World War II/ Early CW
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5. Which wartime policy toward Japanese 1. Before entering World War II, the United Americans was upheld by the Supreme States Court in its 1944 ruling in Korematsu v. acted as the “arsenal of democracy” by United States? (1) creating a weapons stockpile for use (1) deportation to Japan after the (2) mandatory military service war (3) denial of voting rights (2) financing overseas radio broadcasts in (4) confinement in internment camps support of democracy (3) providing workers for overseas factories (4) supplying war materials to the Allies
2. During World War II, the federal government used rationing to (1) hold down prices of military weapons (2) increase educational benefits for veterans (3) increase imports of scarce products (4) provide more resources for the military
3. What was the main purpose of the GI Bill passed by Congress shortly before the end of 6. Which event of the 1950s most likely led World War II? to the publication of this cartoon? (1) to offer low-interest loans to the defense (1) Russia put cosmonauts on the Moon. industry (2) The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik (2) to provide economic aid to veterans satellite. (3) to contain the spread of international (3) The United States was defeated in the communism Vietnam War. (4) to expand career opportunities in the (4) American students scored low on tests in military math and science.
4. McCarthyism in the early 1950s resulted 7. During World War II, many Japanese from Americans living on the West Coast were (1) new commitments to civil rights for relocated to detention centers primarily African because they Americans (1) were known spies for Japan (2) opposition to the Marshall Plan (2) were seen as a security threat (3) charges that Communists had infiltrated (3) refused to serve in the United States the military United States government (4) expressed their support for Italy and (4) increased public support for labor unions Germany 8. To help pay for World War II, the United 11. Which situation is Speaker B describing? States (1) destruction of crops during wartime government relied heavily on the (2) need for importation of food products (1) money borrowed from foreign (3) food rationing to support a war effort governments (4) limitation of agricultural production (2) sale of war bonds through farm subsidies (3) sale of United States manufactured goods to neutral nations 12. The Neutrality Acts passed by Congress (4) printing of additional paper money in the mid-1930s were efforts to (1) avoid mistakes that led the country into World War I (2) create jobs for the unemployed in the 9. The primary goal of the United States military defense industry foreign policy of containment was to (3) support the League of Nations efforts to (1) return to noninvolvement in world affairs stop wars in Africa and Asia (2) stop communist influence from (4) help the democratic nations of Europe spreading against Hitler and Mussolini (3) gain territories in Africa and Latin America 13. The decision of the Supreme Court in (4) overthrow existing dictatorships Korematsu v. United States (1944) upheld the power of the president during wartime to Base your answers to questions 10 and 11 on (1) ban terrorists from entering the country the speakers’ statements below and on your (2) limit a group’s civil liberties knowledge of (3) stop mistreatment of resident legal aliens social studies. (4) deport persons who work for enemy Speaker A: “The current situation has nations necessitated that more women enter the workforce.” 14. Why was the United States called the Speaker B: “My family will have to get “arsenal of democracy” in 1940? along without sugar and flour this week.” (1) The leaders in the democratic nations of Speaker C: “I say we should continue to Europe were educated in the United States. support our president, even if a president has (2) Most of the battles to defend worldwide never been elected to four terms before democracy took place on American soil. now.” (3) The United States supervised elections in Speaker D: “I support the government in European nations before the war. everything it has to do, to be sure we are (4) The United States provided much of the safe from fascism here at home.” weaponry needed to fight the Axis powers.
10. These speakers would have made these 15. Shortly after entering World War II, the statements United States began the Manhattan Project during to (1) World War I (3) the Korean War (1) work on the development of an atomic (2) World War II (4) the Vietnam War bomb (2) increase economic production to meet wartime demands (3) defend New York City against a nuclear attack (4) recruit men for the military services
16. The experiences of African Americans serving in the military forces during World War II influenced their postwar decision to (1) renew support for the principle of separate but equal (2) join the armed forces in record numbers (3) increase efforts to end racial discrimination (4) move back to the rural south
17. The main foreign policy objective of the Marshall Plan (1948–1952) was to 19. The United States carried out the idea (1) stop communist aggression in Korea expressed in this late 1940s cartoon by (2) fight poverty in Latin America (1) forming a military alliance with Russia (3) rebuild the economies of European (2) airlifting supplies to West Berlin nations (3) accepting Russian authority over West (4) provide jobs for unemployed Americans Berlin (4) agreeing to turn over control of Berlin to 18. During the Korean War, President Harry the Truman removed General Douglas United Nations MacArthur from command because MacArthur 20. What was a result of the takeover of (1) called for an immediate end to the war Cuba by (2) refused to serve under the United Fidel Castro? Nations (1) Relations between the Soviet Union and (3) lacked the experience to provide wartime Cuba worsened. leadership (2) Many Cuban Americans returned to their (4) threatened the constitutional principle of homeland. civilian control of the military (3) Trade between the United States and Cuba increased. (4) Many people fled from Cuba to the United States.
