College of Health and Human Services
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COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES California State University, Long Beach Health Care Administration Department
HCA 465 – Analysis and Evaluation Fall 2013
Instructor: Grace Reynolds, D.P.A. Class Number: 8420 Section: 3 E-mail: [email protected] Class Meets: Tuesday, 9:30-12:15 Room: Office Hours: Thursdays, 1:45-3:45 Additional Contact Information: HHS/FOA Room HCA Dept. Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill, [email protected] Phone: 562-985-5885 Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886
Catalog Description Techniques of analysis and evaluation applied to health services with respect to organizing, staffing, financing, and utilization. Emphasis on the analytic process, program evaluation, and report of findings.
Learning Objectives, Domain, and Competency Table Students who have completed this course should be able to: Develop evaluation/research questions, hypotheses, and propose specific analytic methods in health management issues. Differentiate between types of qualitative/quantitative evaluation/research philosophies such as monitoring, case studies, survey research, trend analysis, and experimental design; describe the assumptions, threats to validity, and outcomes of each type. Define key concepts of research design and methodology. Identify the steps of a research process, the tasks involved in each, and available data collection and analysis methodologies. Understand the ethics issues involved in the use of human subjects in research. Assemble a spreadsheet in SPSS, conduct basic univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses using secondary quantitative health-related data. Present a peer-reviewed journal article.
The CSULB HCA program is accredited by the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) and this course represents the following domain and competencies for AUPHA accreditation:
Learning Objective Domain Competency Assessment Method Understand the ethics Professionalism. Professional Online training module; issues involved in the Standards and codes quiz on training module use of human subjects of ethics; Ethics materials (pass/fail); in research. committee’s roles, knowledge and retention structure, and of material also tested on functions. in class exam. 1 Develop Business knowledge Outcomes measures Quizzes and exams. evaluation/research and skills. and management. questions, hypotheses, and proposal specific analytic methods in health management issues. Differentiate between Business knowledge Data analysis, Quizzes and exams. types of and skills. including qualitative/quantitative manipulation, evaluation research understanding of, philosophies as and ability to explain monitoring, case data. studies, survey research trend analysis, and experimental design; describe the assumptions, threats to validity and outcomes of each type. Define key concepts of Business knowledge Comparative Quizzes and exams. research design and and skills. analysis strategies. methodology. Identify the steps of a Business knowledge Data collection, Oral presentation with generic research and skills. measurement and explanatory powerpoint/ process, the tasks analysis tools and lecture slides. involved in each, and techniques. available data collection and analysis methodologies. Conduct basic analysis Business knowledge Basic statistical Computer laboratory of secondary and skills. analysis. exercises completed and quantitative data turned in; homework through the use of the exercises completed and General Social Survey turned, such as charts, (GSS) or California graph exercises which Health Interview require students to graph Survey (CHIS). data. Assemble a spreadsheet Business knowledge Application Computer laboratory in SPSS, conduct basic and skills. software. exercises completed and univariate and bivariate turned in. analyses, and write a brief report illustrating findings.
2 Text(s) and other course materials Handbook for Health Care Research by Robert L. Chatburn. ISBN: 0763778052 SPSS Survival Manual -- ISBN-10: 0335242391 BEACHBOARD is being set up and other reading will be posted for students
Assessment of student performance There will be seven exercises, a short paper, three exams, and one final exam. Exercises will be applying analytical concepts to data and the textbook readings.
Exam 1 10% Exam 2 10% Exam 3 10% Final Exam 10% On-line human subjects’ protection module 2.5% Setting up an SPSS spreadsheet 5% Charts & Graphs exercise 5% Statistics assignment 5% Analysis of secondary data I: Chi-Square 10% Analysis of secondary data II: T-Test/ANOVA 10% Analysis of secondary data III: Correlation and Regression 10% Write up of research article 10% Attendance 2.5% Total 100%
Late Homework Policy Late assignments are subject to a 2% deduction per weekday. All assignments should be placed in the respective Dropbox in BeachBoard unless stated otherwise. Make sure assignments are received by the posted due date. Make sure your name is on ALL assignments. Students absent for the final exam must provide written third party documentation.
