Florida Occupational Therapy Association s1
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Agenda Items June 14, 2013
Venue: Florida Gulf Coast University Occupational Therapy Department Marieb Hall, room 402.
Members Present: Kurt Hubbard, Elena Vizvary, Debra Misrahi, Debbie Murphy-Fischer, Sara Jane Crowley, Saritza Guzman-Sardina, Ric Carrasco, Cathy Peirce, Kris Winston, Marsha Shuford, Deb Oliviera, Robin Richmond, Brent Cheyne, Becky Piazza, Deb Reber
Regrets: Julie Winsor-Young, Kathy Sessler, Julie Watson, Shirley Esse, Julie Watson, Julie Ring, Kinsuk Maitra, Tim Finlan, Betsy Burgos, KAREN Howell, Belkis Landa-Gonzalez, Donna Vaughn, Ilse Salcedo, Anita Smart, Melissa Cunningham, Rick Davenport
Topic Assessment/ Discussion Recommendation/Action Responsible party/ Target date 9:30-9:35 Roll Call D. Misrahi (DM) 9:35-9:36 Meeting called to order, K. Hubbard (KH) Rules of the Day 2:45-2:50 Approve minutes from KH motion to approve K.H. November 2012 meeting minutes from November 2012 Board meeting Seconded by EV. Motion passed unanimously 9:36-10:00 Appointments and (A)Publications (FOCUS Congratulations to K. H. Resignations Ed.) incoming officers from Elena Vizvary (EV) will ask (A)Nominations K.H. Outgoing offices will previous Editor if she’s (A) Cultural Affairs provide hard copies of interested in assuming (A) Reg. Rep. Region 9- materials. position of FOCUS Julie Wisor Young Discussed potential DM made motion, RC Region 3- Rebecca candidates for open seconded, to develop a Piazza positions search committee to (A) Conference Convener All candidates for formally locate potential appointments (RR’s and candidates for Member SIS Chair) must be AOTA Concerns Chair and FOCUS members Editor. Discussed potential KH appointed Brent direction for FOCUS Cheyne, Deb Oliviera, and Debbie Misrahi to search committee (Members Concern, Cultural Liaison). KH discussed potential appointee for Cultural Affairs Committee
RR’s- Kathy Sessler asked if she could hold SIS and RR position. Option of using Skype for RR positions discussed Cathy Peirce will contact potential candidates for Region 1 Travel reimbursement discussed as incentive for assuming RR positions
Conference Convener- Deb Reber. Discussion focused on the fact that this position is now a voting member and will be reflected in the minutes and on the organizational chart.
Brent Cheyne (BC) will add AOTA membership number to FOTA membership application 10:00-10:05 Confidentiality agreement Signature of all present Discussed the need for all D.M. members including new Members present appointments to sign completed electronic electronically forms 10:05-11:20 Reports- President Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant K.H. (AA)- timeline, update on (AA) - DMF discussed DMF motion (EV interview committee potential job description, seconded) to develop cost. online application process EV recommended search for the AA position. Search committee be developed. committee includes DMF, Application will be EV and Marsha Shuford. developed Motion passed. Committee will present applicant by 9.1.13.
Accountant contract Timeline updated by DMF DMF will visit the office of difficulties with and request copies of the accounting firm (CPA Sue extension. DM will assist in Sutton left firm of T and H letter development to firm Comptroller) and stating their decision to accountant who took over pay penalty by 6.17.13. mentioned that she has DMF motioned that Board not had online access to draft letter to T& H the FOTA account since Comptrollers regarding November 2012 including their fiduciary not filing taxes. Firm has responsibilities to FOTA in accepted to pay the a drafted letter by 6.17.13. penalty ($1780) and filed To be sent via certified an extension. mail. Seconded by EV. Sue Sutton is considering Motion passed. assisting FOTA away from the firm. DMF recommends severing ties with T& H Comptrollers after this financial situation is cleared and informed them that FOTA will engage them on a month to month basis. Discussion made on reporting firm to BBB (to be made after issues cleared). Recommendation made by KH to write out a check monthly to insure oversight of CPA.
Bookkeeping assistance Tabled until financials finalized.
Lobbyist Contract Contract up for renewal. Deb Oliviera (DO) will Sara Jane Crowley (SJC) contact Larry Gonzalez and recommended a discuss his interest in conversation with Larry continuing as FOTA Gonzalez regarding his lobbyist and potential interest in continuing the fees. contract and what his fee would be. Contact up at the end of this month. Job Target options Board passed on further KH discussed current actions. contract. He was approached by Amerassist, which will blast members with information on financial planning. EV recommended company look at advertising on FOTA website. 2014 Conference update - FGCU Deferred to VP
President’s round table CC (Deb Reber) and VP (EV with students: topic Ginny Stoffel and SJC will and incoming VP DO)will hold town hall style continue working on meeting by AOTA on the scheduling as membership Centennial Vision at mtg may be held at lunch. Conference. OT Formal round table will be membership at AOTA at all considered. time high (per SJC). Scheduling may be problematic. FOTA Charity work-Hector Item tabled as Board Picard KH discussed Hector members did not feel Picard’s current fund comfortable supporting raising event (riding bike individual charities. to Washington state to KH will write a letter for raise funds for a child born FOCUS spotlighting with a disability). Hector’s work. DMF discussed FOTA mission to support membership and not formally support individual charities.