“Soviets Create Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe” “Mao Zedong Leads Successful Revolution in China” “North Korean Invasion of South Korea Leads to War” 21. Which development is reflected in these headlines? (1) the post–World War II expansion of communism (2) the beginning of détente between the Soviet Union and the United States (3) the return to an isolationist foreign policy (4) the beginning of pro-democracy movements during the Cold War
22. The change in the nation’s attitude toward membership in the League of Nations and 24. What does this photograph indicate membership in the United Nations shows the about the contrast between United States in the 1950s? (1) neutrality and containment (1) Extraordinary steps were taken to hide (2) appeasement and internationalism atomic weapons. (3) isolationism and involvement (2) The nation had become the only nuclear (4) interventionism and détente superpower. (3) Much fear was created by the Cold War. 23. A controversial issue that resulted from (4) Only government officials would be safe World in a War II was the nuclear attack. (1) future role of the League of Nations (2) morality of nuclear warfare (3) commitment of troops without 25. What was a major outcome of the congressional Korean War approval (1950–1953)? (4) civilian control of the military (1) Korea continued to be a divided nation. (2) North Korea became an ally of the United States. (3) South Korea became a communist nation. (4) Control of Korea was turned over to the United Nations. (1) relieving General MacArthur of his Korean command (2) recognizing the new nation of Israel (3) supporting the trials of war criminals in Germany and Japan (4) providing military aid to Greece and Turkey
29. In the 1930s, Congress attempted to avoid the situations that led to United States involvement in World War I by (1) enacting a peacetime draft law (2) passing a series of neutrality acts (3) authorizing the deportation of American Communist Party members (4) relocating Japanese Americans to internment 26. In the cartoon, most of the “diseases” camps refer to the (1) military dictatorships of the 1930s (2) Allied powers of World War II 30 “The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their (3) nations banned from the United Nations faith in after the purposes and principles of the Charter of World War II the (4) Communist bloc countries in the Cold United Nations and their desire to live in War peace with all peoples and all governments. 27. Which action is most closely associated “They are determined to safeguard the with the freedom, situation shown in the cartoon? common heritage and civilisation of their (1) signing of the Atlantic Charter peoples, founded on the principles of (2) passage of the Neutrality Acts of 1935– democracy, 1937 individual liberty and the rule of law. . . .” (3) first fireside chat of Franklin D. — Preamble to the North Atlantic Treaty, Roosevelt 1949 (4) declaration of war on Japan This statement shows the commitment of the United States to the principle of 28. Which foreign policy decision by (1) colonialism (3) militarism President Harry (2) neutrality (4) collective security Truman is an example of the policy of containment? 31. One reason the Nuremberg trials (2) adopt a policy of containment following (3) join the League of Nations World War II were held was to (4) become the “arsenal of democracy” (1) bring Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo to justice 33. Which factor contributed to the (2) force Japan to pay for the attack on Pearl internment of Harbor Japanese Americans during World War II? (3) make German leaders accountable for (1) labor shortage during the war the (2) influence of racial prejudice Holocaust (3) increase of terrorist activities on the (4) punish the German government for West bombing Coast England (4) fear of loss of jobs to Japanese workers
34. Following World War II, Eleanor Base your answer to question 32 on the Roosevelt was quotation most noted for her below and on your knowledge of social (1) support of racial segregation in the studies. United States military “. . . The people of Europe who are (2) role in creating the United Nations defending Universal themselves do not ask us to do their fighting. Declaration of Human Rights They ask us for the implements of war, the (3) opposition to the Truman Administration planes, the tanks, the guns, the freighters (4) efforts to end the use of land mines which will enable them to fight for their liberty and for our security. Emphatically we must get these weapons to them, get them to them in sufficient volume and quickly enough, so that we and our children will be saved the agony and suffering of war which others have had to endure. . . .” — President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Fireside Chat,” December 29, 1940
32. In this statement, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was asking the nation to (1) support a declaration of war against Nazi 35. What is the main idea of this 1945 Germany cartoon? (1) The world community needs to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. (2) Korea’s development of atomic bombs 38. A main purpose of government-ordered has threatened world peace. (3) The Treaty rationing of Versailles was successful in preventing during World War II was to World War II. (1) increase foreign trade (4) Germany should be criticized for using (2) limit the growth of industry atomic bombs. (3) conserve raw materials for the war effort (4) encourage women to enter the workforce
