Day 1: Invitation To The Circuit

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Day 1: Invitation To The Circuit

The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 1: Invitation to The Circuit

Materials and Resources:

1. The Circuit Invitation/Overview 2. The Circuit Invitation Identification (for you) 3. Dry Erase Board 4. Bell Work Week 1 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: What are Civil Rights? How are they different from Human Rights?

Invitation: . Distribute The Circuit Invitation / Overview . Allow students about 5 minutes to work on identifying the nine individuals listed on the top half of the handout . After 5 minutes, have students get together with a partner for 5 more minutes to share answers . When finished, take a verbal survey of how many each set could identify (i.e. “Did anyone get all of them? How about 5? 6? Etc.) . As a class, go through each individual, having students define them as best as possible. Take a moment to embellish each individual with a few details or a short story that might spark a memory with students (i.e. Rosa Parks – bus)

Civil Rights Discussion: . Write “Civil Rights” on the board (or do this verbally) . Break apart the phrase so that you can define “civil” and “rights” – What do these terms mean to your students? . Create a web on the board of all of the definitions that the class comes up with . Encourage students to add to their definitions any civil right movements about which they are aware (What is a “movement”?) The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 2: What is an Immigrant?

Materials and Resources:

1. Anticipation Guide 2. “Strongly Disagree” and “Strongly Agree” signs (or space to write on the board) 3. Dry Erase Board 4. Modern Immigrants worksheets (source) 5. Bell Work Week 1 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: What is an immigrant? What does an immigrant look like?

Anticipation Guide: . Distribute the Anticipation Guide, and read the directions aloud with students o *Facts: 2006 Immigration: . 1.3 million authorized, permanent immigrants . 1.8 million with estimated unauthorized, or temporary, immigrants . Source: Department of Homeland Security . Allow 10 minutes for students to complete the guide . After they have finished, write “Strongly Agree” and “Strongly Disagree” on boards (or signs) on either side of the room . Go through each statement (or only half to save time), and have students move to where they fit in on the continuum (they can use their guides) o Good ones to use: 1, 3, and 5 o If students are too rowdy, have them sit down and do the activity using a showing of hands . After students move, discuss the statement and why they feel the ways that they do . Collect the Anticipation Guides for a completion grade

Immigration Reading: . Modern Immigrants worksheets o Hand worksheets out so that students in same row are reading different stories (makes grouping in next step easier) o After giving students time to complete the “before” reading and “during” reading, put them into groups so that each group member read about a different immigrant. Students should do the “after” reading in groups o Staple Anticipation guide to Modern Immigrants and turn in The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 3: Learning the Language

Materials and Resources:

1. Association Activity a. Words cut up and in envelopes (one per group) 2. Vocabulary Cross Word Puzzle and Word Search 3. Bell Work Week 1 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: Do you speak another language? Are you fluent or studying? What language would you like to learn, and why? If you do not want to learn another language – why not? What is the benefit of knowing another language? (Be sure to address at least two of these questions to fulfill your Bell Work) . Share responses when students are finished

Association Activity: . Explain the activity and write instructions on board: o Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 o Each group will receive an envelope containing 16 words o Students will work to organize these words into as many categories as possible, grouping the physical words together o After they organize all the words into groups, someone from the groups should write down the groups and give each group a title o Students are then to write as many sentences as they can using only two words from the envelope in their sentences o *If students do not know the meaning of some words they can use the dictionary to look it up (if it is an English word), or just assume based on the other words in the envelope . Split class into groups of 3 or 4, and allow 15 minutes for students to do this activity . After groups finish, have each group read 2 of their sentences aloud . After groups share, go through each word and discuss/define its meaning

Vocabulary: . Distribute the Vocabulary Cross Word Puzzle and Word Search, and allow students to work on it the rest of class. They can use dictionaries to look up the words if needed. . The Cross Word is homework, and the Word Search is extra credit (2 pts if done correctly) The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 4: Comparing and Contrasting: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Cesar Chavez

Materials and Resources:

1. Analogy Graphic Organizer 2. SmartBoard and Computer 3. Cesar Chavez Lecture b. c. Using the SmartBoard, go through the timeline presented by PBS d. **On Starting a Union for Farmworkers (connection to MLK)

“Cesar Chavez and his desk ‘I had a dream that the only reason the employers were so powerful was not because they in fact had that much power, in terms of dealing with the lives of their workers at will, but what made them truly powerful was that we were weak. And if we could somehow begin to develop some strength among ourselves, I felt that we could begin to equal that, balancing their power in agriculture.’” 4. Bell Work Week 1 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: What, in your life, is worth fighting for? Why? How far would you go to protect whatever it is?

