The Ray D. Wolfe Center for Study of Psychological Stress The 3rd International meeting of the Haifa Forum for Brain and Behavior

Location: The Sefadia Auditorium, Multi-purpose building

Day 1 (Tuesday, February 3 rd )

12:00-14:00 Registration.

.Opening of the 3nd International Meeting of the Haifa Forum 14:00-14:15 :Greetings .Professor Yossi Ben Artzi, University Rector .Professor Majid Al-Haj, Vice President and Dean of Research

Session 1. Title: Molecular Biology in Brain and Behavior 14:15-15:40 .(.Chair: Malka Cohen-Armon (Tel Aviv U  Yukiko Goda (UK) Integrins and regulation of synaptic strength.  Noam Meiri (ISRAEL) Epigenetic regulation of thermotolerance acquisition and memory.  Kobi Rosenblum (ISRAEL) Complex Translational Control in the Gustatory Cortex Determines the Stability of a Taste Memory.  Alon Chen (ISRAEL) Dissecting the central stress response: Elucidating the role of the CRF/Urocortin family of peptides and receptors.

15:40-16:00 Coffee Break

Session 2. Title: Social Affective Behavior and Neuroscience 18:00 – 16:00 .(.Chair: Shlomo Bentin (Hebrew U  Shlomo Wagner (ISRAEL) Interaction between two traces of social recognition memory. The Ray D. Wolfe Center for Study of Psychological Gleb Stress P. Shumyatsky (USA) Stathmin reveals dissociable roles of the BLA in parental and social behaviors.  Simone-Shamay-Tsoory (ISRAEL) There is no joy like malicious joy: the neural bases of envy and schadenfreude.  Jean Decety (USA) The benefits and the costs of empathy: the price of being human A social neuroscience approach.  Jason Mitchel (USA) fMRI studies of self and others.  Joe Piven (USA) Towards Defining the Broad Autism Phenotype.

19:00- Welcome evening + Cultural performance

Day 2 (Wednesday, February 4 th )

Session 3. Title: Neural plasticity and beyond 09:30-11:20

.(.Chair: Rami Yaka (Hebrew U

 Irit Akirav (ISRAEL) Cannabinoids Modulation of Memory.  Avi Avital (ISRAEL) Behavioral and Neural plasticity in animal models.  Rony Paz (ISRAEL) Temporal binding of episodes in the human hippocampus.  Edi Barkai (ISRAEL) A cellular mechanism for general enhancement of learning capability.  Menahem Segal (ISRAEL) Stress and hippocampal metaplasticity.

11:20-11:40 Coffee Break

Session 4. Title: Memory systems and integration 11:40-13:30 .(Chair: Miriam Reiner (Technion  Asaf Gilboa (ISRAEL) Recollection-like processes during semantic memory retrieval: Is there a role for the hippocampus in recalling semantic facts?  Simon Rumpel (Austria) Cortical contribution to auditory cued fear learning.  Avi Karni (ISRAEL) A critique of 'critical periods' in skill acquisition: the adult brain remains plastic but may be more selective in procedural memory consolidation.  Ehud Ahissar (ISRAEL) Closed loop Perception. The Ray D. Wolfe Center for Study of Psychological Yadin Stress Dudai (ISRAEL) Predicting not to predict too much: How the cellular machinery of memory anticipates the uncertain future.

13:30-15:00 Lunch Break

Session 5. Title: When the amygdala matters 15:00-16:30 .(.Chair: Talma Hendler (Tel Aviv U  Andreas Lüthi (Switzerland) Gating of conditioned fear by neuronal plasticity in the central amygdale.  Valérie Doyère (France) Synaptic Plasticity in the Lateral Amygdala: Selective storage and updating of fear memories.  Mouna Maroun (ISRAEL) Interaction between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex in emotional memory.  Andrew Holmes (USA) Impaired fear extinction learning and cortico- amygdala circuit abnormalities in a common genetic mouse strain.

16: 30-16:45 Coffee Break

16:45-17:45 Plenary Lecture I - Joseph E. LeDoux (USA) – Fearful Brains in an Anxious World.

18:00- Posters happening + buffet dinner + background Music. Aviva & Sammy Ofer Observation Gallery, Eshkol Tower, 30th Floor.

Day 3 (Thursday, February 5 th )

Session 6. Title: The Morphology of it all 09:30-11:00 .(Chair: Noam Ziv (Technion

 Rafi Lamprecht (ISRAEL) Fear memory formation in lateral amygdala: from gene expression to protein interactions.  Stewart M.G. (UK) Three-Dimensional (3-D) Analyses of Remodelling of synapses and dendritic spines in Dentate Gyrus following LTP in vivo.  Cara L. Wellman (USA) Stress Effects in Prefrontal Cortex: Morphology, Physiology, and Behavior.  Henry Markram (Switzerland) The Ray D. Wolfe Center for Study of Psychological Stress Coffee Break 11:00-11:20

Session 7. Title: Stress and Gender 11:20-13:00 .(.Chair Tali Kimchi (Weizmann Inst  Micah Leshem (ISRAEL) Adversity To The Female Rat Before She Conceives Will Influence Her Future Offspring Differently, By Sex.  Ora Kofman (ISRAEL) Long-term sex-dependent changes in emotional behaviour following exposure to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors during the pre- weanling period.  Robertas Bunevicius (Lithuania) Cortisol and Thyroid Hormone in Depressed Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: Impact of Gender.

13:00-15:00 Lunch Break

Session 8. Title: Translational research 15:00-16:00 .(Chair: Avi Peled (Technion, Shaar Menashe Mental Health Center

 Daphna Joel (ISRAEL) On compulsive humans and ‘compulsive’ rats.  Joram Feldon (Switzerland) Distinct forms of prepulse inhibition disruption distinguishable by the associated changes in prepulse-elicited reaction: from rodents to patients.  Raz Yirmiya (ISRAEL) Interleukin-1: A central regulator of stress responses and depression.

Session 9. Title: Between Post-traumatic stress and depression 16:00-17:00 .(Chair: Robertas Bunevicius (Lithuania

 Ehud Klein (ISRAEL) Traumatic events lead to PTSD and stressful life events lead to depression; Does the evidence support a dichotomous approach.  Gal Richter-Levin (ISRAEL) Post-traumatic stress or post-traumatic depression?  Leo Sher (USA) The concept of posttraumatic mood disorder and its relation to suicidal behavior.

17:00-17:15 Break The Ray D. Wolfe Center for Study of Psychological17:15-18:15 Stress Plenary Lecture II - John P Aggleton (UK) - Extending the Hippocampal Memory System: Beyond the Fornix.

18:15- Concluding remarks and end of meeting.