Minutes of the Meeting Of
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MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF RIBBY WITH WREA PARISH COUNCIL Held At Wrea Green Institute On 11th May 2016 at 20.01 Hours
17/13 Apologies: Cllr. Mrs. Mrs.C.Wheatman, PCSO T.Sterling and Cnty. Cllr. P.Rigby (both the latter had reported in Annual meeting prior) Present: Cllrs. J.C.Maskell, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. J.L.Wardell, Mrs L.McCormack, Ms.H.Jones, S.Kenchington, N. Craine, Br. Cllr. F. Andrews and Clerk, D. Kirkham
There was one member of the public in attendance Declarations of Interest: None Written Request for New SPI Dispensation – None received.
17/14 MINUTES The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held 11th April 2016, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
17/15 Appointment of Chairman and Vice-chairman – Cllr. Mrs.J.Wardell proposed existing Chairman, Cllr. J.Maskell to remain as Chairman for a further year. This was seconded by Cllr. Ms. H.Jones. Voted and carried unanimously. Cllr.J.MAskell proposed existing Cllr. S.Kenchington as Vice-chairman, which was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. J.Wardell. Voted and carried unanimously. The clerk to notify FBC in writing.
17/16 POLICE/CRIME and DISORDER PCSO had reported in the Annual Parish meeting prior to the parish council meeting. Crime statistics (appendix 2).
17/17 FYLDE BOROUGH/LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCILS a) Cllr.P.Rigby had reported in the previous Annual Parish meeting.
b) Borough Cllr. F.Andrews had reported at the Annual Parish meeting. In addition the following was addressed:- Blackpool Horsefair – a great deal of work behind the scenes was performed by FBC in order to cancel the proposed travellers’ horse-fair. Cllr. F.Andrews was unaware of the small contingency that arrived in Wrea Green – the group was followed by FBC litter-pickers, as advised by Cllr.J.Maskell. Cllrs. N.Craine and Mrs.P.Naylor noted the thefts and anti-social behaviour in the Spar by a small group of youngsters attached to the travellers’ party. Wrea Green website – bugs in the system being addressed. Library closures – meeting on Friday 13th May 2016 with Mr. Mark Menzies M.P.. 17/18 CAPOW Mr.John Rowson had reported at the Annual Parish meeting previously. Appendix 3
17/19 PLANNING Applications:- 16/0267 60 BRYNING LANE, RIBBY WITH WREA, PRESTON TWO STOREY SIDE AND FRONT EXTENSION PLUS DORMERS TO FRONT AND REAR. The parish council has no objections to the proposed plans. Cllr.J.Maskell proposed approval. Seconded by Cllr. S.Kenchington and carried unanimously.
16/0280 LAND ADJ.19 WILLOW DRIVE, WREA GREEN. APPROVAL OF RESERVED MATTERS. OUTLINE PLANNING 14/0302 – 86 DWELLINGS INC. 26 AFFORDABLE UNITS. Two members of the public were registered to speak. Mr. J.Rowson – see appendix 4. Public member #2 – there are genuine concerns regarding the ‘chaos’ that will be caused throughout the development stage. If an average of 25 houses are constructed annually, the project will take up to 4 years – this is not acceptable to existing residents and noise / physical pollution would be a major concern. Additionally, the increase in the numbers of houses will adversely affect the values of existing properties – excess supply creates a lesser demand. This was confirmed by Cllr. Mrs.J.Wardell. Cllr.J.Maskell questioned the need for so many affordable homes. Cllr.N.Craine expressed concerns with regards to drainage due to the existing, unsuitable system in place. The parish council suggested that Mr.J.Rowson’s letter on behalf of CAPOW, in this matter be supported and fully endorsed. This was carried unanimously. The clerk to correspond with FBC planning regarding this matter.
Decisions:- 13/0803 THE GRANGE, RIBBY ROAD, WREA GREEN OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR ERECTION OF 5 DWELLINGS - granted Noted. 16/0106 21 MANOR ROAD, WREA GREEN SINGLE STOREY SIDE PORCH EXTENSION. - granted Noted 16/0134 RIBBY HALL VILLAGE, WREA GREEN DETACHED SEGWAY STORAGE AREA - granted Noted Other:- RIBBY HALL PETTING ZOO – Cllr.Mrs.J.Wardell informed the meeting that the petting zoo was already in existence. Noted
17/20 RECREATION GROUNDS and OPEN SPACES Dub management – the terrapins were reported as a major issue at this stage. There are reports of as many as eight. Cllr. S.Kenchington explained that he is working toward a balanced eco- system and it is not advisable to remove them at this point. Opinion is that they are not breeding due to the inappropriate temperatures. Note to be placed in the newsletter in order to notify people not to release terrapins in to the Dub. Dub to be registered as a formal fishery. Play area – clerk reported that the new signs were now in place. Wicksteed have supplied quotes for replacement equipment. Clerk asked by councillors to obtain additional comparative quotes. Cllr.Mrs.L.Shepherd noted that there is no access to rides for disabled children. Cllr. Mrs.P.Naylor suggested the clerk approach Storey Homes regarding sponsorship for equipment. Damage to the Green – Cllr.J.Maskell had received notification of damage to the Green opposite the Spar. Consensus of the parish council to let the tubs remain in place throughout the year as a protective barrier. Large tub to be placed on southern corner of Green opposite Spar. Clerk to request Mr.A.Foley to source two further larger tubs. Cllr.Mrs.J.Wardell explained the ruling as to parking on the Green. Signage to the parish – it was decided unanimously that, due to the lack of areas where signage should be placed, there was no point in pursuing this matter.
