School Improvement Grant

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School Improvement Grant

School Improvement Grant

School Application

Section 1003(g) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

U.S. Department of Education Washington, D.C. 20202 OMB Number: 1810-0682

1 April 2015 South Dakota Department of Education MacKay Office Building, Title I Office 800 Governors Drive Pierre, SD 57501 FY 2014 School Improvement Grant (SIG) School Cover Page

School Name: School Mailing Address:

Priority School Focus School School Principal:

Grade Span:

. Telephone:


Email Address:

I assure that the information in this application is accurate and feasible. The school will use the School Improvement Grant (SIG) to fully and effectively implement an intervention.


X______Signature of the School Principal

2 School Improvement Grants School Level Section

Intervention Turnaround Restart Closure Transformatio Evidence- Early Chosen: n based/Whol Learning e School Reform


(1) The school has conducted a needs analysis which has revealed the need for a school improvement grant. WHO was involved with the analysis; WHAT data was analyzed; WHEN the data was analyzed; and WHAT were the outcomes yielded from the results? Describe how the outcome of the needs analysis is connected to the intent of the School Improvement Grant.

(2) Describe actions it has taken, or will take, to design and implement interventions consistent with the final requirements. Check the intervention model below and answer the questions that follow pertaining to the intervention model chosen for this priority/focus school.

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 The Turnaround Model Section I.A.2(a)

a. Describe the process the district will use to replace the principal and the operational flexibility the new principal will be given. [Section I.A.2(a)(i)] 1. When will the contract with the current principal end? 2. What criteria will be used in selecting a new principal? 3. What is the process that will be used to select the new principal? 4. Who will be involved in the decision making? 5. When will the process take place? If the principal has been replaced recently, describe the circumstances and process. 6. How will the principal be included in staffing, calendars/time, and budgeting? . How will this flexibility help the new principal implement fully a comprehensive approach in order to substantially improve student achievement outcomes and increase high school graduation rates?

3 April 2015 b. Describe the process the district will use to replace staff and refresh the teacher pool for this school. [Section I.A.2(a)(ii)] . What locally adopted competencies will be used to measure the effectiveness of staff who can work within the turnaround environment? . What is the district’s definition of “staff”? Does this include both teachers and paraprofessionals? . How will the district screen all existing staff? . What is the process for determining which staff remains in the school? No more than 50 percent of existing staff can be rehired. What is the current pool of teachers and paraprofessionals? Determine the 50% threshold of staff in each category that can be rehired. . How will new staff be selected? Describe criteria used to determine the most effective staff. Describe criteria used in selecting/hiring effective staff.

c. What strategies are designed to recruit, place, and retain staff with the skills necessary to meet the needs of the students in the turnaround school? [Section I.A.2(a)(ii)] (Examples include: financial incentives, increased opportunities for promotion and career growth, and more flexible work conditions.)

d. How will the district provide staff ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded professional development? . List resources available to new staff. . Will there be a mentoring program or literacy and/or math coaches available? . How will the school ensure that the professional development is aligned with the school’s comprehensive instructional program? . How will the school ensure that the professional development is designed with school staff to ensure they are equipped to facilitate effective teaching and learning and have the capacity to successfully implement school reform strategies?

e. Describe the new governance structure that will be adopted for this school. . The structure may include, but is not limited to, requiring the school to report to a new “turnaround office” in the district, hire a “turnaround leader” who reports directly to the Superintendent. . What changes in decision-making policies and mechanisms (including greater school-level flexibility in budgeting, staffing, and scheduling) will be provided to the school? . What changes in operational practices will be made?

f. Describe how an instructional program will be determined and designed. . What data will be used to identify the instructional program to be used? How will it be used? . How will the school ensure that the instructional program is research-based? . How will vertical alignment from one grade to the next be determined and ensured? . How will the school ensure alignment with academic standards?

4 g. Describe the process the school will use to promote the continuous use of student data. . Indicate the use of student data such as from formative, interim, and summative assessments. . How will student data be used to inform and differentiate instruction in order to meet the academic needs of individual students?

h. Describe how the school will increase learning time. . Indicate how learning time will be increased such as using a longer school day, week, or year schedule. . Describe the current learning time and the amount of time to be added to significantly increase the total number of school hours. . Indicate what the additional time will be used for (a) instruction in core academic subjects, (b) instruction in other subjects and enrichment activities that contribute to a well-rounded education, and/or (c) teachers to collaborate, plan, and engage in professional development within and across grades and subjects. . If extended learning time also includes a before- or after-school instructional program, indicate how the program will be available to all students in the school and provided at a time when most students would be able to participate.

i. How will the school provide appropriate social-emotional and community-oriented services and supports for students? . Describe how the needs of students in this school were analyzed to determine which social-emotional and community-oriented services will be appropriate and useful under the circumstances. . Indicate services offered to students such as: include health, nutrition, or social services that may be provided in partnership with local service providers. . Indicate other services that may be offered such as a family literacy program for parents who need to improve their literacy skills in order to support their children’s learning.

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 The Restart Model Section I.A.2(b)

a. Describe the rigorous review process the district undertook to select a partner to restart the school. 1. Are there qualified charter management organizations (CMOs) or education management organizations (EMOs) willing to partner with the district to start a new school (or convert an existing school) in this location? Describe possible partnerships. 2. How will the new school operation result in acceptable student growth for the

5 April 2015 student population to be served? 3. How will support be provided to staff that are reassigned to other schools as a result of the restart? 4. What performance expectations will be contractually specified for the restart partner? 5. Is the LEA prepared to terminate the contract if performance expectations are not met?

b. How will the district ensure that the new school will enroll, within the grades it serves, any former student who wishes to attend the school?

c. How will funds from this grant be used to support the restart model?

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 School Closure Model Section I.A.2(c)

a. Describe the process the district used to determine to close this school. . How were decisions based on data? How is this transparent to the school and local community? . What is the impact of school closure to the school’s neighborhood, enrollment area, or community? . How does school closure fit within the LEA’s overall reform efforts?

b. Which higher-achieving schools have been identified that have the capacity to receive students from this school? . Indicate that these schools are in close proximity of the school to be closed. . How will the students and their families be supported by the LEA through the re- enrollment process? . How will the receiving schools be staffed with quality staff to accommodate the increase in students? . How will the LEA track student progress in the recipient schools?

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 The Transformation Model Section I.A.2(d)

Developing and increasing teacher and school leader effectiveness. [Section I.A.2(d)(1)] a. Describe the process the district will use to replace the principal. [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i) (A)]

6 . When will the contract with the current principal end? . What criteria will be used in selecting a new principal? 1. What is the process that will be used to select the new principal? 2. Who will be involved in the decision making? 3. When will the process take place? If the principal has been replaced recently, describe the circumstances and process.

b. Describe how the school will use rigorous, transparent, and equitable evaluation systems for teachers and principals, including factors such as student growth and observation-based assessments. [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i)(B)]

. How will data on student growth be a significant factor in the evaluation system? . What other factors will be used (multiple observation-based assessments of performance and ongoing collections of professional practice reflective of student achievement and increased high school graduations rates)? . How will the school define student growth in accordance with definitions related to this notice (the change in achievement for an individual student between two or more points in time)? Define the indicator (assessment) the school will be using to determine growth. . Are the evaluation systems designed and developed with teacher and principal involvement?

c. Describe how the school will reward school leaders, teachers, and other staff who have increased student achievement and high school graduation rates and identify and remove those who have not done so. [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i)(C)]

. How will the district identify and reward school leaders, teachers, and other staff who, in implementing this model, have increased student achievement and high school graduation rates? . How will the district identify and remove those who, after ample opportunities have been provided for them to improve their professional practice, have not done so?

d. Describe how the district will provide staff ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded professional development. [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i)(D)]

. How will the district provide staff ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded professional development (subject-specific pedagogy, instruction that reflects a deeper understanding of the community served by the school, or differentiated instruction)? . List resources available to new staff. . Will there be a mentoring program or literacy and/or math coaches available? . How will the school ensure that the professional development is aligned with the school’s comprehensive instructional program?

7 April 2015 . How will the school ensure that the professional development is designed with school staff to ensure they are equipped to facilitate effective teaching and learning and have the capacity to successfully implement school reform strategies?

e. Describe how the district will implement strategies to recruit, place, and retain staff with the skills necessary to meet the needs of the students in a transformation school? [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i)(E)]

. What strategies are designed to recruit, place, and retain staff with the skills necessary to meet the needs of the students in the transformation school? [Section I.A.2(a)(ii)] (Examples include: financial incentives, increased opportunities for promotion and career growth, and more flexible work conditions).

Comprehensive instructional reform strategies f. Describe how an instructional program will be determined and designed. [Section I.A.2(d)(2)(i)(A)

. What data will be used to identify the instructional program to be used? How will it be used? . How will the school ensure that the instructional program is research-based? . How will vertical alignment from one grade to the next be determined and ensured? . How will the school ensure alignment with academic standards?

g. Describe the process the school will use to promote the continuous use of student data. [Section I.A.2(d)(2)(i)(B)]

. Indicate the use of student data such as from formative, interim, and summative assessments. . How will student data be used to inform and differentiate instruction in order to meet the academic needs of individual students? . Who is involved with the data review process and how often will data be reviewed?

Increasing learning time and creating community-oriented schools h. Describe how the school will increase learning time. [Section I.A.2(d)(3)(i)(A)]

. Indicate how learning time will be increased such as using a longer school day, week, or year schedule. . Describe the current learning time and the amount of time to be added to significantly increase the total number of school hours. . Indicate what the additional time will be used for (a) instruction in core academic subjects, (b) instruction in other subjects and enrichment activities that contribute to a well-rounded education, and/or (c) teachers to collaborate, plan, and

8 engage in professional development within and across grades and subjects. . If extended learning time also includes a before- or after-school instructional program, indicate how the program will be available to all students in the school and provided at a time when most students would be able to participate.

i. Describe how the school will provide appropriate social-emotional and community- oriented services and supports for students? [Section I.A.2(d)(3)(i)(B)]

. Describe how the needs of students in this school were analyzed to determine which social-emotional and community-oriented services will be appropriate and useful under the circumstances. . Indicate services offered to students such as: include health, nutrition, or social services that may be provided in partnership with local service providers. . Indicate other services that may be offered such as a family literacy program for parents who need to improve their literacy skills in order to support their children’s learning.

