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Lunaria >> 2011
International Workcamps Programme
Lunaria via Buonarroti, 39 00185 Rome (Italy) Tel. +39.06.8841880 Fax +39.06.8841859 e-mail: [email protected]
Placement Actors Outgoing: Annarita, Maelle and Larissa Incoming: Marcello Special Projects, Youth Exchanges and A4A: Sara and Federica General Co-ordination: Marcello Lunaria is an association started in 1992 carrying out research, information, training and actions on social economy, immigration, globalization, youth and seniors programmes and voluntary service. Our activities include youth projects: information and participation, intercultural understanding, non formal education promotion of international voluntary service for all, with activities for the European voluntary service: youth and senior volunteers exchanges. International workcamps and solidarity activities campaigns, building coalitions of civil society groups for alternative priorities in public expenditure, expanding the third sector, North-South solidarity, integration of immigrants research, with projects on employment and work in the social economy, ethical finance, immigrants, globalization services, advising non profit organizations on law, fiscal and financial opportunities training, with courses on the social economy, managing non profit organizations and understanding globalization
The purpose of our work is to bring together understanding and action; social rights and voluntary activities; the local and the global. Lunaria organizes workcamps all around Italy, in partnership with local groups, associations, municipalities and other bodies. We promote not-for-profit projects, for the benefit of the local communities and to fight racism and increase intercultural exchanges.
“We ask to the international volunteers to commit themselves in the mission of the hosting projects, having an open mind, and arriving aware that the accommodation conditions may not be suitable for those looking for cheap and comfortable holidays. Every project is made by many factors, and we need from the volunteers a problem-solving approach.”
The workcamp is coordinated by an experienced volunteer, who is not the boss of the camp: we ask the camp-coordinators to ease the fist days of the camp and to involve the volunteers in a being responsible of the project, using consensus methodology. The camp-coordinator is not at all responsible for volunteers' fun and the best camp has a camp-coordinator who slightly go back to the status of normal volunteer.....So, prepare to take responsibilities!
Age limit: 18+, except “Cantinando” 21+ Common language used in the camps: English Extra fee: No. In “Open Nature” projects may be charged a fee if weather won't permit working. Insurance: Lunaria provides insurance to all the volunteers (SCI scheme) LUNARIA WORKCAMPS 2011
Code Name Venue Dates Vols Type LUN 01 Agape 1 Agape 18/04/2011 - 01/05/2011 4 Manu LUN 02 Agape 2 Agape 30/05/2011 - 18/06/2011 6 Manu LUN 03 ElectroComics Rome 08/06/2011-20/06/2011 10 Fest LUN 04 Simphony of Flowers Poggio Moiano 12/06/2011-26/06/2011 10 Fest LUN 05 Clown heart Solarino 17/06/2011-30/06/2011 12 Soci LUN 06 Agape 3 Agape 18/06/2011-10/07/2011 10 Manu LUN 07 Explora Kids 1 Rimini 20/6/2011 - 3/07/2011 5 Kids LUN 08 Rest House 1 Gagliole 02/07/2011-16/07/2011 6 Social LUN 09 Summer Together 1 Rome 03/07/2011-17-07/2011 5 Soci LUN 10 Explora Kids 2 Rimini 03/07/2011-17/07/2011 5 Kids LUN 11 Open School Lentini 04/7/2011-17/07/2011 12 Kids LUN 12 Agape 4 Agape 10/07/2011 - 30/07/2011 8 Manu LUN 13 Rest House 2 Gagliole 16/07/2011-30/07/2011 6 Social LUN 14 Summer Together 2 Rome 17/07/2011-31/07/2011 5 Soci LUN 15 Explora Kids 3 Rimini 17/7/2011-31/07/2011 5 Kids LUN 16 Civil Protection Casaglia 18/07/2011-01/08/2011 12 Manu LUN 17 Ecodream Capojale Cagnano Varano 30/07/2011-14/08/2011 12 Envi LUN 18 Agape 5 Agape 30/07/2011 - 21/08/2011 8 Manu LUN 19 Rest House 3 Gagliole 30/07/2011-13/08/2011 6 Social LUN 20 Explora Kids 4 Rimini 31/7/2011-14/8/2011 5 Kids LUN 21 Clown in Akrai Palazzolo Acreide 01/08/2011-16/08/2011 14 Soci LUN 22 Cantinando Barile 10/08/2011-24/08/2011 14 Fest LUN 23 Explora Kids 5 Rimini 14/08/2011-28/08/2011 5 Kids LUN 24 Agape 6 Agape 21/08/2011 - 04/09/2011 8 Manu LUN 25 Cerquosino Orvieto 01/09/2011-15/09/2011 12 Manu LUN 26 Open Nature 1 Mompeo 20/10/2011 - 02/11/2011 8 Envi LUN 27 Open Nature 2 Mompeo 04/11/2011- 17/11/2011 8 Envi LUN 28 Open Nature 3 Mompeo 19/11/2011 - 02/12/2011 8 Envi LUN 29 Green gold for Culture Poggio Moiano 15/11/2011-05/12/2012 8 Agri LUN 30 Discovering Alps Prim'Alpe To be confirmed 10 Arch LUN 31 DanceINcampo Venice To be confirmed 8 Fest LUN 32 Schiume Venice To be confirmed 5 Fest LUN MTV1 Social Camping Palazzolo Acreide 15/05/2011-15/09/2011 4 Soci LUN 01 AGAPE1 - PRALI 18/04/2011-01/05/2011 MANUAL 4 VOLS PROJECT: Agape international ecumenical centre is a place of encounter where you can live an intense experience of community in beautiful natural surroundings. Agape was and still is an important point of reference in Italian Protestantism, for 50 years a place of education and development, theological exploration, political engagement, of acceptance and validation of differences. Every year many people, with different religious, cultural, political background, and of different age, come to Agape to discuss and to be challenged, to get to know themselves and each other and to exchange experiences around a particular theme. Agape was built after the Second World War as a sign of hope and of reconciliation between people, thanks to the voluntary work of many young men and women; a resident group still lives at Agape throughout the year. The dimensions of community and voluntary service remain central. Please visit: to see which are the activity programmes for this period. WORK: The work camp will support the activities of AGAPE when a number of guests have meetings on issues of political, social, cultural and religious interest. Volunteers will help in the following areas: kitchen, meal service (tables and dishes), cleaning, maintenance, bar tending, child-minding. Games, discussions and outings are organized during free time. Programmed activities are also open to volunteers, as long as these do not clash with work commitments. The place is beautiful but really isolated, though you will stay together with many international participants to the meetings of AGAPE. ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD: Usually the workcampers will be host in 3-4 bed bedrooms. Toilets are in common on the floor. The meal are typical Italian Mediterranean’s ones and there's a vegetarian alternative for those they required it, as well as for any specific allergies. It is possible to use a washing machine. TERMINAL : Turin.
