School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 1

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School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 1

School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 1

EDUC 715, 716, 717, 718 Principal Internships

PA Inspired Leadership National Leadership Suggested Internship Examples of ARTIFACTS STANDARDS & Practices STANDARD ELCC ACTIVITIES from Interns’ Final Portfolios with written explanations for each artifact ROW #1 VISION Standard Vision for student success Participate in:  A Strategic Plan Brochure or ELCC #1 Vision  Strategic Planning Sessions – retreat information web-site that intern CORE Standard 1 has participated in developing  Field Trips to other schools/districts The leader has the knowledge and skills  Develop a vision of learning for a using technology tools. to think and plan strategically, creating involved in creating a Vision school an organizational vision around  An interns’ letter, e-mail or personalized student success.  Consensus-building groups  Articulate a vision memo inviting all stakeholders to  Publication of Strategic Plan join in building consensus around Standards-based Systems/Reform a vision for students’  Information Session for Staff, achievement on standards. CORE Standard 2  Implement a vision Parents, Administrators (Department, Grade, School) The leader is grounded in standards- based systems theory and design and is  Embed SP into curriculum & able to transfer that knowledge to his/her  Using own Action Research  Steward a vision assessment using standards using job as the architect of standards-based Results to invite others to Teacher Teams reform in the school. collaborate on a school-wide AR project  Promote community involvement  Follow up meetings & feedback Principal’s Focus and Role in the vision sessions on meeting plan benchmarks Focus on school improvement and  Embedding the vision in all district  Use of state NCLB test results the role of the principal as an agent & schools’ activities –with to invite a team to study and of school reform. empowering teachers/staff/students improve instruction Use Data for Informed Decision-  Inviting community involvement in  A log description of Walking Making **** CORE 3 all planning and decision-making in Through the Community each The leader knows how to access and use school/district plans day/week to sustain the dialogue appropriate data to inform decision- with the community (business making at all levels of the system. places) about the school’s  Involve community in curriculum & assessment reviews. vision/program and how they can be involved.

** PIL Standard is used in more than one ELCC Standard Area School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 2

PA Inspired Leadership National Leadership Suggested Internship Examples of ARTIFACTS STANDARDS & Practices STANDARD ELCC ACTIVITIES with written explanations for each artifact ROW 2 SCHOOL CULTURE & STUDENT LEARNING Standard  Facilitate a faculty meeting session  Curricula products such as revised Create a culture of teaching & ELCC #2 School Culture & around curricular, assessment and/or courses of study, new assessments in a learning Student Learning instructional issues discipline, videotapes of instructional Corollary STANDARD 2  Lead a teacher study group practices.  Promote positive school culture  Participate on a district or school  Provide a description of the process curriculum committee and results of curriculum committee The leader creates a culture of  Provide effective instructional  Attend a school board meeting work. program session on NCLB and/or  Provide assignment on attendance teaching and learning with an curriculum/assessment issues at a public forum on NCLB from emphasis on learning.  Apply best practice to student  Lead a school-wide project: EDUC 712: School Community learning discipline code, an Arts program, Relationships course. After-school tutorial, Honoring  Provide 1-7 Action Plans for students work/contributions standards based curriculum/instruction  Design comprehensive  Organize teacher teams to improvement with a school faculty professional growth plans collaborate and share around from EDUC 714: Instructional & improving instruction/curriculum Curriculum Leadership Course.  Arrange for classroom visitations  A plan for school’s event to across departments/faculty celebrate faculty student learning.  Build in ways to celebrate and  A classroom visitation results based nurture faculty/student learning on established criteria. throughout the school year  A course now embedded with  Assist in finding resources for technology tools to enhance student teacher-selected learning opportunities work/achievement on significant  Organize teacher teams (in a grade projects. or department) to embed technology  A grant written to secure funds for tools in existing projects in the teacher learning communities. curriculum  An Action Research project from  Organize a Teacher team to EDAM 540 Action Research course to evaluate a school program; possibly be used with a teacher team. use an Action Research format that  School-wide project to enhance leads to new plans for improvement of school culture/expectations. instruction and student learning  A plan to network with a local  Work on a teacher team to design university for a year-long or series of new assessments (Example: writing teacher-selected professional samples using the state rubric) development issues. School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 3 PA Inspired Leadership National Leadership Suggested Internship Examples of ARTIFACTS STANDARDS & Practices STANDARD ELCC ACTIVITIES from Interns’ Final Portfolios with written explanations for each artifact ROW 3 MANAGEMENT Standard Use Data for Informed ELCC #3 Management  Participate in a school’s team for  Results of a team’s use of student Decision-Making analysis and interpretation of data achievement data for decision-making.  Manage the organization CORE Standard 3  Develop a presentation on student  A presentation on data to inform a achievement for a department, faculty wider audience of staff and parents  Manage operations or parent group. The leader knows how to access and use A staff development plan based on a appropriate data to inform decision-  “Analyzes data on student needs assessment and student making at all levels of the system. achievement and staff evaluations and achievement data creates appropriate staff development activities.” PIL Performances  A report using data to recommend curricular changes  “Develops reporting procedures that use data to track and improve the  An Action Plan for curricular performance of the school and enhance changes based on student data trends student achievement.” PIL Performances  “Critiques available data systems within school districts and at the state and national level.” PIL Performances Manage Resources  Work on a school’s schedule for the  Finance & Facilities Course project next term/year Corollary Standard 2  A school master schedule the intern  Seek out and write a grant to gain helped to develop that is aligned to the additional finances/resources or school or district’s Strategic Plan partnerships for improvement of Goals. The leader manages resources for curricula, instruction and assessment effective results.  A Budget Outline to include in a  Accompany the Facilities Staff grant that are aligned to the grant’s and/or the Technology Staff on school goals and objectives. building tours to assess critical needs (preparation of school budget)  A School Budget outline showing relationship to the school’s vision for student learning

