Curriculum Vitae s270
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Name : Assoc Professor Dr Jamari Bin Sapuan
Date and Place of Birth : 27th October 1971, Kuantan Pahang
Sex : Male
Citizenship : Malaysia
Marital Status : Married with 5 childrens
Mailing address : No 313 A, Jalan Puncak Saujana 3/2,Taman Puncak Saujana, Seksyen 3, 43000 Kajang Selangor.
Phone (office) : 03-91455555 Ext 6011
Phone (mobile) : 0193758028
Current Occupation : Medical lecturer / Hand and Microsurgeon / Orthopaedic Surgeon
Deputy head ,Department Of Orthopaedic and Traumatology UKM Medical centre.
School : Teruntum Primary School - 1978 - 1983 Kuantan, Pahang MALAYSIA.
Sultan Hj Ahmad Shah Secondary School - 1984 - 1988 Kuantan, Pahang MALAYSIA.
National University Of Malaysia (UKM) - 1989 - 1991 Matriculation Centre Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan MALAYSIA.
University : Medical Faculty - 1991 - 1996 National University Of Malaysia (UKM) - 1999 - 2003 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
MD National University of Malaysia ( UKM ) - 1996 MS ( Orthopaedic ) National University Of Malaysia ( UKM ) - 2003 Work experience:
House Officer : Kuala Lumpur General Hospital - May 96 - May 97 (Completed Orthopaedic, Medical and Obst & Gynae Posting)
Medical Officer : Department of Paediatric K. Lumpur - Jun 97 - July 97 General Hospital
Medical Officer : Department of Orthopaedic -July 97 - May 99 & Traumatology Kuala Lumpur General Hospital
Medical Officer : Department of Orthopaedic -Jun 99 - May 03 & Traumatology National University of Malaysia( UKM ) Hospital
Clinical specialist : Department Of Orthopaedic -Jun 03 - Dis 03 & Traumatology, Kuantan General Hospital, Pahang Malaysia.
Medical lecturer : Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -Jan 04- now Medical Centre .(UKMMC)
Clinical Fellow : Department of Hand &Reconstructive Microsurgery -Sept 08- August 09 National University Hospital Singapore. B. REQUIRED INFORMATION
1988- SPM (Malaysian Certificate of Education), Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Secondary School Kuantan Pahang.
1991- University Kebangsaan Malaysia Matriculation Centre,Kuala Pilah N. Sembilan
1996 –Medical Doctor(MD) Univ Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM)
2003-Masters In Surgery Orthopaedic Univ Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM)
2009- Fellowship in Hand Reconstructive Microsurgery, National University Hospital Singapore.
Assessment Course Stage 3 Jun 2004 MINT Hotel = Level IV Team Building Course Jun 2007 Janda Baik, Pahang Kursus PTK 5 Dec 2007 UKM Bangi = Aras IV
National Service Course March 2008 Ulu Sepri National Service Camp N. Sembilan
Department Retreat Oct 2009 Pangkor Island Perak
Department Retreat Oct 2010 Cameron Highland Pahang CLINICAL COURSES ATTENDED
No Course name/venue/date Topic presented Role 3rd Basic Science Course In Biomaterials in Orthopaedic Speaker 1. Orthopaedic-Feb 2004
Problem based learning 2. Motorvehicle accident workshop-March 2004 Speaker
TH 3. 10 National Orthopaedic Peripheral nerve injury Post GraduateIntensive Speaker Course-March 2004
4. PBL package designer workshop-Dec 2005 Deformities of the upper limb Speaker
5. Orthopaedic Foundation Speaker Course - July 2006
2nd National Symposium On 6. The Treatment Of Hand And Upper Limb Injuries Assesment of the injured hand Speaker August 2007 .
