Chapter 20: Western Europe during the High Middle Ages Due: Friday, November 30, 2015

Overview Europeans, during the High Middle Ages, built a vibrant and prosperous society. Rising from the foundations laid during the Early Middle Ages—lord-retainer relationships, agricultural innovation, and the Roman Catholic Church—Europe emerged from its long period of relative political instability and economic and intellectual stagnation. The hallmarks of high medieval European culture included  The consolidation and expansion of regional states. These powerful states sometimes were organized by local rulers and based on lord-retainer relationships, as in France. Other times they were direct conquests, as with the Norman invasion of England. At other times, they were supported or encouraged by the Roman church, like the Holy Roman Empire.  Economic revitalization. With renewed agricultural surplus, the population expanded and Europe began to reurbanize. Cities grew, and with them grew business, industry, trade, and educational institutions. Long-distance trade networks reappeared, especially in the Mediterranean and Baltic and North Sea regions.  Continued presence of the Roman Catholic Christianity in virtually all aspects of high medieval life. Through both traditional church institutions and the mass appeal of popular religious practices, the church prospered during this period. The Roman church's influence was felt in education, philosophy, literature, conquest, and travel. In the High Middle Ages Europe began to interact with increasing regularity with the other regions of the eastern hemisphere. Its days of relative isolation were over.

Reading Questions (Vocabulary terms should be highlighted throughout answer)

1. Compare and contrast the development of regional monarchies and states in France, England, Italy, and Iberia 2. Explain the growth of the postclassical European agricultural economy. 3. Analyze the causes of the revival of towns and trade across Europe and the Mediterranean. 4. Analyze the causes of postclassical European social change. 5. Analyze the causes and effects of schools, universities, and scholastic theology. 6. Explain key features of popular religion, reform movements, and popular heresies. 7. Compare and contrast European expansion during the middle ages.

Reading Schedule: Intro and Section 1: The Establishment of Regional States Thanksgiving Break Section 2: Economic Growth and Social Development Section 3: European Christianity during the High Middle Ages and Section 4: The Medieval Expansion of Europe

Chapter 20: Western Europe during the High Middle Ages SPICE Chart (Use the examples to help your place information AP Themes SOCIAL  Family/ kinship  Gender roles/relations  Social and economic classes  Racial/ ethnic factors  Entertainment  Lifestyles  “Haves” & “have nots” POLITICAL  Leaders/groups  Forms of government  Empires  State building/expansion  Political structures  Courts/laws  Nationalism/nations  Revolts/revolutions


 War/conflict

 Diplomacy/treaties

 Alliances

 Exchanges between individuals, groups, & empires/nations

 Trade/commerce

 Globalization Location

 Physical

 Human/environment

 Migration/movement

 Region

 Demography

 Neighborhood

 Urbanization

 Settlement patterns

 Disease

 Cities (2 major ones) CULTURAL

 Religion

 Belief systems and teachings

 Philosophy

 Holy books

 Conversion

 Key figures

 Deities

 Art

 Music

 Writing/literature

 Philosophy  Math

 Science

 Architecture

 Technology

 Innovations

 Transportation

ECONOMY  Agricultural/pastoral  Economic systems  Labor systems/ organizations  Industrialization  Technology/industry  Capital/money  Business organizations

Chapter 20: Western Europe during the High Middle Ages SPICE Chart (Use the examples to help your place information AP Themes SOCIAL  Family/ kinship  Gender roles/relations  Social and economic classes  Racial/ ethnic factors  Entertainment  Lifestyles  “Haves” & “have nots” POLITICAL  Leaders/groups  Forms of government  Empires  State building/expansion  Political structures  Courts/laws  Nationalism/nations  Revolts/revolutions INTERACTIONS (WITH PEOPLE AND THE ENVINRONMENT)

 War/conflict

 Diplomacy/treaties

 Alliances

 Exchanges between individuals, groups, & empires/nations

 Trade/commerce

 Globalization Location

 Physical

 Human/environment

 Migration/movement

 Region

 Demography

 Neighborhood

 Urbanization

 Settlement patterns

 Disease

 Cities (2 major ones) CULTURAL

 Religion

 Belief systems and teachings

 Philosophy

 Holy books

 Conversion

 Key figures

 Deities

 Art

 Music

 Writing/literature

 Philosophy

 Math

 Science

 Architecture

 Technology

 Innovations

 Transportation ECONOMY  Agricultural/pastoral  Economic systems  Labor systems/ organizations  Industrialization  Technology/industry  Capital/money  Business organizations

Locate the following on the map:

Iberian Peninsula Hungary London France Bulgaria Toledo Venice Castile, Aragon, Granada, Vienna Florence Portugal, Navarre Rome Budapest Balkan Peninsula Naples Jerusalem Poland Constantinople Papal States Serbia Kiev Scandinavia Paris

Seas: Caspian Britain Mediterranean Kingdoms: Holy Roman Empire Black Frankish Kingdom Byzantine Empire Vocabulary List Term Definition/significance Hanseatic League Definition:


Three Estates Definition:


Chivalry Definition:


Guilds Definition:


Thomas Aquinas Definition:


Pilgrimage Definition:


Leif Erikson Definition:


Reconquista Definition:


Fourth Crusade Definition:
