Brad Leydorf Loves Basketball and Played in High School. He Enjoys Board Games. It Is Quite

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Brad Leydorf Loves Basketball and Played in High School. He Enjoys Board Games. It Is Quite

1st Floor

Front Lobby

Brad Leydorf loves basketball and played in high school. He enjoys board games. It is quite likely the first thing you noticed when you entered the CAM was the dazzling sculpture by Dale Chihuly which also happens to be Brad’s favorite color. What is it?

Cyn was in the Air Force and has moved 36 times in her life. As you enter the Hallway to the Great Hall, check out what’s behind the curtain on the left to see a place Cyn has visited twice.


Timothy is 11. He likes zombies and legos. I’m guessing he likes my favorite show The Walking Dead. Being an 11 yr old boy, it is no surprise he also likes video games. In Anthony Van Dyck’s Portrait of a Man member of the Spinola family, the subject’s attire tells us what kind of video games Timothy might like if of course, it was 1640. In today’s world, he would probably prefer a more modern version of this type of video game. What is it?

Julie Gorden is a proud Grandma. She has a degree in Interior Design and has lived in Santa Cruz, CA and Seattle, WA. She adores Golden Retrievers. The subject matter in Paul Cezanne’s Still Life might be something she uses to indulge another hobby of hers. What is it?

Kathy has traveled to the Bahamas 7 times. Her favorite trip was a visit to Guatemala where she delivered books and games to 7 schools to help students with their education and to alleviate poverty. She has a 14lb Schnoodle named Elle who is feisty and loves the dogpark. Her favorite zoo animal is the giraffe. Robert Duncanson’s Blue Hole, Little Miami River gives a glimpse of Kathy’s craziest act as a kid. Can you guess what she and her brother attempted to do to get to the other side? Behind the Seams

Rebecca lived in Okinawa, Japan for 3.5 years while in the Army. She has learned to speak and translate Chinese Mandarin. She teaches chemistry and physics in high school and loves Charlie Parker’s artwork. Visit Behind the Seams exhibit and check out the wardrobe of hanging dresses. The longest dress just happens to be her favorite color. What is it?

Art of Africa

Katy loves to travel. She studied in France and her latest trip was to Athens, Greece. Check out the Art of Africa. Go to the back of the gallery and look in the right side case to see what room in her home Katy just remodeled by finding the tools one might use in this room.

Ellen Parker has been working at the Renaissance Festival for many years. In her spare time, she loves to travel and garden. Find Powerful Woman and discover what type of work she does at the Ren Fest each year.

Cincinnati Wing

Larry Hafley is a musician who plays the guitar and sings. He once worked for the railroad and in his spare time, loves to fish. He has traveled to Windsor, Canada and throughout the southern and eastern U.S. Find Clement Barnhorn’s Industry Protecting Art and Music sculpture. There is a little girl playing an instrument Larry plays. What is it?

Jane H. works at UC. She loves to hunt Morel mushrooms. Find Frank Duvaneck’s famous whimsical painting of a young boy and guess what unusual talent she has.

Sheila is a Speech Pathologist. She has lots of hobbies including swimming, water aerobics, kayaking, and hiking. She has seen at least 6 bears in the wild. She has 3 children and her mother will tell you she was stubborn and not the easiest child to raise. Find Frank Harmon Myers Children at the ______to find one of her favorite spots to take in the sun. Rod Zeigler spent a year in Iraq. He was also a Youth Pastor for 28 years. Find the Pitman Home Bedstead. Nearby is an artist’s Easel and a set of tools by S. J. Addis. Rod might use these tools for one of his current hobbies. What is it?

Juliet Jones is a photographer and animal lover. She spent much of her life out west living in Colorado and this state. Find Joseph Henry Sharp’s Early Moonlight, Crow Reservation to learn what other western state Juliet has lived in.

Nancy was a Spanish major at UC and enjoys both Spanish and Mexican food. She grew up in New Mexico. Duncanson’s Landscape painting the in Cincinnati Wing to discover what her favorite place to be is.

Candi Dun is new to the group. Her hero is her 11 yr old special needs adopted son. She also has a small peppermint tattoo on her right leg and her favorite car is a green convertible Volkswagen. Find the Harp of Erin and guess what physical trait of hers she is most proud of!!

Sandy is an Anthropologist and is Spanish speaking. She has traveled extensively. Back to School shows a map of a continent she has seen quite a bit of. What continent is it?