LUN 02 AGAPE 2 - PRALI 12/06/2011-02/07/2011 MANUAL 6 VOLS PROJECT: Agape international ecumenical centre is a place of encounter where you can live an intense experience of community in beautiful natural surroundings. Agape was and still is an important point of reference in Italian Protestantism, for 50 years a place of education and development, theological exploration, political engagement, of acceptance and validation of differences. Every year many people, with different religious, cultural, political background, and of different age, come to Agape to discuss and to be challenged, to get to know themselves and each other and to exchange experiences around a particular theme. Agape was built after the Second World War as a sign of hope and of reconciliation between people, thanks to the voluntary work of many young men and women; a resident group still lives at Agape throughout the year. The dimensions of community and voluntary service remain central. Please visit: to see which are the activity programmes for this period. WORK: The work camp will support the activities of AGAPE when a number of guests have meetings on issues of political, social, cultural and religious interest. Volunteers will help in the following areas: kitchen, meal service (tables and dishes), cleaning, maintenance, bar tending, child-minding. Games, discussions and outings are organized during free time. Programmed activities are also open to volunteers, as long as these do not clash with work commitments. The place is beautiful but really isolated, though you will stay together with many international participants to the meetings of AGAPE. ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD: Usually the workcampers will be host in 3-4 bed bedrooms. Toilets are in common on the floor. The meal are typical Italian Mediterranean’s ones and there's a vegetarian alternative for those they required it, as well as for any specific allergies. It is possible to use a washing machine. TERMINAL : Turin.
LUN 03 ELECTROCOMICS - ROME 08/06/2011-20/06/2011 FEST VOLS 12 PROJECT: “Electrode” (electronic music) and “Crack” (Comics) international Festivals are organized every year by Forte Prenestino Social Center, in Rome. Forte Prenestino is one of the most important alternative cultural and social projects in Italy. It was squatted 23 years ago, and now is the promoter of many cultural underground events, managed by a community where alternative life styles are promoted and welcomed. Electrode will propose for three nights performances of many international djs and artists. Crack will host editors and artists coming mainly from European and Mediterranean countries: 4 days of exhibitions, workshops and cultural exchange will involve hundreds of youngsters and experts. WORK: the volunteers will support the local group in managing the festivals: preparation, restaurant, pub, cleaning and other activities will be shared with the local volunteers. The work could be physically hard, but the environment is funny and easy going! ACCOMMODATION: in a dorm with beds, the volunteers will have to prepare the breakfast and will have lunches and dinners with the local volunteers. Very Basic conditions. LOCATION: Rome . TERMINAL: Rome. LUN 04 Symphony of Flowers - Poggio Moiano 12/06/2011-26/06/2011 10 VOLS ARTS PROJECT: Started in the year 1280, a religious feast is dedicated to the "Corpus Christi" when the Host is shown in a holy procession through the whole village. WORK: Volunteers will be asked to pick up flowers in the fields. The petals will be then divided according to their colours and they will be used to create compositions with flowers. The group together with flower-artists coming from different parts of Italy will compose about 100 pictures with the flowers on the pavement of the main road of Poggio Moiano. There will be lessons about the techniques to make these flower-pictures. Volunteers will also help to the general organization of the event. LOCATION: Poggio Moiano has a population of 2.510 inhabitants, is a small and quite village but with very active citizens. ACCOMMODATION: in a school. Food: there will be a kitchen available for the volunteers. TERMINAL: Rome.
LUN 05 Clown heart - Solarino 17/06/2011-30/06/2011 10 Vols ARTS PROJECT: It's 5 years we organize the Clown Heart Tour, in eastern Sicily. Every year clowns coming from the world takes part to the tour visiting hospitals, centers for mental health, houses for orphans... In 2010 we will involve international volunteers! The promoter is “il Muro” association, active on theater at national and international level. The clown is conceived as a “social actor”, who is able to help people in difficult situations. WORK: during the first days you will be trained to act and to express your playful soul, than the tour will drive you in the planned places to be visited, preparing the performances and acting as clown, as peace and smile ambassadors. The tour timetable will be very intense, but we will have free time for excursions, concerts and exchange. Accommodation: the volunteers will stay in a youth center in Solarino (SR), where they will cook for them- selves. The workcamp is organized with AVCS association and supported by the Solarino municipality. Spe- cial requirements: motivation letter and smiling photo is needed. Terminal: Catania.
