Welcome to Nodland-Sunnyside School

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Welcome to Nodland-Sunnyside School

Student Handbook

4101 Stone Avenue Sioux City, Iowa 51106 712-274-4043

We BELIEVE in Panther Pride!

1- This handbook is prepared to provide information on school policies and procedures for school at Spalding Park Elementary. The handbook is meant to supplement or review sections of the following: 1: Sioux City Community School District Handbook 2: Comprehensive Master Contract 3: Goals of the Sioux City Community School District 4: School Board Policy Book School board Policies can be accessed on the District Wed site: http://www.siouxcityschools.org

This handbook will give further information that directly affects the day-to-day operation of Spalding Park. Please keep this handbook readily available during the school year. I am sure that it will answer many questions for you. Any suggestions or recommendations for the improvement of this handbook will be appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us!

Ms. Mimi Moore Spalding Park Elementary Principal (712)-274-4043 Ms. Cami Barker Spalding Park Elementary Assistant Principal (712)-274-4043

2- Our District Mission Statement The Sioux City Community School District exists to educate students to believe in their talents and skills, achieve academic excellence, and succeed in reaching their potential.

Our Educational Philosophy Preparing Students for Success Our purpose is to effectively utilize community resources to provide students the maximum opportunity for life success. We are committed to the individual development of skill sets that enhance knowledge, optimize potential and build character through personal accountability.

Standards, Expectations and Achievement Our goal is to challenge our students, empower our staff and visibly communicate our progress. Our achievements are the results of high standards, clear expectations and timely benchmarks.

Leading in a Changing World Our vision is to develop citizens who are prepared to succeed in a changing world. We must learn from our history and positively embrace the challenges of the future.

Embracing our Diversity Our commitment is to celebrate our diversity and leverage our cultural, social, and community resources, while embracing changes to enhance student learning.

Parent Involvement and Community Confidence Our responsibility is held within our stakeholders; our students, parents/guardians, educators and community as a whole. We must encourage participation, empower our educators and openly celebrate our teaching opportunities and successes.

3- The Spalding Park Elementary Mission Statement:

At Spalding Park Elementary School our mission is to inspire students to become lifelong learners as they reach their fullest potential in a safe and caring learning environment. (Developed by staff and approved by parents and staff in the fall of 2012)


 By the end of 2016-2017 school year, 80% of our students will be proficient in the area of reading as shown through the summative district assessments.

 By the end of 2016-2017 school year, our average daily attendance rate will be at 96.1% or higher.

4- ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL TIMES: Students: Breakfast students are allowed to enter the building at 8:00 AM. All other students should be instructed not to report to the playground earlier than 8:25 AM to ensure student safety. Students are not to enter the building before that time unless they have permission from their classroom teacher, staff, or principal. In case of inclement weather, students should report to the school hallway to which they are assigned. Each class has a designated area for lining up on the playground after the bell rings at 8:35 AM. It is imperative that all teachers pick up their class on time and at the designated line-up areas on the playground. Students are expected to go directly home after dismissal using their designated sidewalk route and to be respectful of all Adult Crossing Guards. Teachers need to escort their classes to the designated pick up area at the end of each school day . Students must have an opportunity to call home if they are staying after school at the teacher's request. They may also call home if they are voluntarily staying after school and have the teacher's permission to do so. This should be done prior to dismissal time. Students may use the phone for emergencies only. Teachers: All teachers are expected to be in their classrooms or related work area according to the times set by the Master Contract (8:10-3:50). Please let the main office know when you leave the building during contract hours by signing out in the main office and signing back in when you return. This does include running out to your car to get something you need or left behind. The purpose of this expectation is for safety and accountability. If there were a fire/emergency/crisis we need to be able to document and account for all individuals who are assigned to Spalding Park Elementary. It also helps when we get parent phone calls or visits. Phone messages for teachers/staff will be directed to the teacher’s voice mail on the classroom phone. If it is an emergency message, please notify the office and accommodations will be made for you. Cell phone usage is limited to non-instructional time. Cell phones must be turned off and not visible during instructional time. Please contact administration if you need to leave your cell phone on for an emergency situation.

PARENTS: Good Communication is vital to establishing a positive relationship and connection with the school and your child’s teacher. If you need to call the school and English is not the home language, please contact the ESL office at 279-6645 and they will do a 3-way call and translate the conversation between you and the school. Please remember to take advantage of this communication tool.

