PART 1: 2014 Annual Plan Objectives Linked to Strategic Goals
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PART 1: 2014 Annual Plan Objectives linked to Strategic Goals UNIT: ACADEMIC AFFAIRS
NICHOLLS STATE VISION UNIVERSITY’S Nicholls State University will be the institution of choice LEVEL I –Academic for students in the service region and beyond as a result of Affairs the quality of programs, the dedication to individual Dr. Laynie student needs, and the national recognition of unique Barrilleaux programs and services.
LEVEL II: College of MISSION Arts & Sciences, Dr. Nicholls State University is a student-centered regional John Doucet institution dedicated to the education of a diverse student body in a culturally rich and engaging learning environment through quality teaching, research, and service. Nicholls supports the educational, cultural, and LEVEL III: economic needs of its service region and cultivates productive, responsible, and engaged citizens.
Level I ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Annual Goals (Vice Level II Goals Level III Goals RESULTS/USE OF President) (Academic Council (Department RESULTS members) Heads) I. Increase the level of educational attainment for students. a. Increase student retention b. Increase enrollment of diverse populations c. Increase the six- year graduation rate of bachelor’s degree seeking students, as defined by federal standards. d. Work with institutions in our region to increase participation in post- secondary education e. Continue implementation, development and promotion of the Quality Enhancement Plan, which includes student and faculty engagement, and critical thinking through critical inquiry and writing.
Each discipline will review course completion rates Each department The Department of Data from Grade and develop and implement strategy to increase will review course Art will review Distribution Reports retention and completion in courses. completion rates course completion containing non-completer and develop rates and develop statistics were reviewed. strategies for strategies for Classes showing non- improvement. improvement. completer rates greater than 20% will be targeted as areas needing improvement. Strategies for improvement will be discussed with individual faculty. Develop and implement strategies to improve Each program will Each program was Faculty from every art satisfaction of students in their sophomore year develop and represented in first discipline attended the first implement annual Sophomore annual Sophomore Day. strategies to Day in August 2014. Only one art sophomore was improve Faculty in every in attendance. Art resources sophomore-year discipline in art may have been used more satisfaction. attended this event. effectively in another manner. Complete draft of QEP The college will Departmental The Department continues participate in faculty participated to support and will completing the in discussions over participate in the QEP. Ross draft of the QEP. QEP topic during Jahnke, QEP chairperson, Spring 2014 Faculty has suggested changes to Institute. our advising structure related to the QEP that the Department is already implementing. Research opportunities to collaborate with Delgado in Each program will building cross enrollment agreements investigate the potential for cross enrollment agreements with Delgado. Investigate opportunity to develop additional Bachelor The dean will lead a N/A of Applied Science degrees to complement applied team to investigate science degrees currently offered at regional the feasibility of community and technical colleges developing a +2 Bachelor of Applied Science degree in college fields. Develop proposal for a Bachelor of Applied Science n/a N/A degree in Culinary arts Gain approval for new programs including Criminal The dean will lead N/A Justice, Masters in English and Computer Science teams of faculty in Technologies and Application. gain approval for new programs in Criminal Justice (+2), English (M.A.), and Computing Technologies (B.S.) II. Cultivate research that engages faculty and students seeking knowledge in areas of common interest. a. Administration will seek and support faculty engagement in research. b. Invest in research through matching funds, supported travel and publishing support. c. Engage industry and business relationships in partnership to secure diverse research opportunities. d. Recognize and Encourage faculty, graduate and undergraduate students who have contributed significantly throughout the year.
Each discipline will be successful in securing at least Each department Art department The Department of Art has one grant will be successful in faculty will be secured an ITS grant for a securing at least successful in new Graphic Design lab. one grant securing at least one grant. Each college will have at least one student The college will Due to budgetary representative to present during the ULS Academic have at least one constraints, the Summit student 2014 ULS Academic representative to Summit was present during the cancelled. ULS Academic Summit Disciplines who are BOR eligible for LEQSF will submit Disciplines who are Department of Art N/A at least one application for the grant. BOR eligible for was not eligible for LEQSF will submit LEQSF grants this at least one year. application for the grant. Sustain and improve opportunities for publication of The college will The college Art History faculty have faculty scholarship improve subsidized travel for received some travel opportunities for extramural funds which have aided publication of presentation of their research prior to faculty scholarship. scholarly faculty publication. work as a prelude to publication. Each college will increase participation in University The college will The Department of Three Art History students Research Week increase Art will increase have participated in participation in participation in University Research University Research University Research Week. Art student Taylor Week. Week. LeBlanc received a third place award. Dr. Deborah Cibelli now serves as a judge for the research week poster competition. The Art History area promotes research by granting awards for art history papers at the 200, 300 and 400 level at the annual student art show. Jean Donegan and Dr. Cibelli served on the Phi Kapppa Phi board that established a $100 award for research. III. Achieve greater accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness across campus. a. Enhance opportunities for distance learning. b. Increase student awareness of and exposure to the global environment. c. Support excellence in teaching and service d. Develop unique niches in primary programs e. Offer master’s level programs in nursing and English.
