Flow of the Day Structure for Instruction- Grades 2-5

Math/Science/Social Studies: Mondays and Wednesdays

Purpose of these changes: In order to meet common core challenges and expectations, we are making changes to our flow of the day. Please keep in mind, we are making these changes to create a flexible (as flexible as we can get) day of instruction that will allow us to use time to meet our teaching and learning needs. Within this flow of the day structure, the possibilities are infinite! So think outside of the box when you do your lesson planning. The outcome and expectations must be that our students are able to demonstrate and show (written and verbally) a deeper level of comprehension and understanding of their learning. Additionally, the quality and volume of student work must meet grade level and common core standards. Note: Please prepare work aligned to this flow of the day structure in the event of absence or professional development. Utilize technology (iready, accelerated reading, Ji-Ji for grades 3 and 4) as much as possible to assist in providing meaningful and rigorous activities for your students in your absence.

Component Stations and Activities Teacher Students Morning Rituals Math songs, skip counting, counting Models movement and singing with Perform songs and movements around the room, games, movement students 5-10 Minutes *Utilize this time in order to address “Character Building” theme of the month Quick Math Minute Math, rename #s, Great Leaps Adjust minute math activities to gradually Perform task with fluency and within the set time (math fluency) challenge students/collects results and provided 5 Minutes Whole class provide feedback Mental Math Number Talks (Parrish book) strategies Explicitly teaching and eliciting strategies Naming and explaining strategies, building on String Strategies to/from students, making students’ each others’ knowledge/listening 30 Minutes thinking visual/providing multiple ways to solve a problem Interactive Read A loud Whole group/class Reads fluently/thinks aloud/ explicitly Listening/ 15 Minutes show math complexity within the reading Engaging in meaningful- quality to enhance comprehension/make use of conversation talk moves

Math Workshop Structure Mini – lesson, Math Clinics (3-5), rich Modeling while explicitly teaching the Work independently, within a group, I-Ready, Ji- 90 Minutes tasks, exemplars, I-Ready, Ji-Ji, Math teaching point, conferring, small group Ji, Everyday Math, Math Clinic, Clinic, investigations, interventions, instruction, Interventions *This includes 45 min Ji-Ji* (Great Leaps) (Grades 3&4) independent work stations/independent *AP Math Pull-out Program* reading/writing (Grade 3-5) Singapore Math lesson (Kindergarten)

Math Vocabulary / Math Talk/ Explicitly teach math vocabulary Quality conversations, students defend their 15 Minutes answers. Write a reflection about what they Math Journal learned of strategies learned 5 Minutes Component Stations and Activities Teacher Student

Science/Social Studies Science/Social Studies read Mini-Lesson- Introduction of the Listening attentively to read alouds. alouds, content area vocabulary concept/area of study, *Aligned to New York City Core study, research/exploration, presentations of key vocabulary, Participation in quality conversations Curriculum independent reading/writing, tap into prior knowledge around the science/Social Studies topics. group projects, debates, use of *Based on NYC Scope and technology (Discovery Education, Social Studies/Science Read aloud Vocabulary work (writing sentences or Sequence etc.) (Using “Hot Topics” Kits, Time paragraphs including key vocabulary) for Kids, web based materials, (75 Minutes) articles, books, etc.) Researching topics using articles, books, web based resources Explicit teach of content area vocabulary Replications- Students write articles that “replicate” science/social studies Model writing skills and strategies articles, non-fiction books, etc. Students Suggested Sequence: use text features and structure associated 1) Initial Read Aloud- Model with the articles/text/web articles. Fluency, expression, and think alouds Debates- Student debate topics. Using 2) Facilitate and guide evidence to support their theories from student conversation the text. 3) 2nd Read Aloud or students read Reflections- oral/written independently Presentation 4) 2nd Conversation/writing about what they have learned 5) Independent/Group work 6) Vocabulary assessment 7) Conduct reading quiz and assessments 8) Facilitate student research ***Reminder- Student talk, quality conversation, and conferring are expected throughout the day in all subject areas, as many times as needed. Teachers can initiate conversation topics, prompt students, listen for comprehension, and facilitate debate of issues across the curriculum.***

Sample Flow of the Day ELA Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays- Reading – 160 Minutes

