Year 2 - GEOGRAPHY OVERVIEW, Semester 2 (10 Hours)
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Year 2 - GEOGRAPHY OVERVIEW, Semester 2 – (10 hours)
Unit Title: Our Places - Big Question: Where shall we go?
Achievement Standard Year 2 Achievement Standard Knowledge By the end of Year 2, students identify the features that define places and recognise that places can be described at different scales. They describe how people in different places are connected to each other and identify factors that influence these connections. Students recognise that the world can be divided into major geographical divisions. They explain why places are important to people. Skills Students pose questions about familiar and unfamiliar places and collect information to answer these questions. They represent data and the location of places and their features in tables, plans and on labeled maps. They interpret geographical information to draw conclusions. Students present findings in a range of texts and use simple geographical terms to describe the direction and location of places. They suggest action in response to the findings of their inquiry.
Geographical Concepts Content Descriptions Assessment (A) Place The ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples maintain Assessment for Learning: Students questions Space special connections to particular Country/Place (ACHGK011) (ACHGK011) (ACHGS013) Environment The connections of people in Australia to other places in Australia, the countries Assessment as Learning: Reflections of the Asia region, and across the world (ACHGK012) Interconnection (ACHGS018) Sustainability The influence of purpose, distance and accessibility on the frequency with which Scale Assessment of Learning: people visit places (ACHGK013) Change (ACHGK013) bar charts and interpretation Pose geographical questions about familiar and unfamiliar places (ACHGS013) (ACHGS014) observations about photographs and interviews Collect and record geographical data and information, for example, by Major Assessment Task “My Trip” (ACHGK012) observing, by interviewing, or from sources such as, photographs, plans, (ACHGK013) satellite images, story books and films (ACHGS014)
Reflect on their learning and suggest responses to their findings (ACHGS018)
Learning Framework Community Contributor Active Investigator Designer and Creator Leader and Collaborator Effective Communicator Quality Producer
Cross Curricula Priorities Catholic Ethos Social Emotional Learning Inclusive Education Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia Sustainability Education Islander Histories and Cultures
General Capabilities Literacy Numeracy Information and Communication Technology Critical and Creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and Social Competence Thinking
Links to other LA’s Science – environment History – change and remembering past journeys Learning and Teaching Strategies Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cross Catholic Ethos General Literacy Curricular Capabilities Critical and Creative Thinking Priorities
Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
ENGAGE Resources Refer to opening scenario in Semester 1 unit. Teddy/Koala comes in with empty Teddy and small suitcase suitcase/bag – wants to plan his trip Story books from different continents and about travel For example: Look at storybooks to help teddy get excited and to generate awe and wonder of Toot and Puddle – Holly Hobby the world. Storybooks should be selected that are set in each of the continents. Africa: Osa’s Pride – Ann Grifalconi Examples are in the resources column but any school or public library will have Somewhere in Africa – Ingrid Mennen and Niki Daly alternatives. Digital stories can also be shown and a large selection can be found The Coming of Night – James Riordan and Jenny Stow in Tumblebooks Europe: Don’t forget to write – Martina Selway America: Amy and Louis – Libby Gleeson Ask children to pose inquiry questions about what type of place teddy might want Australia: The Bush Jumper – Jean Chapman to go to. Use Think Pair Share strategy. Asia: Jamil’s Clever Cat – Fiona French How can we get information about different places? Who can we ask? What does teddy need to know? Useful website: (ACHGS013)
Complete the first two columns of a TWLH chart. (what do we think we know, want to know) (search: children around the world)
Geographical Language Assessment Opportunities Place, country, location, continents, travel, transport, climate, tourist attractions, Assessment for learning: restrictions, customs, quarantine, immunisations, passport, visa, currency, Children’s questions (ACHGS013) language, itinerary, e ticket, dietary requirements, seating, boarding pass, medications, luggage requirements, accommodation, stop over, Traditional welcome to destination
Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cross Catholic Ethos General Literacy Curricular Social Emotional Learning Capabilities Critical and Creative Thinking Priorities Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia Information and Communication Technology
Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
EXPLORE Resources Why we travel – class survey of local trips how often and where to Collect information from class of where they travel to and put into a bar chart (ACHGS014) (ACHGK013) _map.php Interactive Whiteboard - Use an overlay flipchart on top of a scanned local map. Children use pen tool to draw their journeys onto the map. Alternatively use Scribble maps website to draw on and save a Google map.