Karen Kennedy once landed a sailfish in a tournament in Stuart, Florida. She also lived abroad for 4 years. The Model for the Tyler Davidson Fountain which we know as the fountain on Fountain Square was purchased from the European state where she lived. Where did she live for 4 years?

Lynn Williams sells Tastefully Simple and is an animal lover. Her furry kids Rocky and Paco always make our hikes more of an adventure especially when there are lions to be slayed even if they are made of stone. She is always involved in some doggie fundraiser or event. However, one type of breed is very close to her heart. Find Fountain Square Pantomime to discover what breed that is.

Karen Woellert is a hiker, biker and dancer. You can always find her at Contra dance on Monday nights. Karen is also a dog lover and rescues one particular breed. Street Urchins depicts boys with this breed. What is it? Ida Hoehn enjoys hiking and attending classes from UC’s OLLI program for seniors. Currently, she is taking classes on Hamlet and 20th Century Eastern Europe History. She enjoys the arts and often volunteers at many art venues. Find the Vase and Dedication Medallion by Tiffany commissioned by Reuben Springer to learn one place she often volunteers.

Charie is a retired teacher. Her great-grandparents were potters in Cincinnati and she herself was a student of Eileen McCarthy who was a student of a famous local artist. Find Guard of the Harem to learn which artist Charie’s teacher Eileen McCarthy studied under at one time.

Jeni Cullen has lived all over the US. She loves adventurous activities such as skydiving, hang gliding, ziplines and zorbs. She loves plants and animals. One of her hobbies is participating in weird festivals and events such as outhouse races, and polar plunges. Near the silver coffee pots, find the fancy silver coffee maker to guess what other yearly mooning event Jeni has participated in. Hint: guess name of modern day company that gets mooned each year.

Sanjay was once an actor on the professional stage of New Delhi. He states he has a horrible sense of direction so don’t expect him at lunch even though he’s rsvp’d yes for it. When he needs to get in touch with his geeky side, he loves to work with a modern day version of what is depicted in James Henry Beard’s The Long Bill. What is it?

Colleen Wegman is a chemist. Her favorite activity is skiing and she loves to travel. She has been to Paris and Italy. Find Thomas Worthington Whittredge’s Landscape in Westphalia to figure out another country she has visited.

Debbie rides a motorcycle and once owned her own retail store. She is also quite handy and can lay tile. Check out Charles Meurer’s Still Life with Currency to learn what Meetup Group Debbie organizes as well. Rookwood

Carol Zahn is of German descent so it’s no wonder she loves a good beer! She also loves to travel and got the kiss of a lifetime at one of her favorite destination spots. Rookwood’s Maria Longworth Nichols Storer did a lovely vase called Aladdin Vase. Take in its beauty and notice what large blue animal is featured. It may not be the exact same species but think “large” and try to guess who gave her a “killer” smooch of a lifetime. For extra points, give me the name and a location of this killer smoocher!

Janelle Duncan’s favorite color is green. Her hobbies include gardening, boating, kayaking, and hiking. She has extended family in Newfoundland, Canada. In the Rookwood sitting room is a sculpture called Della Robbia. Use it to guess what area of ecological research Janelle works in.

Jonathan Duerbeck teaches at the School of Metaphysics. He is a very creative person and can make things from nature. Find a Trinity of Dragons and guess what basic element he uses in his creations. Hint: think dragon.

Kate Rupe has been to Ireland many times. Her dream is to own and ride a motorbike. She has a degree in computers as well as a license in another field. Adjacent to the Rookwood sitting room, there is display made by Mitchell and Rammlsberg. If you hired Kate in her other field of expertise, she might purchase this for you if you liked fine woods and birds. What is her other occupation?

Gina has an Australian Shepherd who is part of the family. Her favorite time of year to hike is autumn, although she has spent many wonderful summers in South Carolina and at the beach. Her favorite color is pink. She loves food. Find Maria Longworth Nichol Storer’s pottery piece Basket and to learn what is her favorite type of food.

Karl Halvorson is a lutefisk loving Norwegian (by heritage) and designs houses for a living. He used to have a Shetland sheepdog named Blu. Find Rookwood’s Chimneypiece and describe the setting for his perfect house, a cabin.

Jim loves to ride motorcycles and has visited all 50 states. Though I’m sure it wasn’t quite this luxurious, find the incredible maroon display in the middle of the Rookwood sitting room to determine how he visited those states. Buzz was once in a rock band and enjoys traveling to Alaska. Another one of his favorite activities can be seen in the Rookwood Pottery Gallery. Look for the Jar decorated by Carl Schmidt. Nearby is a painting very similar to the jar. What other hobby does Buzz enjoy?


Jennifer was recently in Amsterdam and she adores downhill skiing. In the room of Buddha’s and other Eastern deities, check out the learning board on Chinese astrology. I was born in 1971. Using that date, figure out what animal rules that year. Jennifer collects the domesticated version of this animal. Danny Cooper has lots of interests including the outdoors, astronomy, gastronomy, traveling but definitely not monotony. He is a retired Air Force engineer and has traveled to Europe, Chile, and all over North America. He still wants to see Egypt. Besides monkeys, find the Jar from Japan’s Meiji period (19th century) to guess another favorite animal of Danny’s.

Linda loves wildlife of all kinds and being outdoors. She hiked the Grand Canyon with her daughter. She lived in Morocco for 2 yrs and traveled on this humpy animal shown in a piece of earthen ware given to the CAM by John R. Strauss. This sculpture was found in China and came from the time of the Tang Dynasty (8th Century).

Margaret Stigler loves to play golf and is a licensed attorney. Recently, she decided to start a new career at Cincinnati’s latest attraction. Find the dancing animal near the previous clue to guess where Margaret is now working. Hint: With all that dancing, that poor animal will need a good pair of shoes!

Todd Stephens is a Mechanical Engineer. His favorite local food is Skyline Chili and he enjoys off-roading, four-wheeling, and rebuilding Suzuki Samurais. Enjoy a moment of silence at the Prayer Niche as you enter the art galleries of oriental Asia and guess Todd’s favorite color.

Near Eastern

Catherine Fasano is from St. Louis, MO and has 4 children. In the Ancient Art of Asia, find the Cuneiform Writing case. There is a small tablet that indicates what Catherine does for a living. What type of tablet is it and what does Catherine do? 2nd Floor

2 nd Floor Hallway

Ric F. has an internet business that is a platform for job advertising. As a kid, he played a bass fiddle. He has two sons. One lives in San Diego, while another lives east. Enjoy the gorgeous stained glass windows on the second floor balcony. Their maker is located in the city where his other son lives. Where is it?

Jane Root is retired from the Air Force and she loves to learn new things. The Artist’s Mother, Lula May Hinkle located in the hall of the 2nd floor shows another talent of Jane’s. What is it?

Molly is planning a trip to Africa this summer and has already visited Amsterdam 4 times. Currently, she is in the middle of a remodel in her home. On the 2nd Floor Hallway, find the perfectly model of a room to guess which room she is remodeling.

American/European Galleries

Karen Andrews is a writer who is just about to complete her first novel. She loves gardening and her favorite painting at the museum is “Last Flowers” by Jules Breton. Find Frederic Bastille’s The Terrace of Metric to see what her favorite flower is that she grows. She loves this flower so much she is a member of an association dedicated to it.

Donna Jackson loves wine and traveling. However, she is very serious about one hobby of hers. She does it strictly with natural processes. Find Pissaro’s Cabbage Patch Near the Village to guess what this hobby is.

Stephanie Taylor is a manatee diver and she bakes awesome cookies. Find Shepardess Seated on a Rock to discover another interest of Stephanie’s. Carolyn Huss loves ballroom dancing and traveling. Her favorite view is the ocean from Santorini Island. She would like to visit Australia and New Zealand one day. Find Sir Lawrence Alma Tandem’s Comparison 1892 to learn another hobby of Carolyn’s.

Sarah Tankersly loves to dance and read Jane Austen novels. Her favorite painting at the CAM is John Singer Sargent’s Two Girls Fishing. In British Art, find Fenwick Fair to learn another interest of Sarah’s.

Karen Vercamp loves music especially the saxophone and piano. However, she doesn’t play. She also enjoys just being outdoors whether it be for hiking, gardening or wildlife viewing. Charles Francois Daubyny’s Pond of Gylieu shows a scene of wildlife viewing Karen particularly enjoys. What is it?

Sarah Fenske loves good beer, good friends and good conversations. She recently changed her field of work to match her personal interest and love. Find Jules Breton’s painting to guess what is her passion and new field of expertise.