Grade Computation Grades will be based upon a class distribution of total course points according to the following grading scale: Grade A 90 - 100 percent B 80 - 89 percent C 70 - 79 percent D 60 - 69 percent F 59 percent or less
Attendance policy On-time attendance at the first class is mandatory. Excused absences will be granted only if written evidence (e.g. a doctor's written notice, a letter for jury duty, or a copy of a funeral program) is provided in a timely manner. (University Attendance Policy, PS 01-01, defines excused absences as 1) illness or injury to the student; 2) death, injury, or serious illness of an immediate family member or the like; 3) religious reasons (California Educational Code section 89320); 4) jury duty or government obligation; 5) University sanctioned or approved activities.) 3 You are allowed to miss one lecture with no negative consequence to your attendance grade. Additional missed lectures will result in loss of attendance points as follows: one additional lecture 0.5% deduction, two additional lectures 1% deduction, three or more lectures 2.5% deduction. It is your responsibility to obtain notes from a fellow student if you miss a class.
Student behavior during lectures I. Making noise or causing distractions during lectures will not be permitted. II. No eating during lectures. Drinks are OK. III. Beepers and cell phones must be turned off during lectures. IV. Laptops, IPhones, and iPads are not allowed during exams.
Disabled students Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications, special assistance, or accommodations should promptly direct their request to the instructor.
Withdrawal policy 1. Withdrawal Between the 3rd and 12th Weeks of a Semester – Withdrawals during this period semester are permissible only for "serious and compelling reasons." a) The definition of "serious and compelling reasons" as applied by faculty and administrators becomes narrower as the semester progresses. b) Please be advised that doing poorly in a class does not constitute a serious or compelling reason. The "W" is not intended to be used as a mechanism to escape being awarded the grade that a student has been earning. Thus, the instructor and Department Chair will generally not authorize a withdrawal from this course unless the student seeking to withdraw (a) has been regularly attending classes; (b) has been performing at the level of a "C" or higher in the course; and (c) has a serious and compelling reason for seeking withdrawal. c) To withdrawal during this period you will need both the signature of the course instructor and the signature of the Department Chairperson. Please note that the Department Chair may apply more stringent criteria than your instructor for assessing whether your reasons for seeking to withdraw are "serious and compelling."
2. Withdrawal During the Final 3 Weeks of a Semester – Withdrawals after the 12th week of instruction are not granted absent the most serious and compelling of reasons, such as the documented death of an immediate (not extended) family member; a documented, serious medical condition that requires withdrawal from all courses; a call from reserve to active military service; etc. The procedures for withdrawal during this period are the same as in above, but also require the approval and signature of the Dean or Associate Dean of the College of Health and Human Services. Moreover, the Office of the Provost will review all such requests before they are formally approved.
Campus Behavior 1. “Civility Statement-Civility and mutual respect toward all members of the University community are intrinsic to the establishment of excellence in teaching and learning. The University espouses and practices zero tolerance for violence against any member of the University community. A threat of violence is an expression of intention that implies impending physical injury, abuse, or damage to an individual or his/her belongings. All allegations of such incidents will be aggressively investigated. Allegations that are sustained 4 may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment, expulsion from the University, and /or civil and criminal prosecution.” (CSULB Catalog, AY 2010- 2011, p. 743). 2. Classroom Expectations—All students of the California State University system must adhere to the Student conduct code as stated in Section 41301 of the Title 5 of the California code of Regulations as well as all campus rules, regulations, codes and policies. Students as emerging professionals are expected to maintain courtesy, respect for difference, and respect for the rights of others. 3. Unprofessional and Disruptive Behavior-It is important to foster a climate of civility in the classroom where all are treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, students engaging in disruptive or disrespectful behavior in class will be counseled about this behavior. If the disruptive or disrespectful behavior continues, additional disciplinary actions may be taken.
