Archbishops of Baltimore, Maryland, and of St. Louis, Missouri Kent, Nun of - Born probably in 1506; executed at Tyburn, 20 April, 1534; called the 'Nun of Kent' Kentigern, Saint - Also known as Mungo. First bishop of Glasgow, died in 603. Biography Kentucky - A state situated between the parallels of latitude 36° 30 and 39°6' N., and between the meridians 82° and 89°38' W Keon, Miles Gerard - Irish journalist (1821-1875) Kerkuk - Chaldean Catholic diocese Kernan, Francis - Lawyer, statesman; born in Steuben County, New York, 14 January, 1816; d. at Utica, New York, 7 September, 1892 Kerry and Aghadoe - The Diocese of Kerry and Aghadoe (Kerriensis Et Aghadoensis), suffragan of Cashel, Ireland, is sixty-six miles in length, and sixty-one in breadth, containing a superficial area of 983,400 acres, and extending over the whole County of Kerry and a portion of that of Cork; in 1901 the Catholic population was 187,346 Kerssenbroch, Hermann von - A teacher and historian, b. at Monchshof, near Barntrup (Lippe), about 1520; d. at Osnabruck, 5 July, 1585 Kervyn de Lettenhove, Joseph-Marie-Bruno-Constantin, Baron - Belgian statesman and historian, b. at Saint-Michel-lez-Bruges, 17 August, 1817; d. there, 3 April, 1891 Kessels, Matthias - Sculptor, b. at Maastricht, 1784; d. at Rome, 3 March, 1836 Ketteler, Wilhelm Emmanuel, Baron von - Bishop of Mainz, b. at Münster, in Westphalia, 25 Dec., 1811; d. at Burghausen, 13 July, 1877 Kevin of Glendalough, Saint - Abbot of Glendalough, d. 618 Keyes, Erasmus Darwin - Soldier, convert, b. at Brimfield, Massuchusetts, U.S.A., 29 May, 1810; d. at Nice, France, 14 October, 1895 Keys, Power of the - The expression 'power of the keys' is derived from Christ's words to St. Peter (in Matthew 16:19) Kharput - Armenian Uniat diocese created in 1850 Kiang-nan - The Vicariate comprises the two provinces of Kiang-su and Ngan-hwei Kiang-si, Eastern - The mission of Eastern Kiang-si was separated from the mission of Northern Kiang-si in 1885 Kiang-si, Northern - Father Matteo Ricci of the Society of Jesus was the first missionary who entered the province of Kiang-si at the end of the sixteenth century Kiang-si, Southern - Separated from the mission of Northern Kiang-si in 1879, and organized into an independent Vicariate Apostolic Kickapoo Indians - Apparently corrupted from a longer term signifying 'roamers', a tribe of Algonquian stock, closely related dialectically to the Sauk and Foxes, and living when first known in south central Wisconsin Kickham, Charles Joseph - Patriot, novelist, and poet, b. at Mullinahone, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, 1828; d. at Blackrock, Co. Dublin, 22 Aug., 1882 Kielce - Diocese in the sourthern part of Russian Poland Kieran, Saints - Of the many Irish saints of this name, the most famous is St. Kieran of Clonmacnoise. SS. Kieran of Seir-Kieran and Kieran of Disert-Kieran are fairly well-known. There is also a St. Kieran, patron of Clonsost, and a St. Kieran, son of Colga Kildare, School of - Situated in Magh Liffe, or the Plain of the Liffey, came to be known as Cill-Dara, or the Church of the Oak, from the stately oak-tree so much loved by St. Brigid, who under its branches laid the foundations of what in process of time became a monastic city Kildare and Leighlin - One of the four suffragans of Dublin, Ireland Kilian, Saint - Missionary, bishop of Würzburg, martyred with his companions Colman and Totnan in about 689 Killala - Diocese, one of the five suffragan sees of the ecclesiastical Province of Tuam Killaloe - A suffragan diocese of Cashel Kilmore - Diocese in Ireland, includes almost all Cavan and about half of Leitrim Kilwardby, Robert - Archbishop of Canterbury (d. 1279) Kilwinning, Benedictine Abbey of - Located in Ayrshire, Scotland, in the town of the same name, where a church was said to have been founded early in the eighth century by St. Winning Kimberley - Vicariate apostolic; suffragan of Adelaide, erected by Leo XIII, 5 May, 1887 Kimberley in Orange - The portion of South Africa which at the present day forms the Vicariate of Kimberley in Orange became in the division of the Vicariate of Good Hope part of the Eastern District, and later on part of the Vicariate of Natal Kingdom of God - In this expression the innermost teaching of the Old Testament is summed up, but it should be noted that the word kingdom means ruling as well; thus it signifies not so much the actual kingdom as the sway of the king Kingisel - The name of two abbots who ruled Glastonbury in the seventh and eighth centuries respectively Kings - The 'wise men from the East' who came to adore Jesus in Bethlehem (Matthew 2) Kings, First and Second Books of - Known as the First and Second Books of Kings in the Authorized Version, in the Hebrew editions and the Protestant versions these are known as 1st and 2nd Samuel, with the Third and Fourth Books of Kings being styled First and Second Books of Kings Kings, Third and Fourth Books of - The historical book called in the Hebrew Melakhim, i.e. Kings, is in the Vulgate, in imitation of the Septuagint, styled the Third and Fourth Book of Kings Kings, Chronology of the - Offers a table with the kings from the Bible Kingston - The Archdiocese of Kingston comprises the territory from the eastern line of Dundas County to the western boundary of Hastings County in the Province of Ontario, Canada Kinloss - Cistercian abbey on the coast of Morayshire, Scotland, founded in 1150 or 1151 (authorities differ) by King David I, in gratitude, according to the popular legend, for having been guided into safety by a white dove when he had lost his way hunting in the adjacent forest Kino, Eusebius - A famous Jesuit missionary of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; b. 10 August, 1644, in Welschtirol (Anauniensis); d. 15 March, 1711 Kiowa Indians - An important Plains tribe, constituting a distinct linguistic stock Kirby, Blessed Luke - English priest, martyred in 1582. Article also has details on Bl. Laurence Richardson and St. Luke Kirby, his companions in martyrdom Kircher, Athanasius - Celebrated for the versatility of his knowledge and particularly distinguished for his knowledge of the natural sciences, b. 2 May, 1601, at Geisa, a small town on the northern bank of the Upper Rhone (Buchonia); d. at Rome, 28 Nov., 1680 Kirkwall - A parish, also a royal and parliamentary burgh and chief or county town of Orkney, in the north of Scotland Kisfaludy - Born at Suemeg, Hungary, 27 Sept., 1772; died at Suemeg, 28 October, 1844 Kiss - Four times in the Epistles of St. Paul is met the injunction, used as a sort of formula of farewell, 'Salute one another in a holy kiss' (en philemati hagio), for which St. Peter (1 Pet., v, 14) substitutes 'in a kiss of love' (en philemati agapes)

Klaczko, Julian - Polish author, b. at Vilna, 6 November, 1825, of Jewish parents; d. at Cracow, 26 November, 1906 Klee, Heinrich - German theologian and exegete, b. at Münstermaifeld, in the Rhine province, 20 April, 1800; d. at Munich, 28 July, 1840 Klesl, Melchior - A cardinal and Austrian statesman, b. at Vienna, 19 February, 1552; d. at Wiener-Neustadt, 18 September, 1630 Kleutgen, Josef Wilhelm Karl - German theologian and philosopher, b. at Dortmund, Westphalia, 9 April, 1811; d. at St. Anton near Kaltern, Tyrol, 13 Jan., 1883 Klinkowström - Artist, author and teacher; b. at Ludwigsburg in Swedish Pomerania on 31 August, 1778; d. at Vienna, 4 April, 1835 Klopp, Onno - Historian, b. on 9 October, 1822, at Leer (East Friesland); d. at Vienna, 9 August 1903 Knabl, Joseph - A master of religious plastic art, b. at Fliess, Tyrol, in 1819; d. at Munich in 1881 Kneeling - To genuflect, to bend the knee Kneipp, Sebastian - Bavarian priest and hydrotherapist, b. at Stephansreid, Bavaria, 17 May, 1821; d. at Wörishofen, 17 June, 1897 Knight, Venerable William - Put to death for the Faith at York, on 29 November, 1596; with him also suffered Venerables George Errington of Herst, William Gibson of Ripon, and William Abbot of Howden, in Yorkshire Knighton, Henry - A fourteenth-century chronicler Knighthood - Considered from three points of view: the military, the social, and the religious Knights of Christ, Order of the - A military order which sprang out of the famous Order of the Temple Knights of Columbus - Brief explanation and history of the organization Knights of the Cross - A religious order famous in the history of Bohemia, and accustomed from the beginning to the use of arms, a custom which was confirmed in 1292 by an ambassador of Pope Nicholas IV Knights of Malta - The most important of all the military orders, both for the extent of its area and for its duration Knights Templars, The - The earliest founders of the military orders Knoblecher, Ignatius - Catholic missionary in Central Africa, born 6 July, 1819, at St. Cantian in Lower Carniola; died 13 April, 1858, at Naples Knoll, Albert (Joseph) - Dogmatic theologian of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins, born at Bruneck in northern Tyrol, 12 July, 1796; died at Bozen, 30 March, 1863 Knowledge - Knowledge, being a primitive fact of consciousness, cannot, strictly speaking, be defined; but the direct and spontaneous consciousness of knowing may be made clearer by pointing out its essential and distinctive characteristics Knowledge of Jesus Christ - 'Knowledge of Jesus Christ,' as used in this article, does not mean a summary of what we know about Jesus Christ, but a survey of the intellectual endowment of Christ Knownothingism - Article on this 1850s United States anti-immigrant movement Knox, John - Scotch Protestant leader, b. at Haddington, Scotland, between 1505 and 1515; d. at Edinburgh, 24 November, 1572 Kober, Franz Quirin von - German canonist and pedagogist, b. of simple countryfolk on 6 March, 1821, at Warthausen, Biberach, Würtemberg; d. at Tübingen, 25 January, 1897 Koberger, Anthony - German printer, publisher, and bookseller, b. about 1445; d. at Nuremberg, 3 October, 1513 Kobler, Andreas - An historian, b. at Muhldorf in Bavaria, 22 June, 1816; d. at Klagenfurt, 15 November, 1892 Kochanowski, Jan - Born at Sycyna, 1530, died at Lublin, 22 August, 1584 Kochowski, Vespasian - Born at Sandomir?, 1633; died at Krakow, 1699. He received his education at the Jesuit College, Sandomir, served in the army, and then spent the rest of his life on his estate Kögler, Ignaz - Jesuit missionary to China (1680-1746) Kohlmann, Anthony - Educator and missionary (1771-1836) Koller, Marian Wolfgang - Scientist and educator (1792-1866) Konarski, Stanislaus - Born in 1700; died in 1773. This great reformer of Polish schools was a Piarist who, during a visit to Rome after his ordination, received there the first idea of his life's mission König, Joseph - Theologian and exegete (1819-1900) Königgrätz - Diocese in Bohemia Königshofen, Jacob - Medieval chronicler (1346-1420) Konings, Anthony - Born at Helmond, Diocese of Bois-1e-Duc, Holland, 24 August, 1821; died 30 June, 1884 Konrad ("der Pfaffe") - A German epic poet of the twelfth century Konrad of Lichtenau - Medieval German chronicler (d. 1240) Konrad of Megenberg - Scholar and writer, b. probably at Mainberg, near Schweinfurt, Bavaria, 2 February, 1309; d. at Ratisbon, 11 April, 1374 Konrad of Würzburg - A Middle High German poet, b. about 1230; d. at Basle, 1287 Konsag, Ferdinand - A German missionary of the eighteenth century, b. 2 December, 1703, at Warasdin, Croatia; d. 10 September, 1758 Koran, The - The sacred book of the Muslims, by whom it is regarded as the revelation of God Kosciuszko, Tadeusz - Polish patriot and soldier, b. near Novogrudok, Lithuania, Poland, 12 February, 1752; d. at Solothurn, Switzerland, 15 October, 1817 Kostka, Saint Stanislas - Polish Jesuit, died in 1568 at the age of 17, less than a year after entering the Society Kottayam, Vicariate Apostolic of - Located on the Malabar Coast, India Kozmian, Stanislaus and John - Two brothers who took part in the Polish insurrection of 1831, and subsequently fled the country Krafft, Adam - Sculptor, b. about 1440 at Nuremberg; d. Jan., 1509 at Schwabach Krain - A duchy and crownland in the Austrian Empire, bounded on the north by Karinthia, on the north-east by Styria, on the south-east and south by Croatia, and on the west by Trieste, Goritza, and Istria Krämer, John - Born about the end of the fourteenth century, he must have died between 1437 and 1440, as a manuscript of the Carthusian monastery of Memmingen speaks of the gift made to it by Krämer in 1437, and the general chapter of the Carthusian Order held in 1440 mentions his death Krasicki, Ignatius - Born in 1735; died at Berlin, 1801. He took orders in early youth, and soon after became a canon, travelled abroad, preached the coronation sermon for King Stanislaus Poniatowski, by whose favour he shortly got a bishopric in what was soon to become Prussian Poland Krasinski, Sigismund - Count, son of a Polish general, b. at Paris, 19 Feb., 1812; d. there, 23 Feb., 1859 Kraus, Franz Xaver - An ecclesiastical and art historian, b. at Trier, 18 September, 1840; d. at San Remo, 28 December, 1901 Kreil, Karl - Austrian meteorologist and astronomer, b. at Ried, Upper Austria, 4 Nov., 1798; d. at Vienna, 21 Dec., 1862 Kreiten, William - Literary critic and poet, b. 21 June, 1847, at Gangelt near Aschen; d. 6 June, 1902, at Kerkrade (Kirchrath) in Dutch Limburg Kremsmünster - A Benedictine abbey in Austria, on the little river Krems, about twenty miles south of Linz, founded A.D. 777 by Tassilo II Duke of Bavaria, who richly endowed it, as did subsequently Charlemagne and his successors Kromer, Martin - A distinguished Polish bishop and historian; b. at Biecz in Galicia in 1512; d. at Heilsberg, Ermland (now East Prussia), on 23 March, 1589 Krzycki, Andrew - A typical humanistic poet, a most supple courtier for whom poetry was to be a source of renown and profit, Krzycki was well-read in Latin poetry and knew the language to perfection. Date of birth uncertain; d. in 1535 Kuhn, Johannes von - Theologian, b. at Waeschenbeuren in Wuertemberg, 19 Feb., 1806; d. at Tübingen, 8 May, 1887 Kulturkampf - The name given to the political struggle for the rights and self- government of the Catholic Church, carried out chiefly in Prussia and afterwards in Baden, Hesse, and Bavaria Kumbakonam - Kumbakonam, signifying in English the 'Jug's Corner,' is a town of 60,000 inhabitants, and is situated in the fertile plain of the Tanjore District about half-way on the railroad which connects Madras with Tuticorin Kuncevyc, Saint Josaphat - Lithuanian-born Basilian monk and Ruthenian Rite archbishop of Polotsk, writer. He loved to make profound bows while reciting the Jesus Prayer. Martyred in 1623 Kutenai Indians - An important tribe of south-eastern British Columbia and the adjacent portions of Montana and Idaho Kwango - The name of a river which flows into the Kassai, which itself is a tributary of the River Congo Kwang-si - The mission of Kwang-si comprises the entire province of that name Kwang-tung - This prefecture comprises the whole province of that name except the civil prefecture of Shin-hing, the three districts of Heung-shan, Yan-ping, and Yeung- tsun, which belong to the Diocese of Macao, and the three districts of San-on, Kwei- shin, and Hoi-fung, which belong to the Vicariate Apostolic of Hong-Kong Kwei-chou - The mission of Kwei-chou embraces the entire province of that name Kyrie Eleison - Greek for 'Lord have mercy'; the Latin transliteration supposes a pronunciation as in Modern Greek, is a very old, even pre-Christian, expression used constantly in all Christian liturgies

L La Chaise, François d'Aix de - Confessor of King Louis XIV, born at the mansion of Aix, in Forez, Department of Loire, 25 August, 1624; died at Paris, 20 January, 1709 La Crosse - Diocese erected in 1868; included that part of the State of Wisconsin, U.S.A., lying north and west of the Wisconsin River La Richardie, Armand de - Born at Perigueux, 7 June, 1686; died at Quebec, 17 March, 1758. He entered the Society of Jesus at Bordeaux, 4 Oct., 1703, and in 1725 was sent to the Canada mission La Roche Daillon, Joseph de - Recollect, one of the most zealous missionaries of the Huron tribe, d. in France, 1656 La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, The Duke of - Opposed during the last years of the reign of Louis XV to the government of Maupeou, and the friend of all the reformers who surrounded Louis XVI, he owed to the influence of these economists the favour of the king La Rochejacquelein, Henri-Auguste-Georges du Vergier, Comte de - French politician, b. at the château of Citran (Fironde), on 28 September, 1805; d. on 7 January, 1867 La Rochelle - The Diocese of La Rochelle (Rupellensis), suffragan of Bordeaux, comprises the entire Department of Charente-Inférieure Larrey, Dominique-Jean - Baron, French military surgeon, b. at Baudéan, Hautes- Pyrénées, July, 1766; d. at Lyons, 25 July, 1842 La Rue, Charles de - French Jesuit orator (1643-1725) La Salette - Located in the commune and parish of La Salette-Fallavaux, Canton of Corps, Department of Isere, and Diocese of Grenoble La Salette, Missionaries of - Founded in 1852, at the shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, where some priests banded together to care for the numerous pilgrims frequenting the mountain La Salle, John Baptist de, Saint - Essay on the founder of the Christian Brothers La Salle, René-Robert-Cavelier, Sieur de - Explorer, born at Rouen, 1643; died in Texas, 1687 La Serena, Diocese of - Embracing Atacama and Coquimbo provinces (Chile), suffragan of Santiago, erected 1 July, 1840 La Verna - An isolated mountain hallowed by association with St. Francis of Assisi, situated in the centre of the Tuscan Appenines Labadists - A pietist sect of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries founded by Jean de Labadie, who was born at Bourg, near Bordeaux, 13 February, 1610, and died at Altonia, 13 February, 1674 Laban - Son of Bathuel, the Syrian Labarum (Chi-Rho) - The name by which the military standard adopted by Constantine the Great after his celebrated vision (Lactantius, 'De mortibus persecutorum', 44), was known in antiquity Labat, Jean-Baptiste - Dominican missionary, born at Paris, 1664; died there, 1738 Labbe, Philippe - Born at Borges, 10 July, 1607; died at Paris, at the College of Clermont, 17 (16) March, 1667; a distinguished Jesuit writer on historical, geographical, and philological questions Labour and Labour Legislation - Labour is work done by mind or body either partly or wholly for the purpose of producing utilities Labour Unions, Moral Aspects of - Since a labour union is a society, its moral aspects are determined by its constitution, its end, its results, and the means employed in pursuit of the end La Bruyère, Jean de - Born at Paris in 1645; died at Chantilly in 1696. He was the son of a comptroller general of municipal revenue Labyrinth - A complicated arrangement of paths and passages; or a place, usually subterraneous, full of windings, corridors, rooms, etc., so intricately arranged as to render the getting out of it a very difficult matter Lac, Stanislaus du - Jesuit educationist and social work, b. at Paris, 21 November, 1835; d. there, 30 August, 1909 Lace - The two earliest known specimens of lace-worked linen albs are that of St. Francis, preserved at St. Clare's convent, Assisi, and the alb of Pope Boniface VIII, now in the treasury of the Sistine Chapel Lacedonia, Diocese of - Located in the province of Avellino, Southern Italy Lacordaire, Jean-Baptiste-Henri-Dominique - Dominican orator (1802-1861) Lactantius, Lucius Cæcilius Firmianus - Fourth-century Christian apologist Lacy, Blessed William - English widower, became a priest. He was martyred at York in 1582 Laderchi, James - An Italian Oratorian and ecclesiastical historian, born about 1678, at Faenza near Ravenna; died 25 April, 1738, at Rome Ladislaus, Saint - King of Hungary, d. 1095 Laennec, René-Théophile-Hyacinthe - Born at Quimper, in Brittany, France, 17 February, 1781; died at Kerlouanec, 13 August, 1826, a French physician, discoverer of auscultation, and father of modern knowledge of pulmonary diseases Laetare Sunday - The fourth, or middle, Sunday of Lent, so called from the first words of the Introit at Mass Laetus, Pomponius - Humanist, b. in Calabria in 1425; d. at Rome in 1497 La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, Comtesse de - Author of memoirs and novels, born in Paris, 1634; died there, 1693 LaFarge, John - Painter, decorator, and writer (1835-1910) Lafitau, Joseph-Françs - Jesuit missionary and writer, born at Bordeaux, France, 1 January, 1681; died there, 1746 Laflèche, Louis-François Richer - French-Canadian bishop, b. 4 Sept., 1818, at Ste- Anne de la Perade, Province of Quebec; d. 14 July, 1898 La Fontaine, Jean de - French poet, b. at Chateau-Thierry, 8 July, 1621; d. at Paris, 13 April, 1695 Laforêt, Nicholas-Joseph - Belgian philosopher and theologian, born at Graide, 23 January, 1823; died at Louvain, 26 January, 1872 La Fosse, Charles de - Painter, b. in Paris, 15 June, 1636; d. in Paris, 13 December, 1716, and buried in the church of Saint Eustache Lafuente y Zamalloa, Modesto - Spanish critic and historian, d. 1866 Lagania - A titular see in Galatia Prima Lagrené, Pierre - A missionary in New France, b. at Paris, 12 Nov (al. 28 Oct.), 1659; d. at Quebec in 1736 La Harpe, Jean-François - A French critic and poet, b. at Paris, 20 November, 1739; d. February, 1803 La Haye, Jean de - Franciscan Biblical scholar, b. at Paris, 20 March, 1593; d. there 15 Oct., 1661 La Hire, Philippe de - Mathematician, astronomer, physicist, naturalist, and painter, b. in Paris, 18 March, 1640; d. in Paris, 21 April, 1718 Lahore - Diocese in northern India, part of the ecclesiastical Province of Agra Laibach - Austrian bishopric and suffragan of Görz, embraces the territory of the Austrian crown-land of Carniola (Krain) Laicization - The term laity signifies the aggregation of those Christians who do not form part of the clergy. Consequently the word lay does not strictly connote any idea of hostility towards the clergy or the Church much less towards religion. Laicization, therefore, considered etymologically, simply means the reducing of persons or things having an ecclesiastical character to a lay condition Lainez, James - Second general of the Society of Jesus, theologian, b. in 1512, at Almazan, Castille, in 1512; d. at Rome, 19 January, 1565 Laity - The body of the faithful, outside of the ranks of the clergy Lake Indians - A small tribe of Salishan stock, originally ranging along Columbia River in northeast Washington from about Kettle Falls to the British line Lalemant, Charles - Born at Paris, 17 November, 1587; died there, 18 November, 1674. He was the first superior of the Jesuit missions in Canada, and his letter to his brother dated 1 August, 1626, inaugurated the series of 'Relations' about the missionary work in that country Lalemant, Gabriel - Short biography of this Jesuit missionary Lalemant, Jerome - Jesuit missionary, b. at Paris, 27 April, 1593, d. at Quebec, 16 November, 1665 Lallemant, Jacques-Philippe - French Jesuit, b. at St-Valéry-sur-Somme