Problem Behaviours in Geriatrics
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“Education In-a-Box”: from the J. W. Crane Memorial Library, University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries in consultation with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Personal Care Home Program
Recognizing the demands on time for educators in the personal care homes, the WRHA PCH Program Educator and the University of Manitoba’s J. W. Crane Memorial Library’s Outreach Librarian recently initiated the development of the “Education In-a-Box” series. Each box will focus on a topic of interest to staff in personal care homes and will include one or two current videos, printed material, and a list of associated websites and other material, such as books and additional videos available from the library. Additional materials can be ordered from the J. W. Crane Memorial Library by filling out the form included and returning it to the Library.
Educators who request the “Box’ have many options for using the included material. For example, they can choose to: have a video available for viewing, and have staff sign when they have viewed it book a time in their educational calendar to show the video suggest that staff read any or all printed material, and sign a sheet indicating that they have read it offer copies of the lists of websites and associated materials to any interested staff
We attempt to include material that is practical, easy-to-read and reflects “best practice”. Each personal care home will need to decide which materials best reflect educational needs and practice standards.
Only one “Box” per topic will be created. The loan period will be three weeks, so personal care home staff may have to wait until the “Box” is available.
To request the loan of a “box”, please contact the J. W. Crane Memorial Library by e-mail at [email protected], by phone at 831-2152, or by fax at 888-1805.
Please note that some material included in “The Box” has been reproduced by permission from the publisher. If you make multiple copies, you will be infringing Canadian copyright law and subject to prosecution. Because copyright law allows individuals one copy of material for their own use, staff may request a copy of articles, book chapters, etc. by filling out the form.
An evaluation form is included with the material. Please help us improve the series by filling out and returning the form.
Laurie Blanchard, Outreach Librarian, J. W. Crane Memorial Library, University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries Susan Bernjak, PCH Program Educator, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Education In-a-Box: Sexuality
From the J. W. Crane Memorial Library, University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries in consultation with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Personal Care Home Program
This box contains resources suitable for educating personal care home staff on sexuality in long-term care. “In-the-Box”
Archibald, Carole. Sexuality and sexual needs. Chapter 18 in The Care Assistant’s Guide to Working with People with Dementia. London: Hawker Publications, 2002.
Barnes, Irene. Sexuality and cognitive impairment in long-term care. Canadian Nursing Home 2001;12(3):5-12.
Lantz, Melinda S. Consenting adults: sexuality in the nursing home. Clinical Geriatrics 2004;12(6):33-36.
Wallace, Meredith. Sexuality and aging in long-term care. Annals of Long-Term Care 2003 Feb;11(2):53-59.
Freedom of sexual expression : dementia & resident rights in long-term care facilities. [Riverdale, N.Y.] : Hebrew Home for the Aged at Riverdale ; Chicago, IL : Terra Nova Films, 2002. 1 videocassette (16 min., 35 sec.)
Narrated by Anne Meara, this video highlights the critical need for long-term care facilities to maintain written policies and procedures regarding sexual expression and physical protection, particularly among residents with dementia. The program reinforces the fact that basic desires for love and touch transcend any perceived boundaries of age and dementia. The video tastefully explores various types of sexual expression, the effects of these expressions on the residents, and the resident's right to express these emotions in ways that are not harmful to themselves or others. The video also acknowledges that the continued pleasures of touch and intimacy can benefit the resident's emotional well-being by easing feelings of loneliness and depression. …Videos (cont.)
The heart has no wrinkles. NSW : Health Media, Program Development Branch, 1988. 1 videocassette (16 min., 21 sec.)
Designed to be a trigger for a facilitated session on sexuality, this video examines values, views, hopes and fears about old age, concepts of sexuality and level of comfort with expressions of sexuality, and positive or painful experiences in the past or present. … Pamphlets
Alzheimer Society of Canada. Tough issues: Intimacy and Sexuality, 2003.
Alzheimer Society of Manitoba. Fact Sheet: Sexuality and Intimacy and Dementia, September 2006.
… “Current Perspectives” on Sexuality in Long-Term Care
Interested in more resources on sexuality in long-term care? We’ve included a copy of the J. W. Crane Memorial Library’s “Current Perspectives on Sexuality in Long-Term Care”. The “Current Perspectives Series” is updated several times a year, and highlights current articles, books and Internet resources on specific topics of interest to long-term care professionals. The “Current Perspectives Series” is also available at:
Additional Resources (available upon request)
Bonifazi WL. Somebody to love. Contemporary Long Term Care April 2000;23(4):22-24,26-28.
Hoskins, Brenda. At what price, intimacy? Journal of Gerontological Nursing Jan 2007;33(1):6.
On the Web:
Continuing Gerontological Education Cooperative. Intimacy, sexuality and sexual behaviour in dementia: how to develop practice guidelines and policy for long term care facilities . Hamilton, Ont.: The Cooperative, [2002]. Available in PDF at Videos:
Tonight's the night. [Ottawa, Ont.] : CBC International Sales, 1995 1 videocassette (24 min. 5 sec.) Produced for the television show Man Alive, this documentary explores the evidence indicating that seniors involved in loving, intimate relationships are happier and more mentally and physically fit than those who are not. Three senior couples detail their evolving relationships, while several experts contribute perspectives on the subject.
A thousand tomorrows : intimacy, sexuality, and Alzheimer's. [Chicago, Ill.] : Terra Nova Films ; Woodstock, Ont. : Canadian Learning Co., c1995. Through candid interviews with spouse caregivers, and when possible, the spouse who has Alzheimer's, this video reviews issues such as: blurring of roles between "caregiver" and "intimate partner" as the need for caregiving increases, changes in behavior that affect intimacy between the partners, and mismatch of sexual desire and attraction.
April, 2007 Please complete this form and fax to the J. W. Crane Memorial Library (888-1805), checking off any material you would like to receive. Items will be sent via Medical Courier Limited.
Name: ______
Facility: ______
Address: ______
Archibald, Carole. Sexuality and sexual needs. Chapter 18 in The Care Assistant’s Guide to Working with People with Dementia. London: Hawker Publications, 2002.
Barnes, Irene. Sexuality and cognitive impairment in long-term care. Canadian Nursing Home 2001;12(3):5-12.
Hoskins, Brenda. At what price, intimacy? Journal of Gerontological Nursing Jan 2007;33(1):6.
Lantz, Melinda S. Consenting adults: sexuality in the nursing home. Clinical Geriatrics 2004;12(6):33-36.
Bonifazi WL. Somebody to love. Contemporary Long Term Care April 2000;23(4):22-24.
Wallace, Meredith. Sexuality and aging in long-term care. Annals of Long-Term Care 2003 Feb;11(2):53-59.
Continuing Gerontological Education Cooperative. Intimacy, sexuality and sexual behaviour in dementia: how to develop practice guidelines and policy for long term care facilities. Hamilton, Ont.: The Cooperative, [2002]. Also available in PDF at: Evaluation Form: Sexuality “Education In-a- Box” from the J. W. Crane Memorial Library Please fill out this form and return with the “Box” so we can improve future topics in the series.
Facility: ______
Name: ______
Phone: ______e-mail: ______
Position (check one): Educator Administrator Nurse Nurse’s Aide Health Care Aide Allied health staff i.e. recreation, physio, etc. Specify______ Volunteer
Please agree or disagree with the following:
This is an effective way for my facility to receive educational materials.
The material included was relevant to the topic.
Disagree The articles/books/videos chosen were at a suitable level for staff.
Materials you found useful:
How did you find out about this resource?
Was it easy to reserve the “Box”? Was it delivered in a timely manner?
Suggested topics for future “Boxes”:
Other comments or suggestions:
Return to: J. W. Crane Memorial Library, University of Manitoba Health Sciences Libraries Deer Lodge Centre 2109 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J OL3 Ph: (204) 831-2152 FAX: (204) 888-1805 e-mail: [email protected] website: This box contains: (Please ensure all items are returned in-the-box.) Please return the evaluation form provided with the box.)
Archibald, Carole. Sexuality and sexual needs. Chapter 18 in The Care Assistant’s Guide to Working with People with Dementia. London: Hawker Publications, 2002.
Barnes, Irene. Sexuality and cognitive impairment in long-term care. Canadian Nursing Home 2001;12(3):5-12.
Lantz, Melinda S. Consenting adults: sexuality in the nursing home. Clinical Geriatrics 2004;12(6):33-36.
Wallace, Meredith. Sexuality and aging in long-term care. Annals of Long-Term Care 2003 Feb;11(2):53-59.
Freedom of sexual expression : dementia & resident rights in long-term care facilities. [Riverdale, N.Y.] : Hebrew Home for the Aged at Riverdale ; Chicago, IL : Terra Nova Films, 2002. 1 videocassette (16 min., 35 sec.)
The heart has no wrinkles. NSW : Health Media, Program Development Branch, 1988. 1 videocassette (31 min., 21 sec.)
Alzheimer Society of Canada. Tough issues: Intimacy and Sexuality, 2003.
Alzheimer Society of Manitoba. Fact Sheet: Sexuality and Intimacy and Dementia, September, 2006.
J. W. Crane Memorial Library. “Current Perspectives on Sexuality in Long-Term Care”.