ASSIGNMENT BOOKS: To promote and encourage communication, students in Grades 4-5 will have an assignment book. Teachers/Parents/Students will use this book to organize/track assignments and as a communication tool between home and school. Assignments to be completed are to be written down in this book. Teachers can communicate to parents in regards to student progress. Parents are encouraged to sign the assignment book each night, and at a minimum once a week. Students are responsible to keep track of their assignment book and reminding parents to sign it each night. Loss of an assignment book may result in a replacement cost of one dollar ($1.00). This fee may be paid in the main office. Students will be expected to use an assignment book on a daily basis at the middle school. ATTENDANCE: Accurate attendance is a must. Each teacher shall record pupil attendance and lunch count on the Infinite Campus student information system between 8:45 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and afternoon attendance by 1:15 p.m. It is important that parents encourage and promote regular attendance and promptness of all students at an early age. Parents will be asked to call school on

5- the day of their child's absence. We will call parents who have not called us. Students who enter the building 1 minute after the bell rings must report to the office to obtain a tardy slip. Students absent for more than the first two hours (10:40 AM) of a half-day are to be counted absent for the half-day. Students leaving after 1:30 PM should be counted as present. All students who arrive late to school must report to the office before going to their classrooms. Students who leave during the day must be signed out by a parent or guardian, in the office and exit the main entry door. Students returning to the building during the school day need to report to the office with a parent or guardian and secure an admit slip that they provide to their classroom teacher upon returning to the classroom. Only a parent/guardian or building principal may release a student and allow him/her to leave the building or school grounds during the school day. Teachers may not release students from school for any reason during the school day. Teachers need to notify the secretary when students have missed 7 days during a 9-week period or 3 consecutive days in a row. If a student has extreme absences for no apparent reason, please notify the main office and administration immediately. Please refer to the District’s Parent Handbook for the Chronic Absenteeism Policy. Attendance Hearings: Students who miss 3 or more days of school will have a Level 1 attendance hearing. A district form titled Level I Attendance Hearing will be filled out as documentation of contacting the parent/guardian (in-person or phone conference) to notify and make parents/guardians aware that the student is now on our watch list for attendance concerns and to find out why the student is missing school. Teachers will notify administration via e-mail the name of the student that has had a Level I attendance hearing. The completed form will need to be turned into the main office and will be filed for future use, if needed. If absences continue (excused or unexcused) 7 days, a Level II hearing will be completed by an administrator/Truant officer through a parent meeting/conference. A form will be filled out for documentation of this meeting titled Level II Attendance Hearing. If absences persist (10 or more days) notify administration/Truant Officer immediately, so that a mediation hearing may be scheduled with the district and a court appointed hearing officer, as well as building administration. This meeting will take place at the Law Enforcement building downtown where an attendance contract will be developed and put into place. If the student continues to be absent (excused or unexcused) after a Level III Attendance Hearing/mediation hearing has taken place, notify administration immediately via e-mail so the district attorney can be notified for possible court hearing and prosecution of parent/guardian. When a student transfers to another school within the system during the school year, each school attended must account for the days a student is present or absent while enrolled at that school. Days missed in transferring from one school to another shall be reported as absences by the receiving school and membership will be counted as the day following the last day attending the previous school. PERFECT ATTENDANCE CELEBRATIONS: Attendance is an important life skill that needs to be learned. It is a key component to a successful future for all students. Parents play an integral role in influencing good attendance and should be recognized and celebrated as a job well done. At the end of each quarter/semester, we will have grade level assemblies to honor those students who have had perfect attendance. At the end of the school year, we will have an attendance celebration breakfast for students who have earned perfect attendance. Teachers will be encouraged to participate in this event as well and will also be recognized for their excellent attendance. This is demonstrating Spalding Park Panther Pride and being a positive role model! ASSIGNMENTS for ABSENT STUDENTS & PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCES: Parents may obtain assignments for students after 2 consecutive days of being absent. The parent may call the office between 7:30-9:00 a.m. on the third day of absence and request assignments. Assignments will be available to parents in the main office at 3:30 p.m.

6- If students who are absent for reasons other than illness or emergencies, the school requests that a written note from the parent/guardian be given to the main office one week in advance of the planned absence (out of town/doctor appointment). This will allow the classroom teacher to plan and prepare work/assignments for the student ahead of time. TRANSFER PROCEDURE: When a child transfers from this system, the teacher must perform the following procedure: 1. Obtain a transfer sheet from the office. Fill it out and return to the secretary. 2. Bring the report card up to date. Record the day’s attendance up to and including the child’s last day. Include all other in formation you would normally write in the cumulative folder at the end of the year. 3. Books will be sent with the child if the transfer is within the Sioux City School District.

