Walk Two Moons Project Choices by Sharon Creech

The following choices will be due at the end of the novel. I will give you some time in class to complete this, but you may have to do some at home. Road Trip Map out the places Sal traveled on her trip from Euclid, Ohio to Lewiston, Idaho. Then choose any ONE state and spend some time learning about the details and attractions of that state. You will then write about a one page report telling me what you have learned about your chosen state.

Vocabulary Search Find ten new words that you learned during the reading of Walk Two Moons. Then pretend you are Sal and write a letter to Ben using all ten of those words correctly in your letter. Be sure to invite him to visit you someday in Kentucky!

Interview Choose one of the characters from Walk Two Moons and conduct an interview with that person about their experiences in the novel. Your interview should be at least ten questions in length and the response should be written from the perspective of the character you have chosen. Be sure to ask questions that allow the character to provide a detailed and interesting response!

Jeopardy Game Design a “Jeopardy” game based on the events that occurred in Walk Two Moons. You need to have 4-5 different categories with five questions in each category. Be sure to write your “questions” in proper “Jeopardy” format where the answer is actually in the form of a question. You will then create this game using a posterboard.

iPod Touch Design your own iPod Touch with ten “Apps” that would have been useful to have in Walk Two Moons. You will also need to write a few sentences for each application explaining what the application is and how it would relate to the story Walk Two Moons. You will need to get the iPod sheet from your teacher so you can design and create the “look” of both the iPod Touch and the Apps you have created.

“Don’t Judge a Man…” Anaylze the five quotes given by Mrs. Partridge to the girls throughout the novel. For each quote, tell me how it relates to your life and experiences. What does it make you think about? How might these quotes change the way you approach situations in life? Finally, write a sixth quote that could have been used in the story!

Old Faithful Research Old Faithful. What is the history of this attraction? How does it function? Explain in detail what you have learned and include a hand drawn picture. This should all be put on a smaller poster-size paper. IPod Touch