Multiple Intelligences & Learning Styles

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Multiple Intelligences & Learning Styles

Healthy Bodies Grade One By Corinne Pankewich Scope of Unit

This unit will cover the topics of infectious disease and healthy snacks in the Healthy Body strand of the Health Curriculum. The emphasis of this unit will be on infectious disease. This unit will be implemented in unison with my teaching partner’s unit on the earth. Together, we will connect our units by inviting Aboriginal Elder Mike Pinay to visit the classroom and talk about the connection between the earth and humans and the health of the earth and the health of humans. Rationale

Knowledge of human health is essential to everyone. When we know more about our health, our bodies, and the sources of support around us; then, we are more able to take action and develop habits of healthy living. Students need an opportuntity to practice skills that develop their wellness and the wellness of others. Students should have opportunities to develop action plans that address their own needs, the needs of their family, and community. Multiple Intelligences & Learning Styles This unit will be taught using the Multiple Intelligence theory. I will be including all of the Multiple Intelligences over the course of this unit: Visual/Spatial, Bodily- Kinesthetic, Naturalist, Musical, Logical-Mathematical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Linguistic. Within each lesson, I will include the three learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Aboriginal & Cross-Cultural Content

I will be addressing Aboriginal content by exploring the First Nations Food Guide as well as by inviting a First Nations Elder in to discuss the connection between the health of the earth and the health of humans. Additionally, we will be introducing students to information about First Nations’ Elders.

Technology-Enhanced Learning

I will be including technology by having the students use a wiki to look at pictures of sick and healthy people, a website to view a short video, and Skype to talk to some medical students.

Curriculum Connections Health ELA SS Science P.E. A.E. Math -Healthy -Listening -Identity -Earth -Moving -Music -Whole Bodies -Speaking -Meeting -Motion Safely -V.A. Numbers -Safety -Reading Needs & -Plants Through -Drama -3D Objects -Writing Wants Space -Dance -Representation -Viewing -First -Representing Nations Culture Foundational & Learning Objectives Health Knowledge Skills & Habits Attitudes & Values Students will increase their Students will act on their Students will develop knowledge of the human body knowledge about attitudes necessary for Increase their understanding of the maintaining or improving healthy living main functions of some body organs their health Demonstrate respect for the needs and systems Participate in physical activities of their body Understand some problems of to maintain and improve their Demonstrate respect for the physical health, one of which is physical fitness limitations of their body HIV/AIDS*  Establish daily habits for caring Value behaviours which contribute Gradually incorporate the vocabulary for their bodies in order to to good health or which prevent related to the human body and to maintain or improve health and disability or illness, including health into their speech and writing prevent illnesses, including HIV/AIDS* Students will identify sources HIV/AIDS* Demonstrate compassion for of risk to healthy living Students will help members people suffering from ill health, Identify personal and interpersonal of their family, class, and including people with HIV/AIDS* behaviours in their everyday lives that community achieve might present a risk to their health or safety physical, mental and social Students will identify sources well-being of support for healthy living Develop their ability to communicate their knowledge Recognize that family and friends are about health to their friends, sources of support family and community Recognize that the job of health-care professionals is to prevent disease and Students will develop their injury and to care for those who are ill ability to make decisions or hurt Reflect on what they know and Students will describe a feel about an issue decision-making process Gather and evaluate information from a variety of sources Connect what they already know with what they are learning Recognize possible sources of information on health questions libraries the media community services adults 1. Lesson One (Day 3): 14. Lesson Eleven (Day 1): Health 2. Lesson Two (Day 4): Health/ “Pebbles of Promise & Health/Arts Education “Sources of Support” Introduction to Healthy “Introduction to Healthy Interview with the Medical Bodies” Bodies” Students? The Medical KWL Centers, and What What do our bodies’ look Students are helping to can we promise our and feel like when they answer some of our classmates to make are healthy? questions via SKYPE. everyone feel good? 3. Lesson Three (Day 5): Health/Language Foundational ObjectivesArts/Science “Catching a Cold Book& 13. Lesson Thirteen (Day 5): Health Needs/Go Grow Glow Health/Science/Social Food” Studies 1.How do we get sick?  “First Nations Food Guide andKnowledge Polling Students & What Bannock Making”  Students will increase their knowledgedo we need of tothe stay human What is the First Nations healthy? Food Guide? What is body. Bannock?  Students will better understand 4.the Lesson basic Four elements (Day 1): of 12. Lesson Twelve (Day 4): social and emotional well-being. (PSVS)Health Health/Science “Being Sick” “Elder Visit-Aboriginal  Students will identify sources ofWhat risk do to we healthylook like and living. Perspective/Thank you” feel like when we are sick?  How are the health of the Students will identify sources ofReading support Buddies for will healthy help earth and the health of living. us. humans connected? Healthy  Students will describe a decision-making5. Lesson Five process. (Day 1): Health/Physical Education/ Bodies “Catching a Cold Tag &  Skills/Habits Grow Glow Go Slow 11. Lesson Eleven (Day 3):  Students will act on their knowledgeMovements” about maintaining Health/Science Connecting with what we “Earth/Humans & Aboriginal or improving their health. are learning Elders” What is the connection  Students will treat themselves and others with respect. 6. Lesson Six (Day 2): between the earth and (PSVS) Health/ Language Arts/ humans? What is an elder? Arts Education  Students will develop their ability to avoid danger or “Retelling a Story using Instruments & Review of 10. Lesson Ten (Day 2): react to it in ways likely to reduce any harmful effects. vocabulary from wiki pictures Health/ Arts Education  Students will help members of their& Food family, Homework” class, and “Fighter Cells” What does the story sound What are fighter cells and community achieve physical, mental and social well- like? how do they help us? What being. (PSVS) other kinds of help do we need? 7. Lesson Seven (Day 3): 8. Lesson Eight (Day 4): Health/ Arts Education “Hand Washing and Cough 9. Lesson Nine (Day 1): Health/Science/ELA “Our Skin’s Protection” & Sneeze Etiquette Health/Arts Education What are germs and how “Germs and Illness” How does our skin protect us from illness? do they spread? How do What are Giant Microbes, we reduce the spread of and let’s create our own? How do germs get into our body? germs, and how can we Schedule for Three Week Block protect our self from germs? Mon. Mar. 2 Tue. Mar. 3 Wed. Mar. 4 Thurs. Mar. 5 Fri. Mar. 6 D3-10:45–11:45(S) D4-10:45–11:45(S) D5-9:45–10:30 (GR) D1-10:45–11:15(RB) PD -12:45-1:30 (M) -2:45-3:30 (VA) -2:45-3:30 (H) -1:30–2:15 (H) -2:45-3:30 (PE) -Pebble Promise -Introduction to -What our Bodies RB-Classify Sick/ -Invitation Station Healthy Bodies Need Healthy, Not Sure -Introduction to Unit - -Grow ,Glow, Go PE- Grow, Glow, Go, Food Slow Food Actions -Catching a Cold -Catching a Cold -questions about Tag becoming sick -Feelling Sick and Resting Mon. Mar. 9 Tue. Mar. 10 Wed. Mar. 11 Thurs. Mar. 12 Fri. Mar. 13 D2-9:45–10:30 (LA) D3-10:45–11:45(S) D4-10:45–11:45(S) D5-9:45–10:30 (GR) D1-10:45-11:15(RB) -2:45-3:30 (SS) -12:45-1:30 (M) -2:45-3:30 (VA) -2:45-3:30 (H) -1:30–2:15 (H) Field Trip -2:45-3:30 (PE) -Review of Wiki -Introduction to -Skin as Protection --Giant Microbes (Sick) Pictures Germs -Openings in Body -Creation of Giant -Homework for Grow, -Germ Glo Kit that makes us Sick Microbes. Glow, Go, & Slow -Washing Hands Food -Retelling Catch a Cold with Instruments