Student Conclave Rep. Deb Reber will contact 2013 KH asked about potential Melissa Cunningham and attendance at Conclave contact vendors to ask for and FOTA Conference. commitment. Unable to predict attendance. Robin Richmond sent blast through FLOTEC asking for anticipated numbers to both events.
11:10-11:20 break 11:20-12:00 -Vice 2013 Conference update EV updated Board on E. Vizvary (EV) and CC will President Conference 2013 continue working on Town Hall scheduling and vendors to Reviewed schedule avoid Town Hall meeting including Institutes conflict (report on website) RC asked about times for Practice Committee to meet (45 minutes) on Friday. FOTA , FLOTEC and Daytona State College (DSC)tables on Saturday at DSC Committee preparing for Saturday check in at DSC- registration tables needed for both days Silent auction- for Suze Marsha Shuford will Dudley Fund. Marsha continue working on Silent Shuford considering raffle Auction prizes. for iPad or iPad mini. FOTA will purchase item. Clyde Butcher prints available for purchase. Table needed for this at registration
2014 Conference planning EV reviewed Conference Ongoing work by VP and history CC EV and Deb Reber (CC)reviewed potential sites for Ft Meyers (hotels), and Florida Gulf Coast University(FGCU) for first week of November 2014 Discussion on keynote and theme for 2014 Conference Holiday Inn Airport considered Deb Reber inquired on budget for Conference Template for the budget is with Treasurer and VP
VP Report Sanctioning Committee- 9 applications processed from Forums. Educational sessions for Conference 2013- proposals open now, guidelines and application revised and more streamlined. Reminders will be included in acceptance letter stating presenters must pay Conference fees must be paid prior to presenting and attending.
Speakers may receive CEU’s for presenting.
Laws and Rules – 3 FOTA EV will search FOTA data members trained to base to identify approved present providers for these Medical Errors- Two sessions members trained to present
Conference evaluations- responsibility for VP, revised evaluation form sent to registrants. 98% respondents identified satisfied or very satisfied with sessions. Marketing on Facebook, FOCUS, blast emails, and DOE newsletter calling for proposals. $20,000 profit from last Conference.
Webinars- available for re- sale by AA (when hired).
Registration date TBD when Institutes fully developed. Date will be around mid-August 2013.
Institutes topics- Recommendation for one on orthopedic conditions/ interventions.
Student poster awards- Cathy Peirce Expansion to acknowledge additional presentations
Deadline for proposals- BC will blast next week blast next week. Committee considering extending deadline
Ginny Stoffel will act as SJC ( Conference judge Volunteer Coordinator) will recruit judges 12:00-12:20 2013-2014 budget report DMF reviewed profit and D. Murphy-Fischer( DMF) -Treasurer Lobbyist contract renewal loss statement $18,000 placed this amount in expenses and is being looked at by T and H Comptroller BC discussed filing expense reports via website- Board identified this function was not needed.
Monies to Lela Llorens Research Fund- Motion made by DMF to add 10% of net profit to the Lela Llorens Research Fund (Seconded by EV). Motion passed unanimously.
Suze Dudley- Motion DMF will review benefits made by DMF to take 2% of adding money to each of profits to add to the fund Suze Dudley marketing campaign. Seconded by RC and withdrawn by DMF. Myra Mc Daniels Fund- SJC discussed adding monies to this fund. Last year we contributed $20, 000. Discussion tabled until additional details revealed.
