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Agenda Topics

UELMA November Minutes


NOTE TAKER Becca Anderson Michelle Miles, Liz Petty, Leslie Lewis, Sarah Herron, Sonya Miles, Lisa Moeller, Sharon Deeds, DaNae ATTENDEES Leu, Kathy Ballard, Selena Campbell, Emily Davenport, Alison Griffiths, Larry Jeppesen, Becca Anderson, Jessica Moody


DISCUSSION 2. Approval of Minutes Page 4: Misspelling: Conference Discussion: Kara is with a K not a C Page 5: Typo: Change budge to budget Emily made a motion to approve the minutes with the above-mentioned changes; Selena seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously.


DISCUSSION #5 Action Items Skip to number five now on agenda. Everybody has done what he or she needed to do for action items and so we are good to move on. CONCLUSIONS Action items from previous meeting have been completed.


DISCUSSION #3 Financial Report Updated financial report distributed. Everything on the report is up to date except tonight’s food. Kathy made a motion to approve the financial reports; Sarah seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously. CONCLUSIONS Financial report is up to date and looks to be in good condition.


DISCUSSION #4 ULMS Evaluation Standards Utah Effective Teaching Standards and Continuum of Practice for Library Media Teachers document distributed Larry: We took the feedback and made some changes. Some things were combined, some pulled out, and some items stayed. At this point, no additional changes will be made this school year. The districts that want to take it and use it can. The committee will then take suggestions at the end of the year and revise the standards over the summer for next year. A digital copy will be sent out tomorrow. On Friday, Larry will be meeting with district directors. Granite and Jordan will use it for sure, but not sure about Davis. Not approved by the State (not from USOE). They are working on a meeting with Jennifer. Kathy: where would principals of charter schools have access to this? Larry: On the website Liz: Action item: put it in the newsletter (Larry to send link)

Are there concerns or reservations so that we can decide to approve this as an organization? Larry: Idea is to get UELMA as the organization to look to. Three organizations ULMS, UELMA, and USOE to work together. Michelle: Cindy Mitchell liked her standards because of the way they were set up and they are very specific. Shelley has said that they need to be a little broader so that we can reach a bigger group. Selena: We need to have adaptation for different school cultures. Michelle: We can still use Cindy’s as a personal evaluation. Larry: The library supervisors have to be able to take the document and judge the librarians. Use Cindy’s as a tool to improve. Use the ULMS standards for effectiveness. Have a link to both online. Cindy’s can be used as a reflective process. Emily made a motion that we endorse these as a tool; Selena seconded the motion; the motion passes unanimously. CONCLUSIONS UELMA will support the ULMS Evaluation Standards for the time being.


DISCUSSION #6 Liaison Updates Michelle: Idea to have the private, charter, and rural school lists so that the individuals within the groups can connect with each other. Lisa receives the list of private schools from Sarah. Lisa to send an email to Larry to provide more information about which school falls under charter or private. Michelle: Make sure that the groups are at least on the Listserv. We would like to have more reach out and things in place for each group. Liz: Action item: put on website that we need a charter and private school liaison. Kathy: Action item: to send ideas for liaisons to Sarah (charter school)

UELMA Membership 2016 document distributed. We have 398 members, but would like more.

Michelle: Submitted Uplift grant but haven’t heard back, should we be worried? Sharon: They are working on it, but don’t worry yet. Working on getting more involvement with the charter and private schools. Uplift grant decisions are still in CONCLUSIONS progress. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE List to Larry of which schools fall under private or charter Lisa Put on website that UELMA needs charter and private school liaisons Liz Send ideas for Charter school liaisons to Sarah Kathy


DISCUSSION #7 Committee Reports Have a “follow us on social media” in every newsletter Facebook and Twitter have been updated more.

Sarah: Read through the constitution and found some questions that she had. UELMA – Constitution Questions and Thoughts document distributed. Article III - Section 1: We should be promoting more heavily with anybody who is interested in school libraries Article IV – Section 3.A: What does “good standing” mean? Larry: People who pay membership fees The specialist for the library media shall represent the State Office of Education: make it a different title to be more accurate Sarah: Action item: contact Jennifer to get her actual title

Article IX – Section 2.A: Was the change on the voting an official change (cross out and italics part). Article XI - Confusion with the voting by the board or the general membership. Michelle: go with what is in the constitution right now. Larry: Recommends that we hold off and go over it in the summer retreat next year. Gather information this year and get everything ready in the summer meeting. Present in 2017. Otherwise we would have to do this in December.