Mon. Mar. 16 Tue. Mar. 17 Wed. Mar. 18 Thurs. Mar. 19 Fri. Mar. 20 D2-9:45–10:30 (LA) D3-10:45–11:45(S) D4-10:45–11:45(S) D5-9:45–10:30 (GR) D1-All Morning -2:45-3:30 (SS) -12:45-1:30 (M) -2:45-3:30 (VA) -2:45-3:30 (H) -All Afternoon -Calendar, Spelling, -Fighter Cells Drama -Introduction to the -Elder Visit -First Nations Food & Health, Skype with -White Blood Cell and connection between -Thank you card to Bannock Baking. Medical Students, HIV Earth and Humans. Elder. and Junior Choir. -Introduction to the Elder Materials & Resources  Saskatchewan Evergreen Curriculum  Books o EagleCrest Books - Picking Blackberries Dean’s Fish The Fishing Trip Crabs for Dinner Spear Fishing With Dad The Best Bread Hot Moose Stew Going to the Store The Picnic Helping Grandma o I Can’t Have Bannock but the Beaver has a Dam by Bernelda Wheeler o The Bannock Book By Linda Ducharme o Catch a Cold By Susan Canizares o Your Skin By Melvin and Gilda Berger o Your Body By Melvin and Gilda Berger o Germs Make Me Sick By Melvin Berger o Kingdom of Wellness By Corinne Pankewich (Digital) o B is for Bannock By Vera Trembach o Germs Are Not for Sharing By Elizabeth Verdick o The Germ Busters By Rosemary Wells  Ingredients for Bannock  Pebbles of Promise Poem  Giant Microbes  Scrub Club Song and Booklet   Musical Instruments  Stethoscope  Bandages  Apples  Modelling Clay  Magnifying Glass, Microscope & Googly eyes  First Nations Food Guide  Canada Food Guide  Glo-Germ Kit – Regina Public Health  Grade One Lions Quest Health Resource  Wikispaces and Glogster  Imovies, Flip Video Camera, and a digital camera  Skype and Medical Students  First Nations Elder  Reading Buddies Adaptive Dimension

I will be adapting the instruction so as to include two students with autism as well as students who have difficulty reading, writing, and auditory processing skills. Assessment & Evaluation

I will be using checklists, visual representations, written work, oral communication, homework, and self assessment. Classroom Management Plans

I will be using positive reinforcement, effective planning, movement managment, withitness, focusing students, and techniques to secure attention. Professional Development Plans

For my professional development, I will be slowing down my lessons and reducing the amount I cover in each lesson. Before lessons, I will be practicing my oral communication in regards to giving directions. I will be exploring different methods to assess students. I will be exploring different techniques to adapt my lessons for students’ needs. I will continue to learn new ways to manage the class during my lessons and avoid using the phrase - “Can you…”. Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich/M. Bayda Date: March 2nd, 2009 Subject: Health/Social Relationships Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Social Relationships  Direct Instruction o Pebble Promises o Lecture  Indirect Instruction o Writing to Inform  Independent Study o Assigned questions

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Recognize the need for healthy  Writes a promise and read it to the personal relationships with members class. of their family, friends and others in the community  Increasingly accept responsibility for themselves and others.

Adaptive Dimension:  If students are not able to communicate verbally, they can draw a picture or write words and show their classmates or have someone else read their writing or picture.  Students can use one word promises.

Common Essential Learnings: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, technology, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Poem –Pebble Promise  Collect pebbles etc.  Pebbles/Rocks/Glass Stones  Collect clear glass bowl  Clear glass bowl full of water  Create slips of “I promise” paper.  Overhead projector  Fill bowl with water.  Pieces of paper for promise  Pencils  Water Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set ( mins.):  Re-introduce our selves to the students.  We will read the Pebble Promise poem and talk about how each of our actions effect each other just as the pebbles affect the water by making ripples and touching all the pebbles and rocks in the water.  We are going to help each other in the class by making a promise that helps everyone.  We will, also, tell the students everyone will choose a pebble to represent them, write a promise on a paper, read the promise, and put the pebble in the water. Development( mins.):  We will model thinking of a promise and writing it down on the board.  We will provide examples of promises they could make.  The students will get papers to write on when they are finished writing their promise they can choose a pebble. Closure( mins).:  The students will read their promise in front of the class, and, then, place the rock into the bowl of water, which will be on the overhead.  We will glue the promises to a paper with the poem, and find a home location for the bowl of water and promise poster.