LUN 06 AGAPE 3 - PRALI 18/6/2011 - 10/07/2011 MANU 10 VOLS PROJECT: Agape international ecumenical centre is a place of encounter where you can live an intense experience of community in beautiful natural surroundings. Agape was and still is an important point of reference in Italian Protestantism, for 50 years a place of education and development, theological exploration, political engagement, of acceptance and validation of differences. Every year many people, with different religious, cultural, political background, and of different age, come to Agape to discuss and to be challenged, to get to know themselves and each other and to exchange experiences around a particular theme. Agape was built after the Second World War as a sign of hope and of reconciliation between people, thanks to the voluntary work of many young men and women; a resident group still lives at Agape throughout the year. The dimensions of community and voluntary service remain central. Please visit: to see which are the activity programmes for this period. WORK: The work camp will support the activities of AGAPE when a number of guests have meetings on issues of political, social, cultural and religious interest. Volunteers will help in the following areas: kitchen, meal service (tables and dishes), cleaning, maintenance, bar tending, child-minding. Games, discussions and outings are organized during free time. Programmed activities are also open to volunteers, as long as these do not clash with work commitments. The place is beautiful but really isolated, though you will stay together with many international participants to the meetings of AGAPE. ACCOMMODATION: Usually the workcampers will be host in 3-4 bed bedrooms. Toilets are in common on the floor. The meal are typical Italian Mediterranean’s ones and there's a vegetarian alternative for those they required it, as well as for any specific allergies. It is possible to use a washing machine. TERMINAL : Turin. LUN 07 Explora Kids 1 - Rimini 20/06/2011-03/07/2011 5 Vols Kids PROJECT: Explora campus association works to raise awareness on civic protection and active citizenship. The association manage a campus wher is possible to have trainings and simulate emergencies. This summer Explora will host kids in summer camps, giving them the chance to become a good “civic protector”. WORK; The volunteers will support the organization of the summer camps, working to provide an added value in term of intercultural exchange. The international volunteers will help in the activities (exercises and simulation of possible emergencies, climbing, management of camps, animation, logistic...) involving the kids in a funny way. ACCOMMODATION: In the campus residential building where kitchen and bathrooms are available. Sleeping bag needed. LOCATION: Santa Giustina, outskirts of Rimini. The town is adjacent to State Road Emilia, served by public transport, but we will also provide bicycles to travel in short distances. TERMINAL: Bologna
LUN 08, Rest House 1, Gagliole, 02/07/2011-16/07/2011 5 VOLS SOCI PROJECT: The Rest House “Alessandro Chierichetti” was funded 60 years ago in the small village of Gagliole to host people who suffers. In the last years it takes care for free to poor elderly and mental disable. At the moment there are 50 hosts. The Municipality wish to promote solidarity, fun and leisure time for the hosts of the Rest House and try to involve local youngsters in intercultural exchange and voluntarism. WORK: volunteers will be asked to support the animation activities of the Rest House during the mornings and take part to small trips. Secondly they will organize, together with local youngsters summer activities for all the village (parties, sport tournaments, visits); it is possible that the volunteers will be asked to work on renovation of the local youth centre. LOCATION The place is quite isolated: Gagliole has 600 inhabitants, and is in the countryside of the beautiful region Marche, Macerata province. ACCOMODATION: in the hostel. FOOD: in the Rest House refectory. TERMINAL: Rome, Ancona .
LUN 09 Summer Together 1- Rome 03/07/2011-17-07/2011 KIDS 5 vols PROJECT: The association “Pro Juventute Tetto” was founded in 1953 with the aim to support youngsters giving them the chance to meet and play. In more than 50 years of activities the Association has taken different initiatives in intercultural, socio-educational and international solidarity issues. One of the main important activities of the association is hosting abandoned youngsters. Consequently a common house was built for minors, in which over a hundred youngsters have been hosted in more than 30 years of work. Other projects are: activities to fight the problems of educational dispersion and social integration of minors in the neighbourhood. These projects take place daily in the social centre of the association where there are resources and structured programmes to carry out trainings and leisure activities for migrant and Italian children. The Association is based on the voluntary work which is done by its members. During the next summer the association will organize leisure time activities for the migrant children coming from the Roma communities living in the district in collaboration with other associations. The centre will organize different activities, making optimum use of the outdoor space whilst focusing on extra curricular activities and educational initiatives. In cooperation with Lunaria and its international partners we are welcoming volunteers to support the summer programme. LOCATION: Rome outskirts. WORK: to support the staff in the educational and organizational activities. The work with the children might be stressful: volunteers are expected to work at least 7 hours per day for 5 days a week. A "tourist approach" to this workcamp is NOT welcome. Volunteers with some experience in working with children are welcomed. ACCOMMODATION: camping beds and all facilities inside the building. TERMINAL: Rome.
