Name: ______Period: ______

A Vietnam War Gallery Walk

Directions: While conducting your gallery walk of the Vietnam War, read the information and answer the questions that go along with each exhibit. Be sure to think carefully about what you read and see and construct your answers in complete sentences.

Gulf of Tonkin 1. What happened at the Gulf of Tonkin?

2. How did President Johnson use this to enter the U.S. into war in Vietnam?

Tet Offensive 3. Who emerged strategically victorious from the Tet Offensive? Who emerged tactically victorious from the Tet Offensive? Name: ______Period: ______

Helicopters in Vietnam 4. How were helicopters used in battles during the Vietnam War?

5. How is the use of helicopters different from the strategies used by the Vietcong? Vietcong 6. Who were the Vietcong?

7. Why would the Vietcong be a difficult enemy to defeat? Name: ______Period: ______

Television Coverage during the Vietnam War 8. How did TV coverage of the Vietnam War influence the American public’s opinion of the war?

Hawks vs. Doves 9. Give one reason why “hawks” supported the war. Give one reason why “doves” were anti-war.

10. Would you consider yourself a hawk or a dove? Why?

Kent State Shootings Name: ______Period: ______

11. What happened at Kent State?

12. How would you have reacted if you were a student at these demonstrations?

My Lai Massacre 13. What happened at My Lai?

14. How do you think this reflects the American soldier’s attitude towards the war? How does it reflect the American public’s attitude towards the war? Name: ______Period: ______

Pentagon Papers 15. What were the Pentagon Papers? Why did President Nixon want this covered up?

16. How would revealing these documents change America’s opinion about the war? Prisoners of War (POWs) 17. What difficulties might an American POW face in Vietnam?

Women in the Vietnam War 18. How many women served in the Vietnam War? What job did most of the women do? Name: ______Period: ______

Vietnam Veterans Memorial 19. Why did the Vietnam Veterans Memorial initially receive criticism?

20. Of the 6 facts about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which did you find most interesting? Why do you say this?