Tean Village Hall
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TEAN VILLAGE HALL REGISTERED CHARITY No. – 522775 www.teanvillagehall.ik.com
Accounts produced by J Burney (Treasurer) and presented for adoption at the Tean Village Hall Annual General Meeting 12th May 2011 Adoption was agreed by the committee and authorised on their behalf by –
E F Burney…………………………..(Chairwoman)
The accounts were independently examined by –
Tina Underwood…….…………...... …….(Examiner) Index
6. DETAILED PRESENTATION OF ALL INCOME AND EXPENDITURE 6.1 Income by Subcategory – Between 01/04/2010 and 31/03/2011 6.2 Expenses by Subcategory – Between 01/04/2010 and 31/03/2011
Page 2 of 6 1. INTRODUCTION This report on Tean Village Hall (TVH) accounts year 10/11 was produced by John Burney, Treasurer. Tina Underwood independently examined the accounts.
2. ACTUAL PROFIT/LOSS FOR 2010/2011 The actual profit/loss of TVH takes into account operational income, bank account interest, grants and donations. Total Income £6006.33 Total Expenses £8009.19 Total Profit/Loss Loss = -£2002.86
Breakdown of Income and Expenses into Categories.
Expenses Totals By Sub-Category 10/11 Between 01/04/2010 and 31/03/2011
Income Expenses 4,000
Regular Hirer TVH Functions 2,500 Hall Hire Other Income Interest Bills 2,000 Caretaker TVH Event Miscellaneous 1,500 Buildings Cash Withdrawal
3. OPERATIONAL PROFIT/LOSS FOR 2010/2011 The Operational Profit/Loss of TVH for the period 01/04/2010 – 31/03/2011 excludes non-operational income (bank account interest, grants and donations).
Non-Operational Income The total income of £6,006.33 for the year 2010/2011 includes: a) Grants = £0 b) Donations = £20.95 c) Interest received from the Leek United account = £3.79
This gives a total of non operational income (a+b+c) = £24.74
Non Operational Expenses The total Expense of £8,009.19 for the year 2010/2011 includes non-operational expenses of: a) Repair & decoration work covered by grant aid = £0
This gives a total non operational expense = £0
Page 3 of 6 Therefore : Total Operational Income £6,006.33 - £24.74 = £5,981.59 Total Operational Expenses £8,009.19 - £0 = £8,009.19 Operational Profit/Loss Loss = £2,027.60
4. BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT All transactions on the ledger for the period 01/04/2010 to 31/03/2011 were checked against the associated period on the bank statement.
Ledger Transactions Ledger amount at 01/04/10 = £1,539.54 Ledger amount at31/03/11 = £ 571.96
Ledger difference = -£967.58
Barclays Current Account Transaction a) Barclays Current Account at 31/03/10 = £1,707.54 Withdrawals – A cheques for £168 (No100970) issued on the ledger 27/03/10 appears on the bank statement 1/04/10.
Therefore the starting bank balance at 31/03/10 needs to be adjusted accordingly by Minus £168 = £1707.54 - £168 = £1,539.54 (Same as Ledger) b) Barclays Current Account at 01/04/11 = £1224.47 Withdrawals - Cheque for £84.11 (No 101007) issued on the ledger 22/03/11 appear on the bank statement 1/04/11. Cheque for £358.40 (No 101008) issued on the ledger 28/03/11 appear on the bank statement 11/04/11. Cheque for £210 (No 101009) issued on the ledger 30/03/11 appear on the bank statement 6/04/11.
Therefore the ending bank balance 0f £1224.47 needs to be adjusted accordingly Therefore £1224.47 - £652.51= £571.96 (Same as Ledger)
Therefore Barclays Bank Statement Transaction Difference = £1,539.54 - £571.96 = £967.58 (Same as ledger)
Ledger and Barclays Bank Statement Transactions are equal thus reconciled.
