The Economic Recession Contributed to the Boom in Cavan Library Service Usage, with Visitor
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Library Submission for Council Annual Report 2010 Prepared by J. Brady Co. Librarian. Word count 1000 In 2010, fuelled by both the recession and the Fleadh, there was a startling jump in visitors to Cavan County Library Services – up by almost 14% in one year. In 2010, over 23,100 people monthly used our library services.
Quality library services are essential to the social, cultural and economic well being of this county. To ensure that we are best positioned to meet library needs, “Libraries Matter” Cavan County Library Service’s Development Plan for the period 2010 to 2015 was prepared, adopted, published and launched during 2010.
“Libraries Matter” maps out how we will meet growing demand for best quality services at a time of economic restraint, concentrating on what is realistic and achievable, and how it can be achieved. Our overall aim is to fulfil library potential and play a leading role in guaranteeing the future excellence of our communities and our county.
For Fleadh 2010 the revival of the Irish Language took centre stage, courtesy of Cavan County Library Service, in partnership with Glór Bhreifne and local Irish language enthusiasts. A varied programme saw the library open all seven days of Fleadh week.
Demand for Irish language events was high and audiences enjoyed Fr. Micheál Mac Gréil, Niall Toibín, Ré Ó Laighléis, Anna Heussaff, Púca Puppets and Dr. Seosamh Mac Muirí. Club na nÓg saw children from all over Ireland taking part as well as many from overseas.
“Let Cavan surprise you” an exhibition of photographs and memorabilia proved to be the most successful ever mounted at Johnston Central.
The Six Book Challenge, a new reading initiative for adult learners, was undertaken during 2010. This challenge invites less confident readers to read six books over a period of six months. In partnership with the Cavan Adult Learning Centre, it supports and encourages ‘the reading habit’ and enables tutors to integrate reading for pleasure into their work with students. The first group of 19 successful participants received a certificate at an awards 1 Library Submission for Council Annual Report 2010 Prepared by J. Brady Co. Librarian. Word count 1000 evening in September. A second challenge commenced in December. This initiative looks set to become a regular feature of our event programming.
Wi-Fi enabled Libraries: As part of our commitment to deliver highest quality Information technology throughout the library network, all three full-time libraries were wi-fi enabled by the end of 2010 ensuring Cavan Libraries are the information hotspot of choice locally. This was made possible through grant aid from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and An Chomhairle Leabharlanna.
FÁS ELearning programme proved successful during 2010. Over 130 participants availed of free online courses, with the support of a dedicated facilitator assigned to all three full-time libraries. Aimed at absolute beginners and those who want to improve their skills, a wide range of courses were on offer.
The 2010 National Disability Strategy funding enabled Cavan County Library Service address a major area of concern i.e. the provision of accessible exterior signage for all libraries, both part-time and full-time.
Johnston Central Library reached into homes countrywide with the issue in 2010 of an “An Post” stamp depicting P.J. Lynch’s “A voyage to Lilliput” commissioned for Johnston Central Library.
953 events took place during this year’s annual Library Events Programme, up by over 15% on 2009. Social inclusion was kept at the heart of programming by targeting marginalised groups; promoting events that celebrate diversity and strengthening links with other agencies.
2010 Library Events Programme highlights :
The “Discover Lifelines” exhibition celebrating the written word was launched at Johnston Central Library in September by Niall MacMonagle, a
2 Library Submission for Council Annual Report 2010 Prepared by J. Brady Co. Librarian. Word count 1000 champion of the joy of reading and of literature. Poetry workshops accompanying the exhibition proved very popular with students.
To mark Cavan’s first ever Good Relations Week , two world class storytellers, TUUP and Clare Muireann Murphy, attracted an audience of close to 300 over the course of one unforgettable storytelling day.
In March 2010, local historian Hugh O’Brien gave the first in a series of nine lectures at Cootehill library which painted a vivid social, historical and political picture of the town since the early 1900’s. The talks generated great interest in local history and resulted in extensive use of library resources.
Bailieborough Library participated in the celebrations to mark Bailieborough 400. Tom McIntyre’s life & work: An Abbey Theatre Exhibition of artefacts was launched in September by broadcaster Myles Dungan. It proved a popular draw over a three week period. A lecture on Tom’s work by author Marie Kelly, and an account of Tom’s life & works by Patrick Mason, former Director of The Abbey Theatre were both informative and highly entertaining.
The Lit Lab, initiated by Cavan and Meath’s Arts Offices to encourage, support and challenge local writers, met regularly at Bailieborough Library throughout the year.
An exhibition, based on the archival material held by Cavan County Archives, celebrated 100 years of Cavan ICA and proved a popular draw at Johnston Central during May.
Library Events Programme 2010 Lectures 19 Exhibitions 13 Workshops 171 Writer & Storyteller Visits 28 Book Displays & Book Launches 44 Music & Dance 9 Drama 1 Class Visits: Pre Schools 30 Class Visits: Primary 382 Class Visits: Secondary & Other Educational Groups 9 3 Library Submission for Council Annual Report 2010 Prepared by J. Brady Co. Librarian. Word count 1000 Community Group Meetings & Events 51 Reading Group Meetings 38 Cavan County Council (Other Sections) - Events 17 Events organised with State Agencies 92 Outreach Work 49 Total 953
Top Choices - Cavan Library Users 2010
Close to 1,800 book and audio book requests.
Fiction: Steig Larsson’s Millennium trilogy.
Children’s Books: Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney
Non Fiction: “The Bankers” by Shane Ross
Subjects: Self Sufficiency, Psychology, Spirituality
D.V.D.: “Downton Abbey”
Local Studies & Archives: Annesley Estate rental books
Online Resource: Irish Newspaper Archives
Performance Indicators 2009 2010 % Change Membership 14,146 13,341 - 5.69 Stock Borrowed 175,802 174,626 - 0.66 Visitor Levels 243,600 277,550 + 13.93
4 Library Submission for Council Annual Report 2010 Prepared by J. Brady Co. Librarian. Word count 1000 Internet Public Access 37,660.5 34,311.87 - 8.89
Average Opening Hours: Full Time Libraries 42.87 42.37 - 1.16 Average Opening Hours: Part Time Libraries 9.49 9.04 - 4.74
Adopted Budget 2010 € 1,998,283.92