Cheating and plagiarism 1. “Plagiarism is defined as the act of using the ideas or work of another person or persons as if they were one’s own, without giving credit to the source. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, the following; the submission of a work, either in part or in whole, completed by another; failure to give credit for ideas, statements, facts or conclusions [which] rightfully belong to another; in written work, failure to use quotation marks when quoting directly from another, or close and lengthy paraphrasing of another’s writing or programming.” 2. “Cheating is defined as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain or aiding another to obtain academic credit for work by the use of any dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means. Common examples of cheating during an examination would include, but not be limited to the following; copying, either in part or in wholes, from another test or examination; giving or receiving copies of an exam without the permission of the instructor; using or displaying notes; “cheat sheets,” or other information or devices inappropriate to the prescribed test conditions; allowing someone other than the officially enrolled student to represent the same.” 3. “Faculty choices for confirmed plagiarism include; 1. Review- no action; and/or 2. An oral reprimand with emphasis on counseling toward prevention of further occurrences; and/or 3. A requirement that the work be repeated; and/or 4. Assignment of a score of zero (0) for the specific demonstration of competence, resulting in the proportional reduction of final course grade; and /or 5. Assignment of a failing final grade; and/or 6. Referral to the office of Judicial Affairs for possible probation, suspension, or expulsion.”
5 Please note – this is tentative and is subject to change! Date Assignments Review of syllabus 1 August 27 Lecture 1: Why Study Research? Lecture 2: Health Outcomes Research Lecture 3: Generic Health Outcomes Research 2 September 3 Lecture 4: Conditional-Specific Health Outcomes Research Lecture 5: Ethics and Research – The Belmont Report 3 September 10 Lecture 6: Ethics and Research – Research Compliance Lecture 7: The Scientific Method 4 September 17 Lecture 8: Developing the Study Idea Lecture 9: Designing the Experiment 5 September 24 Exam #1 Lecture 10: Reviewing the Literature 6 October 1 Lab day in ET-109 Lecture 11: Steps to Implementation 7 October 8 Lecture 12: Methods for Collecting Health Outcomes and Related Data 8 October 15 Exam #2 Lecture 13: Basic Statistical Concepts 9 October 22 Lab day in ET-109 Lecture 14: Statistical Methods for Nominal Measures 10 October 29 Chi-Square Test Lab day in ET-109 Lecture 15: Statistical Methods for Contiguous Measures 11 November 5 T-Test, ANOVA Lab day in CBA-237B 12 November 12 No Tuesdays classes per Academic Calendar Lecture 16: Statistical Methods for Contiguous Measures 13 November 19 Correlation and Regression Lab day in CBA-237B 14 November 26 Lecture 17: The Presentation 15 December 3 Exam #3
16 December 10 Lecture 18: Course Review for Final Exam
17 December 17 Final Exam
Bausell, RB (1992). “Methodologists Corner: Sources of Evaluation Instruments.” Evaluation and the Health Professions 15: 475-490
Boruch, RF. Randomized Experiments for Planning and Evaluation: A Practice Guide. (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1997) 6 Chatburn, R. Handbook for Health Care Research. 2nd ed. (Jones and Bartlett Publishers: Sudbury, MA, 2011).
Chelimsky, E and WR Shadish (eds) Evaluation for the 21st Century: A handbook. (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1997)
Cohen, J. Statistical Power for the Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988).
Cooper, H and Hedges L, eds. The Handbook of Research Synthesis. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1994).
Denzin, NK & YS Lincoln eds. (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research (Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage).
Duneier Mitchell. Sidewalk. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001).
Earl Babbie. The Practice of Social Research. Florence, KY : Cengage Learning, 2010.
Friis, Robert. Epidemiology for Public Health Practice. 4th edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2008.
Hoff, TJ & LC Witt (2000). Exploring the use of qualitative methods in published health services and management research, Medical Care Research and Review, 57 (2): 139-160.
Jones, James. Bad Blood. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (The Free Press, 1991).
Julius Sim & Chris Wright. Research in Health Care: Concepts Designs, and Methods. Cheltenham, UK: Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2000.
Also see websites:
American Statistical Association American Evaluation Association Academy Health International Institute for Qualitative Methodology