Treasurer transition plan DMF to be developed 12:20-12:30 Updated FOTA ppt DM -Secretary Updated organizational chart Committees No report - Member Concerns TBA 12:30-12:45 -Awards and Recognition Deb Reber resigned to Deb Reber searched data KH appointed Robin assume Conference base for potential Richmond to Awards and Convener position candidates (Cara Putnam) Nomination Committee Robin Richmond offered with Deb Reber to search to assume position for another member 12:45- 1:00 -Government Affairs E-mailed Larry Gonzalez Attended OT Practice Deb Oliviera (DO) regarding opening Board meetings discussion on contract Attended ACHA meetings renewal - Issues regarding Medicaid reimbursement using tri-alliance group (PT, OT and SLP) - Attended special session meeting and issues resolved - Recommended members become more active as Affordable Care Act - Attended AOTA State Legislative Affairs meeting ( FL not prepared) - New Government Appointment to be made Affairs member needs after July 1, 2013 to be appointed - Recommends task force be developed to define rehabilitation and habilitation - Practice SIS Chairs should “dovetail” with this Committee as “experts”. - Budget- may need to pay for travel for personnel to attend ACHA meetings and to have consumers attend meetings to discuss OT services - Tasks needed may DO will develop a listing of include: Medicaid tasks liaison 1:00-1:15 -Practice PSC meeting update Feedback on roundtable Ric Carrasco (RC) Feedback on updated SIS sessions from 2012 SOP Conference SOP’s reviewed by RC and feedback was positive for rewording Research SIS Chair- topic will be EBP and sent to academic centers. He has a grant to share research (K. Maitra) Contribution of SIS Chair regarding articles for FOCUS Anita Smart- will write article and man round table for Conference Practice Committee will collaborate with GA task force 1:15-2:00 -Webmaster Website update SIS Chairs have Board Brent Cheyne (BC) Member access
Overview of Timeline- June/ July season- all forms needs to be reviewed and edited as fiscal year ends August- Conference registration and supporting materials open August-November- Conference heats up, changes to licensure format updated and links added for customer service April- OT month promotion, growth of OT April- June- nominations and elections process, exhibitor review for Conference Ongoing tasks- “FOTA contact us form” replaced Yahoo email Concerns included- licensure, contacting local practitioners
Recommendation made to have Member Concerns Coordinator address these issues
Phone duty- suspended last year (account was hacked) Supporting Sanctioning Program Recommends using this personnel as advertisers on website Updates on Sanctioning Program refund policy and statement on website May add link to encourage advertising on site
E blast schedule- many included advertisement, rate of opening blast rate (35-40% reciprocates open blast) Advertising- website, and e-blast sponsoring, three newsletter ads
Syncing content on FOCUS and FB (915 likes)
EB Functions- online Board voting for minutes, and AA JD
803 inactive profiles 709 active members 30% students 16% OTA 54% OTR
Over 600 basic contacts ( registered as Conference attendee) DM will add Amazon link Most visited page- OT as Member Benefit to schools, 2nd most visited professional development Conference, education ppt page Present technology Board to review module upgrades Consideration of options and vote at a later upgrading template on date website Costs- Three options DMF and EV will meet with Update current site plus BC to review options and three modules present decision to Board $1500 ( up to 5 modules) by January 2014 $2500 ( customized site) Request for formulation of Carol Gwin by laws Elections Committee Policies and rules covered updates by By-Laws ( update by Carol Gwin 2:00-2:15 -FOCUS Editor Progress on replacement BC asked for direction on BC purpose of FOCUS KH mentioned the marketing benefit of FOCUS RC suggested that when new website look is launched, FOCUS aligns with format Cost associated with printing hard copy (FOCUS does not pay for itself) 2:15-2:40 -AOTA Rep. 2013 Conference update AOTA membership Sara Jane Crowley numbers have increased and FL now eligible for additional RA Rep. Due to FOTA by law changes, Speaker of the RA and RA Leadership Team will examine COOL database for potential candidates Verification of FOTA membership then vetting by AOTA will take place
SJC recommends thanking Sue Garrette as Alt Rep from FOTA leadership
Business meeting at AOTA was contentious. FOTA by- laws have been opened as AOTA Rep and Alt Rep need to be removed. AOTA Rep will be known as Organizational Advisor and fall alone on organizational chart ( non- voting member) Can be held personally responsible for AOTA business New Speaker elected (Francie Baxter) Emily Pugh, now on RA Leadership Team
Town Hall- Ginny Stoffel, will judge at Conference and hold discussion on Centennial Vision
AOTA offer for FOTA booth Board discussed need for EV will respond to Frank at Student Conclave attendance at this booth Gainor’s offer Frank Gainer made offer of free booth at Conclave 2:40-2:50 -By-laws By-laws changes SJC recommended Carol Gwin opening by laws now as Board will complete an they need to be voted on online voting procedure by general membership in after final document November received from Carol Gwin Board review proposed revisions and will submit changes to Carol Gwin for finalization Meeting adjourned 2:50 pm
**After the Board meeting was adjourned on June 14, 2013, several Officers and Committee Chair realized a very important issue had been overlooked during the course of the business session.
The Board and membership had failed to officially thank the outgoing Board members for their efforts during their terms of office. Since the meeting cannot be officially re-opened at this time, a note will be included in the minutes to reflect this acknowledgement.
The Board and membership would like to thank Kurt Hubbard, outgoing President, for his service during his term. He worked diligently to promote FOTA and its membership across the state and at a national level. Volunteer positions are seldom easy and require countless hours of work towards the common good. For this service, we thank you. Elena Vizvary, outgoing Vice-President, served with grace and commitment. Endless hours were spent coordinating FOTA's educational programs as well as overseeing our annual Conference. She will now serve as President and the membership looks forward to her vision for the future of FOTA.
Deb Oliviera leaves her role as Government Affairs Coordinator to assume the office of Vice-President. We thank her for her commitment in overseeing legislation which affects the profession of occupational therapy and to protect our practitioners and consumers across the state.
The FOTA Board and membership wishes you all the best in future endeavors and we look forward to a long professional and personal relationship with you all.
Submitted by
Debra Misrahi, DrOT, OTR/L
FOTA Secretary on behalf of the Board and Membership