Michelle: Policy manual versus the constitution. Constitution-general membership; policy/by-laws are through the board.

Sarah: Look at other people’s constitutions that she met at AASL and cross-reference.

Larry: In the past when UELMA starting having trouble, there were at least 6 years that the president elect was put on the board without any board experience of any kind. Also had a problem with nepotism. 5 of the 7 board members from Weber and Ogden school districts. They were looking at UELMA only as a conference committee and wanted to have everybody close geographically. The board should be the check and balance so that we can keep everything in line. Recommend no more than two people from the same district on the board at a time. This is an idea for the summer retreat.

Sarah: Policy manual needs to be reviewed as well.

Michelle: Social media is looking great and encourage people to follow Everybody: action item: email whoever they represent to follow UELMA on social media.

Leslie: At UCET and CFORM encourage people to follow UELMA on social media. Issue with UCET conference overlap on the same days Jessica: 17th UCET and 18th UELMA – go to both, do the assignment and attendees get credit? This causes issues with registration, fees, and credit.

Little Free Library – there is a post on the UCET blog about the Little Free library in Goshen Utah. @uelma_utah Call for presenters on UCET If you want posters for your classroom/library, Leslie has some.

Website: put up mountain picture on website Update homepage with current news. Put Facebook and Twitter widgets on website as well.

2 Constitution and Policy Manual to be reviewed at the summer retreat; looking into a way for UCET and UELMA CONCLUSIONS attendees to get credit; website updates. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Contact Jennifer to get her actual title Sarah Encourage groups you represent to follow UELMA on social media Everybody Facebook and Twitter widgets on website Liz


DISCUSSION #8 Winter Newsletter Short newsletter to be distributed the first part of December. Michelle: action items: send listserv sign up information out

Send articles to Liz and Selena Leslie: Put in article about the Little Free Library Jessica: Awards nominations Michelle: Presenters call for proposals Larry: Conference registration link Shannon and DeNae: Book review. Selena: Blurb on AASL conference

Selena: AASL conference was busy but a lot of fun. Brian Selznik was awesome.

Date for newsletter to be out: December 1st Articles in by Thanksgiving November 25th

Sharon: Pioneer changing the name Larry: Conference hotel: Hilton Garden on Sego Lily Drive

New design for newsletter not done yet, but Selena and Jeri will continue to work on it. Various assignments given for upcoming newsletter. Writers should submit articles by Thanksgiving. Newsletter to CONCLUSIONS be sent out on December 1st. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Send Listserv sign up information out to UELMA members Michelle Send Listserv sign up information out to the groups represented Everybody Everyone with a newsletter Newsletter articles in to Liz and Selena November 25th assignment


DISCUSSION #9 AASL Grant Proposal UELMA Grant Application for the 2017 AASL Biennial Nation Conference and Exhibition document distributed.

Michelle: Friends of the Library will contribute $250 this time, but it will be a year to year decision $250 from the SUU is pretty much ongoing

Application due date: by Summer retreat: July 1st 2016 UELMA supports anybody who works in a library. Paraprofessional or licensed can apply and receive the grant. On the front, it needs to be clarified “Media Specialist or Paraprofessional” Put on there that current board members are not eligible. One time only (can’t have previously won). Documentation part at the bottom: add proof of attendance. We will send them a list later after acceptance of what constitutes as proof of attendance. Reimbursement requirements will also be sent to recipient.

UELMA TM or copyright? Probably neither. SUU – Selena will check with Steve about copyright.

Take off membership #. Put on there instead: Current UELMA member yes/no Selena: action item: draft the final and bring to next meeting. CONCLUSIONS Few changes to the draft of the AASL Grant Application.

ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Final draft of AASL Grant application Selena Next meeting


UELMA NOVEMBER MEETING MINUTES 3 DISCUSSION Application for Little Free Library Funding Application for Little Free Library Funding document distributed

We raised $739 at last year’s conference It costs $40.45 for an aluminum sign ad we could pay $50 building cost reimbursement There are free building plans online. Most prefabricated LFL are $150 + It would also be nice to buy a sticker to put on to say: Funded by UELMA Application will be made into a Google Doc form. Propose that we give out $100, then we can fund around 6 people. There is a document that recipients would have to sign online to be a steward. Recipients are responsible for getting the books. Sonya: Would like pictures of the LFL so that news can do a piece on it. Leslie: would be fun to have people report on these at the conference. Sarah: Some libraries can be a steward, but doesn’t mean they are necessarily registered and showing up on the map. That’s why we are requiring both.