about 1660; d. at Paris 1748 Lallemant, Louis - French Jesuit, b. at Châlons-sur-Marne, 1588; d. at Bourges, 5 April, 1635 Lalor, Teresa - Co-foundress, with Bishop Neale of Baltimore, of the Visitation Order in the United States, b. in Ireland; d. 9 Sept., 1846 La Luzerne, César-Guillaume - French cardinal b. at Paris, 1738; d. there, l821 Lamarck, Chevalier de - Distinguished botanist, zoologist, and natural philosopher, b. at Bazentin in Picardy (department of Somme), France, 1 August, 1744; d. at Paris, 18 December, 1829 Lamartine, Alphonse de - Poet, b. at Macon Saône-et-Loire, France, 21 Oct., 1790; d. at Paris, l March, 1869 Lamb, Paschal - A lamb which the Israelites were commanded to eat with peculiar rites as a part of the Passover celebration Lamb (in Early Christian Symbolism) - One of the few Christian symbols dating from the first century is that of the Good Shepherd carrying on His shoulders a lamb or a sheep, with two other sheep at his side Lambeck, Peter - Historian and librarian, b. at Hamburg, 13 April 1628; d. at Vienna, 4 April, 1680 Lambert, Saint - Bishop of Maestricht, martyred between 698 and 701 for defending the sanctity of marriage. Also called St. Landebertus Lambert, Louis A. - Priest and journalist (1835-1910) Lambert Le Bègue - Priest and reformer, lived at Liège, Belgium, about the middle of the twelfth century Lambert of Hersfeld - A medieval historian; b. in Franconia or Thuringia, c. 1024; d. after 1077 Lambert of St-Bertin - Benedictine chronicler and abbot, b. about 1060; d. 22 June, 1125, at St-Bertin, France Lamberville, Jacques and Jean de - Seventeenth-century Jesuit missionaries Lambillotte, Louis - Belgian Jesuit and composer (1796-1855) Lambin, Denis - French philologist (1520-1572) Lambruschini, Luigi - Cardinal, b. at Sestri Levante, near Genoa, 6 March, 1776, d. at Rome, 12 May, 1854 Lambton, Ven. Joseph - Yorkshire man, a priest, martyred at Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1592 Lamego - Diocese situated in the district of Vizeu, province of Beira, Portugal Lamennais, Félicité Robert de - Born at Saint-Malo, 29 June, 1782; died at Paris, 27 February, 1854 Lamennais, Jean-Marie-Robert de - French priest, brother of Félicité Robert de Lamennais, b. at St-Malo in 1780; d. at Ploërmel, Brittany, in 1860 Lamoignon, Family of - Illustrious in the history of the old magistracy, originally from Nivernais Lamont, Johann von - Astronomer and physicist, b. 13 Dec., 1805, at Braemar in Scotland, near Balmoral Castle; d.. 6 Aug., 1879, at Bogenhausen near Munich, Bavaria La Moricière, Louis-Christophe-Leon Juchault de - French general and commander- in-chief of the papal army, b. at Nantes, 5 February, 1806; d. at the château of Prouzel, near Amiens, 11 September, 1865 Lamormaini, Wilhelm - Confessor of Emperor Ferdinand II, b. 29 December, 1570, at Dochamps, Luxemburg; d. at Vienna, 22 February, 1648 Lampa - A titular see in Crete, suffragan of Gortyna, was probably a colony of Tarrha Lamp, Altar - In the Old Testament God commanded that a lamp filled with the purest oil of olives should always burn in the Tabernacle of the Testimony without the veil Lamp and Lampadarii - There is very little evidence that any strictly liturgical use was made of lamps in the early centuries of Christianity. The fact that many of the services took place at night, and that after the lapse of a generation or two the meetings of the Christians for purposes of worship were held, at Rome and elsewhere, in the subterranean chambers of the Catacombs, make it clear that lamps must have been used to provide the necessary means of illumination Lamprecht - German poet of the twelfth century, of whom practically nothing personal is known but his name and the fact that he was a cleric Lamps, Early Christian - Of the various classes of remains from Christian antiquity there is probably none so numerously represented as that of small clay lamps adorned with Christian symbols Lampsacus - A titular see of Hellespont, suffragan of Cyzicus Lamuel - Name of a king mentioned in Prov., xxxi, 1 and 4, but otherwise unknown Lamus - A titular see of Isauria, suffragan of Seleucia Lamy, Bernard - Oratorian, b. at Le Mans, France, in June, 1640; d. at Rouen, 29 Jan., 1715 Lamy, François - An ascetical and apologetic writer of the Congregation of St-Maur, b. in 1636 at Montireau in the Department of Eure-et-Loir; d. 11 April, 1711, at the Abbey of St-Denis near Paris Lamy, Thomas Joseph - Biblical scholar end orientalist, b. at Ohey, in Belgium, 27 Jan., 1827, d. at Louvain, 30 July, 1907 Lana, Francesco - Born 10 Dec., 1631, at Brescia in Italy; died in the same place, 22 Feb., 1687. Mathematician and naturalist, he was also the scientific founder of aeronautics Lance, The Holy - In the Gospel of St. John (xix, 34), that, after our Saviour's death, 'one of the soldiers with a spear [lancea] opened his side and immediately there came out blood and water' Lancelotti, Giovanni Paolo - Canonist, b. at Perugia in 1522; d. there, 23 September, 1590 Lanciano and Ortona - Lanciano is a small city in the province of Chieti, in the Abruzzi, Central Italy, between the Pescara and the Trigni, with a majestic view of Mount Maiella Land-Tenure in the Christian Era - The way in which land has been held or owned during the nineteen hundred years which have seen in Europe the rise and establishment of the Church is a matter for historical inquiry. Strictly speaking, the way in which such ownership or tenure was not only legally arranged, but ethically regarded, is a matter for historical inquiry also Lando, Pope - Reigned 913-914 Landriot, Jean-François-Anne - French bishop, b. at Couches-les-Mines near Autun, 1816, d. at Reims, 1874 Lanfranc - Archbishop of Canterbury, b. at Pavia c.1005; d. at Canterbury, 24 May, 1089 Lanfranco, Giovanni - Decorative painter, b. at Parma, 1581, d. in Rome, 1647 Lang, Matthew - Cardinal, Bishop of Gurk and Archbishop of Salzburg, b. at Augsburg in 1468; d. at Salzburg, 30 March, 1540 Langen, Rudolph von - Humanist and divine, b. at the village of Everswinkel, near Munster, Westphalia, 1438 or 1439; d. at Munster, 25 Dec., 1519 Langénieux, Benoit-Marie - Cardinal, Archbishop of Reims, b. at Villefranche-sur- Saône, Department of Rhône, 1824; d. at Reims, 1 Jan., 1905 Langham, Simon - Cardinal, Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor of England, b. at Langham in Rutland; d. at Avignon, France, 22 July, 1376 Langheim - A celebrated Cistercian abbey situated in Upper Franconia (Bavaria), not far from Mein, in the Diocese of Bamberg Langhorne, Ven. Richard - Married Englishman, lawyer, martyred in 1679 Langley, Richard - Biographical portrait of the Yorkshire layman who refused to compromise his faith, and who paid the price for it. He was martyred in 1586 Langres - Diocese comprising the Department of the Haute-Marne Lanigan, John - Irish Church historian (1758-1825) Lanspergius - Carthusian monk and ascetical writer, b. at Landsberg in Bavaria 1489, d. at Cologne, 11 Aug., 1539 Lantern - In Italian or modern architecture, a small structure on the top of a dome, for the purpose of admitting light, for promoting ventilation, and for ornament Lanterns, Altar - Used in churches to protect the altar candles and lamp, if the latter for any reason, such as a draught, cannot be kept lit Lanzi, Luigi - An Italian archeologist, b. at Mont Olmo, near Macerata, in 1732; d. at Florence in 1810 Laodicea - A titular see, of Asia Minor, metropolis of Phrygia Pacatiana, said to have been originally called Diospolis and Rhoas; Antiochus II colonized it between 261 and 246 B.C., and gave it the name of his wife, Laodice Laos - Separated from the Vicariate Apostolic of Siam by a decree of 4 May, 1899 La Paz - Diocese in Bolivia Laplace, Pierre-Simon - Mathematician and astronomer (1749-1827) Lapland and Lapps - This singular race is divided into three different groups: mountain, forest, and fisher Lapps La Plata - The city of La Plata, capital of the Argentine Province of Buenos Aires, is situated on the right bank of the Rio de la Plata, about 35 miles south-east of the city of Buenos Aires La Plata - The metropolitan see of Bolivia Lapparent, Albert Auguste de - French geologist, b. at Bourges, 30 Dec., 1839; d. at Paris, 12 May, 1908 Laprade, Victor de - French poet and critic, b. at Montbrison in 1812; d. at Lyons in 1883 Lapsi - The regular designation in the third century for Christians who relapsed into heathenism, especially for those who during the persecutions displayed weakness in the face of torture, and denied the Faith by sacrificing to the heathen gods or by any other acts Lapuente, Venerable Luis de - Born at Valladolid, 11 November, 1554; died there, 16 February 1624. Having entered the Society of Jesus, he studied under the celebrated Suarez, and professed philosophy at Salamanca Laranda - A titular see of Isauria, afterwards of Lycaonia Lares - Formerly a titular archiepiscopal see in pro-consular Africa Larino - Diocese in the province of Capmobasso, Southern Italy Larissa - The seat of a titular archbishopric of Thessaly Larke, Blessed John - Parish priest and friend of St. Thomas More. Martyred at Tyburn in 1543 or 1544, along with another priest (Bl. John Ireland) and the layman Bl. German Gardiner Larrey, Dominique-Jean - Baron, French military surgeon, b. at Baudéan, Hautes- Pyrénées, July, 1766; d. at Lyons, 25 July, 1842 Larue, Charles de - He took the habit of St. Benedict in the Abbey of St. Faro at Meaux, and made his religious profession on 21 Nov., 1703 Lasaulx, Ernst von - Scholar and philosopher, born at Coblenz, 16 March, 1805; died at Munich, 9 May, 1861 Lascaris, Constantine - Greek scholar from Constantinople; born 1434; died at Messina in 1501 Lascaris, Janus - A noted Greek scholar, born about 1445; died at Rome in 1535 Laski, John - Archbishop of Gnesen and Primate of Poland, b. at Lask, 1456; d. at Gnesen, 19 May, 1531 Lassberg, Baron Joseph Maria Christoph von - A distinguished German antiquary, born at Donaueschingen, 10 April, 1770; died 15 March, 1855 Lassus, Orlandus de - Biography emphasizing his religious compositions Last Judgment, The - To it the prophets of the Old Testament refer when they speak of the 'Day of the Lord' (Joel 2:31; Ezekiel 13:5; Isaiah 2:12), in which the nations will be summoned to judgment. In the New Testament the second Parusia, or coming of Christ as Judge of the world, is an oft-repeated doctrine Last Supper, The - The Evangelists and critics generally agree that the Last Supper was on a Thursday, that Christ suffered and died on Friday, and that He arose from the dead on Sunday Lataste, Marie - Born at Mimbaste near Dax, France, 21 February, 1822; died at Rennes, 10 May, 1847; was the youngest child of simple pious peasants Latera, Flaminius Annibali de - Historian, born at Latera, near Viterbo, 23 November, 1733; died at Viterbo, 27 February, 1813 Lateran, Christian Museum of - Established by Pius IX in 1854, in the Palazzo del Laterano erected by Sixtus V on the part of the site of the ancient Lateran palace destroyed by fire in 1308. In 1843 the 'profane' Museum of the Lateran was founded by Gregory XVI, in whose pontificate also was mooted the idea of establishing a museum of Christian antiquities in the same edifice Lateran, Saint John - This is the oldest, and ranks first among the four great 'patriarchal' basilicas of Rome Lateran Councils - A series of five important councils held at Rome from the twelfth to the sixteen century Lateran Council, First - It put a stop to the arbitrary conferring of ecclesiastical benefices by