LUN 10 Explora Kids 2 - Rimini 03/07/2011-17/07/2011 5 Vols Kids PROJECT: Explora campus association works to raise awareness on civic protection and active citizenship. The association manage a campus wher is possible to have trainings and simulate emergencies. This summer Explora will host kids in summer camps, giving them the chance to become a good “civic protector”. WORK; The volunteers will support the organization of the summer camps, working to provide an added value in term of intercultural exchange. The international volunteers will help in the activities (exercises and simulation of possible emergencies, climbing, management of camps, animation, logistic...) involving the kids in a funny way. ACCOMMODATION: In the campus residential building where kitchen and bathrooms are available. Sleeping bag needed. LOCATION: Santa Giustina, outskirts of Rimini. The town is adjacent to State Road Emilia, served by public transport, but we will also provide bicycles to travel in short distances. TERMINAL: Bologna LUN 11 Open School, Lentini 04/7/2011-17/07/2011 10 Vols KIDS PROJECT: IL MURO cultural association, created in Augusta between ’96 and ’97, arises from the need to spread culture in a place that lives under cultural and environmental distresses. IL MURO lives in an area which has suffered deep transformations in less than 50 years; it has passed from a little fishermen and peasants community to an industrial city. This has broken the link with old generations, causing the obliteration of their own history and origins. This is the reason why our association works on rescuing traditions and history in a way to reflect them to the future through the present time thanks to poetry, cinema, art and above all theater. This kind of work involves young people, from our city and from the province, in the development of artistic, urban and naturalistic heritage in one of the most polluted area in Italy. The association is working with the most active school in the area to provide pupils with non-formal education activities, using arts as tool to have a better understanding of active citizenship and responsibility toward common life. WORK: To take part to drama workshops with the 30 participating children. The workshop includes: development of dramatic staging and design and construction of puppets made from recycled material. In addition to experience working with children will provide an opportunity to learn to practice some theatrical techniques that the association has developed in recent years. Will work with children throughout the morning and then in the afternoon until 17.30. Other activities are planned to go deep into the theme with videos and meetings on mafia and legality and a visit to the land confiscated from the mafia which rise the farm. Everything will end with a festive parade of puppets on the theme of fighting the mafia through the old town of Lentini. LOCATION: Lentini has 25000 inhabitants, located in south east Sicily. Has many baroque buildings. ACCOMMODATION: on key mats, in the local school. Showers and baths in the same building, FOOD: The volunteers will manage a fully equipped kitchen for breakfasts and dinners. Lunches will be together with the children. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers with basic Italian skills to communicate with children are welcomed. Motivation letter and smiling photo is required. TERMINAL: Catania.
LUN 12 AGAPE 4 - PRALI 10/07/2011 - 30/07/2011 MANU 8 VOLS PROJECT: Agape international ecumenical centre is a place of encounter where you can live an intense experience of community in beautiful natural surroundings. Agape was and still is an important point of reference in Italian Protestantism, for 50 years a place of education and development, theological exploration, political engagement, of acceptance and validation of differences. Every year many people, with different religious, cultural, political background, and of different age, come to Agape to discuss and to be challenged, to get to know themselves and each other and to exchange experiences around a particular theme. Agape was built after the Second World War as a sign of hope and of reconciliation between people, thanks to the voluntary work of many young men and women; a resident group still lives at Agape throughout the year. The dimensions of community and voluntary service remain central. Please visit: to see which are the activity programmes for this period. WORK: The work camp will support the activities of AGAPE when a number of guests have meetings on issues of political, social, cultural and religious interest. Volunteers will help in the following areas: kitchen, meal service (tables and dishes), cleaning, maintenance, bar tending, child-minding. Games, discussions and outings are organized during free time. Programmed activities are also open to volunteers, as long as these do not clash with work commitments. The place is beautiful but really isolated, though you will stay together with many international participants to the meetings of AGAPE. ACCOMMODATION: Usually the workcampers will be host in 3-4 bed bedrooms. Toilets are in common on the floor. The meal are typical Italian Mediterranean’s ones and there's a vegetarian alternative for those they required it, as well as for any specific allergies. It is possible to use a washing machine. TERMINAL : Turin. LUN 13, Rest House 2, Gagliole, 16/07/2011-30/07/2011 5 VOLS SOCI PROJECT: The Rest House “Alessandro Chierichetti” was funded 60 years ago in the small village of Gagliole to host people who suffers. In the last years it takes care for free to poor elderly and mental disable. At the moment there are 50 hosts. The Municipality wish to promote solidarity, fun and leisure time for the hosts of the Rest House and try to involve local youngsters in intercultural exchange and voluntarism. WORK: volunteers will be asked to support the animation activities of the Rest House during the mornings and take part to small trips. Secondly they will organize, together with local youngsters summer activities for all the village (parties, sport tournaments, visits); it is possible that the volunteers will be asked to work on renovation of the local youth centre. LOCATION The place is quite isolated: Gagliole has 600 inhabitants, and is in the countryside of the beautiful region Marche, Macerata province. ACCOMODATION: in the hostel. FOOD: in the Rest House refectory. TERMINAL: Rome, Ancona.
LUN 14 Summer Together 2- Rome 17/07/2011-31/07/2011 KIDS 5 vols PROJECT: The association “Pro Juventute Tetto” was founded in 1953 with the aim to support youngsters giving them the chance to meet and play. In more than 50 years of activities the Association has taken different initiatives in intercultural, socio-educational and international solidarity issues. One of the main important activities of the association is hosting abandoned youngsters. Consequently a common house was built for minors, in which over a hundred youngsters have been hosted in more than 30 years of work. Other projects are: activities to fight the problems of educational dispersion and social integration of minors in the neighbourhood. These projects take place daily in the social centre of the association where there are resources and structured programmes to carry out trainings and leisure activities for migrant and Italian children. The Association is based on the voluntary work which is done by its members. During the next summer the association will organize leisure time activities for the migrant children coming from the Roma communities living in the district in collaboration with other associations. The centre will organize different activities, making optimum use of the outdoor space whilst focusing on extra curricular activities and educational initiatives. In cooperation with Lunaria and its international partners we are welcoming volunteers to support the summer programme. LOCATION: Rome outskirts. WORK: to support the staff in the educational and organizational activities. The work with the children might be stressful: volunteers are expected to work at least 7 hours per day for 5 days a week. A "tourist approach" to this workcamp is NOT welcome. Volunteers with some experience in working with children are welcomed. ACCOMMODATION: camping beds and all facilities inside the building. TERMINAL: Rome.
