Please adapt your words as desired!

Gathering The welcome and announcements script is always left on the pulpit. If a board member doesn’t show up, which happens occasionally, get up and ring the bell. Ringing of the Bell Read the script, introducing yourself as a worship associate. People will then get up and make announcements. Welcome and Announcements At the end of announcements, ring the bell again and say, “Let us now enter into the spirit of worship.” Ringing of the Bell Centering Prelude I sometimes begin with saying, “Let us now come together in the spirit of worship,” if the board member hasn’t. If not, I begin with “Good morning,” and then say, “Our opening words were written by ______” Opening Words Say “Please join in the unison chalice lighting words printed in your order of service.” Then begin with the first few lines, and everyone will join in, and you can stop speaking and move to light the chalice. Sometimes a candle will be lit by the chalice you can use for the chalice lighting. If not, the altar candles should be lit and there will be a taper beside the chalice to use for this. Unison Chalice Lighting Say, “Please rise as you’re willing and able, and join us in hymn number ____, ______(hymn name)” or “Please rise in body or in spirit and join in hymn number ____, ______(hymn name).” Remember to step away from the microphone while singing! * Hymn Sharing If your guest speaker is doing this portion and wasn’t introduced by the board member,, introduce him or her at this time saying, “Today we are pleased to have ______with us as a guest speaker (during our minister’s sabbatical). He/She is from ______(agency), and (any more information you want to share.” If you are doing this portion of the service, say, “Please join in reading Responsive Reading number ____. I will read the regular type, and please join in reading the italics.” -- or – “Now is the time for our Story for All Ages. I invite the children and parents and anyone who wants to join them to come forward for our story.” Responsive Reading or Story for All Ages “Please join me in singing the children and their teachers to their religious education classes. The words are in the back of your grey hymnal.” Remember to step away from the microphone while singing! Singing the Children and Teachers to Classes “This is the time in our congregation when we share our joys and sorrows, personal things that are on our hearts and minds. If you have a joy or sorrow to share, please raise your hand and the usher will bring a microphone to you. Please share your name as well as a brief joy or sorrow, while I light a candle.” Joys and Sorrows: A time to briefly share significant events affecting our lives. At the end of Joys and Sorrow: “I light this last candle for those joys and sorrows that are left unspoken, that they too are shared in the circle of community.” or “I light this last candle for those joys and sorrows that are left unspoken. May it be true that a joy shared is a joy doubled and a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.” If there is no candle left: “We also lift up those joys and sorrows that are left unspoken, that they, too, are shared in this beloved community.” “Please join me in a time for silent meditation or prayer with these words from ______.” Silent and Spoken Meditation and Prayer After you read the meditation or prayer, hit the bell once. Then stand or sit for the meditation (about a minute), and then hit the bell again and say, “Blessed be; Amen.” You can add some others in, too—“Blessed be; Amen; Ashe; and Shalom.” Introduce the offertory using one of the choices in the hymnal or find your own words or say something like, “Our free church is supported by the voluntary generosity of those who choose to walk with us on this journey of faith (and justice). We will now have the morning offering to support the work of this church (and its mission).” The ushers will collect the money, and then take it to the back to be counted. Gifts of the Congregation Exploring “Today’s reading comes from ______.” Reading At the end of the reading, I often say, “This ends our reading.” Say, “Please rise as you’re willing and able, and join us in hymn number ____, ______(hymn name)” or “Please rise in body or in spirit and join in hymn number ____, ______(hymn name).” Remember to step away from the microphone while singing! * Hymn If you haven’t introduced the speaker, get up right before the sermon and do so! “Today we are pleased to have ______with us as a guest speaker (during our minister’s sabbatical). He/She is from ______(agency), and (any more information you want to share.” Sermon Returning Say, “Please rise as you’re willing and able, and join us in hymn number ____, ______(hymn name)” or “Please rise in body or in spirit and join in hymn number ____, ______(hymn name).” Remember to step away from the microphone while singing! *Hymn “Our words for benediction come from ______.” *Benediction “Please join me in our unison chalice extinguishing words and closing song. The words are in the back of your grey hymnal. We extinguish this flame…” The congregation will join in, and you can drift off and extinguish the chalice with the snuffer located by it. *Unison Chalice Extinguishing As you begin the closing song, escort the guest speaker to the entrance of the sanctuary, where you can both greet people as they depart for social hour. *Unison Closing Song