 Action Plan to provide school staff with space, materials and resources for student achievemen School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 4 PA Inspired Leadership National Leadership Suggested Internship Examples of ARTIFACTS STANDARDS & Practices STANDARD ELCC ACTIVITIES from Interns’ Final Portfolios with written explanations for each artifact ROW 4 SCHOOL, PARENTS & COMMUNITY Standard Engages Community/Parents ELCC #4 School, Community and  Participates in a community task  Action Plan resulting from task force Parents force work  Results of Service Learning Projects Corollary Standard 3  Collaborate w/ families & other  Meeting with community groups (Certificates, course credits, community members The leader collaborates, communicates, (senior citizens, library, neighborhood recognition assembly or dinner) engages, and empowers others inside and  Respond to community interest & needs center) in school-wide projects such as  Screen shots or links to the website outside of the organization to pursue  Mobilize community resources service learning established for communication with excellence in learning. parents  Establishes a website for  Parent newsletters communication with parents and a  Parent program presentations on class, department, or grade program student work, achievement, the arts, specific subject area  Attends school board meetings  Workshops for parents on Math, Literacy or Science/Technology  Attends or participates in “problem-  Memos, correspondence from solving” meetings with parents parents recognizing intern for student regarding a student’s school support achievement  A survey developed for parent participation in evaluation of a  Observes or participates in a program parent/school meeting on Special  A brochure or other publication that Education regulations provides parents and community with school’s standards-based program and  Observes or attends an IEP meeting assessments  Speaks to civic groups  Development of a reporting system  Participates in a Strategic Plan that provides student performance on committee meeting on standards in specific subject area Parents/Community  Program from a “Back to School Night” that invites parents to  Develops a survey for parents to use participate in evaluating a program  An interview project with a public relations person on the NCLB  Develops a newsletter, brochure or regulations and how these are other publication to communicate communicated to the public school program or curriculum expectations to parents School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 5 PA Inspired Leadership National Leadership Suggested Internship Examples of ARTIFACTS STANDARDS & Practices STANDARD ELCC ACTIVITIES from Interns’ Final Portfolios with written explanations for each artifact ROW 5 INTEGRITY, FAIRNESS & EQUITABLE MANNER Standard Fair & Equitable Practices ELCC #5 Integrity, Fairness, and  In log reflections, intern identifies  A log entry used as an artifact, Equitable Manner this standard as being most relevant to wherein the intern analyzes and an event involving the Professional interprets an event or decision relevant Corollary Standard 4  Acts with integrity Code of Ethics to this standard and the Professional  Acts fairly Code of Ethics The leader operates in a fair and  Acts ethically  Intern participates in diversity equitable manner with personal and training.  Diversity Training Certificate professional dignity.  Intern participates in Sexual  Sexual Harassment Training Harassment Training Certificate

 Intern “ follows through on  A form of recognition from others commitments to word, values, beliefs that intern’s behavior demonstrates and organizational mission” PIL high ethical standards Performances  Celebrations of inclusions and  Intern focuses on “closing the appreciation of differences (staff or achievement gap” in teaching practices students) PIL Performances or in teacher teams in a department, grade or school.  A log reflection regarding how the intern contributed to closing the  Intern focuses on teaching practices achievement gap that support inclusion and appreciation of differences School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 6 PA Inspired Leadership National Leadership Suggested Internship Examples of ARTIFACTS STANDARDS & Practices STANDARD ELCC ACTIVITIES from Interns’ Final Portfolios with written explanations for each artifact ROW 6 LARGER CONTEXTS Standard Student Advocate in Larger ELCC #6 Larger Contexts  Intern contacts legislators regarding  Leader provides written and oral Context  Understand the larger context state regulations and policies under description of influential actions  Respond to the larger context review or in place. Portfolio enclosures  Intern participates in a state regular interaction with Corollary Standard 5  Influence the larger context  committee or initiative legislative representatives  Intern takes a leadership role in  participation in statewide The leader advocates for children professional organizations initiatives and public education in the larger  written policies/procedures political, social, economic, legal, and  leadership within cultural context. professional organizations  Intern documents in weekly log how he/she applies the state regulations,  Log reflection as a case study laws, and policies in the best interests of the students.  Leader explains systems that are in  Intern participates in union place or are being developed and how representation or holds leadership they impact student success position in the union. Intern reflects Portfolio enclosures on contract development, site based  union contracts plans, etc. PIL Performances  board policy/administrative procedure  professional development plans  site based plans PIL Evidence  Intern establishes teaching practices  A videotaped lesson demonstrating that provide positive expectations for these teaching practices all students.  An Action Plan for building  Intern scaffolds student work to capacity of all students based on data meet the range of students in a class analysis for meeting performance on standards at a proficient or higher level.  A Plan for Individualized (Differentiated instruction) monitoring on students to reach targeted performance levels. School of Education, Drexel University: Internship Activities 7 PA Inspired Leadership National Leadership Suggested Internship Examples of ARTIFACTS STANDARDS & STANDARD ELCC ACTIVITIES from Interns’ Final Portfolios Practices with written explanations for each artifact ROW 7 INTERNSHIP & LIFELONG LEARNING Standard Supports Professional ELCC #7 Internship & Lifelong  Intern establishes Goals with  4 Term Goal Reflections Growth Learning activities each term. At the end of each term, the intern reflects on attainment of goals and what he/she has learned Corollary Standard 6  Evidence of personal self-mastery about their leadership development. Knowing one’s leadership style, strengths The leader supports professional and needs  Intern continues with his/her  Professional Development Plan growth of self and others through Professional Development Plan with document practice and inquiry.  Self-directed: Establishes yearly goals activities document in the Act 48 server.  Professional Membership document Works from an articulated   Intern joins professional mission/vision and professional organizations; reads periodicals and  In-depth log on a critical issue foundation participates in or attends conferences researched as a part of own self- directed learning  Mentors others  Intern reads widely and deeply on current educational issues.  Articles written and submitted for  Models the lifelong learner and the publication reflective practitioner  Intern develops a research agenda  An in-depth log reflection on own  Intern uses individual leadership leadership development/growth  Is an Active Listener survey results to set new learning goals on a regular basis  Results of study group work that  Learns from and is active in includes student work professional and networking  Intern facilitates a study group in a organizations grade, department or school  Presentation or sharing of what was learned and can be applied in the local  Intern attends local, state or national setting. workshops to further learning in an area of interest/research.

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