LUN 15 Explora Kids 3 - Rimini 17/07/2011-31/07/2011 5 Vols Kids PROJECT: Explora campus association works to raise awareness on civic protection and active citizenship. The association manage a campus wher is possible to have trainings and simulate emergencies. This summer Explora will host kids in summer camps, giving them the chance to become a good “civic protector”. WORK; The volunteers will support the organization of the summer camps, working to provide an added value in term of intercultural exchange. The international volunteers will help in the activities (exercises and simulation of possible emergencies, climbing, management of camps, animation, logistic...) involving the kids in a funny way. ACCOMMODATION: In the campus residential building where kitchen and bathrooms are available. Sleeping bag needed. LOCATION: Santa Giustina, outskirts of Rimini. The town is adjacent to State Road Emilia, served by public transport, but we will also provide bicycles to travel in short distances. TERMINAL: Bologna
LUN 16 CIVIL PROTECTION- CASAGLIA 18/07/2011-01/08/2011 CONS 15 VOLS PROJECT: The local Civil Protection association VAB is working in implementing the awareness and skills to face civil protection emergencies, involving volunteers and citizens in practical activities and trainings. The association has been organizing camps for years and in 2011 need the help of international volunteers to go further. WORK: small construction works, renovation of the association building, preparation of the site for the campus (fences, electric and water wires...), environmental protection. ACCOMMODATION: in the association guest house. Food: the group will manage the kitchen. LOCATION: Casaglia, Ferrara TERMINAL: Bologna. LUN 17 Ecodream Capojale – Cagnano Varano 30/07/2011-14/08/2011 12 Vols ENVI PROJECT : The cultural associations Isola Capojale and Mediterranea were born in the natural Park of Gargano, an area which landscapes are nearly preserved intact until today. With its mountains, lagoons, forests, croplands, sand isthmus and rocks, which characterize the whole area of the National Park of Gargano, the municipality of Cagnano Varano, is one of the most beautiful and extended natural area of this National Park. An international camp is a unique opportunity to promote all these natural beauties, to increase the value of these one and to meet young people from all over the world, whose travel experience and environmental awareness would improve the local one too. WORK: The volunteers in collaboration with the member of Isola Capojale and Mediterranea will be involved in the renovation of the Capojale pinewood, a natural area with a huge environmental value, degraded by man negligence, situated on the sand isthmus separating the Varano lake from the 11 km natural beach of Varano Island. The work will be focused on the restoration of the natural area, cleaning, building of didactic wood trials running through the pinewood and leading to the beach, rebuilding of the wooden fences and the placement of nest boxes and feeders to encourage the nesting of birds (many protected species nest in the area of the Varano lake). Participants will be involved in the working activities from 8 to 13, with box lunch and return to Cagnano for dinner. Location: Cagnano Varano is located in the heart of the National Park of Gargano, in the Apulia region, on the Adriatic coast. ACCOMMODATION: volunteers will be hosted in Cagnano Varano, at the municipal gym; the working activity will take place in the pinewood at the Island (Isthmus) of Capojale. The municipal gymnasium is equipped with showers, hot water, kitchens and toilets. The lobby of the gym will be set up as common sleeping area for the volunteers. TERMINAL: Foggia
LUN 18 AGAPE 5 - PRALI 30/07/2011 - 21/07/2011 MANU 8 VOLS PROJECT: Agape international ecumenical centre is a place of encounter where you can live an intense experience of community in beautiful natural surroundings. Agape was and still is an important point of reference in Italian Protestantism, for 50 years a place of education and development, theological exploration, political engagement, of acceptance and validation of differences. Every year many people, with different religious, cultural, political background, and of different age, come to Agape to discuss and to be challenged, to get to know themselves and each other and to exchange experiences around a particular theme. Agape was built after the Second World War as a sign of hope and of reconciliation between people, thanks to the voluntary work of many young men and women; a resident group still lives at Agape throughout the year. The dimensions of community and voluntary service remain central. Please visit: to see which are the activity programmes for this period. WORK: The work camp will support the activities of AGAPE when a number of guests have meetings on issues of political, social, cultural and religious interest. Volunteers will help in the following areas: kitchen, meal service (tables and dishes), cleaning, maintenance, bar tending, child-minding. Games, discussions and outings are organized during free time. Programmed activities are also open to volunteers, as long as these do not clash with work commitments. The place is beautiful but really isolated, though you will stay together with many international participants to the meetings of AGAPE. ACCOMMODATION: Usually the workcampers will be host in 3-4 bed bedrooms. Toilets are in common on the floor. The meal are typical Italian Mediterranean’s ones and there's a vegetarian alternative for those they required it, as well as for any specific allergies. It is possible to use a washing machine. TERMINAL : Turin