laymen, reestablished freedom of episcopal and abbatial elections, separated spiritual from temporal affairs, and ratified the principle that spiritual authority can emanate only from the Church; lastly it tacitly abolished the exorbitant claim of the emperors to interfere in papal elections Lateran Council, Second - To efface the last vestiges of the schism, to condemn various errors and reform abuses among clergy and people Innocent, in the month of April, 1139, convoked, at the Lateran, the tenth ecumenical council Lateran Council, Third - In September, 1178, the pope in agreement with an article of the Peace of Venice, convoked an ecumenical council at the Lateran for Lent of the following year and, with that object, sent legates to different countries Lateran Council, Fourth - From the commencement of his reign Innocent III had purposed to assemble an ecumenical council, but only towards the end of his pontificate could he realize this project, by the Bull of 19 April, 1213. The assembly was to take place in November, 1215 Lateran Council, Fifth - Convoked, by the Bull of 18 July, 1511, to assemble 19 April, 1512, in the church of St. John Lateran Lathrop, George Parsons - Poet, novelist (1851-1898) Latin, Ecclesiastical - The Latin in the official textbooks of the Church (the Bible and the Liturgy), as well as in the works of those Christian writers of the West who have undertaken to expound or defend Christian beliefs Latin Church - The Latin Church is simply that vast portion of the Catholic body which obeys the Latin patriarch, which submits to the pope, not only in papal, but also in patriarchal matters Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem - Founded as a result of the First Crusade, in 1099. Destroyed a first time by Saladin in 1187, it was re-established around Saint-Jean d'Acre and maintained until the capture of that city in 1291 Latin Literature in Christianity (Before the Sixth Century) - The Latin language was not at first the literary and official organ of the Christian Church in the West. The Gospel was announced by preachers whose language was Greek, and these continued to use Greek, if not in their discourses, at least in their most important acts Latin Literature in Christianity (Sixth to Twentieth Century) - During the Middle Ages the so-called church Latin was to a great extent the language of poetry, and it was only on the advent of the Renaissance that classical Latin revived and flourished in the writings of the neo-Latinists as it does even today though to a more modest extent Classical Latin Literature in the Church - This article deals only with the relations of the classical literature, chiefly Latin, to the Catholic Church Latini, Brunetto - Florentine philosopher and statesman, born at Florence, c. 1210; the son of Buonaccorso Latini, died 1294 La Trappe - Abbey of the Order of Reformed Cistercians Latreille, Pierre-André - A prominent French zoologist; born at Brives, 29 November, 1762; died in Paris, 6 February, 1833 Latria - In classical Greek originally meant 'the state of a hired servant' (Aesch., 'Prom.', 966), and so service generally. It is used especially for Divine service (Plato, 'Apol.', 23 B). In Christian literature it came to have a technical sense for the supreme honour due to His servants, the angels and saints Latrocinium - The Acts of the first session of this synod were read at the Council of Chalcedon, 451, and have thus been preserved. The remainder of the Acts are known only through a Syriac translation by a Monophysite monk, published from the British Museum MS. Addit. 14,530, written in the year 535 Latter-Day Saints, The Church of Jesus Christ of - Also called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This religious body had its origin during the early part of the nineteenth century. Joseph Smith, the founder and first president of the sect, was the son of a Vermont farmer, and was born in Sharon township, Windsor County, in that state, on 23 December, 1805 Lauda Sion - The opening words (used as a title of the sequence composed by St. Thomas Aquinas, about the year 1264, for the Mass of Corpus Christi Lauds - Article on the canonical hour once known as Matins, then as Lauds, now as Morning Prayer. One of the two principal hours Laura - The Greek word laura is employed by writers from the end of the fifth century to distinguish the monasteries of Palestine of the semi-eremitical type. The word signifies a narrow way or passage, and in later times the quarter of a town Laurence O'Toole, Saint - Confessor, abbot, and the first Irish-born bishop of Dublin, d. 1180 Laurentie, Pierre-Sébastien - French publicist (1793-1876) Lausanne and Geneva - Diocese in Switzerland, immediately subject to the Holy See Lauzon, Jean de - Fourth governor of Canada, b. at Paris, 1583; d. there, 16 Feb., 1666 Lauzon, Pierre de - A noted missionary of New France in the eighteenth century, born at Poitiers, 26 September, 1687; died at Quebec, 5 September, 1742 Lavabo - The first word of that portion of Psalm 25 said by the celebrant at Mass while he washes his hands after the Offertory, from which word the whole ceremony is named Laval, François de Montmorency - First bishop of Canada, b. at Montigny-sur-Avre, 30 April, 1623, of Hughes de Laval and Michelle de Péricard; d. at Quebec on 6 May, 1708 La Valette, Jean Parisot de - Forty-eighth Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem; b. in 1494; d. in Malta, 21 Aug., 1568 Laval University of Quebec - Founded in 1852 by the Seminary of Quebec; the royal charter granted to it by Queen Victoria was signed at Westminster, 8 December, 1852 Lavant - An Austrian bishopric in the southern part of Styria, suffragan of Salzburg Laverdière, Charles-Honoré - French-Canadian historian, born Chateau-Richer, Province of Quebec, 1826; died at Quebec, 1873 Lavérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Sieur de - Discoverer of the Canadian West, born at Three Rivers, Quebec, 17 November, 1685; died at Montreal, 6 December, 1749 Laverlochère, Jean-Nicolas - Missionary, born at St. Georges d'Espérance, Grenoble, France, 6 December, 1812; died at Temiscaming, Canada, 4 October, 1884 Lavigerie, Charles-Martial-Allemand - French cardinal, b. at Huire near Bayonne, 13 Oct., 1825; d. at Algiers, 27 Nov., 1892 Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent - Chemist, philosopher, economist (1743-1794) Law - By law in the widest sense is understood that exact guide, rule, or authoritative standard by which a being is moved to action or held back from it Law, Canon - Canon law is the body of laws and regulations made by or adopted by ecclesiastical authority, for the government of the Christian organization and its members Law, Cemeteries in - Includes information concerning the laws in the United States and Canada Law, Civil (Influence of the Church on) - Christianity is essentially an ethical religion; and, although its moral principles were meant directly for the elevation of the individual, still they could not fail to exercise a powerful influence on such a public institution as law, the crystallized rule of human conduct Law, Common - The term is of English origin and is used to describe the juridical principles and general rules regulating the possession, use and inheritance of property and the conduct of individuals, the origin of which is not definitely known, which have been observed since a remote period of antiquity, and which are based upon immemorial usages and the decisions of the law courts as distinct from the lex scripta; the latter consisting of imperial or kingly edicts or express acts of legislation Law, Divine (Moral Aspect of) - That which is enacted by God and made known to man through revelation Law, International - Defined to be 'the rules which determine the conduct of the general body of civilized states in their dealings with each other' (American and English Encycl. of Law) Law, Mosaic - The body of juridical, moral, and ceremonial institutions, laws, and decisions comprised in the last four books of the Pentateuch, and ascribed by Christian and Hebrew tradition to Moses Law, Natural - In English this term is frequently employed as equivalent to the laws of nature, meaning the order which governs the activities of the material universe. Among the Roman jurists natural law designated those instincts and emotions common to man and the lower animals, such as the instinct of self-preservation and love of offspring Law, Roman - This subject is briefly treated under the two heads of; I. Principles; II. History Lawrence, Saint - Deacon, martyr, d. 258 Lawrence, Saint - Successor of St. Augustine of Canterbury as archbishop of that see, and died in 619 Lawrence Justinian, Saint - Bishop and first Patriarch of Venice. He died in 1456 Lawrence of Brindisi, Saint - An Italian Capuchin with a talent for languages, much in demand as a preacher, was chaplain of the Imperial army. Doctor of the Church. He died in 1619 Lawrence O'Toole, Saint - Confessor, abbot, and the first Irish-born bishop of Dublin, d. 1180 Laws, Penal - Treats of the penal legislation affecting Catholics in English-speaking countries since the Reformation. Lay Abbot - A name used to designate a layman on whom a king or someone in authority bestowed an abbey as a reward for services rendered Lay Brothers - Religious occupied solely with manual labour and with the secular affairs of a monastery or friary Lay Communion - Speaking generally, the expression 'lay communion' does not necessarily imply the idea of the Eucharist, but only the condition of a layman in communion with the Church Lay Confession - This article does not deal with confession by laymen but with that made to laymen, for the purpose of obtaining the remission of sins by God Lay Tithes - Ecclesiastical tithes, which in the course of time became alienated from the Church to lay proprietors Laymann, Paul - A famous Jesuit moralist, b. in 1574 at Arzl, near Innsbruck; d. of the plague on 13 November, 1635, at Constance Lazarites - A congregation of secular priests with religious vows founded by St. Vincent de Paul Lazarus - The name of two persons in the N.T.; a character in one of Christ's parables, and the brother of Martha and Mary of Bethania Lazarus of Bethany, Saint - Reputed first Bishop of Marseilles, died in the second half of the first century Lazarus of Jerusalem, Order of Saint - The military order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem originated in a leper hospital founded in the twelfth century by the crusaders of the Latin Kingdom Lead, Diocese of - Established on 6 August, 1902 League, The - From a religious point of view it aimed at supporting Catholicism in France politically at restoring the 'ancient franchises and liberties' against the royal power League, German - Early in 1608 Duke Maximilian started negotiations with the spiritual electors and some of the Catholic states of the empire, with a view to the formation of a union of the Catholic states League of the Cross - A Catholic total abstinence confraternity founded in London in 1873 by Cardinal Manning to unite Catholics, both clergy and laity, in the warfare against intemperance, and thus improve religious, social, and domestic conditions, especially among the working classes Leander of Seville, Saint - Bishop, d. 601 Leavenworth - Suffragan to St. Louis, established, 22 May, 1877 Lebanon - So called from the snow which covers the highest peaks during almost the entire year, or from the limestone which glistens white in the distance Lebedus - Titular see of Asia Minor, suffragan of Ephesus Le