BC’s favorite animal is the dog and his favorite movie is It’s a Wonderful Life! He loves to eat. He is well travelled and has met a few famous people in his time. He has met Jazz Saxophonist Wayne Shorter, Musician Herbie Hancock and one of my childhood heartthrobs Patrick Duffy aka Bobby Ewing on Dallas. In his travels, he has been to London, Venice, Florence, Barcelona, Pals and Madrid. Find Lorrain’s An Artist Studying from Nature to guess 2 other places he has visited.

Sharon Lambert is an avid amateur photographer and has lived all over the world. She would love to tandem skydive one day and one of her best times was riding in a hot air balloon in spite of her greatest fear which would also make it difficult to skydive. Find Dutch artist’s Jacob van Ruisdael’s River Landscape with a Castle to figure out what she is afraid of. Michelle Pembaur may have saved a life when she was only days old. Her umbilical cord was in such perfect condition when she was born, it was used in someone else’s heart surgery. She also had her picture taken on the runway with the Challenger Space Shuttle. Look for Dutch painter Aert van der Neer’s Winter Landscape to guess another more sporting talent she has.

Stephanie Spencer was in the US Navy. Salvador Dali is her favorite artist and she is well traveled. So far, she has been to Bermuda, Antigua, Mexico, Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland and Greece. Find Gerard ter Borch’s The Music Party and read where he is from to learn another place Stephanie has visited.

Marian Sumner is a retired principal and grew up in Siler City, NC. Her maiden name is Siler and the town is name Siler City after an ancient relative of hers donated land in the area to be used for a post office. Find Childe Hassam’s Pont Royal to find out where Marian once lived for 10 months and what language she is studying.

Michelle Patrick loves to read books, starting in the middle and then not finishing. In fact, she rarely finishes a book!! Coffee makes her very happy. Although she has no desire to touch them ever, her favorite animal can be found in the background of the painting Old Folks. The dog is watching them intently. What are they?

Bill Matthews loves to sing and do karaoke. He is in a choir. One of his dream jobs would be doing voice over work. Find Edward Hopper’s Sun on Prospect Street and guess what his other dream job would be.

Melissa Redman was in the Army Reserves. She enjoys snow skiing and quilting. Unfortunately the 3rd floor is closed, but peek upstairs to see Powel Crosley Jr to guess what other activity she likes to combine with her quilting.

Kelly Jensen is another member of the group who is originally from New Mexico. She has OCD when it comes to cleaning and sometimes vacuums 4 times in a day; she cleans her bathroom every day. She is a cowgirl and has a "brand" registered with the Cattle Growers Association...a Rafter J. Find Charles Russell’s Roping Fresh Mounts and guess what Kelly’s dream is. Leslie Powell loves Paris, France!! Her favorite type of day can be found in the painting Summer at Shinnecock. What does Leslie love best as long as it’s shining?

Joyce Bilodeau grew up in the Marine Corps. Her family is French Canadian and she speaks colloquial “Quebecois”. Her favorite hike was Mt. Katahdin. Find View Across Frenchmen’s Bay From Mt. Desert Island After a Squall by Thomas Cole to find out in which state Mt. Katahdin is located.

Helen had her picture taken with Jim Belushi. Her Uncle John was the Ambassador of Luxembourg during the Reagan Administration. Helen loves to travel and is most proud of her hike in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Although it is not the same, find the nature scene by Frederic Edwin Church of Tequendama near Bogata, New Grenada and guess what Helen climbed in Jamaica.

Mary Lou has lived in Germany and Australia. She has seen an opera in a Roman Arena. Her favorite city is London and she has a reason for it. In Ophelia and Laertes, the pair are being presented to some very important people. In fact, if these people were in London, they might be Mary Lou’s kin. What famous Londoner is Mary Lou related to?

Karen Vercamp loves music especially the saxophone and piano. However, she doesn’t play. She also enjoys just being outdoors whether it be for hiking, gardening or wildlife viewing. Charles Francois Daubyny’s Pond of Gylieu shows a scene of wildlife viewing Karen particularly enjoys. What is it?

Lara Khalil speaks fluent Arabic and is an extreme crossfitter! Lara may have something in common with the ladies featured in Grant Wood’s popular painting of 3 women. Although she is not one of them, they were the first of their kind and she is the first in her family to do what?

Mardie Hay rides a Harley and runs a horticultural therapy program. In Borden Limner’s The Willard Family, the child holds a small toy that symbolizes another love of Mardie’s. What is it? Angelina is married to Sanjay who is from India. She is a self-professed board game geek and is extremely competitive. The scene in Robert Frederick Blum’s The Silk Merchant takes place in a country where Angelina lived for 4 years. What country is it?