36. Which heading best completes the 39. “. . . The Director of the War Relocation partial outline below? Authority I.______is authorized and directed to formulate and A. Berlin effectuate [implement] a program for the B. Germany removal, from the areas designated from C. Korea time to D. Vietnam time by the Secretary of War or appropriate military commander under the authority of (1) Areas Divided as the Result of Wars Executive Order No. 9066 of February 19, (2) Major Allies of the United States 1942, (3) Original Signers of the League of of the persons or classes of persons Nations designated Charter under such Executive Order, and for their (4) Neutral Nations During World War II relocation, maintenance, and 50 supervision. . . .” — Executive Order 9102, March 18, “Arms Sales to Warring Nations 1942 Banned” Shortly after this executive order was “Americans Forbidden to Travel on signed, Ships of Warring federal government authorities began to Nations” (1) move Japanese Americans to internment “Loans to Nations at War camps Forbidden” (2) deport German and Italian aliens “War Materials Sold Only on Cash- (3) detain and interrogate Chinese and-Carry Basis” immigrants 37. These headlines from the 1930s reflect (4) arrest the individuals who planned the the efforts attack of the United States to on Pearl Harbor (1) maintain freedom of the seas (2) send military supplies to the League of 40. Which statement most accurately Nations describes the (3) limit the spread of international foreign policy change made by the United communism States (4) avoid participation in European wars between the start of World War II (1939) and the attack on Pearl Harbor (1941)? (1) The traditional isolationism of the United (1) increase exploration for natural resources States was strengthened. (2) limit supplies of weapons to American (2) The nation shifted from neutrality to allies military (3) draft men into the armed forces support for the Allies. (4) ensure that the military had essential (3) War was declared on Germany but not materials on Japan. 43. During World War II, the Manhattan (4) Financial aid was offered to both the Project was Allied the name of the plan to and Axis powers. (1) open a second front in Europe (2) capture Pacific islands held by the Japanese (3) develop the atomic bomb (4) liberate German concentration camps
44. Women played a major role on the domestic front during World War II by (1) becoming candidates for public office (2) campaigning for woman’s suffrage (3) demonstrating against involvement in the war (4) taking jobs in the defense industry
45. The baby boom after World War II led directly to (1) a decrease in spending for public education (2) a return to a rural lifestyle (3) an increased demand for housing (4) a decrease in consumer spending 41. During World War II, posters like this were 46. Which statement about the Marshall used to Plan is most (1) prevent antiwar protests accurate? (2) recruit more women workers (1) It was used to finance rearmament after (3) convince women to enlist in the military World War II. services (2) It was denied to all former World War II (4) gain acceptance for wartime rationing enemies. Programs (3) It was used to rebuild European nations after 42. Consumer rationing was used during World War II. World War II as a way to (4) It was given to all African and Asian (2) placing the blame for World War II on allies many during the Cold War. nations (3) ruling that moral and ethical 47. Which action has come to symbolize the considerations end of do not apply in wartime the Cold War? (4) establishing that high officials and (1) establishing the Peace Corps individuals (2) achieving a truce in the Korean War are responsible for their wartime actions (3) tearing down the Berlin Wall (4) improving United States relations with China 51. President Harry Truman changed the United 48. During World War II, the need of the States military after World War II by United (1) allowing women to serve in combat roles States for more war materials resulted in the (2) establishing an all-volunteer army (1) easing of government controls on the (3) banning racial segregation in the military economy (4) withdrawing all military forces from (2) use of lengthy strikes by labor unions Europe (3) rationing of some consumer goods (4) reduction in profits for defense industries 52. In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt responded to the start of World War II in 49. Europe by A. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. (1) asking Congress to enter the war B. Germany invades Poland. (2) urging continued appeasement of C. MacArthur dictates a democratic aggressor constitution nations to Japan. (3) attempting to negotiate a peaceful D. Allies invade Europe on D-Day. settlement of the hostilities Which sequence of these events related to (4) selling military supplies to the Allied World War II is in the correct chronological nations order? (1) D → B → A → C (3) C → A → B → D 53. Which statement about the United States (2) B → A → D → C (4) A → B → C → D economy during World War II is most accurate? (1) Federal economic controls increased. (2) The manufacturing of automobiles 50. The Nuremberg trials held at the increased. conclusion of (3) Worker productivity declined. World War II added to international law by (4) Prices fell rapidly. (1) settling boundary disputes in Europe through 54. What effect did the end of World War II arbitration have on American women who worked in defense (3) draft men into the armed forces industries during the war? (4) ensure that the military had essential (1) They were invited to join labor unions. materials (2) Their jobs were taken by returning servicemen. 