Extensions:  Talk about promises in regards to Treaties in the Classroom Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 2nd , 2009 Subject: Health/ELA Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Introduction to the Unit  Direct Teaching o Structured Overview  Independent Learning o Learning Center o Assigned Questions o Computer Assisted Instruction  Interactive Instruction o Discussion o Brainstorming

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Gradually incorporate the vocabulary  Write what they say on the Chart related to the human body and to paper. health into their speech and writing  KWL Chart- what they think the unit will  Participate in shared language be about, what they know, what they experiences (conversations- want to know more about. speaking)  Talk about ideas, experiences, and preferences related to texts and familiar topics

Adaptive Dimension:

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Technology, Numeracy, technology, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Giant Microbes  Collect materials  Books-  Write Questions on a paper for  Stethoscope students to fill out such as a KWL  HealthyLaptop with video to view Bodieschart.  Music Player and CD  I will write down their suggestions.  2 Head phones  Question Chart for Med. St.  Paper for Med.Grade St. questions One By Corinne Pankewich Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set ( 10 mins.):  Each student will explore each center and write down the thoughts on the KWL chart.  I will have each student share what he or she think the unit will be about as well as what they would like to know more about. Development( 5 mins.):  I will tell the students what we will be learning in this unit. I will highlight some events and activities that will occur.  I will explain some examples of what we will be doing such as the SKYPE call and collecting questions to ask the Medical students about being a doctor as well as about what we are learning that we want to know more about.  We can also talk about the interview questions sent home, working with out Reading Buddies to do a few activities. Closure( 8 mins).:  I will tell the students that through out the unit I need to know what they are learning, so, throughout, the unit, I will be asking them for suggestions of ways I could find out what they have learned.  I will tell them one way I will be recording what they know by what they are saying or the questions they are asking on the chart paper.

Extensions:  Leave station out and create learning centers based on what students are interested in knowing more about. Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 3rd, 2009 Subject: Health Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Healthy Bodies  Indirect Instruction o Introduction Healthy o Reading for Meaning Bodies o Art Inquiry  Interactive Instruction o Brainstorming o Think, Pair, Share

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Gradually incorporate the  The name of the student will be vocabulary related to the human attached to the brainstorming ideas. body and to health into their  I will assess their drawing, their writing speech and writing. and their verbal communication for words related to the health of their bodies.  Recognize that family and friends  Students will take an interview sheet are sources of support. home to their parents and or siblings to  Develop their ability to learn, from their family, about healthy communicate their knowledge bodies. about health to their friends, family and community.  Demonstrate respect for the  Students will appreciate the health of needs of their body their bodies by communicating respectfully.

Adaptive Dimension:  I will help student with the spelling of some words by writing some of the words on large pieces of paper to attach to the board for the student’s reference.

Common Essential Learnings: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and IndependentHealthy Learning. Bodies

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Your Body byGrade Melvin and Gilda  CreateOne interview sheet. By Corinne Pankewich Berger.  Create paper for students to draw and  Chart paper write on.  Piece of paper for student’s to write and draw on  Family interview sheet  Pencil crayons and a pencil.

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (20 mins.):  I will read the book Your Body by Melvin and Gilda Berger. I will share with the students that the upcoming unit will be about Healthy Bodies.  We will brainstorm what our bodies look like and feel like when they are healthy.  Students will think, pair, share.  I will invite students to share in the large group using words, actions, or song.  I will write their ideas down on chart paper.  I will tell them that we will be Skyping with a few Medical Students, at the end of the unit; throughout the unit, we will be thinking of questions to ask the Medical students. Development (15mins.):  Each student will be given a paper with the heading “This is me when I am healthy.  At the bottom of the paper, it will say, “When I feel well I…”  The students will draw a picture of themselves looking and feeling well and, then, write down words about how they look and feel when they are healthy. Closure(10mins).:  In pairs, students will share their drawing and their writing  In the whole group each student will share how they look and feel when they are healthy.  Students will take home an interview sheet to ask their parents or guardian how they feel and look when they are healthy.

Extensions:  Interview several other people such as the Principal, other teachers, or volunteers in the community. Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 4th, 2009 Subject: Health/Science/ELA Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategies:  Healthy Bodies  Interactive Instruction o Becoming ill o Brainstorming o What we need to stay  Indirect Instruction healthy. o Reading for Meaning o Reflective Instruction  Experiential Learning o Storytelling with musical instruments

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Identify personal and  I will poll the students and write the interpersonal behaviours in their results on chart paper. everyday lives that might present a risk to their health or safety  Reflect on what they know and feel about an issue.  Value behaviours which contribute to good health or which prevent disability or illness, including HIV/AIDS*

Adaptive Dimension:  I will show the pictures to help some students remember the story.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, and Personal and Social Values and Skills.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Little Raccoon Catches a Cold By  Write the tables for the Polls on the Susan Canizares Chart paper.  Chart paper  Write beginning, middle, and end on the chart paper.  Collect instruments. Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set ( mins):  I will review what the students said they needed, to be healthy.  I will bring flowers and talk about what flowers/plants need to live and grow, and we will talk about what the similarities and differences between what plants need and what humans need to be healthy.  Brainstorm on chart paper, with the students, how they think we become ill.  Read Little Raccoon Catches a Cold By Susan Canizares  Ask students what happened in the beginning, middle, and end (record on chart paper). Development( mins):  Have a question and discussion time with the students: o What does Raccoon’s father think will help Raccoon stay healthy? Do you think this will keep Raccoon healthy? Is it a good idea? (Poll) o What does Raccoon’s brother think will keep Raccoon healthy? Do you think this will keep Raccoon healthy? Is it a good idea?(Poll) o What does Raccoon decide to do, so he doesn’t catch a cold? Do you think it will work? (Poll) o What does Raccoon use to catch a cold? Do they work? (Baseball Mitt, Butterfly Net, Water Pail, Why or Why not? (Poll) o How did the cold catch Raccoon? o If your cold or wet, do you think you will catch a cold? (Poll) o What did Raccoon’s family do to help him get well? Do you think it will work? (Poll) o What do you think Raccoon learned about getting sick and catching a cold? Why? (Poll) Closure( mins):  Show students the Grow, Glow, Go, and Slow Food Homework Sheet.

Extensions:  Have student’s create a musical retelling of the story.  Determine and action plan for Raccoon to stay healthy. Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 5th, 2009 Subject: Health Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Healthy Bodies  Interactive Instruction o Being Sick o Peer Partner Learning o Think-Pair-Share  Indirect Instruction o Inquiry o Art Inquiry

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Recognize signs of illness and  I will use the sheet they and their signs of health in people. reading buddy fill out.  Realize sometimes you cannot tell if someone is sick.  Realize a disability is not an illness.  Evaluate information from a variety of sources (reading buddy and pictures).  Demonstrate respect for the  Drawing and writing on paper (Every limitations of their body student thinks of a time when they were sick).

Adaptive Dimension:

 Students will have the help of their reading buddy.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Technology, Numeracy, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Wiki with pictures of sick and  Create wiki and place pictures on the healthy people. wiki.  Sheets of paper for students to  Create questionnaire sheets and art draw and write on. inquiry sheets.  Sheets of paper for students to fill  Collaborate with Reading Buddies’ out a questionnaire. teacher.  Pencils, pencil crayons, and a  Book laptop cart. laptop. Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (15 mins.):  On a laptop, the students will  Make sure the reading buddy and work with their reading buddy. grade one student know how to get to  The reading buddy will help the the wiki site on the Internet. student go through a group of pictures that will be on a wiki.  The reading buddy will ask the students if they think the person in the picture is sick or healthy or unsure; then, the students will tell why or why not.  The reading buddy will write  Remind students to answer the “Why” down the student’s answers. part of the questions. Development( 15 mins.):  When finished with the pictures, the student will tell their reading buddy about a time when she or he was sick. The reading buddy will ask them. o How did you feel? o What did you look like? o What did you do to get better?  On separate papers, the student and the reading buddy will draw a picture of their self when they were sick and, then, write down words to finish the sentence “This is me when I feel sick….” and “When I feel sick I…”.  The reading buddy and student can share what he or she draw and wrote. Closure( 10 mins).:  The students will share their drawing and writing with their classmates, and if there is time, they can share with their class what their reading buddies created. Extensions:  Discussion about pictures the students were unsure if the person was healthy or sick.  Discussion about vocabulary in the pictures.

Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 5th, 2009 Subject: Health/Physical Education Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategies:  Healthy Bodies  Experiential Learning o Health - Our Body: Sick o Role Playing and Healthy o Narratives

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Connect what they already  Checklist- students create shapes that know with what they are are reflective of how food makes them learning grow, glow, slow, or go.  Move safely and  Checklist - students who are moving sensitively through all safely. environments

Adaptive Dimension:  The students will walk then crawl instead of running when the people who are “it” have many people attached to them.  I will be moving close to students who need help paying attention to directions.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Drum  Checklist  Bibs for students that are it.  Checklist

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (15 mins):  Introduce Grow, Go, Slow, and Glow pictures. Students can practice the movements they created for the pictures.  I will tell the students what we will be doing in the gym by drawing it on the chart paper.  I will talk about how I will be assessing the students, and ask for suggestions as to how I might know they are meeting the objective.  I will ask what I should do if students aren’t moving safely. Development (20 mins):  Students will complete their regular warm-up.  Students will move on the lines by running, galloping, and skipping.  Students will move to the beat of the drum.  When the drum stops, the students will do a grow, go, glow, slow action.  We will play tag called “Catch the Cold”.  We will gather in the circle. I will tell the students there is a cold out there, and a few of them have to catch the cold. If the colds get caught, they have to join the person by holding on to their hand.  Two students will be chosen to catch the cold.  The children will run, walk and then crawl, until they are caught.  We will repeat this game so more than two people will have a turn to be catch the cold. Closure (10 mins):  Cool down – students have a cold, and they pretend they are very tired and need to sleep to get better.  I will tap the students to line up at the door.

Extensions:  Students will draw some of their shapes of being sick and healthy.

Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 9th, 2009 Subject: Health/Arts Education Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategies:  Healthy Bodies  Experiential Learning o Becoming ill o Musical Storytelling  Independent Learning o Self-Assessment

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Identify personal and  The students will tell or show how their interpersonal behaviours music sound(s) connects to part of the in their everyday lives that story. might present a risk to  Participate in the retelling by choosing their health or safety and playing an instrument.  Understand that music is a unique means of communication and begin to gain an appreciation of the value of their own sound/music ideas.  Explore how they might purposefully express images, moods, or feelings through music

Adaptive Dimension:

 I will assign them part of the story to create a sound for.  We will play the sounds one at a time.  We will play the sounds softly.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Little Raccoon Catches a Cold by  Collect Instruments Susan Canizares  Create symbols for beginning, middle,  Variety of instruments and end..  Symbols for beginning, middle, and end of the story (coloured cards).  Chart paper with Beginning, Middle, and End.

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (15 mins):  We will do a picture walk reminding the students what happened in the story. We will write down some actions words as we finish the beginning, middle, and end of the story.  Book-Little Raccoon Catches a Cold by Susan Canizares  Introduce the activity and model how we will be choosing a part, choosing an instrument, and choosing how to play it. Development(15 mins):  Think, Pair, Share an action they want to create a sound for - from the beginning, middle, or end of the story. Reminder - only five per group.  They write down and/or draw a picture to remind them what action they are turning into a sound.  They choose an instrument to create the sound. They practice their sound for 3 minutes. Reminder – practice quietly so we can all hear our sound.  I will arrange them in sequence by sitting them in a row in the order the story is told.  We will listen to everyone’s sound before we play as a group. Reminder – keep instrument quiet, so everyone can hear each other. Closure(15 mins):  We will retell the story one person at a time or as a group for beginning, middle, and end. I will hold up cards to let students know when to switch.  We will record it using Audacity and Video.

Extensions:  Have students switch groups and retell a different part of the story. Lesson Plan Name: Mrs. Pankewich Date: March 10th, 2009 Subject: Health Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Healthy Bodies  Direct Instruction o Germs o Explicit Teaching o Hand washing  Interactive Instruction o Think, pair, share o Role-playing o Experiments  Independent Study o Computer-assisted

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Understand some problems of  They will answer a question about physical health, ways germs are spread.  Establish daily habits for caring  I will give them a self-assessment for their bodies in order to pertaining to how well they washed maintain or improve health and their hands. prevent illnesses  I will assess their thumb up or down as  Value behaviours which understanding a better way to sneeze contribute to good health or or cough. which prevent disability or illness

Adaptive Dimension:  I will use powder instead of lotion from Glo-germ kit because some student’s do not like lotions on their hands.  We will leave the door open, so there is light still coming into the room for those students who are afraid of the dark.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Technology, Numeracy, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Glo-germ Kit  Set up laptops and headphones.  Germinator Costume  Create costume.  15 Pencils  Rub powder on the pencils.  1 laptop for 2 people.  Create hand washing sequence  Song at under cards. teacher resources.  Cut fabric with circles on it.  Wikispaces with videos  Make command cards for catch a  Hand washing sequencing cards cough and sneeze game.  Fabric for the sneeze.  Print hand washing sequence cards.  Card with instructions to sneeze or cough a certain way.

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (15 mins.):  I will dress up as the Germinator and introduce myself by saying my name and the special power that I have: finding germs.  I will sneeze and throw fabric in the air. The fabric has tiny circles on them, which represent water droplets from a sneeze.  I will tell (and show a card with 40,000 on it) the students that 40,000 droplets of water come out when we sneeze and germs  I will remind students to share the travel in those droplets of water. fabric pieces and pass it to the person  I will show a picture of a car beside them when they are finished driving down the highway and looking at them. say a sneeze can travel as fast as a car driving down the highway.  Cold germs and other germs can be passed to other people through coughing and sneezing. People might be breathing it in, or touching the surfaces that people have sneezed or coughed on.  Show how to sneeze or cough. Development( 20 mins.):  I will pretend to sneeze and cough again into my hand.  I will ask the students to think, pair, share what my hand might have touched today and what objects the germs may be on.  I will sneeze and cough again, not covering my mouth, and,  I will remind students to whisper for then, ask the students to think, think, pair, share. pair, share where the germs might have landed.  I am going to tell them that everyone has germs, but we can cover our nose and mouth with a tissue or our arms, and we can wash them off our hands by  I will remind student’s to whisper. using soap and scrubbing for 20 seconds.  I will give them the Scrub Club Booklet, and we will read the scrub club book and, then, listen to the Scrub Club Song by following along in the booklet.  I will show them two posters I will put in the bathroom to remind them of them about the steps, and the parts of the their hands to wash.  We will use the Glo-Germ kit by putting the powder on pencils, and, then, ask each student to write their name on their booklet.  I will tell them I put a magic powder on their pencils to make the germs on their hands show  I will repeat the steps to the procedure under a special light. again.  We will turn off the lights and  I remind students to wait in line quietly everyone will be able to look at with their hands by their sides. their hands under the black light. Then, they will go wash their hands and return to look at their hands under the black light.  When students are done they can go to the desk, and do a hand washing sequencing activity or watch a video on the laptop. Closure( 5 mins).:  I will give them a self- assessment and the question and answer on the overhead or on the board.  I will remind them how we learned how to sneeze.  We will play Catch the Sneeze & Cough by having each student demonstrate a way to cough and sneeze.  They will pick a card that instructs them to sneeze or cough in a certain way. They will demonstrate, and the students will give a thumb up or thumb down sign.

Extensions:  We will create posters describing when to wash your hands  We will keep track of how many times we catch a sneeze or cough. Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 11th, 2009 Subject: Health Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Healthy Bodies  Interactive Instruction o Skin & Hand washing o Discussion o Presentation  Indirect Instruction o Reading for Meaning o Case Studies  Experiential Learning o Experiment

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Increase their understanding of  Write down what they learned about the main functions of some body the skin and share it. organs and systems.  Draw and or write about the apple.  Establish daily habits for caring Predict what will happen to the apple. for their bodies in order to  Check off when they catch a cough or maintain or improve health and sneeze and when they wash their prevent illnesses, including hands. HIV/AIDS*.

Adaptive Dimension:  Students will be able to write or draw their idea about skin.  Students will show or read their idea from the book.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, technology, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Two apples, a knife, a sharp  Buy apples. pointy object (paperclip), two  Cut small papers and collect 15 bandages, black marker. pencils.  Book- “Your Skin” by Melvin &  Print and copy Apple Observation Gilda Berger. sheet.  A small piece of paper and pencil for each student.  Apple Observation sheet.

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (15 mins.):  We will review hand washing by  Remind students to walk. reenacting the six steps using the music and the lyrics from the hand washing song.  Remind students to put up their hands.  I will have two bandages on my face, and I will tell the students I have three bandages. I will ask them to tell me where the bandages are.  I will tell them that the skin is also a bandage; it helps protect the body from germs.  Ask students questions during the  We will read the book called story. “Your Skin” by Melvin and Gilda Berger, and I will ask students to think about interesting skin facts while we read the book. Development (15 mins.):  After we are finished reading the book, I will ask the students to write down/draw one other idea they learned about the skin.  I will have each person share their idea by coming to the front of the room and reading their Body Break- words or picture.  Make an apple shape and roll across  I will ask if anyone else has any the carpet. ideas about how our skin could be damaged. I will show a few objects that help protect our skin such as winter clothes and sunscreen.  We will compare the skin of an apple to the skin of a human, and we will talk about how skin protects the apple and people, so we need to take care of our skin.  We will do an experiment to discover what happens to the apple with a cut and an apple without a cut.  I will make two cuts in one apple about 4 cm long. I will poke three holes and strike the apple on the table to bruise it. I will circle the “marks” with a black marker. Closure (15 mins):  We will predict what will happen to the apple and they will observe and, then, draw two apples in their observation chart.

Extensions:  We will bring items from home that protects our skin.  I will show the students the poster “When to wash their Hands”, and, in groups of 3, each group will make a poster for a time when they should wash their hands.  I will remind the students about our hand washing lesson yesterday and, in groups of four, I will ask them to put the hand washing sequence cards in order and glue them onto the sheet.  Students will finish their hand washing sequence sheet from yesterday.  I will talk about the charts on their desk: they will check off when they washed their hands and when they caught their sneeze or cough. Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 13th, 2009 Subject: Health/Visual Art Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Healthy Bodies  Direct Instruction o Germs & Infectious o Compare and Contrast Disease o Explicit Teaching  Indirect Teaching o Writing to Inform  Experiential Learning o Model Building

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Understand some problems of  The paper the students fill out physical health, one of which is explaining their germ. HIV/AIDS*  The oral sharing of their germ and  Gradually incorporate the writing. vocabulary related to the human body and to health into their speech and writing  Develop their perceptual abilities  Students will create a 3-D object using modeling clay.