Providing operational flexibility and sustained support j. Describe the operational flexibility that will be given to this school. [Section I.A.2(d)(4) (i)(A)]

. What changes in decision-making policies and mechanisms (including greater school-level flexibility in budgeting, staffing, and scheduling) will be provided to the school? . What changes in operational practices will be made? . How will these changes lead to substantial improvement in student achievement outcomes and increase high school graduation rates?

k. Describe the ongoing, intensive technical assistance and related support that will be provided to the school. [Section I.A.2(d)(4)(i)(B)]

. Who will provide the assistance (the LEA, the SEA, or a designated external lead partner organization)? . What kind of support will be provided and how often?

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9 April 2015  The Evidence Based/Whole School Reform Model Section I.A.3

a. Name the Whole School Reform model, approved by the US Department of Education, that was chosen.

Approved models can be found on the US Department of Education website:

b. Describe how the sample population of the chosen Whole School Reform model is similar to the school being served.

c. By choosing this model the school assures that the model developer chosen will: c.i.1) Improve student academic achievement or attainment; c.i.2) Be Implemented for all students in a school; and c.i.3) Address, at a minimum and in a comprehensive and coordinated manner, each of the following: . School leadership; . Teaching and learning in at least one full academic content area (including professional learning for educators); . Student non-academic support; and . Family and community engagement

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 The Early Learning Model

a. Describe how the full day kindergarten will be offered. b. Describe how a high quality preschool program will be established or expanded c. Describe how educators will be provided joint planning time across grades to facilitate effective teaching and learning and positive teacher-student interactions. d. Describe the process the district will use to replace the principal. [SectionI.A.2(d)(1) (i)(A)]

4. When will the contract with the current principal end? 5. What criteria will be used in selecting a new principal? 6. What is the process that will be used to select the new principal? 7. Who will be involved in the decision making? 8. When will the process take place? If the principal has been replaced recently,

10 describe the circumstances and process. e. Describe how the school will use rigorous, transparent, and equitable evaluation systems for teachers and principals, including factors such as student growth and observation-based assessments. [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i)(B)]

. How will data on student growth be a significant factor in the evaluation system? . What other factors will be used (multiple observation-based assessments of performance and ongoing collections of professional practice reflective of student achievement and increased high school graduations rates)? . How will the school define student growth in accordance with definitions related to this notice (the change in achievement for an individual student between two or more points in time)? Define the indicator (assessment) the school will be using to determine growth. . Are the evaluation systems designed and developed with teacher and principal involvement? f. Describe how the school will use the teacher and principal evaluation and support system to identify and reward school leaders, teachers, and other staff who have increased student achievement and identify and remove those who have not done so. [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i)(C)]

. How will the district identify and reward school leaders, teachers, and other staff who, in implementing this model, have increased student achievement? . How will the district identify and remove those who, after ample opportunities have been provided for them to improve their professional practice, have not done so? g. Describe how the district will implement strategies to recruit, place, and retain staff with the skills necessary to meet the needs of the students in a transformation school? [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i)(E)]

. What strategies are designed to recruit, place, and retain staff with the skills necessary to meet the needs of the students in the transformation school? [Section I.A.2(a)(ii)] (Examples include: financial incentives, increased opportunities for promotion and career growth, and more flexible work conditions). h. Describe how an instructional program will be determined and designed. [Section I.A.2(d)(2)(i)(A)]

. What data will be used to identify the instructional program to be used? How will it be used? . How will the school ensure that the instructional program is research-based? . How will vertical alignment from one grade to the next be determined and

11 April 2015 ensured? . How will the school ensure alignment with early learning and development standards along with academic standards? . How will the school promote the full range of academic content across domains of development, including math and science, language and literacy, social emotional skills, self-regulation, and executive functions?

i. Describe the process the school will use to promote the continuous use of student data. [Section I.A.2(d)(2)(i)(B)]

. Indicate the use of student data such as from formative, interim, and summative assessments. . How will student data be used to inform and differentiate instruction in order to meet the academic needs of individual students? . Who is involved with the data review process and how often will data be reviewed?

j. Describe how the district will provide staff ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded professional development. [Section I.A.2(d)(1)(i)(D)]

. How will the district provide staff ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded professional development (subject-specific pedagogy, instruction that reflects a deeper understanding of the community served by the school, or differentiated instruction)? . List resources available to new staff. . Will there be a mentoring program or literacy and/or math coaches available? . How will the school ensure that the professional development is aligned with the school’s comprehensive instructional program? . How will the school ensure that the professional development is designed with school staff to ensure they are equipped to facilitate effective teaching and learning and have the capacity to successfully implement school reform strategies?