14TH National Orthopaedic 7. Post GraduateIntensive Distal end Radius fracture Speaker Course-April 2008
Basic Science Course in Speaker 8. Orthopaedic - October 2009 Tendon:Basic science UKMMC 9. POP Course PPUKM Scaphoid and Bennet’s cast Speaker December 2009
Annual MSSH AGM and 10. Scientific Meeting -January Common swelling of the hand Speaker 2010 (Sunway Convention Centre)
National Symposium Of 11. Management Local flap of the hand Speaker In Hand & Upper Limb Injuries - August 2010 (HTAA Kuantan Pahang)
Basic Science Course in 12. Orthopaedic - Oct 2010 Tendons:Physiology and Speaker PPUKM biomechanics
17TH National Orthopaedic 13. Post Graduate Intensive Common soft tissue swelling of Speaker Course PPUKM - the hand March 2011
14. Penang 6th survival course in Masters Orthopaedic How to score in OSCE Speaker (Hosp P.Pinang).March 2011
15. Hand,Elbow &Wrist complex seminar. Apply anatomy of the hand,wrist Speaker Royale Bintang Hotel. and elbow Seremban N. Sembilan
Basic Microsurgery 1. Participant Workshop-Sept 04(UMMC) Good Clinical Practice Workshop -Dec 2004 2. HRM Basic Course In Participant Microsurgery -April 2005 (NUH Singapore) 3. Participant New Curriculum-Personal &Professional - Development (PPD) Strand 4. workshop. May 2005 Participant
1st Malaysian - Indonesian Medical Science Conference July 2005 5. Committee Reflective Writing Portfolio member Workshop-Nov 2005
Hospital Information Course Examiner 6. Jun 2006
Participant 7. Clinical Strand workshop Jun 2006
Seminar On Brachial Plexus Facilitator 8. Injury -July 2006 (SGH Singapore)
9. Participant 16th Comprehensive Hand Review Course - March 2007 (Tan Tock Seng Hospital) Singapore
Endoscopic Wrist and Flap Participant 10. Dissection Course - Aug 2007 (UPM)
18th Comprehensive Hand 11. Participant Review Course-January 09 (NUH)Singapore
HRM Basic Course In 12. Participant Microsurgery.NUHS Spore
February 2009
Participant 13. Wrist Arthroscopy course(TTSH Singapore) November 2009
14. Participant Basic Microsurgery Course Univ Malaya Medical Centre - July 2010 Facilitator 15.
PPD Camp 2 2011/2012 session. BTN Camp Ulu Sepri N .Sembilan 16. Facilitator 13-15th June 2011
3. MEMBERSHIP WITH PROFESSIONAL BODIES 1. Malaysian Society for Surgery of the Hand Hon Auditor 2008 Member 2005 - now
2. Malaysian Orthopaedic Association Member 2003 - now
Silver medal award:Combination 2005 Research and Innovation Expo UKM Orthosis And Prosthesis For 2005 Partial Foot ( COPF )
Salary increment award 2007 UKM
Certificate of appreciation in 2009 UKM Medical Centre academic and research programmed
Certificate of appreciation in Assessment and Teaching 2010 UKM Medical Centre System(SPPK) 2nd semester 2009/10
Excellent Performance Award 2010 UKM
Best lecturer award 2011 UKM
Speech Writing Bahasa Melayu 10 10 English 10 10 6. TEACHING WORKLOAD
Year Undergraduate Modul Posting Frequency Activities
2004- Year 4 medical FFFD4PST Orthopaedic 4 groups/year Ward now student 60-80 round/Bedside students teaching/clinic Operation room
2006- Quality Assurance 12 students in 1 group/year Quality 2007 Posting a group Assurance Research programme Ward 2005- Medical students FFD5PST 200 students 1 group every 8 round/Bedside now year 5 weeks teaching/clinic Operation room
2007- Madical student Problem base 10-12 1 group every Problem Base 2009 year 1 learning students semester Learning session at KL campus.
2007- Madical student Respiratory 10-12 1 group every Bedside teaching 2009 year 1 (Clinical system students semester strand)
2007- Madical student Abdominal 10-12 1 group every Bedside teaching 2009 year 1 (clinical system students semester strand) Students from 2008- unscheduled Orthopaedic 8 students One group every Bedside teaching now Universities year 2009 Occupational NNNP2024 40 students One group every 3 hours lecture Therapist Students year
2009 Paramedic students Basic Trauma 40 students One group every lectures year
2010 Medical students Special study 5 students One group every Short term Modul(SSM) year research 2004- Post graduate Ward round now students(Masters) Orthopaedic 35 pelajar 10hours/week Bedside in Orthopaedic) teaching/clinic (Year I –IV) Operation room, Pathology and Radiology Conference
2004- Post graduate now students(Masters) Orthopaedic 10-15 2 exams/year Part 2 exam in Orthopaedic students (Year IV) 2004- Post graduate now students(Masters) Orthopaedic 10-15 2 exams/year Mock exam in Orthopaedic students (Year IV) 7. SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES
i) Supervision (Non-Clinical)
Year Research Topic Course code/Student Progress name
2010 Tendon repair mechanism:Comparison Project code: UKM-FF- Data Collection of Adipose-derived stem cells and 03-FRGS0033-2010 Muscle derived stem cells Hong Xiao Yun(P57659)
(ii) Supervision (Clinical)
Year Research Topic Course code/student Name Progress
2004 Efficacy of metarcarpal block in Master in Orthopaedic Completed hand injuries. surgery. Dr Manamohan A/L Chandrarajan
2004 An insight into industrial Master in Orthopaedic Published accidents involving the hand surgery. Dr Johar Jaafar
2005 Diabetic Hand infection Master in Orthopaedic Completed surgery. Dr Vasanthie A/P Balakrishnan Master in Orthopaedic 2006 MRSA related implant infection surgery. Completed Dr Gurmeet Singh A/L Sewa Singh 2007 Splinting versus bulky dressing Master in Orthopaedic In the process of after limited open CTR surgery. publication Dr Ariffaizad B Abdullah 2008 Long term functional outcome Master in Orthopaedic after upper extremities surgery. Completed replantation or revascularization Dr Azammuddin B Alias surgery;A retrospective study in hand and microsurgery unit PPUKM 2009 Comparison between steroid Master in Orthopaedic Accepted for injection and physiotherapy for surgery. publication trigger finger Dr Norshaidi Salim
2010- Prevalence and severity of carpal Special Study Module(SSM) Manuscript 2011 tunnel syndrome in third 1. Muhammad Faiz writing trimester pregnancy Noorman 2. Yam Kai Feng 3. Zatel Iman bt Rozali 4. Wan Nurhalaimatun bt wan Abd Razab 5. Prisca Kim De Cruz
2011 Detecting Anatomical Master in Orthopaedic Awaiting ethical Difference Between Patient with surgery. committee De Quervain Tenosynovitis and Dr Khairul Nizam Rozali approval Normal Individual Using High Definition Ultrasound. 2011 Outcome of treatment in Erb’s Master in Orthopaedic In the process of Palsy surgery. publication Dr Sazali b Salleh
Year Course code Posting 2004-now FFFD4PST Orthopaedic 2006-2007 Quality Assurance Posting 2007-now FFFF2712 PPD strand 2007-2008 FFFM1012 Patient education and councelling 2010-2011 FF4812/FF4822/FF5816 SSM Module 9. PUBLICATIONS
1 S Jamari, AG Paul, A Shalimar. Glomus tumour in the Second Toe: A Clinical Insight. Journal of Foot & Ankle Surg. 2008;47(5):483-486
2. MJ Johar, A Shalimar, S Das, S Jamari. An Insight into Industrial Accidents involving the Hand. Clin Ter. 2009;160(6):427-33
3. NHM Haflah, S Ibrahim, J Sapuan, S Abdullah. An Elbow Dislocation in a Child with Missed Epicondyly Fracture and late ulnar nerve palsy. J Paed Ortho (B). 2010;19(5):459-61
4. Haflah NH,Rashid AH,Sapuan J .Partial Anterior Interosseous Nerve Palsy:Isolated Neuropraxia Of the Branch To Flexor Pollicis Longus. Hand Surg.2010;15(3):221-3.
5. Shalimar Abdullah,Nor Hazla Mohd Haflah,Jamari Sapuan,Srijit Das.A case of disproportionate macrodactyly or a mild form of Proteus syndrome? An Interesting Case. Acta Medica 2010;53(4):243-246.
6. N. Salim,S.Abdullah,J. Sapuan and N.H.M.Haflah.Outcome of corticosteroid injection versus physiotherapy in the treatment of mild trigger fingers.The journal of Hand Surgery(European Volume) 2011;0(00):1-8.
7. Shalimar Abdullah, Gerry M.H. Pang, Nor Hazla Mohamed-Haflah, Jamari Sapuan. Melorheostosis of the ulna. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 74 (2011) 469- 472.
8. Zatel I Rozali,Faiz M Noorman,Prisca K De Cruz,Yam K Feng,Halimatun WA Razab,Jamari Sapuan,Rajesh Singh, and Faizal M Sikkandar.Impact of carpal tunnel syndrome on the expectant woman’s life.Asia Pacific Family Medicine Journal 2012,11:1
1. Mohd Fuad, O Masbah, Y Shahril, S Jamari, M Y Norhamdan, S H Sahrim Biomechanical Properties Of Bone Cement With Addition Of Cefuroxime Antibiotic. The Medical Journal of Malaysia (Orthopaedic Supplement) Feb 2006 ;Vol 61(A);27- 29. 2. N Azwa, A Shalimar, S Jamari. Case Report: A Palmar Lipoma with Median and Ulnar Nerve Compressive Symptoms. Malaysian Ortho Journal. 2007;1(2):33-35
3. A Shalimar, S Jamari, AR Abdul Halim, SA Roohi, AS Naicker, I Sharaf. A 2- Year Demographic Study of Domestic Paediatric Hand Injuries Requiring Surgical Intervention in An Urban Hospital. Malaysian Ortho Journal. 2007;1(1):34-38
1. S Abdullah, A Arifaizad, MH NorHazla, S Jamari. Should we splint after an open carpal tunnel release? A prospective randomised controlled trial. A-0099 J of Hand Surg (European) Vol 35E. Supp 1. FESSH XV Congress June 2010
2. S Abdullah, MH NorHazla, S Jamari, S Das. A case of disproportionate macrodactyly or mild form of Proteus syndrome? A case report. A-0100. J of Hand Surg (European) Vol 35E. Supp 1. FESSH XV Congress June 2010 PROCEEDINGS
1. Motorvehicle Accident . Jamari S, Noranita M M N, Faizah O Problem Base Learning Package Designer 2004.
2. Deformities of The Upper Limb .Jamari S, Faizah O. Problem Base Learning Package Designer 2005.
1. Hand Injuries Due To Sugarcane Juice-Extracting Machines. M Radhi A,Naicker S,Jamari, S. Roohi S A. 36th Malaysian Orthopaedic Association (MOA) AGM/Annual Scientific Conference Meeting and 2nd APOA trauma Section Meeting Kuala Lumpur 2006.
2. Evaluation of work related acute traumatic upper limb injuries M J Johar, A Shalimar, S Jamari.38th Malaysian Orthopaedic Association (MOA) AGM/Annual Scientific Conference Meeting and 28th ASEAN Orthopaedic Association Congress Meeting Kuala Lumpur 2008.
3. Review of functional outcome of a single bone forearm procedure. Naicker A S,Ohnmar H,Jamari S, Roohi S A.38th Malaysian Orthopaedic Association (MOA) AGM/Annual Scientific Conference Meeting and 28th ASEAN orthopaedic Association Congress Meeting Kuala Lumpur 2008 .
4. A case of disproportionate macrodactyly or mild form of Proteus syndrome? A case report. S Abdullah, NHM Haflah, J Sapuan. Malaysian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, 2009, Kuching. Sarawak
5. Melorheostosis of the Ulna: A Report of Two Interesting Cases. Shalimar Abdullah, Gerry MH Pang, Nor Hazla Mohd Haflah, Srijit Das, Jamari Sapuan. Malaysian Orthopaedic Meeting 2009, Kuching. Sarawak.
6. To splint or not to splint post carpal tunnel release? A Abdullah, S Abdullah, NHM Haflah, J Sapuan. American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2010, New Orleans, USA.
SilverMedal:Combination 2005 Research and Innovation Expo UKM Orthosis And Prosthesis For 2005 Partial Foot ( COPF )
Bronze medal award, Malaysia’s 2nd International “Combined Orthosis And Biotechnology -Trade exhibition & 2005 Prosthesis For Partial Foot Conference. Problem” 11. RESEARCH
N Title Co-investigators Duratio Funding Progress o n
1 Biomechanical 1. M.Fuad, Successful. properties of bone 2. O Masbah, 2006 Article cement with addition of published cefuroxime antibiotic 3. Y Shahril, 4. MYNorhamdan, 5. S H Sahrim
An insight into industrial accidents MJ Johar 2. involving the hand 2006- Successful. 2007 Article published 3 Assessment of A Arifaizad, NHM 2007- Successful. splinting versus non- Haflah, S Jamari 2009 Awaiting splinting in limited review open carpal tunnel release FF-304-2008
4 Evaluation of upper Azammuddin 2008- Successful. limb replant and 2010 revascularization
5 Comparison between Norshaidi Salim Nov Medical Accepted steroid injection and (P40182) 2008 - Faculty for physiotherapy for publication trigger finger
6 Prevalence and severity 1. Muhammad Faiz 2010- Medical Writing of carpal tunnel Noorman now Faculty manuscript syndrome in third 2. Yam Kai Feng trimester pregnancy 3. Zatel Iman bt Rozali 4. Wan Nurhalaimatun bt wan Abd Razab 5. Prisca Kim De Cruz
7 Detecting Anatomical 1 Dr KhairulNizam 2011 Medical Awaiting Difference Between 2 Dr Rajesh Singh Faculty ethical Patient with De Committee Quervain Tenosynovitis approval and Normal Individual Using High Definition Ultrasound.
Outcome of treatment Dr Sazali Salleh 2011 Medical Submitted 8 in Erb’s Palsy Faculty for publication
Tendon repair 2011 FRGS grant Data 9. mechanism:Compariso 1.Hong Xiao Yun (RM collection n of Adipose-derived 2.Dr Chua Kien Hui 100,000.00) stem cells and Muscle derived stem cells 3.Prof Ruzymah Idrus
No Title Venue of Research Funding Consultation / Progress Expansion
1 The dangerous effect of Kantan Permai Lectures - smoking Primary School completed
2 Invited reviewer for Malaysia Reviewer - Malaysia Orthopaedic Orthopaedic Journal Journal 13. CLINICAL WORK
No. List of Duties
1. Head of Microsurgery, Hand and Upper Limb Unit Department Of Orthopaedic And Traumatology UKM Medical Centre.
2. Doing daily ward round to see the patient and to plan their treatment.
3. Doing pre operative and post operative round to see patient pre and post operation.
4. Ensuring all patient admitted as elective or as emergency is seen by specialist within 24 hours.
5. Doing“ teaching round” with the undergraduate and post graduate at least twice a week.
6. Have a session with the patient to discuss their problem and the treatment of their problem.
7. Attending specialist clinic to see the patient in the clinic.
8. Performing elective and emergency surgery.
9. Responsible for “Continous Orthopaedic Education” (COE) for post graduate student.
10. Doing on call post office hours at least 10 day every month to see and treat hand injury cases.
11. Ensuring all case write up submitted by the students is checked within 2 weeks.
12. Ensuring microsurgery dissection been done in the microsurgery lab at least 3 times/year,targeting the masters student doing hand posting.
13. Ensuring continous medical education(CME)like Journal club, Research presentation, X-ray conference and Pathology conference is done to benefit the masters student and to improve our own knowledge.