Adaptive Dimension:  I will set up the giant germ microbes at a table beside the clay for students to look at and refer to if they need a model.  I will help students write the words.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication,Healthy Critical and Creative Thinking, BodiesNumeracy, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning. Materials/ Resources:Grade OneAdvanced Preparation: By Corinne Pankewich   Break modeling  Microscope and picture of a microscope clay into smaller  Modeling clay (different colours) pieces.  googley eyes  Create paper for  Poster of “Our Microbial Planet” students to write  Germ Riddle “What Am I” on.  Geometric Solids  Create Riddle.  Giant Microbes.  Create Magnified  Magnifying glass Objects booklet.  Book – Germs Make Me Sick By Melvin Berger

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set ( mins.):  I will have a microscope and a magnifying glass and will tell the students that there is something similar and something different about them. I will ask them if they have any ideas.  We will talk about magnification and different levels of magnification.  I will show them the book about microscopes and microscopic pictures. We will talk about different microscopes magnifying in different ways and different amounts of magnification.  I will show the students 4 microscopic pictures from the website pic.html that I have printed off and made into a book.  I will ask them what they think they pictures are, think, pair, share, and we will read what he pictures are.  I will tell them the pictures were taken by using a microscope.  We will talk about germs being one kind of very small organism and dust mites are another. I will show them the poster called “Our Microbial Planet” and tell the students that these tiny organisms are called microbes, and microbes  Brain Break- microbe can help us as well as harm us. shapes.  I will read the Riddle to the students and have them guess what it is. Development( mins.):  We will talk about germs being one kind of microbe.  I will show them some of the giant microbe germs creatures, and we will discuss the creatures, and how they were created.  I will ask them why they think they are called giant microbes.  We will talk about the amount of magnification used to take the picture and, then, describe how they artist created the giant microbe based on the magnified picture. I will point out that the microscopic picture and the giant microbe are not exactly the same, but they are similar.  I will be reminding  I will tell the students they will be creating their students about what we own giant microbe today and I will show and will be doing and the describe the sheet they will be using before and order we will be doing it after making their giant germ microbe in.  Each student will create their own microbe germ  I will, also, be asking using coloured clay, googley eyes, and bead the students to repeat material. some of the directions.  On a piece of paper, I will have the students name their germ, describe the shape and colour, how people catch it, what happens to their body if people catch it, and how to heal from the illness. Closure( mins).:  I will write on chart  The students will share their germ and the paper the order the information they created about it on Audacity. students will be doing  Those children who are finished early will have activities. an opportunity to do an apple observation and then a book exploration.

Extensions:  I will set this activity up at a center and the students can take a closer look at the giant microbes and will have an opportunity to create some more microbes. Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 16th, 2009 Subject: Health/Arts Ed/ ELA Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategies:  Healthy Bodies  Experiential Instruction o Fighter Cells o Role Playing  Direct Instruction o Explicit Teaching

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Increase their understanding of  Question and Answer- How do our the main functions of some body bodies fight germs? How can we give organs and systems our fighter cells a rest?  Understand some problems of physical health, one of which is HIV/AIDS*

Adaptive Dimension:

 Allow students to dictate their answer.  Allow students to draw their answer.  Allow students to write their answer.  Use the video to tell how our bodies fight germs.  I may tape pictures on the floor to let people know where to stand.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Story- The Kingdom of Wellness  Write story, then, print off or turn into  Picture tags for 2 gates, 3 digital story. microbes, 3 enemy microbes, 1  Collect props or make picture alarm bell, 4 army members, 1 necklaces for students to wear. alarm bell, 1 King, and 1 Queen.  Make a paper person, germs, and  Paper and pencil for each student. police officers.  Cut a small piece paper for each student.

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (8 mins):  Tell the story about the Kingdom of Wellness and the enemy microbes.  Ask the students (and write on the board) who the characters were in the story.  I will explain the role-playing and give each student a necklace  Let students know they will be only with the picture of his or her part choosing one character, but we will all on the tag. be the Kingdom walls. Development(10 mins):  Students will stand on their picture that is already placed, on the floor, in a circle.  I will tell the story again, and each student will act out his or  I will remind student we need to be her part. Each student will go respectful of the other students, so we into the center when they hear need to make sure we are not moving their part. fast, bumping or hurting anyone.  All of the students will form the outer structure of the Kingdom by standing in a circle with their arms out.  I will have two students who are the gates in one section of the  Cue students to let them know when circle, and the King and Queen and where to perform. will be on the opposite side. The microbes will be in one section of the circle, and the enemy microbes will be on the opposite side.  The army members will be dispersed evenly throughout the circle. The alarm bell does not have a specific location. Closure(10 mins):  I will show the white blood cell giant microbe and talk about what it does in the body. I will relate the soldiers’ job, in the story, to the white blood cell.  I will show students the poster of the person with germs and police officers on it.  I will use paper police officers to illustrate what happens when a germ enters the body.  Tell students some times our bodies need help, and we go to the doctor to get some medicine to help us feel better or help our bodies fight the germs.  Each student will receive a paper and will write down or draw how their bodies fight germs.  Ask students how they could give the white blood cell or army a rest? Students can write or draw on the backside of the paper.

Extensions:  Show what happens when the HIV microbe enters the body and explain the only ways little children can get HIV is by touching dirty needles on the ground.  Organize a group project to help people who have HIV/AIDS. Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich & M. Bayda Date: March 17th, 2009 Subject: Health/Arts Ed/ Science/S.S. Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategies:  First Nations  Direct Instruction o Relationship between the o Explicit Teaching earth and humans.  Indirect Instruction o Reading Pictures for Meaning o Reflective Discussion  Interactive Instruction o Discussion

Foundational/Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Students will develop  Write down the students’ comments. attitudes necessary for healthy living. o Value behaviours which contribute to good health

Adaptive Dimension:

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Drum and mallet.  Drum and mallet.  Pictures of Aboriginal Drums.  Pictures of Aboriginal Drums.  Pictures of First Nations Art  Pictures of First Nations Art  Chart paper.  Chart paper. Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set ( mins):  We will ask the students to follow the beat of the drum by tapping their hands on their knees.  We will talk about the sound of a human heart, and I will beat the drum to the rhythm of a heartbeat. Students will follow along to the beat of the drum first on their knees and, then, over their heart.  We will talk about the how Aboriginals use the drum in their dances, music, ceremonies, or for other reasons but not the same kind of drum as we are using today.  Show pictures of some aboriginal drums.  We will think and remember back to the picture we saw of the Round Dance at the First Nations exhibit in the R.S. Museum.  Our guide told us that the beating of the drum signifies the beating of Mother Earth’s heart.  I will ask the students: Who do you think Mother Earth is? Why do you think some people call the earth Mother Earth?  I will tell the students that we have invited a First Nations Elder called Elder Mike to come and talk with us tomorrow, and he will tell us more about Mother Earth, and we will be talking more about his visit, in the afternoon. Development( mins):  We will talk about who has a heartbeat, and what a heartbeat signifies (living things).  We will ask the students what respect means.  We will talk about how all of us want to be treated with respect, and we will ask if they think Mother Earth would want to be treated with respect as well.  We will read a book about respecting each living thing on earth just as they are our own family-The Family of Earth by Shim Shimmel.  We will ask the students: who is the earth’s family?  We will talk about the First Nations people having a special relationship with the earth, and we will find out more about that from Elder Mike. Closure( mins):  We will move to the beat of the drum  We will introduce some First as a brain break. Nations art with humans and nature in the art. The artists are all from Saskatchewan and found at www.first-nations-art-  We will think about and discuss each picture. We will talk about what we think the pictures are telling us.  Discussion: Why do humans need the earth? Why do animals need the earth? Why do humans need plants and animals? Why does the Earth need humans? What happens if the earth gets sick? What can happen to people if the earth gets sick? Why does the earth sometimes get sick?