Jill Denise has been to the Oprah show 3 times. She has a close relationship with one particular member of her family, so close, in fact she is giving him a kidney. Find American Paul Manship’s sculpture in the case near Hopper’s Sun on Prospect Street to determine which family member she is close with.

Chris Hill describes herself loosely as an artist. She is also a mother and grandmother. Find The Granddaughter by Joaquin Sorolla to see some place she might enjoy taking her grandchildren each summer.


Jeanne Jones loves her 3 cats. They are her children!! She loves the Beatles and is very proud of her Irish heritage. She is currently taking Irish dance lessons to get more in touch with her culture. She also adores the Reds. In Contemporary Art, find a painting by Andy Warhol of her favorite Cincinnati Red. Who is it?

Cynthia has a ghost named Abigail living in her 1880’s home and she often dreams about flying with wolves. On a crystal digging trip to Arkansas, she found herself surrounded by what an odd sight even when she closed her eyes. Find Picasso’s Still Life with Glass and Lemon to guess what she saw.

Barb Powell loves to karaoke and dance, sometimes at the same time. She is also a published author. Find the bronze sculpture of a famous African American slave and determine what type of literature Barb writes. Rosemary Weaver’s favorite sport is caving. She was born in Germany and is a drug and alcohol therapist. Locate Max Jacob to learn the name of her favorite artist.

Kathryn Elsnau has 3 brothers and went to grad school in France. In Contemporary Art, check out Han Hofmann’s Toward Crepuscule. The top box in the picture is Kathryn’s favorite color. What is it? Monograph Exhibit

YargerDave has lots of interests including hiking and tennis. He traveled around the world in college. His dream is to be a Spanish interpreter. For fun, he ushers both Reds and Bengals games. Visit the James Welling Monograph exhibit and find the table case of Polaroids. Pictures 7, 8, and 9 show us another hobby of YargerDaves. What is it?

Rebecca loves Arts and Crafts and has traveled to Alaska. She has the pleasure of working a 4 day work week and commutes long distance to work by plane. Visit the special James Welling Monograph exhibit and find the Diary of Elizabeth and James Dixon to learn what state she commutes to for work each week.

6000 Years of Art

Peggy Nicolai enjoys hiking, canoeing, photography and wine. Her background is in art and printmaking. She also has a member of the family aptly named Anakin and he is a royal pain the the butt. He probably learned this from his ancestors in Egypt who were told they were gods. In 6000 yrs of art, find the very large Bust Fragment From a Colossal Statue of Sekhmet to discover who Anakin is.

Jim is both a writer and a beekeeper!! However, his favorite animal is a little more criminal. Find the critter in the tree of Edie Harper’s Woodland Fauna to determine his favorite. Hint: A recent remodel of the museum has the painting listed as Landscape by Thomas Corwin Lindsay. For my fellow Harper fans, no you haven’t lost your mind. I actually found an employee to inform them of their error. Haha.

Traci Witherspoon is a Beatles fan and collects Beatle memorabilia. (Hmm? I wonder if she has the famous Beagles of Abbey Road album cover??) She also likes swing dancing. As you enter the 6000 yrs of Art Gallery, go to the room on the right. In about the middle is a display on a wooden platform that offers a few other items Traci might like. Other than the Beatles, what else does she like to collect? Barb Pugne has been a graphic artist for 15 years. She loves the Art Museum’s many collections. In G4, find the paint by Lewis Henry Meakin of a local spot Barb walks through each day on her way to work.

Charmaine Kessinger loves to visit museums and aquariums. Her favorite local museum is the Taft Museum. She hopes to someday visit the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. She has worked in the non-profit industry most of her life and she enjoys walking the trails at the Cincinnati Nature Center with her dog Annie. Her favorite artist at the CAM is hands down Dale Chihuly, who started a movement in art that is celebrating its 50th birthday. There are several examples of this art form on display in the 6000 yrs of art exhibit. What is the name of the art movement or type of art Chihuly made popular.

EXTRA CREDIT!! For 5pts each find the first artists Desiree ever loved. They were the original Insane Bromance of France, though only one was French. They met in Paris in 1887 and shared a house together in Arles. Eventually, they parted ways, each finding their own niche. There paintings used to be near each other but now one of them is featured in the main hallway at the entrance of the museum. The other is still upstairs. Both men proved to be insane during their lifetime, one sending strange gifts to beautiful women and the other indulging in excessive hedonism far away on a tropical paradise far away from his homeland.



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