Component Stations / Activities Teachers Students Morning Rituals Singing, dancing, poetry, Model singing, movement with students Sing, dance, movement activity read/recite poetry, 10 Minutes *Utilize this time in order to address movement activity “Character Building” theme of the month Interactive Read Aloud Conversations / debates Arguments Read book(s) to class Are listening citing/referencing the text from read Think alouds Engage in meaningful conversations 30 Minutes aloud Models Fluency build on each others’ talk Whole class Ask higher level questioning Demonstrate critical thinking skills **Conversations 15 Minutes** ** Reading 15 Minutes** Readers Workshop Structure Mini-lesson Explicit Teaching and Modeling of Read text independently within appropriate In depth TC work with TC units reading comprehension strategies, level, I-Ready, Accelerated Reader, in book 100 Minutes Independent Reading naming and demonstrating reading assessments, watch videos, debate/argue/talk Emphasis on Nonfiction Reading strategies, conferring, keep track of question listen/ take notes Conferring students’ progress by taking notes (conferring logs) conducting quality small group instruction(guided reading) providing Interventions: Great Leaps, Wilson; Fundations etc… Create strategy charts to support student learning Reading Response Whole class Informally assess and “kid-watch” as Write about and reflect on what they learned, students write including new vocabulary 5 Minutes Vocabulary Development Differentiated vocabulary stations to Explicitly teach academic vocabulary in Apply academic language learned while address the different levels of context and through the content areas, engaging in meaningful conversations and vocabulary comprehension among Model the use of vocabulary through debates/writings/presentations 15 Minutes students conversations, videos, and books Provide a minimum of 16 exposure to new vocabulary ***Non – Negotiable*** 15 minutes minimum (Quality Conversations), 15 minutes minimum (Vocabulary Work), 20 Minutes minimum (Interactive Read A loud)

***Reminder- Student talk, quality conversation, and conferring are expected throughout the day in all subject areas, as many times as needed. Teachers can initiate conversation topics, prompt students, listen for comprehension, and facilitate debate of issues across the curriculum.***

Sample Flow of the Day ELA Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Writing- 85 Minutes

Components Stations / Activities Teacher Student Conventions / Grammar Timed editing drills Explicit teaching of conventions Application of grammar rules 15 Minutes

Writer’s Workshop Structure Mini – Lesson Explicit modeling of the teaching Write independently, supporting point, conferring, small group their arguments, characters and In depth instruction opinions 70 Minutes Independent TC Writing Use mentor texts to deconstruct Opportunity to apply and define Units and reconstruct text/ analyze craft moves Writing process stations writings. Explicitly teach writing Research topics craft of the genre and use TC Cite, quote text writing continuum to assess Name writing crafts quality of student writing) Identify author’s purpose Re-visit genre(s) as needed Demonstrate command of Use assessment to determine next grammar and appropriate use of teaching points (lessons) vocabulary learned name craft moves Write a minimum of five pages a day (single line)

***Reminder- Student talk, quality conversation, and conferring are expected throughout the day in all subject areas, as many times as needed. Teachers can initiate conversation topics, prompt students, listen for comprehension, and facilitate debate of issues across the curriculum.***

Flow of the Day

Assessment/Goal Setting- Fridays Reading, Math, Science/S.S.

Component Activities Teachers Students

Exams (replicating testing Facilitate testing and assess student Independent assessment, peer to peer Assessments conditions), student conferences, mastery, confer with students, reflection of student work, peer evaluation (Approximately 120 minutes for running records, on-demand conduct running records Literacy and Math- Break up the time writing, Accelerated Reading, for ELA and Math as needed) Independent Reading Assessment, iReady Assessment, common core aligned performance tasks, common core sample tests (available on DOE website) Teacher made assessments to measure growth(ELA and Math)

Journal writing, conversations, Individual writing conferences, Independent writing, group work Reflections reflective writing facilitate reflective conversations, (30 Minutes) Videos, oral presentations, Presents to classmates, students observe and Presentations performances, Reader’s Theater, Organizes and facilities student reflect on student work in writing and oral (60 Minutes) dramatizations, debates presentations presentations

Individual students conferences, Goal Setting small group conferences, revision Conduct conferences, develop Create class wide and individual goals for (30 Minutes) of individual goals based on conference notes, supports goal literacy and math, participate in conferences, student/class needs development, plans future lesson prepare for interviews and experience the objectives interview process, answers interview questions ***Student talk, quality conversation, and conferring are expected throughout the day in all subject areas, as many times as needed. Teachers can initiate conversation topics, prompt students, listen for comprehension, and facilitate debate of issues across the curriculum.

***This document has been designed by Mr. Perdomo with the Instructional Team and the Administration***