***************************************************************************** ******** (3) Describe the strategies used or will be used to increase the involvement and contributions of parents and community partners in supporting classroom instruction and increase student achievement. [Section I.A.4(a)(8)] Examples mechanisms to support family and community engagement could include establishing an organized parent group, holding public meetings to review school performance and develop school improvement plans, using

12 surveys to gauge parent and community satisfaction and support, implementing complaint procedures for families, parent education classes, and coordinating with local social and health service providers to help meet family’s needs.

(4) Describe the timeline that addresses the steps the school will take for the appropriate activities within the chosen model. Indicate major events, benchmarks, and budget for this school over the grant award period.

(5) List the reading and math annual goals for this priority/focus school. Schools must use the goals created as part of the priority/focus school process in SD LEAP. Schools may copy and paste the goals for both math and reading into this question. (Each school must have a reading and math annual goal, which must be measurable and specify the indicator (district assessment for 2014-15, Smarter Balanced Assessment for 2015-16 through 2019-20) that will be used during each of the grant years.)

(6) Give an overview of the interventions/strategies the school will be implementing with the SIG funds? What personnel, travel, equipment, supplies, contractual, and professional development will be implemented? Explain what the SIG funds will purchase over the course of the grant years. Provide an explanation if the school is asking for pre-implementation costs, examples could include: Hold community meetings to review school performance; compensate staff for instructional planning, such as examining student data; and train staff on the implementation of new or revised instructional programs and policies that are aligned with the school’s comprehensive instructional plan and the school’s intervention model.

The school assures to report to the SEA the school-level data required under section III of the final requirements (Achievement Indicators and Leading Indicators such as school year minutes, increased learning time, advanced coursework, dual enrollment coursework, teacher attendance, etc.)

13 April 2015 BUDGET: Complete the budget for this particular priority/focus school.

Below is a description of the budget categories for consideration in required budget narrative.

Personnel: Salaries; paid to certificated individuals (i.e., certified teachers); staff that are not certificated (i.e., paraprofessionals, secretaries, teachers’ aides, bus drivers).

Employee Benefits: Payments made on behalf of employees that are not part of gross salary (i.e., insurance, Social Security, retirement, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, annual leave, sick leave).

Travel: Expenditures for staff travel, including mileage, airline tickets, taxi fare, meals, lodging, student transportation.

Equipment: Equipment should include tangible, nonexpendable personal property that has a useful life of more than one year. This should include all electronic equipment such as digital cameras, DVD players, laptop computers and desktop computers. The grantee will be expected to maintain an equipment inventory list.

Supplies: Consumable supplies include materials, software, videos, textbooks, etc.

Contractual: (Purchased Services) Personal services rendered by personnel who are not employees of Local Education Agency (LEA), and other services the LEA may purchase; workshop & conference fees, tuition, contracted services, consultants, scoring services, rent, travel, etc.

Professional Development : Include these professional development related costs in your annual budgets and budget narratives.

Indirect Costs: Grantees must have an approved restricted indirect cost rate before indirect cost may be charged to this program. The school can only apply indirect costs to the first $25,000 of a contract.

Include a budget description for each year of the proposed grant years in the charts below. An example chart is below.

Grant Periods: Pre-implementation, Year 1: Aug 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Implementation, Year 2: July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Implementation, Year 3: July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 Implementation, Year 4: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Sustainability, Year 5: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

14 April 2015 EXAMPLE: Grant Year 1

Category Description of Activities: Describe specifically what Requested will be purchased. Add or delete lines as necessary. Funding Personnel: .5 FTE Teacher to provide interventions in reading for $20,000 grades K-2 1 FTE Paraprofessional to assist math intervention teacher $15,000 for grades K-5 Staff incentives for making progress based on Student $10,000 Learning Objectives for each teacher (20 teachers X $500 possible) Employee Benefits for .5 FTE teacher $20,000 X 7.65% (Social Security- $1,530 Benefits: Medicare)

Benefits for 1 FTE paraprofessional $15,000 X 7.65% (Social $1,148 Security-Medicare) Travel: Advancing Improvement in Education Conference in Austin $3,500 Texas Sept 23-25, 2014 Meals, Lodging, Airfare, Miscellaneous for 3 staff Equipment: 3 Desktop Computers (3 X $1200) to be used in intervention $3,600 room for reading strategies 10 Laptop Computers (10 X 1000) for intervention room for $10,000 math interventions Supplies: Books for Reading Intervention $900 Software for Math Intervention Program for laptops $500 Math Intervention manipulative to be used in Intervention $500 Room Contractual: Contract with TIE to provide training for staff Student $7,500 Learning Objectives (5 days throughout year) Professional Book Study Beyond the Bake Sale –Lori Laughlin will $2,500 Development: facilitate book study with staff on early release days Registration for 3 staff for AIE Conference in Austin Texas $1500 Total Direct $78,178 Costs: Indirect Costs*: District Rate of 2.95% $2,306 Total: $80,484 * The school can only apply indirect costs to the first $25,000 of a contract.