Extension – keep travel diary for a week as a homework task – explain in week 2 and to be returned at start of http://www.nationalgeographic. week….. Collate class information together (or in groups) how many trips have been made overall to each com/ destination and why? Date Destination
*needs at least 20 rows Add photos and information to a class display with a title Explore connections children have in the class to other places far from home – other places in Australia and Teddy’s Trip around the world. Children can take a simple map of Australia and of the world home and ask their parents how they might be connected to other places (relatives, family origin, past holidays). The teacher should model this to the class before the task is sent home. (ACHGK012)
Explore photos of different countries/continents and identify (natural, constructed and managed) features for example grasslands in Africa, Nairobi as an African City. Grand Canyon in America and New York. (ACHGS014)
Invite parents in to class to talk about places they are connected to. Students to plan interview questions and practise on staff members. After the first parent has been interview teacher to tell the class Teddy has gone to see that country. Set up and use an email (e.g. gmail) address so that “Teddy” can email back to the class to say what he has seen. (ACHGK012)
Teachers can use Photoshop to mail back a photo of teddy e.g. In front of the Eiffel Tower, Kakadu National Park. Teacher and class to email teddy back after another parent has visited to say where teddy should go next and what clothing etc. he will need and what he should see/do while he is there. If there is not a continent represented then the class need to do a little library research to find information for Teddy’s travels.
Geographical Language Assessment Opportunities Connection, national park, tourist, country, travel, continent, climate, tourism, tourist attractions, email, gmail, natural Assessment of Learning: features e.g. rivers hills and native vegetation, managed features e.g. farms, parks and gardens, constructed features Bar charts (ACHGK013) e.g. roads and buildings, diversity, interconnection, scale, place, links, origins, locally, globally, nationally, distance, Observations of photographs regions, accessibility, data. (ACHGS014) Interview questions (ACHGS014)
Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cross Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures General Curricular Social Emotional Learning Capabilities Priorities Inclusive Education
Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
EXPLAIN Resources Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander connection to place. Why did/do Aboriginal groups move around? What is it like Alfie’s Search for living in the Torres Strait Islands? Wonder Questions: record questions and thoughts of the class or ask students to Destiny Written By David record their own individually. (ACHGK011) Hardy Invite Local Elder or Local Indigenous Liaison Officer to the class to give information about the Torres Straits and Aboriginal life past/present including purpose of journeys, the Torres Strait Islands will be Teddy’s last destination m/books/new- before returning home. (ACHGK011) releases/alfies-search- Explain how people are connected to different places and to other people in different places. For example a student in for-destiny.html the class may have been born elsewhere and while they are connected to their local community/country, they still Map of Torres Strait have a strong connection to their place of birth. Islands v/zoomify/bipotaim/Torre sStraitMap.html
Geographical Language Assessment Opportunities Localities of the Straits: Assessment for learning: Near Western – BADU Mulgrave Island, MABUIAG Jervis Island MOA Banks Island and NAGIR Mount Ernest Island, Questions and comments Eastern – UGAR Stephen Island, ERUB Darnley Island, MER Group Murray Island, DAUAR Dauar Island, WAIER Waier before interview Island (ACHGK011) Top Western – BOIGU Talbo Island, DAUAN Mount Cornwallis Island, SAIBAI Saibai Island and BURU Turnagain Island Central – MASIG Yorke Island, PORUMA Coconut Island, WARRABER Sue Island, IAMA Yam Island, TUDU Warrior Island and AURID Aureed Island, ZEGEY Dungeness Island, DAMUT Dalrymple Island, MUKUVA Cap Island, GEBAR Two Brothers Island Inner Region – MURALUG Prince of Wales Island, WAIBEN Thursday Island, KIRIRI Hammond Island, TUINED Possession Island and MORI Mount Adolphus Island, national park, tourist, country, travel, continent, climate, tourism, tourist attractions, email, gmail, natural features e.g. rivers hills and native vegetation, managed features e.g. farms, parks and gardens, constructed features e.g. roads and buildings. connection, community, island, strait, weight, ferry, bus, carry on luggage, customs, restrictions, quarantine, tickets – ferry/bus transportation, accommodation, interconnections, destination, itinerary, e-ticket, QANTAS link, WESTWING Airlines, boarding pass, security shed – Horn Island (for body scanning/security purposes on departure), map, terminals,
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cross Catholic Ethos General Capabilities Literacy Curricular Social Emotional Learning Critical and Creative Thinking Priorities Information and Communication Technology Personal and Social Competence
Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
ELABORATE Resources Major Assessment Task: “My Trip” Computers Ipads (puppetpals) Decide on two countries/places you would like to go to most using the information gathered during this unit from others Internet and from their own family. Explain why you have chosen these places. Children to use an image of the place/s that they feel connected to or wish to make a connection to.
