AP United States History s6
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AP United States History Summer Reading Assignment Sheet Colonial America Mr. Maoriello
Welcome to the Advanced Placement program in United States History. To facilitate our study this year we are asking you to read the background material for the first unit on Colonial America over the summer months. This will give us a head start as we prepare for the Advanced Placement Exam in early May. Students are expected to read the assigned material thoroughly and not simply skim the pages in search of specific content information. You are required to identify content items and respond to thematic questions from the review sheet on separate sheets of loose-leaf paper after you complete the assigned reading. All identifications, thematic responses, and documents must be hand written. How you organize the identifications is up to you but each should be several sentences in length and consist of the identification as well as a historical application. Consider the following as a model for the identifications:
Bacon’s Rebellion – A popular uprising of former indentured servants (freemen) in colonial Virginia led by Nathaniel Bacon in 1676. Bacon and his followers turned their frustration against Governor Berkley and torched the capital at Jamestown. Some scholars have suggested that this event was a catalyst in the transition from indentured servants to slave labor.
Your thematic responses are discussions based on the list of themes provided on the review sheet and should consist of one well-developed paragraph supported with specific content evidence. All assignments are from the Bailey text (9th or 11th editions). Be sure to check the edition you are using for the summer and match it with the correct listing of page numbers. The numbers in the parenthesis on the review sheet correspond to the assignment numbers on the assignment sheet. This should make the entire task of reading, writing, and reviewing more efficient. Additional reading materials on this unit include scholarly monographs and documents that will be made available on the teacher websites (link through the John Jay Website). Read the assigned documents for the Colonial Unit and answer the corresponding study guide questions. Altogether there are 3 components to the unit assignment: Identifications, Thematics, and Documents. Upon your return in September you will trade in your text for a more recent edition. The best advice that we can give you is to budget your time, establish a regular reading period, and complete several assignments each week beginning in August. If you have any questions about the assignment, the program, or you just want to talk history, drop us a note at – [email protected] – Enjoy the summer! Mr. Maoriello
Assignments 11th Edition 1. England Prepares for Colonization p.26-32 2. Puritan Pioneers p.42-51 3. Completing the Thirteen Colonies p.56-61 4. Varying Viewpoints p.62 5. Colonial Slavery p.64-72 6. Life in Colonial New England p.73-79 7. Colonial Society & Economy p.82-95 8. Education, Culture & Politics p.95-101 9. Varying Viewpoints p.102 10. The Clash of Empires p.108-119 AP United States History Colonial America – Review Sheet
Themes: -Motives for exploration & colonization (1) -The complexities, contradictions, and contributions of Puritan thought (2) -The distinctive features and historical developments associated with each group of colonies (1, 2, 3) -The power of religion in Colonial America (2,7) -The Middle Passage and the establishment of American slavery (5) -The role of tobacco in Virginia society (1, 5) -Early attempts at colonial union (2, 10) -Life in Colonial America (7, 8) -The French & Indian War – Turning point in American history (10)
People: Jonathan Edwards (7) John Smith (1) Benjamin Franklin (8,10) John Rolfe (1) Edmund Andros (index) Nathaniel Bacon (5) Pocahontas (1) William Bradford (2) James Oglethorpe (index) Jonathan Winthrop (2) William Pitt (10) Anne Hutchinson (2) George Washington (10) Roger Williams (2) Pontiac (10) William Penn (3) Richard Hakluyt (1) Peter Stuyvesant (3) John Calvin (2) John Peter Zenger (8) Sir Walter Raleigh (1)
Events: Salem Hysteria (6) Bacon’s Rebellion (5) Jamestown (1) Zenger Trial (8) Virginia Company (1) Paxton Boys (7) Great Awakening (7) Battle of Quebec (10) House of Burgesses (1, 5) Great Puritan Migration (2) Albany Plan of Union (10) “Lost Colony” (1) Dominion of New England (index) NE Confederation (2) Defeat of Spanish Armada (1) Glorious Revolution (index) Pontiac’s Rebellion (10) Treaty of Paris 1763 (10) Mayflower Compact (2) Fundamental Orders CT (2) Maryland Act of Toleration (1) Stono Rebellion (reference) New York Conspiracy (reference) Battle of Monogahela (10)
Concepts: Puritan Dilemma (2) Bible Commonwealth (2) Half-way Covenant (6) Congregational Church (2) Predestination (2) Joint Stock Company (1) Headright System (5) Indentured Servant (5) Established Church (1,2,7) Separatists (2) Non-conformists (2) Proprietary Colonies (chart) Royal Colonies (chart) Middle Passage (5) Puritan Oligarchy (2) Regulators (7) Triangular Trade (7) Antinomianism (2) Primogeniture (1)