LUN 19, Rest House 3, Gagliole, 30/07/2011-13/08/2011 5 VOLS SOCI PROJECT: The Rest House “Alessandro Chierichetti” was funded 60 years ago in the small village of Gagliole to host people who suffers. In the last years it takes care for free to poor elderly and mental disable. At the moment there are 50 hosts. The Municipality wish to promote solidarity, fun and leisure time for the hosts of the Rest House and try to involve local youngsters in intercultural exchange and voluntarism. WORK: volunteers will be asked to support the animation activities of the Rest House during the mornings and take part to small trips. Secondly they will organize, together with local youngsters summer activities for all the village (parties, sport tournaments, visits); it is possible that the volunteers will be asked to work on renovation of the local youth centre. LOCATION The place is quite isolated: Gagliole has 600 inhabitants, and is in the countryside of the beautiful region Marche, Macerata province. ACCOMODATION: in the hostel. FOOD: in the Rest House refectory. TERMINAL: Rome, Ancona . LUN 20 Explora Kids 4 - Rimini 31/07/2011-14/08/2011 5 Vols Kids PROJECT: Explora campus association works to raise awareness on civic protection and active citizenship. The association manage a campus wher is possible to have trainings and simulate emergencies. This summer Explora will host kids in summer camps, giving them the chance to become a good “civic protector”. WORK; The volunteers will support the organization of the summer camps, working to provide an added value in term of intercultural exchange. The international volunteers will help in the activities (exercises and simulation of possible emergencies, climbing, management of camps, animation, logistic...) involving the kids in a funny way. ACCOMMODATION: In the campus residential building where kitchen and bathrooms are available. Sleeping bag needed. LOCATION: Santa Giustina, outskirts of Rimini. The town is adjacent to State Road Emilia, served by public transport, but we will also provide bicycles to travel in short distances. TERMINAL: Bologna
LUN 21 Clown in Akrai - Palazzolo Acreide 01/08/2011 - 16/08/2011 14 Vols SOCI PROJECT: The fourth International workcamp in Palazzolo Acreide is setting about the CLOWN as a tool of volunteering in bringing smile to the people. The project is promoted by the Youth Palazzolo’s Council ( and set up by the association “Il Muro” ( active on theatre at national and international level. Every year clowns coming from the world takes part to the workcamp visiting hospitals, centers for mental health, houses for orphans. The clown is conceived as a “social actor”, who is able to help people in difficult situations. WORK: the first days you will be trained to act and to express your playful soul, than the tour will drive you in the planned places to be visited, preparing the performances and acting as clown, as peace and smile ambassadors. THINGS TO BRING: coloured comfortable clothes, swimming suit. LOCATION: Palazzolo Acreide (9204 inhabitants, 670 meters above sea level) is a small town near Siracusa, with a millenary history, where occur spectacular religious festivals and folklore. The town has been recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO for the baroque architecture. Its position is strategic to go easly to the wonderful beaches of the Mediterranean and Ionian Sea, to Siracusa, Ragusa, and Catania ( ACCOMMODATION in a guesthouse with beds, bathrooms, kitchen and essential services. The volunteers, in daily shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group’s accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of the meals. LEISURE ACTIVITIES. Excursions and visits to beach, canyon of Pantalica, Siracusa, Archeological Area of Palazzolo with the ancient greek theatre, local museums. Some evening concerts and parties. TERMINALS: Catania Airport, Siracusa rail station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: motivation letter and smiling photo is needed.
LUN 22 Cantinando, Barile, 10/08/2011-24/08/2011 14 Vols 21 + FEST PROJECT: Barile, a village of 3000 inhabitants is placed at the bottom of Monte Vulture, an inactive volcano covered with woodland, which made particularly fertile lands around: oil, chestnuts and wine in particular are the main products of the place. Barile is distinguished by two important features, Albanian origin of the inhabitants who have always experienced the daily exchanges between different cultures and the urban park of “wine cellars” called Cantine, where for centuries is produced an excellent and renowned wine: Aglianico. Here every year in August takes place the important festival Cantinando that combines culture, art, music, theatre, juggling, food, the desire to know and share, the fun and of course the wine. WORK: The project involves environment revaluation (cleaning wine cellars with hoes, shovels and rakes, cleaning of roads of the urban park of wine cellars, arrangement of paths, cleaning of wood) of places of natural interest around Barile (in the chestnut wood of Monte Vulture), in manual activities necessary for Cantinando festival, in practical help to the management of the festival (preparation popular games and games for children, mounting stand and stages, service in places of comfort during the festival). Volunteers will collaborate closely with the youngsters of the local association. During the free time volunteers will participate to the activities organized by the local association; if it’s possible with the means and times, will organize excursions to the nearby cities (Melfi, Monticchio lakes, Rionero in Vulture) and visits to some local producers of wine. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: volunteers should be at least 21 years old. ACCOMMODATION: on key mats, in the local school. FOOD: The volunteers will manage a fully equipped kitchen with the help of one of the best cooks of Barile. TERMINAL: Roma-Bari, then train to Barile. LUN 23 Explora Kids 5 - Rimini 14/08/2011-28/08/2011 5 Vols Kids PROJECT: Explora campus association works to raise awareness on civic protection and active citizenship. The association manage a campus wher is possible to have trainings and simulate emergencies. This summer Explora will host kids in summer camps, giving them the chance to become a good “civic protector”. WORK; The volunteers will support the organization of the summer camps, working to provide an added value in term of intercultural exchange. The international volunteers will help in the activities (exercises and simulation of possible emergencies, climbing, management of camps, animation, logistic...) involving the kids in a funny way. ACCOMMODATION: In the campus residential building where kitchen and bathrooms are available. Sleeping bag needed. LOCATION: Santa Giustina, outskirts of Rimini. The town is adjacent to State Road Emilia, served by public transport, but we will also provide bicycles to travel in short distances. TERMINAL: Bologna