Blant, Edmond-Frederic - French archeologist and historian, born 12 August, 1818; died 5 July, 1897 at Paris Lebrun, Charles - French historical painter, born in Paris, 1619; died at the Gobelin tapestry works, 1690 Lebwin, Saint - Also called Lebuinus or Liafwin. English-born missionary to the Frisians, died at Deventer around 770. Biography Le Camus, Emile-Paul-Constant-Ange - Preacher, theologian, scripturist, Bishop of La Rochelle and Saintes, b. at Paraza, France, 24 August, 1839; d. at Malvisade, near Castelnaudary, France, 28 September, 1906 Le Camus, Etienne - French cardinal, b. at Paris, 1632; d. at Grenoble, 1707 Le Caron, Joseph - One of the four pioneer missionaries of Canada and first missionary to the Hurons, b. near Paris in 1586; d. in France, 29 March, 1632 Lecce - Diocese; suffragan of Otranto Leclerc du Tremblay, François - A Capuchin, better known as Pere Joseph, b. in Paris, 4 Nov., 1577; d. at Rueil, 18 Dec., 1638 Leclercq, Chrestien - A Franciscan Récollet and one of the most zealous missionaries to the Micmac of Canada, also a distinguished historiographer of Nouvelle France Lecoy de La Marche - French historian; b. at Nemours, 1839; d. at Paris, 1897 Le Coz, Claude - French bishop, b. at Plouévez-Parzay (Finistère), 1740; d. at Villevieux (Jura), 1813 Lectern - Support for a book, reading-desk, or bookstand, a solid and permanent structure upon which the Sacred Books, which were generally large and heavy, were placed when used by the ministers of the altar in liturgical functions Lectionary - A term of somewhat vague significance, used with a good deal of latitude by liturgical writers Lector - A lector (reader) in the West is a clerk having the second of the four minor orders. In all Eastern Churches also, readers are ordained to a minor order preparatory to the diaconate Ledge, Altar - A step behind the altar, raised slightly above it, for candlesticks, flowers, reliquaries, and other ornaments Ledochowski, Miecislas Halka - Polish cardinal (1822-1902) Leeds - Diocese embracing the West Riding of Yorkshire, and that part of the city of York to the south of the River Ouse Lefebvre, Camille - Apostle of the Acadians, b. at St. Philippe, P. Q., 1831; d. at St. Joseph, N. B., 1895 Lefèvre, Family of - A family engaged in tapestry weaving in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Le Fèvre, Jacques - A French theologian and controversialist, b. at Lisieux towards the middle of the seventeenth century; d. 1 July, 1716, at Paris Lefèvre de la Boderie, Guy - French Orientalist and poet; b. near Falaise in Normandy, 9 August, 1541; d. in 1598 in the house in which he was born Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques - A French philosopher, biblical and patristic scholar; b. at Etaples in Picardy, about 1455; d. at Nérac, 1536 Legacies - In its most restricted sense, by a pious legacy or bequest (legatum pium) is understood, the assigning, by a last will, of a particular thing forming part of an estate, to a church or an ecclesiastical institution Legate - In its broad signification, means that person who is sent by another for some representative office. In the ecclesiastical sense it means one whom the pope sends to sovereigns or governments or only to the members of the episcopate and faithful of a country, as his representative, to treat of church matters or even on a mission of honour Legends, Literary or Profane - In the period of national origins history and legend are inextricably mingled. In the course of oral transmission historic narrative necessarily becomes more or less legendary Legends of the Saints - The legenda are stories about the saints, and often include a mix of historical fact and unhistorical embellishments Leghorn - City in Italy. Suffragan of Pisa Legio - Titular see of Palestina Secunda Legipont, Oliver - Benedictine bibliographer (1698-1758) Legists - Teachers of civil or Roman law, who, besides expounding sources, explaining terms, elucidating texts, summarizing the contents of chapters, etc., illustrated by cases, real or imaginary, the numerous questions and distinctions arising out of the 'Corpus Juris' enactments of the ancient Roman code Legitimation - The canonical term for the act by which the irregularity contracted by being born out of lawful wedlock is removed Le Gobien, Charles - French Jesuit and founder of the famous collection of 'Lettres édifiantes et curieuses', one of the most important sources of information for the history of Catholic missions, b. at StMalo, Brittany, 25 November, 1671; d. at Paris, 5 March, 1708 Legrand, Louis - French theologian and noted doctor of the Sorbonne, b. in Burgundy at Lusigny-sur-Ouche, 12 June, 1711, d. at Issy (Paris), 21 July, 1780 Le Gras, Venerable Louise de Marillac - Founder of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, d. 1660 Le Hir, Arthur-Marie - Biblical scholar and Orientalist; b. at Morlaix (Finisterre), in the Diocese of Quimper, France, 5 Dec., 1811; d. at Paris, 13 Jan., 1868 Lehnin, Abbey of - Founded in 1180 by Otto II, Margrave of Brandenburg, for Cistercian monks Leibniz, System of - A thorough overview of the life and views of Leibniz Leigh, Venerable Richard - Article on this English priest and missionary to his native land, martyred in 1588 Leipzig - Chief town in the Kingdom of Saxony, situated at the junction of the Pleisse, Parthe, and Weisse Elster Leipzig, University of - Next to Heidelberg, the oldest university in the German Empire Leitmeritz - In Austria, embraces the northern part of the Kingdom of Bohemia Lejeune, Jean - Born at Poligny in 1592; died at Limoges, 19 Aug., 1672; member of the Oratory of Jesus, founded by de Berulle in 1611 Lelong, Jacques - A French bibliographer, b. at Paris, 19 April, 1665 d. there, 13 Aug., 1721 Le Loutre, Louis-Joseph - A missionary to the Micmac Indians and Vicar-General of Acadia under the Bishop of Quebec, b. in France about 1690: d. there about 1770 Le Mans - Comprises the entire Department of Sarthe Lemberg - Seat of a Latin, a Uniat Ruthenian, and a Uniat Armenian archbishopric Lemcke, Henry - Missionary in the United States, b. at Rhena, Mecklenburg, 27 July, 1796; d. at Carrolltown, Pennsylvania, 29 November, 1882 Le Mercier, François - One of the early missionaries of New France, b. at Paris, 4 October, 1604; d. in the island of Martinique, 12 June, 1690 Lemercier, Jacques - Born at Pontoise, about 1585; died at Paris, 1654. Lemercier shares with Mansart and Le Muet the glory of representing French architecture most brilliantly under Louis XIII and Richelieu Lemos, Thomas de - Spanish theologian and controversialist, b. at Rivadavia, Spain, 1555, d. at Rome 23 Aug., 1629 Le Moyne - The name of one of the most illustrious families of the New World, whose deeds adorn the pages of Canadian history Le Moyne, Simon - A Jesuit missionary, b. at Beauvais, 1604; d. in 1665 at Cap de la Madeleine, near Three Rivers L'Enfant, Pierre-Charles - French engineer (1755-1833) Lennig, Adam Franz - Theologian, b. 3 Dec., 1803, at Mainz; d. there, 22 Nov., 1866 Lenormant, Charles - French archæologist, b. in Paris, 1 June, 1802; d. at Athens, 24 November, 1859 Lenormant, François - Archaeologist; son of Charles Lenormant, b. at Paris, 17 January, 1837; d. there, 9 December, 1883 Le Nourry, Denis-Nicolas - Ecclesiastical writer, b. at Dieppe in Normandy, 18 Feb., 1647; d. at the Abbey of St-Germain in Paris, 24 March, 1724 Lent - An article on the origins of Lenten fasting Lentulus, Publius - A fictitious person, said to have been Governor of Judea before Pontius Leo I (the Great), Pope - Article on his pontificate, in Christian antiquity second only to that of Gregory the Great in importance. Leo died in 461 Leo II, Pope Saint - Biographical article on this pontiff, who died in 683 Leo III, Pope Saint - Biography of this pope, who died in 816 Leo IV, Pope - Biographical article on this Roman, who died in 855 Leo V, Pope - Very little is known of him. No certainty either as to when he was elected or as to exactly how long he reigned Leo VI, Pope - The exact dates of the election and death of Leo VI are uncertain, but it is clear that he was pope during the latter half of 928 Leo VII, Pope - Date of birth unknown; d. 13 July, 939. A Roman and priest of St. Sixtus, and probably a Benedictine monk, he was elected pope 3 January, 936 Leo VIII, Pope - Date of birth unknown; d. between 20 February and 13 April, 965 Leo IX, Pope - Hagiographical article on this reformer pope, who died in 1054 Leo X, Pope - Reigned 1513-1521 Leo XI, Pope - Reigned 1605 Leo XII, Pope - Born at the Castello della Genga in the territory of Spoleto, 22 August, 1760; died in Rome, 10 February, 1829 Leo XIII, Pope - Lengthy biographical article on the author of 'Rerum novarum.' Leo, Brother - Companion of St. Francis of Assisi (d. 1271) Leocadia, Saint - Virgin and martyr, d. probably in 304 Leodegar, Saint - Bishop of Autun, martyred in 678. Also known as St. Leger Leo Diaconus - Byzantine historian; b. at Kaloe, at the foot of Mount Tmolos, in Ionia, about the year 950; the year of his death is unknown Leon - Provides history and geography of the area León - Suffragan of Michoacan in Mexico, erected in 1863 León, Luis de - Spanish poet and theologian, b. at Belmonte, Aragon, in 1528; d. at Madrigal, 23 August, 1591 Leonard of Chios - Born at an uncertain date on the Island of Chios, then under Genoese domination; died in Chios or in Italy, 1842 Leonard of Limousin, Saint - According to eleventh-century legend, he was a sixth- century Frankish nobleman Leonard of Port Maurice, Saint - Franciscan preacher and ascetic writer, d. 1751 Leonardo da Vinci - Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, engineer and scholar (1452-1519) Leonidas, Saint - The Roman Martyrology mentions at least six martyrs named Leonidas or Leonides, the most famous being St. Leonidas of Alexandria, the father of Origen Leontius, Saint - Bishop of Fréjus, d. 488. On good terms with Honoratus, who founded the famous monastery of Lérins, and with John Cassian and Pope St. Leo I Leontius Byzantinus - An important theologian of the sixth century Leontopolis - A titular archiepiscopal see of Augustamnica Secunda Leopoldine Society, The - Established at Vienna for the purpose of aiding the Catholic missions in North America Lepanto - Italian name for Naupactos (Naupactus) a titular metropolitan see of ancient Epirus Leprosy - A chronic infectious disease caused by the bacillus leprœ, characterized by the formation of growths in the skin, mucous membranes, peripheral nerves, bones, and internal viscera, producing various deformities and mutilations of the human body, and usually terminating in death Leptis Magna - A titular see of Tripolitana Le Puy - Diocese in France Le Quien, Michel - French historian and theologian, b. at Boulogne-sur-Mer, department of Pas-de-Calais, 8 Oct., 1661; d. at Paris, 12 March, 1733 Lérida - Diocese; suffragan of Tarragona Lérins, Abbey of - Situated on an island of the same name, now known as that of Saint-Honorat, about a league from the coast of Provence, in the Department of the Maritime Alps, now included in the Diocese of Nice, formerly in that of Grasse or of Antibes

