Call to Order: Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 Pm by Jason Wolfe

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Call to Order: Meeting Called to Order at 7:30 Pm by Jason Wolfe


CMH Board Meeting

September 12, 2016; Kinsmen Room 7:30 pm

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Jason Wolfe

Attendance: Trischa Takvam, Rick Mannes, Lorne Cox, Jason Wolfe, Laura Znak, Joleen McLaren, Gene Graham, Claude Durand

Regrets: Janelle Love

Call for additions to the agenda

(a) Minutes of last meeting and adoption of report –– Motion to move amended minutes as presented by Trischa 2nd by Lorne

(b) Correspondence – none presented

(c) Treasurer’s Report and adoption of report – see attached - motion to move minutes as presented by Joleen 2nd Rick (d) Presidents Report – Presidents meeting on Sept 21 in Miami – Jason and Trischa will attend - scheduling meeting is Oct. 17 in Miami - Claude Durand has accepted the position of Female Convenyor - Coaching clinic is being set up for first week in October - RISCoach is now mandatory to be retaken every five years.

(e) Fundraiser Report – hockey will be Dec. 17 & 18(last weekend of leaque play) - hope to have tix by tryouts(oct1) laura will do up sponsorship letters for local Business sponsorship. - Jason sent Trish Middleton a sponsorship letter (continental travel) – should get a response soon.

(f) Equipment – 2 sets of Tim Hortons Squirt jerseys are ordered - picked up 2 new shooters - will not be matching the odd ball jerseys as that style jersey can no longer be ordered. - priced a new jersey line called Athletic Knit(AK) priced $50-53/jersey with a 2 week order time frame.

(f) Canteen – will open for business on Oct. 1, 2016 - schedule will open one month at a time again, Jodi will coordinate notification with Trisch

(g) Referee in Chief – request officiation renewal notification updated on website.

(h) Registrar – registered numbers are at 147 – 28 squirts(6F22M) 25 Novice(11F14M) 29 Atom(1F 28M) 18 Peewee(4F14M) 30 Bantam(10F20M) 14 Midget(10F4M) (i) Ice Conveyor - Ice is approved for the season by CDRC - Nov 19 – novice tourni, Dec 3 – Squirt tourni, Jan – unknown tourni

(j) Female Convenyor – considering entering our Bantam and Midget teams into the Winnipeg Leaque Winnipeg league granted our late request to enter with Winnipeg Hockey rules. Waiting for a release from PVMH. Bantam – need to ensure double rostered AAA players can play in the WMHL - these games will be one hour in length Midget – there is a bantam goalie that would play with us if we go to WMHL - Sept 21 is the deadline to submit tournaments etc. - ice in rosenort will cost $115/game

(k) Unfinished business – Laura made a motion to accept Gene Graham in the role of Vice President 2nd Lorne Cox, unanimous and carried.

(l) New Business – - Season opener – mandatory attendance, Sept 30 and Oct 1 - Jason and TRischa and Curtis Plaitin will attend MOTION – Trischa would like to move we purchase a group registration for this event for $105.00. 2nd Joleen. ACTION – Joleen will register. - registration Questionnaire – see attached. Request for parent liaison on the board – tabled til next meeting. - Tryouts – so far looks like only atom, possibly three teams If three teams do we go Gold, Silver, Bronze or Gold, Bronze, Bronze? Evaluations – trying to find outside evaluators – Nathan Strange, Marlin Metcalf, Fotheringham, Brian Terwin, Steve Livngston . Consider swapping with other Associations, ask at president meeting. Rex Klassen will be on the ice, send L Ens a request for student volunteers for on ice as Well. We will use the same process as the last 2 years (number system) Code of Conduct needs to be sent out beforehand. – AA Bantam Male - PVMH has requested input on interest of a AA bantam male double rostered team (this was brought up at the fall AGM and was declined) – CMH is still not interested - Team organization – Atom and novice teams were tentatively made, will not send out until After the presidents meeting next Wed. One request for an underage player(4 years) for Squirts was denied due to the current large enrollment. Quinn McLaren and Renae Nykaforak are female PW Majors that will be asked to play up from PW to Bantam Female. Date of next meeting: Oct. 11, 2016 @ 6:30 pm Kinsmen Room Fall AGM will be Oct. 11, 2016 @7:30 pm Carman Arena Bside. Adjournment at 10:06 pm Results from Registration questions: Did you prefer hockey week over selling tickets only? 35% unsure, 49% yes, 16 % no

How do you feel about less tickets to sell with more chances to win but at a higher price? 37% unsure, 38% prefer it, 25% dislike

Do you feel $20.00/tix is good value? 33 % somewhat, 54 % yes, 13 % no

Do you know what fundraiser monies are used for ? 13% unclear, 69% yes, 18% no

Do you feel you have a voice within your association? 82% yes, 18% no

Fundraising suggestions: A dance for the kids selling pizza – 2 votes Hockey calendars selling meat Raffles Winnipeg jets experience – 2 votes Low ticket prices jets tix Selling chicken fingers like skating club apply for bingo Less is more – this is fine canteen makes enough no need to fundraise Coop gift cards – 4 votes things that can be used or eaten t-shirt sale $5 max for tickets Carman fair – beer gardens outdoor tournament – 2 votes Would like to see more communication of funds – treasurers report and canteen. Comments: 10 praise for job well done

-More community attendance during the week -Novice – no ½ ice -Higher registration fees and less fundraising -Equal player time @ novice -Clearer coach expectations(philosphophy/expectation) create a coach committee for a neutral party for communication between parents , coaches, and executive -Fair play policy – what level is appropriate to “sit” atheletes -Charge for door admission -Continuous glass for better viewing -Outside evaluators for tryouts – mentioned 3 times -Higher fees for students to work canteen or a more limited menu more appropriate for volunteers -Able to voice opinions but feel we are not heard. Feel no consideration is give to concerns voiced -Too much hockey -Smaller canteen menu -More canteen exemptions for coaches or no shifts at all would be better as we do lots already coaching -Outdoor tournament

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