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: Back to School Night (early registration) will take place at Spalding Park on Thursday, August 20th, from 4-6 pm. Teachers, volunteer parents, and other staff members will be available to assist families in the registration process. Families will receive their registration packets, drop off school supplies, and meet their teacher(s). Packets for students that do not attend Back to School Night will be given out by the classroom teacher or the office on the first day of school or the first day that the student arrives. Completed registration packet materials should be turned in to the office at the beginning of the school day.

BEVERAGES/FOOD: Snacks and special treats are to be consumed during non-instructional times with teacher permission. Water may be consumed at any time, as needed. BIKE PERMITS: Third through fifth grade students may ride bicycles to school by obtaining signed permission from the parent and principal. Bike permits are available throughout the year in the school office. Teachers need to review the guidelines listed below with students. A GOOD AND SAFE BIKE RIDER WILL … 1. Ride his/her bike on the right side of the road 2. Obey traffic lights and signals 3. Use hand signals to stop and turn 4. Get off and walk across busy streets 5. Leave his/her bike at home when the streets are icy and snow is on the ground 6. Walk his/her bike onto the school grounds and park and padlock it immediately in the bike rack.

SUDENT LOCKERS: Lockers assigned to students are to be kept clean and organized. This is another important responsibility and life skill for students in respecting property. Since lockers are a permanent part of the building, students are expected to keep them in good, working conditions. It is important that students understand that school lockers are owned by and belong to Spalding Park and may be inspected at any time. No one is allowed to go to their locker unless they have permission by the classroom teacher or administration. Students are only allowed to go to their lockers before and after school and as needed during recess. Locker assignments will be made and documented by the classroom teacher. HALL PASSES: No student is allowed out of class without a pass. Teachers will have passes for students to use when going to the restroom, the locker, library, and office.

ENTERING, EXITING AND HALLWAYS of the BUILDING: It is the responsibility of each Spalding Park Elementary teacher to meet their class/student(s) wherever they enter/exit the building and escort them to and from their 7- classroom. It is imperative that all teachers meet and greet your students on time throughout the day, every day. Teachers need to be on time when getting your students, on the playground in the morning, at the end of each recess, and to escort them to the designated exit door at the end of the school day. This will ensure student safety, maximize learning time, and a quick and quiet transition during the AM arrival; morning, noon and afternoon recess times; phys. ed. etc. and PM dismissal times. Students should be dismissed at the end of the day only after the dismissal bell rings. All teachers are expected to communicate, TEACH and PRACTICE the building and classroom expectations (early and often) throughout the first 2 weeks of school and reviewed as needed throughout the school year. Only students having breakfast are allowed to enter the building at 8:00am and all other students should arrive between 8:25-8:35am. Important to remember: There is no adult supervision provided by the school until 8:25am for students who arrive early. Students will need to report to the appropriate designated area/playground in the morning. Each class will have a designated area to line up and enter the building. If there is inclement weather (snow/rain/etc.) students will stay in the commons/lunch area until school begins. Beyond the Bell program is provided before and after school for students who need supervision before 8:25am in the morning and after 3:35pm until 6:00pm. Please contact the school if you are interested in signing your child(ren) up for this program.

Entering:  Arrival time is between 8:25-8:35am  Walk around school building to the playground  Stop playing when hear the bell ring  Walk to your line at your designated area  Stand in line/hands at your side/face forward (Use Line Basics)  Enter building without talking/voices are silent Exiting:  Exit right-hand door  Walk using the sidewalks on designated route to head home Hallways:  Walk quietly in a straight lines in the hallway (Use Line Basics)  Voices are silent!  Hands at your side at all times  Face forward IN/OUT Temperature Determination: It has been determined by the school district that if the temperature is below 15 degrees (including wind chill) students are NOT to go outside for recess or any other outdoor activity. Students will be allowed to enter the building and remain seated in the commons/lunch area beginning at 8:00am for breakfast-teachers will pick students from the commons/lunch area at 8:30am.

EARLY DISMISSAL (WEATHER RELATED): For early dismissals due to weather, please check the Sioux City Community School’s website and/or local media stations. A Blackboard call will also go out to all parents/guardians from the district when appropriate. Every Monday will be a 1 hour early out for teacher professional development. School will dismiss every Monday at 2:30pm.