LUN 24 AGAPE 6 - PRALI 21/08/2011 - 04/09/2011 MANU 8 VOLS PROJECT: Agape international ecumenical centre is a place of encounter where you can live an intense experience of community in beautiful natural surroundings. Agape was and still is an important point of reference in Italian Protestantism, for 50 years a place of education and development, theological exploration, political engagement, of acceptance and validation of differences. Every year many people, with different religious, cultural, political background, and of different age, come to Agape to discuss and to be challenged, to get to know themselves and each other and to exchange experiences around a particular theme. Agape was built after the Second World War as a sign of hope and of reconciliation between people, thanks to the voluntary work of many young men and women; a resident group still lives at Agape throughout the year. The dimensions of community and voluntary service remain central. Please visit: to see which are the activity programmes for this period. WORK: The work camp will support the activities of AGAPE when a number of guests have meetings on issues of political, social, cultural and religious interest. Volunteers will help in the following areas: kitchen, meal service (tables and dishes), cleaning, maintenance, bar tending, child-minding. Games, discussions and outings are organized during free time. Programmed activities are also open to volunteers, as long as these do not clash with work commitments. The place is beautiful but really isolated, though you will stay together with many international participants to the meetings of AGAPE. ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD: Usually the workcampers will be host in 3-4 bed bedrooms. Toilets are in common on the floor. The meal are typical Italian Mediterranean’s ones and there's a vegetarian alternative for those they required it, as well as for any specific allergies. It is possible to use a washing machine. TERMINAL : Turin
LUN 25 Cerquosino - Orvieto 01/09/2011-15/09/2011 Manu 12 vols PROJECT: The house-workshop "Il Cerquosino" has been restructured by the components of the association Artemide following where possible criteria of bio-housebuilding, with particular attention to the reduction of the energetic consumptions: there have been installed, solar collectors, firewood high- performance boiler, as well as to the principles of recovery and recycle of the materials; construction with local stone.The association Artemide for years has been working in non formal education, where the knowledge is assimilated in the best way when it is combined to artistic practical activity, ecological, handicraft. WORK :the volunteers in collaboration with local volunteers will be involved in the renovation of the greywater treatment systems to purify wastewater of the house laboratory Cerquosino. The work will be focused on the planting of bamboo canes, rebuilding of the fence that mark off the area, cleaning of the existing plants.What to bring: sleeping bag, comfortable working clothes and shoes and glows, towels and everything needful for personal hygiene. ACCOMMODATION : volunteers will be hosted in the house. The house has got 20 beds, a big chicken and dining room, toilets and showers are in common, hot water and washing machine at disposal. Location : The house laboratory Cerquosino is an old stone house in the middle of Umbria oaks wood. Nearby there is a small river where is possible to have a bath in a wild and fascinating setting. Closest city is Orvieto, 20 km far away of the house. TERMINAL: Rome. LUN 26 Open Nature 1, Mompeo, 20/10/2011 - 02/11/2011 6 Vols AGRI PROJECT: “Fiume Farfa” is a cooperative farm, besides developing and carrying out its main agricultural activities, Fiume Farfa also aims at creating an opportunity of information with schools and youngsters. Such activity takes place through a direct contact with schools to inform students on the fundamental role of agriculture in the preservation of environmental and cultural wealth and heritage. WORK: The group of volunteers will undertake the hard work in the fields, in cooperation with the people of the cooperative. The work will consist of: cleaning and making paths in the gorge of Farfa maintenance of the olive groves renovation work of a wooden structure. What to bring: Sleeping bag, winter warm and waterproof clothes, warm hat, winter work boots or trekking boots (absolutely necessary) and work gloves. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will sleep where we usually host tourists, so the rooms have all comforts. Internet available only after 9 pm. Only vegetarian food will be available. LOCATION: The location were the camp is held is isolated and surrounded by nature. The nearest town is Mompeo, a small village in the Rieti area, about 50 kms away from Rome. There is a bar and a small shop in Mompeo. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: the language spoken during this camp is English. For the safety of everyone it's important that the volunteer understands and speaks English. The work in this camp can be physically hard. The volunteers must make sure they doesn't have e.g. back problems. In case of bad weather (and thus no work) the volunteer will be charged with 5€ a day of no work as extra fee. TERMINAL: Rome.
LUN 27 Open Nature 2, Mompeo 04/11/2011- 17/11/2011 8 Vols AGRI PROJECT: “Fiume Farfa” is a cooperative farm, besides developing and carrying out its main agricultural activities, Fiume Farfa also aims at creating an opportunity of information with schools and youngsters. Such activity takes place through a direct contact with schools to inform students on the fundamental role of agriculture in the preservation of environmental and cultural wealth and heritage. WORK: The group of volunteers will undertake the hard work in the fields, in cooperation with the people of the cooperative. The work will consist of: cleaning and making paths in the gorge of Farfa maintenance of the olive groves renovation work of a wooden structure. What to bring: Sleeping bag, winter warm and waterproof clothes, warm hat, winter work boots or trekking boots (absolutely necessary) and work gloves. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will sleep where we usually host tourists, so the rooms have all comforts. Internet available only after 9 pm.. Only vegetarian food will be available. LOCATION: The location were the camp is held is isolated and surrounded by nature. The nearest town is Mompeo, a small village in the Rieti area, about 50 kms away from Rome. There is a bar and a small shop in Mompeo. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: the language spoken during this camp is English. For the safety of everyone it's important that the volunteer understands and speaks English. The work in this camp can be physically hard. The volunteers must make sure they doesn't have e.g. back problems. In case of bad weather (and thus no work) the volunteer will be charged with 5€ a day of no work as extra fee. TERMINAL: Rome.