Amount: Total funding up to $100: Registration, sticker, sign, and materials. Need to provide receipts for reimbursement. Ongoing as funds are available since we are collecting funds at this conference as well. UELMA will fund up to $100 per recipient. Recipient will be required to register with LFL. We will continue to CONCLUSIONS collect funds and award money as it is available.


DISCUSSION 10. Conference Conference Budget 2016 document distributed. Author dinner included this year; didn’t do last year because everybody was local. Uplift grant is not confirmed, but we should not worry yet. Awards: If we do cash awards Randy needs to solicit monies from the vendors. Need to add more space because we are moving the vendor location. It is a higher cost than last year and it may be $400 more because of transition time.

Sonya would like to get pictures of the presenters in the booklet. Jessica can ask and see what we can get for pictures. Need to get a new map from the venue because they have updated the names of the rooms. Kathy and Sonya: booklet deadline January 15th Presenters applications are due December 16th Cups: last year we got 400 cups. We are going to go with a local company $1.32/cup Ellen Hopkins doesn’t need a hotel. AASL President would like a hotel comp room, but we won’t know for sure if one is available until later when we get other reservations. If there is no comp room, AASL will cover her room fees.

Expecting 75% will come through the paper registration because this is a lot easier for district-based registrants. Online may have 150 people or less. Propose we drop the Paypal. Online registration company: We can have 20 boxes on the online registration so we can get all the info we need. Then just put in credit card information. Larry will be able to download info on Excel spreadsheet. Estimating around $300 for costs, which is significantly less than last year. Credit and discount for attending both UCET and UELMA conferences are issues. Need to talk to Steve Irving to see if they can give credit for UCET and UELMA attendance. Leslie: Action Item: find out who is on UCET that takes care of registration. Have this person connect with Larry. Larry: Online registration begins January 4th because we pay per month for online registration. Paper registration is open.

$200 is budgeted for presenter gifts Six places for presenters and four sessions: 24 sessions This year we have some bigger sessions and some sessions may have more than one presenter.

Presentation Proposal Form document distributed. Added address, phone number, and email. Items 10-13 are new this year. Nathan Hale issues with projecting from iPad-see if we can get these resolved this year. Vendor discourages iPads. Maybe Nathan Hale could call and arrange to go down and see if he can get is set up to see if they can get it to work.

Accepted presenters will be contacted by January 15 th (or earlier if possible).

Larry: Talked with Randy about the vendors. His goal is to send out the registration forms before Thanksgiving. Hoping to get new ideas for vendors. If you know of people that you think would like to come, send an email to Randy. This year, give internet access to the vendors and not to anybody else (because internet is so limited).

Jessica: Action item: email out timeline for conference and see what applies to you. Everybody email her back if you have issues.

Mention on application that Wi-Fi is not guaranteed. Also add to registration form and the newsletter: UELMA participants may reserve a discounted ticket for Insurgent following the conference.

4 Selena will be doing a photo booth. Conference budget discussed; registration is set but need to get more information about collaboration with UCET; CONCLUSIONS other conference items discussed. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Have UCET person in charge of registration connect with Larry Leslie Email timeline for Conference assignments to board Jessica


DISCUSSION 11. 2017 Conference Venue: look at different location – rotate different areas Would really like to do one in the south/Provo area. Possibly do Ogden again but most people didn’t like the Conference Center. Possibly add a third day to UCET at the U of U. Leslie: Action Item: check with possibility of this plus the pricing We would probably have to be on Wednesday. Another idea is to use a high school on the no student days. Michelle will check with Weber State on pricing and availability.

Jessica Day George’s agent said that she would be good to present in 2017. We are no longer looking at The Daring Librarian as a presenter.

Sarah made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Sonya seconded the motion; the motion passes unanimously. CONCLUSIONS Still looking at different possibilities for a venue location for the 2017 Conference.

ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Look into having UELMA add a third day with UCET at U of U Leslie Look into various venues, including Weber State for 2017 Conference Michelle


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