15 April 2015 Pre-Implementation, Year 1 (if applicable): Aug 1, 2015- June 30, 2016 (Pre-implementation examples include: Hold community meetings to review school performance; compensate staff for instructional planning, such as examining student data; Train staff on the implementation of new or revised instructional programs and policies that are aligned with the school’s comprehensive instructional plan and the school’s intervention model) Category Description of Activities: Describe specifically what Requested will be purchased. Add or delete lines as necessary. Funding Personnel:

Employee Benefits:





Professional Development:

Total Direct Costs: Indirect Costs*: Total: * The school can only apply indirect costs to the first $25000 of a contract. Grant Year 2: July 1, 2016- June 30, 2017

16 April 2015 Category Description of Activities: Describe specifically what Requested will be purchased. Add or delete lines as necessary. Funding Personnel:

Employee Benefits:





Professional Development:

Total Direct Costs: Indirect Costs*: Total: *The school can only apply indirect costs to the first $25000 of a contract.

17 April 2015 Grant Year 3: July 1, 2017- June 30, 2018

Category Description of Activities: Describe specifically what Requested will be purchased. Add or delete lines as necessary. Funding Personnel:

Employee Benefits:





Professional Development:

Total Direct Costs: Indirect Costs*: Total: * The school can only apply indirect costs to the first $25000 of a contract.

18 April 2015 Grant Year 4: July 1, 2018- June 30, 2019 Category Description of Activities: Describe specifically what Requested will be purchased. Add or delete lines as necessary. Funding Personnel:

Employee Benefits:





Professional Development:

Total Direct Costs: Indirect Costs*: Total: * The school can only apply indirect costs to the first $25000 of a contract.

19 April 2015 Grant Year 5 (Sustainability): July 1, 2019- June 30, 2020

Category Description of Activities: Describe specifically what Requested will be purchased. Add or delete lines as necessary. Funding Personnel:

Employee Benefits:





Professional Development:

Total Direct Costs: Indirect Costs*: Total: * The school can only apply indirect costs to the first $25000 of a contract.

20 April 2015 Budget Information Title I School Improvement Grant 1003(g) Name of School: Budget Summary Pre- implementatio Project Year Project Year Project Year Project Year Project Year Budget Categories n 1 2 3 4 (Optional)

Include dates of planning period (up to one academic year) and implementation project years 1. Personnel 2. Employee Benefits

3. Travel

4. Equipment

5. Supplies

6. Contractual

7. Professional Development

8. Total Direct Costs (line 1-7)

9. Indirect Costs*

10. Total Costs (lines 8-9) *Use restricted indirect cost rate (same rate as regular Title I program) and the school can only apply indirect costs to the first $25000 of a contract.

21 April 2015

Reviewer: District: Submitted By: School: Focus: Priority: Model Chosen: Questions within the School SIG Application

Questions to Review Score Strong -3 points Moderate-2 points Limited-1 point Not Evident-0 points (1) The school has conducted a needs Sufficient data, using Sufficient data was Data was analyzed, but There is no evidence analysis which has revealed the multiple sources, has analyzed and a rational lacks a justification as that data was analyzed need for a School Improvement been analyzed by justifies the need for to why the school and no justification is Grant. multiple staff School Improvement needs a School provided for the need members and a clear Grant. Improvement Grant. for a School rational justifies the Multiple staff members Improvement Grant. need for a School were not involved in Improvement Grant. the process. Needs Analysis Comments: Questions within School SIG Application

(2) The School must describe actions it has taken, or will take, to design and implement interventions consistent with the final requirements. Select the intervention model chosen for this. (A)The Turnaround Model

Sub Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points a. Describe the process the district Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear will use to replace the principal and thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and the operational flexibility the new specific details process used to replace process used to replace evidence of a process principal will be given. regarding the process principal and allow the the principal and/or to replace the principal. used to replace the new principal flexibility. allow the new principal It was unclear how the principal and allow the flexibility. new principal would be new principal provided flexibility. flexibility. b. Describe the process the district Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear will use to replace staff and refresh thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and the teacher pool for this school. specific details process to screen and process used to screen evidence of a process regarding the process replace staff. and replace staff. to screen and replace to screen and replace staff. staff. c. What strategies are designed to Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear recruit, place, and retain staff with thorough and included details regarding details regarding and lacked details and the skills necessary to meet the specific details strategies to recruit, strategies to recruit, evidence of the needs of the students in the regarding strategies to place, and retain staff. place, and retain staff. strategies in place to turnaround school? recruit, place, and recruit, place, and retain staff. retain staff. d. How will the district provide staff Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear on-going, high quality job- thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and embedded professional specific details professional professional evidence of the development? regarding the development provided development provided professional professional to staff. to staff. development provided development provided to staff. to staff. e. Describe the new governance Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear structure that will be adopted for thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and this school. specific details new governance new governance evidence of the new regarding the new structure to be in place. structure to be in place. governance structure to governance structure be in place. to be in place. f. Describe how an instructional Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear program will be determined and thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and designed. specific details instructional program to instructional program evidence of an regarding the be put in place. to be put in place. instructional program instructional program to be put in place. to be put in place. g. Describe the process the school will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear use to promote the continuous use thorough and included details of how the details regarding how and lacked details and of student data. specific details of how school will promote the school will promote evidence of how the the school will continuous use of data. continuous use of data. school will promote the promote continuous continuous use of data. use of data. h. Describe how the school will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear increase learning time. thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and specific details of how school will increase school will increase evidence of how the the school will learning time. learning time. school will increase increase learning time. learning time. i. How will the school provide Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear appropriate social-emotional and thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and community-oriented services and specific details of how school will provide school will provide evidence of how the supports for students? the school will provide social-emotional and social-emotional and school will provide social-emotional and community-orientated community-orientated social-emotional and community-orientated services and supports. services and supports. community-orientated services and supports. services and supports.

