Grading Rubric for a Research Paper Any Discipline

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Grading Rubric for a Research Paper Any Discipline

Grading Rubric For - American Revolution MLA Style Research Paper (POWELL)

CATEGOR 13-12 11-8 7-5 4-3 Y Introduction/ *exceptional introduction *capable introduction *basic introduction *weak or no introduction of topic. Thesis that grabs interest of reader that is interesting and that states topic but **paper’s purpose is unclear/thesis is ____ and states topic. states topic. lacks interest. weak or missing. **3-Part Thesis is **3-Part Thesis is clear **3-Part Thesis is exceptionally clear, arguable, and arguable statement somewhat clear and well-developed, and a of position. arguable. definitive statement. Quality of *all information clearly *most information *information *information is not related to thesis Information/ relates to the thesis and is relates to the main topic somewhat relates to **no sources are used. Evidence cited properly (MLA and is cited properly the main topic, few ____ FORMAT). (MLA FORMAT) details and/or **paper is exceptionally **paper is well- examples are given. researched from more than researched from at **shows a limited four sources (2 books, AND least four sources (2 variety of sources 2 internet) extremely books, AND 2 internet) in fewer than four detailed, and historically detail and from a variety sources (fewer than 2 accurate. of sources. books or 2 internet).

Support of *each body paragraph *each body paragraph *some body *limited or no connections made between Thesis/Analys contains exceptionally contains consistent paragraphs make evidence and thesis. is critical, detailed, relevant detailed connections some connections **no analysis evident. ____ and consistent connections made between evidence made between made between evidence and and thesis evidence and thesis. thesis. **good analysis. **limited analysis. **excellent analysis.

Organization/ *exceptionally clear, logical, *clear and logical order *somewhat clear and *lacks development of ideas with weak or Development mature, and thorough that supports thesis with logical development no transitions between and within of Thesis development of thesis with good transitions between with basic transitions paragraphs. Missing one or more o ____ excellent transitions between and within paragraphs. between and within f these required elements: and within paragraphs. Introduction, 3 part paragraphs. Introduction, 3 part thesis, topic statements Introduction, 3 part thesis, thesis, topic statements Introduction, 3 part for each body paragraph and conclusion that topic statements for each for each body paragraph thesis, topic does not restate the thesis. body paragraph and and conclusion that does statements for each conclusion that does not not restate the thesis. body paragraph and restate the thesis. conclusion that does not restate the thesis.

Conclusion *excellent summary of topic *good summary of topic *basic summary of *lack of summary of topic. Simply restates ____ with concluding ideas that with clear concluding topic with some final the thesis. impact reader. ideas. concluding ideas. **introduces no new **introduces no new **introduces no new information. Does NOT information. Does NOT information. Does NOT restate the thesis. restate the thesis. restate the thesis. Style/Voice *style and voice are not only *style and voice *style and voice *style and voice inappropriate or do not ____ appropriate to the given appropriate to the given somewhat appropriate address given audience, purpose, etc. audience and purpose, but audience and purpose. to given audience and **word choice is excessively redundant, also show originality and **word choice is specific purpose. clichéd, and unspecific. creativity. and purposeful, and **word choice is often ***sentences are very unclear. **word choice is specific, somewhat varied unspecific, generic, purposeful, dynamic and throughout. redundant, and varied. ***sentences are mostly clichéd. ***sentences are clear, clear, active (SVO), and ***sentences are active (Subject-Verb-Object) to the point. somewhat unclear; SVO, and to the point. excessive use of passive voice. Grammar/Usa *control of grammar, usage, *may contain few (1-2) *contains several *(more than 5) persistent spelling, punctuation, ge/ and mechanics. spelling, punctuation, (more than 3) spelling, and grammatical errors that the paper Mechanics **almost entirely free of word usage and punctuation, word cannot be understood. ____ spelling, punctuation, word grammatical errors. usage and usage, and grammatical grammatical errors errors. which detract from the MLA Format paper’s readability. MLA Formatting conventions are rarely and Paper MLA Formatting MLA Formatting or never incorporated in the paper: Requirements conventions are always conventions are one inch margins, 12 pt. font, double spaced, incorporated throughout mostly incorporated MLA Formatting title is centered and not underlined or bolded, the paper 100% of the throughout the paper conventions are in-text citations AND, sources cited properly time: one inch margins, 12 greater than 95% of sometimes on Works Cited page, student name and pt. font, double spaced, title the time: one inch incorporated page number on all pages, MLA page one is centered and not margins, 12 pt. font, throughout the heading is perfect, new paragraphs are underlined or bolded, in-text double spaced, title is paper: one inch ndented, first line of citation is left justified, citations AND, sources cited centered and not margins, 12 pt. font, subsequent lines are indented, works cited properly on Works Cited underlined or bolded, in- double spaced, title is are in alphabetical order, etc. page, student name and text citations AND, centered and not The research paper contains 1 page or page number on all pages, sources cited properly on underlined or bolded, less PLUS Works Cited Page OR MLA page one heading is Works Cited page, in-text citations AND, 1 page or less and NO WCP perfect, new paragraphs are student name and page sources cited properly Paper is late. Papers will be typed indented, first line of citation number on all pages, on Works Cited page, and printed to hand in at the beginning is left justified, subsequent MLA page one heading is student name and of class on: DEC 8, 2017 lines are indented, works perfect, new paragraphs page number on all cited are in alphabetical are indented, first line of pages, MLA page one order, etc. citation is left justified, heading is perfect, The research paper contains subsequent lines are new paragraphs are 3 or more full pages PLUS indented, works cited indented, first line of Works Cited Page (WCP). are in alphabetical order, citation is left justified, Paper is turned in on time. etc. subsequent lines are Papers will be typed and The research paper indented, works cited printed to hand in at the contains 2-3 full pages are in alphabetical beginning of class on: PLUS Works Cited Page order, etc. The DEC 8, 2017 Paper is turned in on research paper time. Papers will be contains fewer than 2 typed and printed to full Pages PLUS Works hand in at the Cited Page beginning of class on: Paper is turned in on DEC 8 2017 time. Papers will be typed and printed to hand in at the beginning of class on: DEC 8 2017

Additional Comments:

MY NAME IS ______. I AM IN Ms. POWELL’S CORE ______CLASS. I understand that if I plagiarize this research paper, I may receive a zero on the final paper. If I have any questions about plagiarism, or how to properly cite my sources for this paper, I will seek help to make sure my paper has academic integrity.


Students will also participate in: 1. Research in the Media Center: Nov 20-and Nov 21 (Classwork Grade) 2. PRINTED First Draft Papers Due In Class On: Nov 27 (Homework Grade) 3. Peer-Editing First Draft Papers: On Nov 27 and Nov 28 (Classwork Grade) 4. Self-Editing – On Your Own 5. Final Paper Completion AND PRINTED : Due in Class On Friday December 8, (Major Project Grade)

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