Leros - Titular see of the Cyclades, suffragan of Rhodes Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole - French publicist (1842-1912) Le Sage, Alain-René - Writer, b. at Sarzeau (Morbihan), 1668; d. at Boulogne-sur- Mer, 1747 Lesbi - A titular see in Mauretania Sitifensis, suffragan of Sitifis, or Sétif, in Algeria Lescarbot, Marc - French lawyer, writer, and historian, b. at Vervins, between 1565 and 1570; d. about 1629 Lescot, Pierre - One of the greatest architects of France in the pure Renaissance style, b. at Paris about 1510; d. there, 1571 Lesina - Diocese in Dalmatia; includes the three islands of Hvar (Lesina), the ancient Pharia colonized by the Greeks in 385 B.C.; Brac, formerly Brattia or Brachia, also colonized by the Greeks; and Lissa, formerly Issa Leslie, John - Bishop of Ross, Scotland, born 29 September, 1527, died at Guirtenburg, near Brussels 30 May, 1596 Lesbi - A titular see in Mauretania Sitifensis, suffragan of Sitifis, or Sétif, in Algeria Lescarbot, Marc - French lawyer, writer, and historian, b. at Vervins, between 1565 and 1570; d. about 1629 Lescot, Pierre - One of the greatest architects of France in the pure Renaissance style, b. at Paris about 1510; d. there, 1571 Lessius, Leonard - A Flemish Jesuit and a theologian of high reputation, born at Brecht, in the province of Antwerp, 1 October, 1554; died at Louvain, 15 January, 1623 Lessons in the Liturgy - The reading of lessons from the Bible, Acts of Martyrs, or approved Fathers of the Church, forms an important element of Christian services in all rites since the beginning Lestrange, Louis-Henri de - Born in 1754, in the Château de Colombier-le-Vieux, Ardèche, France; died at Lyons, 16 July, 1827 Lesueur, François Eustache - Jesuit missionary and philologist, of the Abnaki mission in Canada; born (according to notes given by Thwaites, apparently from official sources) near Coutances, Normandy, 22 July, 1685 or 1686, though Maurault gives his birthplace as Lunel, in Languedoc; died at Montreal, 28 or 26 April, 1760, or (according to Maurault) at Quebec, in 1755 Lesueur, Jean-François - Detailed biography emphasizing religious works of this composer, with links to related material Lete - A titular see of Macedonia Le Tellier, Charles-Maurice - Archbishop of Reims, b. at Turin, 1642; d. at Reims, 1710 Le Tellier, Michel - Born 16 October, 1643, of a peasant family, not at Vire as has so often been said, but at Vast near Cherbourg; died at La Flèche, 2 September, 1719 Letourneux, Nicolas - A well-known French preacher and ascetical writer of Jansenistic tendencies, born at Rouen, 30 April, 1640; died at Paris, 28 November, 1686 Letters, Ecclesiastical - Publications or announcements of the organs of ecclesiastical authority, e.g. the synods, more particularly, however, of popes and bishops, addressed to the faithful in the form of letters Leubus - A celebrated ancient Cistercian abbey, situated on the Oder, northwest of Breslau, in the Prussian Province of Silesia Leuce - A titular see of Thrace, not mentioned by any ancient historian or geographer Levadoux, Michael - One of the first band of Sulpicians who, owing to the distressed state of religion in France, went to the United States and founded St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore; born at Clermont-Ferrand, in Auvergne, France, 1 April, 1746; died at Le-Puy-en-Velay, 13 Jan., 1815 Levau, Louis - A contemporary of Jacques Lemercier and the two Mansarts, and the chief architect of the first decade of Louis XIV's independent reign, born 1612; died at Paris, 10 Oct., 1670 Le Verrier, Urbain-Jean-Joseph - An astronomer and director of the observatory at Paris, born at Saint Lô, the ancient Briodurum later called Saint-Laudifanum, in north-western France, 11 May, 1811; died at Paris, 25 September, 1877 Levites - The subordinate ministers appointed in the Mosaic Law for the service of the Tabernacle and of the Temple Leviticus - The third book of the Pentateuch, so called because it treats of the offices, ministries, rites, and ceremonies of the priests and Levites Lex - While official or private collections of Roman Law made under the Empire are called codices, e. g. 'Codex Theodosianus', probably because they were written on parchment sheets bound together in book form, the title lex was given to collections of Roman Law made by order of the barbarian kings for such of their subjects as followed that legislation Lezana, Juan Bautista de - Theologian, born at Madrid, 23 Nov., 1586; died in Rome, 29 March, 1659 L'Hospital, Michael de - Born at Aigueperse, about 1504; d. at Courdimanche, 13 March, 1573. While very young he went to Italy to join his father, who had been a follower of the traitor, the Constable of Bourbon, in the camp of Charles V Libel - A malicious publication by writing, printing, picture, effigy, sign, or otherwise than by mere speech, which exposes any living person, or the memory of any person deceased, to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or obloquy, or which causes or tends to cause any person to be ashamed or avoided, or which has a tendency to injure any person, corporation, or association of persons, in his, her, or its business or occupation Libellatici, Libelli - The libelli were certificates issued to Christians of the third century Liber Pontificalis - A history of the popes beginning with St. Peter and continued down to the fifteenth century, in the form of biographies Liber Septimus - Three canonical collections of quite different value from a legal standpoint are known by this title Libera Me - The responsory sung at funerals Libera Nos - The first words of the Embolism of the Lord's Prayer in the Roman Rite Liberal Arts, The Seven - Chiefly used during the Middle Ages. Doesn't mean arts as the word is understood today, but those branches of knowledge which were taught in the schools of that time Liberalism - A free way of thinking and acting in private and public life Liberatore, Matteo - A philosopher, theologian, and writer, born at Salerno, Italy, 14 August, 1810; died at Rome, 18 October, 1892 Liberatus of Carthage - Archdeacon author of an important history of the Nestorian and Monophysite troubles Liber Diurnus Romanorum Pontificum - A miscellaneous collection of ecclesiastical formularies used in the papal chancery until the eleventh century Liberia - A republic on the west coast of Africa Liberius, Pope - Reigned 352-366 Libermann, Ven. Francis Mary Paul - Founder of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was afterwards merged in the Congregation of the Holy Ghost Libraries - Collections of books accumulated and made accessible for public or private use Libri Carolini - A work in four books (120 or 121 chapters), purporting to be the composition of Charlemagne, and written about 790-92 Lichfield - This diocese took its rise in the conversion of Mercia by St. Cedd and his three companions in 652 and subsequent years Lidwina, Saint - Biography of this Dutch woman who died in 1433 Lieber, Ernst Maria - Born at Camberg in the Duchy of Nassau, 16 Nov., 1838; died 31 March, 1902 Lieber, Moriz - Politician and publicist, b. at the castle of Blankenheim in the Eifel, 1 Oct., 1790, d. at Kamberg, in Hesse-Nassau, 29 Dec., 1860 Liebermann, Bruno Franz Leopold - Catholic theologian, b., at Molsheim in Alsace 12 Oct., 1759; 4. at Strasburg, 11 Nov., 1844 Liège - The first capital of this diocese was Tongres, northeast of Liège; its territory originally belonged to the Diocese of Trier, then to Cologne; but after the first half of the fourth century Tongres received autonomous organization Liesborn - A former noted Benedictine Abbey in Westphalia, Germany, founded in 815; suppressed in 1803 Liesborn, Master of - A Westphalian painter, who in 1465 executed an altar-piece of note in the Benedictine monastery of Liesborn, founded by Charlemagne Liessies - A Benedictine monastery near Avesnes, in the Diocese of Cambrai, France (Nord), founded about the middle of eighth century and dedicated to St. Lambert Life - The enigma of life is still one of the two or three most difficult problems that face both scientist and philosopher Ligamen - The existing marriage tie which constitutes in canon law a public impediment to the contracting of a second marriage Lights - Article concerned with the general aspects and in particular with the charge so often levelled against Catholicism of adopting wholesale the ceremonial practices of the pagan world Ligugé - A Benedictine Abbey, in the Diocese of Poitiers, France, was founded about the year A.D. 360, by St. Martin of Tours Liguori, Saint Alphonsus - Long biographical article on the founder of the Redemptorists and devotional writer Lilienfeld - A Cistercian Abbey south of St. Polten, Lower Austria, founded in 1202 by Leopold the Glorious, Margrave of Austria, the first monks being supplied from the monastery of Heiligen Kreus near Vienna Lilius, Aloisius - Principal author of the Gregorian Calendar, was a native of Cirò or Zirò in Calabria Lille - The ancient capital of Flanders, now the chief town of the Département du Nord in France Lillooet Indians - An important tribe of Salishan linguistic stock, in southern British Columbia Lima - Capital of Peru Limbo - A word of Teutonic derivation, meaning literally 'hem' or 'border,' as of a garment, or anything joined on Limbourg, Pol de - A French miniaturist. With his two brothers, he flourished at Paris at the end of the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth century Limburg - Diocese in the Kingdom of Prussia, suffragan of Freiburg Limerick - Diocese in Ireland; includes the greater part of the County of Limerick and a small portion of Clare Limoges - Diocese comprising the Departments of Haute Vienne and Creuse in France Limyra - A titular see of Lycia, and was a small city on the southern coast of Lycia, on the Limyrus, and twenty stadia from the mouth of this river Linacre, Thomas - English physician and clergyman, founder of the Royal College of Physicians, London, b. at Canterbury about 1460; d. in London, 20 October, 1524 Linares - In 1777, at the request of Charles III of Spain, Pius VII erected the episcopal See of Linares as suffragan of the Archdiocese of Mexico Lincoln - Suffragan of Dubuque, erected 2 August, 1887, to include that part of the State of Nebraska, U.S.A., south of the Platte River Lincoln - This see was founded by St. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, in 678, when he removed the Lindiswaras of Lincolnshire from the Diocese of Lindisfarne Lindanus, William Damasus - Bishop of Ruremonde and of Ghent, b. at Dordrecht, in 1525; d. at Ghent, 2 November, 1588; he was the son of Damasus van der Lint Linde, Justin Timotheus Balthasar, Freiherr von - Hessian jurist and stateman, b. in the village of Brilon, Westphalia, 7 Aug., 1797; d. at Bonn during the night of 8-9 June, 1870 Lindemann, Wilhelm - A Catholic historian of German literature, b. at Schonnebeck near Essen, 17 December, 1828; d. at Niederkruechten near Erkelenz (Rhine Province) 20 December, 1879 Lindisfarne, Ancient Diocese and Monastery of - The island of Lindisfarne lies some two miles off the Northumberland coast, nine and one-half miles southeast of the border-town of Berwick Lindores, Benedictine Abbey of - On the River Tay, near Newburgh, Fifeshire, Scotland, founded by David, Earl of Huntingdon, younger brother of King William the Lion, about 1191 Line, Saint Anne - A convert to Catholicism, hanged in 1601 for the (unproven) crime of harboring a priest. She is one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales Linens, Altar - The corporal, pall, purificator, and finger towels Lingard, John - English priest and prominent historian Linköping, Ancient See of - Located in Sweden; originally included Östergötland, the Islands of Gotland and Öland, and Smaaland Linoe - A titular see of Bithynia Secunda, known only from the 'Notitiae Episcopatuum' which mention it as late as the twelfth and thirteenth centuries as a suffragan of Nicaea Linus, Pope Saint - Reigned about A.D. 64 or 67 to 76 or 79 Linz - Suffragan of the Archdiocese of Vienna Lippe - One of the Confederate States of the German Empire Lippi, Filippino - Italian painter, d. 1515. Artist's biography with bibliography Lippi, Filippo - Biography of the Italian painter (1406-1469) Lippomano, Luigi - A cardinal, hagiographer, b. in 1500; d. 15 August, 1559. Of a noble Venetian family, he devoted himself from his youth to the study of the classical languages and later to the pursuit of the sacred sciences Lipsanotheca - A term sometimes used synonymously with reliquary, but signifying, more correctly, the little box containing the relics, which is placed inside the reliquary Lipsius, Justus - Biographical article on the humanist by Paul Lejay Lisbon - Patriarchate of Lisbon (Lisbonensis) Lismore - The Diocese of Lismore extends over a territory of 21,000 squire miles in the nort-east of New South Wales (Australia) Lismore, School of - Founded in the year 635 by St. Carthach the Younger Lismore and Waterford - Suffragan of Cashel Lister, Thomas - Jesuit writer, b. in Lancashire, about 1559; d. in England, probably before 1628; was the son of Christopher Lister, of Midhope, Yorks Liszt, Franz - Article follows the pianist and composer's life and career, showing how his religious expression waned during his middle years, then increased toward the end of his life Litany - A form of responsive prayer, used in public liturgical services and private devotions Litany of Loreto - Long article examines the somewhat murky history of the Litany of Loreto. Also information on Marian litanies in general Litany of the Holy Name - Does not give the text of the litany itself, but mentions many of the titles of Jesus Christ Litany of the Saints - The model of all other litanies, of great antiquity Literature, English - Latin, French, Italian, Greek, and Spanish literatures are a few of the influences Lithuania - An ancient grandy-duchy united with Poland in the fourteenth century Lithuanians in the United States - Includes information about immigration, religion, schools, and periodicals Litta - A noble Milanese family which gave two distinguished cardinals to the Church Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assissi - Little Flowers of Francis of Assisi, the name given to a classic collection of popular legends about the life of St. Francis of Assisi and his early companions as they appeared to the Italian people at the beginning of the fourteenth century Little Office of Our Lady - Historical article on the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, modeled on the Divine Office Little Rock - The State of Arkansas and the Indian Territory, parts of the Louisiana Purchase, were formed, 1843, into the Diocese of Little Rock Littré, Paul-Maximilien-Emile - A French lexicographer and philosopher; born at Paris, 1 February, 1801; died there, 2 June, 1881 Liturgical Books - All the books, published by the authority of any church, that contain the text and directions for her official (liturgical) services Liturgical Chant - A chant, if its style, composition, and execution prove it suitable for liturgical use, may properly be called liturgical chant Liturgy - A Greek composite word meaning originally a public duty, a service to the state undertaken by a citizen Liturgy of the Hours - Brief essay on the historical development of the Liturgy of the Hours Liturgy of Jerusalem - The Rite of Jerusalem is that of Antioch Liutprand of Cremona - Bishop and historian, b. at the beginning of the tenth century; d. after 970 Liverpool - One of the thirteen dioceses into which Pius IX divided Catholic England, 29 September, 1850, when he re-established the Catholic hierarchy Livias - A titular see in Palestina Prima, suffragan of Cæsarea Livorno - City in Italy. Suffragan of Pisa Llancarvan - Llancarvan, Glamorganshire, Wales, was a college and monastery founded apparently about the middle of the fifth century Llandaff - The origins of this see are to be found in the sixth century monastic movement initiated by St. Dubricius, who presided over the monastery of Mochros Llanthony Priory - A monastery of Augustinian Canons, situated amongst the Black Mountains of South Wales, nine miles north-east of Abergavenny Lloyd, Saint John - Welsh priest and martyr, executed at Cardiff in 1679. Article also has information on his fellow martyr the Jesuit Philip Evans Loaisa, Garcia de - Cardinal and Archbishop of Seville, b. in Talavera, Spain, c. 1479; d. at Madrid, 21 April, 1546 Loango - Formerly included in the great Kingdom of Congo, Loango became independent towards the end of the sixteenth century, at which time it extended from the mouth of the Kwilou to that of the River Congo Loaves of Proposition - Heb. 'bread of the faces', i.e. 'bread of the presence (of Yahweh)' (Ex., xxxv, 13; xxxix, 35, etc.), also called 'holy bread' Lobbes, Benedictine Abbey of - Located in Hainault, Belgium, founded about 650, by St. Landelin, a converted brigand, so that the place where his crimes had been committed might benefit by his conversion Lobera, Ann - Carmelite nun, companion of St. Teresa; b. At Medina del Campo (Old Castile), 25 November, 1545; d. at Brussels, 4 March, 1621 Loccum - A Cistercian abbey in the Diocese of Minden, formerly in Brunswick but now included in Hanover, was founded by Count Wilbrand von Hallermund in 1163 Lochleven - A lake in Kinross-shire, Scotland, an island of which, known as St. Serf's Island (eighty acres in extent), was the seat of a religious community for seven hundred years Lochner, Stephen - A painter, born at Meersburg, on the Lake of Constance, date of birth unknown; died at Cologne, 1452 Loci Theologici - Loci theologici or loci communes, are the common topics of discussion in theology Locke, Matthew - Article on the English composer includes his musical development, conversion, conflicts, and noted works Lockhart, William - Son of the Rev. Alexander Lockhart of Waringham, Surry; b. 22 Aug., 1820; d. at St. Etheldreda's Priory, Eby Place, Holborn, London, 15 May, 1892 Lockwood, Venerable John - Short biographical article on the English priest and martyr Lodi - A suffragan of Milan Logia, Jesu - Found partly in the Inspired Books of the New Testament, partly in uninspired writings Logic - A historical survey from Indian and Pre-Aristotelian philosophy to the Logic of John Stuart Mill Logos, The - The word Logos is the term by which Christian theology in the Greek language designates the Word of God, or Second Person of the Blessed Trinity Lohel, Johann - Archbishop of Prague, b. at Eger, Bohemia, 1549; d. 2 Nov., 1622 Lohner, Tobias - Professor of philosophy and speculative theology. Born 13 March, 1619, at Neuötting in the Diocese of Salzburg; died 26 (probably) May, 1697 Loja, Diocese of - Suffragan of Quito, Ecuador, includes the greater part of the Provinces of Loja and El Oro Lollards - The name given to the followers of John Wyclif, an heretical body numerous in England in the latter part of the fourteenth and the first half of the fifteenth century Loman, Saint - Brief article accepts the tradition that Loman, bishop of Trim, was a nephew of St. Patrick Lombard, Peter - Biobibliographical essay on the Master of the Sentences Lombard, Peter - Archbishop (1555-1625) Lombardy - A word derived from Longobardia and used during the Middle Ages to designate the country ruled over by the Longobards, which varied in extent with the varying fortunes of that race in Italy Loménie de Brienne, Etienne-Charles de - French cardinal and statesman (1727-1794) London (England) - The capital of England and chief city of the British Empire, is situated about fifty miles from the mouth of the Thames London (Ontario) - Diocese in Canada, established 21 February, 1855; see transferred to Sandwich, 2 February, 1859, transferred back to London, 3 October, 1869 Longstreet, James - Soldier and Catholic convert. Born 8 January, 1821, at Edgefield, South Carolina, U.S.A.; died at Gainesville, Georgia, 2 January, 1904 Lope de Vega Carpio, Félix de - Poet and dramatist, b. at Madrid, 1562; d. 23 Aug., 1635 Lopez-Caro, Francisco - Spanish artist, b. at Seville in 1598; d. at Madrid in 1662; he was a pupil of Juan de Las Roelas, the painter of the great altar-piece in the church of St. Isidore in Seville, of the 'Martyrdom of St. Andrew' in the museum at Seville, and of the pictures in the university chapel Lord's Prayer - Although the Latin term oratio dominica is of early date, the phrase 'Lord's Prayer' does not seem to have been generally familiar in England before the Reformation. During the Middle Ages the 'Our Father' was always said in Latin, even by the uneducated. Hence it was then most commonly known as the Pater noster Lorea - Titular see in Arabia Lorenzana, Francisco Antonio de - Cardinal, b. 22 Sept., 1722 at Leon in Spain; d. 17 April, 1804, at Rome Lorenzetti, Pietro and Ambrogio - Sienese painters. The time of their birth and death is not known Lorenzo da Brindisi, Saint - An Italian Capuchin with a talent for languages, much in demand as a preacher, was chaplain of the Imperial army. Doctor of the Church. He died in 1619 Loreto, Holy House of - Since the fifteenth century, and possibly even earlier, the 'Holy House' of Loreto has been numbered among the most famous shrines of Italy Loreto, Litany of - Long article examines the somewhat murky history of the Litany of Loreto. Also information on Marian litanies in general Lorette - An Indian village occupied by the principal remnant of the ancient Huron tribe on the east bank of Saint Charles River Lorrain, Claude de - French painter and etcher, b. in 1600 at Chamagnc on the banks of the Moselle in Lorraine; d. in Rome, 21 Nov., 1681 (or 23 Nov., 1682) Lorraine - By the Treaty of Verdun in 843, the empire of Charlemagne was divided in three parts: Ludwig the German received Eastern Franconia; Charles the Bald, Western Franconia; and Lothair I, the strip of land lying between the two and reaching from the North Sea to the Rhone, with Italy in addition. After the death of Lothair I, in 855, Italy passed to his son Lothair II, who gave his name to the district henceforth known as Lotharii Regnum - Lotharingen, Lothringen, or Lorraine Lorsch Abbey - One of the most renowned monasteries of the old Franco-German Empire, is situated about ten miles east of Worms in the Grand Duch of Hesse, Germany Loryma - A titular see of Caria, small fortified town and harbour on the coast of Caria Los Angeles and Monterey - Comprises that part of the State of California which lies south of 37 deg. 5 min. N. lat. and covers an area of 80,000 square miles Lossada, Luis de - Spanish philosopher (1681-1748) Lossen, Karl August - German petrologist and geologist, born at Kreuznach (Rhine Province), 5 January, 1841; died at Berlin, 24 February, 1893 Lot - Nephew of Abraham Lottery - A lottery is one of the aleatory contracts and is commonly defined as a distribution of prizes by lot or by chance Lotti, Antonio - Biography of the Venetian composer noting his accomplishments as organist, teacher, and creator of operas and religious works Lotto, Lorenzo - Italian portrait painter, d. 1556. Artist's biography with bibliography Loucheux - The would-be Kuchin of some ethnologists, and the Tukudh of the Protestant missionaries; Richardson called them Quarrellers Louis IX, Saint - Biographical article on St. Louis, King of France, d. 1270 Louis XIV - King of France, b. at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 16 September, 1638; d. at Versailles, 1 September, 1715; was