Tuesday, January 9, 2007 Willcox Center 6:00 p.m.


1.01 Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair, at 6:12 p.m.

Board Members Present: Dr. Michael Carter Mr. David DiPeso Dr. John Eaton Mrs. Jan Guy Mrs. Jane Strain

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance

1.03 Adoption of Agenda

Dr. Nicodemus noted a correction to the agenda. Item 4.02, states Faculty Appointment and should state Classified Appointment. The agenda was adopted as revised.

1.04 Governing Board Organization for 2007

1.04.1 Oath of Office

Dr. Michael Carter administered the Oath of Office to Mrs. Jan Guy, Mrs. Jane Strain, and Mr. David DiPeso.

1.04.2 Election Board Chair

Dr. Carter nominated Mrs. Guy to serve as Board Chair for 2007. Mrs. Strain seconded. All were in favor of the nomination. MOTION CARRIED.

1.04.3 Election Board Secretary

Mrs. Strain nominated Dr. Carter to serve as Board Secretary for 2007. Mr. DiPeso seconded. All were in favor of the nomination. MOTION CARRIED.

1.05 Citizen’s Interim

There were no requests to address the Board. Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2007

1.06 Standing Reports

1.06.1 Senate Report

There was no Senate Report.

1.06.2 Student Government Association (SGA)

There was no Student Government Association report.

1.6.3 College President Report

Debbie Ellis, Director of the Willcox Center, presented an overview of Project 2010, a plan for Willcox High School Honors’ students who are on track to graduate in May 2010 to also earn their Arizona General Education Core (AGEC) Transcript Stamp by taking college level courses as part of their Willcox High School curriculum. Ms. Ellis explained that high school honors’ students can complete one year of college while still in high school, and can start immediately on their college major as soon as they graduate from high school. The students must pay to attend evening classes and during the summer, and are not eligible for financial aide because they are still in high school. Ms. Ellis introduced a number of students participating in the program, who are interested in entering the nursing/medical field, accounting, or anthropology.

After a discussion of possible dates, it was decided that the Governing Board study session would be held on Friday, January 19, 2007 at 3 p.m., with the location to be decided upon at a later date.

President Nicodemus presented an update on possible legislation to be introduced during the current legislative session. It is anticipated that a bill establishing some level of state oversight of community colleges will be introduced. The President shared her perspective on those aspects of oversight that the Board might be able to support and those, such as approval of tuition and fees, that undermine the local governing board’s responsibilities and role.

Pursuant to the oversight discussion, Dr. Nicodemus shared a letter she had recently received from Dr. Tom Jordan, Chair of the ACCA. In his letter, Dr. Jordan indicates that ACCA is billing Cochise College for $15,000, in response to an earlier letter from Rep. Pearce, Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, to the ACCA stating that Cochise College’s information should be included in reports submitted by ACCA. Dr. Nicodemus reiterated that the amount requested by ACCA is unreasonable and that, to date, no service has been provided and that most, if not all, reports have been submitted. From the president’s perspective, the ACCA letter demonstrates some of the concerns generating the oversight discussion at the legislature.

1.6.4 Monthly Financial Report

The Financial Report for December 2006 was presented and accepted as submitted. Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2007


2.1 Acceptance of Minutes from the Regular meeting of December 5, 2006

The minutes of the Regular meeting held on December 5, 2006 of the Cochise College Governing Board were accepted and entered into record.


3.1 Communications

The College did not receive any communications.


4.1 Consent Agenda*

Dr. Michael Carter moved and Mrs. Jane Strain seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

The following items were approved:

4.01.1 * Classified; Appointment (Laura Mendoza, Office Specialist) 4.01.2 * Faculty; Appointment (Geronimo Jerry Arciniega, Automotive Technology Instructor) 4.01.3 * Faculty; Appointment – Temporary, Spring 2007 Semester Only (Candy Boyd, Developmental English/English Composition Instructor) 4.01.4 * Curriculum Changes

4.2 Classified Appointment – Computer Support Technician Principal

The administration brought forward a recommendation to hire David Minor as the full time Computer Support Technician Principal. Dr. John Eaton moved and Mr. David DiPeso seconded a motion to approve the hiring of Mr. David Minor. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.3 GED State Administrative Fee

The administration brought forward a recommendation to increase fees for GED testing by $15.00, effective January 1, 2007. This change in fees reflects a change at the state level and the college essentially serves as a pass through to the Arizona Department of Education. Mrs. Strain asked if consideration had been given to the impact on students or citizens and their ability to pay for the GED test. Since this was perceived as fee assessed by the state, the administration had not considered subsidizing the additional costs. The administration will follow up with staff to determine the potential impact to student participation in GED testing. However, it was noted that most of the college’s Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2007 GED testing is conducted at the Douglas Prison Complex and represents an exchange of dollars from one state agency (ADOC) to another (ADE.)

Dr. Michael Carter moved and Mr. David DiPeso seconded a motion to approve an increase in the GED test fee from $50.00 to $65.00, effective January 1, 2007. MOTION CARRIED 4-0, with Mrs. Strain abstaining.

4.4 Agreement for Cochise College Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Student Education – Mariposa Community Health Center

Dr. Michael Carter moved and Dr. John Eaton seconded a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the president to sign the agreement between Mariposa Community Health Center and Cochise College. Mariposa Community Health Center and staff and Cochise College (ADN) Program faculty will work together to provide clinical site education for ADN students. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.05 Agreement for Cochise College Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Student Education – Carondelet Health Network

Dr. Michael Carter moved and Mr. David DiPeso seconded a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the president to sign the agreement between Carondelet Health Network Hospice & Palliative and Cochise College. Carondelet Health Network Hospice & Palliative and staff and Cochise College ADN Program faculty will work together to provide clinical site education for ADN students. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.


Mrs. Guy adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Loretta Mountjoy, Executive Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jane Strain, Secretary of the Governing Board