SPALDING PARK is a PBIS School! Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS): All students are to be treated with dignity and respect. It is important to motivate and teach our students responsibility through positive interactions and being a positive role model. Spalding Park endorses and utilizes PBIS as a school-wide, proactive, discipline and classroom management system. It is researched based and focuses on the recognition of positive behaviors and catching not only students, but our faculty/staff doing the right thing

8- and making good choices. Please refer to the PBIS expectation matrix in Appendix A of this handbook. LUNCHROOM Expectations: All teachers are requested to teach, practice, and review these expectations with students and reteach to individual students when needed. The first person in the lunch line must tell the Office Building Assistant their room number. Each child will need to state their first and last name to the Building Assistant. Students will begin using an ID card this school year that will be scanned for lunch.

 Use quiet voices at all times in the lunch room  Be Respectful at all times and use your manner words (please, thank you, sorry)  Listen to adult direction  Follow directions the first time they are given  Walk to your table  Quiet voices when sitting at the tables  Eat only your own food (There will be no sharing of food.)  Clean up/Pick up after yourself and keep the lunch tables/ floor area clean  If indoor recess, walk to back to the classroom – no talking (Use Line Basics)

Parents may arrange to have lunch with their child using the “Guest Table” designated and located in the commons/lunchroom area. Your child is expected to eat and visit with you during this time and is not to be playing or using electronic equipment/cell phones. Other students/friends in your child’s classroom/grade will not be allowed to join you and your child at the “Guest Table.”

Student ID Badge: Loss of or damage to the student ID badge may result in a replacement cost of two dollars ($2.00). This fee may be paid in the main office. Students eating hot lunch will be expected to use student ID badges on a daily basis at lunch. PLAYGROUND: Students are expected to follow the playground expectations that are posted on the wall of the school building on the main playground. Please refer to the PBIS matrix (appendix A) for student behavior expectations on the playground. DETENTION OF PUPILS: Detention of pupils must be with the knowledge and consent of parents. Students must be given an opportunity to call parents or babysitters if they are staying after school. If students need to remain inside during recess or lunch periods, they must be supervised at all times and not left unattended. Students should not be seated in hallways for detention purposes.

DISCIPLINE: Please refer to the District Board Discipline Policy 502. The Spalding Park rules and expected behaviors will be communicated to students, parents and staff at the beginning and throughout the entire school year. Promoting honesty, responsibility and respect for self and others will be emphasized. Teachers will also review the grade level curriculum and teach, practice, and review as needed classroom expectations with students. Teachers will provide information for grade level curriculum and classroom expectations in their classroom letter, which is to be sent out in the registration packets. Discipline is for change of student behavior, not to punishment nor to be punitive. School-wide expectations will be taught, practiced at the very beginning of the school year and retaught throughout the school year as needed. Review the student Code, K-12 Discipline Expectations and

9- Enforcement Guidelines, as well as the PBIS behavior expectation matrix included as Appendix A in the student handbook for Spalding Park Elementary. Referring a student to the main office and to administration should only be done as a last resort. Physically dangerous or illegal behaviors as well as chronic/severe, non-compliant behaviors and bullying should be referred to administration immediately. Parent contact will be made as needed via phone, email, or note home. Bullying/Harassment will not be tolerated and needs to be addressed immediately by the teacher/administrator and documented. If this behavior continues, administration needs to be notified immediately in order to promptly follow the guidelines and procedures set by the Sioux City Community Schools to begin an investigation for bullying/harassment.

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Corporal punishment is prohibited by Iowa Code: 280.21 Section 1. There is no excuse to touch a child in anger. An employee may use “reasonable” force for the protection of that employee, or another student, or to obtain possession of a weapon or dangerous object, or for the protection of property. (Section 7004.)

EQUITY STATEMENT: It is the policy of the Sioux City Community School District to not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or marital status or veteran status in its educational programs, activities and employment practices. Inquiries or grievances regarding compliance with Title II, Title IV, Title VII, Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act may be directed to the director of educational equity, Jennifer Gomez, Educational Equity Office, Education Service Center, Sioux City Community Schools, 627 4th Street, Sioux City, IA 51101 (712) 279-6075.

