St. Mary Dover/St. Robert Bellarmine Parish Council Minutes Of
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Attendees: Father Russell Arnett, Michelle Hermann, Jane Serdynski, Amy Schwanke, Rob Ashmus, Boni Maurice, Hilda Jasperson, Mary Vlasin, Jackie Fonk, Glenn Bordak, Kathy Jaeger
Absentees: Ed Furey, Pete Olszewski, Joe Mealy, Nancy Mueller
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Michelle who then lead us in prayer.
After reviewing the minutes of the 5/17 meeting, Jane motioned and Boni seconded that they be approved as written. The motion passed.
Administrator’s Report: Fr. Russ expressed pride in becoming part of our two churches’ faith community. He gave a summary of his background from once being a married episcopalian minister to now being a married priest. While not too great on details he sees himself as a team leader, creative in solving problems. While transitioning into the new role as administrator of 4 parishes he is taking the 3 goal approach of assimilation, integration and celebration. Assimila- tion will take place as people get to know each other. Integration will first happen between prayer and worship, stewardship and human concerns committees. Celebrations will happen as we celebrate Mass together. To assist Father in the near future Fr. Joseph Dominick from the Fond du Lac area will be helping out with Masses and the sacraments. A priest from India (Fr. Jose) will eventually arrive, settle into our country and become a full time assistant to Fr. Russ. For now one weekday Mass will be said at each parish. This weekend Father and his wife Di- ane will be meeting and greeting parishioners at each of our 3 Masses.
New Business:
Welcoming New Members: Michelle welcomed our newly elected council members: Mary Vlasin (SMD), Jackie Fonk (SRB) and Glenn Bordak(SRB). (Michelle Hermann will fill the one year vacancy left by Mary Villwock.) Each new and current member then gave a brief summary of their backgrounds.
2016-2017 Meeting Calendar: SJB/SFX monthly council and finance committee meetings are currently held the opposite Tuesdays of those at SMD/SRB. Father will check on the feasibility of changing the meeting times of SJB/SFX finance meetings first to see if then the 4 parish council meeting could be held the third Tuesday of each month.
Old Business:
3/5/10 Year Plan: Michelle reported that we are celebrating the Year of Mercy. Father then re- quested that she brings us up to date on the history of the 3/5/10 year program.
Liaison and Committee Reports:
Finance Committees: SRB: Rob reported that a capital campaign to raise $600,060 is now set in place to basically cover the cost of a new roof and parking lot. However, before this cam- paign begins Fr. Russ felt we should first determine what the vision of all our parishioners is for the future. That will determine further action. Finance Committees: SMD: Jane recapped recently completed and current projects of their building and grounds committee. In the cemetery area the grotto is in need of a new roof and building a columbarium is being considered. Fr. Russ offered to make suggestions in both these areas. At a cost of $47,000 security glass will be added to the church’s stained glass win- dows to preserve their beauty and high value. Last weekend the 2 commissioned murals were installed and dedicated. To cover that cost money was taken from the Legacy Fund. A subcom- mittee is investigating building of a parish hall seeing that the school was sold and no longer available for most parish functions.
Stewardship: The new pew envelopes are slowly being used.
SRB Building and Grounds: No report.
Prayer and Worship: No report.
Faith Formation: Father reported that Rebecca Gartner has just resigned. The search for her replacement will begin tomorrow.
Human Concerns: Kathy gave a brief report on the background of Cottage 16 and the need for donations to help the homeless veterans living there, especially for fresh and frozen foods. Fa- ther suggested possibly collecting garden produce as it comes in this summer to help them out. The H. C. committee is taking a summer break this month but will start their annual school sup- ply drive the end of July into August.
All Saints West: No report.
Catholic Central: No report as no meeting held.
Staff Meeting: Father got acquainted with the staff for the first time.
Circle of Catholic Women: No report.
In planning our next meeting, Amy motioned and Jackie seconded that we take July off for a summer break. The motion passed. The next meeting date is tentatively set for August 16, 2016. Boni offered to be our prayer leader.
Jane motioned and Kathy seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Following Michelle’s prayer the meeting ended just before 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Kathy Jaeger