58. During World War II, the Manhattan (3) Their wages were increased to match Project was those of the name of the plan to male workers. (1) open a second front in Europe (4) Their contributions were rewarded by the (2) capture Pacific islands held by the government. Japanese (3) develop the atomic bomb 55. The war crimes trials in Nuremberg and (4) liberate German concentration camps Tokyo following World War II established the 59. Women played a major role on the concept domestic front that during World War II by (1) nations could be made to pay for (1) becoming candidates for public office wartime (2) campaigning for woman’s suffrage damages (3) demonstrating against involvement in the (2) pardons should be granted to all accused war war (4) taking jobs in the defense industry criminals (3) those convicted should be given shorter 60. The baby boom after World War II led sentences than ordinary criminals directly to (4) individuals could be held accountable for (1) a decrease in spending for public their actions in a war education (2) a return to a rural lifestyle 56. Rationing was used in the United States (3) an increased demand for housing during (4) a decrease in consumer spending World War II as a way to (1) ensure adequate supplies of scarce 61. Which statement about the Marshall natural Plan is most resources accurate? (2) increase the number of imports (1) It was used to finance rearmament after (3) raise production of consumer goods World War II. (4) provide markets for American-made (2) It was denied to all former World War II products enemies. (3) It was used to rebuild European nations 57. Consumer rationing was used during after World War II World War II. as a way to (4) It was given to all African and Asian (1) increase exploration for natural resources allies (2) limit supplies of weapons to American during the Cold War. allies 62. Which action has come to symbolize the (3) ruling that moral and ethical end of considerations the Cold War? do not apply in wartime (1) establishing the Peace Corps (4) establishing that high officials and (2) achieving a truce in the Korean War individuals (3) tearing down the Berlin Wall are responsible for their wartime actions (4) improving United States relations with China President Harry Truman changed the United 63. During World War II, the need of the States military after World War II by United (1) allowing women to serve in combat roles States for more war materials resulted in the (2) establishing an all-volunteer army (1) easing of government controls on the (3) banning racial segregation in the military economy (4) withdrawing all military forces from (2) use of lengthy strikes by labor unions Europe (3) rationing of some consumer goods (4) reduction in profits for defense industries
A. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. B. Germany invades Poland. C. MacArthur dictates a democratic constitution to Japan. In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Allies invade Europe on D-Day. responded to the start of World War II in Europe by Which sequence of these events related to (1) asking Congress to enter the war World War II is in the correct chronological (2) urging continued appeasement of order? aggressor (1) D → B → A → C (3) C → A → B → D nations (2) B → A → D → C (4) A → B → C → D (3) attempting to negotiate a peaceful settlement of the hostilities (4) selling military supplies to the Allied The Nuremberg trials held at the conclusion nations of World War II added to international law by Which statement about the United States (1) settling boundary disputes in Europe economy during World War II is most through accurate? arbitration (1) Federal economic controls increased. (2) placing the blame for World War II on (2) The manufacturing of automobiles many increased. nations (3) Worker productivity declined. (4) Prices fell rapidly. What effect did the end of World War II have on American women who worked in defense industries during the war? (1) They were invited to join labor unions. (2) Their jobs were taken by returning servicemen. (3) Their wages were increased to match those of male workers. (4) Their contributions were rewarded by the government.
The war crimes trials in Nuremberg and Tokyo following World War II established the concept that (1) nations could be made to pay for wartime damages (2) pardons should be granted to all accused war criminals (3) those convicted should be given shorter sentences than ordinary criminals (4) individuals could be held accountable for their actions in a war
Rationing was used in the United States during World War II as a way to (1) ensure adequate supplies of scarce natural resources (2) increase the number of imports (3) raise production of consumer goods (4) provide markets for American-made products