NON-DISCRIMINATION STUDENTS: Refer to the District Employee Handbook CONFIDENTIALITY: Issues involving confidentiality are vast and numerous. Student confidentiality is mandatory. The Sioux City Community School District reviews on a yearly basis and follows the guidelines under the FERPA laws.

CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT: Schools have a legal and moral right to report all suspected cases of child abuse. A person who has reason to believe that a child has been abused must report such information to the department of Human Services who in turn will notify the parents of such concerns. (1-800-362-2178) If a representative of the DHS arrives at school, we must allow an interview to take place between the agent and the child. The teacher or the principal can be present during the interview. Parents do not need to be notified prior to the interview. If the principal is not in the building and a police officer requests to have an interview with a child without the presence of the parents, this can be denied unless he/she has a warrant or is in hot pursuit. Parents or guardians must be notified prior to the conference. A request can be made that the interview takes place after school hours. Sioux City Community School Abuse Investigators: Level I: Jennifer Gomez Any person who has knowledge of an incident of abuse of a student committed by a school employee may file a report with the designated investigator. Forms are available in the main office and may be mailed to: Sioux City Community Schools Director of Equity 627 4th Street Sioux City, IA 51101


10- Sioux City Community School District teachers are required to complete child abuse training every five years. TECHNOLOGY/INTERNET USAGE: Students will be educated by the classroom teacher at the very beginning of the school year, on the appropriate etiquette and proper use of technology and the internet/social media. IMPORTANT: Students are NOT to bring cell phones/electronic equipment from home to school. If a student is seen using a cell phone/electronic equipment during school hours, the teacher/administrator will take the cell phone/electronic equipment to the main office to be locked up until a parent/guardian can be contacted to pick it up. END-OF-DAY ROOM CHECKS: Students will be encouraged to pick up and clean up their classroom of paper, etc. from the floor before they leave. This will encourage students to take ownership and pride in their classroom and school. Computers will be shut down by clicking on “restart” and getting to the “log on” screen, then turning the monitor.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: A fire drill must be completed each month school is in session and a tornado drill must be completed twice each semester. An evacuation drill should be completed once a year and an intruder drill should be completed at least once a semester. Important Note: A fire drill will be completed within the first 10 days of school. Procedures for Emergency drills are posted by each classroom door. All personnel are to evacuate the building during fire drills, bomb threats, and evacuation rehearsals. NO EXCEPTIONS! Teachers are to take the Emergency bag with an updated student list and attendance forms. Teachers are responsible for making sure all students are accounted for. Attendance must be taken during each drill and a designated runner must report those students who are missing. Student must be monitored and supervised with fidelity. Tornado Drill Signal: Announcement will come over the intercom All Clear Signal: A ring of the bell or intercom announcement Fire Drill Signal: A continuous activation of the fire alarm All Clear Signal: A ring of the bell or intercom announcement

Refer to the Spalding Park Building Emergency Plan for additional information. INTERCOM ANNOUNCEMENTS: Each morning at 8:45 am a student from the 5th grade will be selected to introduce themselves over the intercom and ask that all students stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. At this time, all students will be ask to stand and face the classroom flag and recite the pledge to give honor to our country. Students will remain standing to recite the SPOT pledge in unison. SPOT PLEDGE I will show respect for myself and others. I will choose a positive attitude. I will take ownership for my actions. I will always try my best. After finishing the SPOT pledge, students may be seated for the remainder of the morning announcements which will include: school lunch menu, birthdays, and special events/activities.

FIELD TRIPS: The teacher is responsible for getting field trip participation slips signed at the beginning of the school year. Those students who do not have signed slips or documented verbal permission from a parent or guardian will not be allowed to participate. These slips should be filed and kept in the