17/21 VILLAGE ACTIVITIES/HIGHWAYS Field Day – Chairman and Vice-chairman to walk in procession if requested.
17/22 FINANCIAL AND STANDING ORDER MATTERS a) All payments and receipts were outlined within the clerk’s report (appendix 1). These were explained in detail by the clerk and approved by the council. b) Audit annual governance statement confirmed and signed by Chairman and clerk. c) Annual audit presented by clerk and figures explained. Associated papers explained including meaningful differences. Signed by internal auditor previously. Signed as a true record by clerk and chairman. d) 106 monies – clerk explained the possible uses for ‘public realm’ money. Confirmation that this cannot be utilised in the paly area. Clerk to arrange meeting with Mr.P.Drinnan, D.Kirkham and Cllrs. J.Maskell, Mrs.J.Wardell and Mrs.P.Naylor.
17/23 PARISH COUNCIL MATTERS Cllr.J.Maskell reported on the Mayor-making event on the 11th May 2016. Noted. Important diary dates noted.
17/24 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1) The Clerk’s report, which was circulated to all members before the meeting was approved and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising from report:- a) War Memorial / Tub maintenance – after discussing, it was decided that the clerk is to liaise with Jenny Gleave regarding the activity of the W.I. horticulture group. Cllr.Mrs.P.Naylor to continue maintenance of the tubs with her established group (as minuted 15/144.2), however, not the War Memorial flowers. Cllrs. Mrs.L.Shepherd and S.Kenchington volunteered their services. b) Item 1.2 – public conveniences – proposal to settle United Utilities account presently under investigation – unanimously carried. Additionally, motion proposed to increase Mr. S.Rawsthorne salary to £10/day in order to accommodate one hour cleaning (£8.25 p.h.) plus opening and locking-up public conveniences on a daily basis.
The Meeting Closed at 21.53 hours
Cllr. Mr. J.Maskell 8th June 2016 Chairman APPENDIX 1 CLERK’S REPORT - for MEETING 11 May 2016 1. Highways/Open Spaces 1.1 On-going potholes correspondence – proposed for September 2016 1.2 Public Conveniences – ongoing issues with United Utilities 1.3 Travelers fair – liaison with various authorities 1.4 Fishing permits sent out 1.5 War memorial meeting 1.6 Play area – ongoing replacement of equipment and signage 1.7 Liaison regarding the organisation of War Memorial maintenance 1.8 Liaison regarding upkeep / maintenance of open spaces / tubs and associated planted areas. 1.9 Tub invites prepared / sent
2. Financial matters 2.1. Income Received since the last meeting : – Fishing permits / tubs £ 225.00 pending
2.2 Balance on accounts 08/05/16:- Public Sector Deposit Fund £25 000.00 Co-op Savings £ .80 Co-op Current £ 5 586.96 Unity Current £ 6 169.03 Unity Savings £53 648.78 Total £90 405.57 Available 106 monies £26 705.00 2.3. Payments since last meeting:- No additional payments made in addition to those noted on previous month’s request list. 2.4. Payments requests :- Plant emporium war memorial £ 160.88 Divine signs play area replacements £ 442.51 Air Ambulance grant £ 150.00 Guardian concert band Christmas concert £ 100.00 J Wildish grass cutting / tree pruning £ 315.60 Vivid signage wildflower £ 62.00 Ps office supplies ink and paper £ 113.60 Greenscapes war memorial treatments £ 95.00 CPRE subscription / grant £ 100.00 e-on Christmas lights balance £ 13.00 D Kirkham salary £ 587.49 HMRC tax / NI £ 167.31 S Rawsthorne salary £ 201.00 2.5. Audit :- Internal audit figures prepared – chairman and RFO to sign for submission 3. Correspondence/Meetings for Information/Invitations 3.1 106 monies confirmed for public realm expenditure 3.2 Twinning group welcome attended 3.3 Discussion with Mr. A.Greening regarding internal audit – new auditor appointed 4. Planning 4.1 All relevant planning correspondence submitted to FBC – objection letters, comments and extension requests 4.2 11 Church View Fold – letter received regarding amended plans – 16/0125 5. Miscellaneous Other Matters 5.1 Initial draft of newsletter prepared
David Kirkham - Clerk to the Parish Council 7/5/2016