the son of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria, and became king, upon the death of his father, 14 May 1643 Louis Allemand, Blessed - Brief article on this 15th-century Cardinal Archbishop of Arles, who was a supporter of antipope Felix V Louis Bertrand, Saint - Spanish Dominican novicemaster and preacher, d. 1581 Louise, Sister - Educator and organizer, b. at Bergen-op-Zoom, Holland, 14 Nov., 1813; d. at Cincinnati, Ohio, 3 Dec., 1886 Louisiana - Includes history, religious information, and statistics Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, Saint - Missionary to Brittany, d. 1716 Louis of Casoria, Venerable - Friar Minor and founder of the Frati Bigi (1814-1885) Louis of Granada, Venerable - Spanish theologian, writer, and preacher (1505-1588) Louis of Toulouse, Saint - Bishop, d. 1297 Louise de Marillac Le Gras, Venerable - Founder of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, d. 1660 Louisville, Diocese of - Comprises that part of Kentucky west of the Kentucky River and western borders of Carroll, Owen, Franklin, Woodford, Jessamine, Garrard, Rockcastle, Laurel, and Whitley Counties Lourdes, Brothers of Our Lady of - A community devoted to the education of youth and the care of the sick and infirm. It was founded at Renaix, Flanders, in 1830, by Etienne Modeste Glorieux, a Belgian priest, and approved in 1892 by Leo XIII Lourdes, Notre-Dame de - The pilgrimage of Lourdes is founded on the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin to a poor, fourteen-year-old girl, Bernadette Soubiroux. The first apparition occurred 11 February, 1858 Louvain, University of - In order to restore the splendour of Louvain, capital of his Duchy of Brabant, John IV of the House of Burgundy petitioned the papal authority for the establishment of an educational institution called at the time studium generale. The Bull of Martin V, dated 9 December, 1425, was the result Love, Theological Virtue of - The third and greatest of the Divine virtues enumerated by St. Paul (1 Cor., xiii, 13), usually called charity, defined: a divinely infused habit, inclining the human will to cherish God for his own sake above all things, and man for the sake of God Low Church - The name given to one of the three parties or doctrinal tendencies that prevail in the Established Church of England and its daughter Churches, the correlatives being High Church and Broad Church Lower California, Vicariate Apostolic of - Located in Mexico Lower Criticism - The object of textual criticism is to restore as nearly as possible the original text of a work the autograph of which has been lost Low Sunday - The first Sunday after Easter Loyola, Saint Ignatius - Biography of the Spanish founder of the Jesuits, who died in 1556 Loyola University (Chicago) - The outgrowth of St. Ignatius College, founded by the Jesuits in 1869 for the higher education of the Catholic youth of Chicago, and empowered by the Legislature of Illinois (30 June, 1870) to confer the usual degrees in the various faculties of a university Loyola University (New Orleans) - Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana, was (in 1912) the only Catholic university in what is popularly designated 'The Old South' Lübeck - A free imperial state and one of the Hanse towns, is in area the second smallest and in population the twentieth state in the German Empire Lublin - The city of Lublin is in Russian Poland, capital of the Government of Lublin, lies on the Bistrzyca, a tributary of the Vistula, and in 1897 had a population of 50,152, of whom 30,914 were Catholics Luca, Giovanni Battista de - A Cardinal and Italian canonist of the seventeenth century, b. at Venusia, Southern Italy, in 1614; d. at Rome, on 5 February, 1683 Lucas, Frederick - A member of Parliament and journalist, b. in Westminster, 30 March, 1812, d. at Staines, Middlesex, 22 Oct., 1855 Lucca - The capital of the like named province in Tuscany, Central Italy Lucera - An ancient city in the province of Foggia in Apulia, Southern Italy Lucerne - Chief town of the Canton of Lucerne in Switzerland Lucian of Antioch - Biographical article on the presbyter famed for his sanctity and scholarship, who died a martyr in 312 Lucic, John - Croatian historian, b. early in the seventeenth century, at Trojir, or Tragurion, in Dalmatia; d. at Rome, 11 January, 1679 Lucifer - The name Lucifer originally denotes the planet Venus, emphasizing its brilliance Lucifer of Cagliari - A bishop, who must have been born in the early years of the fourth century; died in 371 Lucina, Crypt of - The traditional title of the most ancient section of the catacomb of St. Callistus Lucius I, Pope Saint - Biographical article on this pope, exiled for a time, who reigned less than one year, and died in 254 Lucius II, Pope - Born at Bologna, unknown date, died at Rome, 15 February, 1145 Lucius III, Pope - Died 1185. Innocent II created him Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prassede on 23 February, 1141, and afterwards sent him as legate to France Luçon - Embraces the Department of La Vendée Lucy, Saint - Virgin and martyr, d. 303 in the Diocletian persecution Ludger, Saint - Also known as St. Lüdiger, or Liudger. Biography of this missionary, the first bishop of Munster, who died in 809 Ludmilla, Saint - Bohemian duchess, grandmother of St. Wenceslaus. Strangled to death by assassins hired by her pagan daughter-in-law in 921 Ludolph of Saxony - An ecclesiastical writer of the fourteenth century, date of birth unknown; d. 13 April, 1378 Ludovicus a S. Carolo - Carmelite writer, b. at Châlons-sur-Marne (according to some at Chalon-sur-Saône), 20 Aug., 1608; d. at Paris 10 March, 1670 Lueger, Karl - A burgomaster of Vienna, Austrian political leader and municipal reformer, born at Vienna, 24 October, 1844; died there, 10 March, 1910 Lugo - Diocese in Galicia, Spain, a suffragan of Santiago, said to have been founded (by Agapitus) in Apostolic times Lugo, Francisco de - Jesuit theologian, b. at Madrid, 1580; d, at Valladolid, 17 September, 1652 Lugo, John de - Spanish Jesuit and Cardinal, one of the most eminent theologians of modern times, b. at Madrid, November, 1583, though he used to call himself 'Hispalensis', because his family seat was at Seville; d. at Rome, 20 August, 1660 Lugos - Diocese in Hungary, suffragan of Fogaras and Alba Julia of the Uniat- Rumanian Rite, was erected in November, 1853 Luini, Bernardino - Milanese painter, b. between 1470 and 1480; d. after 1530 Luke, Gospel of Saint - An introduction to the book Lulé Indians - A name which has given rise to considerable confusion and dispute in Argentine ethnology, owing to the fact, now established, that it was applied at different times to two very different peoples, neither of which now exists under that name, while the vocabulary which could settle the affinity of the earlier tribe is now lost Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Article profiles the composer's secular and religious contributions Lully, Raymond - Biobibliographical article on Ramon Lull, who is called 'Doctor Illuminatus.' Lumen Christi - The versicle chanted by the deacon on Holy Saturday as he lights the triple candle Luminare - The name applied to the shafts in the roof of the passages and chambers of the Catacombs occasionally pierced for the admission of light and air Lummi Indians - The principal one of more than twenty small Salishan tribes originally holding the lower shores, islands, and eastern hinterland of Puget Sound, Washington; by the Treaty of Point Elliott (1855), gathered upon five reservations within the same territory under the jurisdiction of Tulalip Agency Lumper, Gottfried - Benedictine patristic writer, born 6 Feb., 1747, at Füssen in Bavaria; died 8 March, 1800 (Hefele says 1801), at the Abbey of St. George at Billingen in the Black Forest Luna, Pedro de - Antipope under the name of Benedict XIII, b. at Illueca, Aragon, 1328; d. at the Peñiscola, near Valencia, Spain, either 29 Nov., 1422, or 23 May, 1423 Lund - Ancient Catholic diocese in the Län of Malmöhus Lunette - Known in Germany as the lunula and also as the melchisedech, is a crescent-shaped clip made of gold or of silver-gilt which is used for holding the Host in an upright position when exposed in the monstrance Luni-Sarzana-Brugnato - Diocese in the province of Genoa Lupus - Abbot of Ferrieres, French Benedictine writer, b. in the Diocese of Sens, about 805; d. about 862 Lupus, Christian - Historian, b. at Ypres (Flanders), 23 July, 1612; d. at Louvain, 10 July, 1681 Luscinius, Ottmar - An Alsatian Humanist, b. at Strasburg, 1487; d. at Freiburg, 1537 Lusignan, Jean-Baptiste-Alphonse - French-Canadian writer, b. at St-Denis on the Richelieu, P.Q., 27 September, 1843; d. 5 January, 1893, son of Jean-Baptiste Lusignan, a merchant, and Onésime Masse Lussy, Melchior - Statesman, b. at Stans, Canton of Unterwalden, Switzerland, 1529; d. there 14 Nov., 1606 Lust - The inordinate craving for, or indulgence of, the carnal pleasure which is experienced in the human organs of generation Luther, Martin - Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546 Lutheranism - The religious belief held by the oldest and in Europe the most numerous of the Protestant sects, founded by the Wittenberg reformer, Martin Luther Lütolf, Aloys - Church historian (1824-1879) Lutzk, Zhitomir, and Kamenetz, Diocese of - Diocese located in Little Russia Luxemburg - The small remnant of the old duchy of this name and since 11 May, 1867, an independent neutral grand duchy, comprising 998 sq. miles of territory, lying principally between 49° 27' and 50° 12' N. lat., and 5° 45' and 6° 32' E. long Luxeuil Abbey - Situated in the Department of Haute-Saône in Franche-Comté, in the Diocese of Besançon Lycopolis - A titular see in Thebais Prima, suffragan of Antinoë Lydda - A titular see of Palestina Prima in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem Lydgate, John - Writer, born at Lydgate, Suffolk, about 1370; d. probably about 1450. He entered the Benedictine abbey at Bury when fifteen and may have been educated earlier at the school of the Benedictine monks there and have been afterwards at the Benedictine house of studies at Oxford Lying - As defined by St. Thomas Aquinas, a statement at variance with the mind Lynch, John - Historian, b. at Galway, Ireland, 1599; d. in France, 1673; was the son of Alexander Lynch, who kept a classical school at Galway Lyndwood, William - Bishop of St. David's, b. about 1375; d. in 1446 Lyons, Archdiocese of - Comprises the Department of the Rhône (except the Canton of Villeurbanne, which belongs to the Diocese of Grenoble) and of the Loire Lyons, Councils of (Introduction) - This article deals only with the two general councils of 1245 and 1275 Lyons, First Council of - Innocent IV, threatened by Emperor Frederick II, arrived at Lyons 2 December, 1244, and early in 1245 summoned the bishops and princes to the council Lyons, Second Council of - One of the most largely attended of conciliar assemblies, there being present five hundred bishops, sixty abbots, more than a thousand prelates or procurators Lyrba - A titular see of Pamphylia Prima, known by its coins and the mention made of it by Dionysius, Perieg. 858, Ptolemy, V, 5, S, and Hierocles Lysias - A titular see of Phrygia Salutaris, mentioned by Strabo, XII, 576, Pliny, V, 29, Ptolemy, V, 2, 23, Hierocles, and the 'Notitiae episcopatuum', probably founded by Antiochus the Great about 200 B.C Lystra - A titular see in the Province of Lycaonia, suffragan of Iconium

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