11- teacher's room during the school year. New students will need to be provided with this form upon enrollment to Spalding Park. The classroom teacher must complete the Field Trip Planner Form and the School Nurse Event memo prior to any Field Trip. These forms are available in the office. Specific information on the trip/event will need to be sent to parents prior to the event via letter and/or school newsletter (at least one-week notice). Parents must be notified in writing of an upcoming field trip and an address/phone number to contact must be included for emergency purposes. Each grade level is designated a minimum of one field trip per year, except grade five, which has two. There will be exceptions based on special events that occur and are planned throughout the school year (i.e., special programs in the area of Fine Arts). TRANSPORTATION: Students are provided transportation by the school district and the Sioux City Transit System. Students who live 2 or more miles from school and are within the boundaries to attend Spalding Park will be provided free transportation by the Sioux City Community School District. All buses will load and unload in front of the school building. GUM, CANDY AND TOYS: See Board Policy: Nutrition and Physical Activity Wellness in the school. Code Number: 504.1 HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT PARENT NOTIFICATION: The Sioux City Community School District provides instruction in human growth and development for all students in kindergarten through high school. Health education in the elementary school includes such topics as: self-esteem, stress management, responsible decision making, personal responsibility and goal setting, interpersonal relationships, personal hygiene, systems of the body, substance abuse and prevention and characteristics of communicable diseases. The human growth and development topics are taught in health classes as well as infused into many subject areas. Parents are welcome to contact the school principal and classroom teacher to arrange a meeting to examine the instructional materials so they have the opportunity to become familiar with the curriculum. Parents may have their children excused from the Human Growth and Development classes by completing the Human Growth and Development Non-Participation form which is available through the principal. Elementary school teachers will teach the following curriculum areas listed below during the school year. HDA (Body Science) Grade 5 2nd Step Grades K – 5 beSomebody (anti-bullying/self esteem building) Grades 4 -5

INSTRUCTIONAL TIME: Time on-task, active student engagement, and quality feedback have been identified as key elements of an effective instruction. Please maximize students’ time on task by planning activities that are purposeful and meaningful to your students. In order to ensure the most powerful, authentic learning experiences for students, teachers will limit the use of worksheets, and incorporate cooperative learning groups and hands-on activities into the lesson plans. Parties and other non-academic activities need to be kept to a minimum. Full-length films are not permitted. Video clips can be used to make a connection to the curriculum/learning target for the day: .  To enrich a lesson or unit  To introduce a lesson or unit  To vary an approach to presenting an idea or concept  Preview material prior to lesson.  Introduce the material and conduct follow-up activities.  Stop the presentation at various times for discussion or questions. GRADES:

12- Sioux City Community School District uses Standards-based Grading at the elementary level of education. Formative and summative assessment scores are recorded and kept up-to-date on the Infinite Campus student information system. Parents will have access to Infinite Campus to check student assignments and assessments. Parents are to be informed of deficiencies and concerns immediately. Teachers are expected to correct and return assignments with feedback in a timely manner (preferably in a 24 hours period of time and no more than 5 days). Providing immediate feedback to students is one of the most effective strategies to improve student learning. Standards-based report cards will be sent home after the end of each quarter or by the due date set by administration.

LIBRARY: The library is to be regularly used by all students. Students are to follow PBIS expectations in the Library. Books may be checked out using the student’s ID card/number. Late fees are assessed when a book is not returned on time or lost. ASSEMBLIES: School assemblies will be in the main commons/lunch area or the gymnasium and possibly the media center/library if meeting with individual grades or groups. Please report promptly to all assemblies at the scheduled time. All teachers and instructional assistants need to accompany and supervise their classroom, unless it is your scheduled planning time in which case specials teachers will need to be prearranged to supervise your classroom. Students are to be on their best behavior during the entire assembly. Assembly behavior/expectations will be taught, practiced, and retaught as needed.  Be on time  Enter the assembly in a line and mouths quiet (Line Basics).  Listen and sit quietly-give all your attention to the speaker/activity  Keep hands to self  Be respectful at all times  Remain sitting quietly until your classroom/grade level is given permission to be dismissed  Leave the assembly quietly in line formation

GUESTS/VISITORS: All parent/guardians/visitors must report to the school office, sign in, and wear a visitor’s badge while they are in the building. If you notice a visitor/parent who enters the building without checking into the main office and does not have a guest badge, please contact the main office immediately and administration will come and redirect the individual to the main office to explain our safety procedures and protocol for guests/visitors entering our school building. NO ONE is to be in the school building or grounds without checking into the main office and wearing a visitor’s badge. Students are NOT allowed to bring friends or relatives to attend any portion of the school day.

FACULTY & STAFF BADGES: All faculty and staff must wear their district badges at all times during the school day and while in the school building and on school grounds. No exceptions, school safety is a priority at Spalding Park Elementary.

LOST AND FOUND: The lost and found is located on the main floor in a storage area/room 126. Students should check with the main office to recover lost items or to turn in articles that are found. The following guidelines should be stressed: 1. Each child is to be responsible for his/her personal property. 2. All personal articles are to be labeled. 3. All electronics, any personal valuables, and money (no more than $1) are to be left at home and not brought to school.

13- The school is not responsible for items brought to school from home and are lost, broken, or stolen.