Options: They can use an ipad app such as puppet pals to create a puppet show about their trip. They can use the add character and add backdrop feature to add themselves and a photo of their destination. They can use scissors and glue to cut out a picture of themselves to a picture of the location. They could contribute to a class Powerpoint.
The children should use the following sentence stems in planning what to say/include: I want to visit ______because______. I will need to go by______. When I am there I will see______. When I am there I will (do) ______.
Geographical Language Assessment Opportunities Place, country, distance, climate, tourist attractions, weather, geographical features ( managed, constructed and natural), Assessment of Learning vegetation, landscape, physical features, map, transportation, tickets, e tickets, currency, language, customs, traditions, Major Assessment Task: Cairns International Airport, bus, ferry. My Trip (ACHGK012) (ACHGK013)
Reflection Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cross Catholic Ethos General Literacy Curricular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Capabilities Critical and Creative Thinking Priorities Social Emotional Learning Personal and Social Competence Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia Inclusive Education
Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
EVALUATE Resources Reflect on unit: what have you learnt and what did you enjoy. Which activity taught you the most? Why is it important for us Reflection sheet to be connected to other places? General discussion. (ACHGS018)
Complete the final two columns of a TWLH chart. (what have we learnt and how do we know this)
Geographical Language Assessment Opportunities Geography Word bank from above sections Assessment as learning: Interconnection, value, significance, importance, diversity, tolerance, acceptance, awareness of others, Reflection (ACHGS018)
Planning for Differently Abled Students
Student/s Different Ability Australian Curriculum Learning and Teaching Strategies Assessment Strategies Content Descriptions being addressed
Assessment Task Sheet
Student Name: Year Level: 2
Name of Task: My trip Teacher:
Learning Area/s: Geography
Date Commenced: Date Due:
Type of Task: Oral Written Other Task Conditions: Individual Pair Group Work In Class Homework Other
Opportunity to Books Notes Library Technology Access: Assessed By: Self Peer Teacher
Task Description: “My Trip”
Students are going to decide on two locations to travel to.
Procedure Refer to the display created by the class/teacher over the course of the unit. Select two locations to visit. One you are connected to and one you wish to make connections with. You are to provide reasons for your choices You will need to prepare a draft giving the following information: I want to visit ______because______. I will need to go by______. When I am there I will see______. When I am there I will (do) ______. I can’t go there very often because______.
Class display, information books and Internet My Trip
E The student work demonstrates evidence of: Why/how are people connected to a place? I can explain my connections and the connections of others to places in Australia and across the world and why? I can also explain why I would like to make a new connection to another place. I can explain how I am connected to a place in Australia and/or across the world and why. I can also explain why I would like to make a new connection to another place. I can explain how I am connected to a place in Australia and/or across the world and why. I can explain that I am connected to a place in Australia and/or across the world but not why. I am unable to explain how I am connected to another place. What influences the frequency of visits to a place?
I can explain how often people can visit places has changed over time. I can explain why I can or can’t visit there often involving transportation and how information technology helps us feel connected. I can explain why I can or can’t visit there often involving transportation. With support I am able to explain why I can or can’t visit there often involving transportation. I am unable to explain why I can or can’t visit there often involving transportation. Feedback
Signed: Date: