TG-STS-10/5-7 WH Campaign Outline (Final Draft 16.09.2013) Page

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TG-STS-10/5-7 WH Campaign Outline (Final Draft 16.09.2013) Page


Agenda Item: 5

Subject: Outline World Heritage Campaign 2014

Document Nr. TG-STS 10/5-7

Date: 16 September 2013

Submitted by: CWSS



To reach agreement on the implementation of the WH campaign 2014

1. Background

At the last TG-STS (April 2013), the meeting discussed a possible activities to be carried out in 2014. It was decided that the most important event in 2014, the inscription of the Danish Wadden Sea and the 5th anniversary of the World Heritage should be in the focus of the campaign 2014. The secretariat was mandated, in cooperation with the campaign coordination group (TMOs, national parks/provinces), to prepare a more detailed proposal for discussion at TG-STS-10.

2. Status

The campaign coordination group met on 07.06.2013 and prepared a proposal for the campaign 2014. The meeting was attended by representatives from the German TMOs and national parks/ministries, and the Dutch WH coordinator; Denmark was not represented.

The meeting agreed on the role of the joint campaign 2014 (as part of the strategic objectives of the tourism strategy and the proposed action plan) and its general objectives.

The group also agreed on the following framework for all campaign activities: 1. Integration  Integration of existing and regular activities from the regions into the campaign,  Integration of WH theme when developing “new” regional activities by partners 2. Trilateral event  Carry out same activities in all regions under one label or theme. 3. Contents  Events should focus on nature and WH experiences, and must be sustainable.  WH values and quality must be the focus of the campaign. 4. Strong message  Focus on 1 – 2 strong messages and pool activities around it: The extension with the Danish Wadden Sea is main event and strong message: 3 Countries – one heritage. It re- inforces and strengthens the integrity of the property. 5. Cost-effective - The input-output/outcome must be balanced. 6. Partner buy-in preconditions  The partners must be able to handle/implement the campaign easily.  Partners need something tangible which they can keep / use further on.  The campaign must have an added value for the partners (e.g. higher profile and aware- ness regionally, nationally and internationally) 7. Media involvement  Cooperation with media/journalists as partners and ambassadors.  Integration of social media (concept to be developed), at least on facebook.

In addition, the meeting compiled several ideas for the campaign for the consideration in the further preparation of the campaign which have been integrated into the outline.

The meeting instructed the CWSS to prepare a draft outline of the campaign integrating agreed objectives and the framework for comments by the campaign group. The draft version was submitted to the campaign group on 7.8.2013 (deadline for comments 9.9.2013). Comments were received from the Lower Saxon Ministry (inclusion of internet page as a fourth module, and additional proposals for activities) and were integrated into the final draft.

The final draft is attached as Annex 1 to this document.

3. Next Steps

The final draft of the outline is a good basis for the implementation of the campaign 2014. As a next step, the contents of the campaign activities will be further developed by the campaign group including timeline, responsibilities and finances. The input from all relevant stakeholders from all three countries is a precondition the campaign 2014.

4. Proposal

The meeting is proposed to discuss respectively approve the campaign outline and instruct the campaign coordination group with the preparation of on implementation plan by end of October 2013. TG-STS-10/5-7 WH Campaign Outline (final draft 16.09.2013) page


OUTLINE World Heritage Campaign 2014 Three Countries – One World Heritage – Our Common Future

Celebrating five years of global excellence

Final draft, 10 September 2013

1. Background

With the expected extension of the Wadden Sea World Heritage with the Danish Wadden Sea (as requested by the World Heritage Committee in 2009), a five-year journey has been concluded: The entire Wadden Sea stretching along the North Sea coast of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark is now on the World Heritage List – a recognition of its global importance and its excellence in management.

Celebrating these five years of global excellence is an opportunity to be recognized by people in the region as a truly international joined and responsible entity, to promote the transnational Wadden Sea World Heritage, and creating pride amongst locals and visitors: Three countries – one World Heritage – our common future.

2. Objectives

1. Enhance visibility of World Heritage in the region amongst locals and stakeholders, and visitors [internal and external marketing, and awareness building], 2. Facilitate transboundary cooperation and networking, and create synergies and raise public awareness through a media strategy that highlights: Regional, national or local achievements in the context of World Heritage 3. Communicate Danish extension which strengthens the integrity of the World Heritage site.

The overall aim of the campaign is to provide benefits for World Heritage conservation, communication and marketing. Benefit for nature conservation and World Heritage - Higher awareness of nature values and conservation (by locals, visitors, media attention), - Awareness of global importance of the Wadden Sea and responsibility for conservation. - Enhanced external relationships, a better flow of information Benefit for local partners (tourism, marketing, municipalities): - Higher profile of the partner on regional/national and international level. - Acknowledgment of partners’ contribution to World Heritage. - Additional information support of their events - Delivery of better visitor service/experience by aligning, coordinating, and motivating stakeholders - greater sense of belonging to the “team” as well as responsibility and accountability 4. The concept

Operation through four interwoven modules: Each module provides a piece of what is needed to bring a broad World Heritage feeling to scale. Together, they produce profound and lasting information which reflects people’s beliefs and actions, individually and collectively.

1. The central part of the campaign is one joint framework event which is carried out along the coast starting in the Netherlands and ending in Denmark in the period May-June 2014. It is a focal point for the Campaign at the local level, the link with stakeholders to ensure a flow of information, consistent planning, local arrangements, and smooth run- ning of the campaign so that it can reach its objectives. 2. Integration of World Heritage campaign theme/contents in regular or planned Wadden Sea events on local and regional level over a longer time (April to October 2014). 3. Local partners are provided with World Heritage / campaign material which can be used by the partners also after the campaign period (tangible products). 4. Internet platform as roof and virtual entrance to the campaign.

The campaign centres on the communication of the World Heritage values, experiencing these nature values, and involving people in World Heritage conservation:  Events should focus on nature and WH experiences, and must be sustainable.  WH values and quality must be the focus of the campaign.

4. Implementation

Module 1 Joint Framework Event

Objective: To set the framework of the joint campaign 2014 and to provide promotional and marketing services.

The central element of the campaign is a trilateral event which covers the entire coast a suitable approach to create (media) media exposure over a longer period, and building up this attention during the journey which will end in Denmark at the D-day of the WH-committee (end of June 2014) (the World Heritage wave/ la Ola).

A journey from Texel to Skallingen can best be done by ship (see also the boat excursion from the Netherlands to the Esbjerg Minister Conference in 2001) if possible in combination with mud- flat tours. The ship will act as ambassador of the World Heritage Campaign (create interest in Wadden Sea values and its global dimension, involve locals and visitors in World Heritage, celebrate completeness of World Heritage). The ship arrival will be anticipated by locals and day- trip tourists.

During the stops (islands and mainland), the following activities can be carried out:  Attractive information about World Heritage (info and awareness activities at the spot), in- cluding facts and figures (scientific themes e.g. bird migration, climate change, geology).  Mud flat walks, bike rides or running competitions on the beach,  Round table events in the region with participation of locals and testimonial with state- ments (pride, WH identity) (to be defined: target group, see also module 1),  Involvement of the local communities and its representatives in the campaign by offering a presentation platform  Collecting activity to connect the various regions - signatures in WH book / or on WH map (e.g by as many persons as possible) which will be carried along the coast (on tidal flat tours, sailing boats, island, TG-STS-10/5-7 WH Campaign Outline (final draft 16.09.2013) page

mainland) ending in DK (“where the Wadden Sea starts…”). Aim is to connect the different stations of the journey. - Puzzle: collecting parts from various Wadden Sea regions and complete it in DK, - Collecting “wimpel” or pennants form the regions and present them in DK,  Testimonial and celebrities could be approached to join (parts of) the journey,  Events with media partner (newspaper, radio, TV),  Social media support: facebook/twitter for the stop-over announcements, (e.g. by a young crew of 2 persons for comments, videos/photos from the events) and a stakeholder inter- net page)  Promote and sell initial WH merchandising products.

Planning: - Definition of type of journey and briefing (September 2013), - Call for tender to find an experienced ship crew (organizational, WH communication, event management, media cooperation) (October 2013), - Preparation of material for local events (banner, exhibition, event material) (Dec – April). - Preparation of media communication (February – April 2014), - Journey Texel – Skallingen (10 - 20 stations), May – June 2014^

Module 2 Regional Integration

Objective: To create tie-ins for stakeholders

A list of Wadden Sea events (regular or planned) should be provided by the partners who are suitable for integration into the campaign World Heritage (contents, aims, partners).

As appropriate, also other events such as culture events should be integrated if a connection to the values of Wadden Sea World Heritage can be made.

Regional campaign events could be organized supporting the overall aim of the campaign (e.g. “Flash mob” event, or flag rising). These regional events are flexible elements of the module which can be adapted to the regional circumstances. This will also enhance the partner network and commitment. (Flash mob event or other could also be part of the journey described in Module 1).

Planning: - Selection of regional events (regular, planned, new) by campaign group (end of 2013), - Create time line of events to carry the message from the Netherlands to Denmark within fixed timeframe. - Development of communication for selected events (text, design, material), (November – December 2013), - Preparation of a Campaign Package as a resource kit that provides information and tools for the preparation and implementation of local events in the context of the joint campaign - Engaging the stakeholder by running informal meetings or gatherings to meet with key persons for local events and coach them on how to ‘carry the word round’ (campaign group, end of 2013) - Advertising on websites (January 2014).

Module 3: Material for local partners Before, during and after the core activities of the campaign (the journey), the following material is handed over to the local partners who carry out the campaign. The material must have a connection to the journey but should also be for use by the partners in 2015.

Visibility:  Rise WH flags along the coast (easy be organized). To be defined: message.  World Heritage Magazine (Dutch pilot project)

Communication of WH values  Communicate facts of the WH, make competition (e.g National Park WH quiz)  Collect nature sounds, e.g. on facebook (example Austria)  Communication of The Five,  Now local WH flyers can be spreaded/promoted widely

Artists  WH Music, composition (nature sounds, rap)  Photos (artists, competition)  “Free-cards” (e.g. as done in Austria),  World Heritage Artistic products, e.g. WH Plaque (WH logo with a special piece of art), in- volvement of art schools (e.g. competition).  Merchandise material, e.g. postcards, banner, flyer, stickers (and Wimpel?).

Planning: - Definition of material to be developed (briefing), October 2013 - Call for tender and selection, November 2013 - Production and distribution, January – March 2014

Module 4 Campaign internet page

Objective: To create new outline of Internet page to cover all needs of the partners.

The internet page should provide a common “roof” for all activities by - displaying all press releases of connected partners automatically on first page - linking all events planned by connected partners and other multiplicators (automatism) - linking to the facebook event accompanying the “relay race” (automatic function) - be defined by task group for internet (?), input by connected partners TG-STS-10/5-7 WH Campaign Outline (final draft 16.09.2013) page

Indicative Budget

What Time Indicative Costs Framework Event May – June 2014 Preparation of journey concept + fa- 1 30.000 cilitator role (implementation plan) 2 Ship costs (1000 €/day), 40 days 40.000 3 Scientific Staff (2000 €/day) 40 days 80.000 Events in harbours (material, round 4 20.000 table, exhibition) Other Event costs (1000/harbours), 5 20.000 20 events Event communication (flyer, poster, 6 5.000 website, social media) 7 Other costs 5.000 Regional integration April – October 2014 Development campaign motto and 8 content, for application at regional 10.000 events Production of WH communication 9 material for regional events / re- 25.000 source kit 10 Other costs 2.500 11 Stakeholder Meetings 2.500

Partner material From May 2014 11 Communication material 10.000 12 Quiz / Music / social media events 15.000 13 Production of WH art products 40.000 14 Other costs 5.000

Internet 15 Concept and production From December 2013 15.000 Total costs 325.000

Contributions from other budgets Sponsors (50% of the journey) -100.000 PROWAD -35.000 Event locations (2000, 20 sites) -40.000 To be covered by countries 150.000 (50,000 per state party)

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