MEDICAL ATTENTION: Minor medical issues aches/pain should be dealt with by the classroom teacher or assistant. Discourage students from relying on having to see the nurse unless it is for a truly legitimate reason. The main office, school nurse, and trained special education teachers/assistants must administer ALL prescription medication. The main office will notify the homeroom teacher concerning the status of a child needing medication. If a student is taking medication that he/she must have during the day, the medicine must be turned into the school nurse or main office and be dispensed from the office. Non-prescription medication, such as cough drops, can be taken by the student in the main office provided we have received a statement signed by a parent/guardian that authorizes a child to take such medication. The non-prescription medication and note from parent/guardian must be brought to the main office. Immunization records: All students must have a copy of current immunization records on file at school. The school nurse is responsible for these and other medical records of the students. Please contact the nurse for any medical problems or concerns that may arise by contacting the main office. If there is a medical emergency, the main office will be notified immediately to make an all- call for the Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) members to report to the emergency situation/incident. Serious or sudden illness, and accidents should be reported to the office or school nurse immediately. An accident form needs to be filled out immediately for any student who receives an injury. When a student is determined by the nurse, principal, or secretary to be too ill to remain in school, the teacher will be notified by the nurse, principal, or main office staff that a parent/guardian will be contacted and the student will be sent home.

NEWSLETTERS (Classroom/Grade Level): Each classroom/grade level will send home a monthly newsletter to update parents on various activities and lessons that will be taking place for the month. A school-wide newsletter will also be sent home on the last Thursday of each month during the school year. You may also find our newsletters and additional information on the district’s Spalding Park website.

PARENTAL CUSTODY: If a child has a non-custodial parent, please be aware that the non-custodial parent has all parental rights except custody and the right to consent. Custodial parents must have a court order to prohibit any parental rights. They will be instructed to produce documentation for legal barriers. This documentation may be found in the student’s permanent file. If you are unsure about what is permissible, contact the administration/main office. Reasonable requests for information about school activities from the non-custodial parent will be granted unless otherwise prohibited by court order.

14- PERMANENT RECORDS: Student Records: In order to facilitate the educational process of the student, records on each student are kept in the building in which the student is currently attending. The custodian of the records is the building principal. Questions regarding student records should be directed to the principal's office. The records contain information about the student and the student's education and may include but are not limited to the following types of records: identification background data, aptitude tests, educational and vocational plans, honors and activities, discipline data, objective counselor or teacher ratings and observations and external agency reports. The following persons, agencies, and organizations may have restricted access to student records without prior written consent of the parent or student over the age of 18 years. Any other access to student records shall be only upon written consent or upon court order or legally issued subpoena. 1: School officials, teachers and AEA personnel with a legitimate educational interest. 2: Officials of other schools in which the student proposes to enroll. 3: Representatives of state and local government when auditing and evaluating Federal education programs. 4: Officials connected with a student's educational financial aid application. 5: Governmental officials to whom information is to be reported under state law adopted prior to Nov. 19, 1974. 6: Organizations that process and evaluate standardized tests. 7: Accrediting organizations for accreditation purposes. 8: Parents and legal guardians of dependent children, regardless of child's age. 9: Appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency. Information from students' educational records, designated as directory information by the school district, may be released without the consent of the parents. Parents will have the opportunity to deny the release of directory information without their consent in a notice stating their rights under federal law. This notice will be distributed annually. Directory information includes, but is not limited to: the student's name and address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participating in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student and other similar information. Student records are received and inappropriate material removed periodically and, at a minimum, whenever a student moves from the elementary level and from middle school to the high school level and when a student transfers out of the district. Those records not of permanent importance are destroyed within three years of graduation or discontinued attendance. Parents of students under the age of 18 and students over the age of 18 may exercise the opportunity to review educational records of the student, to obtain copies of the records, to write a response to material in the record, to challenge the content of the record on grounds of inappropriateness, inaccuracy, or an invasion of privacy and to have the records explained.

DIRECTORY INFORMATION: If there are changes related to your name, home address, zip code, telephone number please notify and update the main office as soon as possible. PUPIL INSURANCE: Please refer to the district handbook. STUDENT FEES: The Sioux City Community School District has assessed a book use/instructional materials fee for all students. Each elementary student enrolled shall pay the district determined fee. An Elementary School Student Fees envelope will be provided for each student. REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES: Administration will review and proof all student report cards and progress reports before being printed and sent home. Refer to the District schedule.