Successfully respond to the SACS warning and complete The college will The SACSCOC The Department of Art has draft of self- study report for 10 year review support university Warning was lifted worked with assessment efforts to address on 19 June 2014, and and the Live Text format SACSCOC Warning departmental as requested by the SACS and the self-study. support efforts are team. All assessment is evident in the Self- now done with this new Study.. format. Complete addition of business and safety degree to The college will The Department of Art 110 is offered twice Nicholls Online offerings continue to offer Art will continue to yearly and a 300 level general education offer the general FNAR is offered at least components in education courses once a year for Nicholls support of these Art 110 and Fine Online. initiatives. Arts 301 & 302 to support these initiatives. Develop 2+2 or 3+1 curriculum to offer low residency Develop 2+2 or 3+1 programs through Nicholls Online curriculum to offer low residency programs through Nicholls Online Develop check list of to do items for Nicholls students The college will The Department of General guidelines/rules for studying abroad lead in developing a Art will submit its study abroad students study abroad for guidelines for are attached with this students for review students traveling document. and consumption abroad. by the university. Enhance efficiency of utilization of classroom space Each department The Department of All studios of the throughout the campus will assess regular Art will review Department of Art are usage of its classroom usage. fully utilized. Studios are classroom space used by students after and report class hours during the efficiencies. day and in the evening. Students must have access to equipment in order to complete work. Lecture rooms are shared with music and humanities. IV. Continue the university’s collaboration with business, education, and service entities to meet regional workforce needs and to provide cultural enrichment and service to the community. a. Enhance collaboration with community and technical colleges b. Enhance relationships with advisory groups across disciplines to better meet workforce needs c. Continue collaboration with local school districts to improve college- going rate d. Continue existing and build new relationships with regional service institutes, such as South Louisiana Economic Council, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary, etc. e. Encourage continued service- learning and community service projects. Extend Collaborations with Delgado and other Extend community colleges to expand our cross enrollment Collaborations with agreements and develop specific agreements for Delgado and other Academic programs community colleges to expand our cross enrollment agreements and develop specific agreements for Academic programs
Develop proposal for Centers of Excellence for board The college will The college approval by the end of 2014 develop proposals completed three for Centers of centers proposals Excellence for for submission to the board approval by ULS board. the end of 2014. Each discipline will meet with its advisory group at Each college The Department will Our Advisory Board meeting least once during the academic year to discuss discipline will meet meet with its will take place in the latter workforce needs. Recommendations will be recorded with its advisory Advisory Board at half of the spring semester and acted upon as appropriate group at least once least once during the We are currently working during the academic year to with many of the Advisory academic year to discuss workforce Board members on a discuss workforce needs. departmental fundraiser. needs. The The Department will make Recommendations recommendations efforts to add additional art will be recorded will be recorded and related business and acted upon as acted upon as professionals to the appropriate. appropriate. advisory board. University will develop literature to recognize and The college will The Department will promote work of advisory boards. support the support efforts to university’s effort promote the work of to literature on the advisory boards. effort of advisory boards. Extend collaborations with business to enhance Departments will The Department will A recent donation of academic programs – and to be successful with WISE pursue pursue collaboration $20,000 was received from proposals collaboration with with business to DANECO, LLC., as matching business to enhance enhance academic funds for the ITS Grant. The academic programs, programs. Department receives matt and the college will board regularly as a formulate WISE donation from a local art proposals. gallery. Other Art businesses support the art program and its students with gift certificates of art supplies as student show awards. Each college will produce at least one citable service Each department The Department of Service Learning took place experience will produce at Art will produce at in Art 370 Graphic Design least one citable least one citable who worked with the service experience service experience. Department of Art as a client, an earlier client was St. John Historic Cemetery. Another Service Learning experience occurred in Art 304 – Art and Design for Elementary and Secondary Classroom Application. This was in conjunction with Thibodaux Children’s Museum. The Department of Art spearheads the university wide Nicholls Can Food Drive community service project. The Department of Art has at least three studio classes requiring service hours of its students. Department of Art clubs also require service hours of their members. V. Invest strategically in university employees to enhance customer service and sense of pride in the university. a. Focus resources on recruitment and retention of quality personnel in all areas. b. Begin a customer service initiative, with emphasis placed on treatment of all constituents, both fellow employees and students.
University will implement the Build goodwill and The college n/a n/a better friendship campaign in UNIV 101 classes by Fall encourages this 2014 effort by UC.