Computer Syllabus

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Computer Syllabus

Class III EVS P.T. I 1.My Family. MCQ April to July 2. Parts of my Body. Family Tree 3. Looking after my body. Write 5 lines on (a) Ginger and its uses. 4. Plants around us. (b) Tulsi and its uses. MID TERM 5. Leaves in our lives MCQ Aug to September 6. Animals Around me Project on (a) Cleanliness 7. Insects and Birds (b) Different kind of leaves 8. Our Neigbourhood NoteBook (Clean and neat work with all the 9. Fun and Games topics) 10. Our food PT-2 11. Our Houses MCQ Oct to Nov 12. Maps and plans Model on -Planets 13. The Sun, Moon, Starts -Pollution and the earth 14. Our Environment Final Term 15. Air and water Project on Dec to Feb 16. Transport 1. Symbols used in Maps 17. Coommunication 2. Metro 18. Our clothes Note book(Neat work with al the topics) 19. Speaking without sound 20. Reading without eyes 21. We depend on each other

Maths Months Course to be Covered Components P.T.-1 Ch -1 Numbers MCQ April to Mid July Ch-2 Addition Mental Maths- Ascending order, descending order, expanded form, short form table 2 to 10 MID TERM Ch-2 Numbers Project on Time-Make a wall August to September Ch-3 Subtraction clock Ch-4 Multiplication Activity- Abacus Ch-5 Division Notebook with all topics Ch-6 Fractions Ch-12 Time P.T.-2 Ch-7 Geometry MCQ-Shapes, length Oct to Nov Ch-8 Measurement of length tables 1 to 20 Final Exam Ch-9 Mesurement of weight Project Dec to Feb Ch-10 Mesurement of capacity 1.Geometircal shapes Ch-11 Money 2. Measurement of capacity Ch-13 Data Handling Notebooks with all topics Ch-14 Patterns ENGLISH Month Couse to be covered Components P.T.1 L-1 A Lesson in Kindness Listening (April to Mid July) L-2 It's Raining Dictation of L-1 and 2 20/2 marks=10 Poem-Ducks Don't Get Wet Speaking Grammer-1. Short Forms Recitaiton of Poem 2. Writing Numbers 3. Ordinal Numbers LETTER Mid Term Exam L-3 The Dog's Tail Reading Test From- (August to September) L-4 Cats and Dogs L-3,4,5,6 40/2 marks=20 L-5 Mister Simple onthe train Copy- L-6 It's not fair Neat and complete with all Poem-The swing required topics Now I am Eight Grammer – 1. Telling the time 2. The sentence and its kinds 3. Noun 4. Ponoun 5. Use of Is, Am, Are Writing 1. Paragraph 2. Application and Letter Unseen Passage and unseen Poem P.T. 2 L-7 A Night out Speaking- (October to November) L-8 In the Orchard Story Telling Poem-Puppy and I Listening- Grammer 1. Subject and Story Listening and Quiz Predicate 2. Comparison of Adjective 3. Use of Will/Shall Final Term L-9 The Dog ate my Homework Reading Test From (December to February) L-10 How does it Grow? L-9,10,11,12 L-11 Jerry's a Good Boy Now Copy- L-12 The Chimpanzee's Friend Neat and complete with all the Poem : A Busy Day required topics. A Giant Gorilla Grammar : 1. Question words 2. Verb Forms 3. Use of much, many, some and any 4. Preposition 5. Short Forms Writing Paragraph Letter Application Unseen Passage and Unseen Poem

Computer Syllabus

SA1 1. Parts of a Computer 2. Hardware and Software 3. Tux Paint

SA-II 1. Working in Edubuntu 2. The Keyboard 3. Libreoffice Writer

General Knowledge(G.K.) Month Course To Be Covered(Class III) P.T. 1 All kinds of Animals(Pg 5), Mixed bad quiz on animals(Page 7), cute and cuddly ! (Pg 8), A-Z Plant quiz (Pg 9), Earn some Green points(Pg 12), Nice Nickname!(Pg 15), Know them (Pg 16), Mixed bag quiz on India(Pg 20) MID- Body Basics (Pg 22,23) A-Z science Quiz(pg 24), space specifies (pg 26-27), Curious Term about computer(Pg 28), Remarkable Inventions (pg 30), Perfect Proverbs (Pg 32), Comic fun(P 36), Guess who? (Pg 38) P.T 2 Movie Moments (Pg 41), Sports Kit(Pg 42), What's the sport?(Pg 44), All for Olympics (pg 47), Country Capital flag(pg 48), Wonderful World Records(Pg 49), A-Z Quiz on countries(Pg 50), Mixed bag Quiz on world(Pg 54), A-Z Quiz on plant (pg 16) Final Terrific Talk(Pg 56), Royal Treatment(pg 57,58), Meal Manners (Pg 59) keep on safety, Term keep on good(Pg 60), Answer with Number(Pg 67), The Epic crossword (Pg 69), Guess the product (pg 70)

Smart- Art April and July Chapter (1-9) August and Sept Chapter (10-19) October and Dec Chapter(20-29) Jan and March Chapter(30-38)

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