Martin Luther King, Jr.: . Do a “brain drain” with the class, and encourage students to take notes in case they do not finish the activity (organizer) and need to use the notes when finishing it for homework: o Have students throw out words that come to mind when they think of Martin Luther King, Jr. o Write, or have a student write, the words on the board o Discuss how these things relate to civil rights, and try to get students to draw comparisons between what they just put on the board and what was on the board when they did the civil rights mapping activity

Cesar Chavez: . Give mini lecture on Cesar Chavez, taking notes or creating a web on the board near the one created for MLK Jr.

Analogy Graphic Organizer: . Distribute the Analogy Graphic Organizer . Have students work individually, using the notes on the board, to fill out the organizer for both MLK Jr. and Cesar Chavez The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans . Explain that the “New Concept” is Cesar Chavez, the “Old Concept” is MLK Jr., and the “Relationship Categories” are different ways that the two are related (i.e. “activists” would work here) . Give students time to work on the graphic organizer individually, about 5 minutes . Have three students write on the boards “Similarities,” “Differences,” and “Relationship Categories” . As a class, go through each and fill in the chart . Take as a participation/completion grade The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 5: Harvesting Hope

Materials and Resources:

5. Teacher’s Guide to Harvesting Hope 6. Harvesting Hope book and audio tape 7. Vocabulary Matching Activity 8. Bell Work Week 1 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: If you could eat only the foods that you grew, what would those foods be?

Harvesting Hope: . Read the excerpt from the Teacher’s Guide to Harvesting Hope, and present the five themes listed . Explain that the book Harvesting Hope gives a great visual, and narrative, depiction of life as a migrant worker. Further – this gives students an opportunity to listen to a story told with a Spanish accent, just like we will hear when listening to The Circuit . Play the audio book and walk around with the actual book to show students the pictures . After the book finishes, discuss students’ reactions using the themes presented, and examples from the Teacher’s Guide

Vocabulary: . Have students work on the matching activity The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 6: Chapters 1 and 2 “Under the Wire” and “Soledad”

Materials and Resources:

1. The Circuit books and audiotape 2. Independent Reading Guide 3. Character Analysis Grids 4. Story Maps 5. Bell Work Week 2 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: Preview chapters 1 and 2: “Under the Wire” and “Soledad.” What do you think the titles of each of the chapters mean? Write three sentences for each chapter. If you do not know what “soledad” means, what is the significance of it being in Spanish?

The Circuit: . Refer back to invitation handout, and go over expectations in detail . Discuss Character Analysis Grid (CAG) and Story Map (SM) . Put key vocabulary words and translations on the board and briefly go over them before beginning reading . Listen to the first chapter, pages 1-7. (disc 1, track 3) . Discuss: o Expectations v. Reality (California) o Motivations for coming to US . Listen to second chapter, pages 8 – 11. . Discuss: o Character Identifications (Begin Character Analysis Grid) o Roles and Responsibilities o Type of work . Journal: Have you ever done something to disappoint your parents? What was it? What were the consequences? If not, what would the ultimate disappointment be? The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 7: Chapter 3 “Inside Out”

Materials and Resources:

1. The Circuit books and audiotape 2. Reading Guide 3. Character Analysis Grids 4. Story Maps 5. US Citizenship Test (powerpoint) 6. Bell Work Week 2 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: Preview chapter 3: “Inside Out.” Who do you think this is talking about? Explain in at least three sentences what you think will happen in this chapter.

The Circuit: . Display US Citizenship test on SmartBoard, allow time for students to answer (on journal paper) and then briefly go over answers o Discuss difficulty of test . Put key vocabulary words and translations on the board and briefly go over them before beginning reading . Listen to the third chapter, pages 12 – 21 (disc 1, track 11) . Discuss: o Language barrier (especially at school) o Differences in schools and teachers? o Should support services be offered to students who do not speak English? (NO national language, remember?) . Schema Activity: Have all students take journal paper and a pen or pencil. Tell students to write down everything that they do from the moment that they leave their houses for school to the moment that they leave the school in the afternoon. Use details, as if you were writing directions to someone. . Discuss: Schema, what would life be like without this? o Make connection to earlier question about support services for non- English speakers . (If time) CAG and SM work time The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 8: Chapter 4 “Miracle in Tent City”

Materials and Resources:

1. The Circuit books and audiotape 2. Reading Guide 3. Character Analysis Grids 4. Story Maps 5. Bell Work Week 2 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: Preview chapter 4: “Miracle in Tent City.” What do you think the miracle might be, and what is a tent city? Write at least three sentences.

The Circuit: . Put vocabulary words and translations on the board and briefly go over them before beginning reading . Define: o Supernatural o Faith . Listen to the fourth chapter, pages 22 – 35 (disc1, track 19) . Journal: can faith help people during hardship? How? Why? What kinds of faith do you see around you? . CAG and SM work time The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 9: Chapters 5, 6, and 7 “El Angel de Oro,” “Christmas Gift,” and “Death Forgiven”

Materials and Resources:

1. The Circuit books and audiotape 2. Reading Guide 3. Character Analysis Grids 4. Story Maps 5. Bell Work Week 2 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: Preview chapters 5, 6, and 7: “El Angel de Oro” (The Angel of Gold), “Christmas Gift,” and “Death Forgiven.” Write at least one sentence for each chapter title.