14. Ensuring patient medical report is done within the given period.
No Conference/date/venue Topic presented Status 3rd Basic Science Course In Biomaterials in Orthopaedic Presenter 1. Orthopaedic-Feb 2004
Motorvehicle accident Problem based learning Package 2. workshop-March 2004 designer
TH 3. 10 National Orthopaedic Presenter Post GraduateIntensive Peripheral nerve injury Course-March 2004
4. Basic Microsurgery Workshop-Sept 04(UMMC) Participant Good Clinical Practice 5. Workshop -Dec 2004 Participant HRM Basic Course In Microsurgery -April 2005 (NUH Singapore) 6. Participant New Curriculum-Personal &Professional - Development (PPD) Strand 7. workshop. May 2005 Participant
1st Malaysian - Indonesian Medical Science Conference July 2005 8. Committee Reflective Writing Portfolio Member Workshop-Nov 2005
Examiner PBL package designer 9. workshop-Dec 2005
Package 10. Hospital Information Course designer Jun 2006
Clinical Strand workshop Participant 11. Jun 2006
12. Orthopaedic Foundation Course - July 2006 Facilitator
13. Seminar On Brachial Plexus Injury -July 2006 Facilitator (SGH Singapore) 14.
Participant 16th Comprehensive Hand Review Course - March 2007 (Tan Tock Seng
15. Hospital) Singapore Participant Team Building Course(Janda Baik Pahang) - June 2007 16.
Endoscopic Wrist and Flap Participant Dissection Course - Aug 2007 (UPM)
Participant 2nd National Symposium On The Treatment Of Hand
18. And Upper Limb Injuries August 2007 . Assesment of the injured hand
Speaker 14TH National Orthopaedic Post GraduateIntensive Course-April 2008 19. Distal end Radius fracture 18th Comprehensive Hand Speaker Review Course-January 09 (NUH)Singapore 20. Participant HRM Basic Course In Microsurgery.NUHS Spore February 2009 21. Participant Basic Science Course in Orthopaedic - October 2009 UKMMC Speaker 22. Tendon:Basic science Wrist Arthroscopy course(TTSH Singapore) November 2009 23. Participant POP Course PPUKM
December 2009
Annual MSSH AGM and Speaker 24. Scaphoid and Bennet’s cast Scientific Meeting -January 2010 (Sunway Convention Centre) 25. Speaker Common swelling of the hand
Basic Microsurgery Course Univ Malaya Medical Centre - July 2010 26. Facilitator
National Symposium Of Management In Hand & Upper Limb Injuries - August 2010 Speaker 27. (HTAA Kuantan Pahang) Local flap of the hand Basic Science Course in Orthopaedic - Oct 2010 PPUKM
Speaker 28. Tendons:Physiologiy and biomechanics 17TH National Orthopaedic Post Graduate Intensive Course PPUKM - 29. March 2011 Common soft tissue swelling of the hand Speaker
Penang 6th survival course in Masters Orthopaedic (Hosp P.Pinang).March Speaker 30. How to score in OSCE 2011
No Service Date/duration
1. Examiner University Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM) final 2004- now year undergraduate exam (every 6 months) Committee member- 1st Malaysia - Indonesia Medical 2. 21st-23rd July 2005 Sciences Conference, Kuala Lumpur.
3. 2007/2008 Honorary Editor Malaysian Society For The Surgery Of The Hand (MSSH)
4. 2009/2010 Committee member Malaysian Society For The Surgery Of The Hand (MSSH) 5. Committee member for vetting undergraduate final year 2010-now exam question Coordinator for Continous Orthopaedic Education(COE) 6. for post graduate student. 2010-now
7. 2011 Member Conjoint Board Of Orthopaedic(CBO) Masters Examination
8. 2011 Deputy Head of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department
9. Research Felllow in Tissue Engineering centre PPUKM 2009-now 10. Chairman of National Intensive Course for post graduate 2007-2010 in Orthopaedic. 11. Coordinator for Professional And Personal 2007-2008 development(PPD) strand 12. Committee member of Department research unit 2007-now
1.President of Parents Teacher Association Of Kantan Permai Primary School Kajang Selangor(2009 – now)
1.Prof Aziz Nather Dept of Orthopaedic National University Hospital Singapore South Buona Vista Road Singapore.
2.Prof Robert Pho Dept of hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery National University Hospital Singapore South Buona Vista Road Singapore. 3.Dr Alphonsus Chong Dept of hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery National University Hospital Singapore South Buona Vista Road Singapore.