Extensions:  Who is an Elder? Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich & M. Bayda Date: March 17th, 2009 Subject: Health/Science/S.S. Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategies:  First Nations  Direct Instruction o Elder Visit, Protocol and o Lecture Asking questions.  Interactive Instruction o Discussion o Think, Pair Share

Foundational/Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Students will identify  Each student will choose a question to sources of support for ask the Elder. healthy living o Students will develop their ability to make decisions

Adaptive Dimension:  Students can choose a question, and someone else can ask the question for him or her.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Chart Paper/ White Board  Chart paper or White Board  Recipe cards.  Recipe Cards  Poster – “Our Future” (First Nations Youth)  Pictures of First Nations people drumming.  Poster – “Our Future”.

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set ( mins):  We will review the lesson about Mother Earth, the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and the special relationship First Nations people have with the earth.  We will remind the students that we have invited a First Nations Elder to come and talk to the class tomorrow morning and his name is Elder Mike Pinay.  When we were at the Museum, Miss Huber was talking with some of us about First Nations Elders.  Does anyone remember what a First Nations’ Elder is?  We will tell students an Elder is a very special person in the First Nations community because she or he has special knowledge. People see them as special leaders because they are wise and can help people. They have learned important things and stories that have been passed down to them from people in their community like their parents or grandparents.  People can go to see an Elder to ask for special advice or ask to be taught something.  We invited Elder Mike to come visit our classroom tomorrow to share his special knowledge about Mother Earth and about the health of the earth and the health of humans. Development( mins):  In First Nations culture, it is a privilege to ask an Elder to share his or her special knowledge with you, and we have to follow a certain protocol to show the Elder respect for his knowledge.  Protocol means rules or a special order of events to follow.  We are going to talk about the rules we will follow for his visit tomorrow, so Elder Mike knows we respect his knowledge and his culture.  Show the picture of the Pipe Stem and talk about how the Pipe Stem is used to smoke tobacco during special ceremonies and may be used for other purposes as well.  The first special rule is to present tobacco to an Elder when you have asked him or her to share his knowledge, so we will be presenting Elder Mike with some tobacco before we start tomorrow.  Elder Mike may have us join hands for a prayer before he starts sharing, and he may have us join hands again to have a closing prayer. He may pray in English or in his First Language.  People pray in many different cultures, and they may pray for different reasons.  When we are listening to the Elder is important to listen quietly and wait until the Elder is finished talking before we talk or ask a question. This shows respect for him.  We will also be giving him a gift at the end of his talk to thank him for sharing his special knowledge and wisdom. Closure( mins):  We will ask the students what they think Elder Mike will look like?  We will show the poster- “Our Future” and review who is in the poster and if he might look like somebody from the poster. We will show the pictures of the people and drum and ask if they think he might look like somebody in their.  We will ask what do you think Elder Mike will wear? We will talk about what he might wear using the pictures.  We will ask the students what kind of questions would they like to ask Elder Mike. Also, we will give them some ideas using our list of questions.  Each student will pick a question and write it down on a piece of paper. They will practice reading it to one or two friends, and, then, the teacher.  We will remind students that they each have their question but they can, also, ask other questions too.

Extensions:  Invite First Nations drummers or dancers into the classroom. Lesson Plan Name: Mrs. Pankewich Date: March 19th, 2009 Subject: Health/Social Studies Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Healthy Bodies  Indirect Instruction o First Nations, Inuit, & o Reading for Meaning Metis Food Guide  Experiential Learning o Making Food  Direct Teaching o Lecture

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Evaluate information from a  Students will make bannock with a variety of sources partner  Demonstrate respect for all  Students will write down one food from people regardless of their race, the First Nations, Inuit & Metis Food sex, age, abilities, etc. Guide that they eat.  Gradually incorporate the vocabulary related to the human body and to health into their speech and writing

Adaptive Dimension:  Students will work with a partner.

Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning. Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  First Nation Food Guide  Gather ingredients for making  Eaglecrest Book Series bannock.  Flour, water, oil, baking powder.  Make instruction cards for bannock  Tsp, ½ cup, ¼ cup making.  2 Baking trays.  Gather cooking tools.  Vera Trembach  Gather books from the library.  “B is for Bannock” Book  Photocopy books.  “B is for Bannock” cards  Book- I can’t have bannock but the beaver has a dam By Bernelda Wheeler.  Book- The Bannock Book By Linda Ducharme

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (10 mins.):  Yesterday, we invited a First Nations Elder to talk to us about Mother Earth and our healthy bodies.  We will begin the lesson by reminding the students about what the Elder’s favourite kind of food was, and we will talk about the similarity between the food he eats and the food we eat.  I will show the students the First Nations, Inuit, & Metis Food Guide as well as the Canada Food Guide, and we will talk about how the food guides have many of the same foods.  The First Nations food guide has some traditional foods in the middle, but the food guide is not just for First Nations people because many people like to eat these kinds of food. Many people like to fish, hunt, and gather berries.  Share some differences about the two Food Guides. Notes taken from the Health Canada Website: First Nations, Inuit & Metis Food Guide. It reflects the importance of food as a link to the land, to family, and community, and as an element of spirituality. Circle instead of rainbow is used. Remember Elder Mike asked us to sit in a circle, and we danced the Round Dance in a circle. The circle is important to First Nations people. Traditional foods are inside and the traditional gathering activities. Traditional foods are from air, land, and water. This is what the earth gives us to eat. These are First Nations and Metis people’s traditional food in the middle, but the First Nations, Inuit & Metis food guide are for all Canadians to use because many people like to hunt, fish, and gather berries.  We will share our own stories about fishing, hunting, and gathering berries.  Students will write down one food they eat from the First Nations,  I will remind students to listen when the Inuit, and Metis Food Guide. speaker is talking.  They will share what they wrote down with the class. Development (10 mins.):  I will introduce the story by sharing that bannock is a First Nations’ word for bread.  We will read the book I Can’t Have Bannock but the Beaver  Remind students to work together and has a Dam by Bernelda Wheeler. wait until the people in front of them  Throughout the story, I will ask move to the next step in the process. students to predict what will happen in the story. Closure (25 mins).:  We will make bannock. With a partner, the students will make an individual bannock bun to take home (I will cut it in half.) I will introduce the activity by modeling it.  Students can read the Eaglecrest Stories together; read and colour the “B is for Bannock” book, or sequence the word bannock when they are finished making their bannock bun. Extensions:  Students can categorize food into food groups.

Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March 20th, 2009 Subject: Health/ELA Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Healthy Bodies/Review  Indirect Instruction o Infectious diseases o Concept Formation o Sources of support o Group Writing to Inform o Reflective Discussion  Interactive Instruction o Interviewing

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Recognize that the job of  I will write what they learned from the health-care professionals Med. Students by writing it on chart is to prevent disease and paper /white board and writing their injury and to care for those name down. who are ill or hurt  Make comments, ask and  Each child will write a thank you letter answer questions related to the Med. Students. to topics under discussion, and ask questions to gather information from  Each child chooses a question to ask. others

Adaptive Dimension:

The reading buddies will help the students ask the questions. Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Technology, and Personal and Social Values and Skills.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Laptop   Skype  Data Projector  Chart Paper  Paper for drawing & writing  Cue cards for questions.

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set ( 15 mins.):  I will introduce the white blood cell, and we will talk about the apple and, then, compare the cut to a human’s cut.  I will read the three scenarios to the students; they will discuss the solutions to the three situations. Development( 20 mins.):  I will tell the students we will be Skyping with some people who are learning to be doctors. I will show or tell where they live and where they are going to school.  I will read the questions they and I have come up with, and I will ask the students if they have any other questions that they would like to ask.  Each student will pick a question to ask the Med. Students and write it down if there is time. They can practice it with a friend, in, then, in front of the class.  We will Skype with the Med. Students, and the reading buddies will write the questions down. Closure( 5 mins).:  As a group, we will brainstorm ideas for a thank you note.  Students will write a thank you note to the medical students for talking with us.  If we have time we can talk about other sources of support.  Students can work on activities from the previous lesson- hand washing activity, bannock book, read First Nations books.

Extensions:  We can Skype with other health professionals such as a public health nurse, a dentist, a nurse etc..

* Below are Lessons I Planned But Did Not Implement Because of Time

Lesson Plan Name: C. Pankewich Date: March , 2009 Subject: Health Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategy:  Healthy Bodies  Direct Instruction o Muscles o Didactic Questions  Independent Study o Computer Assisted  Experiential Instruction o Experiments

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Increase their understanding of  Recording sheet to identify muscles. the main functions of some body organs and systems  Participate in physical activities  Checklist - completes the movement to maintain and improve their outside. physical fitness  Represent and describe  Represents number of muscles used whole numbers to 20 concretely, pictorially and symbolically.

Adaptive Dimension:  When students are watching the video, I will tell them to pause the video and put up their hand if they don’t understand something or need extra help. Common Essential Learnings’: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Numeracy, technology, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning.

Materials/ Resources: Advanced  Lap tops Preparation:  Recording sheets  .  Book-“ Your Muscles“By Melvin & Gilda Berger  Video - lic=1&article_set=59302&cat_id=20607  Pictures of muscles  Words – Involuntary/Smooth, Cardiac, and Skeletal/Voluntary  Paper to record what learned

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set ( mins.):  I will read the book called “ Your Muscles“By Melvin & Gilda Berger  I will ask the students about the muscles in their body and where they think they are located.  We will do a sorting activity to identify a few different kinds of muscles in the body. There will be three columns: smooth/involuntary, cardiac, and skeletal/voluntary. I will have a few pictures of each kind of muscle and ask the students to help me categorize the muscles. Development( mins.):  Each child will watch the video The Muscular System on a laptop. The video is found at lic=1&article_set=59302&cat_id=20607  The students will write down one thing they learned about muscles.  I will write some ideas on the board help them think about what they would like to write. o How many muscles do we have in our bodies? o Where can you feel your muscles? o Where can’t you feel muscles? o How can we keep our muscles healthy? o Did something surprise you after you watched the video? o Do we all have the same or different kind of muscles? o What are some jobs the muscles have? o What are the names of the muscles? Closure( mins).:  We will go outside and do three movements, running, walking, and slithering.  The students will circle the muscles they are using for those three movements, and tally how many muscles they think they were using.

Extensions:  Have different exercises on cards at different stations in the classroom or gym, and each group of students will rotate around the gym, do the exercise and guess which muscles they are strengthening.  Play Twister and identify which muscles you are using. Lesson Plan Name: Corinne Pankewich Date: March , 2009 Subject: Health/ELA/Arts Education Grade: Grade 1

Topic: Instructional Strategies:  Healthy Bodies  Experiential Learning o Catching a Cold Dance o Role Playing o Narratives

Learning Objectives: Assessment:  Participate in physical activities  Checklist for students who represent to maintain and improve their their favourite part into a movement. physical fitness  Begin to understand the variety of sources for dance ideas.  Consider a variety of ways of representing events, ideas, and information

Adaptive Dimension:

Common Essential Learnings: Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Values and Skills, and Independent Learning. Materials/ Resources: Advanced Preparation:  Book - Little Raccoon Catches a  Cold by Susan Canizares.

Presentation: Classroom Management Strategies: Set (15 mins):  Ask students about their favourite part of the story, Little Raccoon Catches a Cold by Susan Canizares.  Tell students we are going to represent our favourite part of the story through movement.  I will model creating a movement with my favourite part of the story.  Ask students to share with a partner their favourite part of the story and show their partner their movement. Development(15 mins):  Students will be paired to share the favourite part of the story and their movement.  The partners will join to make a group of 4, and each person will share their favourite part of the story and their movement. Closure(10 mins):  We will make a large circle, and each person will take a turn to go around the circle to share his or her movement. The students will guess what the student’s favourite part of the story.

Extensions:  We will add music to the movement dance.  Students can go into the middle to dance.  We will make two lines and two people will do their movement down the middle.

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