The Circuit: . Look at pictures of migrant work camps on SmartBoard . Put vocabulary words and translations on the board and briefly go over them before beginning reading . Listen to the fifth chapter, pages 36 – 41 (disc 1, track 31) . Listen to the sixth chapter, pages 42 – 46 (disc 2, track 1) . Listen to the seventh chapter, pages 47 – 50 (disc 2, track 5) . Discuss large group: o Friendship (Miguelito, El Angel de Oro, Perico) o Poverty – helping one another o Does anyone in Panchito’s family help the couple? How? What could they have done even though they had no money to give? . Journal: Why do people look for friends in animals? What type of quality can an animal have in a friendship that another person cannot? Personal examples? . CAG and SM work time The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans

Day 10: Chapter 8 “Cotton Sack”

Materials and Resources:

1. The Circuit books and audiotape 2. Reading Guide 3. Character Analysis Grids 4. Story Maps 5. Bell Work Week 3 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: The title of chapter 8 is “Cotton Sack.” Using your understanding of the book so far, what do you think the significance of a cotton sack is?

The Circuit: . Begin by looking at various pictures of migrant workers in strawberry and cotton fields. Discuss the positions that their bodies are required to be in to complete their work. . Look at map of Panchito’s family’s travels up to this point in the book. Discuss that although they had a car, they were still doing quite a bit of moving. . Read over vocabulary and translations . Listen to chapter 8 “Cotton Sack” (Disc 2, Track 8) . Discuss Panchito’s efforts to prove himself to his father, and introduce journal topic:

Work Time: . Students were allowed the last 15 minutes of class to catch up on missing journals (topics on PowerPoint slide), make up missing work, fill out CAG and SM, and make final changes to autobiographies The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 11: Chapter 9 “The Circuit” and Chapter 10 “Learning the Game”

Materials and Resources:

1. The Circuit books and audiotape 2. Reading Guide 3. Character Analysis Grids 4. Story Maps 5. Bell Work Week 3 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: . About which character are you completing your Character Analysis Grid? (If you haven’t chosen one – you need to do so!) . What, do you think, is that character’s best trait?

The Circuit: . Put vocabulary words and translations on the board and briefly go over them before beginning reading . Listen to chapter 9 “The Circuit,” pages 61 – 69 (Disc 2, Track 15) . Chapter 9 journal: o What is the significance of the title of the book: The Circuit ? o What is represented as a circuit in chapter 9? o Give an example of a modern day circuit. . Listen to chapter 10 “Learning the Game,” pages 70 – 79 (Disc 2, Track 22) The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 12: Chapter 11 “To Have and To Hold”

Materials and Resources:

1. The Circuit books and audiotape 2. Reading Guide 3. Character Analysis Grids 4. Story Maps 5. Bell Work Week 3 PowerPoint

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: The title of chapter 11 is “To Have and To Hold.” What is something that you would always like to have and hold? Do you have a favorite stuffed animal from your childhood, or a blanket? A collection or a photo album?

The Circuit: . Chapter 10, “Learning the Game” journal: o Where might you draw your line? Why would you draw it there? Is there anything that could make you compromise? What would it be and why? . Put vocabulary words and translations on the board and briefly go over them before beginning reading . Listen to the eleventh chapter, pages 80 – 93 . Discuss large group: o What was it that Panchito collected? o Why was he so proud of it? o What happened when he couldn’t find it? . Journal: o Do you have anything like this? (If students cannot think of anything, pose the question this way: If your house was on fire and you could only grab one thing, not a person or animal, what would it be?) o Discuss things that are always in your mind, and those that would be irreplaceable and unmemorable (i.e. vacations v. specific photographs or gifts) . Collect Journals . CAG and SM work time The Circuit Daily Lesson Plans Day 13: Theme Analysis

Materials and Resources: . Poster Paper . Markers

Learning Activities or Tasks:

Bell Work: What were the best and worst parts of the book? Who was your favorite or least favorite character, and why?

Theme Stations: 1. Have students work in five different groups to explore the five major themes throughout the book: Hope, Courage, Family, Social Justice, Prejudice 2. Post a piece of poster paper for each theme around the room. 3. Groups will spend 7 minutes at each station, and the rotate. Each rotation has a different task: a. Rotation #1: Define the theme using: i. One synonym and one antonym: (Theme) means the same as ______and does not mean ______. ii. One simile or metaphor: (Theme) is like ______iii. A word web b. Rotation #2: Provide three examples of the theme from real life c. Rotation #3: Provide two examples of the theme from The Circuit d. Rotation #4: Illustrate the theme (either the definition or an example) e. Rotation #5: Relate this theme to our discussion of Civil Rights (making a connection to the novel) in a short paragraph

Final Project: . If time allows, present the final project

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