5. TEAN VILLAGE HALL ASSETS The total funds associated with Tean Village Hall at 31st March 2011
Amount Asset Barclays Current Account = £1,224.47 Leek United Savings Account = £2,428.43 Unbanked Income = £0 Total Assets = £3,652.90
Page 4 of 6 6. DETAILED PRESENTATION OF ALL INCOME AND EXPENDITURE BY SUB- CATEGORY The graphical presentations of the yearly income and expenditure for TVH were produced using Microsoft Money 2004 Deluxe. It is based on the detailed Monthly and Expenses Ledger report which includes a list of the year beginning and year end adjustments required to produce an accurate yearly report. 6.1 Income by Sub-Category – Between 01/04/2010 and 31/03/2011
Income Totals By Sub-Category 10/11 Between 01/04/2010 and 31/03/2011
TVH Functions Regular Hirer : St Thomas Nursery Regular Hirer : Christian Fellowship 1,500 Regular Hirer : U3A Regular Hirer : Checkley Parish Council Regular Hirer : Young At Heart Hall Hire : Parties Regular Hirer : Tean & Checkley OAP Assoc Hall Hire : Dance Practice 1,000 Hall Hire : Meetings Other Income : Donations Hall Hire : Checkley Jubilee Players Interest
Income Sub Category 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 Total (£) Total (£) Total (£) Total (£) Total (£) Total (£) Other Income – Grants 12,232 1757 10,996 0 0 0 Regular Hirer : St Thomas 2585 1871 2077 1,860 1,650 1,332 Nursery TVH Functions 2133.89 3148.63 4010.51 4270.63 3,037.21 2,146.59 Regular Hirer : Tean 918 900 906 1044 900 894 Christian Fellowship Hall Hire – Band Practice 368 300 32 24 24 0 Hall Hire – Dance Practice 0 126 216 192 108 56 Hall Hire - Parties 362 694 809 436 469 290 Regular Hirer : U3A 336 468 408 603 585 519 Regular Hirer : Checkley 336 336 336 508 472 328 Parish Council Regular Hirer – Young At 100 200 337.50 341.25 336.75 300 Heart Regular Hirer – Checkley 20 Players Other Income :Donations 247.82 34.39 34.44 10 58.85 20.95 Hall Hire - Meetings 201 136 40 120 278 24 Interest 162.44 144.23 217.04 108.90 9.29 3.79 Regular Hirer : Tean & 73 84 84 84 72 72 Checkley OAP Association Assets Sold 2.40 3.25 0 Total Income 20,073.24 10,343.25 20,639.49 9,604.18 8,003.35 6,006.33
Page 5 of 6 6.2 Expenses by Sub-Category - Between 01/04/2010 and 31/03/2011
Expenses Totals By Sub-Category 10/11 Between 01/04/2010 and 31/03/2011
2,000 Caretaker : Salary Bills : Insurance TVH Event Bills : Gas/Heating Bills : Misc Services Bills : Electricity 1,500 Buildings : Repairs Miscellaneous : Miscellaneous Expenses Bills : Water & Sewerage Bills : Membership Fees Caretaker : Non Salary Payments Miscellaneous : Raffle Prizes 1,000 Cash Withdrawal Buildings : Caretaker Misc Expenses Miscellaneous : Computing Miscellaneous : Fixtures & Fittings Miscellaneous : Advertising Miscellaneous : Postage 500 Miscellaneous : Stationery
Expenses Subcategory 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 Total (£) Total (£) Total (£) Total (£) Total(£) Total (£) Buildings : Repairs 12,926.55 937.79 10,447.02 52.50 293 190.35 Caretaker : Salary 2184 2184 2,234 2,184 2,184 2,226 Miscellaneous : Fixtures 1150.35 765.56 2,185.77 132.55 90.89 30.95 & Fittings Buildings : Decorating 970 0 4,385.25 0 0 0 Bills : Insurance 815.31 835.46 951.09 1,149.78 1,178.95 1,236.65 Bills : Gas/Heating 787.38 898.71 894.97 821.51 885.57 1,005.76 TVH Events 608.80 955.85 1017.74 1290.82 1,501.41 1,159.24 Bills : Water & Sewerage 244.35 179.25 142.03 207.60 217.38 175.71 Bills : Electricity 232.61 401.50 448.99 370.57 414.16 236.20 Bills : Misc Services 138.41 182.01 731.31 442.27 371.65 946.16 Bills : Membership Fees 92.29 94.86 107.09 93.48 144.09 166.55 Caretaker : Non Salary 50 50 50.00 90 126 132 Payments Miscellaneous Expenses 369.05 581.08 539.16 503.62 Bills : Council Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 20,327.37 7,672.58 24,325.64 7,532.33 8,025.29 8,009.19
Page 6 of 6 8. CONCLUSION This year the hall made a loss of £2002.86 with an operational loss of £2027.60.
The income and expenses tables shown in section 6 shows 05/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09, 09/10 and 10/11 figures so that we can identify trends in increase and decrease of income and expenditure helping the committee to manage the funds.
As can be seen from the graph in section 6, the main income for the hall is from events run by the committee. The income of the hall has decreased by some £2000 from last year mainly due to a drop of income of £900 from these TVH events. The main factor this year was that the good revenue earner, the New Year’s Eve dance was poorly attended. In addition only one Live and Local show was arranged (normally two per year). The rest of the decrease in income is due to the sum of the small decreases in all our regular hirers income.
Because the gas and electricity are on a fixed tariff the hall’s expenses are approximately the same as last year (£8000).
The committee retains the services of a part time caretaker/booking secretary responsible for the day- to-day administration and care of the hall at an annual cost of £2226.
The Tean Village Hall committee would like to thank all the regular hirers of the hall for their continued support.
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