The Following Topics Were Discussed Today
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Clear Creek PTA Date: 2.6.2017 Time: 3:30 p.m.
The following topics were discussed today:
Newsletter: *PTA newsletters have not been going out. It was determined that they had been sent to Ms. Davidson, who was on leave.
Need for Secretary: *The former PTA secretary is no longer serving as her grandson no longer attends Clear Creek. Mandy Schmitt, parent, volunteered to serve in this position. It was noted that the PTA binder remains in possession of the former secretary and other members have been unable to reach her to obtain it.
Book Fair: *The book fair was mistakenly put on the master calendar for March, however, it will be held April 2017. *Discussion was held whether to hold the book fair from 4.19-4.25 OR 4.20-4.26. The consensus is that 4.20-4.26 will work best as 4.26.17 is a ½ day for students and will allow for cleanup in the afternoon. *Volunteers will be needed to work the book fair the p.m. of 4.25.17 as Ms. Oral’s Spring Concert is scheduled that evening. *4.20.17 is Kindergarten Beginners Night. It was suggested that the multipurpose room be used for this so that it does not interfere with the book fair setup in the media center. This will be explored with Ms. Keith upon her return. Beginners Night could possibly be changed to 4.18.17. *It was noted that there is an option to take the cash book fair profit OR use credit for scholastic books.
Fundraising: *Switching dates of the Bojangles and Chick-fil-a nights was discussed. It is proposed that Bojangles night correspond with the Spring Concert on 4.25.17 and Chick-fil-a potentially correspond with Kindergarten Beginners Night.
Bojangles: -It was noted that Bojangles has historically been very flexible and they donate 20% of all sales as opposed to having to state you are with Clear Creek at the register. The last check was substantial. Lisa Ward will follow up on changing the date from 3.23.2017 to 4.25.2017.
Chick-fil-a: -$400 was raised during the last Chick-fil-a week which doubled from the previous attempt. -You MUST state you are with Clear Creek at checkout for the school to receive credit. -Members will explore if the time window of 4-8 p.m. is possible instead of 5-8 p.m. for a single evening fundraiser. -The event needs more promotion to be successful.
Fun Run: -Some students have lost their certificates for the carnival and spring book fair from Fun Run. A list is being generated as a result. -When Fun Run funds come in teachers can begin using the stipend.
-Sphero SPRK presentation: *A request has been made for 2 Sphero SPRK balls for special areas. This is a computer coding program and would be useful in reaching more learners. *Price range is $89.99-129.99 each. *These would be used with 4th and 5th graders, possibly 3rd grade. *This special area does not currently have its own budget; however, Ms. Heath will follow up and does not foresee a problem in fulfilling the request.
Premier Martial Arts: *It was discussed that an outside company cannot work with students on CMS property as this is a liability issue. A fundraiser could potentially be done at Premier’s studio.
Volunteers/ Outreach: *The Wells Fargo Reading Program is off to a good start. Schedules are being passed out this week. It was suggested that fliers be sent home with all grades to reach more volunteers. *Arlington Baptist Church wishes to partner with the school to volunteer. They plan to meet with Ms. Heath this week to explore needs and opportunities to serve. Contacts are Greg and Missy Wood.
Miscellaneous: -Teacher appreciation is the first week of May 2017. -Jodi Quiroz is now on the state PTA board and will attend meetings in Raleigh. It is her hope that this will have a positive effect on Clear Creek. -Sadie Ritchie has requested that someone else lead fundraising next year as she would like to take a less active role. She is willing to train and assist but does not wish to lead these efforts. -The date of the next PTA meeting may be changed.