Turnaround Model Comments: Questions within the School SIG Application

(B) The Restart Model

Sub Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points a. Describe the rigorous review Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear process the district undertook to thorough and included details of the review details of the review and lacked details and select a partner to restart the specific details of the process to select a process to select a evidence of the review school. review process to partner to restart the partner to restart the process to select a select a partner to school. school. partner to restart the restart the school. school. b. How will the district ensure Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear that the new school will enroll, thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and within the grades it serves, any specific details of district will ensure district will ensure evidence of how the former student who wishes to how the district will enrollment of former enrollment of former district will ensure attend the school? ensure enrollment of students. students. enrollment of former former students. students. c. How will funds from this grant Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear be used to support the restart thorough and included details of how the SIG details of how the SIG and lacked details of model? specific details of funds will support the funds will support the how the SIG funds will how the SIG funds restart model. restart model. support the restart will support the model. restart model. Restart Model Comments: Questions within the School SIG Application

(C)The School Closure Model

Sub Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points a. Describe the process the district Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear used to determine to close this thorough and included details of the process in details of the process in and lacked details and school. specific details of the place to determine to place to determine to evidence of a process process in place to close the school. close the school. in place to determine to determine to close the close the school. school. b. Which higher achieving schools Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear have been identified that have the thorough and included details of the higher details of the higher and lacked details of capacity to receive students from specific details of the achieving school(s) in achieving school(s) in the higher achieving this school? higher achieving the area with capacity to the area with capacity school(s) in the area school(s) in the area serve students from this to serve students from with capacity to serve with capacity to serve school. this school. students from this students from this school. school. School Closure Model Comments: Questions within the School SIG Application (D)The Transformation Model

Sub Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points a. Describe the process the district Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear will use to replace the principal. thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and specific details process used to replace process used to replace evidence of a process regarding the process principal. the principal. to replace the principal. used to replace the principal. b. Describe how the school will use Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear rigorous, transparent, and equitable thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and evaluation systems for teachers and specific details of how school will implement school will implement evidence of how the principals, including factors such as the school will teacher and principal teacher and principal school will implement student growth and observation- implement teacher and evaluations using evaluations using teacher and principal based assessments. principal evaluations student growth and student growth and evaluations using using student growth observations. observations. student growth and and observations. observations. c. Describe how the school will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear reward school leaders, teachers, and thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and other staff who have increased specific details of how school will reward staff school will reward staff evidence of how the student achievement and HS the school will reward who have increased who have increased school will reward staff graduation rates and identify and staff who have achievement and achievement and who have increased remove those who have not done increased achievement graduation rates and graduation rates and achievement and so. and graduation rates remove those who have remove those who have graduation rates and and remove those who not. not. remove those who have have not. not. d. Describe how the district will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear provide staff ongoing, high quality, thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and job-embedded professional specific details professional professional evidence of the development. regarding the development provided development provided professional professional to staff. to staff. development provided development provided to staff. to staff. e. Describe how the district will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear implement strategies to recruit, thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and place, and retain staff with the skills specific details of how district will recruit, district will recruit, evidence of how the necessary to meet the needs of the district will recruit, place, and retain staff. place, and retain staff. district will recruit, students in a transformation school. place, and retain staff. place, and retain staff. f. Describe how an instructional Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear program will be determined and thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and designed. specific details instructional program to instructional program evidence of an regarding the be in place. to be in place. instructional program instructional program to be put in place. to be in place. g. Describe the process the district Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear will use to promote the continuous thorough and included details of how the details regarding how and lacked details and use of student data. specific details of how school will promote the school will promote evidence of how the the school will continuous use of data. continuous use of data. school will promote the promote continuous continuous use of data. use of data. h. Describe how the school will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear increase learning time. thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and specific details of how school will increase school will increase evidence of how the the school will learning time. learning time. school will increase increase learning time. learning time. i. Describe how the school will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear provide appropriate social- thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and emotional and community oriented specific details of how school will provide school will provide evidence of how the serves and supports for students. the school will provide social-emotional and social-emotional and school will provide social-emotional and community-orientated community-orientated social-emotional and community-orientated services and supports. services and supports. community-orientated services and supports. services and supports. j. Describe the operational flexibility Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear that will be given to this school. thorough and included details of the operational details of the and lacked details and specific details of the flexibility given to the operational flexibility evidence of the operational flexibility school. given to the school. operational flexibility given to the school. given to the school.

k. Describe the ongoing, intensive Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear technical assistance and related thorough and included details of the intensive details of the intensive and lacked details and support that will be provided to the specific details of the assistance and support assistance and support evidence of the school. intensive assistance provided to the school. provided to the school. intensive assistance and and support provided support provided to the to the school. school.

Transformation Model Comments:

Questions within the School SIG Application (E) The Evidence Based/Whole School Reform Model

Sub Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points 1. Name the Whole School Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear Reform model that was chosen thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details of and describe how the sample specific details of how sample population of the sample population of how the sample population of the chosen model is the sample population Whole School Reform the Whole School population of the similar to the school being served. of the Whole School model is similar to the Reform model is Whole School Reform Reform model is school being served. similar to the school model is similar to the similar to the school being served. school being served. being served.

2. The school assures that the Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear model developer chosen will thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and improve student academic specific details of how school assures that the school assures that the evidence of how the achievement or attainment the school assures that model developer chosen model developer school assures that the the model developer will improve student chosen will improve model developer chosen will improve academic achievement student academic chosen will improve student academic or attainment achievement or student academic achievement or attainment achievement or attainment attainment 3. The school assures that the Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear model developer chosen will be thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and implemented for all students in a specific details of how school assures that the school assures that the evidence of how the school the school assures model developer chosen model developer school assures that the that the model will be implemented for chosen will be model developer developer chosen will all students in a school implemented for all chosen will be be implemented for all students in a school implemented for all students in a school students in a school

4. The school assures that the model Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear developer chosen will address: thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details of school leadership; teaching and specific details of how school assures that the school assures that the how the school assures learning in at least on full the school assures that model developer chosen model developer that the model academic content area (including the model developer will address: school chosen will address: developer chosen will professional learning for chosen will address: leadership; teaching and school leadership; address: school educators); student non-academic school leadership; learning in at least on teaching and learning leadership; teaching support; and family and teaching and learning full academic content in at least on full and learning in at least community in at least on full area (including academic content area on full academic academic content area professional learning for (including professional content area (including (including educators); student non- learning for educators); professional learning professional learning academic support; and student non-academic for educators); student for educators); student family and community support; and family and non-academic support; non-academic support; community and family and and family and community community

Evidence Based/Whole School Reform Model Comments: Questions within the School SIG Application (F) The Early Learning Model

Sub Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points 1.a. Describe how the full day Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear kindergarten will be offered. thorough and included details regarding how details regarding how and lacked details and specific details the full day kindergarten the full day evidence of how the regarding how the full will be offered. kindergarten will be full day kindergarten day kindergarten will offered. will be offered. be offered.

1.b. Describe how a high quality Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear preschool program will be thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and established or expanded specific details of how school will establish or school will establish or evidence of how the the school will expand a high quality expand a high quality school will. establish or expand a preschool program. preschool program. high quality preschool program.

1.c. Describe how educators will be Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear provided joint planning time across thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and grades to facilitate effective specific details of how school will provide joint school will provide evidence of how the teaching and learning and positive the school will planning time across joint planning time school will provide teacher-student interactions. provide joint planning grades to facilitate across grades to joint planning time time across grades to effective teaching and facilitate effective across grades to facilitate effective learning and positive teaching and learning facilitate effective teaching and learning teacher-student and positive teacher- teaching and learning and positive teacher- interactions. student interactions. and positive teacher- student interactions. student interactions.

1.d. Describe the process the district Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear will use to replace the principal. thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and specific details process used to replace process used to replace evidence of a process regarding the process principal. the principal. to replace the principal. used to replace the 1.e. Describe how the school will principal. Response included Response was missing Response was unclear use rigorous, transparent, and Response was details of how the details of how the and lacked details and equitable evaluation systems for thorough and included school will implement school will implement evidence of how the teachers and principals, including specific details of how teacher and principal teacher and principal school will implement factors such as student growth and the school will evaluations using evaluations using teacher and principal observation-based assessments. implement teacher and student growth and student growth and evaluations using principal evaluations observations. observations. student growth and using student growth observations. and observations.

1.f. Describe how the school will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear reward school leaders, teachers, thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and and other staff who have increased specific details of how school will reward staff school will reward staff evidence of how the student achievement and HS the school will reward who have increased who have increased school will reward staff graduation rates and identify and staff who have achievement and achievement and who have increased remove those who have not done increased achievement graduation rates and graduation rates and achievement and so. and graduation rates remove those who have remove those who have graduation rates and and remove those who not. not. remove those who have have not. not.

g. Describe how the district will implement strategies to recruit, Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear place, and retain staff with the thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and skills necessary to meet the needs specific details of how district will recruit, district will recruit, evidence of how the of students in a transformation the district will place, and retain staff. place, and retain staff. district will recruit, school. recruit, place, and place, and retain staff. retain staff. h. Describe how an instructional Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear program will be determined and thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and designed. specific details instructional program to instructional program evidence of an regarding the be in place. to be in place. instructional program instructional program to be put in place. to be in place. i. Describe the process the district Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear will use to promote the continuous thorough and included details of how the details regarding how and lacked details and use of student data. specific details of how school will promote the school will promote evidence of how the the school will continuous use of data. continuous use of data. school will promote the promote continuous continuous use of data. use of data. j. Describe how the district will Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear provide staff ongoing, high thorough and included details regarding the details regarding the and lacked details and quality, job-embedded specific details professional professional evidence of the professional development. regarding the development provided development provided professional professional to staff. to staff. development provided development provided to staff. to staff.

Early Learning Model Comments: Questions within the School SIG Application

Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points (3) Describe the strategies used to Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear increase the involvement and thorough and included details of how the details of how the and lacked details and contributions of parents and specific details of how school will increase school will increase evidence of how the community partners in the school will family and community family and community school will increase supporting classroom instruction increase family and involvement. involvement. family and community and increase student achievement community involvement . involvement. Timeline Comments:

Questions within the School SIG Application

Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points (4) Describe the timeline that Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear addresses the steps the school will thorough and included details of the timeline details of the timeline and lacked details and take for the appropriate activities specific details of the needed to implement the needed to implement evidence of the within the chosen model. timeline needed to chosen model. the chosen model. timeline needed to implement the chosen implement the chosen model. model. Timeline Comments:

Questions within the School SIG Application

Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points (5) List the reading and math annual Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear goals for this priority/focus thorough and included details of the math and details of the math and and lacked details and school. specific details of the reading goals for the reading goals for the evidence of the math math and reading school. Goals were school. (Goal may be and reading goals for goals for the school. SMART (specific, missing a few details of the school. Goals were Goals were SMART measurable, attainable, the SMART Goal not SMART Goals (specific, measurable, realistic, and timely). (specific, measurable, (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, attainable, realistic, and attainable, realistic, and and timely). timely). timely). Goals Comments:

Questions within the School SIG Application

Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points (6) Give an overview of the Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear interventions/strategies the thorough and included interventions/strategies interventions/strategies and lacked school will be implementing with specific the school will the school will interventions/strategies the SIG funds. interventions/strategie implement to get an implement to get an the school will s the school will understanding of the understanding of the implement to get an implement to get an SIG program. SIG program. understanding of the understanding of the SIG program. SIG program. Interventions/Strategies Comments:

Questions within the School SIG Application

Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points (7) A budget narrative has been Response was Response included Response was missing Response was unclear completed and includes three to thorough and included details of the SIG details of the SIG and missing many five years in the format requested specific details of the budget for this school in budget for this school. details of the SIG in the application. SIG budget for this the format requested. Details were not budget for this school. school in the format included in the format Details were not in the requested. requested. format requested. Interventions/Strategies Comments:

Questions within the School SIG Application

Questions to Review Score Strong- 3 points Moderate- 2 points Limited- 1 point Not Evident-0 points (8) The school has requested Amount requested is Amount requested is Amount requested is Amount requested does sufficient funds to fully appropriate and satisfactory to fully inadequate and/or not justify evidence to implement interventions selected, necessary to fully implement the chosen unreasonable to fully fully implement the including pre-implementation implement the chosen model, including pre- implement the chosen chosen model, costs (if applicable), three years model, including pre- implementation costs( if model, including pre- including pre- of implementation costs, and at implementation applicable), three years implementation implementation least one year of sustainability costs( if applicable), of implementation costs, costs( if applicable), costs( if applicable), costs. three years of and at least one year of three years of three years of implementation costs, sustainability costs. implementation costs, implementation costs, and at least one year and at least one year of and at least one year of of sustainability costs. sustainability costs. sustainability costs. Interventions/Strategies Comments:

Questions within the School SIG Application Approvals Sub Questions to Review Scor Strong- 3 points Not Evident-0 points e

(9) The School Principal has signed Signature is present. Signature is missing. off on the proposal. Overall Application Comments:

Total Score:______A value in the Limited or Not Evident column will require a revision before the grant can be awarded. Applications will be ranked according to percent of possible points. Decision: O Award grant O Award grant with revisions O Do Not Award Grant

Possible Points: 24 possible points - all applications must have, plus points from one of the models below: 27 possible points - Turnaround Model (Possible total of 51 for all questions if this model is selected)

9 possible points - Restart Model (Possible total of 33 for all questions if this model is selected)

6 possible points - Closure Model (Possible total of 30 for all questions if this model is selected)

33 possible points - Transformational Model (Possible total of 57 for all questions if this model is selected)

12 possible points – Evidence Based/Whole School Reform Model (Possible total of 36 for all questions if this model is selected) 30 possible points – Early Learning Model (Possible total of 54 for all questions if this model is selected)

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