LUN 28 Open Nature 3 Mompeo 19/11/2011 - 02/12/2011 8 Vols AGRI PROJECT: “Fiume Farfa” is a cooperative farm, besides developing and carrying out its main agricultural activities, Fiume Farfa also aims at creating an opportunity of information with schools and youngsters. Such activity takes place through a direct contact with schools to inform students on the fundamental role of agriculture in the preservation of environmental and cultural wealth and heritage. WORK: The group of volunteers will undertake the hard work in the fields, in cooperation with the people of the cooperative. The work will consist of: cleaning and making paths in the gorge of Farfa maintenance of the olive groves renovation work of a wooden structure. What to bring: Sleeping bag, winter warm and waterproof clothes, warm hat, winter work boots or trekking boots (absolutely necessary) and work gloves. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will sleep where we usually host tourists, so the rooms have all comforts. Internet available only after 9 pm.. Only vegetarian food will be available. LOCATION: The location were the camp is held is isolated and surrounded by nature. The nearest town is Mompeo, a small village in the Rieti area, about 50 kms away from Rome. There is a bar and a small shop in Mompeo. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: the language spoken during this camp is English. For the safety of everyone it's important that the volunteer understands and speaks English. The work in this camp can be physically hard. The volunteers must make sure they doesn't have e.g. back problems. In case of bad weather (and thus no work) the volunteer will be charged with 5€ a day of no work as extra fee. TERMINAL: Rome. LUN 29 Green Gold for Culture – Poggio Moiano 15/11/2011-05/12/2011 10 Vols AGRI PROJECT: The cultural association Musa works to promote cultural and artistic events. This year tio fund their self-financed activities the local volunteers will work together to pick up olives and produce oil to be sold. WORK: For 5/6 hours per day the volunteers will perform all the needed action to pick up olives and carry them to the oil mill. ACCOMMODATION: in a guest house, with kitchen and bathrooms. LOCATION: Poggio Moiano is a vollege 50 kms far from Rome, in the middle of a very historuic countryside, where olive trees have been cultivated for centuries. The volunteers will have free access to the pool, and will be involved in artistic activities. Terminal: Rome
LUN 30 High Village – Prim'Alpe To be Confirmed 10 Vols ENVI PROJECT: The camp is finalized to the restoration of a mountain village, once used from the farmers, in the way to go to the mountain Corni di Canzo. Work: it consists in cleaning the area from exceeding vegetation, removing stones and bricks and positioning the suitable signals with the support of a technical staff. It’s necessary work clothes considering that the camp is in mountain (it’s needed trekking shoes, long trousers, sweater or pile, k-way, rucksack (no trolley), etc. The volunteers work about 6 hours a day, five days a week. LOCATION: The camp will be located in an area inside the Mountain Community of the Lariano Triangle. ACCOMMODATION: in a mountain refugee at Prim’Alpe with rooms with 10 beds, bathrooms, showers and supplied kitchen. Food: The volunteers cook, eat and sleep in the refugee. NOTE: to reach the camp it’s needed a 40 minutes walk. For any emergency it’s possible to use a 4x4 Surrounding area: near the place where the volunteers are going to live and work, you can visit the Brianza lakes, and in a few kilometres you can enjoy the cities of Como, Lecco and Milan and tourist places like Bellagio or the Valassina valley. TERMINAL: Milan
LUN 31 DanceINcampo - Venice DATES TO BE CONFIRMED 8 vols FEST PROJECT: Luoghi Comuni is a Youth association promoting the use of public spaces for arts and youth participation and alternative leisure time. Since few years it organizes a course of European traditional dances, events of folk dances and the initiative/festival “Ballo in Campo”, with workshops and dances in Venice public squares. WORK: The volunteers will deal with the organization of the festival Ballo In Campo in all its aspects, from public relations, to logistic, to building the set where the projects will be presented. They will work in close contact with the volunteers of Luoghi Comuni . Location: The festival will be in Forte Marghera, a fortress in front of Venice island. The last day the activities will be in Venice city centre. ACCOMMODATION: in a nearby camping. Food will be provided by the canteen. Special Requirements: English is the camp language, but French speakers are welcomed. TERMINAL: Venice
LUN 32 Schiume Festival - Venice DATES TO BE CONFIRMED 5 vols FEST PROJECT: Schiume Festival, organized by la Perifieria, a youth cultural association, is a performing arts and music festival. It will take place in Forte Marghera, Venice. Schiume project provides a setting for meeting and exchange for European and Extra-European young artists and people. Consistently with our belief in the importance of a non-academic formation, all the event is structured as an open workshop. Core themes of the initiative will be the influence of the place on the subject, the role of the artist in the nowadays Italian and European context, active citizenship and sustainability. WORK: The volunteers at Schiume Festival will deal with the organization of a cultural initiative in all its aspects, from public relations, to logistic, to building the set where the projects will be presented – thus gaining skills through a non-academic formation experience. They will work in close contact with the core team of Schiume. They will take part to the workshops and symposia organized within the festival, such as, among others, Performance and theatre methods, Set design and construction, Skills for promoting a cultural event. ACCOMMODATION: in local volunteers' flats. TERMINAL: Venice ______Medium Term Project
LUN MTV01 Social Camping Palazzolo Acreide 15/05/2011 - 15/09/2011 4 Vols 18-30 SOCI PROJECT: Tandem is a social cooperative involved since 1995 in job reinstatement for drug addict people providing counseling, experiences and personal support. This year the organization starting management of an old camping in Palazzolo Acreide, a little town near Siracusa, Sicily, called “La Torre”. The camping has many tent places, rooms, swimming pool, restaurant, sport area and other facilities for tourist and youth people. In the camping will work cooperative’s staff and reinstatemented people. The camping is conceived like an open space for organize many activities: tourist accommodation, but also youth meeting, youth entertainment, games, music, culture events, and an artistical festival on august. WORK: The work consists in a wide range of different tasks: maintenance of camping area, renovation, reception, helping hand in kitchen, keepings room. Volunteers will also be expected to contribute to the running of the Camping in other ways, more creative and important for this project: in fact you will have the possibility to help in event organizing, involving local youth community, making promotional initiatives, leading entertainment activities. You can use all your imagination and skills. You will work six days per week and you required to work from 30 up to 40 hours per week, depending from needs. Volunteers will be allocated in basic shared rooms for two person. You can treat it as your own. Three meals a day will be provided, sometimes you will prepare meals from yourself. Volunteers will be provided with 150 Euro per month (pocket money) and food and accommodation.During first days volunteers will be provided a basic training about Italian language, rules, methodology, and will be involved in some activities of the youth local partner association: “Informagiovani Palazzolo”. TERMINALS: Catania Airport, Siracusa rail station VOLUNTEER PROFILE: An outgoing friendly and creative personality and able to communicate well and engage a wide range of people and who can adapt. Interest in the work of the organization and the curiosity to learn, specially to the social inclusion and reinstatement. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: motivation letter and photo is needed