15- SAFETY CONCERNS: If you are aware of a condition that poses a safety hazard, please contact the main office to document your concerns and speak to a school administrator. PBIS/Response to Intervention Teams (RTI Level 1 & 2): There will be two levels of intervention teams for students who are identified at-risk (academic, behavior, emotional/social). RTI/Level 1 team will be made up of teachers, administration, and non-certified staff to begin the process of problem-solving and providing resources and data collection to make informed decisions to best meet the student’s individual needs. RTI/Level 2 team will be made up of teachers, administration, certified staff (nurse/AEA/etc), and individuals within the community to provide more intensive services and supports to individual students who are not making progress based on level 1 interventions and data collection. This could include but not limited to: more in- depth evaluation, counseling/therapy, special education, in-home services and support.

CICO: Dear Parent/Guardian:

During the school year, your child may be recommended for the check-in/check-out program at Spalding Park Elementary School. The check-in/check-out program is a positive intervention that allows students to start their day by checking in with an adult to promote positive behavior throughout the day. Students will also spend a few minutes at the end of each day with an adult reviewing their progress. Progress sheets may be sent home for you to review.

If you do NOT want your child to be a part of this program, please sign below and return this paper back to the school with your child. If you have any questions about the check-in/check- out program, please feel free to contact Mrs. Barker, Spalding Park principal, at (712) 274-4043.

I do NOT wish to have my child,______, participate in check-in/check- out.

X______Date: ______

SECTION 504: A 504 that has been established for a student is a legal, binding document that includes a written doctor’s diagnosis that is kept in the student’s permanent file. Accommodations must be in place and followed at all times. SPECIAL EDUCATION AND PROCEDURES: Each student between the ages of birth and twenty-one is guaranteed a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). With the "appropriate least restrictive environment" (LRE) as a goal for the special educator, cooperation and coordination with other educators becomes of paramount importance. A comprehensive plan, therefore, must be prerequisite to smooth delivery and efficient coordination of special education services. We will follow the due process procedures for the delivery of special education programs and services within NWAEA. Procedures are presented in four general areas: 16- 1: Problem-solving 2: Pre-evaluation Activities/Data collection 3: Pupil Identification 4: Evaluation and Placement 5: Review of Pupil Progress Teachers of students who have an existing IEP need to review the IEP so that they are aware of students needs, accommodations, and goal areas. This would include special needs students who are integrated into classrooms for selected activities. Progress in the goal area is reported every two weeks and documented on the IEP. Make sure that music, art, and PE teachers know information regarding any accommodations to be made for special education students in your room. Teachers will be asked to attend IEP meetings if they involve students that are in, or are integrated, into their classroom. The building assistant or another adult on staff will cover classrooms so that teachers can attend. Special Education Strategist: Mrs. Tiffany Jund is the AEA Special Education Strategist for Spalding Park. Special Education Coach: Ms. Melissa Mosier is the District Special Education Coach.

Please refer to the Sioux City Community School District’s website for information regarding:  DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE  SEXUAL HARASSMENT  TOBACCO-FREE SCHOOLS  VANDALISM REPORT  WEAPONS or FIREARMS

PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO): The Spalding Park has a very active and involved PTO group. They are scheduled to meet on a monthly basis, the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the media center with childcare being provided. The meetings are designed to keep parents informed on what is happening at Spalding Park, as well as seek input in regards to ways we can improve our school and parent involvement to better meet the needs of our students and their families. The PTO raises money and supports Spalding Park in a variety of ways through family, school, and social activities throughout the school year. Teachers and parents are encouraged to participate and attend these meetings when they can. BLACKBOARD CONNECTION: This is a communication tool that will be used to notify parents/guardians of important events and reminders of upcoming activities within Spalding Park and/or the school district. Weather-related messages for early dismissal and/or late starts, PTO activities and emergency updates will be sent via phone calls home to keep parents/guardians informed in multiple languages. Bulletin Boards & Display Cases: Bulletin Boards and sections of the display case will be assigned to various grade levels including art, music, special education, main office/administration, and PTO. They will be used to display student work, advertise upcoming events or activities, etc. and will be updated on a regular basis.

IMPORTANT: Please sign and return to your child’s classroom teacher the first week of school.

I have read and understand the information in the Spalding Park Elementary Student Handbook.

Name ______

17- Date ______

Please detach this part and return to the main office. Thank you!


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